Birds are our friends presentation. Presentation on the theme "birds are our friends"

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Of course, wintering birds can find their own food, but it will be better if you help them and make feeders for them. The main thing is that there is always food in it, and not covered with snow.

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BIRDS migratory sedentary nomadic The main reasons why birds fly south in winter are lack of food and cold. But there are birds that do not care about the cold. All year round they find suitable conditions for existence in their homeland and do not fly. Some birds, during a favorable winter, remain in their homeland, and in severe winters they wander from place to place.

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Fritillaries are typically forest birds and are secretive, spending most of their time on the ground. Usually they hear the approach of a person from afar and either leave on foot or hide in trees or on the ground, suddenly flying in front of the observer. sedentary

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White wagtail. Habitat: Found everywhere, loves the proximity of water bodies. Food: insects. Habits: feeds both on the ground and in the air, winters in the Mediterranean, in Leningrad region arrives in the second half of April. migratory

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Black-headed gull or common. Habitat: lakes, ponds, large swamps. Food: small fish, insects, rodents. Habits: very often found near human habitation, this is due to the ease of obtaining food. They winter on the Black, Caspian, mediterranean seas, some individuals do not fly away for the winter, but remain near human habitation, where there are non-freezing reservoirs and there is something to feed on. Early arrival in the Leningrad region: at the end of March, beginning of April. migratory

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Finch. Habitat: forests, parks, gardens. Food: plant food, insects. Habits: loves to feed, on the ground. For the winter, they fly from the Leningrad region to Central Europe and to the south. They arrive in the Leningrad region in the first half of April. migratory

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Jay Habitat: Deciduous and mixed forests. Food: Insects, berries, nuts, small rodents. Habits: The bird is called very smart, it does not sit in one place for a long time, and constantly gives itself away with its voice. nomadic

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Common nuthatch Habitat: forests, parks, gardens. Likes to nest in hollows. Food: insects, seeds, nuts, acorns. It stores food for the winter, hiding them in the bark of trees and hollows. Habits: In winter, it can often be found in a flock with tits. In search of food, it crawls up and down the trees both up and down. The daring driver's whistle of a nuthatch in the spring makes one think that an unprecedented bird has appeared in the forest, well, no less than a dove - its invocative voice sounds so powerful and so far away.

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Magpie Habitat: loves open areas with isolated groups of trees. Food: small animals, eggs and chicks of other birds, fruits of trees, insects, carrion. Habits: a very mobile and noisy bird, gives itself out with a characteristic voice (chirring). Often steals food from pets. sedentary

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A city dweller most often sees tits - large and blue tit, sparrows, bullfinches, pigeons, crows. If you look closely, you can see fieldfare thrushes and nomadic tap dances

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The pika looks like a small mouse, only without a tail: it moves just as quickly and just as silently up the tree trunk. Waxwingers are such gluttons! If you see that the sidewalk is spat with red rowan spots - that's them. By January, waxwings move south, to where the berries have not yet been eaten, and by March, nomadic ones move north again.

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And yet, our most beautiful winter bird is the bullfinch. They can be found wherever there is mountain ash, and when the mountain ash ends (it is eaten by fieldfares and waxwings), bullfinches fly to maples and ash trees. nomadic

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riddles You will find her in your yard, she is to the delight of the children. Don't you dare insult her! This bird Kar-kar-kar! - shouts the cheat. Well, a clever thief! All shiny little things This bird loves very much! And she is familiar to all of you, What is her name? ... Carries mail just in time - gray-winged Where are you from, where are you from Did you fly to us, red-breasted? - I flew all over Siberia. - What is your name? All migratory birds are blacker, Cleans the arable land from worms. Jump back and forth across the arable land. And the bird is called

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Goal of the work:

talk about the difficulties of birds in winter period time, about how to help, take care of the birds.

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How do birds winter?

It is known that birds

no bathrobes,

no flannel shirts.

Many don't even have a nest:

they are in a thunderstorm and hail, and under

rain, and in the cold on the branches

sleeping sitting.

But who will give them shelter when the snow is swept away?

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There are different types of birds

some are afraid of blizzards

and fly away for the winter

to the kind, warm south.

  • Martin
  • Nightingale
  • slide 5

    Others are a different people: in the frost they circle over the forest, for them separation from their homeland is more terrible than a fierce cold.

    Snowflakes do not stick to their disheveled feathers, they frolic under the powders to warm up.

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    Crows sit on poles

    Roaring on the branches of jackdaws,

    Sparrows freely jump,

    As if twisting ropes.

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    But if it snows for a long time, and the blizzard lasts for a long time, then, friends, our pichugs have a hard time.

    covered with snowdrifts

    Hillocks, yards, paths,

    Birds can't find

    Not a grain, not a crumb.

    And now they fly weaker

    Crow, jackdaw, sparrow.

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    Get help, KIDS!

    Here in this most difficult hour

    Rescue birds are waiting for you

    Feed them, keep them warm.

    Hang a house on a bitch!

    Scatter the crumbs on the snow

    And then semolina ...

    And the poor things will come to life!

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    Gliding merrily across the sky

    Feathered friends will take off.

    And sing, chirping,


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    Pupils of elementary grades MOU Rudnyanskaya secondary school named after. A.S. Pushkin took part in the action "Let's help the wintering birds." Before the start of the action, our teacher Sablina A.V. she spoke about the wintering birds of the Volgograd region, about the rules for feeding birds and about the rules for bird watching.

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    At the technology lessons, we made feeders, Dima Litvinov made the most beautiful feeder -

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    Observations and feeding of birds were carried out in the r.p. Rudnya. We hung a few feeders near the school, and the rest of the feeders at home. Birdwatching took place in January, and birds are fed throughout the winter.

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    From birdwatching, it was revealed that sparrows, titmouse, crows, pigeons and magpies were mostly seen near the school. But near the house on the feeders, the children noticed bullfinches, they also saw woodpeckers. From the stories of children watching the birds, it was revealed that the birds arrive at the feeders at almost the same time and each species of birds tries to arrive at different times.

    They fed the birds with bread crumbs, seeds, hung lard for titmouse, but mostly the birds preferred to peck at cereals: millet, millet.

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    In addition to the fact that the guys fed the birds, exhibitions of drawings were organized among

    class students on the topic "Our friends are birds!".

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    Nature needs birds, they are part of it; (No. 1)

    • birds help people fight harmful insects; (No. 2)
    • birds help to get a big harvest; (No. 3)
    • birds make life more beautiful: they sing wonderfully, have beautiful bright plumage. (No. 4)

    We conducted a survey among students primary school with one question

    Why do we need birds?

    And here's what we got.

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    Signs related to the behavior of birds

    • The first swallow does not make spring, but still, the early swallows - for a happy year.
    • April 9th. Lapwings fly to Matryona: “The h ibis brought water on its tail.”
    • If the rooks fly directly to the nest, the spring will be warm.
    • In the spring, the rook flew in - in a month the snow will come down.
    • Early arrival of cranes - early spring.
    • Forest birds build their nests on the south side of the tree - the summer will be cold.
  • Slide 17

    Bird Quiz

    Which birds come to us first?

    • Rooks

    Which birds hatch chicks twice a summer?

    • Tits, pigeons

    Which of our birds flies the fastest?

    • swift

    Do our migratory birds nest in the south?

    Which bird walks most of the way from the south?

    • Landrail
  • Slide 18

    From morning to late evening

    Having mastered the glades of pages,

    Manages the book trustingly

    Razdolny music of birds.

    Maybe from now on

    Another time will come

    And it will become for the bird tribe

    More cute kids?!

    The birds will delight again

    Ruladami heart and ear,

    And make better friends with the young naturalists

    River, and grove, and meadow.

    From the sky to the underwater world

    Let's, like the Motherland's speech,

    Mind and soul noble

    Protect the health of the planet!

    One Diversity

    We will value for a reason

    Loving both Europe and Asia,

    And our hometowns!

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    The work was done by students of the 3rd "c" class: Dima Kamnev and Dima Litvinov.

    Head: Sablina Alena Vladimirovna

    View all slides

    • "Birds are our friends"
    Theme "Birds are our friends"
    • Purpose: To study the life and behavior of birds in winter
    • Tasks:
    • Expand your understanding of the life of birds in our region.
    • Conduct observations on the behavior and nutrition of wintering birds.
    • Encourage children to create bird feeders.
    • Develop your imagination by creating amazing bird feeders.
    • Age of children - 5-6 years
    • Type of the project - introductory and indicative
    • Project duration-1 week
    Stage 1 - Choosing a topic
    • What do we know?
    • What do we want to know?
    • Where can we find out?
    • They fly.
    • Birds make nests.
    • They are wintering and migratory.
    • Peck grains, bread, lard.
    • There are small ones and big ones.
    • They are useful for the forest.
    • They chirp.
    • They are afraid of people and machines.
    • Why do birds fly?
    • Where do birds live?
    • How to build a house for birds?
    • Why do birds sing?
    • Why are all birds different?
    • Bird watching on a walk.
    • Ask the teacher.
    • Documentary film about birds.
    • Books, encyclopedias.
    • Newspapers, magazines "Young naturalist"
    • Information for parents:
    • Three questions method
    • Search for information on the Internet.
    • Where do birds live?
    • Why do birds fly?
    • How to build a house for birds "scheme"
    • How can you help birds in winter?
    • Why are all birds different?
    • Why do birds sing?
    • "birds are our friends"
    Stage 2 - Collection of information
    • The teacher's story about the benefits of birds.
    • Expand children's understanding of birds (the benefits of birds in nature).
    • Reviewing books, magazines.
    • Examination of pictures depicting birds: swallows, starlings, sparrows, magpies, crows, cuckoos, bullfinches, Siberian Crane, doves.
    • Watching the BBC movie "Birds".
    • Listening to the audio cassette "Voices of Birds".
    • Examination of cards "Rules of behavior in nature."
    Stage 3 - Selection and implementation of the project
    • "Birds are our friends"
    • How to build a house for birds
    • Why do birds sing?
    • Why do birds fly?
    • Where do birds live?
    • Why are all birds different?
    • How to help birds in winter?
    Why do birds fly
    • When the wing moves down, all the carrier feathers are turned with the plane down and do not allow air to pass through them. In this case, the bird seems to be repelled from the air - and taking off, it gains height. But, among other things, the flying body should be as light, compact, and strong as possible. Therefore, large bird bones are hollow inside. Many birds with bones have air cavities. The head, tail, wings and legs of the bird are also unusually light. Birds have neither teeth nor jaws, which are full of bones and muscles. Instead, they have a hollow beak. So, as you can see, everything that a bird has is created for only one purpose - to fly!
    • Why do birds need to fly? (find food, escape from enemies, build nests, fly to warmer climes)
    Why do the birds sing
    • The vocal organs of birds are slightly different from ours. The reason that different breeds of birds sing differently from others lies precisely in the shape of the lower larynx, in the number of muscles that set the membrane in motion. Birds make other sounds besides singing. They exchange cries, signals, disturbing sounds, while understanding each other. If a snake appears near the nest, the bird resorts to an alarm signal. At this signal, flocks of birds flock to her for help. Birds use various signals and sounds all year round, and they sing only during the nesting period. Bird singing differs in pitch, rhythm, quality. The thrushes are recognized as the leaders in the creation of "real" songs.
    • Birdsong is one of the most beautiful sounds in nature. Sometimes, getting outside the city, we hear birds singing, and it may seem to us that they are talking to each other.
    Why are all birds different?
    • There are many, many birds on earth. There are large birds, almost two meters tall (ostrich), there are very tiny ones, no larger than butterflies or dragonflies (hummingbirds). There are birds that fly above the clouds (eagle, falcon, hawk), and there are those that do not fly at all (penguins). Some live in the forest, others in the city, others in the steppe, and others on the seashore.
    • How different they are! What does it depend on? It depends on the living conditions. One of the conditions of life is the extraction of food. Can birds be divided into groups according to the way they get food?
    • Birds that eat plants and their fruits are called HERBIVOROUS.
    • Birds that eat insects are called INSECTIVORUS.
    • Birds with large, powerful beaks are called PREDATORY.
    • Birds that consume everything are called OMNIVORS.
    • The appearance of birds, habits directly depends on the habitat and conditions of existence.
    Where do birds live
    • Birds live where they have enough food and nesting space. In a garden with tall trees and lush grass, overgrown with shrubs, there are many convenient places for nests and enough variety of insects, seeds and fruits. Young growth will appear here in the spring. If lawns are often mowed in the garden, shrubs and trees are pruned, fallen leaves are burned, weeds are destroyed, and plants are sprayed with pesticides in the fight against insect pests, then the living conditions of birds worsen so much that they are unlikely to stay here.
    • Typical inhabitants of the forests are woodpeckers, tits, blackbirds, warblers and crossbills, while blackbirds, great tits and finches also inhabit our parks and gardens.
    • Many forest birds now settle in both cities and villages where there are trees, shrubs and hedges.
    How to help birds in winter
    • It's no secret that many birds can't survive several cold days without food, so we simply have to help them in winter. When the trees are covered with ice, it becomes extremely difficult for the birds, because under such conditions they cannot eat natural food.
    • Some birds are most fond of seeds of cereals and their plants. Seeing oats or grain in the feeder, goldfinches, sparrows, greenfinches and other grain-loving birds will immediately fly to it. Doves will not refuse grain. Versatile feed and an important source of energy due to a large number vegetable fats are considered to be sunflower seeds. Almost all birds eat it.
    • Bullfinches and waxwings prefer dried hawthorn and mountain ash. Bread and bread crumbs are eaten by all birds, without exception.
    • These foods will help birds survive the cold winter:
    • Special high-calorie seed and nut mixes for wild birds from pet stores
    • Mixes of worms and insects from pet stores (rather expensive option)
    • Sunflower heads, preferably with black seeds (they have a higher fat content)
    • Fresh fruit or fruit cuts
    • Pork fat or lard
    • Boiled, fried or baked potatoes, especially with fat
    • Dough or baked goods (bread, muffins, muffins, cookies), especially those high in fat
    • Leftover boiled rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, beans, lentils and other high-carb side dishes
    How to build a house for birds Stage 4 Our feeders
    • Dear starling, come at last! I built a house for you - Not a birdhouse, but a palace!
    • Here is the last snow in the field is melting.
    • Warm steam rises from the earth
    • And the blue jar is blooming,
    • And the cranes call each other.
    • We built a birdhouse
    • We built a birdhouse
    • For a cheerful starling,
    • We hung a birdhouse
    • Right next to the porch.
    • The whole family of four
    • Lives in the house
    • Mother, father and starlings -
    • Little black feathers.
    • Mother feeds the squirrels.
    • All day long the chicks cry:
    • We want a supplement
    • A fly and a goat.
    • E. Tarakhovskaya
    • The singers are back
    • The singers are back
    • Our old tenants.
    • From invisible rays
    • A stream ran down from the mountain
    • And a small snowdrop
    • Grew up on a thaw
    • Starlings return -
    • Our old tenants.
    • Sparrows at the puddle
    • They circle in a noisy flock.
    • Both the robin and the thrush
    • Engaged in nesting.
    • Wear, wear in houses
    • Birds at straws.
    • G. Ladonshchikov
    • Bird day.
    • In spring, the birds return home. Everyone is preparing for the meeting of dear guests. Since 1928, a spring holiday has been held annually in Russia - the Day of Birds. This beautiful and kind holiday brings many benefits. Artificial nests are prepared and hung for birds, drinkers and feeders are made.
    • Scientists claim that the annual Bird Day has significantly increased the number of starlings in our country. They reappeared where they had not been for a long time. The same information comes from other parts of the country.
    • Did you know?
    • You can’t make birdhouses out of plywood: it’s cold and restless in them.
    • Starlings fly to the nest 198 times a day! The working day of the starling lasts 17 hours.
    • A bright spot above the beak is a sign of an adult rook, a young one does not have it.
    • At the side of the road A long-legged stork walks. The best of fathers, Looking for food for the chicks.
    • Sparrow
    • A sparrow flies past the gray doves. Sparrow is so tiny! Looks a little like me. Nimble little chick, fidget and fighter. And a fervent cry rings out: - Chick-chirp and chirp-chirp!
    • Crow
    • The crow looked into the spring puddle: What kind of beauty is there? I'm no worse!
    • Pigeon
    • The people in the street raised their heads: Doves, doves, white doves! The city is filled with the noise of their wings, The dove reminded people of the world.
    • The black rook is so noisy, Restless, talkative. He will introduce us to the birds in the district at his leisure.
    • Do not hiss, angry goose - I'm already afraid of you! Well, please stop being angry - I want to make friends with you.
    • Woodpecker
    • In a red hat on one side Knocks on the trunk all day My forest friend - Fidget woodpecker.
    • Crane
    • Streams run down the hill - Goodbye, winter! Do you hear someone calling in the distance? The cranes are back!
    • Turkey
    • The inflated turkey is familiar to everyone, But they are hardly friends with him. Do not be proud that they do not call you a turkey!
    • Cuckoo
    • Here is another girlfriend, And her name is cuckoo. He sits modestly on a bough And shouts: - Ku-ku, ku-ku!
    • Swan
    • It has been so since ancient times: These birds are a symbol of fidelity. Looking at their reflection, Here they glide across the water surface, Delighting all people, Two white swans.
    • There are two mighty wings. The king of all birds is an eagle. I don't want to argue with him - He can handle mountains!
    • Parrot
    • Always ready to repeat This bird word for word. Do not reproach the bird for this, Talkative parrot.
    • A terrible voice in the swamp: These are owls on the hunt. Only heard: - Uh-uh-uh! It's breathtaking!
    • I'm going to the water now. Who is swimming in the pond? By the bushes, where the forget-me-nots, Duck fish guard. Nearby is a brood of ducklings, All the ducklings want to eat. Telling them about something, the Ducks quack: - Quack-quack!
    • Owl
    • Owl hooted in silence - I was very scared! At night you need to sleep soundly, And not walk through the forest!
    • Heron
    • The heron walks through the swamp, As if looking for someone there. Oh, I'm afraid that this heron Frog wants to grab.
    • Chick
    • The shell in the nest crunches. A curious eye shines: From an egg, as from diapers, A chicken is selected. He stretched, brushed himself off, quietly squeaked, looked around: - Well, perhaps I'll go And find my parents!

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    Slides captions:

    “Our friends are birds” Spring has come. There is a strict order in nature. Everything in it is tightly connected: Plants, insects, fish, birds, and animals live according to strict laws. Today we will talk about the life of our “smaller brothers” - about birds.

    Blacker than all migratory birds, Cleans the arable land from worms, Jumps all day long on the arable land, And the bird is called .... - That's right, I want to tell you about this important black bird with a white nose. Rooks come to us the very first, with the first spring wind. And straight to their nests. Rooks build nests from dry branches high on trees. Few of the old nests have survived: since autumn, many of them were blown away by the wind, but the old capital buildings did not succumb to it. There are sometimes fifteen or twenty nests on one tree.

    Starlings follow the rooks. The starling has a short neck and tail, long wings, thick and strong legs, four-fingered, with curved claws; the beak is sharp and long; the color of the feathers is black, shiny. Starlings arrive first, and after them, after a few days, female starlings. By their arrival, males look for a birdhouse, often evicting sparrows from their houses. Having settled down, the starling sings loudly with enthusiasm, waiting for her girlfriend.

    When the spring forest solemnly welcomes the spring, The gray sorceress in the forest Diligently tells us the years. Noisy foliage. The light shines. Ku-ku! And how many years in a century, Well, who will be the first to give an answer? That's right, it's a cuckoo. This bird is known by its singing, but few have seen it, as it settles in the thicket of the forest. Here she is! It is smaller than a dove. The head, back and top of the goiter are ash-gray. The tail and wings are brown, with transverse light stripes. The tail is long (up to 18 cm). The cuckoo does not build a nest, but lays eggs in the nests of other birds. The shape and color of cuckoo eggs are different, they are similar to the eggs of those birds in whose nests they will be laid. Birds, seeing a cuckoo near their nest, begin to scream. Birds react differently to a planted egg - some throw it away, others leave the entire clutch. Often birds do not notice someone else's egg. The cuckoo is the first to hatch in the nest. He is very restless for the first three or four days. Everything that touches his bare back, he pushes out of the nest. And these are other chicks, eggs.

    Front - awl, Behind - wiltz. Black cloth on top, white towel on the bottom. The swallow is easy to recognize. There are three types of them: rural, urban, coastal. Our urban swallow has a blue-black upper body, the entire underside of the body is white. Tail with a shallow notch in the middle: City swallows settle in the valleys of mountain rivers, in rocky caves and rocks. But most of them have adapted to life in the city. They build their nests on walls, cornices, under balconies and roofs. The village swallow is no different from the city swallow, but larger in size. The coast swallow has a brown back, an off-white belly, with a wide gray stripe on the craw and chest. They nest along the steep banks of water bodies. Shore swallows make minks from 50 to 150 centimeters. There is a nest at the end of the burrow.

    Standing on one leg, staring into the water. Pokes his beak at random - Looking for frogs in the river A drop hung on his nose. You recognize. This... .

    A bird chirps in the forest at night. She is afraid to call herself Ku-ku ... ku-ku the edge does not sleep And call this bird ...

    In the forest, to the chirping, ringing and whistling, The forest telegraph operator knocks: “Hey, thrush-buddy!” And signs...

    He catches every rustle sensitively, And when he screams, it becomes terribly Sleepy grass shudders. It sighs…

    It crackled in the morning: Por-r-ra! Por-r-ra! What's the time? Such a trouble for everyone, When it crackles ...

    A little boy In a gray Armenian coat Sneaks through the yards, Collects crumbs. He spends the night in the fields, he steals hemp.

    Coloring - grayish, Habit - thievish, Screaming hoarse - Famous person This bird ...

    Finally our best singer came to us. Day and night He sings.

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    Text content of presentation slides:
    In the past, when bird flights were not yet studied, there were many the most incredible inventions. For example, in the 18th century, one naturalist claimed that birds fly ... to the moon. They get there in like 60 days and go into hibernation because they don't find food. Other scientists recognized that birds fly to distant lands. But they believed that not everyone can fly on their own, but only big and strong ones. The little ones and the weak travel on the backs of the big ones. But swallows do not seem to fly anywhere at all - they hibernate under water, buried in silt. Now it is known: no matter how far, no matter how difficult the bird's path, they all fly independently. They can rely only on their own wings, although they sometimes travel thousands of kilometers. Where do the birds fly? Scientists have found that our little birds - swallows, swifts, common redstart, pied flycatcher and others - fly away not just anywhere, but to tropical Africa! Where do migratory birds winter? Scientists learned about this by putting rings on the paws of birds. Think about how these rings could help scientists? Each ring has its own number and address where the bird was ringed; when someone in other countries met a ringed bird, he reported it. So scientists managed to find out where the birds hibernate. OUR FRIENDS Black vest, red beret, Nose - like an ax, tail - like an emphasis. It flies all night - it gets mice. And it becomes light - it flies into a hollow to sleep. A greenish back, A yellowish tummy, A black hat And a strip of a scarf. A mischievous boy in a gray Armenian coat darting around the yard, collecting crumbs. In the blue sky there is a voice, Like a tiny call. Guess what kind of bird - Dark little one. White from the stomach, Tail parted into two tails. The brothers got up on stilts, Looking for food along the way. On the run, on the go, they can’t get off the stilts. He flies every year to where the birdhouse awaits. "Believe - do not believe." COMPETITION "LIVE SYNONYMS". POWERFUL, HOW… WISE, HOW… WISE, HOW… LOYALTY… LEGS, HOW… PUNCH (SPEAK THE SAME) LIKE… A BIRDS QUIZ. 1. What bird flies the highest? 2. What is the smallest bird in our country? 3. In what country do white cranes build nests and hatch chicks? Which bird breeds its chicks in the rain?5. Who wrote fairy tales: "Nightingale", "Wild Swans"?6. Which bird has the most long tongue ?7. What bird of our forests has a very long tail? Where do titmouse nest? GALCHONOKPARROATSINGINGALINGGOSECOCKROCKCROWSWAVELSPAR SWAN DUBBIN LEARN FROM THE DESCRIPTION. LEARN FROM THE DESCRIPTION Its back is brown with wide longitudinal black stripes. The tail is dark brown, the wings are also dark brown, decorated with a reddish border, the chin and throat are black, but the head is gray. The male's back is bluish-gray, the undertail is dazzling white, the tail and wings are black with metallic reflections, and the breast is bright red, while the breast of the female is dark gray. Its plumage is bright and beautiful - it seems. That the bird was dressed in a yellow blouse with a black tie and a green cape. And she adorned her head with a dark hat. This is a large bird. Inhabitant of fields and gardens. But very often it can be found in gardens. Her head, beak, throat, wings, tail and paws are black, and everything else is gray. Musical competition jackdaw swallow owl crane lark starling tit tit sparrow woodpecker COMPETITION "WHO KNOWS PROVERBS ASSOCIATED WITH BIRDS"? 1. That bird is bad, which ... Dirty its nest 2. The word is not a sparrow ... You will fly out, you won’t catch 3. Better a titmouse in your hands than ... A crane in the sky 4. A goose to a pig ... Not a comrade 5. Every bird loves its own ... Nest loves 6. An old sparrow on the chaff... You won't miss WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT BIRDS? And this is a finch. Its color is bright and elegant. The back is brownish, the breast is reddish, the head is gray-blue, the wings are black with white stripes, the beak is blue in spring and summer, and red in winter. It is still chilly in the forest, and the bird sings its song loudly. The chaffinch builds a nest from twigs, blades of grass, inside it is lined with fluff and feathers, outside it is entangled with hairs and pieces of bark. It turns out a ball with an open top, disguised among the branches of a tree. A huge number of insect pests destroy the finch over the summer! Sometimes at the height of summer a chaffinch sits down, fluffs up, as if chilled. Strange ... But it turns out that the cloud is approaching. The finch guesses when it will rain. But why the bird was called a finch is not clear. Maybe because he arrives one of the first, when the street is still slush and frosts are not uncommon. Maybe that's why they gave this bird the name finch, because it flies in a chilly time. Owls are very interesting birds. There are many legends, beliefs and fairy tales about them. Because of their unusual appearance, terrible voice, silent flight and nocturnal lifestyle, people were afraid of these birds. An owl is often called a forest or feathered cat. Why? Both animals are nocturnal, see well in the dark and catch mice. The owl is the only bird that has both eyes "on the face" and not on the sides of the head. Turning its head, the owl can see its back, such is its neck. Hearing in owls is fifty times sharper than in humans. Such hearing is necessary for an owl to find running mice under the snow. Scientists have calculated that one owl destroys an average of 1000-1200 mice per year. This means that she saves about a ton of bread, that is, as much as about 10-11 people eat in a year. The nightingale is the famous singer of our forests. This bird is painted modestly. She is brownish-brown-grayish in color with redheads, large dark eyes and long thin legs. The nightingale arrives to us late - in mid-May and begins to sing. The nightingale sings for a month and a half, until he has chicks. Once again you can hear the nightingales in the autumn when they gather in flocks. But these are no longer songs, but bird talk before departure. Nightingales always fly away in the evening, and always arrive in the spring at night. Woodpeckers build nests in hollows that they hollow out themselves. The male and the female take turns hammering. The chicks are also hatched in turn. Hollow woodpeckers hollow out in trees with a rotten middle. Woodpeckers do no harm to healthy trees with such construction. After the woodpecker, other birds use this hollow, since the woodpecker does not settle twice in the same nest. Harsh times for woodpeckers are autumn and winter. Since there are no insects or they are very deeply hidden, woodpeckers switch to plant food. They hustle buds, eat the seeds of other plants that can be found. Large and small spotted woodpeckers are typical "doctors" of our forest. Woodpeckers really heal forests. The beak is a tool with which a woodpecker extracts insects from trunks or from under the bark. But, no matter how long and strong the beak is, they cannot grab an insect. The tongue helps the bird to pull out the insect. It is long, sticky, with sharp and hard notches along the edges of the woodpecker. The woodpecker sticks his tongue into the hole made by his beak, sticks the prey or pricks it on a notch, and then pulls it out. A huge number of bark beetles live in our forests. Already by the name you can understand what they eat. These beetles - worst enemies trees. Sometimes several thousand of them can accumulate on one tree. If the woodpecker does not arrive in time, the tree will die. What bird are people talking about: the beauty of an angel, the voice of the devil, the gait of a villain? Peacock What bird can't fly? Ostrich When is the sparrow's body temperature lower - in winter or summer? The same Which birds do not incubate eggs? Cuckoo What is the name of the bird that eats snakes? Snake Eater A bird with absolutely black plumage? Crow. . What bird exterminates rodents? Owl Which bird can fly tail first? Hummingbird What bird has the longest tongue? The woodpecker has 15 cm. Which bird has three different colors during the year? White partridge Which bird has wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? The penguin has a REMINDER 1. Do not destroy bird nests! 2. DO NOT go close to the nests! 3. DO NOT catch and DO NOT take home healthy chicks.

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