Where you wish for a card, then it disappears. Very cool card trick "2 stacks"

They belong to the category of the simplest, but in order to brighten up the break between games, they are quite suitable. Their main advantage, of course, is that they do not require any manual dexterity or props, and training does not take much time. However, there is also a minus - it is not at all difficult to solve these tricks, and many can remember their secrets from childhood. One of the simplest tricks is guessing cards chosen from a deck.

The first version of the "Guess the card" trick from 12 cards

This option is the simplest and at the same time one of the fastest. The trick is shown very simply: the person showing it lays out 12 cards in front of the viewer and asks them to take one of the ones they like to choose from. The viewer must pick it up, look at it, remember it and give it to the magician. After which the pile is collected, shuffled and laid out again on the table. Next, the shower simply opens the cards and, as soon as the desired one is shown, he returns it to the viewer.

The solution to the trick

The secret is extremely simple. You will need to do 2 things during the preparation stage:

Everything else is simple. Lay out the cards in front of the spectator and let him take one. As soon as he decides and returns it to you, turn over the spectator's card at the moment when the card is returned to the deck. After this, you can shuffle the cards as much as you like - as soon as you put them back on the table, just choose the only one turned upside down - it will be the hidden one.

Advice: Remember that focus is not only about effect, but also about your movements, gestures and communication with the viewer. Try to structure your speech so that the search for the right card does not simply turn into memorized actions. For example, say that the spectator's gaze will give away the card, and you will feel this when you move your hand over the laid out cards. Play with the audience! After all, your task is not just to surprise with knowledge of the secret, but also to give, albeit small, faith in a miracle.

The second version of the "Guess the card" trick with an unlimited number of cards

Another, simpler option that requires a little manual dexterity. The good thing about it is that it can be performed with absolutely any deck, including absolutely any number of cards. The trick looks like this to the viewer in the following way: the magician gives him one card, which he remembers, and at this time the showman lays out the cards in front of him into piles. After this, the card is placed on one of the piles, they are all put back together, shuffled, after which the magician looks through all the cards and gives out the right one.

The solution to the trick

This trick is so simple that you can perform it without preparation. It is distinguished not only by its effectiveness, but also by the fact that the magician can show his artistry when performing the trick. While the spectator is remembering the card he has chosen, the showman quickly separates the cards into piles. At the same time, he remembers the bottom card of one of the piles, which should be called “main”. In this case, it is worth remembering two different cards for two different piles, since if the spectator returns the card to the only main pile, you will have to somehow get out.

So, after the spectator returns the card to one of the piles, we first cover the pile with the hidden card with the main one, and then with all the others. Next, we carefully shuffle, trying not to separate the hidden card and the one that ends the main pile. After that, we simply open the deck one card at a time. The one that appears under the card that you remember will be the card chosen by the viewer.

Several ways to guess the card

First way. Take a deck of cards and place 21 cards in 3 piles of 7 cards in each pile face down, put the remaining cards aside, then ask any spectator to remember the card and say which of the piles it is in. Place the pile containing the spectator's card between the other two piles. Then, having folded all 3 piles into the deck, re-arrange the cards into 3 piles of 7 cards each. Ask the same question again and again put the spectator's pile in the middle and again collect the piles into a deck and deal the cards a third time into 3 piles of 7 cards each. Now ask the spectator which pile his card is in and calmly name it. This trick can be done with any number of cards, as long as it is odd and divisible by 3.

Second way. Place the deck face down in your left hand. Remember the bottom card. Slide it forward discreetly and hold the part of the card that protrudes thumb and the little finger of the right hand. In this case, the right hand covers the cards from above. Slide the cards back one after another, starting from the top, with the tip of the index or middle finger of your right hand. Invite the audience to stop you when they choose a card. After choosing a card, push everything back and remove them from the remaining cards, along with them you will remove the bottom card. This card, which is connected to the removed deck, will be in the eyes of the spectators the very card on which the spectators stopped you. Next, hold the cards face down and ask the spectator to remember this card. You can start shuffling the deck and shuffle as much as you like, but since you know the card, it won’t be very difficult for you to find it in the deck. This method is very popular and well known, so it is recommended to show it to a small audience.

Third way. For the third method, take a certain number of cards and deal them face down on the table, while remembering the first one. Ask the audience to memorize the card and remember which count it fell on. Then take the dealt cards, without disturbing their order, turn them face down. In order to show that the trick does not depend in any way on the number of cards, invite the audience to take any number of cards from the remaining ones and place them on top and bottom of the deck that is in your hands. Spectators can remove as many cards as they wish, but be careful not to shuffle the cards. After this, ask the spectator who remembered the card what number his card was. Then deal the cards face down. When the first card that you remember appears for the first time, start counting to the number on which the spectator's card is located. If you suddenly deal the cards before you reach the desired number, then turn the deck over again and continue counting from the beginning of the deck until you reach that number.

Hello everyone, fellow readers!

I haven’t written anything for a long time, for which I deeply apologize. Today I’ll tell you how to guess his card using the spectator’s first and last name. “His card” is the card he memorized. This trick is simple and won’t require anything from you. Everything will happen by itself, as if by magic.

Tricks with guessing a card by the name of the spectator are very interesting and you will definitely like it.

What does a card guessing trick look like?

1) You shuffle the deck and remember the card from the bottom. Let's remember the lessons from the "" section. In my example, the key card will be Jack of Spades.

2) Take the deck to left hand and begin moving one card at a time to your right hand at a moderate speed. Let the viewer say “Stop” at any time.

3) When the spectator says “Stop,” stop and discard the card on the table. Let the viewer remember it. In my example, this is the Ace of Hearts. I put it face up for clarity, but it will naturally lie face down. So that only the viewer could remember it. At this moment you will reunite the two halves of the deck, but so that the Jack of Spades is on the bottom. Don't get confused!

4) As soon as the spectator remembers the card, hold out the deck to him. Have him place his card on top. In the picture I showed the card with the pattern facing up, and of course it is placed face down.

5) Raise the deck. After the withdrawal, it turns out that our key Jack of Spades covered the spectator’s card. This is exactly what we need!

6) Take the deck in your left hand and begin to move cards one at a time into your right hand. We now need to find our key card - Jack of Spades. Once you find your key card, know that the spectator's card is to the RIGHT of it. You see, as in the picture.

Now pay more attention

7) Now is the time to remind the spectator that you will find his card using his first and last name. Let's say his name is Peter Sebastianov. Only 15 letters. This means that we need to look through 14 more cards from the spectator’s card, and the spectator’s card will ultimately be the 15th. So let's count down. In my example, I settled on the Ten of Hearts.

8) Now spread your hands in bewilderment and say that you can’t guess the card. But when you start to bring your hands together again, put the top cards down the deck. So that the Ten of Hearts (in my example) remains the top one. The spectator's card is now the 15th from the top of the deck. In the picture I have placed one piece on the table, in reality you will have it in your right hand.

10) Now all you have to do is loudly announce the name and surname of the victim! You say “Peter Sebastianov, show us your card” and start counting one card for each letter P-Y-T-R-S-E-B-A-S-T-B-I-N-O-V Last card you turn it over, and this is of course the spectator's card.

Voila! I hope you liked this trick and add it to your arsenal. These were tricks involving guessing a card by the name of the spectator.

And here’s another trick for you, which is on the same topic.

Card tricks are great for impressing your friends, as well as practicing sleight of hand and testing your magician's performing skills. For these tricks, you only need a standard deck of cards, a little training and the ability to distract the attention of the public.


Guessing the spectator's card

Shuffle the deck and remember the bottom card in it. Make a show out of shuffling the deck. An integral part of a successful trick is the ability to concentrate the viewer's attention on something specific that will distract him from solving the trick. Shuffle the deck yourself once, then allow a spectator to shuffle or remove it to let everyone know that the cards in the deck are completely random. After the final shuffle of the deck, remember the bottom card.

Ask a volunteer from the public to choose a card for themselves. The spectator must remember this card and place it at the bottom of the deck. The spectator's card that ends up at the very bottom of the deck will be next to the card you already know.

  • Make a whole show out of the fact that you in no way spy on which card the spectator draws. The less it appears to viewers that you are trying to recognize the card in this moment, the better the ending of the trick will turn out.
  • Remove the deck. You can remove the deck yourself or ask a spectator to do so. In this case, the original bottom card along with the spectator's card will end up somewhere in the middle of the deck. When you turn the deck over so the cards are face up and fan them out, the spectator's card will be on the card you know to the right of it.

    • With proper skill, the deck can be removed several times. If you know exactly the position of the cards in a deck that has already been removed, sleight of hand will allow you to remove the deck again without separating your and the spectator's cards.
  • Announce to the audience that next you are going to find a spectator card in the deck. Now comes the moment to demonstrate your “magical” abilities. The better you present yourself in the performance that follows, the more amusing the result of the trick will be for the audience.

    • Entertain the spectators by fanning out the cards and moving your hand over the cards to find the spectator card you want.
  • Find the original bottom card of the deck that you memorized. Fan the cards out on the table so that both you and a volunteer spectator can see their faces. Having found your original card, pay attention to the card that lies on it. This will be the spectator's card.

    • Once you have identified a spectator card, do not immediately remove it from the deck. Address the viewer and demonstrate the process of “reading his mind”, as if you were trying to recognize the card in this way.
    • Play with the audience, trying to draw the wrong cards from the deck, but changing your mind each time. Finally, build up your confidence and draw a spectator card from the deck.
  • Show the spectator card to the audience. With undisguised pleasure, show the viewer his card.

    • Ask a volunteer if you guessed their card correctly. If it really is her, congratulations. You've successfully completed a basic card trick!
    • If for some reason the card is incorrect, tell the audience something like, “Hmm, there seems to be some interference in the magic fields.” And then try the trick again.

    Focus “four robbers”

    1. Remove all four jacks from the deck. Then remove three more random cards from the deck. This trick requires a little juggling of the cards before you start.

      • In the “four robbers” trick, you have to trick the audience into thinking that you have placed the jack thieves in the middle of the deck. But in reality, you will put three other cards there that you pulled from the deck in advance.
      • When performing a trick, three additional cards from the deck must lie on top of all the jacks.
      • For the trick, you need to prepare a backstory, telling that four jacks decided to rob a bank.
    2. Show the jacks to the public. Hold the jacks fanned out in your hand. All of them should be visible to the audience. Hide the three extra cards behind the top (closest to you) jack so that the public cannot see them. This is critical to performing the trick.

      • If you have difficulty keeping the extra cards hidden, use your index finger to hold them on the top edge of the cards.
      • After giving spectators enough time to see the jacks (but not remember their order), stack the cards.
      • Continuing the story, report that the thieves landed on the bank's roof in a helicopter or simply decided to break into the bank through it.
    3. Place a stack of seven cards face down on top of the main deck. Now the public will think that the four jacks are on top of the deck. However, spectators will not be aware of the three additional cards on top of the jacks. Remove the top card and place it at the bottom of the deck.

      • This action should be accompanied by a story that the first robber decided to go down to the basement (to the bottom of the deck) to clean out the storage and, possibly, control the arrival of the police.
      • Make sure that spectators cannot see front side the card you take instead of the jack. When removing a card, turn it face towards you and the back towards the audience.
    4. After the first, place the other two top cards in different parts of the deck. Remove the next card from the top and place it in the deck just above the first, continuing to tell the story.

      • We can say that the second robber went to clean out the bank's cash registers, after which he placed the removed card in the middle of the deck.
      • And the third robber, for example, went to rob safe deposit boxes located even higher.
      • When placing the third card in the deck, do not place it too high to avoid accidentally splitting the jacks.
    5. Show the audience the top jack. Tell him that this jack will remain on the roof to wait for the helicopter. This jack can be shown to spectators as it remains in place on top of the deck.

      • Please note that in reality this jack should be different from those jacks that you allegedly already managed to place on the deck. For this reason, for greater effect, it is better to initially stack the jacks in such a way that the colors of the suit of the top and bottom of them match.
    6. Reveal all four jacks. To complete the trick, explain that the jack on the roof noticed the approach of the police and called off the rest of the robbers, or the jack in the vault noticed the police arriving in time and rushed up to the roof, collecting other accomplices along the way. During the story, reveal all the Jacks one by one, reporting that they all got to the roof in time to escape.

      • Of course, you will know that the jacks were on top of the deck the whole time, but it will seem to the audience that they magically returned to the top after you distributed them to different parts of the deck.
    7. Don't forget to tell the story of the robbery while performing the trick. This focus largely depends on the skill of the storyteller. You can tell a story about how four thieves decided to rob a bank or various floors of a residential building. While demonstrating the trick, remove the top additional cards one at a time and distribute them to different parts of the deck.

      • Try to present the robbery story dramatically. The more details you provide about what exactly the robbers need and how they plan to spend the loot, the more your story will captivate the audience. Immersing yourself in the story will distract viewers from what you are doing with your hands.
      • This trick can be performed with any four cards of the same rank, not just jacks.
    8. Bet on guessing the card

      Shuffle the deck thoroughly, remembering the bottom card. You could even have someone in the audience shuffle the deck or remove it to make the audience less suspicious. Don’t be afraid to remove the deck yourself either. At the appropriate moment, while aligning the cards in the deck by tapping them on the table, peek at the bottom one and remember.

    • If you allow a spectator to shuffle the deck, quickly and quietly peek at the bottom card before moving on.
    • This trick is similar to guessing a spectator's card in a deck, but has slight differences.
  • Let the spectator choose any card from the deck. Fan out the deck in front of the spectator, ask him to draw one of the cards and remember. Then split the deck exactly where the card was pulled from and form two separate piles. Next, ask the spectator to place his card on the pile that does not contain the bottom card that you remember. Then place the stack with the bottom card you know on top.

    Remove the deck. You can do this yourself or let the spectator remove the deck once. Now your and the spectator's cards are side by side in the deck. At this stage, you can remove the deck several times, but if you do this, be sure to remember the approximate position the necessary cards in the deck so as not to accidentally separate them.

    • The more you involve the audience in performing the trick, the more profound the impression they will have of complete control over the situation. This will make the final part of the trick more impressive.
  • Start laying out your cards. Begin to reveal and lay out the cards of the deck, one at a time, in a row from one edge of the table to the other. Don't stop when you see a card you know and a spectator's card next to it, which should follow your card. Continue playing cards as usual. Lay out almost the entire deck on the table except for the last few cards.

    • When performing this trick, you must act as if you already knew the spectator's card. But if you stop when you get there, you'll ruin the rest of the trick.
  • Try to chat the audience up. Magic tricks like this one are very well enhanced by a certain story. Start saying that you are so convinced of the success of the trick that you are ready to make a money bet with the viewer. You can also tell us how, when visiting the gambling zone “Casino Sochi”, you managed to get rich with your ability to manipulate cards.

    • Bet a hundred rubles that the next card you turn over will be the spectator's. Since the spectator has already seen his card laid out on the table, he may accept the bet, believing that you are talking about the cards remaining in your hands.
    • If the spectator does not agree to bet, offer to double the bet amount if he makes a mistake.
  • Turn over the spectator's card on the table. Instead of continuing to place cards from your hand on the table, look through the cards that are already on the table and find a spectator card among them, which should be next to the card you know. To make it more realistic, pretend that you are about to flip over the wrong card before turning over the spectator's card.

    • Do not take any money from the viewer. If the spectator agrees to make a bet with you, take your own bet and say that you forgive the spectator his debt. You can make a joke out of all this by saying that it would be dishonest to take money from the spectator, since your magical abilities from the very beginning allowed you to accurately recognize the spectator's card.
    • If the trick fails, you will probably have to give your hundred rubles to the viewer.

    The appearance of the spectator's card in the spectator's palms

    Ask the spectator to choose a card. Take a regular deck playing cards and fan it out in front of the viewer, asking him to choose one for himself. While the spectator is memorizing the card he has chosen, remove the deck remaining in your hands, then ask the spectator to place his card on top of the bottom half of the deck, and then cover it with the remaining cards, using his little finger to create a miniature gap between the top and bottom half of the deck.

  • Remove the deck again. Use the gap in the deck to remove the cards that are on top of the spectator's card, thereby returning it to the top position. This may seem like a clear return to the place of a previously removed part of the deck, so as a distraction, ask the spectator to concentrate his thoughts extremely on the card he pulled out. Explain that you will try to force this card to appear in his hands.

    • If you plan to shuffle the deck further, make sure that the top card remains in place.
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