Beatrice Potter, who wrote the Tale of Peter Rabbit. Following the Rabbit to the Lake District 1913 England Beatrice

At the World of Beatrix Potter theme park, you can meet Peter Rabbit, Jemima Puddle-Duck and many other characters she created. You can even visit Mr. McGregor's garden and watch your favorite stories and characters come to life.

The museum is located about five minutes walk from the lake in Windermere, UK. This is an amazing, sincere place where you can learn a lot about the great English writer Beatrix Potter.

Helen Beatrix Potter was born in 1866 in London rich family. Beatrix's parents lived on an inheritance from the cotton trade. Beatrix had a closed and lonely childhood, typical of daughters born into bourgeois families of the Victorian era. She rarely spent time with her mother and father and, being home-schooled by governesses, had little opportunity to meet other children.

Beatrix aged 9, 1875

Beatrix spent much of her youth studying art and sketching on her own.

Beatrix's love for animals was shared by her brother. The children spent hours observing and sketching the pets that lived in their classroom. Their collection included frogs, a turtle, salamanders, mice, hedgehogs, rabbits and even a bat.

Beatrix first visited the Lake District at the age of 16. This visit introduced her to the Lakeland landscape, which would become the inspiration for much of her most beloved work.

Panoramic view of Derwent Water from Catbells Mountain on the west side

In her 20s, Beatrix has developed into a talented naturalist. She studied plants and animals in the Cromwell Road museums, and learned to draw using a microscope. If she had been born half a century later, we might have known her as a mycologist - an expert on mushrooms.

Potter was the first person in Britain and one of the first in the world to recognize that lichens are made up of two organisms: fungi and algae. Microscopic studies of lichens led her to the conclusion that these organisms live in a mutually beneficial relationship: symbiosis. She was particularly interested in Funghi (Latin for fungi), and wrote a paper entitled "Germination of Agaricineae Spores". In 1897, with the help of her uncle, the famous chemist Sir Henry Roscoe, the work was presented to the Linnaean Society (all men). Of course, she was not allowed to read her work herself, since only men had the right to attend the meetings. But since she was an amateur and, perhaps more importantly, a woman, her efforts were not taken seriously and her theories were rejected. (In 1997, the Society published a formal apology to Potter posthumously.)

This disrespect probably prompted Beatrix to focus more on drawing and painting, abilities that had already begun to generate a modest income. Mainly from selling designs for greeting cards.

In 1901, after the idea was rejected by six publishers, Beatrix published her own edition of the rabbit story. After seeing the copy, the publishing firm Frederick Warne & Co. decided to publish Peter Rabbit. The company was run by Frederick Warne's three sons. The work of printing the book was entrusted to the youngest of the brothers, Norman Warne. He became editor of Potter. In 1902, The Tale of Peter Rabbit was published and six more editions had to be published within a year to meet demand. By Christmas 20,000 copies had been sold.

First edition of The Tale of Peter Rabbit, 1902

Potter was amazed: “Society must love rabbits! What an awful lot of Peter.” The Tale of Peter Rabbit soon captured the imagination of children and adults around the world. In 100 years, the book reached a circulation of 40 million copies worldwide!

A skilled artist, storyteller and book designer, Potter was also a shrewd businesswoman. Her product designs, faithful to the original illustrations, provided Warne with additional revenue and formed the first shopping program of its kind.

In 1903, Potter patented a Peter Rabbit doll with a mustache "pulled from a brush" and "lead bullets in the legs"; she also created a Peter Rabbit mosaic, a Peter Rabbit wallpaper, and even board game"Peter Rabbit"

"Peter Rabbit Racing Game"

This success marked the beginning of a lifelong relationship between Beatrix and Warne. It also led to friendship and then love between Beatrix and Norman Warne.

Norman Warne

In the summer of 1905, Norman sent Beatrix a special letter. It was a marriage proposal. Although she was an adult woman, Beatrix needed her parents' permission to marry.

Despite her parents, who believed that, as a “shopkeeper,” the publisher was an unsuitable match for their daughter, Beatrix accepted the offer. But unexpectedly, Norman died less than a month later from blood cancer.

Beatrix was devastated but nevertheless decided to make a change in her life and bought Hill Top Farm in the village of Sorey in the Lake District.

Farm Hill Top

She also continued to write, publishing one or two new "little books" each year for the next eight years. In 1909, while purchasing another property in Cumbria close to Hill Top, she met local lawyer William Heelis. They became close friends. And they decided to legalize their relationship on October 13, 1913. He was five years younger than her. By all accounts, William and Beatrix were very happy together.

Beatrix Potter and William Heelis, Bolton Gardens, 1913

The marriage freed Beatrix and she settled properly in the Lake District. She was finally able to throw herself into the role of "Lady Farmer", enjoying the physical daily tasks such as helping with haymaking or cleaning dirty drains. Beatrix also became an expert at breeding Herdwick sheep, found only in the Lake District of Cumbria in North West England. In fact, if it weren't for Beatrix Potter, they might have disappeared completely.

Besides Agriculture, Beatrix's main passion last years her life's focus was conservation - an interest inspired by her friendship with vicar Hardwicke Rawnsley, one of the founders National Trust. Her property expansion, financed by income from book sales, has given her the opportunity to preserve not only part of the unique Lake District landscape, but also traditional farming methods

At 77, Beatrix developed a severe form of bronchitis and died. She bequeathed that all her property would go to the National Trust. 14 farms and 4,000 acres of land were transferred to the National Trust. The lands she owned are protected from development today. At her direction, Herdwick sheep continue to be bred there.

In all, Beatrix wrote 23 "little books" that remain extremely popular today. Translated into many languages, its characters - especially Peter Rabbit - are still loved by children.

Over the last century, Peter Rabbit has appeared in a wider variety of household items, clothing and accessories, and in 1971 played a leading role in the film ballet The Tales of Beatrix Potter by Reginald Mills.

While traveling around England, take a look at the Lake District, delightful in its nature, stunning in its atmosphere, incredible in its beauty - and be happy! Now let's go to the museum itself.

Literally from the first step you can understand that you are in a fairy tale. Naturally, either children (and therefore their parents) or adults who are not only familiar with the work of Beatrix Potter, but for whom her work was their childhood - family and loved one - should go here, then you will leave the museum with eyes full of tears, and a heart full of warmth.

The museum greets you with a beautiful decorated corridor; a small cozy cafe, where I simply did not have time to go (unfortunately) and a small souvenir shop - chocolate, gifts, books, pens, toys with characters from Beatrix Potter books - all this can be found and purchased in this store. Of course, the prices are not low, but the gifts are worth it.

The museum itself is conventionally divided into eight zones, where the eighth zone is a souvenir shop.

So, zone one.
You are given the opportunity to watch a short film - just four minutes - which will let you know where you have come, briefly tell you about Beatrix Potter (if you suddenly forgot who she is), show her illustrations and her works. After this, the doors open and you see the road to heaven. To heaven for children. This is the main exhibition where the characters of Beatrix Potter came to life. Where you can not only see them, but also touch them.

Very, very nice. Dimmed but soft light; light, kind and gentle colors; a little girly, childish, but incredibly touching. When I entered the museum, I couldn’t even imagine how much I wouldn’t want to leave. They seem to be just toys, but they seem to be a whole world that you want to explore. Even adults.

So, zone two: Mister Tod's underground house and Jemima the duck's forest clearing.

You are given the opportunity to enjoy 3-D scenes from the works of Beatrix Potter, with a very light and light atmosphere, real sounds and smells that literally take you into the books. Walk through the clearing with Jemima, passing through the tree branches to see Mr. Todd and the pigs from The Tale of Pigling Bland.

Admire a few more photographs from the first and second zones, and then we’ll move on to the third, perhaps the most “real”, lively, sincere and interesting:

So, zone 3.
This is Peter Rabbit's garden.
Here you will find everything. Garden - open air; plants from the work; the setting of the garden is like in the works about Peter Rabbit, if you have read them, you will definitely remember all the plots. You will understand where all this happened. And yes, your soul will feel warm =)

After the kindergarten comes area 4. You are invited to look into Miss Tiggy-winkle's kitchen.
You are invited to return indoors from the kindergarten and follow the adventures of the Nutkin squirrel and Miss Tittlemouse, then look into the kitchen and smell the fresh laundry from the laundry. There is also a wonderful view for taking a family photo.

You can take photos for free. There is no fine or additional fee for this, and there is no restriction itself. Click the camera shutter as much as you want. However, due to lighting, photographs do not always turn out well.

Photos from the garden are still ongoing - you can read the list of plants from fairy tales on the board. It's interesting. And the truth is a whole world, a whole world...

And it all started with the hobby of a little girl. She loved to draw animals and invent different stories about them. These animals were almost her only friends; the girl was very withdrawn and liked to be alone with her fantasies more than to play with other children. Her parents were quite wealthy people; they did not take the girl’s talents seriously.

In 1901, Beatrice published her first book, “The Story of Peter Rabbit,” with her own money. The book was not accepted by half a dozen publishers, but it was still published in 250 copies with black and white illustrations that the author made herself. She insisted on a price of halfpenny per book: "little rabbits can't afford to spend 6s." The book instantly became popular, a few weeks later another edition was published, then another, and today this fairy tale can be read in almost any language in the world. It was followed by two dozen more stories, including “The Tale of the Squirrel Click-Click”, “The Tale of Benjamin Rabbit”, “The Tailor of Gloucester” and others.

Lake District

Beatrice lived almost her entire life on the Hill Top estate in the Lake District in the north of England, now her house-museum is on this estate.

Beatrix Potter was sixteen years old when she first saw the Lake District. Then, more than a hundred years ago, she fell in love with the beauty of its nature and decided to settle there someday. As an adult, she fulfilled her youthful dream and moved from London to Hill Top Farm. Beatrice drew detailed illustrations for her fairy tales, in which it is easy to recognize her house and garden.

The writer’s neighbors showed great interest in her work and were happy when they recognized their own houses in the pictures. They often saw Beatrice with a sketchbook, outdoors, in the countryside and in the nearby market town of Hawkshead. Local scenes formed the basis of fairy tales about little animals, and were performed so wonderfully that people still come from all over the world to see the places depicted in her books.

In 1905, the publisher of Beatrice's first book, Norman Warne, proposed to her, but died of blood cancer a few weeks later. That same year she purchased Hill Top Farm in the village of Sorey. After Norman's death, she tried to spend as much time there as possible. Views of the farm and surrounding nature began to appear in the form of illustrations for her books. In 1913, at the age of forty-seven, Beatrice married the notary William Heelis and began to live permanently in the village of Sorey.

Beatrix Potter was one of the first to take up conservation in England. She gradually bought up the farms of her bankrupt neighbors, allowing them to continue farming. The writer bequeathed 4,000 acres of land and 15 farms National Park. Read more>>

Miss Potter in the movies

The heroes of Beatrice's books more than once became cartoon characters; in 1971, a ballet was even staged in London, in which famous English dancers of that time danced the parts of squirrels, mice, frogs and other small animals.

Madam, push a little more, it’s almost done! - The midwife exclaimed, holding the baby's head. - I can’t do it anymore! - Screamed beautiful woman with long peach hair and piercing, dark blue eyes. - Now I’ll die! - She continued, experiencing labor pains. - That's all! - The woman said and smiled. - What a beautiful boy! Very similar to you! - She added, wrapping the boy in soft cloth . But after looking at the young mother’s belly, she came to her senses and gave the firstborn into the arms of her assistant, and she began to continue helping the woman give birth. - It seems you will have triplets or twins. - The midwife smiled. - I can’t stand this! - Feeling that the second child began to push. - Take a deep breath! - The woman ordered. - Push! - She shouted and seeing the head of the second child, she began to encourage the young mother even more. - Well done! - She said, wrapping the second child in a diaper. Having given the child to another assistant, she turned to the girl. - Who is this? - The girl asked, looking at the midwife with a tired look. - Boy, darling. - The girl answered. - What is your name? - She asked, seeing that the third child had gone. - Beaaatrice! - She exclaimed and began to push again. - So, Beatrice, don’t forget to breathe. - The midwife reminded me. - Come on, a little more, you can already see the head! - She exclaimed. - I can’t! - Beatrice shouted, closing her eyes tightly and holding two white canvases with her hands, squeezing them tightly. - Well done! - The midwife exclaimed. - I gave birth to three children, not everyone can endure it. - She praised Beatrice. - Who was born? - She asked, gradually closing her eyes. - Who? - She repeated again. - The most beautiful girl I have ever seen in the world! - The midwife answered, wiping the girl from the blood. Having swaddled the baby, she placed the girl in the third crib, next to her older brothers. Noticing that Beatrice had fallen asleep from fatigue, she walked out the door and saw Karl Heinz, next to whom stood a woman with purple hair and bright green eyes. - How did everything go? - He asked, worried. - Everything is fine? - He asked again. - Yes, everything went well, there were no complications, but the young lady was very tired and therefore fell asleep. - The midwife said, wiping her hands with a towel. - I see that you will need my help later. - The woman smiled, looking at the small belly of the woman who stood next to Karl. - This is my second wife, - Cordelia. - He answered and smiled. - Who was born? - He asked, taking the midwife’s hands. - The young lady gave birth to triplets. - The woman answered. - Let's go, look at your firstborns. - She added and, together with Karl and Cordelia, entered the room, which smelled of alcohol and other medicines. - Which one is which? - Asked the young father of the children. “Mistress Beatrice gave birth to two boys,” she said and pointed to the first two beds, in which the little boys were snoring. - And one girl. - She added and pointed to the third crib in which a sweet girl lay and calmly looked at the man. - How beautiful she is. - Karl gasped in surprise. - My little girl. - He said, taking the girl out of the crib and hugging her. Having kissed the girl on the forehead, causing the latter to smile with her toothless mouth, he put her back in the crib. - We will choose a name together with Beatrice. - He smiled and left the room with Cordelia.

A few hours later

Beatrice, you've finally woken up! - Karl exclaimed and squeezed the hand of his first wife. - You remember that vampires should have names from infancy, because they already understand everything at that age. - He warned and smiled. - Yes I remember. - She smiled back. - What should we name our firstborn? - He asked and picking up the boy with the same piercing dark blue eyes as his mother’s, he brought him to Beatrice. “Maybe...” She thought, looking at her son. - Shu? - She asked. - Golden leader? Yes? - He smiled. - I think it will suit him. Do you like it, eh, Shu? - Karl asked, looking at his first son. In response, the baby just smiled. Placing Shu next to his mother, he went to his second son. - So, come into my arms. - Said Karl. The baby was calm, lay and simply looked at the faces of his parents. - I already know what we’ll call it. - He said confidently. - And how? - Beatrice asked, looking at her husband with interest. - Reiji, which means “Honest, Calm.” - He answered and handed his son into the arms of his wife, who in response kissed him on the forehead and laid him next to his brother. - And here is our beautiful girl. - Karl said and took the girl in his arms and sat down next to Beatrice. - You know, I was wondering, who does she look like? - Beatrice asked, carefully examining her daughter. - She doesn’t look like me or you... Then who? - She thought and looked at Karl. - She is very similar to my mother. - He said, looking at his daughter. - Here look. - It’s unclear from where, Karl took out a frame in which there was an incredibly beautiful photograph. It showed a girl with long light pink hair and deep blue eyes, this girl was wearing an incredibly beautiful dress with a large bow on the strap, which had beautiful purple stones. - What a beautiful woman! - Beatrice exclaimed and smiled. - She really looks like her. - Let's call her Shi, which means “Pearl.” - He suggested and looked at Beatrice. - She will be our beloved and only pearl. - Beatrice said and smiled, took two more sons and hugged her entire beloved family.

Two years have passed

Mommy! - Exclaimed a girl who looked to be about five years old with long pale pink hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was wearing a dark pink dress that reached to her knees. - What happened, my treasure? - The woman smiled and hugged her daughter. - Mommy, I don’t want to leave my brothers. “Whining,” the girl answered. - Well, what is this! - Beatrice exclaimed playfully. - Remember, you are Sakamaki Shi, my daughter! You should never cry. - She said proudly, looking at her daughter. - Okay, mommy. - The girl answered and stopped crying. - But I don't want to leave. - The girl said insistently. - Shi, understand, you’re already a big girl, and even more so the only girl in the family, and you need to be protected from bad people, so your brothers and I will protect you, and you will live with your dad for several years, okay? - Beatrice told the story and, smiling, patted the girl on the head. - Yes. - The girl said and smiled joyfully. - Now, run to dad, he’s probably already been waiting for you. - Beatrice laughed. - Okay, mom. - The girl said and ran to the main entrance of the mansion. A pair of sad dark blue eyes followed her. - My baby is growing, she will grow up beautiful girl. - Beatrice whispered and smiled sadly. - Okay, we need to check on Shu, otherwise he’ll do something again. - She added and smiled, remembering her son’s pranks. Rising from her knees, Beatrice dusted off her dress and looking towards her leaving daughter, she smiled and walked towards the mansion, to her sons.

To be continued...

“I was sitting opposite him. He smoked hashish and drank brandy. Not impressed. I didn't know him at all. Unshaven, unkempt and drunk. But soon I met him again in the Rotunda. This time he was gallant and charming. He raised his hat as a sign of greeting, and, embarrassed, asked me to come to his workshop to look at his work. Let's go"

Modigliani was popular among women, he often fell in love and had affairs. But his most passionate love was Beatrice Hastings.

Modigliani was already 30 when he met Beatrice. He was a painter and sculptor with a bad reputation. His works were not sold, and if someone bought them, it was not more than 20 francs. Modigliani had his own artistic style; his work did not belong to any of the popular trends of that time.

35-year-old Beatrice was not at all like an innocent young girl, although she carefully hid her age and all the details of her personal life.

She was born in London, into the family of a large landowner and was the fifth child of seven. Soon after the birth of their daughter, the family emigrated to Africa.

Beatrice grew up inquisitive and talented. She showed an extraordinary talent for singing in a wide range (she could sing both bass and high soprano), and later learned to play the piano. The girl wrote poetry and even tried herself as a circus rider.

Amedeo and Beatrice first met in July 1914 at the Rotunda Cafe. They were presented by the sculptor Ossip Zadkine. In Paris, Beatrice was known as a poet; at that time she worked as a correspondent for the London magazine The New Age.

Beatrice's memories of Modigliani, as well as the memories of his close friends, helped form an idea of ​​the artist - his character, habits and experiences.

Amedeo and Beatrice were a very strange couple. Beatrice is a slender, elegant blonde in a provocative hat, Amedeo is a shorter dark brunette, dressed in picturesque rags, vaguely reminiscent of what was once a velvet suit.

Modigliani's Muse

For several years, Modigliani was engaged only in sculpture and only occasionally painted paintings. Modigliani's final return to painting coincided with the beginning of his affair with Beatrice Hastings, who became the model for numerous paintings. He drew her with different hairstyles, wearing hats, standing by the piano, by the door.

One of the most famous portraits of Beatrice Hastings is The Amazon, painted by Modigliani in 1909.

Troubled life of lovers

Their relationship quickly grew into a stormy, passionate and scandalous romance. She was convinced that she could not belong to anyone, and he was furiously jealous, often without reason: it was enough for Beatrice to speak to someone in English.

Opinions differ about how Beatrice influenced Amedeo's destructive addictions. Some argue that she kept him from drinking, while others, on the contrary, believe that Beatrice herself was not against whiskey and that’s why they got drunk together.

It is not surprising that during scandals fists and various objects were often used. One day there was a whole battle, during which Amedeo chased Beatrice with a flower pot throughout the house, and she defended herself with a long broom. But loud scandals ended in equally loud reconciliation.

Disputes often arose on the basis of creativity. Thus, Beatrice argued that only other people can objectively evaluate a work, which was fundamentally at odds with the opinion of Amedeo, who considered himself the best critic of his works. In February 1915, in one of her articles in the New Age, Beatrice even wrote that she found a stone head made by Modigliani in a trash can and took it for herself, and now she would not give it to anyone for any money.

Beatrice was a strong, independent woman. Without remorse, she entered into a relationship with another man, Italian sculptor Alfredo Pina, which really hurt Modigliani.

Beatrice and Amedeo were together for two years. The affair ended on Beatrice's initiative.

And Beatrix Potter is forever associated with the Lake District. It was there in 1905, less than a year after the death of her beloved fiancé and publisher, that the devastated but determined writer bought Hill Top Farm.

Her admiration for these places is not surprising; even before Beatrice, the Lake District had become a legendary and invigorating place for many writers. In his poems, the Lake District was glorified by Wordsworth (by the way, his house-museum is located here), Coleridge and Southey. The trio of famous representatives of the Lake School were among the first English poets who turned their gaze from foreign landscapes to the primitive beauty of their homeland, appreciating the charm of simple life in the lap of nature.

The Lake District is one of the most popular holiday destinations among the British; every year they come here to admire the beauty, go on a yacht, dine at a Michelin-starred restaurant, and taste local ale.

On the territory of the region there is a famous national park The Lake District, home to England's highest mountain, Scaffell Pike.

From childhood, freethinking and a passion for natural sciences, unusual for a girl of that time, were distinctive features Beatrice Potter and influenced her further work.

After the scientific community rejected the research of an amateur, and more importantly a woman, Miss Potter decided to focus her attention on painting and literature.

In 1913, a marriage to a local lawyer (who was viewed with condemnation by the families of both parties) freed Beatrice from the yoke of her harsh Victorian parents, and she plunged headlong into the rural concerns she loved: haymaking, crop growing, and cattle breeding.

Her little children's books brought in considerable income, which made it possible to buy up the lands of bankrupt farmers in the neighborhood, giving them the opportunity to continue working on them. This is how her personal war was waged for the protection of her beloved Lake District.

She became one of the first members of the National Trust, which was founded by her friend Canon Hardwick Rawnsley, who dedicated himself to conservation natural parks, lands and cultural monuments.

She bequeathed her farms and lands to this foundation, preserving much of the magnificent nature of the Lake District untouched for England.

It is to the care of the writer that England owes the survival of Herdwick sheep, living only in the Lake District, Cumbria, and North-West England.

According to contemporaries, Beatrix Potter, who was born into a wealthy family in Kensington and received a strict Victorian education, liked the role of a lady farmer. Hill Top, which she purchased with her own earnings from books, is located near one of the largest lakes in the Windermere region, and the writer’s house-museum is now open there.

It is no secret that the setting of the Hill Top farm, its garden, gates and vegetable garden became an inexhaustible source of inspiration and nature for the artist. If you refresh your memories before the trip, you can easily recognize the beds, fences and gates in the pictures of the famous storyteller, and if you take a book with you, you can look for differences.

However, the book can also be purchased in a shop next to the museum.

The small rooms of the writer’s house with furniture and dishes seem vaguely familiar to the reader. Thanks to the efforts of members of the National Trust and the Beatrix Potter Society, they were restored to the form in which they existed during her lifetime.

Kids will love her ten-year-old-sized cardboard cutouts of her characters. Adults will be able to immerse themselves in childhood memories, imagining that Peter Rabbit is about to jump out from around the corner.

Don't forget to visit also World of Beatrix Potter theme park on Lake Windermere, where your favorite characters - Peter Rabbit and Jemima the Duck - will come to life.

From Hill Top it is worth going to neighboring farms - Hawkshead, Nir Sori, U-Tree, where the beloved Potter Herdwick sheep continue to be bred. In addition to the fact that they provide excellent meat and wool, which is not afraid of any rain and snow, they also clear the hillsides of harmful weeds.

If you have time to spare, you can visit the writer's favorite places - the dilapidated Dryburgh Abbey, the church of her friend Canon Rawnsley and Sir Walter Scott's Abbotsford Castle, which is 2.5 hours away from Hill Top.

The rich nature of northern Britain has always inspired Miss Potter. Beatrice could often be seen with her sketchbook near the lake of Coniston and Derwentwater with the small island in the middle described in the tale of Tommy the Tiptoe Squirrel.

It is known that one of her most famous characters, Peter Rabbit, was born in the small Scottish town of Dunkeld, in the house where the Potter family lived in 1893. From here Beatrice sent several drawings to the son of her former governess with the words: “My dear Noel, I don’t know what to write to you, but I’d better tell you a fairy tale about little rabbits called Flopsy, Mopsy, Whitetail and Peter Rabbit...”

In 2006, Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor starred in a touching biopic, which tells about the struggle for independence of a young storyteller, as well as her romance with publisher Norman Warne, which ended tragically in 1905. The colorful world of the writer, brought to life in the picture in the form of jumping rabbits and ducks, strongly contrasts with the suffering that befell her.

On December 22, 1943, Beatrice passed away. At the request of the writer, the place where her ashes were scattered was not disclosed, and this secret died along with her friend and confidant. But it is known that she rested in those places that she loved so much - in the Lake District.
