Eastern zodiac horoscope: Snake – Aquarius. Aquarius – Snake Horoscope for Aquarius Snake today

The Aquarius-Snake sign includes people born from January 21 to February 19 in 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.

Aquarius-Snake is a rather interesting combination that gives a person a non-standard vision of the world and the same non-standard behavior and thinking. This is a multifaceted personality and very complex. This person believes in mysticism, but only trusts what he sees. A Snake born under the sign of Aquarius is very different from other Snakes.

Aquarius-Snake experiences constant nervous overload. This is due to the fact that Aquarius influences the Snake, accumulating external and internal emotional stress. create this tension. She prefers to withdraw into herself and think everything over, but Aquarius does not give her this opportunity, leading her nervous system into real chaos. Aquarius-Snake often sets itself super-tasks, which it usually cannot fulfill due to the fact that it is scattered in its desires. A person born with this combination has enormous creative potential, extraordinary abilities and many hidden talents. In addition, he has good intuition and the ability to subordinate others to his desires. But, to realize all this, he lacks focus and concentration.

Aquarius-Snake does not experience difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex. He instantly makes new acquaintances and takes the initiative into his own hands. Loves beautiful courtship and joint appearances. True, in personal relationships he can behave frivolously, but at the same time he makes excessive demands on the chosen one.

A person born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Snake is open, cheerful, energetic, bright and artistic. He is active and sociable. Likes to organize meetings, receptions, and gather the right people. Aquarius-Snake is a very dynamic and ambitious person, devoid of inner peace and constantly striving somewhere, thirsting for new discoveries and peaks. It is worth noting that the Aquarius-Snake horoscope combines two completely different natures. The inconstancy and chaos of Aquarius greatly complicates the life of the cold-blooded and calm Snake.

From my own experience, and the Snake is a practitioner and in life he often focuses on the state of his body. Therefore, Aquarius-Snake is a realist and practitioner at the same time, but of a very “grounded” type. Many of his aspirations and actions, one way or another, are connected with the achievement of pleasant sensations. Another feature of this combination is that Aquarius is a born innovator and revolutionary, and the Snake is a conservative who strictly adheres to established traditions, so it extinguishes all the impulses of Aquarius. As a result, Aquarius-Snake goes to the goal in a standard, well-trodden path, but draws original conclusions and knows how to get an extraordinary result in an ordinary way.

A person born with this combination has good organizational skills and easily finds a common language with different people. This is a creative person with the ability to direct. Aquarius-Snake perfectly organizes holidays and public events, knows how to rally and unite people, organize any parties, press conferences, social events and sporting competitions. Under his leadership, various meetings and events, trainings and master classes are excellent. His talent is truly limitless. These are organizers and officials, practitioners and innovators by necessity, subtly sensing which way the wind is blowing. The Snake adds to Aquarius not only “groundedness”, expressed in some conservatism, but also sensuality. A significant disadvantage in the nature of this combination is the inability to complete the work started.

Aquarius-Snake is weak-willed and quickly switches its attention from one object to another. He is characterized by mood swings and a constant change of plans and ideas. It is important for such a person to take these qualities into account and be able to achieve internal harmony. To do this, he simply needs to be in peace and quiet for some time, abandoning his nervousness and desire to communicate.

It is worth noting that Aquarius-Snake is a very smart and sincere person, but very similar to an iceberg. Only a small part of his character and nature is on the surface. He shows people only what he considers necessary. And even the closest ones cannot say that they know this person one hundred percent. Yes, and he doesn’t have that many truly close people... More like almost none! This person is in no hurry to open up and prefers superficial communication, because it comes easily to him and does not interfere with privacy from time to time.

In personal relationships, Aquarius-Snake knows how to arouse interest in people of the opposite sex, charm and intrigue. In love relationships, much attention is paid to going to the movies, museums, and theaters together. This person really loves external shine, so an indispensable condition for a relationship is that the partner must look after him beautifully.

In general, Aquarius-Snake is quite flighty, fickle, loves flirting and meeting new people, but at the same time is very demanding of his partner. He craves attention, demands the constant presence of his chosen one and is jealous to the point of madness. The thing is that the Snake is one of the sexiest signs of the Eastern horoscope. It is not for nothing that in the “snake” ranks the best friend of all newlyweds is the composer Jacob Mendelssohn, who entered the musical culture as the author of the “Wedding March”. But, remember that the Snake attaches the main importance to sensations, not feelings. Both men and women of this combination are happy to change partners, but most often return to the family. In any case, Aquarius-Snake knows how to express his love and devotion to those he cares about.

Aquarius-Snake woman

A woman born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Snake stands out for her bright and cheerful character. She is positive, active and resourceful. Nature has endowed this woman with a huge amount of talents and an inexhaustible supply of vital energy. She has good artistic taste, and a love for all kinds of parties and decorations. Therefore, she will be able to realize herself in the field of organizing shows, holidays, concerts, and also become a good screenwriter or director.

The multi-talented Aquarius-Snake woman spends her entire life searching for the use of her many talents. And, having found one of the areas to realize her abilities, she may calm down for a while, but then again go in search of something new.

At the same time, the Aquarius-Snake woman is a pragmatist by nature. She carefully calculates all her actions and strives to obtain some kind of benefit, material or spiritual. Born in the year of the Snake, but its start is important for this, i.e. the amount of positivity invested in her as a child. The interesting thing is that a career for a woman with this combination does not matter much. It is much more important for her to use her talents and abilities. And, if she finds this application, then fame, recognition and financial well-being will certainly come to her.

The Aquarius-Snake woman is very attractive to many men. She is beautiful, smart, agile, charming and cunning like a woman. She knows how to approach men and knows how to get what she wants from them. She loves compliments and beautiful courtship, but what is especially important to her is the social status and polish of her partner, his ability to be generous.

Romantic relationships for the Aquarius-Snake woman are one of the brightest manifestations of feelings and knowledge of the beauty of the world. She enjoys love, dissolves in it and does not understand that efforts must be made to preserve feelings. Therefore, relationships can go in two ways: if it’s just pleasure, then a breakup will certainly come later, and if the Aquarius-Snake woman tries to get to know her partner better, it will lead to a serious relationship.

The Aquarius-Snake woman is not as simple as it seems, but her goals are quite decent: the health and well-being of the family is of paramount importance to her. In family relationships, she will be a faithful and devoted, patient and selfless wife, but she will also require a lot of attention and material support from a man.

Aquarius-Snake man

A man born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Snake is active and energetic, unusual and even mysterious. He is distinguished by originality and uniqueness in all his actions. He can be lucky and unlucky, he can build a strong family and he can remain lonely. Absolutely everything depends on him. This combination gives rise to a strong and intelligent type of man who achieves everything not through perseverance, but through intellect.

A man born with the Aquarius-Snake combination is always full of ideas and plans, but he is in no hurry to bring them to life. He likes the static state in which he remains most of the time. The Aquarius-Snake man has a well-developed memory, thanks to which he is able to perceive large amounts of information and may well become a successful journalist or editor. Born in the year of the Snake, and in politics. At the same time, he is self-centered and incapable of recognizing the achievements and successes of other people. If he is wrong, it is extremely difficult for him to admit it. A career for an Aquarius-Snake man is not the main area of ​​life; it is much more important to have food for the mind. Therefore, very often he takes a middle place on the career ladder and is not at all worried about this.

In personal relationships, the Aquarius-Snake man is bright and impulsive. He loves to demonstrate relationships and puts his feelings and his chosen one on public display. He sees the ideal woman as bright and temperamental as himself, so that they can rush into adventures and adventures together. The Aquarius-Snake man is very jealous and is capable of causing scandals based on jealousy. It is quite difficult for him to build relationships, because he is too authoritarian and strong, so he is unlikely to tolerate a weak person next to him. But, on the other hand, it is difficult for him to get along with a strong personality. Usually he comes to the understanding that he needs to learn to build relationships at a more mature age.

The Aquarius-Snake man is in no hurry to start a family and can look closely at the woman he likes for a long time. If he gets a wise wife as his wife, then in the family he will show all his wisdom, care, kindness and even originality and ingenuity in obtaining material resources.

general characteristics

Sign of geniuses. They worship justice, have broad interests, and never irritate anyone. Their ideas are original and they have a sharp mind.

Born under this sign: Galileo, Edison, Burns, Byron, Mozart, Schubert, Paganini, Lincoln, Maugham, J. Verne, Roosevelt, Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Dickens, R. Reagan, B. Yeltsin.

Characteristics by zodiac sign

  • Influence: Saturn.
  • Symbol: Aquarius, silver hands, wings, flight of birds and airplanes, zigzags, youth, sage.
  • Colors: gray, lilac, blue-green, violet (black is an unlucky color).
  • Stone: garnet, zircon, light sapphire, opal, amethyst, lapis lazuli.
  • Flowers: violet, myrtle, narcissus.
  • Metal: tin.
  • Mascot: key, icon.
  • Happy day: Wednesday Saturday.
  • Unlucky day: Sunday.
  • Favorable numbers: 2, 4, (all numbers divisible by 4), 8, 9, 11, 13.
Born from January 21 to February 1 under the influence of Venus - shy and delicate, melancholic and refined in love.
Born from 2 to 12 February under the influence of Mercury - gentle, intelligent, a little vain, moral, and have humor.
Born from 12 to 20 February under the influence of the Moon - natures are disappointed, reserved, modest, sensitive, truthful, adamant, pleasant.


There are weak and strong Aquarians. In general, this is a combination of an angel and a devil. They hate theatricality, they don’t want to produce effect, they don’t want to be impressive, but they don’t mind shocking. They want to do something nice, but mostly for themselves. They are alien to conventions in relation to themselves, but old-fashioned in family matters. They don’t want to be like anyone, but they want everyone to love them, they want to be free from the burden of the material world, but they strive for power, position, prestige.
They are curious, they are attracted to everything new, until they get bored, until they comprehend the whole truth. They rarely throw themselves at anything. They are contemplative of life, but can also be generous in spirit. There may be something subtle, gentle, smooth about Aquarius. They fluctuate between instinct and reason. They can be almost strangers to their own emotions.
Many are religious, mystical, understand nature, vegetarians, full of good intentions towards everyone, they do not know hatred. Their politeness is simplicity, some are trusting, sometimes too much. They are undiscerning, a little naive, they lack a sense of remorse, guilt, others, on the contrary, restrain their sensitivity, do not open their feelings, seclude themselves on every mistake, focus their intuition on the future, and achieve the highest goals. They want to be not only equal, but also superior, they resist if they are told what to do or restrained, they can become jealous, unfriendly, insensitive, imprudent, putting forward the slogan: “do as I say, and not as I do.”
Taste for clothes is varied and contradictory. Women prefer originality to everything. Some can create a seductive effect in the absence of jewelry or embellishment through subtle color selection. Some take originality to the point of extravagance and eccentricity, looking for something rare, unique, even shocking and even scandalous; there are also trendy ones.


No early career passion or ambition. They bring a human touch to everything they do. A profession can occupy a significant place in life. They can be highly conscious, disciplined, and responsible. They keep their word and do what is required of them.
They have an excellent sense of teamwork and are good at social work. They are unenvious and uncalculating, always ready to accept the point of view of others, have a good disposition and excellent relationships with their superiors. Often they are given an unexpected promotion. They know how to give orders, how to explain what should be done, no one can get a newbie up to speed better than them.
They find a way to implement their own ideas, although quantity sometimes suffers from quality.
The best field of application is the field of art, everything related to cinema, radio, television, pedagogy, education, invention, work as flight attendants, spiritual mentoring, sociology, psychology, social work, law, aeronautics, engineering.
They are rarely interested in money. Some people neglect money out of stupidity. Most famous Aquarians died in deep poverty. Making money is not one of the goals; they rarely want luxury; they prefer simplicity, even moderation, which keeps them from “obesity” - physical, mental and moral.
These are the worst owners, they hate checking accounts. They would rather spend than save.
But there are other Uranus-ruled Aquarians who lead persistently strange lives, sometimes martyrdom, that can seem romantic, full of disruptions and surprising events, unexpected shocks, amazing good and bad luck. They may be happier when they are poor than when they are rich.


Emotionally, Aquarius reveals itself in a complex way; his sensitivity merges with his own imagination. They like to dream about the unusual, especially in their youth, surround the object of love with a mystical aura that rarely corresponds to reality, in other words, they often idealize the chosen one, then they become disappointed and abandon love in the name of friendship.
Some settle for “relative” happiness, in which old sentimental traits play a subordinate role. Others hide their inner vulnerability under a layer of ice mixed with brilliant hardness, some may even become cynical, detached, deliberately unpleasant, even disgusting, but this is rarely the case.
The thirst for prestige is a trap for Aquarius. The idea that they can be easily affected by life, especially love, is an illusion. Passion may pass through them, but it will not destroy their hearts. It can be stimulating, but it rarely takes them where they don't want to go.
They invariably return to the purity of their source - friendship and chosen affections. They rarely bother with hatred; even more than Gemini and Libra, they want to be free. A relationship where they are a “bird in a cage” is unbearable for them.
Aquarians rarely wear wedding rings. If they are enslaved by relationships, they only think about liberation, which they prepare in silence. Aquarians have the highest divorce rate. They are more willing to give themselves to a company than to one person. They can give more to strangers than to members of their own family.
Women can be intractable in matters of love and not pay attention to public opinion, religion, or nationality. Like men, they want freedom. They are extremely feminine and sensitive. If a man disappoints them, then their ardor decreases and may disappear altogether, but if he is trying to restore a good opinion of himself, the woman will do everything possible to help him until she puts him on a pedestal.
Lesson for Aquarius: Don't sacrifice love for friendship.
For marriage, friendship and cooperation, Aquarius needs to look for Libra, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini. Avoid Taurus and Scorpio.

How to achieve perfection

More interested in the true values ​​of life, rather than in his own successes. Strives to serve truth and progress. Respected and deep people who love solitude are objective, capable of maintaining their individuality, despite any influences. They are very picky in choosing close people, but nevertheless they make casual acquaintances. Prone to utopian ideas and projects. They are stubborn, strive to verify everything from their own experience, rarely listen to advice, and are reluctant to give it themselves. Aquarians are individualists, they do not care about public opinion, they know what they want and how to achieve it. They are often envied or misunderstood, since Aquarius has superiority over others and greatly influences the crowd. Aquarius often finds himself a victim of his own delusions and has his head in the clouds. But he feels his strength. There is not a drop of anger or meanness in him. He seeks peace and finds a diplomatic solution.


Long-lived in the Zodiac system. Aquarius wisely and philosophically perceives all the ups and downs. Classic Aquarius - slender, well-built, with charming eyes, fair hair and gray eyes. He loves hunting and sports, and follows a routine. Smoking is bad for him.

Elements: AIR

Quick wits, cheerful, lively character, talkative, sociable. You are a kind of family “translator”, interpreter. You are good at writing letters (when you have to), but in general you prefer phones and don’t like to give in to emotions.

Prefer coldness. You are fascinated by plans. A couple of them are always brewing in your head. Features - logical, reasonable arguments, explanations. This is why air signs are associated with thinking and imagination. You live in a world of ideas, thoughts. You like to use logical arguments and have clear, precise thinking. According to your element, you should choose friends and lovers from air and fire. Air is compatible with water, if it is not afraid of the wind, and with earth, if it is not against the wind.

Your advantages: common sense, objectivity, sense of community, adaptability, helpfulness: good conversationalist, impartiality, prudence, love of freedom.

Your cons: stubbornness, self-confidence, duplicity, superficiality, talkativeness and gossip. Coldness and calculation, self-will, promiscuity. If you are a Libra, you are a distinct air: cool, calm, focused, your main strength is conviction.

If you are an Aquarius, then you are still air, you are under pressure. You are characterized by boiling thoughts, overcome by plans. You are dying to give free rein to an unsuspecting world. If you are a Gemini, then you have changeable air - sometimes warm, sometimes cold, and sometimes both at once. On your way, you act with intelligence and charm, and in the same way, if necessary, evade.

Home conditions: the air needs to live in open, windy places, where there is a lot of fresh air, in extreme cases, air conditioning. When working indoors, choose a table near a window. Stay outside if possible.

Your invisible spirit, which patronizes and protects you, is the sylph, which prefers places with a lot of air - gardens, fields.


Among them are the greatest number of geniuses. They can successfully master any profession. They are inventive, have good taste, and many have artistic abilities. There is something magnetic and attractive about them. Aquarius is the sign of achievement. He should avoid routine, monotonous work. He is happy in public work, in politics, science, and is sometimes somewhat slow. Aquarians should take advantage of the chances and opportunities given to them, and not put anything on the back burner.

He loves a home made of glass and concrete, of good taste and very modern, with a large area and various workshops.


A sign of friendship, clubs and human communication in the broad sense of the word. Aquarius is always among people, engaged in social work, interests and hobbies are varied: photography, painting, modeling. He loves to do everything with his own hands, loves to travel and read books on history, geography, economics and social sciences.

Zodiac horoscope

Air sign. Under the auspices of SATURN and URANUS. The character is emotional, the nature is impressionable.
The first of the planets that patronizes AQUARIUS, SATURN, condemns AQUARIUS to submission to fate, which is not always happy. This is a planet of sad memories, melancholy, unfulfilled hopes.
URANUS, on the contrary, is the planet of action, the inspirer of scientists. Therefore, the character of AQUARIUS is contradictory: on the one hand - daydreaming, on the other - energy, daring, activity.

Those born under the sign of AQUARIUS are very attractive to other people due to their humanity. They accept other people's grief and do everything to help those in trouble.

AQUARIUS Woman. Women of this sign are very charming. There are several women in them at once, and this gives them a range of experiences. This woman changes all the time, and those who see her often never get bored with her. Like men of this sign, she loves to work and does not tolerate strict discipline. She brings grace and brilliance to any activity. She is elegant, dances well, is interesting in conversation, gets married quickly, but is rarely happy, since she gives more than she receives.

Relationships of signs: an alliance with GEMINI, LIBRA, SAGITTARIUS is very favorable; quarrels are inevitable with SCORPIO, TAURUS, LEO. The sign of ARIES can enter into an alliance with AQUARIUS. Gorgeous children are born from this marriage. A harmonious union arises with the sign of GEMINI. With the sign of CANCER - faithful friendship, marriage based on mutual respect Despite the attraction that exists between the signs of AQUARIUS and LEO, they look at the world differently. Because of this, a strong alliance cannot arise between them. There is a strong physical attraction between VIRGO and AQUARIUS, but quarrels are inevitable. AQUARIUS attracts LIBRA. The union between them is very happy.

How to choose a life partner

AQUARIUS is usually an idealist and is more interested in high matters than in novels. In love he is faithful and constant, as a rule, monogamous. It's nice to be with him. Friends have different levels and positions in society. He chooses his companions carefully; his demands are high. Loves strong-willed people. Aquarius is usually multi-faceted and leads an interesting and multifaceted life. For him, love is never the only outlet. Easily compromises without being jealous. He needs life partners who have similar interests and are able to appreciate and trust. First you need to become a friend and like-minded person of Aquarius. There is one more necessary condition - to be independent and stand out from the crowd with individual characteristics. Aquarians are freedom-loving and not jealous over trifles. Gets along well with Pisces and Aries. Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn. Dislikes Taurus for lack of imagination, Scorpio for jealousy. Leo - for too much demands in love.

Sexuality Woman

There are always many guests in her house who are attracted by the intelligence, charm, and sociability of the hostess. However, this does not mean that she is also diverse in intimate relationships. Being a good wife, skillfully running the house, she transfers her love for regularity and order to the bedroom. Seduced by her external charm, the man strives for her in search of new sensations. But after intimacy, only the flickering of candles and freshly ironed sheets remain in her memory. She is not familiar with violent eroticism, and she doesn’t need it, since she sees the joy of life in a cheerful company and interesting communication. And although her desire to please makes her husband jealous, he can be calm - she will remain faithful to him. Aquarius is an excellent partner for a man with a weak temperament, looking not so much for sex as for peace and attention.

  • Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius;
  • Aries, Cancer, Virgo;
  • Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Capricorn.

Birthday horoscope

You were born on Friday.
Friday is the day of Venus, a person born on this day is a person of feelings (but not emotions). They are reliable, practical, and you can rely on them for literally everything. On Friday, aesthetes, actors, creative people, peacemakers and bearers of peace come into the world - these are their best qualities. At worst, they are slaves to their passions, lazy people and opportunists. It is believed that Friday is a day of peace and justice, art and contemplation, aestheticism and love. This is the best time for dating related to love affairs, as well as for marriage. But on this day you should avoid all sorts of excesses, because they can unbalance a person and have a detrimental effect on his health. It is advisable to fast.

Astrologers believe that a woman who was born on this day of the week:

Romantic and dreamy. She is fascinated by beauty and harmony. She seduces with tenderness and sensuality. She needs comfort, care and protection. Emotional loneliness frightens her, and only in the circle of her family or with her children does she find absolute peace of mind.

Horoscope compatibility

Relationship between Aries and Aquarius

This is a common trait for Aries and Aquarius. They are endlessly attracted to new things until they become familiar. They abandon what has lost its novelty in order to embark on the next adventure. They leave without looking back or sighing, if both are typical representatives of their Sun signs. For AriesTodayalways more interesting thanyesterday. For Aquarius Tomorrow eclipses and yesterday And Today.

From time to time their earthly paths intersect, and these are always interesting meetings, predestined from above long before birth.

Aries are people of action, they rush into the thick of things. Enthusiasm is not alien to Aquarians, but they do not follow the lead of events. Being interested in everything that is happening around them, they prefer to observe what is happening from a safe distance. This way they maintain impartiality and freedom of action.

The union of Aries and Aquarius - friendly, family, business and love - is always marked with the stamp of karmic obligation. It brings either great good or great sadness and can dramatically change the lives of both.

Aquarius is sincerely grateful to his Aries friend, who shared with him the burden of worries or illness, but is surprised: “And why does he need other people’s problems?” And Aries simply returns his debt to Providence, which takes care of him. In addition, communication with Aquarius expands his intellectual horizons, opens up unexpected goals, and awakens dreams that might have gone unnoticed. Or, on the contrary, an Aquarius friend arranges Aries’s affairs, lends money without any visible benefit - he also returns his karmic debt.

They are serious friends. And they are seriously at odds. But if they manage to rise to the point of forgiveness, they will begin an endless sequence of friendships in subsequent incarnations.

Aquarius is one of the fourhuman signs of the astrological circle (the others are Gemini, Virgo and Libra), who control their passions better than Aries, for whom both love and hatred are often an instinct thickly seasoned with selfishness. Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius leans away from instinct towards higher intelligence and pure intuition, this endows him with supernatural abilities such as telepathy.

Sometimes it seems that Aries also has this gift, but this is an illusion. It is simply the influence of the all-pervading Mars that plunges him into the very heart of the problem. Aries is driven by an irresistible desire to comprehend the essence of things. The mysterious enlightenments of Aquarius are of a different nature. He catches what electromagnetic radiation brings from space, without spending even a tenth of the energy that Aries spends on it.

Nothing prevents Aries and Aquarius from understanding each other. Even if they disagree, the natural sympathy between Fire and Air helps smooth out the disharmony.

Aries are often reproached for their naivety. Aquarians are considered crazy. The world does not understand them, although they are sure that they are on the right path. Isn't this a reason to unite and resist the routine? The reckless determination of Aries and the eccentric wisdom of Aquarius turn, when combined, into a magical fusion. The castles in the air they erected, to the surprise of sober-minded people, turn out to be stronger than stone buildings.

The tolerance inspired by Uranus makes Aquarius lenient towards children's whims and outbursts of Aries' peculiar imagination. And warlike Mars helps Aries cope with the stubbornness of Aquarius. In general, this is a crazy and fabulous union.

What Aquarians cannot explain to Aries is their deep conviction that they cannot think only about themselves. Self-denial gives Aries no more pleasure than wandering in pitch darkness. Aquarians are doomed to bring ideas to the world that will remain misunderstood and unclaimed for the time being.

“All human problems stem from an overestimation of feelings and self-worth!” - Aquarius exclaims.

“People who devalue or suppress their feelings are cold and heartless,” retorts Aries.

Partner compatibility

Aries man - Aquarius woman

Today is his birthday. He has just sent his mother a congratulatory telegram and is now rushing to his Aquarius beloved. Joyful and excited, he flies into her apartment and embraces the girl.

Aries. There is a cool idea on how to celebrate my birthday. We'll have lunch at the little Italian restaurant where we met. And then we'll watch "Love Story" with Ali MacGraw and Rain O'Neal.

Aquarius (looking sleepily at something behind him). I wonder if this wax stain on the ceiling can be removed? Should I paint some flowers around? It's so unconventional! The frescoes on the ceiling are like those in the Sistine Chapel.

Aries. What are you talking about? I say one birth.

Aquarius. Sorry, love. I could have sworn Michelangelo was born in Italy... Or France? Is there anything wrong? You look upset.

Aries. I'm not upset, I'm crazy.

Aquarius. Our Ascendant is in Taurus...

Aries. Who?

Aquarius. Ali McGraw's. She is an Aries, like you, but her Ascendant is in Taurus. I've been crying since I read the first line.

Aries. Did you understand what I said?

Aquarius. She was only twenty when she died

Aries. Oh my God!

Aquarius. I can't wait for this movie. And that wonderful Italian waiter... He guessed that we were in love and brought candles and flowers to our table. By the way... I'll give you a bottle of wine that we drank on your birthday. I'll write it down now so I don't forget. After all, your birthday is next month? Why are you looking so strange? Was he there last month?

She doesn't He won’t understand his indignation. Well, yes, she didn’t hear something. And why is she considered absent-minded? Condescending people will say that she has her head in the clouds. But Aries calls this an unforgivable mockery. They don't notice him! Well, it's true. But she doesn’t notice many things, for example, she forgets to take her medicine by the hour.

A typical Aries man gives himself over to love quickly and recklessly and expects the same from his chosen one. Without waiting for an immediate answer, he is offended: “Who needs her?” Perhaps this is exactly what he needs, but he cannot allow himself to love unrequitedly.

It is difficult for an Aquarius girl to make a choice. This is the curse or blessing of Uranus - she finds something exciting or interesting in almost every stranger. And then, how to distinguish infatuation from love? She constantly confuses love and friendship, but does not confuse love and physical attraction. Her element is Air, she was born under a mental sign and therefore seeks intellectual kinship. It’s not that she doesn’t make mistakes or is blameless - no... She’s just looking for something else besides bodily pleasures.

The Aries man will not be able to conquer her with passionate confessions and promises of unearthly love alone, but if she decides to choose him, she will not coyly and torment him with uncertainty. Rather, he will attack him with something like: “It seems that I love you. Why don't we spend the night together?" For a minute he will be taken aback. But only for a minute. He himself is honest and straightforward. This couple generally despises hypocrisy and is indifferent to other people’s opinions. Both do whatever they want, love panache and outrageousness.

There is a dangerous pitfall in their relationship: both are born under masculine Sun signs and are subject to the rule of masculine planets. Something like a child's game. One draws a line and encourages the other to step over it. However, they can not only reward each other with pushes and kicks, but also be friends. It's not so bad to be not only lovers, but also friends. And one more thing: they easily express their feelings in words, and therefore easily sort things out. (Aquarians, like all Air signs, love to talk.)

So, the Aquarius girl decided to enter into a love union with the Aries man, and harmony reigned between them. But now her lover will not have to rest on his laurels. Her deity is Diversity. She does not recognize once and for all established rituals. Feverish satisfaction of love hunger instead of apologies after a quarrel. Making love at odd hours. Loud music, drowning out words, sighs and exciting whispers. Anything but monotony and boredom.

But she needs to understand that he is incredibly vulnerable, although he does not show it. His caresses must be received enthusiastically and seriously. This is not always possible for the Aquarius girl, for whom sex is just one aspect of a diverse existence. She can enthusiastically dig into the engine of her car or collect violets and not notice his melancholy. She should be more attentive, forget about the carburetor, throw a bouquet and instead whisper a few tender words in his ear. But this needs to be done in such a way that the man himself takes the initiative. Yes, protecting his tender “ego” is a troublesome task, but is it easier to adapt to the kaleidoscopic changes in her moods and fantasies?

Sometimes an ambitious, energetic Aries seems to an Aquarius woman like a bright comet that flashed and disappeared. Will she be able to slow down this rapid movement? It will be possible if she reminds him more often that she loves him with all her heart. But one day she will want him to become impetuous, as he once was. And she will deliberately set fire to the gunpowder of his explosive temperament. She won't have to wait long. And, oddly enough, this flash will make her happy. And she will surprise him by buying a bottle of the same treasured wine that they drank on his birthday. True, it will be in August, although he was born in April. But now he won’t be offended - he’ll rather be touched. He will again feel the power of these Druid spells, this wonderful madness.

And then, glancing at the ceiling, he will say: “You know, my love, this fresco that you painted to hide the polish stain is very picturesque.”

“How did you guess that I dream of going to Italy in the fall?” - she will be happy.

There is nothing simpler: he has finally tuned in to the high-frequency modulations of the space channel. In addition, he himself had long wanted to see the Sistine Chapel. The best time to go is October to celebrate her birthday in Italy.

In October? But she will smile and confirm that this is a wonderful idea. She always wanted to know what it was like to be a Libra woman.

And he admits that, like Leo, he always wanted to have an affair with a Libra girl.

Then they will fight with pillows. And she will win. As always... But he won't be upset by defeat.

Japanese horoscope

According to the calendar adopted in Japan and other Eastern countries, within a 12-year cycle, every year passes under the sign of some animal. A person born in a certain year receives a number of innate properties, depending on which his fate is formed. The popularity of this calendar in the East is very great.

These people are complex, endowed with wisdom from birth, and taciturn. Their business always goes well, but they are often stingy. Sometimes selfish and vain. However, they can show active participation in their less fortunate brothers. They often go too far, not trusting the judgments of others, relying only on themselves. Decisive and purposeful characters who are acutely aware of their failures. Outwardly calm, but passionate natures. They are usually distinguished by their external and internal attractiveness, which, if they are somewhat frivolous, leads to family complications.

  • ideal as friends or life partners: Ox, rooster.
  • fit more or less: RAT, RABBIT, DRAGON, SNAKE, HORSE, SHEEP.
  • are absolutely not suitable, are absolutely contraindicated and can even bring misfortune: TIGER, BOAR.

Chinese horoscope

SNAKE (wisdom)

If the SNAKE has a bad reputation in Christian countries, then in Asian countries, on the contrary, it is revered for its wisdom, insight and will. The SNAKE man is sentimental and pleasant, has humor. The SNAKE woman is beautiful and often enjoys success due to her beauty. In Japan, when they want to compliment a woman, they usually say: “My dear, you are a real snake.” This compliment would sound slightly different in Western countries.

The SNAKE dresses very elegantly and even somewhat pretentiously: always a little dandy. Women have a mania for exquisite accessories. Not talkative, thinks a lot and deeply. This is an intellectual, a philosopher. Although she is wise, she could do without this quality, since she has wonderful intuition. If she is educated, her intuition can become clairvoyance. The SNAKE trusts impressions, feelings and sympathies more than facts, their own experience and the experience of others, judgments and advice. It's like she has a sixth sense.

She very decisively brings things to completion. She hates failure, and although she is calm by nature, she makes decisions quickly. She can move the earth to achieve her intended goal. This is a bad player.

The SNAKE does not like to lend, but out of sympathy it can come to the rescue. He rarely pays in hard cash, more often with himself. Alas, she almost always goes to extremes, and her good will to help others always absorbs her entirely. The SNAKE has a tendency to exaggerate, and if it has done someone a favor, it becomes obsessive and more embarrassing than helpful. Instinct pushes her to wrap herself around someone who owes her and even strangle him. Hence, think first before seeking help from a SNAKE. You may regret this.

When it comes to money, the SNAKE is lucky. She doesn't need to worry about them. She will always find them when she needs them, and she knows, or rather feels, it so well that she has no worries in this regard. In old age she may become a miser.

The SNAKE can perform any work that does not involve any risk, even in cases where a lot of work needs to be done. And yet the SNAKE is lazy.

In love, she chooses her partner herself. Intolerant and jealous, even if she doesn't love him anymore. In any case, she will wrap herself around him, leaving him no freedom of movement, often due to a simple whim, since she herself is an anemone. This especially applies to SNAKE men.

Man or woman, the SNAKE will strive for extramarital affairs that complicate her life. It is desirable that she fight against this tendency and if she could devote her best feelings to her family, her life would be harmonious and serene.

This is her sore spot. The SNAKE will often try to bind a partner in one way or another, and one of these ways is having a large family.

The SNAKE will be happy with the BULL, who will willingly allow the SNAKE to take possession of him, provided that he plays the main role, which the SNAKE will willingly concede.

The fight between the SNAKE and the ROOSTER, if they are married, are friends or are engaged in a common cause, will be favorable for the mutual correction of their shortcomings. It’s a pity for the PIG if it falls, let’s say, into the clutches of a SNAKE. She will be paralyzed, captured. The SNAKE will turn it all out, confident in its impunity. A SNAKE should not allow a TIGER into his life. TIGER is a destroyer.

The first phases of the SNAKE's life will be relatively calm. Attention to the last phase. It is at this moment that her sentimental and passionate nature, her taste for adventure, can do a disservice even when she could have had a calm old age. Everything can change depending on whether the SNAKE was born in summer or winter, at night or during the day, and even depending on what the weather was like that day. Only warmth suits her. She is afraid of cold, squalls, bad weather. In short, she will be happier if she was born in a hot tropical country on a hot day than on a cold December night. The fate of the SNAKE is so dependent on the weather that, if born on a day when there was a storm, it will be in danger all its life.

Druid horoscope

Sprawling, powerful and although not very slender, it gives the impression of a solid and beautiful plant. Adapts to all conditions without difficulty. True, he also dreams of comfort, but if necessary, he can spend the night in the open air. Possesses good health. Everywhere he feels at home and does not know what timidity is. Dynamic, confident, forces one to reckon with oneself, at the same time very sensitive to jokes about his person and does not really understand them.

He loves to amaze, take by surprise, be the center of everyone's attention, and is ready to make any sacrifice to achieve this. He believes that it is he who must make decisions and pronounce the final word. Resolves the most complex issues with brilliance. He does not know danger, is improvident and has the gift of getting involved in unforeseen situations. Fortunately, however, they know how to easily get out of them. Proud, proud, straightforward, and at the same time an incorrigible optimist, which often leads to careless actions in both business and personal life. Has a nature prone to excesses. With apparent independence, he is inclined to succumb to outside influence. Guided by an experienced hand, it can become a weapon of someone else's will. He devotes his soul and body to the cause that he himself has chosen, so among the KARTAS there are many heroes, but there are also many martyrs.

Subject to the influence of others, he himself also has the ability to influence others. Has a motivating effect on others. He is very persistent and is one of those who are always right.

Sensitive, receptive and sentimental - he can become attached forever and perceives this love with a capital letter. The rest is perceived as a pleasant and devoid of greater significance way of spending time. He is intelligent and has the ability to synthesize the perception of problems. The speed with which he thinks and makes decisions is amazing. Often shows a penchant for artistry, mainly in the field of music. In any case, he is distinguished by a great sense of rhythm. Born for adventure, he usually leads an active and varied working life.

Traits of those born under the Sign of CARTAS: impulsiveness, optimism, intelligence, ability to deduce.

Flower horoscope

The woman is a modest beauty. Don't try to "crack" it the first time. She has enough strength and energy to give a proper rebuff. Maybe she'll get lucky after the second try. The man, although not handsome, works like an animal, tirelessly. Therefore, he will receive accordingly.

By all accounts, he broke with the legacy of pre-war fashion, with its simplicity and militant functionality, in one fell swoop, creating his own style of elegant and complex models. He was loved by newspapers, women and high society. He created several fashion collections, but new times and new tastes came...

Abraham Lincoln is an example of a self-made man. He tried many professions; was a lawyer, then a politician, taking part in the creation of the Republican Party. Lincoln led the fight against slavery as a phenomenon contrary to morality. After his election as president, the southern states seceded and the American Civil War began. Lincoln's government carried out a number of democratic reforms, in particular, it passed a law abolishing slavery. Lincoln was assassinated by a fanatic a week after the North's victory over the South and shortly after being elected president for a second term. “Abraham Lincoln remains a central historical figure in the consciousness of the American people. His personality, which has become a myth, captures the main features of American democracy."

The principles according to which Aquarius-Snakes operate can be better explained using the example of artists and scientists. Among the actors and directors of the Aquarius-Snake there are no sonorous names, but nevertheless there is Yakov Protazanov with his realistic school (“Father Sergius”, “The Forty-First”). Aquarius-Snakes are “technical” musicians: Andreas Segovia is a Spanish virtuoso guitarist, Arcangelo Corelli is the founder of modern violin playing technique.

Franz Schubert became famous for writing a huge amount of dance music, now they would say pop music (about 600 romances, dances and songs, many of which are now not performed due to their low artistry). As a pop musician, he loved to perform his own works. Schubert survived poverty and fame and died young - from typhus. Plácido Domingo, a Spanish lyric tenor, prefers roles from classical operas of the 19th century, bringing a dramatic temperament to them. He is not only a pop classic, but also a good businessman: he has starred in musical films, including Tosca and Pagliacci. Together with Jose Carreras and Luciano Pavarotti takes part in the show and records records - one of them was dedicated to the World Cup.

Compare Schubert and Pavarotti with others - showman Alexei Lysenkov (“He’s his own director”) and pop singer Ukupnik. The artist Arkady Plastov (“Spring”, “Mother”, “Girl with a Rake”), a realist and writer of peasant everyday life, reflected the themes of labor and nature in his work. He is a singer of collective farm life.

Aquarius-Snake, if he is a scientist, is on friendly terms with organic nature, reflexes, functions and processes, “physics” and “mechanics” of life, because he understands in his gut what is happening and how. That is why physiologist, neurologist and psychiatrist Vladimir Bekhterev became the founder of reflexology and neurology. The scientist was more interested in practical questions - how the brain works, what it consists of, rather than in categories of an ideal property - the soul. In addition, Bekhterev founded the physiology of labor. Other scientists: Ilya Prigozhy - chemist, physicist, founder of the thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes; Ulf von Euler - physiologist; Rudolf Mössbauer - physicist; John Polanyi - chemist; Herbert Hauptmann - chemist. All of them, starting with Prigozhin, are Nobel laureates.

Aquarius-Snakes are inventors of the “applied” level: Henry Steinway invented the modern piano; Cyrus McCormick - mechanical harvester; Charles Wilson - Wilson chamber.

Aquarius-Snakes are often tough military men, for whom people are more like “cannon fodder”. Kliment Voroshilov is the author of the military doctrine “with checkers for tanks.” The “Red Marshal” was part of Stalin’s inner circle. During the years of terror, with his active participation, a “cleansing” of the command staff of the Red Army was carried out. Voroshilov had little understanding of military strategy and tactics. As a result of severe defeats of the troops under his command, Leningrad was surrounded and a blockade began.

Hero and Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky “became famous” for brutally suppressing the anti-Bolshevik peasant uprising by using chemical weapons against the peasants. There are plenty of generals and defense ministers among Aquarius-Snakes, but the best are: John Schlesinger and Sergei Ivanov.

Aquarius-Snakes are not very gifted politicians and economists: Alexey Podberezkin is a politician from “Spiritual Heritage”; Richard Cheney - US Vice President and Secretary of Defense; Andrey Nechaev ~ economist. But Aquarius-Snakes are good athletes in those sports that require power struggle: Anatoly Firsov and Dominik Hasek are hockey players, Gheorghe Hagi is a football player.

We have another popular writer whose name cannot be ignored. This is Sidney Sheldon ("Tear Off the Mask", "The Other Side of Midnight" and others).

Horoscope of Aquarius-Snake woman

Women of this astrological type are endowed with will and perseverance. They know how to stand up for themselves and cope with the role of organizer and leader. They may lack imagination, but their appearance is usually fine. They feel good about their body and the body of their partner, so they also cannot be blamed for the lack of eroticism.

Anna Pavlova, the daughter of a soldier and a washerwoman, is a great ballerina. She accepted this title after performing the role of the Swan in “Swan Lake” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. Pavlova graduated from the ballet department of the St. Petersburg Theater School and was immediately accepted into the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater as a dancer, and then transferred to the category of ballerinas. In 1908, she joined Sergei Diaghilev's Russian Ballet in Paris and danced with Nijinsky. Since 1909, Anna has been the star of Russian seasons. From that time on, she gained worldwide fame.

In 1910, Pavlova created her own troupe, which successfully established the “realistic traditions of Russian ballet” in many countries. Pavlova's ballet was distinguished by its unusual grace and skill. A few years before the revolution, Anna left Russia forever. She spent the last years of her life in England and did not want to return to her homeland.

Isabella Colbrain is a singer, daughter of a court musician and wife of Gioachino Rossini. Gioacchino, as soon as he saw and heard Colbrain, was delighted with her beauty and talent. Isabella began singing in his operas, and the girl’s career rapidly took off.

Actresses: movie star Zsa Zsa Gabor - a hunter of rich husbands, who was in nine official marriages; Ingrid Thulin - leading lady in Bergman's films; Matilda May (“Nemo”, “The Mystery of the Sahara”); Diane Lane (the role of Vera in the films “Cotton Club”, “Chaplin”, “A Streetcar Named Desire”).

Among other Aquarius-Snake women, we mention the English Queen Anne, the singer Galina Nenasheva, the film director Vera Khitilova and the singer who performs belly dance perfectly, Shakira.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

Love saves a person from loneliness. It is very important to find your soulmate. There are compatible and incompatible zodiac signs. The horoscope contains a characteristic for each person on this topic.

Characteristics of an Aquarius – Snake man

Aquarius man - Snake always does everything his own way. His behavior and actions can be characterized as original and unique. You can't tell if this guy is a lucky guy or a loser. There are both categories of people among representatives of this zodiac sign. Some make excellent careers, others create strong and happy families. All this depends on the person himself. Such a man does not have to rely on chance or the dictates of fate.

Aquarius - Snake man loves to teach and give advice to people around him. However, they are rarely taken seriously. The reason for this attitude lies in the fact that the Snake-Aquarius man is trying to teach how and what to do even in something about which he himself knows nothing and has no professional knowledge and experience.

The representative of this zodiac sign is an intelligent person with a strong character. His intelligence helps him achieve whatever he wants. However, this man is selfish. He believes in his uniqueness, but does not recognize the talents and capabilities of other people. It is very difficult for him to come to terms with the fact that someone is better and smarter than him. Usually, if he made a mistake, he will never show it or tell anyone.

The Aquarius Snake man is a very observant person. He notices even all the small details. He is ready to share this with his circle. There are always fans and followers around him. He is an excellent teacher, willing to teach observation and cognition.

Career growth for such men is a big coincidence. A representative of this sign must get to the right place and time. Only in this case will he be able to climb the path of professional growth. And so he usually takes the middle place, which suits him quite well. The main thing for the Snake-Aquarius man is food for thought, and not insensitive career advancement.

If a man of this sign has a family in which most of the members work, then he does not care at all about how much money he earns. This guy is happy with what he has.

Compatibility in love between Aquarius and Snake men

In love relationships, a man born in the year of the Snake under the sign of Aquarius is an authoritarian leader. Therefore, intimate relationships with girls are quite difficult for him. A representative of the fair half of humanity is already, by definition, the weaker sex. And such guys cannot stand weakness. But it is also difficult for them to communicate with a strong personality. They do not tolerate comparison with themselves, they are afraid that they will find themselves in the background. Therefore, in their youth, their relationships with girls lead nowhere. Such a guy can start a family only in his mature years. And all this is done not out of love, but out of calculation.

The Snake-Aquarius man has been in search of prosperity and tranquility all his life. They usually find this in their partner. However, they are not dependent on him. They assign to their beloved those areas of activity that are not interesting to them. For now, they are doing what they like. In a pair, the Aquarius - Snake man is the dominant side. They try in every possible way to suppress their soulmate, to make her into a person with whom they will feel comfortable and comfortable. Sometimes this goes beyond what is permitted. Then quarrels and conflicts occur in the family.

The most suitable zodiac sign for this guy is Rooster, Bull, Snake. But relationships with the Pig, Goat and Rabbit will not work out at all.

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