Seventy years ago. Potsdam Declaration

Potsdam Declaration

Statement by the Heads of Government of the United States, the United Kingdom and China (Potsdam Declaration)

  • (Potsdam, July 26, 1945)
  • 1. We, the President of the United States, the President of the National Government of the Republic of China and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, representing hundreds of millions of our countrymen, have consulted and agreed that Japan should be given the opportunity to end this war.
  • 2. Huge land, sea and air force The United States, the British Empire and China, reinforced many times over by their troops and air fleets from the West, prepared to deliver the final blows to Japan. This military power is supported and inspired by the determination of all the Allied Nations to wage war against Japan until she ceases her resistance.
  • 3. The result of Germany's futile and senseless resistance to the power of the rising free peoples of the world stands with terrible clarity as an example to the people of Japan. The mighty forces which are now approaching Japan are immeasurably greater than those which, when applied to the resisting Nazis, naturally devastated the lands, destroyed industry and disrupted the way of life of the entire German people. Full application of our military force, backed by our determination, will mean the inevitable and final destruction of the Japanese armed forces, the equally inevitable complete devastation of the Japanese metropolis.
  • 4. The time has come for Japan to decide whether it will continue to be ruled by those stubborn militaristic advisers whose foolish calculations brought the Japanese Empire to the brink of destruction, or whether it will follow the path indicated by reason.

Tehran Crimean Post-Dame Conference

  • 5. Below are our terms and conditions. We will not back down from them. There is no choice. We will not tolerate any delay.
  • 6. The power and influence of those who deceived and misled the people of Japan into pursuing the path of worldwide conquest must be eliminated forever, for we firmly believe that a new order of peace, security and justice will not be possible as long as irresponsible militarism will not be driven out of the world.
  • 7. Until such a new order is established, and until there is conclusive evidence that Japan's ability to wage war has been destroyed, points on Japanese territory which are designated by the Allies will be occupied in order to to ensure the implementation of the main goals that we set out here.
  • 8. The terms of the Cairo Declaration will be fulfilled and Japanese sovereignty will be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such smaller islands as we specify.
  • 9. The Japanese armed forces, after they are disarmed, will be allowed to return to their homes with the opportunity to lead a peaceful and working life.
  • 10. It is not our intention that the Japanese should be enslaved as a race or destroyed as a nation, but all war criminals, including those who committed atrocities against our prisoners, must be severely punished. The Japanese Government must remove all obstacles to the revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies among the Japanese people. Freedom of speech, religion and thought will be established, as will respect for basic human rights.
  • 11. Japan will be allowed to have such industries as will enable her to maintain her economy and exact fair reparations in kind, but not those industries which will enable her to arm herself again for war. For these purposes, access to raw materials will be allowed, as opposed to control over them. Ultimately, Japan will be allowed to participate in global trade relations.
  • 12. The Allied occupation forces will withdraw from Japan as soon as these objectives have been achieved and as soon as a peaceful and responsible government has been established in accordance with the freely expressed will of the Japanese people.
  • 13. We call on the Government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces and to give due and sufficient assurances of their good intentions in this matter. Otherwise, Japan will face a quick and complete defeat.


“After the defeat and surrender of Nazi Germany, Japan turned out to be the only great power that still stands for the continuation of the war.

The demand of the three powers - the United States of America, Great Britain and China - on July 26 of this year for the unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces was rejected by Japan. Thus, the proposal of the Japanese Government to the Soviet Union for mediation in the war in the Far East loses all ground.

Considering Japan's refusal to capitulate, the allies turned to the Soviet Government with a proposal to join the war against Japanese aggression and thereby shorten the time frame for ending the war, reduce the number of casualties and promote the speedy restoration of world peace.

True to its allied duty, the Soviet Government accepted the allies' proposal and joined the Statement of the Allied Powers on July 26 of this year.

The Soviet Government believes that such a policy is the only means capable of hastening the onset of peace, freeing peoples from further sacrifices and suffering and enabling the Japanese people to get rid of the dangers and destruction that Germany experienced after its refusal of unconditional surrender.

In view of the above, the Soviet Government declares that from tomorrow, that is, from August 9, Soviet Union will consider itself at war with Japan.

heads of government of the United States, United Kingdom and China
(Potsdam Declaration)
(Potsdam, July 26, 1945)

1. We, the President of the United States, the President of the National Government of the Republic of China and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, representing hundreds of millions of our countrymen, have consulted and agreed that Japan should be given the opportunity to end this war.

2. The enormous land, sea and air forces of the United States, the British Empire and China, reinforced many times over by their troops and the air fleets of the West, prepared to deliver the final blows against Japan. This military power is supported and inspired by the determination of all allied nations to wage war against Japan until she ceases her resistance.

3. The result of Germany's futile and senseless resistance to the power of the rising free peoples of the world stands with terrible clarity as an example to the people of Japan. The mighty forces which are now approaching Japan are immeasurably greater than those which, when applied to the resisting Nazis, naturally devastated the lands, destroyed industry and disrupted the way of life of the entire German people. The full application of our military force, backed by our determination, will mean the inevitable and final destruction of the Japanese armed forces, the equally inevitable complete devastation of the Japanese mother country.

4. The time has come for Japan to decide whether it will continue to be ruled by those stubborn militaristic advisers whose foolish calculations brought the Japanese Empire to the brink of destruction, or whether it will follow the path indicated by reason.

5. Below are our terms and conditions. We will not back down from them. There is no choice. We will not tolerate any delay.

6. The power and influence of those who deceived and misled the people of Japan into pursuing the path of worldwide conquest must be eliminated forever, for we firmly believe that a new order of peace, security and justice will not be possible as long as irresponsible militarism will not be driven out of the world.

7. Until such a new order is established, and until there is conclusive evidence that Japan's ability to wage war has been destroyed, points on Japanese territory which are designated by the Allies will be occupied in order to to ensure the implementation of the main goals that we set out here.

8. The terms of the Cairo Declaration will be fulfilled, and Japanese sovereignty will be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such smaller islands as we designate.

9. The Japanese armed forces, after they are disarmed, will be allowed to return to their homes with the opportunity to lead a peaceful and working life.

10. It is not our intention that the Japanese should be enslaved as a race or destroyed as a nation, but all war criminals, including those who committed atrocities against our prisoners, must be severely punished. The Japanese government must remove all obstacles to the revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies among the Japanese people. Freedom of speech, religion and thought will be established, as will respect for basic human rights.

11. Japan will be allowed to have such industries as will enable her to maintain her economy and exact fair reparations in kind, but not those industries which will enable her to arm herself again for war. For these purposes, access to raw materials will be allowed, as opposed to control over them. Japan will eventually be allowed to participate in global trade relations.

12. The Allied occupation forces will withdraw from Japan as soon as these objectives have been achieved and as soon as a peaceful and responsible government has been established in accordance with the freely expressed will of the Japanese people.

13. We call on the Government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces and to give due and sufficient assurances of their good intentions in this matter. Otherwise, Japan will face a quick and complete defeat.

Seventy years ago, on July 26, 1945, as part of the Potsdam Conference, a joint declaration of Great Britain, the United States and China was published, demanding the unconditional surrender of Japan with the threat devastation of the country in case of refusal.

An agreement to use nuclear weapons when ready was reached between Great Britain and the United States in 1944. Please answer, if the USSR had nuclear weapons, would it have used them? I would not hesitate when the choice was between hundreds of thousands who died on the Seelow Heights or Berlin turned into nuclear ash.

On July 16, 1945, the Americans tested the first bomb in the Alamogordo Desert. On July 24 in Potsdam, Truman informed Stalin about this. He pretended to be a hose, allegedly didn’t understand what he was talking about, but he understood everything and already knew. Klaus Fuchs, Theodor Hall, Georges Koval and David Gringlas worked effectively for Soviet intelligence.

Stalin wished for the successful use of weapons against Japan

Since Japan did not accept surrender, it was decided to use nuclear weapons. The ancient capital of Japan, Kyoto, was rejected as a target because the American Secretary of War had been there as a young man on his honeymoon.

Declaration on Japan by the Heads of Government of the United States, the United Kingdom and China

1. We, the President of the United States, the President of the National Government of the Republic of China and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, representing hundreds of millions of our countrymen, have conferred and agreed that Japan should be given the opportunity to end this war.

  1. The vast land, sea and air forces of the United States, the British Empire and China, reinforced many times over by their troops and air fleets from the West, prepared to deliver the final blows to Japan. This military power is supported and inspired by the determination of all allied nations to wage war against Japan until she ceases her resistance.
  2. The result of Germany's futile and senseless resistance to the power of the rising free peoples of the world stands with terrible clarity as an example to the people of Japan. The mighty forces which are now approaching Japan are immeasurably greater than those which, when applied to the resisting Nazis, naturally devastated the lands, destroyed industry and disrupted the way of life of the entire German people. The full application of our military force, backed by our determination, will mean the inevitable and final destruction of the Japanese armed forces, the equally inevitable complete devastation of the Japanese mother country.
  3. The time has come for Japan to decide whether it will continue to be ruled by those stubborn, militaristic advisers whose foolish calculations brought the Empire of Japan to the brink of destruction, or whether it will follow the path indicated by reason.
  4. Our terms and conditions follow. We will not back down from them. There is no choice. We won't tolerate any delay.
  5. The power and influence of those who have deceived and misled the people of Japan into pursuing the path of worldwide conquest must be eliminated forever, for we firmly believe that a new order of peace, security and justice will not be possible as long as irresponsible militarism does not exist. expelled from the world.
  6. Until such a new order is established, and until there is conclusive evidence that Japan's ability to wage war has been destroyed, points on Japanese territory designated by the Allies will be occupied in order to ensure implementation the main goals we set out here.
  7. The terms of the Cairo Declaration will be fulfilled, and Japanese sovereignty will be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such smaller islands as we designate.
  8. The Japanese armed forces, once disarmed, would be allowed to return to their homes with the opportunity to lead a peaceful working life.
  9. We do not seek to see the Japanese enslaved as a race or destroyed as a nation, but all war criminals, including those who committed atrocities against our prisoners, must be severely punished. The Japanese government must remove all obstacles to the revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies among the Japanese people. Freedom of speech, religion and thought will be established, as will respect for basic human rights.
  10. Japan will be allowed to have such industries as will enable her to maintain her economy and exact fair reparations in kind, but not those industries which will enable her to arm herself again for war. For these purposes, access to raw materials will be allowed, as opposed to control over them. Japan will eventually be allowed to participate in global trade relations.
  11. The Allied occupation forces will be withdrawn from Japan as soon as these objectives have been achieved and as soon as a peaceful and responsible government has been established in accordance with the freely expressed will of the Japanese people.

13. We call upon the Government of Japan to now proclaim the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces and to give due and sufficient assurances of their good intentions in this matter. Otherwise, Japan will face a quick and complete defeat.

Harry S. Truman
Winston Churchill
President of China
(via telegraph)

If anyone has forgotten, let me remind you that the Japanese entered World War II not only with a raid on a military base in Pearl Harbor, and there were also residential areas that were bombed, but also with massacres in Singapore and Manila. Before that there was a massacre in Nanjing (China).

The Kwantung Army stationed in China conducted experiments with bacteriological weapons over the Chinese, Koreans, Russians...

The ultimatum was presented and rejected. On August 6, the Little Boy bomb fell on Hiroshima. According to various estimates, 90-166 thousand people died. During the bombing of Dresden with conventional bombs in 1945, 25 thousand people died, Hamburg in 1943 - 45 thousand people, Tokyo in 1945 - more than 80 thousand people. The numbers are comparable, we note.

Many in the West still condemn the bombing of residential areas. But. When World War II began, the British Air Force was under orders not to bomb residential areas. It was canceled after the Germans bombed Rotterdam on May 15, 1940. And after Coventry...

By the way, they often talk about the disproportionate representation of Jews in many areas of activity. Banking, for example. Why is this so, I wrote. But. There was also a disproportionate presence of Jews in the British and American air forces. They went there to fight Hitler, to avenge their fellow tribesmen, perhaps relatives, who were burned in the gas chambers...

And bombings and shelling of cities with civilian populations... During wars they were, are and will be. Soviet troops bombed and shelled Soviet cities when German troops were in them. At the Lukyanovsky cemetery in Kyiv there is a mass grave for those killed during the air raid on May 11, 1943.

From the Belarusian site:“Minsk was severely destroyed during the Second World War. The city suffered both from the Nazi invaders and from the Red Army that liberated it. Many buildings and neighborhoods were destroyed by bombs dropped from Soviet aircraft during the fascist occupation, as well as during the offensive operation July 3, 1944. This destruction was later attributed to the Nazis and included in the reparations bill." .

Rzhev, occupied by the Germans, was almost completely destroyed by fire, which the Red Army tried to recapture for a year and a half, the so-called “Rzhev meat grinder.” I'm not even talking about the bombing of not quite “our” Tallinn, Rezekne, cities of Poland, which, by the way, did not fight on Hitler’s side, unlike the Hungarians, Bulgarians, Romanians, and Slovaks.

I recently read an interview with the curator of the Pushkin State Museum, where the Catherine Palace is. She honestly says that after the war no one investigated the reasons for the destruction of Pushkin’s architectural monuments, but there are German photos that during the Germans’ stay in the city they were in relatively normal condition. I. Pushkin was occupied by the Germans on September 17, 1941, and part of the Catherine Palace was destroyed by an air bomb on September 29.

So À la guerre comme à la guerre ».

The same applies to the relationship between Israel and Hamas, the legitimate Ukrainian government and “miners and tractor drivers.” A retaliatory strike is delivered to the place where the missile or projectile came from. The one who places artillery in residential areas commits meanness.

After the bombing of Hiroshima, Truman made a statement: « We are now ready to destroy, even faster and more completely than before, all Japanese land-based production facilities in any city. We will destroy their docks, their factories and their communications. Let there be no misunderstanding—we will completely destroy Japan's ability to wage war.

It was with the aim of preventing the destruction of Japan that the ultimatum of July 26 was issued in Potsdam. Their leadership immediately rejected his terms. If they do not accept our terms now, let them expect a rain of destruction from the air, the likes of which have never been seen on this planet».

On August 8, the USSR government made a statement:

After the defeat and surrender of Nazi Germany Japan was the only great power still in favor of continuing the war..

The demand of the three powers - the United States of America, Great Britain and China - on July 26 of this year for the unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces was rejected by Japan. Thus, the proposal of the Japanese Government to the Soviet Union for mediation in the war in the Far East loses all ground.

Considering Japan's refusal to capitulate, the allies turned to the Soviet Government with a proposal to join the war against Japanese aggression and thereby shorten the time frame for ending the war, reduce the number of casualties and promote the speedy restoration of world peace.

True to its allied duty, the Soviet Government accepted the allies' proposal and joined the Statement of the Allied Powers on July 26 of this year.

The Soviet Government believes that such a policy is the only means capable of hastening the onset of peace, freeing peoples from further sacrifices and suffering and enabling the Japanese people to get rid of the dangers and destruction that Germany experienced after its refusal of unconditional surrender.

In view of the above, the Soviet Government declares that from tomorrow, that is, from August 9, the Soviet Union will consider itself in a state of war with Japan.

With no response from Japan, on August 9 a nuclear bomb falls on Nagasaki, killing between 60,000 and 80,000. New goals were outlined. The USSR begins to defeat the Kwantung Army in China.

The Emperor had spoken out in favor of peace negotiations since June, but the Minister of Defense and the generals hoped to negotiate more favorable terms of surrender, so that it would be possible to agree with the USSR not to enter the war.

They also hoped that when the invasion of the islands began, and the Americans would suffer heavy losses, they would agree to a more favorable peace.

These hopes did not come true; the USSR entered the war on August 9 and within two weeks defeated the Kwantung Army in China.

The Americans planned to follow up with subsequent nuclear strikes, and there were several more bombs on the way, and a landing operation on the islands. According to experts, a landing without the use of nuclear weapons could cost the lives of about a million American soldiers.

Therefore, from the point of view of minimizing the losses of one’s soldiers, its use was justified .

After dropping the bomb on Nagasaki and the entry of the USSR into the war, Japan handed over its much more relaxed terms of surrender to the Allies.

Emperor Hirohito signed a statement of surrender on August 14, in which he wrote: “...The enemy has a terrible new weapon at his disposal, capable of taking many innocent lives and causing immeasurable material damage. If we continue to fight, it will not only lead to the collapse and destruction of the Japanese nation, but also to the complete disappearance of human civilization.

In such a situation, how can we save millions of our subjects or justify ourselves to the sacred spirit of our ancestors? For this reason, we ordered the terms of the joint declaration of our opponents to be accepted».

Although debate about the advisability of using nuclear weapons in the West continues to this day, it is obvious that it was nuclear bombing that forced Japan to capitulate.

Joint declaration on behalf of the governments of the three powers: Great Britain, the USA and the Republic of China. The Potsdam Declaration demanded Japan's unconditional surrender in World War II, with the threat of subsequent devastation of the country if it refused. The Declaration also formulated the basic principles of a peaceful settlement.

On July 28, the Japanese government rejected the demands of the Potsdam Declaration. On August 6, the United States atomic bombed the Japanese city of Hiroshima. On August 8, the USSR joined the Potsdam Declaration and declared war on Japan.

On August 14, defeated Japan accepted the terms of the Potsdam Declaration. On September 2, 1945, the Japanese surrender act was signed.


  • Foreign policy of the Soviet Union during the period Patriotic War, vol. 3, [M.], 1947, p. 334-35, 362-66.

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Excerpt characterizing the Potsdam Declaration

Pierre interrupted him. - Do you have her letters? Do you have any letters? - Pierre repeated, moving towards Anatole.
Anatole looked at him and immediately, putting his hand in his pocket, took out his wallet.
Pierre took the letter handed to him and, pushing away the table that was standing on the road, fell onto the sofa.
“Je ne serai pas violent, ne craignez rien, [Don’t be afraid, I won’t use violence,” said Pierre, responding to Anatole’s frightened gesture. “Letters – one,” said Pierre, as if repeating a lesson to himself. “Second,” he continued after a moment of silence, getting up again and starting to walk, “you must leave Moscow tomorrow.”
- But how can I...
“Third,” Pierre continued without listening to him, “you must never say a word about what happened between you and the countess.” This, I know, I cannot forbid you, but if you have a spark of conscience... - Pierre silently walked around the room several times. Anatole sat at the table and bit his lips with a frown.
“You can’t help but finally understand that besides your pleasure there is happiness, the peace of other people, that you are ruining your whole life because you want to have fun. Have fun with women like my wife - with these you are in your right, they know what you want from them. They are armed against you with the same experience of depravity; but to promise a girl to marry her... to deceive, to steal... Don’t you understand that this is as vile as killing an old man or a child!...
Pierre fell silent and looked at Anatole with a gaze that was no longer angry, but questioning.
- I do not know this. A? - said Anatole, cheering up as Pierre overcame his anger. “I don’t know this and I don’t want to know,” he said, without looking at Pierre and with a slight trembling. lower jaw, - but you told me these words: vile and the like, which I comme un homme d'honneur [as an honest person] will not allow to anyone.


Published on July 26 on behalf of British Prime Minister Churchill, US President Truman and Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek. The P.D. demanded Japan's unconditional surrender in World War II and formulated the basic principles on the basis of which the Allies were to implement a peace settlement for Japan: the elimination of warmongers and the establishment of a peaceful order; permission to have only such industry as will allow Japan to support its economy and pay reparations; the establishment, in accordance with the freely expressed will of the Japanese people, of a peace-loving and responsible government, pending the implementation of this - the occupation of Japanese territory; limiting Japanese sovereignty to only the major Japanese islands; complete military disarmament of Japan and restoration of freedom of speech, conscience and thought.

The P.D. contained the threat of the complete destruction of the Japanese armed forces and the devastation of Japanese territory in the event of Japan's refusal to unconditionally surrender. Nevertheless, the Japanese government rejected P.'s demand. The ruling circles of Japan, continuing resistance, hoped to achieve peace conditions that would ensure the preservation of the foundations of the Japanese militaristic state. Thus, Japan’s refusal to accept P. d. was fraught with prolongation of the war for Pacific Ocean. But the entry of the USSR into the war against Japan did not allow it to realize its intentions and led to the rapid defeat of the Japanese troops.

During the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union against Germany, Japan, despite the presence Soviet-Japanese Pact 1941(see) about neutrality, kept its Kwantung Army on the Soviet Far Eastern borders and was preparing to attack the USSR. Japan thus pinned down a significant part of the Soviet troops and made it easier for Germany to carry out military operations against the USSR. In addition, Japan waged a war with the allies of the USSR - England and the USA. Therefore, still on Crimean Conference 1945(see) the leaders of the three allied powers reached an agreement that the USSR, 3 months after the surrender of Germany, would enter the war against Japan. 5. IV 1945 government of the USSR, in accordance with Art. 3 of the Japanese-Soviet Neutrality Pact, Japan announced its desire to denounce this pact, which, in connection with the indicated actions of Japan, lost its meaning, and its extension became impossible. Japan's rejection of the P.D. made senseless the proposal put forward by Japan in mid-July 1945 to the Soviet Union to act as a mediator in the war in the Pacific Ocean. The Soviet government joined the P. D. and 8. VIII declared that from 9. VIII "The Soviet Union will consider itself in a state of war with Japan."

9. VIII Soviet armed forces launched a rapid offensive in Manchuria and already in the first days inflicted a crushing defeat on the Kwantung Army. Japan's position became hopeless.

10. VIII The Japanese government conveyed to the Soviet ambassador in Japan a statement of its readiness to accept the P.D., however, with the caveat “that this declaration does not contain demands that infringe on the prerogatives of the emperor as the sovereign ruler of Japan.” A similar statement was transmitted to the governments of the USA, England and China. In the response of the Allied governments sent to Japan on August 11th by the US State Department, this clause was rejected and it was stated that from the moment of surrender the power of the Emperor and the Japanese government would be subordinated to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers and that the Emperor would have to give the order to the troops to surrender. It was also stated that the form of the Japanese government would be established by the freely expressed will of the Japanese people.

14. VIII The Japanese government announced the emperor’s acceptance of the conditions of the P.D. and its readiness to authorize the signing of the act of surrender. However, no order was given to the armed forces to stop hostilities, and they continued to resist. Only after new attacks by the Soviet Army did Japan truly capitulate.

2. IX 1945 in Tokyo Bay on board the American battleship Missouri the act of surrender of Japan was signed. On behalf of Japan, the act was signed by Foreign Minister Shigemitsu and Chief of the Japanese General Staff Gen. Umezu; on behalf of the Allied powers - American gene. MacArthur; from the USSR - gen. Derevianko; from the USA - Admiral Nimitz; from China - gen. Su Yun-chan; from Great Britain - Admiral Fraser. The act was also signed by representatives of Australia, Canada, France, Holland, and New Zealand.

The act of surrender obligated the Japanese government and its successors to “fairly implement the terms of the Potsdam Declaration.” It was also stated that “the power of the Emperor and the Japanese government... will be subordinated to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers.”

Thus, “completely defeated on the seas and on land and surrounded on all sides armed forces United Nations, Japan has admitted defeat and laid down its arms." (I.V. Stalin). The second war ended with the surrender of Japan. World War. Japan was occupied by American troops, whose commander-in-chief, Gen. MacArthur formally spoke on behalf of all the Allied powers, personifying the executive power of the country.

In December 1945 Moscow meeting(q.v.) Foreign Ministers of the USSR, USA and Great Britain stated that “any directives concerning significant changes in the Japanese constitutional structure or changes in the control regime, or concerning the change of the entire Japanese government as a whole, will be given only after consultation and agreement in the Far Eastern Commission", consisting of representatives most interested in the affairs Far East powers

In fact, the US government, in its post-war policy towards Japan, grossly violated the principles of P.D. and the Moscow decisions. American imperialism, establishing its control over the Japanese economy, seeks to revive imperialist Japan and turn it into a weapon of its expansion against the USSR and the democratic forces of Asia.

For these purposes, the United States tried to ensure the development and conclusion of a peace treaty with Japan, bypassing the Council of Foreign Ministers, which was created precisely for the preparation of peace treaties with former enemy states. V. M. Molotov, on behalf of the USSR, which firmly adhered to the procedure for preparing peace treaties previously agreed upon by the allies, on November 27, 1947, proposed convening a special session of the Council of Foreign Ministers in China in January 1948 to consider the issue of preparing a peace treaty for Japan.

However, the United States and its supporting England and Kuomintang China did not accept this proposal, and therefore the issue of concluding a peace treaty with Japan could not be resolved.

Diplomatic Dictionary. - M.: State Publishing House of Political Literature. A. Ya. Vyshinsky, S. A. Lozovsky. 1948 .

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    Published on 26 July in Potsdam on behalf of the governments of Great Britain, the USA and China; demanded the unconditional surrender of Japan in World War II and formulated the basic principles of a peace settlement. The Japanese government rejected (28... ... Political science. Dictionary.

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    A declaration containing a demand for the unconditional surrender of Japan by one of the participants in the war. block in the 2nd World War 1939 45; published in Potsdam on July 26 during the Potsdam Conference 1945 on behalf of the heads of government in Great Britain, the USA and China... Soviet historical encyclopedia- the heads of the three great powers took place in Potsdam from 17. VII to 2. VIII; It was attended by the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, Generalissimo I.V. Stalin, US President Truman, British Prime Minister Churchill, and since 28.7 Prime Minister... ... Diplomatic Dictionary

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    1945, published 26 July in Potsdam on behalf of the governments of Great Britain, the USA and China; demanded the unconditional surrender of Japan in World War II and formulated the basic principles of a peace settlement. The Japanese government rejected... encyclopedic Dictionary

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