Scarlet sails read the summary of all chapters. "Scarlet Sails

Longren, a closed and unsociable person, lived by making and selling models of sailboats and steamships. The fellow countrymen did not really like the former sailor, especially after one incident.

Once, during a severe storm, the shopkeeper and innkeeper Menners was carried away in his boat far out to sea. Longren was the only witness to what was happening. He calmly smoked his pipe, watching Manners call out to him in vain. Only when it became obvious that he could no longer be saved, Longren shouted to him that in the same way his Mary asked a fellow villager for help, but did not receive it.

On the sixth day, the shopkeeper was picked up among the waves by a steamer, and before his death, he told about the culprit of his death.

He did not tell only about how, five years ago, Longren's wife turned to him with a request to lend a little. She had just given birth to little Assol, the birth was not easy, and almost all of her money was spent on treatment, and her husband had not yet returned from swimming. Menners advised not to be touchy, then he is ready to help. The unfortunate woman went to the city in bad weather to lay a ring, caught a cold and died of pneumonia. So Longren remained a widower with his daughter in his arms and could no longer go to sea.

Whatever it was, the news of such demonstrative inactivity of Longren struck the villagers more than if he had drowned a man with his own hands. The hostility turned almost into hatred and also turned to the innocent Assol, who grew up alone with her fantasies and dreams and seemed to need neither peers nor friends. Her father replaced her mother, and friends, and fellow countrymen.

Once, when Assol was eight years old, he sent her to the city with new toys, among which was a miniature yacht with scarlet silk sails. The girl lowered the boat into the stream. The stream carried him and carried him to the mouth, where she saw a stranger holding her boat in his hands. It was old Egle, the collector of legends and fairy tales. He gave the toy to Assol and told that years would pass and the prince would sail for her on the same ship under scarlet sails and take her to a distant country.

The girl told her father about it. Unfortunately, a beggar, who accidentally heard her story, spread the rumor about the ship and the overseas prince throughout Kapern. Now the children shouted after her: “Hey, gallows! Red sails are sailing! So she came across as crazy.

Arthur Gray, the only offspring of a noble and wealthy family, did not grow up in a hut, but in a family castle, in an atmosphere of predestination of every present and future step. This, however, was a boy with a very lively soul, ready to fulfill his own destiny in life. He was determined and fearless.

The keeper of their wine cellar, Poldishok, told him that two barrels of Cromwellian alicante were buried in one place and its color was darker than cherry, and it was thick like good cream. The casks are made of ebony and have double copper hoops that say, "I'll be drunk by Gray when he's in heaven." No one has tasted this wine and never will. “I'll drink it,” Gray said, stamping his foot and clenching his hand into a fist: “Paradise? He is here!.."

For all that, he was extremely responsive to someone else's misfortune, and his sympathy always resulted in real help.

In the library of the castle, he was struck by a painting by some famous marine painter. She helped him understand himself. Gray secretly left home and joined the schooner Anselm. Captain Hop was a kind man, but a stern sailor. Having appreciated the mind, perseverance and love for the sea of ​​a young sailor, Gop decided to “make a captain out of a puppy”: to introduce him to navigation, maritime law, sailing and accounting. At the age of twenty, Gray bought a three-masted galliot "Secret" and sailed on it for four years. Fate brought him to Liss, an hour and a half walk from which was Caperna.

With the onset of darkness, together with the sailor Letika Gray, taking fishing rods, he sailed on a boat in search of a suitable place for fishing. Under the cliff behind Kaperna, they left the boat and lit a fire. Letika went fishing, and Gray lay down by the fire. In the morning he went for a walk, when suddenly he saw Assol sleeping in the thickets. He looked at the girl who struck him for a long time, and leaving, he took off the old ring from his finger and put it on her little finger.

Then he and Letika went to Menners' tavern, where the young Hin Menners was now in charge. He said that Assol is crazy, dreaming of a prince and a ship with scarlet sails, that her father is the culprit in the death of the elder Menners and a terrible person. Doubts about the veracity of this information intensified when a drunken collier assured that the innkeeper was lying. Gray and without outside help managed to understand something in this extraordinary girl. She knew life within the limits of her experience, but, moreover, she saw in phenomena a meaning of a different order, making many subtle discoveries that were incomprehensible and unnecessary to the inhabitants of Caperna.

The captain was in many ways the same himself, a little out of this world. He went to Liss and found scarlet silk in one of the shops. In the city, he met an old acquaintance - a wandering musician Zimmer - and asked him to arrive at the "Secret" with his orchestra in the evening.

The scarlet sails bewildered the crew, as did the order to advance towards Kaperna. Nevertheless, in the morning the "Secret" set out under scarlet sails, and by noon was already in sight of Caperna.

Assol was shocked by the spectacle of a white ship with scarlet sails, from the deck of which music was pouring. She rushed to the sea, where the inhabitants of Caperna had already gathered. When Assol appeared, everyone fell silent and parted. The boat, in which Gray was standing, separated from the ship and headed towards the shore. After a while, Assol was already in the cabin. Everything happened just as the old man had predicted.

On the same day, a barrel of hundred-year-old wine was opened, which no one had ever drunk before, and the next morning the ship was already far from Caperna, carrying away the crew, defeated by Gray's unusual wine. Only Zimmer did not sleep. He quietly played his cello and thought about happiness.

You read summary story Scarlet Sails. In you can read summaries of other books.

The Scarlet Sails story by A. Grin (Grinevsky) has long been a symbol of romantic love and faith in miracles that loving hearts create with their own hands.

In a small, seedy town, the former sailor Longren lived with his daughter Assol. Many years ago, when he was on a voyage, his young wife Mary was left completely without money and turned to the innkeeper Manners for help.

But he offered the girl money in return for her love. She turned down his nefarious offer, and walked into town in the cold rain to pawn her wedding ring. As a result, Mary caught a bad cold and died, leaving her little daughter in the care of her neighbors.

Longren, returning from his last voyage, stayed on the shore and began to earn a living by making toy sailboats and ships. Once, during a strong storm, the boat with Manners on board was carried out to the open sea. One Longren was at that time on the shore.

When Manners began to beg him for help, he reminded the innkeeper how once his young wife also asked him for help. As a result, Manners died, and in Kapern people began to avoid the former sailor. Evil and unfair rumors about him were spread by the son of Manners, who became an innkeeper following the example of his father.

Assol grew up as a lonely girl, next to an unsociable father. Other children did not want to play with her, teased and hurt her. Therefore, communication with children was replaced by her dreams and fantasies. She believed in every fairy tale she had ever heard. Once Assol let down in water flow a toy yacht with scarlet sails. The fast water carried away the fragile toy.

The girl ran after the yacht for a long time and could not get it. But she was helped in this by the old tramp Aigle, who told the child about the dream ship. Someday such a ship with scarlet sails will come for her and take her to the land of love and happiness. You just need to really believe in it. Assol began to wait for her yacht, although people often laughed at her and considered her eccentric and crazy. Just a few good people in Kapern they loved and pitied the girl.

Arthur Gray was born into a wealthy and distinguished family. But nobility and wealth did not make him arrogant and swaggering, he was a kind and warm-hearted person. From a young age, he dreamed of travel and distant lands. Against the will of his parents, he first entered as a simple sailor on the schooner Anselm. After several years of hard work, the young man became the owner and captain of the Secret galliot.

One day, fate brought him to a place not far from Caperna. Having gone fishing with a sailor, the captain saw Assol sleeping in the forest. Delighted by the beauty and tenderness of the girl, he put a ring on her finger. In the city inn, Manners' son was talking loudly about a mad woman waiting for her yacht with scarlet sails. But the old collier interrupted him and replied that little Assol was not crazy at all, but an amazing girl living in the world of her fantasies.

She is a faithful and devoted daughter, a kind and sympathetic person. She sees the world in her own way, in all its beauty. Arthur decided to perform a miracle: he bought scarlet silk and ordered sails to be sewn, hired musicians and sailed to Caperna at sunset. All the inhabitants of the city gathered on the shore to admire the miracle. Assol also came running here. In front of the entire amazed audience, the captain took the girl into his boat and in a few moments they were on board the galliot. The next day, the dream ship was far from this city.

Years of writing: 1916-1922

Genre: extravaganza story

Main characters: Assol is a young dreamer, Assol's father is a sailor Longren, the captain of the ship Arthur Gray.


The action takes place in the fictional small town of Capernet. From the very first lines, we see how the writer shows the image of one of the main characters of Longren, a gloomy, taciturn man who lives in complete solitude with his daughter. This gloomy man is engaged in the manufacture of various models of sailboats, which he then sells. Such work helps him to somehow live. The townspeople do not like him because of an incident that happened many years ago.

Once Longren swam in the sea, and his wife always patiently waited for him from a long voyage. And one day, returning home, he finds out that his wife has died. The woman, having spent all her savings on her treatment due to difficult childbirth, was forced to turn to the innkeeper for help. But Menners, instead of helping the unfortunate petitioner, made her an indecent proposal. Having refused the shameless man, Mary went to the city to sell the last jewel.

Having caught a cold on the road, she falls ill with pneumonia. The poor woman quickly died out, since she had no money at all. Longren had to raise his daughter alone, hatred for the innkeeper burned in his soul. And now a convenient opportunity has turned up to take revenge on him. Once a strong storm arose, and suddenly a huge wave swept over Menners and began to carry him out to sea. But Longren, despite the pleas for help, stood silently and did not even try to pull him out of the water. A few days later, fellow villagers rescued the innkeeper, and before his death, he told about this episode.

After the incident, everyone in the city began to bypass this family. So they lived quietly and unnoticed by everyone. Assol was considered a crazy girl, because in childhood one storyteller told her that she would meet her lover in the form of a captain who would appear in front of her on a ship with scarlet sails. Everyone laughed at her, but the prophecy came true. And one day a handsome young man named Gray comes to their city. Despite the evil slander against the girl and her father, he falls in love with her and decides to make Assol's dream come true.

With his work, the author wanted to convey to us that boundless love and faith in good people who lived in the heart of Assol. Green, on the image of a sweet girl, showed faith in the realization of an unfulfilled dream. After all, when you believe very strongly, then all your desires will surely come true.

Chapter 1

Reading the first pages of the story, we get acquainted with the sailor Longren, where we learn sad moments from the story of life. For a long time, sailing the seas, the man did not suspect how hard it was for his wife. Barely recovering from childbirth, she falls ill. No one can help the unfortunate woman, and Mary goes to the innkeeper. But Menners, taking advantage of her position, invites her to join him in intimate relationship. But the decent woman refuses. She has to go to the city to sell her precious ring. On the way, having caught a cold, she catches a cold and catches pneumonia. Without medicine, in need, Longren's wife dies, leaving him to raise a little daughter.

Since then, he began to think every day about how to take revenge on the innkeeper. And then, once, a storm took the boat along with Menners to the open sea. The embittered sailor did not help him, despite requests for help. Six days later, the boat with the dying innkeeper is pulled ashore and the inhabitants learn about Longren's indifference. Then the fellow villagers stopped communicating with Assol and her father.

On one of the beautiful days, the girl launched toy boats along the stream, and saw a storyteller who predicted her future meeting with a beautiful young man who sailed on a yacht with scarlet sails. Having overheard the conversation, the tramp told the townspeople of Kapern about it. And the girl began to be considered simply crazy, naively believing in fairy tales.

Chapter 2

Following further events, we get to know another hero of the story - Gray. Smart, no weather, boy who grew up in rich family, since childhood wanted to become a captain. A merry fellow by nature and just a very kind child was brought up without much participation of his parents. After all, his mother and father, being aristocrats, devoted their entire lives to collecting portraits of their ancestors. They raised their son the same way. Arthur learned life from the conversations of servants and literature. At the age of twelve, he was shocked by the picture, which depicted a ship proudly raising on the crest sea ​​waves. And the boy realized that he would devote his future life to the sea. Passion for distant countries fascinated him so much that at the age of 15 he ran away from home. The persistent young man had to endure many trials before he became a captain. At that time, his father was no longer alive, his mother, who was very old, who did not expect Gray to go on long voyages, was proud of him.

Chapter 3

Then we find ourselves off the coast of Caperna, where the ship stopped to unload the goods. An agonizing wait forces the young man to go fishing with one of the sailors. In the early morning, Gray discovers a sleeping girl who stunned him with her beauty. Some incomprehensible feeling took possession of the young captain, and he decides to leave her a beautiful ring.

The desire to find out about her does not leave the young man, and he, together with Letik, goes to Kapern, where he finds the tavern of the deceased Menners. According to the description, his son begins to tell Gray all sorts of stories about the girl. He also poured a lot of dirt on the late Longren. And perhaps he would have believed this gossip, if not the pure and bright look of the girl, which so touched Gray's heart. And then Arthur decided to find out the whole truth about this beauty.

Chapter 4

The narrative of the next chapter introduces the events that happened to Assol before meeting her future lover. It says that toy boats are no longer sold, as other interesting things have appeared, and Longren has to go on a long voyage again. But he was afraid to leave his daughter alone, because with her beauty she could captivate anyone. Any dress looked like a princess on her. The girl's father forbade her to work, but she, trying to help, was engaged in sewing. Walking through the forest, admiring nature, she unexpectedly lay down on the grass and fell asleep. Having discovered a little later a ring on her hand, Assol did not say anything about the unusual find.

Chapter 5

Wishing to fulfill the girl's beautiful dream, the young captain goes to the city and buys two thousand meters of red silk. He returns to his ship and decides to sew scarlet sails from the purchased fabric. On the way, he meets a wandering musician and invites him to go to his ship with his orchestra.

Chapter 6

The girl, returning home from a walk, meets an old coal miner and his two comrades along the way. Radiant and inspired, she tells everyone that she will soon set off on a long journey. But, considering Assol a little strange, they simply did not pay attention to her phrase.

Chapter 7

And in the final lines of the story, we see how the ship, led by Captain Arthur Gray, rushes to Kapern on all its red sails. The young man eagerly wants to see the girl as soon as possible and open his feelings to her. When the ship approached the shore, Assol was carried away by reading. All the inhabitants, seeing such beauty, were amazed. Assol, running along with everyone, was looking forward to the approach of the yacht.

A handsome young man, sailing up on a boat, asked her if the girl remembered Gray. And having received an affirmative answer, the young man's heart burned with even greater love for this beauty. Music played around. In honor of such an event, the sailors drank wine. And only the old sailor played his instrument and indulged in thoughts about happiness.

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  • On which he served for ten years and to whom he was attached more strongly than any other son to his own mother, he had to finally leave this service.

    It happened like this. On one of his rare returns home, he did not see, as always from afar, on the threshold of the house his wife Mary, clasping her hands, and then running towards him until she lost her breath. Instead, by the crib, a new item in Longren's small house, stood an excited neighbor.

    “I followed her for three months, old man,” she said, “look at your daughter.

    Dead, Longren leaned over and saw an eight-month-old creature staring intently at his long beard, then sat down, looked down and began to twist his mustache. The mustache was wet, as from rain.

    When did Mary die? - he asked.

    The woman told a sad story, interrupting the story with a touching gurgle to the girl and assurances that Mary was in paradise. When Longren found out the details, paradise seemed to him a little brighter than a woodshed, and he thought that the fire of a simple lamp - if now they were all together, the three of them - would be an irreplaceable joy for a woman who had gone to an unknown country.

    About three months ago, the economic affairs of the young mother were very bad. Of the money left by Longren, a good half was spent on treatment after a difficult birth, on caring for the health of the newborn; finally, the loss of a small but necessary amount of money forced Mary to ask Menners for a loan of money. Menners kept a tavern, a shop and was considered a wealthy man.

    Mary went to him at six o'clock in the evening. About seven the narrator met her on the road to Liss. Tearful and upset, Mary said she was going into town to pawn her wedding ring. She added that Menners agreed to give money, but demanded love in return. Mary got nowhere.

    “We don’t even have a crumb of food in our house,” she told a neighbor. “I’ll go to the city, and the girl and I will make ends meet somehow until the husband returns.”

    It was cold, windy weather that evening; the narrator tried in vain to persuade the young woman not to go to Liss by nightfall. "You'll get wet, Mary, it's drizzling, and the wind is about to bring downpour."

    Back and forth from the seaside village to the city was at least three hours of fast walking, but Mary did not heed the advice of the narrator. “It’s enough for me to prick your eyes,” she said, “and there is almost no family where I would not borrow bread, tea or flour. I'll pawn the ring and it's over." She went, returned, and the next day she took to her bed with a fever and delirium; bad weather and evening drizzle struck her with bilateral pneumonia, as the city doctor said, called by a kind-hearted narrator. A week later, an empty space remained on Longren's double bed, and a neighbor moved into his house to nurse and feed the girl. It was not difficult for her, a lonely widow.

    “Besides,” she added, “it’s boring without such a fool.

    Longren went to the city, took the calculation, said goodbye to his comrades and began to raise little Assol. Until the girl learned to walk firmly, the widow lived with the sailor, replacing the orphan's mother, but as soon as Assol stopped falling, bringing her leg over the threshold, Longren decisively announced that now he would do everything for the girl himself, and, thanking the widow for her active sympathy, lived the lonely life of a widower, focusing all his thoughts, hopes, love and memories on a small creature.

    Ten years of wandering life left very little money in his hands. He began to work. Soon his toys appeared in city stores - skillfully made small models of boats, cutters, single-deck and double-deck sailboats, cruisers, steamers - in a word, what he knew intimately, which, due to the nature of the work, partly replaced for him the roar of port life and painting voyages. In this way, Longren produced enough to live within the limits of moderate economy. Uncommunicative by nature, after the death of his wife he became even more withdrawn and unsociable. On holidays, he was sometimes seen in a tavern, but he never sat down, but hurriedly drank a glass of vodka at the counter and left, briefly throwing around: “yes”, “no”, “hello”, “goodbye”, “little by little” - on all the appeals and nods of the neighbors. He could not stand the guests, quietly sending them away not by force, but by such hints and fictitious circumstances that the visitor had no choice but to invent a reason for not allowing him to stay longer.

    He himself did not visit anyone either; thus a cold alienation lay between him and his countrymen, and had Longren's work - toys - been less independent of the affairs of the village, he would have had to experience the consequences of such relations more tangibly. He bought goods and food in the city - Menners could not even boast of a box of matches that Longren bought from him. He also did all the housework himself and patiently went through the complex art of raising a girl, unusual for a man.

    Assol was already five years old, and her father began to smile softer and softer, looking at her nervous, kind face, when, sitting on his knees, she worked on the secret of a buttoned waistcoat or hummed amusingly sailor songs - wild rhymes. In the transmission in a child's voice and not everywhere with the letter "r" these songs gave the impression of a dancing bear, decorated with a blue ribbon. At this time, an event occurred, the shadow of which, falling on the father, covered the daughter as well.

    It was spring, early and harsh, like winter, but in a different way. For three weeks he fell to cold ground sharp coastal north.

    Fishing boats pulled ashore formed a long row of dark keels on the white sand, resembling the ridges of huge fish. No one dared to fish in such weather. In the village's only street, it was rare to see a man leave his house; a cold whirlwind rushing from the coastal hills into the emptiness of the horizon made the open air a severe torture. All the chimneys of Caperna smoked from morning to evening, blowing smoke over the steep roofs.

    But these days of the north lured Longren out of his small warm house more often than the sun, throwing blankets of airy gold over the sea and Kaperna in clear weather. Longren went out to the bridge, laid on long rows of piles, where, at the very end of this wooden pier, he smoked a pipe blown by the wind for a long time, watching how the bottom, bare by the coast, smoked with gray foam, barely keeping up with the ramparts, the roaring run of which to the black, stormy horizon filled space with herds of fantastic maned creatures, rushing in unbridled ferocious despair to distant consolation. Moans and noises, the howling firing of huge surges of water and, it seemed, a visible stream of wind slashing the surroundings - so strong was its even run - gave Longren's tormented soul that dullness, deafness, which, reducing grief to vague sadness, is equal to the effect of deep sleep .

    On one of these days, the twelve-year-old son of Menners, Khin, noticing that his father's boat was beating against the piles under the walkways, breaking the sides, went and told his father about it. The storm has just begun; Menners forgot to put the boat on the sand. He immediately went to the water, where he saw at the end of the pier, standing with his back to him, smoking, Longren. There was no one else on the beach except for the two of them. Menners walked along the bridge to the middle, went down into the wildly splashing water and untied the sheet; standing in the boat, he began to make his way to the shore, clutching the piles with his hands. He did not take the oars, and at that moment, when, staggering, he missed grabbing another pile, a strong blow of the wind threw the bow of the boat from the bridge towards the ocean. Now, even the entire length of Menners' body could not reach the nearest pile. The wind and waves, rocking, carried the boat into the disastrous expanse. Realizing the situation, Menners wanted to throw himself into the water in order to swim to the shore, but his decision was too late, since the boat was already spinning not far from the end of the pier, where a significant depth of water and the fury of the waves promised certain death. Between Longren and Menners, carried away into the stormy distance, there was no more than ten sazhens of still saving distance, since on the walkways at hand Longren hung a bundle of rope with a load woven into one end. This rope hung in case of a berth in stormy weather and was thrown from the bridges.

    About the story. Among the numerous literary texts, those that fascinate with the plot remain in the memory. They will be there for the rest of their lives. Their ideas, heroes flow into reality, become part of it. One of these books is "Scarlet Sails" by A. Green.

    1 chapter. Prediction

    The man made toys to somehow earn a living. When the child was 5 years old, a smile began to appear on the sailor's face. Longren loved to wander along the coast, peering into the raging sea. On one of these days, a storm began, Menners' boat was not pulled ashore. The merchant decided to bring the boat, but a strong wind carried him into the ocean. Longren silently smoked and watched what was happening, there was a rope under his hands, it was possible to help, but the sailor watched how the waves carried away the hated person. He called his act a black toy.

    The shopkeeper was brought in 6 days later. Residents expected remorse and screams from Longren, but the man remained calm, he placed himself above gossipers and screamers. The sailor stepped aside, began to lead a life of aloofness and isolation. Attitude towards him passed on to his daughter. She grew up without girlfriends, hanging out with her father and imaginary friends. The girl climbed onto her father's lap and played with parts of the toys prepared for gluing. Longren taught the girl to read and write, let her go to the city.

    One day the girl stopped to rest and decided to play with toys for sale. She pulled out a yacht with scarlet sails. Assol released the boat into the stream, and it rushed quickly, like a real sailboat. The girl ran after the scarlet sails, deepening far into the forest.

    Asol met a stranger in the forest. It was the collector of songs and fairy tales Egl. Its unusual appearance looked like a wizard. He spoke to the girl, told her the amazing story of her fate. He predicted that when Assol becomes big, a ship with scarlet sails and a handsome prince will come for her. He will take her away to a brilliant land of happiness and love.

    Assol returned home inspired and retold the story to her father. Longren did not refute Aigl's predictions. He hoped that the girl would grow up and forget. The beggar heard the story, he passed it on in the tavern in his own way. The inhabitants of the tavern began to mock the girl, tease her with sails and an overseas prince.
