Fan with one hand. Quick and fun trick: pressure card fan How to make a card fan with one hand

Forcing the map (19 ways)

Forcing a card is a technique that allows the spectator to draw the required card under the full illusion of a free card choice. When showing each trick, it is necessary to change the methods of forcing so that the audience cannot notice the catch. Forces themselves are tricks combined with speech or with something in order to remain invisible to the audience. Consider the most popular methods of afterburner, as they also call forcing a map.

1. "Ordinary". The selected card should be at the bottom of the deck, you memorize it. If the card is in another place, then you move it down. Then you take the deck in your left hand and put your little finger in its middle, as in the reception of volts. Make a volt as in the first method before combining the deck, then divide it into parts with the little finger of your left hand. After that, both parts of the deck from the side of the audience are combined, but separated by your little finger. The card you want to put is located at the bottom of the first half, on your little finger. Next, work with both hands. The thumbs are at the top of the deck and the rest of the fingers are at the bottom of the deck. Then fan out the cards from left to right and ask one of the spectators to choose a card. Keep your left little finger on the front side of the slipped card. If it is more convenient for you to do this with your right hand, then keep on the card the little finger of your right hand, which lies under the cards. As soon as a spectator reaches out to select a card, you move the cards thumb so that the card you need is in front of the spectator's fingers exactly when the spectator will take the card. If you accurately follow all the steps that are described above, then the spectator will have exactly the card you need in the hands of the viewer.
At first glance, this technique immediately seems difficult to implement, but in reality it is not. A beginner magician should not be in a hurry when forcing a card. When the magician offers the viewer to choose a card, the deck should already be slightly expanded and the necessary card for the magician lies under a dozen others. While the spectator hesitates, thinks about which card to take, the magician coordinates his movements with the movements of the spectator. If suddenly the magician incorrectly calculated his movements and the card passed under the fingers of the spectator, then the magician must put his little finger on the card he needs and close the deck saying that the spectator chooses for a long time and how difficult it is to please him. And the magician repeats all over again.
For this technique, you can use an additional deck of cards, which consists only of the required card. For example, this is the king of clubs, then the entire deck should consist only of the kings of clubs. If the trick consists of choosing more than one card, then such a deck may consist of two or more groups of similar cards. In this case identical cards should lie together. If there is such a deck, then it is not difficult for the magician to force the spectator to choose one card from each group.

2. "In a case." The forced card is glued inside the card box. You can use double-sided adhesive tape to stick the card. For example, take 2 hearts and stick it on the double-sided tape inside the box, and put all the remaining cards on top of it. Now take the box and turn it over so that all the cards come out of it, while the glued card remains inside. After that, put the removed cards back into the box, then take out all the cards together with 2 hearts, firmly pressing the deuce to the rest of the cards.

3. Place the card to be forced under the deck, such as the two of clubs. Take the deck with your left hand so that the deck is face down. Your 4 fingers should be on one side of the deck and your thumb on the other side. Hold the deck firmly. Ask any spectator to tell you any number from one to ten, for example, this number is 5. Bring your right hand to the deck with your palm up. With the tips of your middle and ring fingers, discreetly move the forced card about 1 centimeter. After that, with your fingertips, touch the second card from the bottom, slide it out from under the deck and put it on the table in such a way as if it were the first card from the bottom. Do the same trick with three more cards. There are 4 cards on the table in front of you. The number 5 is the number chosen by the viewer. Now you get out from under the deck, acting in the same way as in previous cases, the deuce of clubs. For the spectator, the two of clubs is the fifth card taken from the bottom of the deck.

Place the card to be forced on the bottom of the deck, such as a deuce of spades. Take the deck in your right hand, face down. With your thumb on one side and your middle and index fingers on the other, hold the deck by its outer edges. Raise your left hand with the palm up. With your thumb and middle fingers, grab a small stack from the top of the deck, slide and drop into the palm of your left hand. Continue this process with these movements. Ask the viewer to stop you at any moment. As soon as the spectator says "stop", then raise the rest of the deck, which is in your right hand, facing the spectator and ask him to remember this card. Accordingly, this card will be a deuce of spades. After that, it is necessary to immediately proceed to the next stage of the performance of the trick so that the viewer does not understand that the choice of the card has nothing to do with his decision.

5. Place the card to be forced on top of the deck, such as a two of diamonds. Tell the spectators that you will not touch the deck until a spectator has made their choice. Invite the spectator to remove a card anywhere and place the top removed stack perpendicular to the bottom stack. Distract the attention of the spectators for a few seconds with some action that is necessary to demonstrate the trick being demonstrated, then return to the deck, while asking the spectator to look at the card on which the deck was removed. While saying these words, pick up the top pile, which lies perpendicular, and ask to reveal the top card of the bottom pile. This card will be a deuce of diamonds. Focus the viewer's attention on the fact that the viewer himself removed the deck. Then continue with the trick.

6. A fairly simple way to force a map is as follows. Take 10-15 cards, which must be figures or with big amount icons, for example: nines, tens, jacks, ladies, kings, aces. And take one card 4 of diamonds. Fold all these cards in a fan, place 4 diamonds in the center of the fan. Hold this fan face down first so that the spectator does not see these cards. And say that now you will show this fan and the viewer will have to guess one of these cards. Raise the fan of cards to the spectator's face and give him 1-2 seconds to think. Then put down the cards. The probability that the viewer guessed 4 tambourines is very high.

Place the card to be forced on the third place from the top of the deck, for example, 3 spades. Ask any spectator to name a number from one to twenty. Suppose the spectator called 12. Take the deck in your left hand and lay the cards on the table with your right hand, which will change their order. While laying out, count the cards, as soon as you count the cards to 14, stop suddenly and say: "Excuse me, did you call 12?". After receiving confirmation from the spectator, place a stack of 14 cards on top of the remaining stack and start counting cards again, but now stop counting on the twelfth card. This card will be the triple of spades.
The secret of the fast and the furious lies in the fact that whatever the named number is, it is enough for the first time to count two cards more than the named number.

Put the forced card on top of the deck, for example, it is 5 of diamonds. Take the deck in your left hand, face down. Start flipping through the cards and ask the spectator to stop you at any moment. As soon as the spectator stops you, then turn the top of the deck to the right, as if opening a book and do the following. With the fingers of your left hand, draw out the bottom card (5 of diamonds) and place it on top of the bottom pile, while you turn your hand to point your index finger to the face of the open card (3 of spades), say: "Do not take the three of spades, as I already I saw her, better take this card" and hold out to the viewer with your left hand a pile of cards that are turned face down, offering to take a card from the top. This card is 5 diamonds. To perform this afterburner technique, you need to practice a little.

9. "Using a conical deck ". Place the card to be forced on top of the deck in the opposite direction from the rest of the cards in the deck. Ask the viewer to name any one-digit number. For example, the spectator calls 10. Slowly count 9 cards and put the tenth across the counted cards, then put the counted cards on the deck, align the top card with the deck so that the wide edge of the card lies over the wide edge of the card being forced. After that, slide your thumb and middle fingers along the side edges of the deck, easily grabbing and duplicating the top two cards as one. In this form, show them to the viewer.
You can do it differently. Place the card to be forced on the sixth place from the face of the deck, turning this card with the wide edge against the narrow edge of the rest of the cards. With the thumb, index and middle fingers of your left hand, hold the long edges of the deck near the wide end of the cards. Then show what the viewer needs to do. The viewer needs to remove any part of the deck from under the bottom forward. While explaining to the viewer, you separate about half of the deck with the index finger of your left hand and, holding these cards by the sides, pull them forward. Then turn over the cards that are left in left hand, the viewer must remember the bottom card of this part of the deck. Then turn the left side of the deck face down, and place the other side of the deck under it. When the spectator draws the bottom of the deck, regardless of its thickness, the forced card will be in the left hand and will be the bottom left of the deck. Everything seems to be very simple.

10. "Forcing from a fan with four cards seen." You must know the bottom 4 cards and their order, so notice them. Shuffle the deck so that the order of these cards is the same. Then make a simple shooting of the cards, with the lower half of the deck on top so that it protrudes slightly forward, and immediately spread these protruding cards in the form of a fan. Next, using your index finger, control the position of the four seen cards, spread them a little wider than the rest of the cards. After that, ask the spectator to choose any card. Slip these cards into his hands at the same time strongly, holding the deck, at the other end. In almost most cases, the viewer must choose one of the cards you have prepared. Knowing the order of these cards, you can easily determine which card the spectator pulled out.

11. "Sleep-cut-forcieren". Place the card to be forced on the bottom of the deck. Take the deck with your right hand so that 3 fingers grab the right long edge of the deck and go to its front surface. Using this grip releases your thumb so you can flip the cards past the front corner until the spectator says "stop", whereupon you immediately stop, grab the cards below the left hand gap and remove them. That's what the audience thinks. What actually happens is that the fingers of the right hand hold the bottom card and draw the rest of the cards in the bottom pack, and the bottom card slides under the bottom of the top pack, right where the spectator stopped. After that, you show the map to the spectator and the crossing is completed.

12. "Classic forcing". This type of forcing is considered classic and is considered by many to be the best. Take a deck of cards and fan them out and ask a spectator to take a card. The card that the spectator takes is the card that you put under his fingers when the spectator touches the deck. The spectator believes that he took the card arbitrarily. The technique for performing this forcing is as follows.
Let's say you want to force an ace of hearts and that ace is on the maroon side of the deck. Shuffle the cards through your hand, first shuffle the ace to the bottom of the deck, and then back to the top of the deck. After that, transfer the forced card to the middle of the deck. To do this, continue to shuffle through the hand, while moving the lower half of the deck of the right hand up, move the first of the shuffled cards slightly and shuffle onto the remaining cards. Turn your left hand over so that the deck takes a horizontal position and is turned upside down. Place your right hand on the deck with your thumb on the inside finger and the rest on the outside. Then place the end of your thumb under the inner narrow edge of the shifted card and press it up and in so that when you straighten the deck there is a small gap above the card being forced. Hold this gap with the pad of the thumb of the right hand, or you can hold it with the tip of the little finger of the left hand, sticking it over the card being forced. Next, move the thumb of your left hand to the cards from the side of the deck to the right, accept them in your right hand and ask to take one card. Then, with the little finger of your left hand, press the side of the bottom bag hard enough to prevent the cards of this bag from shifting to the right side. After that, move the cards of the fan in such a way that at the moment when the spectator's hand approaches the cards, the cards above the gap move to the right hand, and the card below the gap, which is also the card being forced, appears outside. At the moment when the spectator's hand approaches the cards in order to make a choice, you move your hands towards his hand by about 4-5 cm and slip the forced card, for this you push it forward a little, that is, you simply stick the card into fingers to the viewer, who, unsuspectingly, takes it.
If for some reason the forced card appeared earlier, then you can do the following: fan out a couple more of the following cards and hold them. When you begin to bring the cards closer to the spectator, then turn both hands 2 cm to the right and left sides so that the forced card fits under his fingers, and in 99 percent the spectator will take the forced card. Insert the tip of the little finger into the gap, as described earlier, and press against the bottom card of the upper half of the deck. In the process of forcing, it is very important to move the cards with the thumb of the left hand to the right side, while the cards slide over the fingertips and you can easily determine that the next card is forcing.
The sensitivity of the little finger affects the easy execution of this forcing. Forcing will be safe if psychological factors are used in the process of execution: before forcing, it is necessary to shuffle the cards in full view of the audience; in the process of performance, you need to feel free and uninhibited, and use communication with the audience. If suddenly the spectator pulls out the wrong card, then there is nothing wrong with that. Use the forcing card as a key card (see the section on the basics of mechanical technology). For example, a spectator took a card that is located 2-3 cards from the one being forced. In this case, you remove cards over the forced one and accept the card chosen by the spectator on it. As a result, it is easy to find the spectator's card using the key card. If suddenly the card that the spectator has chosen is far from the one being forced, then do the following: when the spectator took the card, then remove all the cards that are to the right of the card being forced, this is not difficult to do, since the tip of the little finger of the left hand is still on the forced card. map. Hold the removed cards a few centimeters from the cards opened in a fan in the left hand and offer to put the taken card on the cards in the left hand. After that, put on it the cards that are in the right hand, etc. If suddenly the spectator took the card in such a way that it is impossible to use the forced card as a key card, then in this case it is necessary to demonstrate some other trick, also prepared in advance, so that this situation does not take you by surprise.

13. "Holt rocking chair force". The top card in the deck is forced. Using shuffling or shooting cards, transfer the forced card to the middle of the deck and hold the gap over it with the little finger of your left hand. Next, align the deck so that the gap is visible from the front of the viewer. Hold the cards in the stripping position with the front side of the cards parallel to the floor. Then grab the deck with the fingers of your right hand from above, with the index and middle fingers on the front and the thumb on the back end, the thumb should press at the gap on the top of the deck. After that, bend the front of the deck up and make the cards evenly slide out from under your fingers and fall down. During the performance, explain to the spectator that he must say "stop" at the place he sees fit, and then he will have to look at the card located there. After the explanation, the cards that slip out from under your fingers should move somewhat more slowly until you are stopped by a spectator. As soon as the spectator says "stop", then bend the cards that you have left even more. After that, move your thumb, which is a little behind, a little up, the cards that are above the gap move forward, like a rocking chair, and the fingers automatically grab the front edge of the deck so that you can remove all the cards that are located above the gap, and put the bottom pack of cards in front of the spectator, so that the spectator takes the forced card.

Place the card to be forced on top of the deck. Place the deck on the fingers of your left hand. Approach any of the spectators and say: "Remove the deck anywhere!". The spectator removes the deck, and you speak or gesture for the spectator to place the removed cards in the palm of your left hand. Then you immediately approach another spectator, while taking into your right hand the lower part of the deck, which lies on your left hand, and stretch out the top part of the deck to the spectator and say: "Please take the card on which the deck was removed!". The spectator has no choice but to take the top card being forced.

15. "Forcing according to Hoftsinser". Place the card to be forced on the bottom. The bottom of the deck should be face up. Take the deck in your left hand face down, place the thumb of your left hand across and in the middle of the top card. Start rustling the cards from the narrow inner end of the deck. First of all, the bottom separate card falls from the thumb, then immediately stick the tip of the little finger of the left hand over it, and then immediately other cards of the deck should jump out from under the thumb of the right hand. After that, slide all the cards that are above the little finger of the left hand forward until their inner end reaches the thumb of the left hand, and open the cards in a semicircle in the form of a fan. All of the above should merge into one continuous movement. When the fan is formed, then you must make sure that under the fan, under the top card, lies the forced card covered by the fan.
After that, invite any of the spectators to share the fan anywhere by touching any of the cards. As soon as he does this, then move with the index finger of your right hand all the cards that are located on the right side of the one touched by the viewer, the movement should be circular so that this package is located at the end, transfer your fingers under the cards shifted together. Next, grab this aligned bag of cards with your thumb and other fingers (the right long edge lies in the fork of your thumb) and align the forced card with the rest of the cards with your fingers. Move the cards away from each other. The forced card is located on the front side of the bag, which is held in the right hand, and the cards that are in the left hand, put aside. Draw the viewer's attention to the front of the bag, which is held in the right hand, to the card being forced. As soon as the spectator notices the card, then you can connect both parts of the deck together and give it to the spectator to shuffle.
In the process of forcing, hold the deck slightly obliquely and up in order to prevent the card that protrudes from behind from being seen until the moment when the deck is moved forward or just before the end of the fan. On this basis, you can build that version of the forcing, when the audience looks directly over your shoulder, since you are standing surrounded by the audience.
Forget the opening phase where you make the card you are forcing jump off your right thumb. Make a circular fan in your left hand. If you can't make a perfect card fan, then make it a little uneven. To make the fan as good as possible, with your thumb on top, and with the other fingers on the bottom, unfold the cards in a roughly regular fan. Start from the edge farthest from you. At the moment when you correct the position of the cards, pay attention to the fact that the card being forced is completely hidden. Move your thumb and other fingers along the outer edge of the fan in order to arrange it, and bring the cards more and more into the field of view of the audience. As soon as you reach the top cards, which lie in a package, then move the cards close to the palm of your left hand, to the pad of your thumb. At this very moment, you can touch with your fingers the forced card, which is under the fan, and pull it towards you. This card slides completely under the cover of the top cards of the deck, thanks to the pad of the thumb. Your actions are imperceptible to the spectators, as your actions have a logical explanation - you adjust the position of the cards in order to offer the viewer the maximum possibilities of choosing a card. Ask the spectator to touch any card. Say: "Your decision is unchanged? Definitely not? Then I ask you to draw cards exactly in this place"

16. "Easiest forcing." Place the card to be forced on top of the deck. Turn the deck upside down and openly shuffle the cards until the spectator says "stop". After that, you immediately stop, turn over the part of the deck that has not yet been shuffled, and draw the top card, not yet shuffled, onto the other open hand. Next, turn over the part of the deck that remains face up again and openly continue to shuffle the cards. As a result, one card lies upside down in the deck. For the spectator, this is exactly the map on which he stopped you, but in fact this is the map being forced.

17. "Manipulation". Take a trick deck, which is made up of 26 ordinary different cards and 26 identical cards. Open a fan of 26 lower (different) cards. Turn this fan face up and emphasize that the viewer has the opportunity to choose any of the 52 cards. At the same time, with the other hand, open the second fan of identical cards from the side of the net. It turned out 2 fans from two floors. Then tilt the cards so that the maroon side is visible. Tell the spectator to look into your eyes and at that moment close the bottom fan with one hand, thanks to this only the top fan will remain accessible, which consists of identical cards (this fan is hidden under the top fan in the form of a package).

18. "Using four identical cards." Take 4 identical cards, for example, 8 diamonds. Arrange these cards in a deck in such a way that there are 4 different cards between them. When flipping through the deck, it should be something like this: there are 8 any cards, 8 diamonds, 4 any cards, 8 diamonds, 4 any cards, 8 diamonds, 8 any cards. Mark identical cards 8 diamonds in a certain place from the side of the net, for example, with a dot or a scratch, so that you notice them. Forcing begins by laying the deck face up on the table. You should not be afraid that the viewer will see the same cards, this will not happen. Then turn the cards upside down and open them again in the form of a fan. Next, give the top card to any spectator and ask him to put this card face up anywhere on the fan. Often, this place is in the middle of the fan. In order for the viewer to put it in the middle, make sure that the distance between the cards is wider in the middle, and narrower on the sides. Now the spectator must choose 5 cards next to the shoved card: all on top or all on the bottom; or two on one side and 3 on the other side. If you do it this way, then among these cards there will definitely be at least one forced card - 8 diamonds. Place the cards chosen by the spectator face up on the table. According to the marked mark, determine the place of the card that should be forced by counting, pushing, etc.

19. "Demonstration". This method is used to demonstrate some complex and spectacular tricks. There are 3 versions this method. Consider it on the example of forcing four aces.

1 option. This option is the easiest to implement. Arrange the cards in the deck as follows: the top card on the side of the net is an ace, then the other cards of the deck follow, and at the very bottom put the 3 remaining aces. Take the deck in your left hand with the tip up, as shown in the photo. Slide two cards to the right with your thumb.

With your middle and ring fingers slide the two bottom cards and at the same time with your left thumb pull the top card back as shown in the photo. When these movements are done, then turn your left hand so that the deck faces up.

So, it turned out that the deck is face up, and the second card is placed on the table from the side of the net. Despite the fact that it looks very simple, but in reality, numerous exercises are required for execution. These manipulations are repeated until the viewer says "stop". Manipulations should look like you just put the top card face up on the table. To force the rest of the aces in this way, after the next ace leaves, move the next ace to the top of the deck. Use a double lift for this, after which the reception is repeated.

Option 2. Start this option reminds me of the first option. Here, instead of the first card, the second card is placed on the table. You begin to act as in the first option until the hand begins to turn (in the second option, the hand does not turn). The discard of the second card from above is carried out by moving the left hand up and down. The position of the cards is similar to the first option.

3 option. The initial position of the cards is the same as in the first option: one ace on top of the deck and 3 aces on the bottom of the deck. The deck is in the left hand. With the thumb of your left hand, you also shift two cards to the right. Only this time, the two cards must be exactly aligned. The right hand comes from above and grabs these two cards, the audience thinks that this is one card.

The middle finger is on the front narrow edge almost at the corner. The index finger, ring finger and little finger are slightly splayed. The thumb is located on the right long edge of the card near the bottom corner. The thumb and middle fingers turn the second card under the top to the right. The pad of the thumb of the right hand is the axis of rotation. Moreover, the thumb of the left hand pulls the top card back onto the pack of cards, as shown in the photo.

When the second card from the top is turned to the right side as far as shown in the photo, the thumb and middle fingers should slide towards each other and meet at the front right corner, which is now facing back.

Next, the thumb and middle fingers turn this card over and it lies face up on the table. The above actions should continue until the spectator says "stop", then the next card that is face up on the table should be an ace. Then you need to move one of the aces to the top of the deck, etc. You can move the ace using double shooting up.

(From the book: "Royal Road to Card Magic"
John Hugard and Frederic Bro...translated by Oleg Stepanov)

This amazing flourish is extraordinarily effective. The cards are instantly revealed in a wide fan. This can be done with either hand.

At first look video lesson performed by Igor (Chudik): - 2Mb. The video clearly shows the technique of performing the fan...everything is clear without words!

1. Take the deck vertically in your right hand, between the middle phalanges of the middle finger and ring finger. front side and thumb from the side of the shirt. The index and little fingers lie freely on the sides of the deck (Fig. 39).

2. While holding the pack upright with finger pressure against the sides, remove your thumb and place the tip of it in the middle of the shirt.

3. Remove the index and little fingers, holding the deck between the tips of the ring and little fingers on the front side and the tip of the thumb on the side of the shirt.

4. Fan out the cards by pressing in opposite directions with your fingers, similar to what is used when snapping your fingers. When the cards are completely fanned, they will be held only by the index finger on the side of the face, with the fan located on the palm and along the entire length of the thumb, on the side of the shirt.
The reverse action will close the fan, bringing the deck back to its original position.

The ability to make a fan with one hand is not acquired immediately, but, as with other things, practice takes its toll.

Any manipulations with cards, even in the absence of a trick as such, give originality, expressiveness to actions and show the mastery of the performer and the amazing dexterity of his hands. Of course, no one is forcing you to show your "coolness" with a super shuffle in the air or spin the fan until your fingers fall off.

But one such show before the start of its main program will attract more viewers. Such tricks should act as an attraction of the public, its "warming up", a way to win over the audience. These are your words: “Stop! Look! Further it will be more interesting!”, expressed by gestures.

One of these enticing tricks can be a fan of pressure cards. This is a simple trick, but it looks expressive, beautiful, harmonious and perfectly attracts attention. In English, this trick is called "pressure fan". Of the wide variety of fans, the "pressure fan" is the most versatile and convenient, as it can be made with any deck of cards: new or old, dirty or clean, dry or wet...

To show great card tricks You will need cards with special coated. You can buy them

Unlike other fans, "pressure fan" is performed not by sliding, but by applying force - pressure - and then distributing cards around the hand. That is, they are squeezed out one after another under the pressure of the hand and with a certain speed are evenly distributed around the brush holding the deck. To do this, you need to “outline” a semicircle with your hand, which opens the deck.

On a note! For right-handers (usually) the deck lies in the left hand, and the fan opens with the right, for left-handers it is the other way around. We will consider the option for right-handers.

How to perform a fan with cards?

We take the cards in a hand convenient for you, the grip is such that the little finger, ring finger and middle finger hold the deck on one (long) side, and the thumb on the other. The index finger holds the cards from the inside, from below.

With the right hand, we grab the pack with the thumb at the lower rib and with the index, middle and ring fingers at the top. Now we squeeze the deck around the index left finger in the form of a semicircle. In this case, you need to put pressure on the corner in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nameless. Then we take the bent deck in the right hand, the left, meanwhile, has become free.

Now you need to complete the fan: for this we put the deck in the open palm of the left hand. Namely, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe index and thumb. The muscle at the base of the index finger will be active here - we put the bent deck on it. The thumb holds it on top. That is, we “pinch” between the index and thumb in its lower part, while the cards lie on the left hand.

And now we outline a semicircle of cards around the left hand. The cards are distributed in a fan. The fan is held with the thumb of the left hand on one side and the rest on the other.

In order for the cards to bloom beautifully and evenly, you need to put pressure on them in the corner of the deck. We open the first half of the fan quickly, the second half will be more difficult. Therefore, you will need to make more effort to squeeze them out carefully and in turn. We exert efforts with 4 fingers (except for the thumb).

This lesson is over. You can see it clearly in the video.
