Condensed milk at home in a slow cooker. Delicious homemade condensed milk in a slow cooker

Now it has become fashionable to cook homemade condensed milk from fresh milk. Moreover, it is really convenient to do this in a slow cooker - the “thickener” does not burn, does not boil away, it can gurgle for at least several hours in a row, and at the same time you do not have to stand next to the ladle. But if a task suddenly happens - to cook condensed milk in an iron can, as everyone did once in childhood with their mother, many are afraid to put a tin in a "cartoon". After all, who knows if it will work; besides, there are rumors that banks sometimes explode ...

And indeed it is. When I, the author of these lines, about eleven years ago came to study at a university and settled in a hostel, the senior girls, conducting a tour of the building, did not forget to take me to the kitchen and show me a huge stain of brown splashes, located directly above the stove. It served them as a kind of monument to housekeeping, and every year it was shown to all the new girls. His story was simple: once a freshman decided to cook herself a "condenser", put a jar in a saucepan on the stove, poured water, and disappeared for a long time. The condensed milk was boiled for itself, the water boiled away ... and everything boiled away, and nearby, as if to evil (albeit a hostel), there was no one who would have guessed to add water. So the bank exploded. And, since repairs are made very, very rarely in dormitories, this stain on the ceiling survived, for nothing, that no one even remembered the name of that girl.

So yes, banks do explode. But! Only when the water in the pan runs out completely (although the alarm bell is already the presence of only half of the filled water). If this is the situation that happened to you, then, as the half-forgotten advertisement of the 90s was sung, “just add water!” And not simple, but hot, better - boiling water, so that nothing happens to the jar from the temperature difference ...

And one more BUT! And it is the most important!
When cooking in a slow cooker, the water will not run out. She does not boil away as intensely as on the stove! So, you have absolutely nothing to be afraid of, putting your yummy to cook.

Still wondering how to do it?

  1. Place the jar in the slow cooker, fill the bowl with water. It is desirable for the jar to be completely covered (so it is better not to put it on the bottom, but put it on the barrel). The only thing is that the water does not need to exceed the extreme mark.
  2. Turn on the fast mode for boiling water (this is not a prerequisite, but simply speeds up the process). For example, "Boiling".
  3. When the water boils, switch the slow cooker to a quieter mode - say, "Extinguishing", for 2-3 hours.

Do not open the finished condensed milk immediately, let it cool.

In the photo - the result of two hours of cooking. And by the way, my water after these hours remained at the top mark.
Good luck!


With the advent of the multicooker, the process of preparing many dishes has become a real pleasure. This miracle assistant will cope with almost any culinary task. Today we will cook condensed milk in a slow cooker. It's easy, believe me!

Condensed milk at home in a slow cooker

Let's start with the traditional way of making condensed milk. We need only two ingredients - milk and granulated sugar. And the slow cooker will do most of the work for us.


  • 2 liters of milk;
  • 700 g of granulated sugar.

Advice! Choose fresh homemade milk. If this is not possible, buy a pasteurized product with a high percentage of fat content.


  1. Pour milk into a multi-cooker container.
  2. Add granulated sugar, stir.
  3. We activate the option "Steam", select the type of product - "Vegetables".
  4. Without closing the lid, wait until the milk mixture boils. Stir it periodically.
  5. When the milk comes to a boil, we will transfer the multicooker to the “Extinguishing” program.
  6. Set the type of product - "Meat". You can use the "Multi-cook" mode by setting the temperature threshold to 100 °.
  7. Cooking for 1 hour 30 minutes. Periodically, the mass must be mixed!
  8. During this time, the milk mixture will boil down. Let's cool her down.
  9. Condensed milk is ready!

Another easy recipe

Condensed milk in the Redmond multicooker and other models of appliances is prepared in the same way. The time can only change depending on the power of your miracle helper. Add just one ingredient to condensed milk, and the delicacy will acquire a new bright taste.


  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 0.2 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 35 g soft butter.


Recipe with powdered milk

Consider how to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker with the addition of milk powder. Attention: you need milk, not its substitute!


  • 1 st. milk;
  • 1 st. dry milk;
  • 1 st. granulated sugar.


  1. Combine milk with dry powder and granulated sugar, mix well until a homogeneous structure.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into a multicooker container, close the appliance.
  3. Activate the "Extinguishing" option. Cooking for one hour. Periodically stir the mass.
  4. Pour the condensed milk into a bowl. Let's cool her down. She must thicken.

Advice! If you need boiled condensed milk, increase the cooking time to two hours.

delicious toffee

Have you decided to cook condensed milk yourself? A slow cooker is ideal for this purpose. Shall we try?


  • 1 b. condensed milk.


As you can see, everything ingenious is simple! Without much worries, you can cook homemade condensed milk, which is both tasty and healthy! Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!

The background of cooking condensed milk at home using a slow cooker could be considered funny if it were not so sad. I wanted to cook a very tasty and interesting dessert with boiled condensed milk. I bought a jar of sweet condensed milk. Not boiled, because since childhood I know that store-bought condensed milk is not at all like the “real” one. It is most often liquid and does not taste the way it should. I cooked milk according to all the rules for 4 hours over low heat. But when I opened the jar, my disappointment knew no bounds. The milk is liquid. But the troubles didn't end there either. When I finally made the dessert and decided to try it, my eyes popped out of my head. The milk had a strong taste of acetone. It turns out that not very decent companies add it in production. In general, the dessert was spoiled and sent to the trash can. The mood was also low. But the next day I decided to correct the situation and cook condensed milk in a slow cooker, because I heard that in this device it turns out tasty, thick, and you can immediately cook it, which is what I needed.

- cow's milk - 800 ml;
- white granulated sugar - 1,200 ml glass;
- soda - on the tip of a teaspoon.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Condensed milk at home, recipe in a slow cooker:

1. These are the ingredients we need. You can take a little more milk, but the ratio should be about the same so that the condensed milk in the slow cooker turns out to be thick and tasty.

2. Pour sugar into the bowl of the device. Fill with milk. It is advisable to use fat milk (from 3.2%). And if possible, cook a treat on a homemade product. It's fatter and healthier. Also add some baking soda. It prevents curdling of milk. Do not worry, such an amount of soda in the finished condensed milk will not be felt.

By the way, if you are running out of time, then it will come in handy. The delicacy is prepared quickly, but it turns out very tasty.

3. Bring the milk to a boil on the "Frying" mode or any other mode that you are used to using and which does not require a closed lid. Yes, it is better not to close the lid so that the milk that does not like closed space does not “run away”. At this time, you can stir the milk so that the sugar dissolves faster. Then select the “Steam” mode (“Steamer”, “Steaming”). This mode provides for intensive evaporation of the liquid, which, in fact, is what we need. That's it, press "Start", set the desired time and wait for the multicooker signal. It will take an hour and a half to prepare thick boiled condensed milk. Look at the situation. If you need lighter condensed milk, then reduce the cooking time.

Such condensed milk can be eaten with tea, buns, and you can even cook with it a variety of

Do you love condensed milk? Most people will answer yes. Delicate creamy mass is perfect for making cream for cakes and cakes. She is very good and just with tea. But the quality that is sold in the store is constantly falling. But you can cook condensed milk yourself in a slow cooker. Today we will consider the recipe so that tomorrow you can make this delicious dessert at home.


What may be required in order to cook condensed milk? If you want a real product with a taste from childhood and without chemicals, then only whole milk and sugar should be in the composition. Shop from packages, normalized and restored are suitable for these purposes with a big stretch. Therefore, try to find friends who have a cow and purchase a fresh product. Then the condensed milk in the slow cooker will turn out to be especially tasty.

Choosing milk

Before you start cooking, you need to evaluate the purchased product. The main ingredient is milk. And the quality of the finished product directly depends on its quality. There are a few tips to help you determine the right choice:

  • As mentioned above, you need to take homemade milk.
  • Put a little milk on the nail, if the drop spreads, then it is diluted.
  • Before starting cooking, you need to boil at least a small portion of milk. If it starts to curl up, then the quality leaves much to be desired.

Classic recipe

Only at first glance, cooking condensed milk in a slow cooker is a very complicated process. In fact, you need to provide only the right temperature. A slow cooker is a great help in this regard. It is suitable as a thermos, saving energy, and maintains the desired temperature at a lower cost.

You need to pay attention to the fact that condensed milk in a slow cooker is prepared somewhat differently than in production. In order for the milk to thicken not in a vacuum, additional components are required. Therefore, you need the following products:

  • Whole milk - 200 ml.
  • Powdered sugar - 180 g.
  • Powdered milk - 200 g.

Technological process

The recipe for condensed milk in a slow cooker does not seem too complicated. In a separate container, mix milk powder and sugar. After that, gradually add regular milk in a thin stream. It is desirable that there are no lumps. Therefore, it is better to beat the mixture with a mixer. In this case, you need to set the lowest speed. 1-2 minutes are enough, after which the mixture becomes quite homogeneous.

The quantity can be changed at your discretion. But if you are preparing condensed milk for the first time, then it is not recommended to increase the amount of ingredients. Better try it on a small amount first. If you like it, you can take more next time.

Temperature regime

Boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker turns out well in a variety of modes. The thing is that the case retains heat well. The only thing to consider: you can not set the temperature too high so that the bottom does not burn. So, pour your workpiece into the multicooker bowl and choose one of the modes. It can be "Soup", "Stew" or "Cooking". You should not go far, because during the cooking process the settings will have to be changed.

Speaking about how to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker, it is very important to mention that you need to constantly stir the product, otherwise it will burn and the taste will be hopelessly ruined. We arm ourselves with a plastic spatula and proceed to cooking. As soon as the milk boils, you need to change the mode. Usually this is "Baking", but sometimes "Frying" is also used.

Final stage

Now the mass is actively boiling and gurgling. We remind you again: it is very important to stir it constantly. If this is not done, it can not only burn, but also exfoliate. That is, the mixture will become heterogeneous, grains will appear in it. Therefore, if there are urgent matters, it is better to do them before you start cooking.

The whole process takes from 15 minutes. In this case, the condensed milk is light and liquid. But it is quite suitable for drinking tea. If you cook for 25-30 minutes, then the mixture turns out to be thicker, it is already suitable for filling eclairs and a layer of cakes. And most importantly, all the ingredients of the dish are natural.

Alternative thickeners

You can use them as you please. The simplest is semolina porridge. Boil it in milk and beat thoroughly with a blender. After that, boil the condensed milk to a liquid state and add semolina into it. Stir again and chill. It turns out an excellent cream, which is suitable for filling cakes, as well as just for sandwiches. The second option is starch. Just add it to the hot mass to bring it to the desired state. You can use flour in the same way. But this does change the taste a bit.

Treats for children

This is both condensed milk and sandwich paste. This dish is very tasty. You will need to pour 200 ml of milk into the multicooker bowl, add the same amount of powdered sugar. Now you need to crumble 50 g of butter and set the "Extinguishing" mode for 10 minutes. After boiling, mix the contents of the multicooker and cook in the same mode for another 20 minutes. Further depends only on the preferences of the child. The longer you cook the mass, the darker it will turn out. You can add nuts and cocoa, chocolate to it. This will only make it tastier.

Boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker

Any of these recipes can be turned into the process of making boiled condensed milk. To do this, you just need to continue heating. But if you have several cans of good ready-made condensed milk, and you want to turn it into boiled milk, then there is nothing difficult about it. There are two ways:

  • Place a silicone mat on the bottom of the multicooker and place a closed jar. Fill with water to completely cover the container. Set the "Porridge" mode for 4 hours. Now you can go about your business, and when you are free, just take out the jar and cool.
  • You can pour the condensed milk directly into the bowl. In this case, you will have to stir the product during the cooking process, but it will cook in just 30 minutes.

You can use the above recipes with photos at any time. Condensed milk in a slow cooker is tasty and healthy.

How to cook a jar of condensed milk so that the “taffy” turns out to be as tasty as possible? In many ways, the result depends on the quality of the original product. A huge range of condensed milk in stores differs in manufacturers, packaging volume, price and, of course, quality. Here are some basic tips to help you make your choice:

1. For cooking, choose condensed milk in cans. We check the integrity of the jar to make sure there are no dents or cracks, because dangerous bacteria can get inside through them, which cause damage to the product.

2. Check the expiration date on condensed milk to make sure it's fresh.

3. It is preferable to choose condensed milk with the GOST sign. Condensed milk with the TU sign can contain various additives, including chemical ones. The composition of a good product should include only milk and sugar, and the percentage of fat content should be at least 8%.


Before you cook condensed milk, you need to remove the label from the jar.

We prepare the container in advance. Please note that the cooking process will be quite long and will take at least two hours, so the water will inevitably boil away. The container should be large enough so that the liquid completely covers the surface of the jar.

Cooking condensed milk on the stove

Cooking condensed milk so that the jar does not explode is quite simple. It is necessary to lower it into the prepared container so that the water level is sufficient and completely covers the surface. Put on high heat and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and monitor the liquid level throughout the entire cooking, adding only hot water.

If the jar is above the surface of the water, it will explode, causing you a lot of trouble and hassle.

Condensed milk with a fat content of 8% percent should be cooked for at least 2 hours. If the fat content of condensed milk is 8.5% or more, the cooking process will take 2.5-3 hours. The longer the jar is cooked, the thicker and darker the original product will turn out.

If the container is large enough, you can cook two cans at the same time. But in this case, you need to lay a silicone mat or a cloth napkin on the bottom so that the jars roll around the bottom of the pan and do not touch each other when boiling.

At the end of cooking, remove the container from the heat and let it cool naturally in the same water in which the condensed milk was boiled. Do not fill a hot jar with cold water, otherwise it may explode.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar in a slow cooker:

Let's talk about the Panasonic multicooker as an example. We lower the condensed milk into the bowl so that the surface of the jar is completely covered with water. First, lay a silicone mat or a cloth napkin on the bottom of the bowl. We put the multicooker on the "Extinguishing" mode.

The time depends on how thick the toffee should be. To make the condensed milk not very thick, the stewing time should take about 2 hours.

For a thicker product, the time can be increased up to 3 hours. After the required time has elapsed, the multicooker must be opened and the water allowed to cool naturally.

Now you know how to cook condensed milk correctly, be sure to try different options to choose the most suitable for you and your family.
