Bios won't load. How to restore the BIOS of a computer and laptop if it has crashed

Imagine this situation: one fine day you turn on your computer or laptop and see that it does not start; moreover, you find that the BIOS does not load. Surely those of the readers who have encountered a situation where a computer or laptop does not boot or even start, are unlikely to find it pleasant. In addition, it may also happen that the computer or laptop turns on by itself and loads the BIOS and operating system, but you cannot enter the BIOS, that is, the BIOS Setup computer settings program does not start. In this article, we will try to give advice on what to do when the computer or laptop turns on but does not load the BIOS, and the system does not boot beyond the hardware check procedure and operating system BIOS Setup does not start or does not load, and how to solve these problems.

Description of the situation

When a computer or laptop does not boot, then, as a rule, the user sees only a black screen of the monitor instead of the familiar BIOS messages. Sometimes a black screen on a computer or laptop is not a constant companion of this problem. For example, you turn on a computer or laptop, and you see that the system initially boots, some BIOS messages are displayed, but the boot process does not go beyond this stage, and the operating system does not start. What to do next in this case? First of all, you should not immediately panic and take your computer or laptop for repair, as you can try to solve this problem yourself.

The reasons that the computer or laptop does not start, or the BIOS does not start loading, may be various malfunctions, both related to the BIOS of the computer and related to the PC hardware. And the solution to the problem “the computer does not load the BIOS” in this case largely depends on its cause.

Types of situations:

  • 1. Black screen

The first and most unpleasant situation is that you press the power button on a computer or laptop, but the computer does not boot, the BIOS does not start loading, and you see a black screen in front of you. You wait further, but in vain, because nothing else happens. In this case, to determine the reason why the computer or laptop does not boot, you need to listen to the sounds that the BIOS produces during boot. One short beep usually means that the BIOS passed the hardware check successfully.

  • 1.1. Black screen and one beep

In this case, the monitor is most often the cause of the problem (of course, if we are talking about a desktop computer). Therefore, it is best to check the connection of the monitor to the computer or the monitor's power cable in such a situation. If the computer does not start after that, but the black screen remains, then it's not the monitor.

  • 1.2. Black screen and multiple beeps

The presence of several signals at the moment when the computer is turned on and the system is loaded usually means some kind of malfunction. As a rule, the meaning of these signals is different for different BIOS models. But most likely, if you do not see anything on the screen, then the problem is again related to the video system, but this time, most likely, with the video card. However, in order to be completely sure about this issue, it is best to refer to the list of conditional beeps for the BIOS version that is installed on your computer or laptop.

  • 1.3. Black screen and no beeps

If the computer turns on, but the “black screen” is not accompanied by any beeps, then we can assume that something is wrong with the power system. For example, the power supply has failed and for this reason does not supply the required voltage to the system board. Or there is simply no contact between the motherboard and the power cable. Also, the cause of the problem may be a malfunction of the BIOS itself, the motherboard, processor, memory, and even the hard drive. In addition, sometimes the reason that the computer does not boot may be insufficient cooling of the electronic components of the motherboard.

  • 2. No black screen, computer displays boot messages, but user cannot enter BIOS

Separately, it is worth mentioning the variant of the situation when the computer turns on, but there is no “black screen” and the system boots normally, but it does not enter the BIOS setup program for the computer settings - BIOS Setup.

  • 2.1. BIOS entry key pressed incorrectly

True, there is one nuance. Some users may immediately panic “I can’t get into the BIOS”, although they simply don’t know how to enter the BIOS correctly. To enter the BIOS, you simply need to press the appropriate key after the computer turns on. But many users press the wrong key or do it at the wrong time and that's the only reason they can't enter the BIOS. We wrote about what to do to enter the BIOS setup program after the computer turns on in the corresponding article.

  • 2.2. The BIOS entry key is pressed correctly, but the BIOS still does not enter

But it may also happen that the BIOS Setup does not start, and you cannot enter it even though the correct key seems to be pressed. Most often, if you press the desired key and cannot enter the BIOS, the keyboard is the culprit of the problem. For example, if you are using a USB keyboard and the BIOS is not set to support USB devices, you will not be able to enter BIOS Setup. In addition, it is worth checking the health of the keyboard on another computer. If the BIOS does not open even after excluding the keyboard factor, then the matter is in another component of the computer.

  • 3. Stop by BIOS information messages

It is also not uncommon for a situation when a computer starts up, but does not load the operating system, but displays a text message about a specific error on the screen when loading the BIOS. Whether the download continues depends on the nature of the error. For example, a BIOS checksum error message may indicate a low CMOS battery, and usually the user in this case can continue his work after pressing a certain key.

Ways to solve problems

First of all, in order to solve the problem and eliminate the reason why a black screen appears and the computer does not load the BIOS and operating system, you should remember what you were doing before the problem arose? Did you install new devices in your computer just before the black screen appeared? Have you made any changes to the BIOS settings?

If you have indeed made changes to the hardware, it is recommended that you restore the system to its previous state by removing the newly installed hardware. If after that the computer works normally and loads the BIOS, then this means that the problem was precisely in the remote equipment.

In the event that you made independent BIOS settings, then the BIOS can be returned to safe factory settings. To do this, as a rule, it is enough to set a special CMOS memory reset jumper on motherboard or remove the CMOS battery. As a rule, this operation often helps when the computer does not load the BIOS.

If you know for sure that you did not perform any actions with the BIOS or equipment, but your computer or laptop still gives you a black screen and does not load the BIOS, then you will have to check all the equipment yourself.

Sometimes the cause of the malfunction may be the dustiness of the "insides" of the computer. Therefore, the very first procedure for any user trying to revive a computer is cleaning the internal space of the system unit. Only after that it will be possible to move on and check the performance of all systems.

It is also possible that the system may temporarily fail due to overheating of the processor or motherboard. Therefore, it is worth checking the coolers of the system unit and processor. Then one by one it is worth checking the main components of the computer - processor, RAM, motherboard, video card, power supply. A hard drive failure can rarely cause the BIOS to not boot, but this option should not be discarded either.


The situation when the computer does not start and does not load the BIOS and OS, and the user sees only a black screen instead of them, of course, cannot be called pleasant. Since in this case the computer cannot be used for its intended purpose, as a business or entertainment tool, this is a great inconvenience to the user. However, the situation when the computer BIOS does not start is not always as fatal as it seems at first glance. Since it is extremely rare for a computer to hang and not be able to boot into the BIOS or not to enter BIOS Setup is a symptom of a hard drive failure, the user does not lose important information written on it. In addition, there are a number of ways that allow you to identify a faulty element and revive your computer. Of course, in some cases it is impossible to identify a malfunction by the user, and then it is best to use the services of computer specialists from the service center.

O guess the riddle: it stands like a beehive buzzes. But there is no smoke coming from the chimney, because this is not a native factory, but a computer on which the BIOS is damaged. And he buzzes because that's the only thing he is now capable of. Without a bios, it's just a bunch of lifeless iron. Is this worth worrying about? Of course not. After all, now you have a great bedside table!

The system unit as a bedside table? Well, I do not! We know how to make it work. Today we'll talk about how to restore the BIOS if it crashed.

What causes BIOS flashing

B IOS and its “descendant” UEFI, which modern motherboards are flashed with, are special computer programs that are necessary for the initial setup and management of PC devices until the operating system starts. They are stored in special flash memory chips on the motherboard, one of which is shown in the picture above. It seems to be a good storage place, reliable, but sometimes the BIOS gets uncomfortable there and runs away. More precisely, it is damaged and ceases to perform its tasks.

There are not too many reasons for BIOS damage, in some cases they are obvious, in others they are not. Here is a list of the most common:

  • During a power outage to the computer.
  • The flasher program (flasher) incorrectly interacts with the firmware or flash memory chip.
  • Flashed a BIOS version that does not match this motherboard. Yes, .
  • If the update is carried out from under a running operating system - a system failure or software interference, for example, blocking by an antivirus.
  • Incorrect user actions, for example, restarting the computer before the update is installed.
  • Failure of the flash memory chip.
  • Hidden BIOS microprogram errors. Sometimes this explains spontaneous "gatherings" that occur for no apparent reason.
  • Electrical failure of the motherboard.

How BIOS corruption manifests itself

In most cases, the BIOS firmware is partially damaged, so the symptoms of a failure can be different:
  • When you press the PC power button, only the cooler turns on, which immediately starts to rotate with maximum speed. Sometimes the LED indicators on the case and keyboard light up.
  • One or more seconds after power on, a cyclic reboot begins. Outwardly, this is manifested by a cycle of spin-ups and stops of the cooler, which are repeated as long as power is supplied.
  • When turned on, the power indicator lights up, the cooler does not spin.
  • The computer shows no signs of life. This happens when the boot block, the BIOS bootloader, is damaged. This is the hardest case.

There is no image on the screen. Even the splash screen of the manufacturer does not appear.

There are other forms of damage to the BIOS, more precisely, its area, which stores the configuration of the ME controller (a component of the chipset) on boards that work with Intel processors - the so-called ME region. If there is a problem in this area, a computer or laptop may:

  • Incorrect loading or not turning on at all.
  • Turn off or restart at regular intervals.
  • It is incorrect to regulate the cooler rotation speed, for example, to turn it at high speed regardless of the load.

The elimination of such failures consists in reading the BIOS dump, replacing the ME region with a clean one and re-flashing it using the programmer. Since this is usually done by repairmen, and not by computer owners, we will not dwell on this. Let's better do what can be done at home without special equipment and the risk of finally sending your "iron pet" to the realm of eternity.

BIOS recovery without a programmer is possible only if the bootloader is saved. It is sometimes possible to determine whether it has been preserved or not by indirect signs: flashing of the screen backlight, sound signals from the system speaker, the reaction of the motherboard to turning on without random access memory(sound or flashing indicators), etc. If the BIOS bootloader is preserved, the first moments of computer operation are normal, the failure appears a little later.

How to restore the performance of a motherboard with a failed BIOS


Many Asus brand desktop motherboards support USB flashback, which is designed to quickly update and restore the BIOS in the event of a failure. This does not require anything other than a USB flash drive with a capacity of up to 4-16 GB and the BIOS file itself, which must be downloaded from the manufacturer's website from the section on your "mother" model.

After downloading the firmware, you need to rename it. For example, the file "Sabertooth X79" (model name) is renamed to "SABERX79.ROM", the file "Sabertooth Z77" to "Z77ST.CAP". Information on how the firmware file should be named for your model is most likely on the Asus website, but if you do not find it, check the forums or support.

Next, save the renamed BIOS to a FAT32-formatted flash drive and plug it into the USB port marked " flashback" or " ROG Connect". It is advisable to turn off the computer before this, this will increase the chance of a successful recovery.

After connecting the flash drive, turn on the PC and press the " BIOS". Hold it down for about 3 seconds until the indicator light on the board starts blinking. Blinking indicates that the file was successfully read and flashed into memory. When the flashing process is completed, the indicator will turn off.

If your board is from a budget segment or not too new, that is, it does not support USB Flashback, most likely you can restore it in another way. If the computer is equipped with a floppy drive or optical drive, write the renamed BIOS file to the root directory of a blank floppy disk or CD, place it in the drive, turn off and then turn on the PC. The firmware will be completed when the drive indicator turns off. If there is no drive, use a USB flash drive.


On Gigabyte boards with Dual (dual) BIOS, failures rarely occur, since in case of damage to the firmware in the main chip ( M ain_ BIOS) the dump from the backup is copied into it ( B backup_ BIOS). As long as the main flash memory is healthy and contains firmware, even damaged, the board remains operational.

Problems with starting a board with Dual_BIOS are possible in the following cases:

  • The main chip is missing or has failed.
  • The microcode in the main chip is completely erased.
  • The contents of both chips are damaged.

Some Gigabyte "mothers" can boot from backup flash memory and use it as the main one. Another group of boards from this manufacturer uses a dedicated area on the hard disk as a BIOS backup medium. This is a less reliable option, but still better than nothing.

Restoring the Gigabyte BIOS from a backup is usually done automatically, but if this does not happen, try unplugging the computer, wait a bit and turn it on again.

MSI and others

Most Micro-Star motherboards use a firmware recovery technology very similar to ASUS's - using a flash drive, floppy disk or CD. Copy the BIOS to blank media, connect it to the PC, press the shutdown button for 4 seconds, hold down the combination on the keyboard leftctrl +Home(or Alt +ctrl +Home) and, without releasing the keys, turn on the computer. The beginning of the firmware process can be judged by the blinking of the flash drive or drive indicator.

BIOS on MSI board. On the right is the JSPI1 port for firmware on the programmer

On MSI motherboards and some other brands that are more than 8-10 years old, the BIOS is flashed from a floppy disk. The instructions for AWARD and AMI BIOS are slightly different.

To restore the AMI BIOS, do the following:

  • Rename the BIOS file downloaded from the motherboard manufacturer's website to AMIBOOT.ROM.
  • Move it to the root of a clean floppy disk. Insert the floppy disk into the drive of the switched off PC.
  • Press left Ctrl + Home on your keyboard and turn on your computer.

To restore the AWARD BIOS:

  • Place the flash driver and BIOS files on a floppy disk (usually downloaded in one archive).
  • Create a text document on a floppy disk containing the name of the BIOS file with the extension bin. Rename the document to autoexec.bat.
  • The next steps are the same as above.

By the way, some motherboard manufacturers post BIOSes on their websites only in exe format - in one bottle with the flash driver for updating from under Windows. Sometimes such a file can be unpacked as an archive, but users often do not understand what exactly of its contents is the firmware. There is no universal solution for such problems. In order not to aggravate the problem, it is better to consult on the specialized forums or in the technical support of the manufacturer.

On some boards, before restoring the BIOS, you also need to remove the real-time clock (RTC) battery from the socket or rearrange (remove) the clear CMOS jumper. It is important to find out these points before starting the procedure.

Features of BIOS recovery on laptops

On laptops, as well as on Gigabyte boards, the BIOS is also often stored in two flash memory chips. But it's not Dual and it has no backups. Both chips contain different parts of the firmware, or one contains the main BIOS, and the other contains the multicontroller program. To prevent the device from turning on, it is enough to damage the microcode in at least one of them.

The procedure for recovering a crashed BIOS on laptops is about the same as on desktops. The firmware file downloaded from the manufacturer’s website and the flasher program (the latter is not always needed) are placed on a clean USB flash drive formatted in FAT32 / 16, connected to a de-energized device (just turning off the laptop is sometimes not enough, you need to disconnect the power supply and remove the battery), insert a charged the battery in place, turn on the device and hold down the key combination. On different laptops, different keyboard shortcuts are used for this, for example:

  • Ctrl (left only or both) + Home
  • Windows + B (this and other letters are given in the Latin layout)
  • Windows+F
  • Windows+M
  • Windows + Esc
  • Fn+B
  • Fn+F
  • Fn+M
  • Fn + Esc.

The main work is to unpack and rename the BIOS files. Again, there is no single rule here. In most cases, you have to get the firmware from exe files, but! Many manufacturers include BIOSes for different revisions of one platform or a whole series of platforms in the program, and it can be very difficult to choose the only file you need from them. In order not to be mistaken, read the instructions for the firmware of your particular model and platform revision on the specialized forums. And feel free to ask questions.

I deliberately do not provide instructions in the article for restoring BIOSes by flashing on a programmer with and without soldering, closing various contacts, hot-swapping removable flash memory, etc., since all these methods are unsafe and require certain knowledge. However, among the readers, there are probably those who have done something similar on their PC and got good results. It will be great if you describe in detail your actions in the comments to the article. Also, stories about negative experiences are welcome so that other readers can avoid mistakes thanks to you. In the comments, be sure to include the model name and revision of your motherboard, as well as the BIOS version you were working with.

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How to restore the BIOS of a computer and laptop if it has crashed updated: February 5, 2018 by: Johnny Mnemonic

Even the most cautious users will eventually have to log into the computer's base system on their own. To be afraid, to do something wrong is normal, which cannot be said about the manifestation of the reverse reaction - the frivolity of newcomers, driven by irresistibility, to test the microsystem in action. However, both some and other users may have a question: “The computer does not enter the BIOS: what to do”, even if “the same one” is used to enter service key calling the underlying microsystem of the computing device. It will be interesting to everyone, and even to you an advanced user!

Introductory Theory of "Untriggerability"

Let's leave the dull story about what BIOS is and why it is needed at all ... You need to know one thing - BIOS, this is not the place where you can thoughtlessly conduct experiments. Before you change any parameter or make a certain change in the operation of the microsystem, you need to understand that the result may turn out to be deplorably unexpected. Therefore, we turn on our brains and get down to business.

Energy "CMOS-trouble" - the battery is dead

The one who knows what is at stake will smile. Although it is not a fact that when the situation “The computer does not enter the BIOS” occurs, a knowledgeable user immediately pays attention to the battery that keeps the CMOS memory chip, so to speak, in good shape.

Sometimes an advanced computer scientist takes a roundabout way - he tries to reflash the BIOS or exposes the system to a kind of software "shock therapy" by loading various DOS utilities and trying to resurrect the "maternal instinct" of the bootability of the control system.

In fact, the first thing to do when the problem we are considering occurs is to replace the CMOS battery and reset BIOS settings to default values.

Where is the "main" battery located and how to reset the BIOS?

The location of the battery may depend on the modification of the computing device, its type and other design features of the device. When it comes to laptops, access to the battery is often incredibly difficult, as often the battery is hidden deep in the bowels of a compact device. However, referring to the material of the article, which is , you will be able to reset the BIOS settings without carrying out the difficult process of dismantling the laptop frame.

In the case of stationary computers, everything is much simpler - we disconnect the power cable from the system unit, remove the protective cover and, without much stress, we immediately find a large button-type battery. Naturally, it must be dismantled, and before putting a workable battery in its place, close the contacts of the battery socket with any metal object (static, you know!). After that, proceed to the operation "reset user settings".

Mechanical method - closing special connectors with a jumper or clicking on the "Clear" button

Some manufacturers supply the motherboards they produce with a special button, pressing which allows you to clear the CMOS memory and return the BIOS settings to, so to speak, their original state - the factory one. However, most motherboards are equipped with a more ascetic reset mechanism - a three-pin breaker, the location of which can be easily calculated by marking "CLR CMOS".

So, in order (by default, we de-energized the computing device and removed the protective cover):

  • Typically, the reset pin mechanism is in close proximity to the CMOS battery. However, in the photo below, the jumper is in a different place on the board.

  • The operating position of the jumper is "1-2" - move the contactor one position forward / backward, in accordance with the marking applied to the motherboard. Regarding the graphical example (above the figure) - this is the position "2-3".
  • Wait a couple of minutes and install a new battery in the battery connector.
  • If the motherboard is equipped with a special button, activate it.

  • Close the cover and connect the power cable to the system unit.
  • Turn on your computer.

If everything went well, which is called “Hurrah”, then pressing the “necessary” button will take you to the basic settings interface, no - we continue to look for the reason.

Keyboard "passions", or Why can't I enter the computer's BIOS?

Sometimes, especially for portable electronics, the culprit of "uncontrollability" is directly the keyboard module. Make sure that none of the keys is stuck, that is, is not in the closed (pressed) state.

Perhaps some unfortunate incident that happened the day before will come to mind - a spilled cup of coffee, for example.

In any case, it's worth trying the "connecting an external keyboard via USB" option.

If the prerequisites are correct, you need to replace the keyboard module. For desktop computers, the most acceptable test scheme is to connect a known-good keyboard to the PS / 2 connector.

Hard case - "hard" problems

The inability of the computer BIOS system to start or to complete the full initialization process can be caused by a malfunction of any hardware component of the computer. Most often, the reason lies in the incapacity of the hard drive. By the way, do not neglect the importance (issued by the BIOS system) of sound signals. Learn more about "beep" codes . This kind of knowledge incredibly simplifies the process of finding a specific problem.

It is not uncommon for a favorable boot scenario to be disrupted by a malfunction of the front connection panel, to which external audio and other peripherals are connected. Try disconnecting the external controller cable from the motherboard.

Check if the problem “computer does not enter BIOS” has been resolved, if not, turn it off HDD and restart your computer. In the end, if possible, experiment with RAM sticks - check their performance, so to speak, by alternate connection. All of the above also applies to laptops. Perhaps information from it will come in handy for you.

In addition to what has been said

So, you, dear reader, have familiarized yourself with the basic methods for eliminating the causes when the computer does not enter the BIOS. We dare to assure you that the described troubleshooting algorithm is the most optimal. However, if your BIOS simply crashed, then you still can’t do without flashing the CMOS chip (see the article, which is located ). Happy renovation to you!

BIOS (BIOS) is a basic input-output system, as this term is literally translated from English. This is a firmware hardwired into the flash memory on the motherboard (system) board, which is responsible for starting the computer when it is turned on. With its help, initial equipment analysis, its setting in automatic mode or according to the specified parameters. Incorrect configuration or failure of a piece of equipment leads to failures when loading the operating system or prevents it from starting.

Why BIOS won't start

As a rule, the loading of data and settings from the BIOS is so transient that the user does not have time to read most of the information about the process displayed on the screen. In the BIOS of modern motherboards there is a setting, hiding this information behind the manufacturer's full-screen logo. If the normal startup process is interrupted, and information about the problems that have arisen is displayed on the monitor, you will have to take measures to eliminate failures. The reasons may be overheat accessories, misconfiguration or their failure. Common problems include:

  • partial or complete hard disk failure;
  • frequency reduction rotation or stop of fans;
  • failure system clock;
  • partial failure power supply;
  • conflict newly installed equipment.

Having discovered a critical BIOS malfunction suspends launch operating system and displays error messages. In some situations, problems exclude this possibility, in which case the BIOS does not load on the computer and the user sees a black screen. To make changes to the settings, you need to enter the control menu using specially assigned keys or their combinations on the keyboard.

Entering the BIOS if it cannot be loaded correctly

If the settings fail to load, if the problem is correctable, the bottom of the screen displays possible key combinations, providing access to the parameters. In the illustration, this information is outlined in red, but only describes a special case. Motherboard manufacturers assign their own combinations, and this must be taken into account.

Typical keys to navigate to settings F2 or Delete(del). In the case of a laptop, options are added ctrl+F1, Esc and others, which the on-screen menu necessarily informs about or this information is indicated in the device passport.

On the keyboard of almost all laptop models there is a key for activating the function buttons. At the same time, the top row of keys (F1-F12), in addition to standard instructions, contains small icons corresponding to an additional function. If pressing a combination (for example, Ctrl+F1) does not result in entering the configuration of the basic I/O system, first press and hold function selection key. It is usually denoted by the symbols fn.

The BIOS may not turn on when broken keyboard or malfunction of the port to which it connects. An easy way to make sure it works is by pressing a key Capslock or Numlock, at which the corresponding indicator light. If this does not happen, you can replace keyboard PS/2 to a USB device or vice versa. USB keyboards should be switched to free ports.

Failure components, both as a result of power surges and due to defects in production, disrupts the correct launch of the operating system. In some cases, you can also diagnose or eliminate such a failure using the BIOS.

The above malfunctions can appear, both in a frozen initial BIOS screen saver (after which the computer does not start further) with a suggestion to use the keys to enter, and total absence any image on the monitor. Often this is accompanied by beeps from a speaker connected to the motherboard. Also, the computer may turn on, but the BIOS will not boot.

The correct sequence of actions in such cases - complete shutdown all additional components: hard drives, optical drives and expansion cards (sound, network). Recommended disconnect cables peripherals: external modems, printers, other devices.

Only the main devices are left connected: a monitor, keyboard and mouse, if the BIOS is equipped with a graphical menu. It is preferable to use devices connected to PS / 2 ports instead of USB, if the appropriate connectors are available.

Having gained access to the settings management, the previously disconnected devices are connected in turn, evaluating which of them is malfunctioning and disrupts the correct operation of the BIOS.

Entering the settings management, in the corresponding section check output voltage power supply, make sure the cooling fans are connected and spinning. It also controls and configures the devices from which the operating system is loaded, the order in which they are polled.

The problem with the computer freezing due to overheating of the processor or motherboard chips is not necessarily solved body cleaning or replacing fans. By adjusting the rotational speed of the coolers, choosing a hard mode of operation, results are sometimes achieved without financial costs.

Correcting the listed problems or entering incorrect settings in the BIOS when installing new equipment can also disrupt the correct operation of the computer. For modern motherboards, it is permissible to manage part of the BIOS functions programmatically from the operating system. If incorrect parameters are entered, the start of the computer and the BIOS may be disturbed. In this case, it is recommended to remove the battery inside the system unit to reset the settings. After a few minutes, replace the battery and try to start again.

Computer won't boot past BIOS

First of all, you need to determine why the problem occurred. The following illustration shows a special case in which both incorrect configuration of the OS boot device and failure of the hard drive are possible.

In the first case, they try choose the right device, in the second, only replacement or repair.

The design of modern motherboards includes many elements, for correct setting which require high qualifications. In addition, the correct diagnosis of these parameters is also important. The BIOS itself will help with this.

Entering the control menu, immediately select shutdown section, depending on the BIOS version, it looks different. Further, two possible options actions:

Can't enter BIOS after update

Replacing the BIOS firmware can activate previously inaccessible settings, disable support for some devices, or enable new modes of their operation. As a result, not only the correct operation of the OS may be impossible, but even entering the BIOS settings management menu may become unavailable.

The first thing to do is - reset settings using a jumper on the motherboard. Denoted by the inscription Clear CMOS or similar abbreviation.

Switch the jumper according to the motherboard manufacturer's instructions, wait a few minutes, and then reset it. If you still cannot enter the menu, unplug from motherboard sound cards, hard drives, printers connected to USB ports and other equipment, except for the keyboard. Repeat the steps above.

If they also do not lead to the desired result, testing of the processor and memory modules is required, in extreme cases, BIOS firmware using a programmer. It is better not to perform such actions on your own, but to contact a service center or workshop.

The BIOS is the Basic Input/Output System, the heart of the computer, without which other components and software cannot function normally. When you turn on the computer, the BIOS starts first, and only after turning it on does the operating system start loading.

Theoretically, since Windows boots after the BIOS, reinstalling the operating system or adding another OS should not affect the normal operation of the BIOS. However, it is not uncommon for an attempt to install a second operating system to result in the BIOS not loading.

In this case, it can be assumed that the BIOS settings have gone astray and restoring the default settings can solve the problem. To reset the settings, you need to carry out the following operations.

  1. Disconnect the PC and monitor from the mains.
  2. Open the system unit and remove the battery from the motherboard.
  3. Wait a few minutes.
  4. Replace the system battery.
  5. Connect power to the computer and monitor.

After restarting, the BIOS will start to boot “like the first time”. If after that the problem disappears, it is recommended to format the bootable hard drive and reinstall the operating system. Preferably one that previously worked without problems. It is possible that the added operating system was damaged in the distribution.

Connection violations

There is a high probability that the BIOS does not boot due to breaks in the power supply or data loops. To check this option, you first need to listen to see if the cooler rotates on the motherboard. The BIOS is part of the processor and therefore poor cooling of the motherboard leads to malfunctions.

It is possible that the contact groups of the fan have moved away, which is why it does not work. After that, carefully inspect all cable and daisy chain connections. Check if dust has accumulated on the motherboard or in the contacts. Dust is an excellent conductor of electric current, and it also creates electrostatic fields, to which electronics are very sensitive.

  • Remove dust from the device with a vacuum cleaner and a brush.
  • Disconnect the contactors in sequence and clean the terminals from dirt and oxidation. You can use a school gum to strip the contacts.
  • Check the security of all connectors. It is likely that the vibration caused the contacts to separate, and therefore the equipment stopped working correctly.

After prevention, you can try to restart the computer. Again the screen is black and the BIOS does not load? Then it can be assumed that one of the internal modules is faulty. Including the motherboard itself could fail or it needs to be reflashed.

You can download a new firmware for the motherboard on the official website of the manufacturer. Updating the firmware is a complex and rather risky task. Therefore, if you don’t know exactly what and how to do it, it’s better not to risk it, otherwise you can ruin the entire computer, in a place with hard drives. Please contact the service center.

Bad blocks in the computer

None of the above helped? Then the probability of iron malfunction increases and you can start checking the blocks.
Unplug and remove anything from the device that is not necessary to start the computer. Leave only the motherboard, power supply and one of the RAM sticks. The computer will not work in this state, but it is possible to check the health of the motherboard itself.
A common reason for the inability to start the computer is the insufficient power of the power supply. For example - you replaced the motherboard with a better one, which requires more electricity. At the same time, the power supply remained old. Or so - additional hard drives or some other functional components were installed in the system unit. Energy consumption can rise quite a lot. Installing a more powerful power supply will solve the problem. If the question, of course, is the lack of energy.

Often, BIOS loading is prevented by a malfunction in the video card. If possible, you need to check the video card by replacing it with another similar one. Or install the video card in another computer. Here you need to look at the compatibility of the equipment. Otherwise, you will not find the problem, but you can create new malfunctions.

If in the minimum configuration - a motherboard, a power supply, a RAM socket - the system unit is working and the BIOS is loading, then the problem is in one of the removed modules. After installing and connecting the next block, try turning on the computer again and see what happens. As soon as the BIOS stops starting again, it can be assumed that you have found a faulty block. Now it remains only to find a similar one and replace it.

In reality, things are often much more complicated. For example, a computer sometimes boots up and works quite normally, and then, for no apparent reason, starts to fail. The problem may be as in violations in software as well as component failures.

These periods of normal operation, alternating with the inability to boot the BIOS, are characteristic of three types of problems.

  1. The presence of microcracks on the motherboard. Because of this, contact periodically disappears.
  2. Dry electrolytic capacitors on the motherboard or in the power supply. This malfunction mainly refers to old system units that have been in operation for a long time. Sometimes faulty capacitors can be identified by a characteristic swelling of the case.

Bad contact in connected wires. As already mentioned - the presence of dust, oxidation of contacts, not enough strong pressure. If the contactors have fixing screws, they must be tightened to the end. The reverse situation also happens - too tightly clamped fixing screws lead to deformation of the connectors and disruption of contact in the connection.
