Tricks with cards Guess the card. Secrets of card tricks

Card trick for kids guess the card, this is actually not even a trick, but rather a joke. However, first, before revealing the secrets, a demonstration of the trick.

In the figure above, you can see six playing cards, of which the focus guess the card. You need to choose one of them.

Just choose a card. It is not necessary to click on it with the mouse or perform any actions. Just choose one of the cards and memorize it.

Now, as usual in tricks, you need to perform some kind of magical action. If the cards were real, then the magician would shuffle the deck or effectively hide the cards offered to the viewer, and then take them out again. Other magical actions are possible, this is a trick for children. For you, since you are behind a computer screen, we suggest that you look at the magical picture below.

If you have seen the thunderstorm in the night sky in the picture above, then take a look: the picture below is missing one card. And just the one you were thinking of!

Secret trick guess the card

As mentioned above, described card guessing trick- this is not a real trick, but rather a joke. The secret of this children's trick is quite simple. The viewer is shown two sets of cards in succession. Six cards, from which he chooses one and the other five, among which, for obvious reasons, there is obviously not a single card from the first set. However, since the second five cards are similar in color and value to the first six, the viewer usually does not notice the catch. If he had memorized two cards, he would have easily guessed the deception. However, out of habit and at the insistence of the magician, the spectator concentrates his attention on one card and tries to remember it. This is the secret of focus.

If show focus guess the card in company with real playing cards, then you need to prepare two sets of cards in advance. Put one on the table, and the second of five similar cards, for example, on top of the deck. After the viewer has guessed a card, the first set can be collected and discreetly hidden down the deck, just at the time when the magical action will take place. After that, calmly put the top five cards on the table, among which, to the surprise of the viewer, there will be no card that he has guessed.

Quite common among magicians, the trick of guessing the card belongs to the category of medium in terms of the complexity of execution. It is difficult to perform it without certain skills. Be sure to master the skills of cutting, skillful shuffling and ways to divert the attention of the public. Consider two main options for doing this trick along with secrets.

Guessing one of 12 spread out in a fan or ribbon

The bottom line is this. Of the 12 pieces you selected in advance, the participant guesses any one, and you effectively guess which one. The secret is in the drawings. You choose in advance from a deck of 12 cards of an odd order, that is, threes, fives, sevens, and so on. Lay them face down in front of you and look carefully. Most of the drawings on each are equally directed either up or down.

Now take one and turn it over. In the figure, this is 9 crosses.

That is, before starting the trick, unnoticed by the public, you need to lay out the cards with the pattern in one direction. Then you invite the person to choose any, let him pull it out of your layout. He remembers, and in the meantime, you quietly collect all 11 pieces and, folding them into a small deck, turn the entire stack upside down. The spectator gives his, and you insert it into the general deck, restoring 12 pieces. And now the most spectacular moment. You sort through the cards one by one slowly, as if thinking, and name the one you need. After all, it has a drawing in a different direction. For example, if the guess was 7 crosses, then it will look something like this.

As you can see, learning to guess the card is not at all difficult, you need to be able to perform some manipulations unnoticed by others.

It is important! To focus, take 12 images of all stripes, except for diamonds, otherwise the trick will not work.

Guess the card in a simpler version

You count 21 pieces from the deck in front of the public and, having laid them out in a beautiful semicircle, offer to name any number from 6 to 21. Then you count all the cards in front of you and on the number called by the person, take them out, call them correctly and demonstrate to everyone as proof. From the outside, it seems that it is impossible to guess, but the trick is quite simple. You can learn this trick here:

Guess any conceived

You shuffle the pack and invite the viewer to choose any picture and keep it for now. You yourself shuffle the deck again and quietly memorize the last card in the pile. Then lay out the entire stack into 5 piles, and ask the spectator to put his card on any of them. Then you cover the stack with your chosen main deck (one part of 5, only with the card that you remember at the beginning).

Thus, it turns out that the participant's picture lies in front of the one that you remember. The whole deck gathers together, unfolds like a fan, and the magician calls the picture made by the person. After all, it lies to the right of the one that you remembered. If your card was 7 of hearts, then the spectator would have, say, 10 of spades.

Incredible focus on just three pieces from the deck

One of the brightest and most entertaining tricks that makes the brain just explode. It is most commonly referred to as the "3 Cards of Monte". Only three pieces are in the hands of the magician, who demonstrates each of them to the viewer. The trickster asks to remember one of them and follow it throughout the performance. The man watches closely, but every time the magician asks where she is, the eyewitness fails. There is no way to guess the card!

In general, the trick with three cards is remarkable precisely because it seems to be easy to follow, but there are only three cards. However, no matter how many attempts the participant has, he will not be able to guess the right one. But the magician determines its place unmistakably and accurately.

To master the skills for such a trick, we suggest going through a thematic training: guess one of the three cards. In addition to learning how to master this trick, you can preview it in action. To do this, follow the link:

To show such tricks with cards you will need special. cards with special coated. You can order these

It is important! Before attempting this trick, make sure you are fully proficient in card manipulation such as double raise and flip. This is the basis of this trick.

There are several varieties of this focus. Either the performer moves the cards in his hands, or this is done on the table, but always in front of the public.

First way.

Take a deck of cards, shuffle. Lay out the cards in three piles face down and ask the spectator to remember the card and say which pile it is in. After you have dealt twenty-one cards, put the rest of the cards aside, because they are not needed for the trick.
We ask the viewer in which stack the card is located, and put this stack between the other two. Again, lay out the cards in three piles. We ask the same question again and again put the pile in the middle. We deal cards for the third time. During the deal, we remember the fourth card in each pile, because one of them is the one we are looking for. Now we ask the viewer in which pile the card is, and calmly call it.

This trick can be done with any number of cards, as long as it is odd and divisible by three. If there are 15 cards, then there are five cards in each pile and the desired one will be the average, i.e. third card. When there are 27 cards, then there will be 9 cards in each pile and the middle one, i.e. the fifth will be the desired one.

The second way.

Shuffle the cards. Put the deck in left hand shirt up. Memorize the bottom card. Slide it forward discreetly and hold the part of the card that protrudes thumb and little finger of the right hand. In this case, the right hand covers the cards from above. Move the cards back one after the other, starting with the top, the tip of the index or middle finger of the right hand. Ask the spectators to stop you when they choose a card. After the choice of the card is made, slide everything back and remove them from the rest of the cards, along with them you will remove the bottom card. This card, which is connected to the removed deck, will be in the eyes of the spectators the very card on which the spectators stopped you.

Next, hold the cards face down, and ask the spectator to remember this card. You can start shuffling the deck and shuffle as much as you like, but since you know the card, it will not be very difficult for you to find it in the deck. This method very popular and well-known, so it is recommended to show it with a small number of viewers.

Third way.

For the third method, take a certain number of cards and deal them face down on the table, while remembering the first one. Ask the audience to memorize the card and remember which number it fell. Then take the dealt cards, without disturbing their order, turn them face down. To show that the trick does not depend on the number of cards, invite the audience to take any number of cards from the remaining ones and place them on top and bottom of the deck in your hand.

Spectators may draw any number of cards, but be careful not to shuffle the cards. After that, ask the spectator who remembered the card what his card was. Then deal the cards face down. When the first card that you remember appears for the first time, start counting up to the number on which the spectator's card is located. If suddenly you deal cards before the moment you reach the desired number, then turn the deck over again and continue counting from the beginning of the deck until you reach this number.

Guessing cards in a square

16 cards are laid out on the table. front side up in the form of a square of four cards in a row. Someone is invited to think of one card and tell the magician in which vertical row it lies. Then the cards are collected with the right hand in vertical rows and sequentially stacked in the left hand. After that, the cards are again laid out in the form of a square sequentially horizontally: the cards that lay in the same vertical row during the initial layout now appear in the same horizontal row. The demonstrator must remember which of them contains the intended card. The one who guessed the card again indicates in which vertically in the row he sees his card. After that, the demonstrator immediately names the intended card, since it will lie at the intersection of the just indicated vertical row and the horizontal row into which it fell during the second layout.
To enhance the effect, you can perform a similar focus at the same time for four people.

Guessing the intended card

The demonstrator asks to think of any card. We evaluate all picture cards as follows: jack - 11 points, queen - 12, king - 13, ace - 14. From the points of the hidden card, the showman offers to subtract one, multiply the remainder by 2. From the resulting product, again subtract one and add this result to value (points) of the intended card. The resulting number is reported to the showing. He adds three to the result in his mind, divides this sum by three and gets the value of the hidden card.

How to use a quote to guess any of the sixteen cards that were chosen in the absence of a magician

It takes two to do this. The secret of this trick lies in the secret of your interaction with the assistant. You allow spectators to shuffle the deck. After that, lay out sixteen cards face down or face up, four cards in each row. You and your assistant must memorize the words: animal, plant, mineral and verb, which mean one, two, three, four.

While the spectators choose a card, you leave the room and your assistant stays. After selecting the viewers, the assistant selects from the book suggested by the viewers a passage that will be a clue for you. The first of the four conditional words will indicate the row in which the card is located, and the second of the conditional words will indicate the place in the row. For example, your assistant suggested the phrase: “The jumping dragonfly sang red summer.”

The first word in our category, dragonfly (animal means one), indicates that the card is in the first row. The second word - sang (a verb means four), indicates that the card is the fourth in a row. If the first phrase of Hamlet's monologue "To be or not to be" was offered, then this means that the card is the fourth in the fourth row.
The beauty of this trick is that it can be continued indefinitely until the audience gets bored.

How to remove a card from the deck and find it in the spectator's pocket

Wet the back of your hand a little. Give the deck to the spectator to shuffle. Lay the deck face down on the table and ask the spectator to memorize the first card. Then ask the spectator to place the back of their left hand on the cards and press firmly with their right hand. To make it clear to him, you yourself must show the viewer how to do it.

When you remove your left hand from the deck, you also remove a card with it. After that, you calmly remove your hands behind your back and remove the card from your hand. Point out that it is very important that the person placing their hands on the cards does so very carefully. This will allow you to draw the attention of others to the hands of the viewer. And you use it and put the card in the pocket of one of the spectators.
After that, you say that you are ordering the card to be in the spectator's pocket, despite the fact that another spectator is holding it tightly. And you take it out of the pocket in which you put it.

How to name all the cards in a deck in order

To perform this trick, you need to arrange the cards in the deck according to a certain formula. For example, on this one:

Eight kings threatened to save

Ninety-five ladies for one sick knive.

These words define eights, kings, threes, tens, twos, sevens, nines, ladies, fours, aces, sixes, jacks. You must remember some order of the suits of red and black alternately, for example, diamonds, clubs, hearts, spades. That is, you need to remember some consonant phrase representing the order of the cards.
We divide the deck into four suits and distribute them as follows: we take the eight tambourine in the left hand with the shirt up, put the king of clubs on it, three of hearts on it, then ten of spades, then two of tambourines, etc. All this must be prepared in advance.

We remove the deck several times and invite someone to take one card. While the person is looking at the card, you quickly memorize the card that precedes it, let it be the five of diamonds. According to our formula, the five is followed by a queen. Now we are sure that the lady is in the hands of the viewer. Knowing that clubs follow diamonds, we conclude that the viewer has a queen of clubs in his hands. We call it and ask the viewer to return the card to its place.

Again we ask the viewer to remove the cards and repeat everything with another person. But this time we put all the cards that are under the taken card under the rest of the deck. This is equivalent to removing the deck on a guessed card. By naming this card, you are asking whether to continue guessing the cards. Sequentially name the cards and put them on the table to show the correctness of your answers.

How to guess the number of cards taken from the deck

You ask someone in the audience to remove a small stack of cards from the top of the deck. Then you yourself remove the cards from the deck, but you should have a little more cards than the viewer took off. Start counting your cards. Let them be 20. You say: "I have more cards than you, four cards and the same number to count to 16."

The spectator starts counting his cards, let's say there are 11. Then you lay out your cards one at a time on the table, counting to 11. Then, in support of your words, you put four cards aside and continue to put the cards to the side and continue to put cards, counting further: 12,13, 14, 15, 16. The sixteenth card will be the last, as you said.
The focus can be repeated as much as you like, and the number of cards put aside must be changed all the time, for example, once there can be three, another five, and so on.

The secret of the trick is that you don't need to know the number of cards in the spectator's hand to perform it. You only have to take more cards than the spectator. After counting your cards, you take some small number, for example four, and subtract it from 20, it turns out 16. Then you tell the audience: “I have more cards than you, four cards and the same number to count to 16". Everything turns out just as you predicted.

Hi all!

In this article, I want to tell you one very spectacular focus with cards. It is called "Guess the card" and it will not be difficult. But at the same time, the trick is damn good and makes the viewer bewildered and sincerely believe in your talent as a magician. So, tricks with cards guess the card training from the Sailor!

Well, let's get started...

How the focus looks from the side:

You select only 12 cards from the deck and lay them out in front of the viewer or on the table. He chooses a card, remembers it and returns it to the deck. You shuffle the cards, quickly run through each one with a glance and accurately name the viewer’s card!

Ta-da-dam...everything is elementary and simple.

Focus secret:

1) It is necessary to select 12 cards from the deck. Moreover, these cards must be odd, namely, 3, 5, 7, 9 of all suits except diamonds. It will not work with diamond suits.

2) Now look at this picture! Do you notice any pattern? I think you can’t immediately determine ... Here on each card there are images of suits. On the top three - 3 drawings, on the top five - 5, etc. Now look at this drawing MOST of these drawings are looking up. On the Nine, 7 drawings look up and 2 look down. On the Troika, 2 drawings look up and one looks down ... THIS IS IMPORTANT! Further on the Five, 3 drawings look up and 2 look down.

3) Now look at this picture! See the differences? Everything is the same, but only the Nine of Crosses is turned upside down ... Do you understand why? Because MOST of the suit images are now facing down. This is the key to this trick!

4) Before the start of the trick, imperceptibly from the viewer, we lay out all the cards with most of the drawings up (or down, as you prefer) ... and when the viewer takes one card to remember, then we turn the cards over. This will be our key!

Knowing the secret, we show the focus

5) Lay out the cards in front of the spectator and ask them to take out and remember one card.

6) In the example, the viewer selects the Seven of Clubs. Now WARNING. If the spectator took a card, memorized it and also returns it to the deck, then you need to turn the remaining cards in your hand with the other side to the spectator (namely, 180 degrees, mathematically speaking). If the spectator himself turned the card over in his hand (this happens less often), then nothing needs to be turned over.

6) Thus, it turns out that all the cards we have are mostly up (or down), and the viewer, as if nothing had happened, returns the card.

7) Now we can and begin to sort through one at a time.

8) The first I got was the Nine of Hearts. Most of the drawings of the suit look up, so it's not her.

13) After that, we take them from the table and again sorting out we throw out the Seven of Crosses separately from them. This is the spectator's card, which we are announcing.

Here is such cool trick. Tricks with cards Guess the card training is a classic example of a trick. Study. I think you will like it.

Well, in addition to you, another cool trick for children

Hello, fellow readers!

I haven't written anything for a long time, for which I apologize wildly. Today I will tell you how to guess his card using the name and surname of the viewer. "His card" is the card he memorized. This trick is simple and does not require any of you. Everything happens by itself, as if by magic.

Tricks with guessing the card by the name of the viewer are very interesting and you will definitely like it.

What does the guessing card trick look like?

1) You shuffle the deck and memorize the card at the bottom. We recall the lessons from the section "". In my example, Jack of Spades will be the key card.

2) Take the deck in your left hand and begin to move one card at a time to your right hand at a moderate speed. Have the spectator say "Stop" at any time.

3) When a spectator says "Stop" stop and discard a card on the table. Let the audience remember it. In my example, this is the Ace of Hearts. I put it face up for clarity, but it will naturally lie face down. So that only the viewer can remember it. At this moment, you will reunite the two halves of the deck, but so that the Jack of Spades is on the bottom. Do not confuse!

4) As soon as the spectator remembers the card, stretch the deck to him. Have him put his card on top. In the picture, I showed the card face up, and of course it is placed face down.

5) Lift the deck. After the raising, it turns out that our key Jack of Spades covered the spectator's card. This is just what we need!

6) Take the deck in your left hand and begin to sort through the cards one by one in your right hand. We now need to find our key card - Jack of Spades. Once you find your key card, be aware that the spectator card is to the RIGHT of it. See as in the picture.

Now more carefully

7) Now is the time to remind the spectator that you will find his card using his first and last name. Let's say his name is Peter Sebastyanov. Only 15 letters. So we need to flip 14 more cards from the viewer's card, and the viewer's card will eventually be the 15th. So let's count. In my example, I settled on the Ten of Hearts.

8) Now, in bewilderment, spread your hands and say that you can’t guess the card. But when you begin to bring your hands together again, then put the top cards down the deck. So that the Ten of Hearts (in my example) remains the topmost. Now the spectator's card is 15th from the top of the deck. In the picture, I put one part on the table, in fact, you will have it in your right hand.

10) Now you just have to loudly announce the name and surname of the victim! You say “Pyotr Sebastyanov, show us your card” and start counting one card for each letter P-E-T-R-S-E-B-A-S-T-L-I-N-O-B The last card you turn over, and this is, of course, the spectator's card.

Voila! I hope you liked this trick and write it down in your arsenal. These were tricks with guessing the card by the name of the viewer.

And here's another trick for you, which is on the same topic.
