Bdo striker awakening weapons. New class “Striker” and Black Desert developers plans for the future

Most recently in the Russian-language version of MMORPG Black Desert Stryker appeared. And our community has already prepared for you a PvE guide dedicated to this class.

You will be able to find out what skills are available to a given fighter, how his mechanics work, what PvE combos to use during battles, how the Striker is doing with healing, what characteristics it is better for him to raise, how exciting game process for him, etc.

“At first, there was a feeling that Stryker was buggy and did not consume FP at all, but then it turned out that his abilities had an excellent FP filling, so there was a shortage this resource absolutely not in PvE (alas, the awakened stance will already be more voracious).

Of the characteristics, he should first of all raise his attack speed, and only then crit. In addition, RMB+LMB floods the Striker with 300 HP at the last level of the skill (and has a cooldown of only 5 seconds).”

Skills - part 1

Skills - part 1 At the beginning I will tell you about what is not visible, but what is still there is almost like the same gopher .. Block- for those who are not in the know at the very beginning, the striker came out without a block, so it existed until the release of the awakening, but as you know, “whiners are strength” and after a week or MB less, the striker got
block in both racks (standard and awakened), in order to use the block, you just need to press back those. S
in the same way as it is done with a blader, sakura, wali, warrior and even DC .. Auto attack- get it for free Aura- we will get it for free, like the aura of the DC, it can turn on and off, giving +50 sk. moving both in a combat stance and not in a combat stance, while devouring 50 fp every 3 seconds, if you use it not on a spot or a combat zone, then it will most likely subside for you .. but apparently this is not a bug, but a feature

rifts- mobile evasion. as usual, it turns on automatically after blinking to the side / back / forward

Blink forward- as expected gives invulnerability and sk. running +30% for 10 sec.,
at the last lvl, the blink discanion is increased by 10%, we take all the lvl of the skill

Blink to the side- completely similar to the previous skill, except for the direction of movement. take all lvl

LMB with a run- a useless skill, we'll get it for free, you can use it in the farm, but there's no point in boosting

F'ka- hits a little, hits slowly, at 1m lvl gives a cut of the target's run by 15%.
it does not swing higher .. it looks beautiful, but in fact it is useless. we almost do not sag in FP and if necessary, you can simply regenerate it through A/S + LMB we get it for free, we don’t download it further.

passive- 10% all evasion .. a trifle, but nice

At this point, we will break for a separate chapter dedicated to the new hard drugs concepts of Korean developers.

Golden sphere concept

Honestly, I didn’t really want to bore you and myself .. with a story about complex mechanics and the essence of some specific fantasies of Korean developers, but alas, there is no way out .. (1 lvl) (2 lvl) Wolf- he is space, our foundation of foundations is the center of power and the striker's universe. More about him.. When you create your striker, you will have some unusual sphere with 3 dots hanging above the xp and fp bars.. in English localization it was called Fighting Spirit Shards, i.e. loosely translated as “Shards of the Fighting Spirit”… well, or something like that. if you take damage or deal damage yourself, then you fill these points one by one (hereinafter referred to as "shards")

in case of accumulation of 1 and 2 fragments, only one is used and you get 10% sk. attacks for 10 sec., in case of using a space when all 3 fragments are accumulated, we get: + 20% sk. attacks, pulling targets and turning them back (does not work in pvp) lvl 2 of the skill increases the distance of its action and deals damage to 10 targets
and also allows you to knock over targets in case of using 3 fragments. In addition, there is another property of this skill that adds a special effect to 2 attacking skills..

Ball- frontal block, 100% crit, low attack, stun and half-range distance, with lvl-up, the skill's demag, its accuracy and the number of targets will increase
as well as a demag called "energy exploitation" i.e. "energy explosion" directly depends on spaces those. with skil activated Wolf demag will be at the maximum lvl-e skill not 823 x 3..A 823 x 5, without charging (holding), the skill will give everything 164 x 4 as for the use of the skill, I can draw an analogy here with any range or half-range skills of other classes .. this and archery shot sakura/blader and Q'shka ninja, etc. those. zastunil target on the range standing behind the frontal block and lied to carry out captures and in this spirit we will get the 1st lvl of the skill for free .. should I download further? I would leave it at one and use it exclusively for pvp ..

Shift+Q— our 200% ult, good demag, super armor and low attack, with the skill up, accuracy, demag and the number of targets increase, the range of the skill at maximum lvl increases by 20% here, as in the previous skill, the concept of “energy explosions” is used and in fact we just get more lawsuits instead of x 5 we get x 6.. in general, I took this skill completely at the beginning, but after lvl 51 I completely dropped it and switched to other builds .. more about them later ..

It is also worth mentioning that if the skills listed before received a boost in the form of a simple increase in demag by one or two x .. then the striker also has skills that automatically increase damage during the skill wolf Among them there is a skill about which we have already spoken:

This F'ka

And by the way, the fact that these skills get a boost from wolf does not mean at all that they must be present in your combo .. just so you know .. that they have a special potential laid down by the developers ..

That's all with tricky concepts .. and we will continue to consider other skills from the striker branch in the new chapter ..

Skills - part 2

A/D + LMB- move left or right, causing a little damage, getting a self buff + 3% evasion .. at the 1st lvl of the skill and already 9% at the last .. in the conditions of the Korean server, I would take this skill only with an extra amount of sp in the case of playing on ru servers where the topic “evasion / accuracy” is more relevant, it’s up to you to decide .. but you can, all the same .. leave the skill for last and upgrade for the sake of slope with an extra amount of sp

PKM and 2 more skills of his branch - having received 1lvl the skill didn’t pump higher, we have more power skills, I don’t advise spending sp on this branch

E'shka- capture, during the action of the skill super armor, in case of an unsuccessful capture - evasion, we take all the lvl of the skill .. purely for pvp

s+LMB- the effect of invulnerability at the moment when the spell makes a swing, rollback on lvl 1m 6 sec. on the last 4 sec., in addition - cuts the target's armor by -15 for 10 sec. attack in the air, in general .. we take it completely. mas hev continuation of the skill through paintwork- allows you to strike another blow, knock over, attack on the bottom. take as extra. control. must have

shift + right click- not a bad demag, has a frontal block and allows you to cut down a convenient combo with it there that we take all the lvl-s of the skill, 1st skill continuation take it, it will add a 5% self buff to the skill to the crit chance for 10 seconds, but 2nd continuation of the skill I wouldn’t take it .. unless it’s convenient for you to reach from shift + RMB to F’ke .. but we definitely take 2 branches that immediately follow it (including their continuations)

1st branch it will be nice to demagnetize, control and cut sk. target attack by 15% a 2nd branch cut the target's defense by -20% and prepare a foothold for a new attack s+RMB- attack in the air, attack on the bottom, our 1st heal at lvl 1 will give 20 hp, at the last 40, our 2nd heal, in principle, compensates for the loss of hp in excess, so I would take it only for one as an extra. control

Shift+F- our 100% ult, has invincibility effects when moving to the target, 100% crit,
stun, but in fact it has a mediocre demag, nevertheless, it would not hurt to have the skill in the collection, at least for the sake of
its animations: when the skill is activated, the striker flies up to 7 targets in turn (if they are in his visibility zone),
and gives them cuffs, it's certainly not Ash from Warframe and his "storm of blades" that he has one-shot targets ..
but the animation is very similar

thread continuation: Shift+LMB— medium damage, frontal block and attack on the bottom. I took it completely
but no continuation w+F- I found it inconvenient

PKM— good demag, low attack, knockdown and super armor. I took all the skill lvls
F'ka did not take because of the inconvenience of compiling a combo

Q+s- this is practically our 2nd main feature after the gap and the sphere of “morale shards” after lvl 50, this was my practical main combo on the farm, because of its simplicity, efficiency and convenience, the skill has a good damage and overturns targets. yuzatsya and cd. mas hev skill continuation through Q allows you to make another jump, knocking over the target, and cutting their slope by 12% for 10 seconds. similar to the previous one.. mas khev. take.

Q'shka- also a very important skill is closely related to the previous one, it has an average damage and the frontal block, similarly to the previous one, throws up targets, in the upcoming awakening of the striker it will still be relevant and will switch the stance .. we take it to the maximum, except for the inconvenient continuation through F‘ku 2 branch continuation Q's:

PKM- super armor, cutting into 8 defa targets, rollover - we take all lvl-s including through PKM from it we will get super armor in the 1st phase, and invulnerability in the 2nd phase

paintwork- similar to the previous one, but this time it cuts the target's evasion by 9, we take all lvl-s (especially if the topic "bias / accuracy" is relevant to you)

s+F- overturning the goal / goals. additional control can take one

RMB+LMB- good demag, attack on the bottom, besides this is our 2nd heal at lvl 1, it fills us with 50 hp, and at the last one it’s already 300 hp, given that the skill rollback is 5 seconds about hp banks, you can forget in general skill mast hev. take all the lvl.

Set of passives boosting: miles def, range def, magic def and the whole def taking away bread .. from magpie, wali and warrior .. we take all the lvls

PvE combos

In general, the striker is intuitive and steers very easily. attacking and turning the mobs back .. as for the rest of the skills and combo, I upgraded 50+ lvl and swinging up to 56th used the principle of dancing around .. Q’s, i.e.: Q+s > Q > RMB > LMB around: Shift+LMB With continuation And shift + right click+ all his branches started kombu more often with s+LMB, and completed either LMB+RMB either through Shift+Q

Skill awakening effects

Here I would advise you to take the standard +20 or +25 on mobs, pillboxes, boost attack speed, and accuracy/evasion The choice for you should be among the skills that open the combo or .. just often usable .. If you are planning PvP battles .. then boosts would not hurt +10 or +15 damage in PvP.. and so everything is essentially standard as for many classes

FAQ: possible questions and answers to them

As usual, I will answer the questions that have arisen and possible:

What to cheat?
RMB + LMB - pours 300 hp on the last lvl skill, has a cooldown of only 5 seconds

Does it sag in fp?
At the beginning, there was a feeling that the striker was buggy and didn’t consume FP at all, later it turned out that the skills were filled with excellent FP .. and there was absolutely no lack of FP in PvE .. alas, the awakened stance will already be more prostrate

Kutum or Nuber?
I'm not sure yet, to be honest.. the striker is pretty tenacious and if I choose exactly from these 2 off-hands, I would probably choose nuber or any other off-hand attack

Why does he have such a golden sphere?
You can read more about it in the chapter "The Concept of the Golden Sphere".

How does a striker feel in pvp?
On my own behalf, I can’t say anything; there was no experience. there is no kzarka or kutum / nuber on it now, and lvl is only 56th .. the awakened version of it is a completely different story .. and as for me there is a “giant style”

Who does the gameplay for the striker look like, for whom is it suitable?
As for me, an ideal option for giants .. or those who have long wanted to play for a giant, but they were not satisfied with the class model .. so to speak, “a giant with a human face”
yes, actually the body ... =)

What stats should he boost?
Attack speed first, crit second.

Will there be an awakened striker guide?
I don’t know yet .. if there is time and a desire to sharpen and swing it ..

Gear / Set / Off-hand

I'll start with off-hand, the information is NOT addressed to the happy owners of chests: kzarka, nubera / kutum here I will only talk about standard off-hands and 2 possible ways to get them..

craft all information is available .. scroll to the 5th page, select English in the upper right corner and prepare the resources


Here it concerns only off-hand to attack, a method from the series "mb someone did not know about it"

And so everything is very simple: we beat the mobs on the lok Clan Gahrat and every 150 items a forge named Livon Garsh
we exchange it for a chest and tear it off with the class for which we want to get off-hand ..
because in this case, open with a striker, store chests until the update is released .. and then:
we sharpen .. we restore the prong .. we go to swing. PROFIT.

gir: if you are NOT the lucky owner of a full boss set

then use any precise set
which you have available.

It is worth noting that the striker does not have skills that boost his demag due to maximum HP.
and he DOES NOT sag in FP .. therefore I don’t see the point in taritas and health sets ..
so just aim for the stats 5 speed attacks And 5 crit.. bija all on the attack, from fluff:
yuri, krey, rohav - take which is more accessible to you

pebbles: again, based on what kind of weapon you have and what gear, in any case, strive for 5/5 stats

Because they do not use traditional weapons. Their weapons are heavy gloved hands and bracelets. Well, we love to kick, what really) The skills do not have such powerful damage as a wizard, for example. But still, they hit very, very painfully and almost all the skills are sharpened for throwing up and overturning enemies, control is all of them. The striker himself flies over the mobs like a bumblebee, and endures everything he can reach. The animation is very beautiful, the ups and downs distract from the monotony of cutting mobs. There is a skill to restore HP, almost no mana is spent, everything is restored by skills, so you can do without cans on a skill. Just a perfect Persian =) There is one more feature - it is the accumulation of one's own wrath of the spirit (30 fragments), which enhance some skills, which helps in battle. Also, during the battle, they can blink 3-4 times in a row, which makes the Persian very mobile, he manages to move away from the enemy at a fairly large distance.

Unlike other characters in Black Desert, the striker may not be afraid to crash. His running jump skill allows him to jump off a high cliff and land quickly without hurting himself =) / W + space + LMB and you can safely jump off a cliff, obviously not from a three-hundred-meter /

After awakening, the fury and the striker differ according to the same principle that wizards and sword masters - the girl is water, the guy is fire. The animation, of course, is completely different, but the principle of the game is the same. Overturn the enemy and kick into the corner with your feet.

There is also a difference in awakening skills - the striker has all the attack skills, while the fury has a skill that restores her FP and spirit particles. In a 30 second buff, the fury has 20 less defense. But she can turn on a water ball that will give her protection and stun enemies (it looks like a mystic has a ball), the striker does not have such skills. Also, the truck does not have a backward jump, like a striker. Otherwise, everything is the same - they both know how to break through enemies and they have a lot of knockdown. The main attacks are on the bottom and in the air.


Armor: Either Grunil (HP +150, attack +5), or Rohav (for evasion), or Taritas (for accuracy, especially if there is any item from the Boss set). Comparison of all armor sets added.

Weapon: If there is no Liberto, we take the Roshar set (gloves + bracelets), it has enough attack, two slots for stones, an increase in accuracy and evasion. Exactly what is needed. Well, or according to tradition - Yurka. But the Liberto option + leather bracelets would be better for a start, then you will take Kzarka and Nouver bracelets.

Homeless variantbijouterie- a set of belt "Core ancient weapons» + «Seal of the ancient guardians» necklace (attack, defense, +5 to accuracy), «blue coral» earrings and rings (attack and mp), all sharpened to II. I have the Serap I necklace, the tree spirit belt I is also not bad, but sharpening I is not enough, at least II is needed.

You need to overclock accuracy, evasion, defense and HP, as well as resists (resistances are very important in pvp). You can not pay much attention to such values ​​as attack speed, skills, running. The crit chance is also not super important, it's all accelerated by the skills of the characters.

Inlay Stones:

In weapons: 2 pcs. "Ancient Crystal - Karme" (attack speed +1, crit chance +1), or Garnet II accuracy (accuracy +8), or Valuable grenade III attack power (attack +5).

In add. weapon: simple and inexpensive option. attack on people;

Helmet: Amethyst "Evasion";

Armor: ancient crystal "Gobelinus" (HP +100, LT +20);

Gloves: Amber III "Attack Speed" (Attack Speed ​​+2, Grab Resistance +5%) if there is another slot, add crit.

Shoes: Malachite III "Jump" (jump height +35, knockback/toss resistance +5%), if set Grunil - add a stone for endurance.

130 damage (II Roshar) and 180 defense (set +15) - enough for Tugu to fly apart. On elliks and Saosh a little more difficult = mobs are killed longer.

We swing and sharpen everything on II, save up for the boss set and a good awakened weapon.

Before awakening:

It makes no sense to learn everything in a row, there are several key skills that are used permanently, everywhere and everywhere. Almost ALL skills restore FP, they didn’t write separately for each skill. Many skills cost stamina (but not as much as a magpie). Also, the striker and the fury can jump from a running start - we press the space bar and LMB, and he will fly forward and jump into the crowd with overturning enemies. Very convenient) Another good skill is to press Q from a running start and there will be a superman jump - the striker drives his fist into the ground and throws up the enemy.

Playing as a striker, you should not expect to kill enemies with a single button press - this will require a combo, and to make the task easier, these characters have control on each skill. Knocked over - hit, knocked over again, hit again =) Ideally, the enemy will lie on the ground until his XP runs out.

Farming mainly goes to Shift + RMB or LMB - these combos are desirable to the maximum, ult 100%, you can add 200%, and Q - combo to the maximum. LMB + RMB - Recovery 300 HP. And periodically press the spacebar - collect mobs in a bunch. It’s quite convenient on the spot - run through the mobs on shift, collect them in a bunch with a space, and then beautifully emerge from the bunch of mobs on Q, give an ult and run further. This is what PVE looks like. Pvp - they didn't even try to be unawakened.

Striker skills before awakening

auto attack, FP recovery. Auto-learning.

a toggle skill that periodically gives a buff of +50% to running speed for 5 seconds in battle, but eats 50 FP every 3 seconds.

sometimes you can turn it on, but it's absolutely not critical, because. it is faster for a striker to fly than to run. Auto-learning.

somersaults to the side. everything is like everyone else. Auto-learning.

Blinky - forward and backward. While blinking, invulnerability. After application hangs a buff - speed + 30% for 10 sec.

Learn to the maximum to reduce cooldown time (4 sec.)

jump to the side with dodge. At the time of the jump - invulnerability. There is no character collision. Learning to the maximum to reduce the rollback (4 sec.) After application hangs a buff - speed + 30% for 10 sec.

passive - all evasion + 10%

after a quick step, while sprinting (shift running), he delivers a series of punches. If you run constantly on shift, then you will use it constantly, you can take it to the maximum.

actually, and so it is clear - a few kicks with their feet. Especially effectively used on the sprint. 2nd and 3rd hits reduce enemy movement speed by 15% for 10 seconds. Not great either you don’t need to download to the maximum, the first level is enough.

Crouching wolf + combo: hunt for prey.

while using other skills - press the spacebar and the striker will create an AoE attack in a small radius around him. + this skill hangs a buff - attack speed + 10% for 10 sec. If 30 spirit particles were accumulated, then the buff will be 20 percent. Also, with this skill, he attracts mobs to himself, does not work on people. After using the skill, you can quickly rush forward on the shift, two times in a row without reloading. Well, or back (10 spirit particles will be used up).

Be sure to learn combos: hunting for prey - O.N. it will take a little, but the attack of the skill and the effect of stun will be added (when using 30 spirit particles). Most importantly - do not forget to use this skill all the time, when using any skills - it is very useful on mobs.

LMB + step right or left. The striker throws round kicks. Damage essno, no, but learning for level 4 for the sake of buffs: the 1st hit gives a buff for 10 seconds - evasion + 9%, the 3rd hit adds a buff for 10 seconds - attack +10. Who has extra skill points - you can go to the maximum.

Steel Shoulder + Combo: Flank Guard

good skill, but don't download it=) RMB - and the striker strikes with his shoulder, and gets into a defensive stance. If mobs are hitting, you will see a shield and%, how much protection is left. Front protection only. The combo also makes it possible to dodge to the side, a rollback of 5 seconds, it is very useful to use it periodically, because it makes it possible to go behind the enemy’s back and kick him well in the ass. Auto-learning.

combo for PCM. delivers a couple of kicks. damage is very average, as is efficiency. We do not download.

after an ankle kick. It makes sense to roll over, but there are a lot of other skills for this, so you can safely hit on it.

The striker grabs the opponent, lifts them into the air with one hand, and hits the muzzle with the other, then throws them to the ground. Level 1 1 hit, 2nd level 2 hits, 3rd level 3 hits respectively. There is no particular sense in this skill, because. if the enemy big size- the striker will simply bounce back. Well, even if a capture is made, then the skill is applied for a long time, and while the strike will beat the face of one, the rest of the enemies (or mobs) will stumble him. We do not download.

Sharp Claw + Combo: Predator Fang

retreat back (during the movement back - invulnerability) and a blow with a swing. Cuts off -15 enemy defense for 10 seconds. The whole point of the skill is to throw up an enemy and invulnerability when bouncing back, so do not spend skill points on leveling, there won't be much damage anyway. We leave it at level 1 + you can learn a combo - with its help we finish off the enemy in a knockdown.

Scarlet claw + bloody claw.

You can max, you can leave 1 level. during use, the skill gives frontal protection (1 hit inflicts) and the bloody claw - learn, because. hangs a 10-second buff on the crit chance + 5%. Combo: Merciless Strikes - will not resist learning due to the inconvenience of application (optional)

handy combo, worth learning at level 2. The striker slams his fist on the ground and knocks enemies over, quite often used.

autolearning. Also a handy combo that doubles the damage of the Blacksmith skill and adds a buff for 10 seconds, attack speed + 15%

all with the same series of blows, increases the damage from the Blacksmith skill by three times.

Combo: gut punch

we teach, due to the small consumption of O.N., and the usefulness in the form of cutting off the enemy’s defense by -20 (10 sec.)

we teach, due to the small consumption of O.N., and the usefulness in the form of overturning enemies. Application is very fast.

the skill is described perfectly (both damage and HP recovery), only in the case I didn’t really like the skill, I don't recommend learning. For there is really no damage, and it is better to restore HP with another skill.

G cold wolf. Black Spirit's Fury 100%

Actually ult, of course - we teach. There are no skill levels. Crit chance 100%, while moving - invulnerability. Stuns enemies. No Black Spirit Charge - Striker disappears and reappears in front of the enemy, stabs, then disappears again and stabs elsewhere, 3 times in total. With the wrath of the black spirit - just a powerful charge that knocks out everyone around. The damage is strong, demolishes all living things.

frequently used skill - allows you to quickly shorten the distance (moving forward) and strike, + combos are tied to hiring. But pumping it is completely optional, because there will be no super damage anyway. From the skill you need - reducing the distance, and at the moment of movement - protection in front. It also stuns enemies. That's all, leaving level 1.

a cute combo that lives up to its name. A little awkward to use. After the hammer - inflicts a series of roundhouse kicks in the air, quite fast and strong. (and the animation is beautiful, dada) Auto-learning, applied at will.

Good combo (convenient) - after the hammer, it strikes the ground hard and knocks enemies over. Good damage. To the maximum.

after a jerk - a circular kick, tossing enemies. Auto-study, pump at will.

Tail Strike + Combo: From Heaven to Earth

Stryker does a back flip and throws the enemy away. It makes sense to learn combos, and skill leave at level 1. The combo will multiply the damage of the tail strike by 3, and add stability during the skill, cut the enemy's evasion for 10 sec -12%.

Here are the most important skills. Striker jumps up and strikes - knocking up enemies, during the cast - stability. Learning to the max to increase damage and reduce the recharge time of the skill.

after a circular uppercut - a sharp landing and hitting the ground Stability, rollover, no collision with characters. We teach at will.

The striker flies into the air and, when falling, knocks down opponents, cuts off -8 defense for 10 seconds. During the skill - resilience! Learning to the max(increases the damage of the circular uppercut skill by 5 times).

continuation of the combo: death blow, only with the addition of invulnerability. Knocks down enemies. We definitely learn.

learning to the max. Increases the damage of an uppercut by 6 times. The striker also rolls in the air and strikes enemies, knocking them down and cutting off -9% evasion for 10 seconds. During application - stability.

In general, the striker can tumble on Q indefinitely, squeezing first LMB, then RMB, then F. And always - stability.

or sweep - crouch and do a couple of circular kicks to knock the opponent down. There is no need for a maximum, there will still be no damage, sometimes used as needed. Leave level 1.

a cool skill that gives enough damage, but most importantly - restores 300 HP. Cooldown 5 sec. We learn to the max.

blow with a charge, during the charge - protection in front. Damage is average, it requires a lot of skill points to level up to the maximum. Therefore, you can take it if there are a lot of them, if not, it is better to ignore this skill.

Black Spirit's Fury 200%

A powerful blow to the ground, knocking enemies over. On hit, pulls them towards you (only mobs). During application - stability. You can teach a lesson to the 2nd level and calm down.

Passive, required to study =) Each level - adds defense +1 melee defense / +1 ranged defense / +1 mage defense. The maximum is at level 50. In total, it will add +8 to all defense.


All Defense +15 for 10 sec, Crit Chance +10% for 9 sec.

Accuracy +3% for 12 sec, Bleeding Damage 50 every 3 sec for 15 sec.

Damage against monsters +25 for 8 sec, crit chance +10% for 9 sec.

All Defense +10 for 10 seconds, Attack Speed ​​+4% for 5 seconds.

the whole list

  • Damage against monsters +20 for 8 secs - Crimson Claw/Sharp Claw/Evasive Attack/Circular Uppercut/
  • Damage against monsters +25 for 8 secs - Tail Strike/Whirlwind of Pain/Maw of the Wolf
  • All Defense +10 for 10 sec - Evasive Attack/Whirlwind of Pain/Maw of the Wolf
  • All Defense +15 for 10 sec - Tail Slash/Great Wrath/
  • Pvp Damage +5 for 5 sec - Shoulder of Steel/Fists of Fury/Hungry Wolf/Flow: Blacksmith/Circular Uppercut/
  • Pvp Damage +10 for 5 sec - Hunter's Orb/Knee Hammer/
  • Accuracy +3% for 12 sec. - Crimson Claw/Knee Hammer/Fists of Fury/Circular Uppercut/
  • Accuracy +4% for 12 sec - Steel Shoulder/Finishing Blow/Greater Wrath/
  • Evasion +3% for 10 sec - Sharp Claw/Whirlwind of Pain/
  • Evasion +4% for 10 sec - Wolf's Mouth
  • Movement Speed ​​+4% for 10 secs - Crimson Claw/Sharp Claw/Hungry Wolf/Greater Wrath/
  • Movement Speed ​​+7% for 10 sec - Tail Slash/
  • Attack Speed ​​+4% for 5 seconds - Evasive Attack/Finishing Blow/Hungry Wolf/Flow: Blacksmith/Greater Wrath/
  • Crit Chance +10% for 9 sec. - Hunter's Orb/Tail Kick/Finishing Blow/Fists of Fury/Flow: Blacksmith
  • Crit Chance +20% for 9 sec. — Whirlwind of Pain/
  • Enemy Movement Speed ​​Slow - 4% for 7 seconds - Crimson Claw/Sharp Claw/Hunter's Orb/Evasive Attack/Finishing Blow/Circular Uppercut/
  • Enemy Movement Speed ​​Reduced - 7% for 7 seconds - Tail Slash/
  • Enemy Attack Speed ​​Reduction - 4% for 7 seconds - Steel Shoulder/Hunter's Orb/Knee Hammer/Hungry Wolf/Flow: Blacksmith
  • Reduce Enemy Skill Speed ​​by 4% for 7 seconds - Hunter's Orb/Knee Hammer/Hungry Wolf/Flow: Blacksmith
  • HP Recovery 10 per hit - Knee Hammer/
  • HP recovery 6 per hit - Crimson Claw/Tail Slash/Whirlwind of Pain/
  • HP recovery 3 per hit - Shoulder of Steel/Fists of Fury/
  • Regenerate 10 mana per hit - Sharp Claw/Maw
  • Stagger Chance 3% - Crimson Claw/
  • Stun chance 3% - Fists of Fury/Flow: Blacksmith
  • Freeze Chance 6% - Hungry Wolf/
  • 10% chance to push the enemy back during a knockdown - Round Uppercut/
  • Bleeding Damage 42 every 3 sec for 15 sec - Sharp Claw/Steel Shoulder/
  • Burn Damage 60 every 3 sec for 9 sec - Hunter's Orb/
  • Pain Damage 45 every 3s for 12s - Evasive Attack/Knee Hammer/Fists of Fury/
  • Bleed damage 50 every 3 sec for 15 sec. - Circular uppercut /
  • Pain Damage 54 every 3 sec for 12 sec - Claw's Mouth
  • - 7 enemy mana every 3 sec for 9 sec - Dodge Attack/Great Wrath/
  • - 14 enemy mana every 3 sec for 9 sec - Finisher/
  • - 20 enemy mana every 3 sec for 9 sec - Whirlwind of Pain/
  • - 21 enemy mana every 3 sec for 9 sec - Wolf's Mouth

Video unawakened striker:


Strider Skills - Level 56

quick dodge back. Cooldown 7 sec. Buff on self: movement speed +30% for 10 sec, magic. defense +15 for 10 sec. Safe during use.

Another jump up and hit the ground. Cooldown 10 sec. Damage 1213*5, mag. defense +15 for 10 sec. Stability in use. Crit Chance +100% - pve only/

It is optimal to take 2 skills, because. back, the striker already knows how to dodge, and he already has +30% running speed.

Strider Skills - Level 57

Stryker delivers a powerful punch. Damage 707 * 4, crit chance 100%, accuracy + 10%, Recovery 50 HP per hit. Stability in use. Effect: Overturning the enemy. Cooldown 15 sec.

A dash to the enemy and a powerful blow - knockdown. Damage 729*6, crit chance 50%, recovery 30FP. At the moment of impact - protection in front.

Obviously the first skill is better.


striker awakening quest

The awakening quest will start at the Giant's Camp. You will be sent to a waterfall, find a book and read it - suddenly you will find something useful) Next - train on Hexa skeletons - you need to kill 100 pieces. To turn in the quest, you need to return to the book, this time you will receive a scroll of summoning mental replication. The striker must summon and kill, it turns out to be himself) but in the future.

With 140 attacks and crooked hands, I had to spend time, because replication refused to fall from two hits. So we messed with the boss, we return to the cave, and there is a surprise

Again he. He broadcasts that he will tell you about the thoughts of the golden master himself. And gives easy quests that are completed right there. As a gift - iron combat bracers +10 and combat bracers of masters. You will need to do a couple of trainings, you will receive a balm of courage, and the black spirit will give an armstrong orb for 1 day, which will allow you to reset all skills. I advise her to use it right away, to teach all the awakened skills to the maximum, what to leave from the old skills, we will analyze below under the spoiler.

That's it, you are awake. The striker has the easiest awakening quest. Not fair to other classes, however.

What to leave from unawakened skills to the striker

Naturally - mariposa and a quick step to the maximum

Combo: hunt for prey. Come in handy.

Tail Strike + Combo: From Heaven to Earth. Useful in pvp (mb)

Circular uppercut and all his combos. To knock over enemies.

Wolf's Mouth - HP Recovery

And also everything - all liabilities.

The striker easily switches between stances - go to unawakened - Q. To awakened - after the attack, press the space bar and after RMB. Farm goes on the keys, this is one of the few characters who don’t really need a fast slot even on awakening, all combinations can be remembered intuitively. Very cool in combat) beautiful animation, looks very powerful. Especially his barbaric jump on the enemy, and three assistants) and also has a reverse jump (similar to the dark knight).

What to download - accuracy, HP and bias to the maximum.

Awakened Striker Skills

transition to an awakened stance. Can be used with a shift - then the transitions to the stances will be applied with a jerk forward and a blow.

buff on self - restore 500 HP, for 30 seconds: all defense +50, attack speed + 30%, all resistance + 30%. Sustainability at the time of cast, cooldown 3 minutes.

after the skill "Crouching Wolf" (space) - again a space, after "Fire Spiral" LMB.

Stryker, like a comet, dashes forward and strikes. Consumes 10 Spirit Motes (increases damage).

Capturing and throwing the enemy face to the floor. Good damage, when used - stability. Replication is invoked (replication attempts to kick the enemy when he is basically already dead, kicks his legs in a funny way)). If the enemy is too bofoy, the striker will bounce back.

auto attack (LMB) with a step to the side. FP recovery, attack speed buff +5% for 10 sec. The buff does not increase with skill leveling.

10 enemy defense for 10 sec. A series of three strikes, the last one throwing the opponent up. On the first hit, defense. Can be used without rollback, but then replication will not come to the rescue) and protection will not work

the striker, like a fiery projectile, rushes to the enemy. At the moment of a jerk - protection in front. Restores 10 HP per hit. Sends the enemy down. After the skill in the awakened stance LMB - and there will be another breakthrough. In a non-awakened stance, after a RMB gap, the striker will dash and go into awakening. Cooldown 6 sec.

the striker, like a bear cub, walks and stomps his foot. Yuz - RMB, can be used without a cooldown, but the skill eats FP. The first hit sends a knockdown.

It's clear from the name - the striker can dash an extra one more time without using particles. If the “Quick Step” is learned for three, there will be an additional 2 jerks. When using the skill - stability. Endurance is consumed.

Infernal Destruction (F). Switch to awakened stance.

If after hitting the tail (S + Q) use F - the striker will go into an awakened stance and use the skill.

The skill is a normal sweep - the striker spins and drops the surrounding enemies with his feet, punches the ground with his fist = capsizing. At the beginning of use, protection, upon impact - stability.

the striker deals three hits, summoning replications. Restores 20 HP per hit. Knocks up opponents.

A heavy kick with a heel in a jump (it says so there). Looks spectacular) Buff on self +10% attack speed for 10 sec. Enemy cuts -10% movement speed for 10 seconds, knocked down. When using resistance. Replication helps (1 pc)

Black Spirit's Fury 200%

The Striker dashes towards the enemy and stuns, at which point the replication kicks in from around the corner. Adds bleeding -15 HP every 3 sec for 9 sec (nonsense in general - then) Good damage, 100% crit chance, front defense.

Jump towards the enemy and punch the ground (just like gorillas do). You can double jump. Restores 300 HP, sustain on cast. Knocking over enemies. Damage is boosted by spirit particles.

after the “Fire Spiral” skill, press the spacebar and the striker makes a long jump back (like a dark knight). Stability in use. Knocks up opponents. Damage is boosted by particles. 100% crit chance.

100% Imp Spirit's Wrath

Stability, invincibility! Stun. Three replications are given to anyone who surrounds the striker in the muzzle. Hurt.

Enhances the skill "Infernal Destruction" Resilience, turn.

Increases Skull Crush skill by 4 times. Resilience, knockdown. Crit Chance 50%

enhances ult 100% - the striker runs up to enemies and yells, which increases damage by 7 times =) 300 HP recovery, frontal protection when applied.

Skill Awakening for the Striker


Pvp Damage +10 for 5s, Accuracy +5% for 12s

All Defense +10 for 10 sec, Crit Chance +10% for 9 sec.

HP Recovery 10 per hit, Attack Speed ​​+7% for 5 seconds

Crit Chance +20% for 9 sec., Evasion +5% for 10 sec.

the whole list

  • Pvp Damage +5 for 5 sec - Fire Spiral/Infernal Destruction/Fire Spiral/Volcanic Eruption
  • Pvp Damage +10 for 5 sec - Skull Crash/Rampant Predator/
  • Damage against Monsters +20 for 8 sec - Furious Crush/Rage Explosion/
  • Damage against Monsters +25 for 8 sec - Skull Crush/Rampant Predator/
  • All Defense +10 for 10 seconds - Fire Spiral/Rage Burst/Fire Spiral/Volcanic Eruption
  • Crit Chance +10% for 9 sec. - Fire Spiral/Infernal Destruction/Furious Crush/Rage Explosion/Fire Spiral/Fierce Predator/
  • Crit Chance +20% for 9 sec. - Skull Crash/
  • Accuracy +4% for 12 sec - Infernal Destruction/Volcanic Eruption
  • Accuracy +5% for 12 sec - Rampant Predator/
  • Evasion +3% for 10 sec - Furious Crush/
  • Evasion +5% for 10 sec - Skull Crush/
  • Attack Speed ​​+4% for 5 sec- Fury Burst/
  • Attack Speed ​​+7% for 5 sec - Infernal Destruction/Furious Crush/
  • Movement Speed ​​+4% for 10 sec - Explosion of Fury/
  • Movement Speed ​​+7% for 10 sec - Furious Crush/
  • Enemy Movement Speed ​​Reduced - 10% for 7 seconds - Fire Spiral/
  • Burn Damage 50 every 3s for 9s - Fire Spiral/Fire Spiral/Volcanic Eruption
  • HP recovery 6 per hit - Fire Spiral/
  • 10 HP recovery per hit - Vicious Crush/
  • Regenerate 6 Mana per Hit - Infernal Destruction/Rage Explosion/Volcanic Eruption
  • - 10 enemy mana every 3 sec for 9 sec - Infernal Destruction/Fierce Predator/
  • Enemy Movement Speed ​​Slowed - 10% for 7 seconds - Fire Spiral/ Skull Crash/
  • Enemy Attack Speed ​​Reduction - 10% for 7 seconds - Skull Crush/
  • 3% knockdown chance - Ferocious Predator/
  • 10% chance to knock back opponent during knockdown - Volcano Eruption

Video awakening the striker:

In conclusion, we can say (and should) that any character is now revealed at level 60. When all skills are learned, and thanks to their pumping, rollbacks are reduced. Striker can be created on premium (with a set of heroes) right now, the fury is not yet available. It feels like the striker is a mixture of a wizard and a barbarian in the game. In terms of their role in mass battles, these are not the DDs who will inflict a lot of damage, but rather two guards who will run side by side and not give offense to their own, and also help control the enemy before killing. In solo pvp, the task is to control first and not fall under the control of the enemy. If the tipping does not work, it is better to run right away) nothing will work. In PvE, thanks to AoE skills and easy transitions between stances, everything is quite simple, a great boost is not required.

A/D + LMB - move left or right, dealing small damage, getting self buff +3% evasion.. at skill level 1
and already 9% on the last .. in the conditions of the Korean server, I would take this skill only with an extra amount of sp
in the case of playing on a ru server where the topic "evasion / accuracy" is more relevant, it's up to you to decide..
but you can, all the same .. leave the skill for last and apnut for the sake of slope with an extra amount of sp

RMB and 2 more skills of his branch - having received 1lvl, the skill did not swing higher,
we have more solid skills, I don’t advise spending sp on this branch

E "shka - capture, during the action of the super armor skill, in case of failure
capture - evasion, we take all lvl skills .. purely for pvp

s + LMB - the effect of invulnerability at the moment when the spell makes a swing,
cooldown on lvl 1m 6 sec. on the last 4 sec., in addition - cuts the target's armor by -15 for 10 sec.
attack in the air, in general .. we take it completely. mas hev
continuation of the skill through LMB - allows you to inflict another blow, knock over,
bottom attack. take as extra. control. must have

shift + right click - not a bad demag, has a frontal block and allows you to cut down a convenient combo with it
there that we take all the lvl-s of the skill, we take the 1st continuation of the skylab,
it will add to the skill a self buff of 5% to the crit chance for 10 seconds,
but I wouldn’t take the 2nd continuation of the skill .. if only it’s convenient for you
stretch from shift + RMB-a to F "ke ..
but 2 branches that come immediately after it must be taken (including their continuations)

1st branch will be nice to demagnetize, control and cut sk. target attack by 15%
and the 2nd branch cut the target's defense by -20% and prepare a bridgehead for a new attack

s + RMB - attack in the air, attack on the bottom, our 1st heal at lvl 1 will give 20 hp, at the last 40,
our 2nd healer basically compensates for the loss of hp in excess, so I would take it only for one as an extra. control

shift + F - our 100% ult, has invulnerability effects when moving to the target, 100% crit,
stun, but in fact it has a mediocre demag, nevertheless, it would not hurt to have the skill in the collection, at least for the sake of
its animations: when the skill is activated, the striker flies up to 7 targets in turn (if they are in his visibility zone),
and gives them cuffs, it's certainly not Ash from Warframe and his "storm of blades" that he has one-shot targets ..
but the animation is very similar

shift + LMB - medium damage, frontal block and attack on the bottom. I took it completely
but without the continuation of w + F - it seemed to me not convenient

thread continuation:

PKM - good demag, low attack, knockdown and super armor. I took all the skill lvls
F "ka did not take because of the inconvenience of compiling a combo

Q + s is practically our 2nd main feature after the space and the "morale shards" sphere
after lvl 50, this was my practical main combo on the farm, because of its simplicity
efficiency and convenience, the skill has good damage and knocks down targets. yuzatsya and cd. mas hev
continuation of the skill through Q will allow you to make another jump, knocking over the target,
and cutting her slope by 12% for 10 seconds. similar to the previous one.. mas khev. take.

Q "shka - also a very important skill is closely related to the previous one, it has an average damage and a frontal block
similarly to the previous one, throws up targets, everything will be the same in the upcoming awakening of the striker
relevant and will switch the rack .. we take it to the maximum, except for the inconvenient continuation through F "ku

2 continuations of the Q branch:

PKM - super armor, cutting into 8 defa targets, rollover - take all lvl-s

including through RMB from it we will get super armor on the 1st phase, and invulnerability on the 2nd phase

LMB - similar to the previous one, but this time it cuts the target's evasion by 9, we take all lvl-s
(especially if the topic "bias / accuracy" is relevant to you)

s+F - flip the target/targets. additional control can take one

RMB + LMB - a good demag, an attack on the bottom, besides, this is our 2nd heal at lvl 1, it fills us with 50 hp,
and on the last one already 300 hp, given that the rollback of the skill is 5 seconds, you can forget about the banks of hp
in general skill mast hev. take all the lvl.

A set of boosting passives: melee def, range def, magic def and all def
taking away bread .. from the magpie, Vali and the warrior .. we take all the lvls

Alas, there will be no skill builds.
but considering that up to 56 a free reset is available, you can not bathe, but simply take what is more or less available
and then what is more convenient .. eventually coming to an adequate golden mean ..

Having upgraded the Striker class in Black Desert Online, I decided to write my guide on the Striker in BDO. I will share with you what to wear gear as you level up your character, what skills are best to learn, and what inlay stones it is desirable to insert into things.

If you have just started playing, and you have little idea about the game, but you know where to download and farm silver. So you shouldn't have any problems. Well, if you don’t know this, then you can look at our guide where it’s better to swing up to the 50th.

Gear from 1-50 level

Striker in Black Desert Online is a very powerful class and mobile, they are easily given packs of mobs. It has massive skills that hit the enemy in a decent radius, while not allowing you to damage your character. From the very first steps in BDO, you will have to save up for a universal set and a medium bijou:

Set: Grunil

Rings: predecessors

Earrings: Callis

Necklace: Pares

Belt: spirit of the Ancient

Weapon: Pares

Add. Weapon: Leather bracelets

We sharpen as sharpening arrives.

Gear from 50-56 level

After reaching level 50, you can start spending your funds on sharpening your set. Of course, we should not forget about the jewelry that you need to increase DPS. To move to media spots, you will need the following set of equipment:

Set: Grunil +16

Rings: Shadow Ghost +2

Earrings: Witch Ornaments +2

Necklace: Sichil +1

Belt: basilisk

Weapon: Liberto +17

Add. Weapon: Leather Bracelets +17

Gear 56+ level

Now after reaching level 56 and getting awakened weapons, start upgrading your items. We continue to improve our jewelry or buy more sharpened. This is all done to kill monsters faster, in a shorter amount of time.

Set: Ultimate Grunil +18

Rings: Sign of shadows +3

Earrings: Witch Ornament +3

Necklace: Sichil +2

Belt: Basilisk +2

Weapon: Kzarki +18

Awakened Weapon: Master's Ultimate Bracers +18

Add. Weapon: Ultimate Leather Bracelets +18

gear for level 60

Swinging after 56+ you need to rush to one target. Take the boss set anywhere, and start sharpening it to at least 18+. At the same time, changing your jewelry for better, or more machined. In this case, you must not forget about the evasion and accuracy of your character. This is approximately the set you should get at level 60:

Set: Boss Set +18

Rings: Sign of shadows +4

Earrings: Witch Ornament +4

Necklace: Sichil +3

Belt: Basilisk +2

Weapon: Kzarka +18

Awakened Weapon: Bracers of Karanda +18

Add. Weapon: Ultimate Leather Bracelets +18 (For PvP) \ Nuber (For PvE) +18

Geass Helm:

  • Altered Magic Crystal - Harpy (Evasion +12\HP+75\HP Recovery+5)

Armor (torso) of the tree:

  • Iolite IV - Defense - Damage Reduction +2 \ Stun, Stun, Freeze Resistance +10%

Bhega Gloves:

  • Amber III - (Chance crit hit +2\grab resistance +5%)

Muskan Boots:

  • Essence of the Blood Arena - Fortitude (Resist Knockdown/Trapdown+25%; Stun/Stagger/Freeze+5%)

Weapons of Kzarka:

  • Grenade III (Accuracy) - (All Accuracy +8\Ignore Resistance +10%) or Blood Arena Essence - Attack Damage (Attack Damage + 5\Additional Damage Humans +2)

Nuber\Kutum sub-weapon:

  • Awakened Spirit Crystal - (Max HP +150\Attack Power +5)


  • Altered Magic Crystal - Harpy (Evasion +12\HP+75\HP Recovery+5)
  • Altered Magic Crystal - Harpy (Evasion +12\HP+75\HP Recovery+5)

Armor (torso):

  • Iolite IV - Defense - Damage Reduction +2 \ Stun, Stun, Freeze Resistance +10%
  • Iolite IV - Defense - Damage Reduction +2 \ Stun, Stun, Freeze Resistance +10%


  • Amber III - (Chance crit hit +2\grab resistance +5%)
  • Amber III - (Chance crit hit +2\grab resistance +5%)


  • Essence of the Blood Arena - Fortitude (Resist Knockdown/Trapdown+25%; Stun/Stagger/Freeze+5%)
  • Essence of the Blood Arena - Fortitude (Resist Knockdown/Trapdown+25%; Stun/Stagger/Freeze+5%)

Weapons of Kzarka:

  • Crystal of Enhanced Magic - Karme (Crit Chance and Attack Speed ​​+1\Attack+5)
  • Crystal of Enhanced Magic - Karme (Crit Chance and Attack Speed ​​+1\Attack+5)

Sub-weapon Nuber\Kutuma\Roshar\Krey:

  • Awakened Spirit Crystal - (Max HP +150\Attack Power +5)
  • Awakened Spirit Crystal - (Max HP +150\Attack Power +5)


  • Amethyst II - Barrier - (Knockdown / Knockdown Resistance +10%


  • Valuable Iolite - Armor - (Damage Reduction +5)


  • Amber II - Attack Speed ​​- (Attack Speed ​​+2)


  • Valuable Malachite - Fortitude - (Knockdown / Knockdown Resistance +25%)
  • Valuable Malachite - Fortitude - (Knockdown / Knockdown Resistance +25%)

Liberto Weapon:

  • Precious Garnet I - Skill Speed ​​- (Crit. Chance and Attack Speed ​​+ 1)
  • Valuable Garnet I - Crit Strike - (Crit Strike +1)

Secondary weapon Roshar\Krey:

  • Grenade - Grab - (Ignore Grab Resistance Effect +10%)

skill build

This is how the build should be at level 60, you can modify something. These are our recommendations, so it's up to you whether you should study them or not.

Write your opinion, and what would you like to add to this guide. We will also welcome your wishes and ideas in the development of the site and the community.

The Striker is a new male melee class in Black Desert. This is a fighter who does not have weapons, but masterfully fights with his hands and feet, plus he has many controls.

In this article we will tell you whether it is worth playing this character and, if so, how.

First, a video guide for the Stryker in Black Desert:

Stryker in Black Desert: general overview

A guide to the Stryker in Black Desert should start with general information.

Stryker is a character that is significantly different from other heroes Black games Desert, because in his hands you will not be able to see the usual weapons. Instead, Stryker uses heavy gauntlets and bracelets.

His skills do not allow him to inflict a large amount of damage, such as the skills of a wizard. However, Striker's attacks are capable of causing pain, and almost all skills involve knocking up or knocking down opponents.

During the fight, the Striker literally hovers over the monsters and strikes at everything (whom) it reaches. Eye-pleasing animation, prudent and spectacular ups and downs, as it seems, are designed to distract gamers from the dull and monotonous farming on mobs.

The character has a skill related to HP recovery. At the same time, mana is practically not consumed, so during the pumping process there is no need to in large numbers"cans". Almost every skill of the Striker gives a buff, debuffs the enemy or increases resistance. There are skills that give invulnerability at all. HP regenerates on its own.

Stryker in combat

And one more feature worth focusing on - gradually Stryker accumulates the wrath of the spirit (30 parts), which increase the effectiveness of skills, which helps a lot in battles.

Stryker Awakening

The awakening of the Striker looks impressive, as you can see by watching this video:

Stryker equipment in Black Desert

As armor, you can use the Tallis armor set, which increases running speed by 5 points, critical chance by one point, and generally increases jump height and resistance when grappling. You can also use the Grunil kit, which increases HP by 150 points and attack by 5 points.

As for weapons, in the absence of Liberto, take a set of Roshar gloves and bracelets. It is characterized by high attack, has two slots for stones, and also increases accuracy and evasion. Or you can use Yurka.

The cheapest accessory option is a set consisting of the Ancient Weapon Core belt and the Ancient Guardian Seal amulet (adds attack, defense and 5 accuracy). You should also wear earrings and rings made of blue coral.

Inlay Stones for Stryker in Black Desert

We continue the guide on the Stryker in Black Desert and tell you which stones should be used in the case of a character of this class. Two stones can be inserted into the weapon, ancient crystals "Karme", increasing attack speed and critical strike chance by 1 point.

In additional weapons, you can install stones to increase attack on people. An amethyst for evasion is suitable for a helmet, and a Gobelinus crystal, which adds 100 HP and 20 LT, is suitable for armor.

In gloves, amber III will suit you for attack speed (+2 points, as well as 5% to grab resistance). If there is a free cell, then you can place a stone on a critical hit. Place the second malachite into the shoes for speed (+2 pts). If you have the Grunil clothing set, then add a stone that increases stamina.

Many may not even know that Striker originally appeared in the game without a block. In this form, the character did not last long until an awakening appeared. The character can now block in both standard and awakened stances. To use it, just press the S key. Similarly, the block is activated by bladers, warriors, sakura and DC.

Auto-attack and aura will be obtained for free. Just like with the DK aura, the Striker's skill activates and deactivates, which gives 50 points to movement speed in normal and combat stances. This consumes 50 fp every three seconds. If you use a skill not in the spot or not in the combat zone, then it will most likely match.

Stryker in Black Desert

rifts Stryker in Black Desert are activated automatically after blinking forward, backward or to one side. Blinking forward will give you a few seconds of immortality and also increase your running speed by 30% for the next 10 seconds. Blink to the side works the same way as the previous skill. Only the direction of movement changes. In both cases, you need to open all skill levels.

A run-up strike (LMB) seems practically useless, although the skill is obtained for free. It makes sense to use it when farming, but not during a boost.

F - a slow and weak blow, which at the first level reduces the opponent's run by 15%. You can’t pump higher, it looks beautiful, but it’s useless.

Passive skill gives 10% evasion. Not much, but still nice.

You must understand that it makes no sense to learn all the perks in a row. There are several important skills that should be used anytime, anywhere. Many skills regenerate FP, others consume stamina, but still not in the same way as in the case of the magpie. Stryker - a character capable of jumping with acceleration. To do this, you need to press the "Space" and LMB.

Striker skills in Black Desert

  • Heavy Fist is an auto attack that regenerates FP. Learned automatically.
  • Warrior spirit. Needs to be activated manually. The skill increases running speed by 50% for 5 seconds, but consumes 50 FP every three seconds. It is possible to activate, but rarely, since the Striker can fly to the enemy. Learned automatically.
  • Mobile Dodge - The Striker rolls to the side in the same way as with other characters. Learned automatically.
  • Quick step - blinks. About which it was written above.
  • Mariposa - Jumps to the side while dodging. At the time of the jump, the character becomes invulnerable. The characters cannot collide. Level up to the maximum to reduce the cooldown. Upon activation, you gain a 30% speed buff for 10 seconds.
  • Wolf's Agility is a passive skill that increases evasion by 10%.

Guide to the Stryker in Black Desert
  • Explosive Fist - You can land multiple punches after running or walking fast. You may not download.
  • A series of kicks - kicks the enemy with his feet several times in a row. Effective after sprint. The second and third kicks reduce the enemy's movement speed by 15% for 10 seconds. The first level is enough.
  • Crouching Wolf - When you use other skills, then press the "Space" to have the striker strike an AoE attack around him. The skill will give you a 10% hit speed buff for 10 seconds. If you have 30 Spirit Wrath Fragments, the buff will increase to 20%. You can pull mobs to you, but not people. Learn the Prey Hunt combo, which will add a Stagger effect if 30 Spirit Fury Fragments are used.
  • Attack with evasion - LMB and step left or right. So you will strike a circular blow with your legs. Little damage, but worth pumping up to the fourth level. The first hit will give 9% dodge for 10 seconds, the third one will increase attack by 6 points for the same 10 seconds.
  • Steel shoulder - the skill seems good, but it still makes no sense to pump it.
  • Ankle kick - for the right mouse button. You will land a couple of kicks with medium damage. It's not worth downloading.
  • Iron Fist - Used after an ankle strike. You can knock down the target, but other skills can still be used for this effect, so the perk is unnecessary.
  • Rough suppression - allows you to grab the target, lift it up, and use the other hand to strike in the face, then throw it to the ground.
  • Sharp claw - step back to gain invulnerability, and also strike with a swing. Within 10 seconds, the enemy's defense will decrease by 15 points.
  • Scarlet claw - you can leave the first level of the skill.
  • Fists of Fury - you can not download.
  • The Hungry Wolf is the character's ult, which, of course, needs to be taught. The skill does not swing.
  • Stone Hammer is used often, but you can leave the first level.