Butterfly expander exercises for the chest. Butterfly expander - the best exercises for all muscle groups

An expander is a sports equipment, a simulator that is used to work out different muscle groups. It makes training more effective and puts extra stress on the body. During the exercise, the projectile is stretched, squeezed, twisted due to its elasticity, increased extensibility.

The expander simulator for legs and buttocks has been used for a long time and is very effective. Doing the exercises below regularly at least three times a week you will surely get the desired result.

Carefully! It is important to warm up before doing any exercise. Only in this case, the entire training will be useful for the figure and health. If you skip this step, you may have joint problems.

Types of expanders

There are a fairly large number of varieties of expanders:

  • tape
  • "butterfly";
  • carpal;
  • elbow;
  • shoulder;
  • chest;
  • "eight";
  • expander skier;
  • multifunctional expander.

We will not go into details and discuss each of them. Instead, we took the two most popular types - tape expander and "butterfly" and found the most effective exercises for toning and firming.

We present to your attention the best exercises with an expander for the buttocks and thighs.

4 Best Band Type Movements

A tape tourniquet or just a tape helps to lose weight quickly, adds muscle tone and strengthens them.

1. Side leg raise

How to perform:

  1. Starting position - Fold the tape in half, lie on your side, hold the expander with your hand, bend the lower leg at the knee, and insert the upper leg through the loop of the simulator;
  2. The upper leg remains straight, while lying on the floor;
  3. Then you need to raise the upper leg as you exhale. You need to move slowly, count to 6;
  4. On an inhale, return to the starting position again.

Repeat 10 times for each leg.

You can see this movement more clearly in the video:

2. Lying extension

Difficulty - medium. To correct the shape of the hips (, front surface), you must perform this exercise.

This is interesting! Movements, and are included in the TOP 10 exercises for the gluteal muscles and thighs.

How to perform:

  1. Starting position - lie on your back, bend your legs slightly and pull them to your chest;
  2. With your feet you need to rest against the tape, and hold its edges firmly in your hands;
  3. As you exhale, straighten your legs, fix for a couple of seconds, and then bend them again.

Repeat 15 times.

Important! Do everything slowly, then you will increase the productivity of the workout and easily improve body shape.

3. Leading the leg to the side

Difficulty is high. The exercise tightens the inner surface, engages the gluteal muscles, and improves the relief.

How to perform:

  1. Starting position - stand on the loop with one leg;
  2. Hands need to hold the resistance of the other loop;
  3. Then slowly move your active leg to the side;
  4. Lower it also slowly.

Repeat for both legs 5-10 times. For the entry level, 5 repetitions will suffice. For the intermediate, you need to perform the exercise 10 times, for the advanced, 15.

See the video for more details. Instead of a simulator, use a tape. The movement technique is no different.

In addition to the expander, excellent results can be achieved using, and

4. Pulling the leg back

Difficulty - medium. Activates the muscles of the back of the thighs, improves the shape of the buttocks.

How to perform:

  1. Starting position - fix the right leg on one loop of the expander;
  2. The left foot needs to rest against the other;
  3. Take your left leg back, bend at the knees;
  4. After a couple of seconds, slowly return to the starting position.

Repeat 10 times.

For more information about this movement, see the video:

See also:

3 more movements with "Butterfly"

Expander "Butterfly" works on compression and is used to work out the hips and buttocks, arms, abs, chest and many other muscle groups.

1. Breeding on a chair

Difficulty - medium. During the classes, the hips, buttocks, arms are involved.

How to perform:

  1. Starting position - sit on a chair, your back is straight. Legs apart;
  2. Expander "Butterfly" should be between the thighs;
  3. Gently, slowly press the levers, pulling your knees towards each other. Unclench the simulator.

Repeat 15 for each leg.

Another version of this movement, see the video:

Important! Do not rush, do everything slowly, then the result will be as high as possible.

2. Squeezing the knees lying on your back

Difficulty is high. Exercises involve the front surface of the thighs, buttocks. As a result, the lower part of the body will quickly acquire beautiful shapes.

How to perform:

  1. Starting position - lie on your back, slightly bend your legs;
  2. Hold the expander with your knees;
  3. Smoothly squeeze it as hard as possible, then slowly unclench the simulator.

Repeat 15 times.

See the video for more details:

Important! The time of compression and unclenching should be the same, this will ensure a uniform load on the muscles, give maximum results.

3. Squeezing the knees lying on the side

Difficulty is high. The inner thighs are involved, so this exercise is a must for every workout.

How to perform:

  1. Starting position - lie on your side, place the simulator between your knees;
  2. The expander should open towards the heels;
  3. Squeeze the "butterfly" with your feet, trying to fold it.

Repeat 10 times for 2 sets. The break can be up to 1 minute.

Note! At the end of classes, stretch: standing, legs apart, lean forward with your torso, do not bend your legs at the knees, and stretch your arms down to your feet.

It is advisable to perform articular gymnastics before starting any workout: it will prolong the youth of the body, strengthen the immune system, make the muscles strong, hardy.

Running in place, walking at a fast pace will help. If you do other exercises without resistance bands, do them before intensive workouts.

In the intervals between each exercise, it is better to slowly walk around the room, restoring breathing. Sitting or standing without moving is not recommended.

If you do all the exercises correctly, you can build up in 2-3 weeks, and the first results will appear within 3-5 days from the start of classes. The main thing is to exercise regularly. Then the effect will be amazing.

Useful materials:

  • Learn about pelvic health from Professor I.P. Neumyvakin and check out.
  • through exercise?
  • and are among the top ten loads on the muscles of the “fifth point”

This exercise owes its name to the most beautiful insect on Earth - a butterfly. Indeed, the movements of an athlete performing a "butterfly" are strongly reminiscent of flapping wings. Butterfly is designed for isolated study of the central part of the chest. Despite such a narrow focus, the "butterfly" is popular in many gyms in our country. Now we have to figure out who and why should include this exercise in their training program.

Muscle groups involved

Active muscle groups during the Butterfly exercise

Main: pectoralis major muscle, or rather its middle part. This area works in conjunction with the muscles of the shoulder and is responsible for bringing the arms to the body.

Auxiliary: anterior deltas, serratus anterior.

Stabilizers: pectoralis minor, latissimus dorsi, trapezium, rotator cuff muscles.

Description of the simulator “Butterfly”

"Butterfly" does not apply to basic exercises, so not every gym has equipment for it. To do this, you will need a pack-deck power simulator. What he really is? The pack deck consists of a bench with a vertical back, a rack with weights and two "levers" with vertical handles, which you have to reduce.

The simulator comes in two types: for work with bent elbows and outstretched arms. The difference between them is that when performing the exercise, a different amplitude is used.

Execution technique

Approaches: 3-4

Repetitions: 10-12

Before starting the exercise, adjust the "pack-deck" to your height. Sit on a bench and place your hands on the handles. Look: your shoulders should be parallel to the floor, and your forearms should be perpendicular. There should be a right angle between them. If these conditions are not met, then change the height of the seat (or the height of the handles - it all depends on the model of the simulator).

So, let's start flapping our wings:

6 reasons why you should do the exercise

"Butterfly" gives the bodybuilder the following benefits:

  1. The pectoral muscles become more proportional (for many, the lower part of the chest is more developed than others due to bench presses), a clear relief appears, the separation of the right and left pectoral muscles.
  2. Deep areas of the chest are worked out, to which other exercises cannot “get”.
  3. The pectoral muscles are well stretched when performing the butterfly, which increases blood circulation in them and, accordingly, accelerates their growth.
  4. The load in all phases of the "butterfly" is uniform, in contrast to exercises performed with free weights.
  5. Butterfly is a good exercise for restoring the tone of the upper body after an injury.
  6. Butterfly can also be useful to the fair sex, because it is able to tone the chest and make it more elastic.

Many inexperienced athletes spread rumors that the "butterfly" is a completely useless exercise. We do not want you to fall into such a delusion.

Fly in the ointment, without it in any way

First, let's figure out what goals you want to achieve at this stage of bodybuilding. If you are a beginner (less than 1 year of experience), then you should not even waste time sitting down to the “pack-deck”. There should be only the “golden three” in your thoughts about training: bench press, deadlift and squat. "Butterfly" is not at all intended for building up the main mass: it is an isolating exercise for the chest muscles.

The butterfly exercise is a tool for professionals who want to “polish” their large, but not yet processed mountain of muscles.

Now, when we have eliminated all the ambiguities, we can proceed to consider the shortcomings:

  • The trajectory of movements in the "pack deck" is strictly fixed, which does not always allow you to work out the chest at the right angle.
  • The maximum lifted weight of the simulators for hand reduction is in the range of 100-120 kg. This can bring some inconvenience to experienced bodybuilders.

"Butterfly" is an indispensable exercise for the formation of evenly developed and embossed pectoral muscles. It is suitable mainly for professionals and athletes undergoing a course of recovery from injuries.

Video: Hand reduction in the butterfly simulator

It is also useful for beginners to master the butterfly technique - these skills will be useful to them in the near future. To train safely and effectively, don't forget to follow our tips. Powerful training to you, friends!

Be sure to read about it

The pace of life of a modern person is fast and many are forced to spend a significant part of the day at the workplace. The inability to allocate even an hour to visit the gym forces many to look for other solutions to maintain physical fitness.

On the sports goods market today you can find exercise equipment that, despite its external simplicity, has good efficiency in terms of maintaining muscle tone and helping to lose weight. One of them is the butterfly expander.

Description of the simulator

In everyday life, along with the common name, you can find other names for the butterfly expander - Fai-Master or Thigh Master. The butterfly expander became famous due to the effectiveness of the exercise for training the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. The design consists of a head with a spring located in the central part, and two levers in the form of semicircles. On top, the parts are covered with a rubberized coating that prevents slipping and rubbing when in contact with the skin.

Initially, sports equipment was created to work out the most vulnerable places for women - the inner surface of the thigh. Today, many people use it in the process of losing weight. The butterfly expander is widely used because of the following features:

  • improving the shape of the legs, hips, buttocks;
  • tightening the pectoral muscles;
  • correction of posture defects;
  • development of arms and shoulders;
  • press work.

The simulator is based on the principle of deformation. When the levers approach, the spring is compressed, and when it is straightened, it straightens out.

Benefits of the simulator

Butterfly expander has a number of advantages compared to traditional simulators. Its acquisition does not require significant financial costs; in return, the buyer receives an effective tool for pumping muscles. The main advantages are:

  • compactness and ease of storage;
  • easy mobility;
  • lack of special conditions for operation and ease of use;
  • the butterfly expander, depending on the complex and the exercise performed, allows you to train various muscle groups - hips, buttocks, abs, arms;
  • one expander replaces several types of traditional simulators;
  • the opportunity to train men and women, regardless of age characteristics, health and physical fitness.

It is enough to perform the complex for 20 minutes a day to achieve a good result in losing weight and increasing muscle tone. The simulator well replaces the basic exercises for pumping the hips and buttocks, while the visible effect comes much earlier.

Exercises on the simulator with the principle of leverage

Butterfly expander today offers various options for performing the exercise. Depending on the technique used, you can load a specific muscle group. For beginners, at first, any exercise is recommended to be performed in 5 repetitions, and with the acquisition of a better physical form, bring the number to 20.

When performing, it is necessary to ensure that the maximum compression and tension of the muscles occur on exhalation, and relaxation occurs on inspiration. Compliance with such a simple rule greatly facilitates the implementation and increases the effectiveness of training.

Inner thigh

The inner thighs are naturally weak in women. Butterfly expander perfectly pumps these thigh muscles. To perform the exercise, you need a chair with a straight back. Technique:

  • take a sitting position;
  • move to the edge of the chair so that you can freely move your hips to the sides;
  • move your legs and install the simulator between the thighs so that the levers are located on the inner surface of the thigh up;
  • sequentially squeeze the expander slightly supporting the structure with your hands.

The number of repetitions performed on the leg muscles is selected individually. The effectiveness of the exercise is achieved with the number of repetitions for women 50 times. The number of repetitions for training the legs should be selected in such a way that the last 2 movements are performed with maximum effort.

The exercise can be performed in a sitting position on the floor without support. To ensure balance, the abdominal muscles are included in the work in this position. The recommended amount is the number of repetitions from 15 to 20 times. Similar exercises can be performed in a prone position, in which the muscles of the abs and thighs are involved.

For the muscles of the thigh and buttocks

Take a horizontal position and lie on your side. It is necessary to maintain balance during the exercise with the help of hands. Technique:

  • place the simulator inside the surfaces of each thigh so that the levers open in the direction of the feet;
  • bring your legs together, trying to bring your knees as close as possible;
  • slowly relax the muscles, returning the simulator to its original position.

When performing such an exercise, not only the muscles of the thigh and buttocks are trained, but the abdominal muscles are also subjected to a load.

The reduction of the legs is performed 40 times, after which it is necessary to roll over to the other side and repeat the exercise for the other side.

For chest and arms

The exercise is performed in a standing position. The simulator is positioned so that the top of the head looks up and the levers down. Technique:

  • put the hands under the head;
  • place the forearms on top of each lever;
  • to the ways of compression, slowly begin to bring the wings together, trying to bring the elbows as close as possible;
  • spread your arms slowly.

The number of repetitions at first in women is usually not significant. Over time, the number of repetitions should gradually increase. The main thing when performing the exercise is to avoid fast and abrupt movements.

For the press

The butterfly expander for working out the press allows you to perform exercises in the prone position. Technique for abdominal muscles:

  • sit on the floor, bend your legs at the knees, press your feet to the floor surface;
  • place the simulator in front so that the head looks up;
  • place one of the levers on the surface of the thigh, and the other must be held with your hands;
  • lift your legs off the floor and squeeze the simulator;
  • straighten your legs slowly.

When performing, it is important to ensure that the abdominal muscles are in tension. The number of repetitions should reach 15-20 times.

Exercises on the simulator with the principle of breeding levers

The essence of the execution technique lies in applying efforts to allow the expansion of the expander arms.

This design is effective for working on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks; during training, the abdominal muscles are inevitably involved. It is recommended to use the simulator, if necessary, to remove the “ears” and increase the tone of the buttocks.

The following exercises are most often included in the complex of women's training:

  • fixing the simulator on the knees and breeding the legs to the side with maximum amplitude;
  • raising a straight leg to the top in the supine position, while spreading the wings of the simulator at the level of the knees;
  • breeding knees lying on your back with a simulator fixed at this level;
  • spreading the levers with your knees while sitting on a chair or with an emphasis on your hands.

Despite the fact that the expander cannot be considered a full-fledged replacement for modern simulators, it has a number of undoubted advantages. The butterfly expander allows you to perform a variety of exercises to work out the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, and its effectiveness in losing weight exceeds all expectations. To obtain a visible result, you should adhere to the frequency in classes, not forgetting the importance of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

The butterfly simulator will become an indispensable attribute of those who want to be the owner of a beautiful figure, but do not have the opportunity to go to the gym. This expander is quite easy to use and great for home workouts, it is popular mainly among women.

This article explains how to properly use the butterfly trainer. By studying it, you will get the maximum effect from home workouts without unnecessary danger.

Operating principle

The simulator is called a butterfly because its shape bears some resemblance to this insect. It is a head equipped with a spring, to which semicircular handles are attached on different sides, resembling butterfly wings. They are made from neoprene. This material is not slippery and soft, which does not injure the skin or joints. The butterfly simulator is designed for local impact on muscle groups, according to the principle of squeezing the expander. When you see it in action, it looks like a butterfly is flapping its wings. Such a unit will be an excellent assistant in maintaining the tone of all muscles, due to the even distribution of the load.

What muscles does the butterfly simulator work on

This projectile can be called almost universal. It affects almost all muscle groups and has become quite popular not only for home workouts, but also in fitness rooms.

It has the best effect on:

  • trapezius muscles (located in the upper back);
  • shoulder girdle;
  • chest muscles;
  • biceps and triceps (arm muscles, located in the forearm);
  • abdominal muscles;
  • thighs and buttocks.

How to use

For those who decide to seriously approach the issue of home training, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with this information. Although the projectile is not difficult to operate, the use of a butterfly simulator is many times more effective in combination with other factors that will provide a greater positive result from training. For a certain muscle group, different positions of the simulator are needed, which will be discussed in more detail during the description of the exercises. However, some rules remain unchanged for sports activities of any kind.

1. Follow a diet. Of course, it should not be tough, do not deny yourself everything. For starters, it’s a good idea to limit your intake of at least junk food.

2. Get regular workouts. To achieve at least some result, in no case should you feel sorry for yourself. Exercise works when done regularly. You need to try to allocate time for training by all means.

3. Having only one type of such equipment, you can perform a full-fledged complex workout and work out all muscle groups.

Abs workout

Starting position - lying on your back. Next, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Between the legs spread shoulder-width apart, place one handle of the simulator, and hold the other in your hands. In this case, the head of the "butterfly" should look up. The essence of the task is to press the legs to the chest, squeezing the expander. The muscles of the press must be tense. You can also do this exercise in reverse. Download the press with a butterfly simulator, lifting the torso and folding the expander with your hands. In this case, along with the abdominal muscles, the triceps on the arms will be worked out.

Hip workout

It is believed that the most difficult to train the muscles of the inner thigh, so we decided to come up with a device that would be suitable specifically for them. Therefore, initially exercises with a butterfly simulator were designed for the femoral muscles and are best worked out precisely by them. Let's look at a few simple examples.

1. You need to sit on the floor so that there are no objects behind you that you can lean on. Place an expander between half-bent knees and squeeze the legs until the simulator is completely closed. For beginners, the norm is to perform no more than 20 repetitions. However, it should be based on the individual level of physical fitness. It is important to gradually bring the number of approaches performed to the desired norm. This exercise is considered the most effective, and also trains the abdominal muscles at the same time as the hips. To relieve the load, you can perform these manipulations while sitting on a chair, leaning back.

2. To work on the inside of the thigh, do a simple exercise. First you need to lie on the floor. Then place the simulator so that the handles are between the knees. In this case, the knee of the raised leg should look at the ceiling. The technique for performing the exercise is to squeeze the handles of the expander, thereby pumping up the thigh muscles from the inside. The number of approaches performed should also depend on the initial degree of physical fitness.

Arm workout

To work out the triceps, you need to stand still in place. Lean one handle of the butterfly simulator on the thigh, and lean the forearm on the second. In this case, the head of the expander is directed at you and is at waist level. The essence of the training is to lower your hand to the stop and raise it up with the same force. One approach should be approximately 10-15 times.

Butterfly arm trainer perfectly tones the biceps. Here's a link for that. Stand straight and press one handle of the expander to the lower back. He should, as it were, wrap around his waist with his angle. If you apply the machine from the left side, then hold the handle from behind with your right hand and vice versa. With a free brush, squeeze the remaining handle, being between them.

chest exercises

The butterfly simulator for the pectoral muscles also has a beneficial effect on the back, shoulders, and also the arms. The most common thing is to stand straight, bring the expander to your chest with your head up, clasping it with your hands. Forearms lean on the handles and gradually fold the butterfly. It is performed in several approaches, like other exercises.

The following exercise will perfectly work both the chest and the muscles of the upper back. Stand straight, take the expander by the handles and lift it in front of you, above head level. Gradually squeezing and unclenching the butterfly trainer, lower and raise your arms up and down. This exercise can be performed at a slow and fast pace. In order to increase the load, you need to stretch your arms as far forward as possible. This will allow you to work out the muscles of the chest most intensively.

Back muscle training

As mentioned earlier, the previous exercises with the butterfly simulator are universal and involve not only the muscles indicated by the title. Separately, those manipulations that are most effective for a particular area of ​​the body are described. However, you can not limit yourself and apply others.

For the first exercise, a lying or standing position is suitable, but for greater effectiveness, it is still recommended to stand. One handle of the expander must be attached to one of the sides, along the body. Next, you should raise your hand from the side to which the simulator is applied. Then bend it at the elbow and the second "butterfly" handle will be located parallel to the forearm. Place your hand on top and begin to lower your forearm towards your thigh, working with the inside of your elbow. With the same force, you should return to the starting position.

Butterfly expander is a unique multifunctional home-type simulator. It is incredibly compact and allows you to train almost all muscles anywhere, regardless of the conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages of practicing with a butterfly expander

Butterfly expander is a simulator that has a fairly simple design. It consists of a spring mechanism and two handles with a semicircle. Mostly considered a female simulator, as it creates moderate resistance. It is enough to work out and maintain muscle tone in women, but not enough to develop muscles and strength in men.

Main advantages:

  • Effective study of the hips, buttocks, chest muscles and arms.
  • Relief improvement.
  • Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Normalization of hormonal levels (due to regular strength training).
  • Versatility - the ability to train in any conditions.
  • Financial benefit (the cost of the device is quite cheap, which makes it affordable for everyone).

Butterfly expander disadvantages:

  • Limited progress - sooner or later, the load from the simulator will not be enough, which will require a transition to power movements with a greater degree of load.
  • Weak training of the back muscles.
  • Uniformity of movements - due to the specifics of the simulator, almost all motor patterns in the exercises will be the same.
  • Not suitable for men due to the low load (can only be used during recovery or in the absence of training experience).

What to look for when choosing a butterfly simulator

Almost all butterfly trainers for arms and legs have the same design and dimensions. Therefore, when choosing, it is worth evaluating only the brand, materials and other characteristics of the projectile. It is important to pay attention to the following features:

  • The quality of the coating (usually plastic or polyethylene foam) is an individual choice, but the “foam” is usually more pleasant to the touch.
  • Metal frame - steel is the best choice.
  • Spring mechanism - the weak link is usually the connector housing. In the best models it is made of a metal alloy, in the cheaper ones it is plastic.

Full body exercises with Thai Master

With the help of the simulator, you can do exercises with a load on all the main muscles. This allows you to conduct high-quality workouts, maintain tone and improve muscle relief even at home.

1. Exercise for the hips and buttocks

This exercise is for the legs. Works on the inner thighs (and partly for the buttocks).


  1. Sit on a chair, fix your hand on the edge of the seat. Hold the expander between your thighs.
  2. Bring your legs as close to each other as possible, pausing at the peak point for 1 second.
  3. Slowly spread your legs and return to the starting position.

The reduction must be performed at a faster pace than the breeding of the legs.

2. Exercise for the biceps of the thigh

It pumps the biceps of the thigh, simulating bending the leg while lying down. Also engages calf muscles


  1. Sit on the floor and bend your knees at a right angle. Place the mechanism under the knee so that the wings are pressed against the calves and hamstrings.
  2. Try to bend your knees as much as possible, bringing the lower leg to the thigh.
  3. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.

Until the end of the approach, maintain tension without straightening the leg completely.

3. Leg exercise

This is a movement in the leg machine. Works on the inner thighs, buttocks and biceps.


  1. Lie on your side, with an emphasis on your elbow. One leg (lower) slightly bend at the knee and place the expander on it. Turn the other leg so that the biceps of the thigh is directed to the floor, put it on the wing of the simulator.
  2. Bring the top leg to the bottom, squeezing the simulator.
  3. Pause and return to the starting position.

Be sure to perform the same number of movements per set on both sides to eliminate muscle imbalance.

4. Exercise on the bottom of the press

The most powerful movement on the lower press.


  1. Lie down on the floor, bend your knees. One wing of the simulator is firmly fixed between the thighs. Hold the other with both hands. The mechanism should look up.
  2. Start lifting your legs towards you with maximum effort.
  3. Without a pause, return to the starting position at a slow pace and repeat the movement.

For beginners, this exercise in the simulator can be difficult, so it is recommended to start with regular ones to strengthen the muscles.

It is important to pull the weight down not with your hands, but with your abdominal muscles.

5. Exercise for the shoulders

Despite the small amplitude, the movement perfectly strengthens the muscles of the shoulders. Moreover, it increases strength, endurance and muscle tone without increasing its volume.


  1. Grasp the edges of the handle with your hands. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hands up.
  2. Begin to force your hands inward at a moderate pace.
  3. Pause for 0.5 seconds and return to the starting position.

6. Exercise for the back

Aimed at pumping the latissimus dorsi. The movement mimics a bent-over dumbbell row.


  1. Hold the handle under your arm. Grab the free wing with your other hand.
  2. Begin to bring your hand to the body.
  3. Take a short break.

In movement, it is important to pull not with your hand, but with your back muscles, so try to focus the load on the lats.

7. Exercise for the biceps of the arm

The movement is aimed at working out the biceps and bringing the muscles into tone.


  1. Rest one wing on the chest (the mechanism is directed towards the stomach) and press it with your hand. Grab the free wing with your other hand.
  2. Begin to bend your arm, bringing the wings of the simulator to each other.
  3. At the top, pause for up to 1 second and slowly return to the starting position.

8. Triceps exercise

The movement is aimed at working out the triceps. It is advisable to perform in conjunction with the previous exercise for training.


  1. Sit on a chair, keep your back straight. The legs are bent at a right angle. Place one wing of the simulator between the legs, hold the second wing with both hands at chest level (with a direct grip - palms pointing down).
  2. Squeeze the wing away from you and try to bring the upper handle to the lower one.
  3. Take a short break and slowly return to the starting position.

9. Chest exercise

As with other movements, this butterfly exercise for women tones muscles without increasing their volume. Aimed at pumping the chest.


  1. Stand up straight, put your hands on the connecting mechanism (wings pressed close to the forearms). The back is straight, legs shoulder-width apart.
  2. Start bringing your hands together so that your elbows are as close to each other as possible.
  3. Pause briefly at the bottom, then return to the starting position at a slower pace.

10. Exercise for the chest

Another great move to work out the chest. The manual press allows you to load almost the entire surface of the chest.


  1. Take the edges of the wings in your hands and hold the simulator against your stomach (elbows bent at a right angle, fists looking forward).
  2. Begin to bring the handles inward with maximum effort.
  3. Take a short break and spread your arms.

Almost all movements with the butterfly simulator are quite simple. However, 1-2 exercises are allocated for each muscle group, which is enough to work out almost all the major muscles.

Given a moderate load, try to perform all movements in a multi-rep style - about 15 to 20 repetitions in each set. The number of approaches depends on training experience. Beginners are advised to limit themselves to 3-4 sets, with a higher level of physical fitness - up to 10 for each group.

However, always be guided by the feeling of tiredness. The best choice when working with a butterfly expander is (pumping the whole body at a time) for 25-40 minutes. Such a regimen will not only tone the muscles, but also increase endurance, and will also stimulate fat burning.

Exercises with the Thigh Master simulator in video format
