Aliens are monitoring military operations in Syria and helping Russia carry out airstrikes. UFO in Syria What is happening in Syria with aliens

Foreign conspiracy theorists have come to a striking conclusion regarding Russia's modern weapons. They believe that weapons are being used and tested in Syria that were created with the help of alien technologies obtained as a result of a deeply secret agreement between the Russians and aliens.

According to James Preston, published in Veteranstoday, the Russians have a wide range of high-tech weapons based on exotic alien knowledge previously unavailable to humanity. Some of the supposed advanced weapons, according to conspiracy theorists, include supersonic torpedoes using advanced alien interdimensional stealth technology, similar to that found in UFO craft.

The Russian army has missiles that evade interception using a system of “interdimensional communication entanglement,” conspiracy theorists continue.

A flying rocket can perform very complex maneuvers: accelerate, decelerate, spin complex elements, including spiral patterns, and hit targets without hindrance.

Preston also claimed that, according to insider sources, the Russians operate stealth aircraft that are unable to detect the best modern location systems.

Theorist Michael Sull pointed out in a blog post that many aspects of Preston's analysis confirm previous reports previously published by ufologist Corey Goode.

Good claims that the Russian space program to contact aliens is called "Cosmosphere".

In his opinion, the Earth has become a battlefield for different groups of aliens. If one UFO group, wanting to take over the planet, collaborates with the Western elite, then the other, in defiance of its space enemies, collaborates with Russia.

Conspiracy theorists believe that the unbridled greed of the world elite prompted them to conspire with aliens against the rest of humanity. Elites hide information about contact with alien species and the presence advanced technology, which can help solve many problems and challenges facing humanity, for example, in the field of medicine and food production.

Aliens, exploiting the greed of the rulers, seek to take over the Earth by 2030.

According to Preston, ISIS (banned in Russia) was created and financed by the Illuminati society, which controls the President and the US government. In turn, the Illuminati is closely associated with “bad” aliens. ISIS is a tool for a complete reformatting of the Middle East, as the next, but extremely necessary step for them to achieve the 2030 Goal.

Russia's space allies are deliberately supplying the Russian military with modern weapons systems and high-tech electronic countermeasures. They provoked Putin to intervene in Syria to prevent the Illuminati from carrying out their plot.

Preston recounted an incident that occurred in April 2014 when the Russians tested the capabilities of their alien technology based on jamming systems. Then the Russian tactical bomber Su-24, equipped with an alien electronic system, flying near the US Navy ship Donald Cook, blocked its electrical systems, turned off its radar and defense system.

After that incident, senior US military officials despaired of the possibilities American weapons, resigned.

In 2015, on the night of November 25-26, near the province of Latakia, a UFO. The Qatari media actively covered the news, and information about the incident quickly spread across the Internet.

How it was

Happened several times. But the presented case is interesting in that it hovered exactly above the base where they stood Russian planes. The object then headed southeast. It is also noteworthy that the Khmeimi base was ordered to take to the skies and deal with the situation, but the Russian military did not react to what happened.

Bloggers monitoring information about, noted that the arrival of the flying saucer was accompanied by various interference in the power supply and television and radio broadcasting. This suggests that the aliens tried to do everything so that they could not be detected. A number of eyewitnesses even claim that the UFO was strongly reminiscent of American military developments, namely the secret TR-3B aircraft. It has the same glow and has been observed over Canada several times.

Whether the opinions have any basis or not is still unknown. The fact is that the videos and photos have not yet been made publicly available. However, there is something to think about, because Russian planes never took off after this incident.

Why UFO chooses Syria

Why UFO Are you drawn to the Middle East conflict zone? The Syrian military claims that aliens are increasingly appearing over their country. It is believed that aliens are watching the warring parties and testing their technologies on earthlings. Of course, we don’t feel the actions of the aliens - there is no sound and physical influence, but a fuzzy hum can still be felt, and what effect it gives is unknown.

However, the fact that all the Great Powers are silent about the fact that aliens often visit Syria is alarming. Perhaps that is why the issue with the NATO country can only be resolved by force. Ufologists say that this could be, because if there are aliens in Syria, they are probably afraid of them, because they do not know which side they will take.

One way or another, deny that UFO interested in military operations is pointless. Even earlier, they were noticed during the Vietnam War. And now we are heading to Syria. Perhaps huge balls flying at incredible speeds are watching people in order to help them survive.

And for this it is necessary to prevent the outbreak of war. But why don’t the aliens withdraw airstrikes from Syria, but increase them? They feel that the Syrians are a potential threat to all humanity, which is why they decided to take drastic measures.

Ufologists prove that UFOs always appear in the hottest spots on the planet, be it natural disasters or military operations. And they watch what is happening, as if preparing to come to the aid of earthlings in the event of a critical situation.

Obviously, this is so, it’s not for nothing that they say that both the Tunguska and Chelyabinsk meteorites were shot down by aliens, otherwise they would have caused much more disasters, for example, the Tunguska meteorite, scientists prove, went straight to St. Petersburg.

UFO over Syria

UFOs were also spotted during the Vietnam War, but now they are flying in Syria, where military operations are taking place against the militants of the ISIS group. At least two unidentified objects in the sky appeared on a documentary video of the Russian military, who were filming the impact points of fired missiles, and suddenly they recorded two fantastic balls flying at enormous speed, which is still beyond the reach of modern flying technology.

On this occasion, the TV station Tercer Milenio in Mexico released a mini-film in which ufologist researcher Carlos Clement says that this filming was carried out by a Russian bomber pilot. But what do we see near the plane itself? Two mysterious spheres fly in the opposite direction, and at fantastic speed. All this proves that the aliens are constantly monitoring the military actions of earthlings.

Mexican ufologists have suggested that aliens support the UV strikes carried out by Russian military forces.

Vietnam War veteran George Filer wrote about this, and Canadian Minister Paul Hellyer has repeatedly emphasized in the press that world powers are hiding the true state of affairs regarding contacts between earthlings and aliens. No less sensational was the statement of former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who claimed that the inhabitants of the Earth had more than once avoided nuclear war only thanks to the intervention of aliens.

The National UFO Reporting Center (NCR) presented a report on sightings of mysterious objects on Earth and beyond. It turned out that on this moment 104,947 cases of UFO collisions were recorded. This first happened in 1905 in Portland, USA: a local resident saw a buzzing spherical object that flew out of the clouds and moved above the ground.

NCS was founded in 1974 in Davenport, USA. American ufologists have found that over the past twenty years, encounters with aliens have increased 4.5 times. They attribute this to the fact that people always have a camera or mobile phone at hand to record a UFO.

Statistics also showed that most often “flying saucers” appear in the United States, since their appearance is reported there 300 times more often than in other countries.

But in Russia there are almost no reports of encounters with alien creatures. This may be due to the fact that Russia does not have its own UFO register. Many researchers joke that aliens are simply afraid of Russia.

Ufologists prove that UFOs always appear in the hottest spots on the planet, be it natural disasters or military operations. And they watch what is happening, as if preparing to come to the aid of earthlings in the event of a critical situation. (website)

Obviously, this is so, it’s not for nothing that they say that both the Tunguska and Chelyabinsk meteorites were shot down by aliens, otherwise they would have caused much more disasters, for example, scientists prove, they went straight to St. Petersburg.

UFO over Syria

UFOs were also spotted during the Vietnam War, but now they are flying in Syria, where military operations are taking place against the militants of the ISIS group. At least two unidentified objects in the sky appeared on a documentary video of the Russian military, who were filming the impact points of fired missiles, and suddenly they recorded two fantastic balls flying at enormous speed, which is still beyond the reach of modern flying technology.

On this occasion, the TV station Tercer Milenio in Mexico released a mini-film in which ufologist researcher Carlos Clement says that this filming was carried out by a Russian bomber pilot. But what do we see near the plane itself? Two mysterious spheres fly in the opposite direction, and at fantastic speed. All this proves that the aliens are constantly monitoring the military actions of earthlings.

Mexican ufologists have suggested that aliens support the UV strikes carried out by Russian military forces.

Vietnam War veteran George Filer wrote about this, and Canadian Minister Paul Hellyer has repeatedly emphasized in the press that world powers are hiding the true state of affairs regarding contacts between earthlings and aliens. No less sensational was the statement of former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who claimed that the inhabitants of the Earth had more than once avoided nuclear war only thanks to the intervention of aliens.
