Bedtime story about a little bear. Read and listen

A bedtime story about a bear with a sweet tooth will set your baby up for a restful, moderate sleep. It tells the story of a little bear and his mother. In the fairy tale about the little bear, he finds himself in a sweet land and eats too much sweets, his tummy begins to hurt.

Read bedtime stories about a bear cub with your child, and the next day you can play the game “my theater” and take a fairy tale instead of a script. This way, the baby will quickly remember that you can’t eat a lot of sweets and you need to listen to your mother.

Tale about a bear cub

Far, far away, in the deepest part of the forest, lived a family of bears. And they had a little son, a bear. His name was Balu. The kid was spoiled. And all because he had neither sisters nor brothers.

Baloo also had a big sweet tooth, and he ate a lot of sweets, which worried his mother. And they showed him to the doctors and went to the forest witch. No one could cope with the bear's desire to indulge in sweets. And all you could hear from him was “chocolate”, “honey”, “marmalade”.

And then the mother bear went to the fairies of the blue lake. Long haul she had a difficult one ahead of her. She threw the bear cub on her shoulders, and stomped along the yellow path, along the green swamp and came out to the old oak tree. She sat down on a tree stump to rest and began to feed the bear cub porridge. And he burst into tears, he wanted something sweet. Mama bear decided to pick a basket of berries. The path was still long, but the baby was capricious. She collected raspberries and strawberries in a basket. She fed her little one before continuing on her way, and refreshed herself.

She walked through a ringing stream, went out to the sunny edge of a chamomile meadow and met a running bunny there.

- Dear bunny, tell me

Show us the quick way.

We got a little lost

Tell us the way.

- You go just a little bit,

There will be a path behind the edge.

If you go straight,

The lake is easy to find.

Miracle lake forest,

It's such a wonder.

There are flowers growing around there,

Unprecedented beauty.

There on the orchid

You will see a fairy.

Tell me your trouble

The fairy will say: “I’ll help.”

And the mother bear and her cub went to the lake. And everything is as the bunny told her. Beautiful flowers bloomed around the lake. It was so wonderful that she couldn’t get enough of it and almost forgot about her problem. And all this time Baloo was gorging himself on berries, and got his hands and mouth dirty. Mother Bear saw that the basket was empty. Yes, I immediately remembered why I was looking for fairies. She found beautiful flower an orchid, and I noticed a fairy on it.

- Oh, forest beauty,

I don’t know what to do.

My son eats chocolate

And I'm glad for a keg of honey.

He cries day and night

He asks for sweets a lot.

I can't refuse

Because I'm a mother

Our Balu at least once

He listened to a simple decree.

Doesn't want to listen to anyone

Just to eat something sweet.

The fairy answers mom: -

I will help your sadness.

I know a simple remedy

There will be no room for sweets.

And I will send it at the same time,

To the sweet land I take you.

Everything was spinning around

We suddenly found ourselves in the country.

Mother bear grabbed her head when she saw how much sweetness was around. Yes, I thought: “What have you done fairy, there are so many sweets around, my friend won’t be able to resist.” And the little bear was happy. And he began to run through clouds of cotton candy, and he ate marshmallow fields and swam in chocolate rivers. I managed to try everything. The bear's mother sat down upset on a pillow made of marmalade, and began to feel even more sad. A fairy flew up to her...

- Don't be afraid, dear,

The fairy knows her stuff.

Here's a cure for your pain.

Little bear of his own free will.

He won't eat sweets.

Here's some news for you!

The bear decided to believe the fairy. And then Balu approached her from behind. Tearful, sobbing. His tummy hurts. And the fairy told him that babies can’t eat too much sweets. Otherwise, your tummy will hurt a lot, and often. And she punished him to obey his mother. The little bear understood that he needed to take care of his body and eat more vegetables. A couple of days later they were home, happy and cheerful. Baloo was no longer capricious about sweets and ate them only on holidays.

A bedtime story about a bear with a sweet tooth teaches a child from childhood that he should not eat too much sweets. Such a fairy tale can be read to children who were early accustomed to chocolate. This will teach the child to know when to stop and listen to his mother. And so that the child can receive sweets, but it does not harm him, we have prepared an article in which there are ways to replace chocolate.

Today I received a letter from a reader asking me to come up with a short story about the bear cub. This is what I came up with while putting Sonechka to bed:

Teddy bear and honey

Since then, Little Bear and Bee have become friends. He often came to the clearing to the tree, and the wild bees treated the baby with delicious honey.

How Little Bear found friends

One day Little Bear went for a walk and saw Little Hare and Little Squirrel in the clearing, playing together. He really wanted to play with them, but he was afraid that they wouldn’t want to. So he remained standing behind the bush and watching them. The animals ran merrily, jumped and laughed. Then Little Squirrel noticed Little Bear and said to him:

- Little bear, why are you standing there and not coming to us?

“I’m shy,” Teddy Bear answered him.

- Don’t be shy, better come and play with us!

The little bear was happy and began to play with the little hare and little squirrel. So he found friends, and now every day they played catch, hide and seek, ball and other interesting games together.

The little bear got lost

One day Little Bear went for a walk.

“Don’t go far from home without me,” his mother said. - You are still small, you can get lost.

- How small I am! Look how big I am! - thought Little Bear and walked along the path into the forest.

Little Bear is walking through the forest, picking raspberries from the bushes, listening to the birds. Good in the forest! He walked and walked, and then he saw that the sun was already setting - it was time to go home and sleep. Little Bear turned and walked in the other direction, but only soon realized that this was not the way home, and he was walking along an unfamiliar path. I turned the other way, again in the wrong direction. Then the kid realized that he was lost. He sat down under a tall fir tree and cried.

- Why are you crying, little bear? – he suddenly heard a voice.

Little Bear raised his head and saw that Aunt Owl was sitting on a branch.

“I’m lost,” Little Bear answered the Owl. “I didn’t listen to my mother and went far away.”

“Don’t cry, I’ll take you home,” the Owl reassured him.

She flew forward, and the Little Bear followed. So the Owl led him to the house itself. The Bear stood on the threshold of the house and was very worried.

- Mom, here I am! Please forgive me! I will never go far without you again! - Little Bear shouted and hugged his mother.

And his mother hugged him and said thank you to Owl for his help.

Lived in a huge dense forest A big bear named Boris. One hot summer he wanted to swim in the river. Boris came out of the forest, and lo and behold, on the bank of the river there was a car, a tent, people fishing and a fire lit to cook fish soup. The smell of soup smells, the bear really wants to at least try the aromatic dish. And he is afraid to approach people. Suddenly he sees a small teddy bear sitting near the tent. Boris calls Mishka over and says: “Let’s get acquainted! After all, you and I are both bears.” “Come on,” Mishka answers. And he said that he lives with the boy Pasha. A fairy tale about bears online that the kid heard gave him the idea of ​​getting his own Bear.

A Tale about a Bear: read

So Pasha’s grandmother bought her grandson a plush toy for his birthday, which they called Mishka. Pasha loves his Mishka very much, takes him everywhere with him, sleeps with him in his arms at night. So he brought him to the river with him, sat him under a tent in the cold so that the sun wouldn’t get on his head, and he went for a swim. Mishka is just tired of this kind of life - hugs, lisps... As much as possible, he is not little anymore. I want to real life- an adult. This is how it is with Bori the bear.

Boris said that he could take Mishka with him to the forest, he would live there like a real bear. He just has to bring some fish soup for it. While people were swimming in the river, Mishka ran, took a pot with fish soup and brought it to the bear Bora. He liked the fish soup and said that he had never eaten anything like it in his life. delicious dish. And they went together into the forest, forward to adulthood.
— « —
And the boy Pasha, after swimming, went ashore and immediately ran to his beloved Mishka. Only it’s not there anywhere. The whole family searched for the plush pet until it got dark. But they couldn’t find it. The boy Pasha was very upset, he cried all the way and for a long time could not forget his Mishka. And he told his grandmother that he didn’t like the fairy tale about the bear anymore, he didn’t want to read it until Mishka was found. The boy believed that Mishka would return to him, because no one in the world loved him as much as Pasha.
— « —
Well, meanwhile Mishka lived in a dense forest. Adulthood turned out to be not so tempting. Like a political fairy tale about a bear, it was full of dangerous surprises. It was necessary not to catch the eye of the evil and eternally hungry Wolf. The cunning Fox decided to sew herself a fashionable coat from Mishka’s plush fur coat, and constantly lured him into various traps. And Borya the bear, having eaten a delicious fish soup, stopped being interested in little Mishka. Well, at least he sheltered him in his den.
However, life in Borya’s house was not so sweet either. He was a lazy bear, he didn’t want to repair his home - his roof was leaking, and the steps on the porch were wobbly. The furniture in the house is old and falling apart, the refrigerator is always empty. Boris was a careless bear; he didn’t particularly care about himself, and even less so about others.
Mishka's life would have been completely joyless if his friend Bunny had not appeared. Together they looked for tasty berries and grass, together they hid from the Wolf and the Fox. Mishka would really like to live with the Bunny, but he had a cramped hole, parents, grandparents and many brothers and sisters.
— « —
Autumn has come. Things got even worse for Mishka. Rain, cold, in the den of the bear Bori the roof is dripping. Moreover, Boris told Mishka that he would soon go to bed for the whole winter and close the door to the den. So he will either need to sit in a den all winter, or look for new housing. Mishka was completely sad; he didn’t know what to do? And I remembered him happy life at the boy Pasha, in warmth and satiety, where everyone loved him. Mishka once ran from love and care, but now he realized how stupid he was. After all, there are not many in this world who love us, who care about us, who truly need us.
You are probably upset and worried about your little teddy bear. No need, our fairy tale about the bear will end happily. On the last day, when Boris's den was still open, Mishka went into the forest to enjoy clean air and the autumn sun, and to collect mushrooms for the winter. He walks through the forest, picking mushrooms. And suddenly he hears: “Aw-ay!” People are somewhere nearby. Mishka is unaccustomed to people, and he doesn’t know whether they are good people or bad. He carefully parted the branches, looked out of the bush - and suddenly came face to face with the boy Pasha.
How happy Pasha was, how happy Mishka was - it’s impossible to describe. Pasha hugged Mishka and didn’t let go of him all day. And he was so pleased that someone loved him, that they missed him, that they were waiting for him. And Mishka thought how stupid he had been before, that he didn’t value his happiness. And Mishka lived happily ever after with Pasha. And the lazy bear Borya didn’t even notice that Mishka was missing. He lay down in the den, caulked the door, and slept until spring. Well, in the spring I didn’t even remember Mishka.
Mishka, when Pasha took him sledding or skiing, going to the forest to pick the first snowdrops or to the river to fish, did not leave the boy a single step. He was very afraid of getting lost. And Pasha always made sure his plush friend was nearby. And they also have a secret. When the family went to the forest, Pasha and Mishka met with Bunny there. They played, ran and frolicked together. And they had a lot of fun!

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Lullaby story about a bear:

On this dark, quiet evening
I came to meet you.
For you and for your neighbors
There will be a fairy tale about a bear.
The bear was sleeping in his den,
I didn't eat anything in winter.
Lost weight in paws and legs
And my tummy got thinner.
And in the spring the bear woke up,
Stretched, turned,
Got up and made my bed
And he went for a walk.
And it's spring outside...
The pine tree waves its branches,
All the leaves on the trees
Waking up from sleep.
The snow has melted at the edge of the forest,
The ice has melted on the river
And a flock of funny birds
Sings sonorous songs.
Suddenly a cone fell from above
Right on the back of the bear's head.
He scratched the back of his head
He lifted his head up.
I saw a lot of cones there,
I got scared and ran.
I tripped over some stump,
Turned over twice
Rolled head over heels
And he fell under a bush.
“Okay,” thought the bear,
That not all the cones fell.
- Now it’s time to sit down
And something to eat.
And I decided to go to the fox
Ask her for lunch.
The fox's house is over the hill...
The bear knocked on the house,
But the magpie screams from above
- The fox does not live in it.
Moved to the beaver
To his new hole.
They live by the river
The fish are caught and chewed.
The bear ran to the river
What flowed nearby.
And on the shore there is some fisherman
Holds a fish in his hand.
The bear asks: - Give me the fish...
And the fisherman answers him with a smile:
- No I will not give. Catch a fish yourself!
I'll give you a fishing rod and hook,
With a float and a worm.
The bear threw out his fishing rod,
I started looking at the float...
And the fish swims along the river
And it doesn’t bite at all.
The bear's fur stood on end,
He climbed deeper into the river,
Hooked a fish with his claws
And he went into the forest with the prey.
And from a high cliff
The fishermen shouted after him:
- Look how he catches fish
bear in the middle of the river!
The bear sat under the birch tree,
I ate fresh fish,
He turned around, yawned,
He stretched out and fell asleep.
Gotta get up early tomorrow
And go to the river again.
And it's time for you to go to bed,
So as not to oversleep in the morning.

Lullaby about a bear:

There is a gray cat outside the window.
He's wandering around somewhere near the house.
It goes, then it comes,
Sings a lullaby.
It goes, then it comes,
He sings to us about the bear.
A bear was sleeping in a den.
And in the spring the bear woke up,
Stretched, turned,
He began to cry from hunger.
Stretched, turned,
He began to cry from hunger.
He wandered through the forest,
I was looking for raspberries under a bush,
Warmed my nose and back in the sun,
He was catching fish in the river.
Warmed my nose and back in the sun,
He was catching fish in the river.
I have to get up early tomorrow.
Say goodbye to Banilaska.
Children close their eyes
Roma will also sleep.
Children close their eyes
And Ilyusha will sleep.
Children close their eyes
And Svetlana will sleep.
Children close their eyes
Ksyusha will also sleep.
Children close their eyes
....... will sleep.

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