Simple disco moves for girls. How to look cool at a school disco (for girls)

With the help of dancing we relax and unwind. That is why many people like to go to a disco on weekends, where they can take a break from everyday affairs and work. However, not everyone knows how to dance and prefers to stand on the sidelines, watching others. All because they don’t know what movements are best to do. They become uncomfortable. If you consider yourself one of these people, but at the same time you like to go to a disco, do not despair. Learning to dance and feel the rhythm is not as difficult as it might seem.

Training with a trainer

One of the ways you can learn to dance is to seek help from a coach. Today, many fitness clubs offer classes and training in all kinds of club dances, as well as strip dances. In these classes you can learn the basic movements you would see at a disco, as well as develop flexibility. In addition, during such classes you can lose excess weight, which in most cases is an additional advantage.

Girls who go to club dancing classes become more relaxed and graceful. However, this requires time and additional funds. If this option does not suit you, you can move on to self-study.

Learning on your own at home

You can study on your own and at home. To do this, you can use all kinds of video tutorials that can be found on the Internet. They help a lot, because you can clearly see which movements are relevant and try to repeat them. The best way to practice dancing is in front of a mirror. This way you can evaluate whether you are doing everything right. Beginners to dancing can look for good and high-quality video lessons on specialized forums.

Another option is to record your dancing on video and then watch it. Be prepared for the fact that you may find it very funny at first, because your movements may be quite clumsy. Please evaluate this and fix it next time. Also, using a video of your dance, you can see unnecessary grimaces that may appear on your face while dancing. You need to pay attention to this and practice to look beautiful while dancing.

If you decide to learn club dancing on your own, then you need to show great willpower and devote enough time to it. You will not have a coach behind you who will force you to train, so you yourself must want to achieve the desired goal.

Find your dance style

Remember that disco is needed to relax, so you don’t have to learn professional dancing. You must move to the beat of the music the way you want. Dancing classes will give you more confidence and add flexibility. However, when you find yourself on the dance floor, try to find your own style. Many people try to imitate the movements of others, but this is not a solution. It’s better to try not to pay attention to how others dance, but use your feelings.

Try to control your movements less. In this case, you will involuntarily replay in your head where you need to put your foot or how to raise your arms correctly. In this case, the dance will not look natural, and you will feel unconfident and awkward. Forget about the people around you, listen to the music and move to the rhythm of it, using some of your own elements.

If young people invite you to dance, do not refuse. This will not oblige you to anything, but you will become more confident. However, try to keep some distance and do not press close to a stranger.

First of all, you should understand that you won’t be able to learn several times once. basic movements and links to learn how to dance at a disco. In such a place there is no need to enslave your body movements and do the same movements all the time. It’s worth trying to surrender to the music, listen to its rhythm and dance to the beat. At the same time, you can improve your movements and skills every time.

Choose any track, turn it on and start counting the rhythm. You will soon notice that dance music consists of “eights” or as they are also called “squares”. Each of them consists of 8 accounts. Adjust your movements according to them. Watch an example of this in a video tutorial where you can learn over time. Learn a specific set of movements that can be repeated and developed depending on the music you will be dancing to.

It will take you some time to learn to keep up with the rhythm and make beautiful movements without getting confused. Try to go to discos and clubs more often to hone your skills. The main thing is to have desire and patience.

  1. When you come to the disco, take your mind off everything extraneous. You don't need to pay attention to what others are doing around you or what they are saying.
  2. Try to catch the music and its mood. Once you feel it, begin your movements.
  3. Let your body tell you how to move. Try not to think about it.
  4. Don't be shy and let your imagination run wild.
  5. Learn to enjoy what you do and how you dance. Let all your movements be spontaneous and highlight your style. This will attract people.
  6. Wear appropriate clothing to the disco. Let it not be too provocative, but at the same time remain within the bounds of good taste. Stand out with some bold stylistic combinations and beautiful accessories. Don't dress like all the other girls, but try to stand out.

So, every girl can learn to dance at a disco. You just need to relax a little and get distracted.

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For a girl, a disco in high school is always an exciting event. And many people are usually worried about how they will dance there. But you can have a great time and dance your heart out no matter what kind of company you have or how good of a dancer you are.


    It doesn't really matter what a girl looks like. The most important thing is to be confident in yourself, then you will certainly look attractive. Therefore, about a week before the disco, you need to become more and more confident. Take a shower every day, take time to care for yourself: apply a pleasant-smelling lotion or cream to your body, wash your face using cleansers, lotions, masks and facial scrubs, moisturize your skin with cream. Tell yourself to be very pretty, even if you don’t believe it. After all, if you don’t consider yourself attractive, how can the guy you like consider you attractive?

    When dancing with a guy, imagine that you are dancing with a girlfriend and, without any hesitation, move the way you want. Then your boyfriend will be as early as you dancing.

    Practice dancing every day a week before the disco. Use as fast music, and slow, in order to be able to dance and slow dance in close contact with a guy, and fast dances in the company of girlfriends.

    Be confident! The best thing that a girl (as well as a guy) can take with her to a disco is self-confidence and a smile. This always attracts people, they will gravitate towards you and you will have a good time.

    Don't stand on the sidelines and get out on the dance floor. While others are supporting the walls, go to the center and dance!

  1. Be calm and collected; you don't want to be too weird and eccentric, and you don't want to be too boring. This may turn people away from you!

    • Start dancing with your friends to get used to the situation a little and gain confidence.
    • After all, it's fun! Dancing should be fun, not stressful.
    • Think about how you would dance with your friends, say at home, and move the same way, just sticking to the rhythm.
    • Let your hair down, straightening it first, or, conversely, curling it into curls (whichever suits you best). This will give you something to keep your hands busy, and guys love it when girls smooth their hair while dancing. But bring a bobby pin because you might get hot with your hair down.
    • If you accept that there are people who will criticize and discuss you no matter how well you dance, then you will simply stop caring whether others will like your dancing.
    • Wear jeans and a sleeveless top or dress with bare shoulders. You're bound to be hot and sweaty, and the last thing you want is sweat stains in your armpits. You can also try wearing something made of a fabric like acrylic, which is good at hiding sweat stains. And with jeans, you will be sure that the boys will not want to lift up your skirt, but if you are sure that your gentleman is not one of those, then you can safely wear a skirt or dress.
    • If you're the type to make up your own music, you can give the CD to a DJ to play. DJs love it. And this could be your musical debut.


    • If you don't want to do dirty dancing, ie. cling closely to a guy while dancing, then don’t do it. Never do anything against your will just because someone is putting pressure on you.
    • You don't necessarily need a disco date. In fact, it will be even more fun if you don't have one, because there you can meet some cute guy and dance with him without anyone standing behind you.
    • If you came to the disco for the music, then be prepared to be disappointed. After all, the DJ may not play your favorite songs during the entire disco. Just hope you get a DJ with good taste and play some decent music.
    • If you're asked to dance by a guy you don't really like, just say that you need to find your girlfriend right now, and grab some drink or water and go outside with your friend, where you can get some fresh air and cool down. Only come back when the song is over, and try not to walk around that guy.

    What you will need

    • Guys (informal appearance): a nice clean T-shirt, sneakers, for example, Converse, Nikes, Vans or others, jeans. Use a little force to style your hair somehow. Do not wear a sweater or sweatshirt, they will make you very hot.
    • Boys (Dressy Look): Nice jeans, no ripped jeans or skinnies, just nice and fashionable, and paired with a button-down shirt or polo.
    • Guys (semi-formal): trousers and a white, black or pastel button-down shirt; possible with or without a tie.
    • Guys (formal appearance): tuxedo or dark suit.
    • Girls (casual look): jeans, low-top shoes, perhaps Converse sneakers, along with a fitted shirt or sleeveless top.
    • Girls (dressy appearance): short skirt and beautiful top; T-shirts are also allowed, but not encouraged.
    • Girls (semi-formal look): short evening dress.
    • Girls (formal appearance): The most beautiful dress you own.

How to dance at a disco?

The work week is ending. Friday is moving smoothly towards the end. You are looking forward to the weekend. What about in the evening? Of course, to the club, because tomorrow is Saturday! You can take a longer walk and move to your favorite songs. Only this way you don’t want to “move”, but “dance”! Where and how to learn to dance?

Eat different ways, or at a disco. The main thing is not to try to learn complex tricks and feints, but first to master the most basic level, because you don’t start building a house from the roof. It all depends on what and how you want to dance. There are many ways to move beautifully. Dance is body movements. Only you should choose a style, because dance is a manifestation of your personality.

You need to learn to dance based on some kind of visual image. External control is also very important - that is, the presence of a person (preferably a trainer) who will tell you how correctly you are moving. So, how to learn to dance at discos.

How and where to learn to dance

  • A trainer will teach you. What's good about this method? A coach is a person who knows the basics of dancing perfectly and can teach you these basics. In addition, a coach means outside control. He will always point out your mistakes if you are dancing incorrectly. The trainer will explain the features of slow dancing or tell you how to dance at a disco. It’s not difficult to find dance lessons and a trainer these days. We live in a capitalist time, which gives development to all types of human activity, including dancing. Therefore, feel free to go online and look for advertisements or websites of a wide variety of dance schools located in your region. We are more than confident that in any region of our wide and long country there will be a dance club.
  • The second method is the self-taught method. A person who feels the strength and courage to take on the difficult task of educating his body, learning from video materials. There are a huge number of training videos on the Internet for both professionals and beginner dancers. The only problem is the lack of external control. However, if, after another night at the disco, crowds of fans and fans flock to you, then you have achieved something.

Let's plunge into the depths of our memory and try to remember how they usually dance at discos. It's no secret that the disco itself is an event aimed more at having fun than at practicing and honing movements. Although, probably, everyone chooses the meaning of their presence at the disco. Based on this, we dare to conclude that it is impossible to say unequivocally how to dance at a disco. People dance the way they know how, or rather the way they feel the music. It’s not for nothing that electronic music created for discos has a very clear sound, tempo and rhythm. She herself directs a person to certain movements. The main thing is to relax and “surrender” to the music with your soul and body. Here are some guidelines to help you feel your dance style.

  • Take a break from everything extraneous. Don't pay attention to other people, what they say, what they do, or how they dress. Listen to the music. Try to catch her pace, rhythm, and most importantly, her mood. Having felt all this, begin your movement.
  • Don't think about how to move. Let your body tell you. Try to leave room in your head only for listening to music. Don't think about your surroundings.
  • Remember. Every person on the dance floor thinks only of themselves and rarely looks at anyone else. Everyone is too busy maintaining their own advantageous image to keep an eye on the other dancers. A person's attention is narrowly focused. Therefore, DON'T BE SHY. Let your imagination run wild and let your body go.
  • Try to enjoy your movements. Feel how exactly parts of your body move to the music. Whatever movements you make are a manifestation of your personality and spontaneity. A person who knows how to behave spontaneously attracts and attracts people to him.

To sum up everything you mentioned, we can answer the question of how to dance beautifully at a disco. Dance expressing yourself, that is, spontaneously. Don't forget about the music and its mood. Try to reflect in your body what you feel when you hear the sound and beat of the music. Also look at how they dance at discos: video materials of amateurs or videos of master classes.

This is a place where you can be free from boring images Everyday life. Here you can have a great time with friends, light up, have fun and, of course, dance to your favorite music.

In a web of complexes

But not everyone can throw away their inhibitions and join the dance. Some people are hesitant to step onto the dance floor for fear of being ridiculed for their awkward moves. They prefer to sit at the table, gazing with envy at the lucky ones who were lucky in childhood to end up not in a cross-stitching circle, but in a choreographic studio. Gradually, their self-esteem, and therefore their mood, drops to zero, and the desire to have fun is replaced by the desire to leave this holiday of life for the elite. Common situation? If even a hint of a positive answer flashes through your thoughts, you urgently need to save the situation.

How to learn to dance at a disco in order to become an object of envy yourself? Let's try to figure it out.

Everything is much simpler

95% of guys and girls who fill the dance floors of modern clubs, in principle, do not know how to dance. They do not have choreographic training, they do not know the complex movements developed by famous dance directors, and even the educational videos “How to learn to dance at a disco” passed their attention. Nevertheless, many of them blend quite harmoniously into the atmosphere of dance clubs. What is their secret? No, this is not a great gift, not a miracle or magic. This is the ability to feel the rhythm and move to the beat. Yes, yes, if you plan to become a frequent visitor to discos and an active participant in dance performances, you need to learn to feel the music. There is no way without this.

In reality, dancing at a disco is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Dance is an expression of feelings in movement. Ladies are more emotional, so learning to dance at a disco is easier for a girl than for a guy. But representatives of the stronger sex are also able to comprehend the art of dance. Move as you feel, but don't go too far. In order to understand how acceptable your dance feelings are for visual perception, depict your dance at home, in front of a mirror. This way you can look at yourself from the outside, understand which of your movements look attractive and which need to be cut out without unnecessary doubts.

Green light for the dance floor!

Of course, nothing adds confidence like perfect knowledge of your business. A mathematician will easily solve a complex equation, even if he is woken up in the middle of the night, a historian will tell you about the exact chronology of important events at any moment, and a dancer will be happy to show several original steps to complete strangers. In other words, in order to learn how to dance at a disco and conquer everyone with your dance, you need to be patient and prepare for the training course.

Most effective way- go to a fashionable choreographic studio or hire a private teacher. But not everyone can afford it.

Fortunately, modern technologies allow you to learn almost any skill yourself. Today there are a great many step-by-step training videos that allow you to master the art of dance and understand how to dance beautifully at a disco.

You should not try to become a professional in the world of dance in a few days by learning complex steps and combinations. Start with the basics. Learn one at a time simple movement at a time, polish your skills. When you have a sufficient number of movements in your arsenal, try combining and alternating them, inventing your own dance style. Gradually you will understand how to learn to dance at a disco and not be shy, because you will have something to show on the dance floor.

Initial arsenal of movements

If your imagination does not have a creative springboard and is not at all aimed at creating new dance movements, use a set of existing ones that will help you figure out how to dance at a disco for a girl:

Move your body from side to side;
- make swinging movements with your hips;
- depict snake-like movements with your head;
- make circular movements with your shoulders;
- draw waves with your hands;
- hold your back gracefully;
- do not forget about the movement of your legs, move them smoothly and progressively.

1. Be relaxed and don't be shy. Remember that people on the dance floor are more focused on maintaining their image than talking about others.

2. Listen to music and catch the tempo. The melody will help you tune in to the desired wave.

3. Observe the movements that people use during a particular dance. Perhaps some of them will successfully fit into your style.

4. Enjoy your movements. Remember that dancing at a disco is not an exam. This is your freedom of action.

5. Improvise. Perhaps you will find a style that everyone will be delighted with.

Perfect image

So, you've learned some cool dance moves and are ready to show them off to the entire dance floor. But in order to become a real disco star, it is not enough to move well, you need to complement your skills with an interesting visual image.

To go to the club, choose original clothes with a non-standard cut and shimmering texture. Don't be afraid to be original, because disco is the place where people strive to stand out from the gray mass. So feel free to dress up in clothes that seem too bright or chic for everyday wear, but do not forget about your sense of taste. Choose exactly the outfit that will favorably emphasize the advantage of your figure and hide any flaws, if any.

Choose beautiful shoes that match your outfit. But do not forget that you will need to move all night, and this is problematic in uncomfortable shoes that rub. So make sure your shoes are comfortable. Complete your look with original accessories. Even the most nice outfit looks dull without decoration.

Be individual! And you will certainly get the desired public attention.

There are many modern dance styles, but before you copy the movements that you liked from this or that video clip, you should work on your plasticity and grace. To do this, you don’t have to attend choreography classes, just spend a little time practicing at home.

How to learn to dance at home?

Before you start training, objectively assess your abilities. To do this, turn on the music, stand in front of the mirror and dance. Try different movements: raise your arms, move your hips, move your shoulders. If something turns out badly, then you need to work.

During this “spontaneous” dance, try to feel your body as a whole and each part of it separately. Feel your arm, leg, waist, and entire body separately.

Remember, more sweeping movements convey energy, but if you make them smoother, you can convey all your tenderness and calmness.

In the process of learning to dance, the main thing is practice. Therefore, do not limit yourself to going to the club. If you feel shy about dancing at first, be an observer. Watch how other girls dance, divide these movements into beautiful and unsuccessful ones. When you get home, try to repeat what you liked best. Practice and perfect these movements.

How to dance freely in a club?

If you think you've practiced enough at home, it's time to hit the dance floor. We will give you some tips that will help you quickly get used to it and conquer everyone with your sense of smell.

The main thing to remember is that dance is lightness and positive emotions, so you shouldn’t complicate it, just enjoy the moment, and mastery will come with time.
