Vasily's inhabited island fell out of the window. Vasily Stepanov, who fell out of the window, confirmed that no one pushed him

Yesterday it became known that the star of “The Inhabited Island,” 31-year-old actor Vasily Stepanov, was taken to the hospital with numerous fractures and bruises after falling from the fifth floor. According to media reports, the actor himself jumped out of the window of his apartment in Moscow.

Still from the film “Inhabited Island”

Ex-lover actor, actress Daria Egorova shared with that she saw him for the last time before the fall, when Vasily broke his spine: “I saw him last a month ago, when he was in the hospital with a broken spine. And he was in a great mood. He didn't even lie down, but sat quietly. With such injuries it is impossible to sit. That's why I don't believe in all this anymore. His mother comes up with this so that they will be noticed again. I'm about to find out if he really jumped out of the window, but I doubt it. If this is true, then he did it out of weakness. If a person commits such a sin, it means he is weak and does not want to fight.”


Vasily’s younger brother Maxim Stepanov spoke about his condition to journalists: “My brother has already been discharged. He was at home, although in a cast, and a local police officer came to see him. Fortunately, there is no re-fracture of the pelvis. He suffered a spinal injury in December, which he healed. The main thing is that Vasya is alive.”

Maxim also added that his brother had no reason to commit suicide: “I cannot find an explanation for what happened. He is strong, a real man. He can handle problems. The fractures will heal before the wedding. When I found out that my brother fell out of the window, I was afraid that he had broken his spine again. Thank God the spine is fine. Everything will go back to normal, Vasya will start career. You’ll see, he’ll get better, everything will be fine.”

Recently, Vasily himself commented on his action: “Nobody pushed me... Now I’m doing well, they put a plaster cast on me and sent me home... It’s a pity that I let people down, missed the deadlines - I’m scheduled to finish filming the film “Taxi Drivers” in May and April, and also filming in Natalia Verevkina’s project, where I was approved for main role... It’s a pity that this accident interrupted the preparation for the roles.”

It turned out that the story did not end there - as reports, after Stepanov was released home from the hospital, he began to complain of chest pain. The arriving ambulance team noted Vasily's inappropriate behavior and diagnosed him with schizophrenia. Stepanov was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital, where he will face long-term treatment if his relatives do not take him under their responsibility.

Let us remember that after the stunning success in the fantastic film by Fyodor Bondarchuk, Stepanov became perhaps the most popular artist in the country. However, fame played a cruel joke on him: the actor stopped getting roles.

The main character of the film “Inhabited Island” fell from the window of the 5th floor of a residential building on April 10, 2017 in Moscow on Davydkovskaya Street, but this became known only on April 12. Despite the fall, the actor received only numerous fractures, but remained alive and conscious. What reason prompted Vasily to fall out of the window is not disclosed; according to the media, the actor does not want to talk about it.
But many journalists conducted their investigation and created some picture that could have caused the fall.
Vasily Stepanov was born in Moscow on January 14, 1986.
His father is a militiaman (policeman), and his mother is a cashier-salesperson, a former teacher.
None of his relatives have anything to do with acting; he got on the big screen by accident; a meeting with Pavel Kaplevich, who at that time was conducting casting for the film “Inhabited Island” and its sequel “Inhabited Island: Fight,” helped. Appearance and physical characteristics young man They suited the role quite well, and even despite the fact that Vasily lisped, he was approved, and the voicing of the role went to Maxim Matveev.
After Inhabited Island, Vasily Stepanov had several more roles in films:
"Insured Event", where he played Artyom - 2011
"The Kiss of Socrates", where he played Kostya - 2011
"Okolofootball", where he played the announcer - 2013
And also a role in a theater play:
"Veronica Decides to Die" where he played Edward
Now on news sites they write that Vasily suffered from manic depression...
Fate decreed that in the plot of the film "Inhabited Island" he was not subject to the depressions that the emitter towers sent to people, and Edward's role in the theater was, on the contrary, silently schizophrenic.
According to the same media, the actor suffered from deep depression and was even treated at a neurosis clinic, which did not give the desired results.
In addition to depression, Vasily Stepanov experienced several difficult moments in his life; during the filming of one film, a blood clot broke loose, which caused hospitalization. Doctors saved him this time, but filming did not continue.
And while he was taking part in the filming of the film “Tank Men,” he slipped on the stairs and, falling, broke his spine in two places, and a crack appeared in his hip bone.
In one of the interviews, Vasily admitted that he has been unemployed for 4 years, because after the resounding success in Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film, no one really wants to hire him for good projects.
He also started having problems with money and had to move to his parents in an old Khrushchev house, where he still lives (see photo).
Perhaps a series of nervous breakdowns, health problems and financial difficulties led Vasily to his subsequent “fall” from the window...

Journalists found out new details of the emergency that happened to actor Vasily Stepanov. It turned out that the artist had been under medical supervision for several years due to depression and regularly took medications that supported his emotional state.

For the last seven years, Vasily Stepanov has been registered at a medical clinic in the capital. This became known after the star of the film “Inhabited Island” fell from a fifth floor window. Vasily’s health problems were discovered during his university studies, as a result of which the artist became shy and even withdrawn.


After Stepanov broke his spine in December 2016, presumably as a result of a failed suicide attempt, doctors began to closely monitor him, and he regularly took medications to support his emotional state, reports.

Meanwhile, reporters talked to Stepanov’s neighbor, who found the actor lying on the ground after falling from a height. According to the man, he saw Vasily near the entrance and at first did not recognize him as the star of “The Inhabited Island.” “I was taking my grandson to the garden. We went in and looked - he was lying around. I thought he was a drunk. Then he went out into the street and looked - Vasya,” the Zvezda TV channel quotes the man.

Let us remind you that on the morning of April 10, Vasily Stepanov fell out of the window, but this became known only now. The actor was taken to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with multiple fractures, including a fractured pelvis, right shoulder, both heel bones and numerous bruises. Eyewitnesses said that the actor fell from the window of an apartment located on the fifth floor. Witnesses also assured that no one pushed Stepanov, he fell on his own.

According to media reports, the actor’s parents were asked to place him in a specialized clinic, but they refused. According to available data, Vasily Stepanov does not drink alcohol or drugs.
