Aquarius - Snake. Eastern zodiac horoscope: Snake - Aquarius Pros and cons of an Aquarius snake girl

The characteristics and compatibility of the Aquarius-Snake man are of interest to women who want to take the place of his chosen one. He enjoys spending time with friends, talking about various philosophical topics. He has a special natural ability to unite people into a team, rally them and organize various events from parties to competitions.

Another distinctive feature of this guy is his well-developed imagination and he knows how to use it in life. This person is inquisitive and open to everything new, so he can easily succeed in several areas. Astrology says that people born with the signs of Snake and Aquarius have luck in the field of finance.

Although the sign of the Snake carries calm wisdom, the Aquarius horoscope still speaks of some instability in both external and internal life. Thus, a person with this combination needs to learn to balance different energies within himself throughout his life. If it becomes difficult to maintain the energy balance, his sociability will turn off and the “be alone so that no one will touch” mode will turn on.

Characteristics of love of an Aquarius-Snake man

This man has high demands on the woman who will be next to him. What prevents him from starting to build personal relationships is the created ideal of a heroine who will belong only to him. But at the same time, he does not set restrictions for himself, so his partner will be surprised by his somewhat flighty behavior. He likes various beautiful gestures, poems and courtship from the girl, which, however, does not speak in his favor.

This friendly and sociable guy enters into relationships with reluctance. Therefore, before you decide to seduce this man, think carefully about whether you need such a person next to you. He will completely open up to you and let you inside his soul. Superficial relationships are more familiar and understandable for him, since in this case he has freedom and is able to independently manage his time, without adjusting to anyone. That is why he takes a long time to choose a girl with whom he wants to build a relationship.

Characteristics of the marriage of an Aquarius-Snake man

This man can be a good father who will build friendly relationships with his children. In this way, trust is established and he will always be aware of all the secrets of his children. An Aquarius-Snake man can also establish a good relationship with his wife, but on the condition that she provides him with the necessary freedom and personal space where he can devote time to his own affairs. If his wife tries to control him and demand that requests be fulfilled immediately, he will run away.

As a rule, a man born under these signs gets married at a more mature age. Even in this case, he takes his responsibilities quite lightly. Therefore, you should not expect that he will give up his hobbies and hobbies for the sake of his family. However, there is a big plus in this - this man will always develop and will not limit himself. Most likely, he will try to combine one with the other and you should not interfere with him. The horoscope characterizes this man as a devoted partner, so he is unlikely to cheat.

Aquarius-Snake man compatibility

In personal relationships, this guy tries to arouse the woman's interest, which he usually does easily. He knows how to charm and attract a woman with his charm. A man born under the sign of Aquarius and in the year of the Snake will demand a lot of attention from his partner and can easily become jealous. If a woman wants to build a strong relationship with him, she needs to radiate understanding and confidence (both in herself and in him).

Love saves a person from loneliness. It is very important to find your soulmate. There are compatible and incompatible zodiac signs. The horoscope contains a characteristic for each person on this topic.

Characteristics of an Aquarius – Snake man

Aquarius man - Snake always does everything his own way. His behavior and actions can be characterized as original and unique. You can't tell if this guy is a lucky guy or a loser. There are both categories of people among representatives of this zodiac sign. Some make excellent careers, others create strong and happy families. All this depends on the person himself. Such a man does not have to rely on chance or the dictates of fate.

Aquarius - Snake man loves to teach and give advice to people around him. However, they are rarely taken seriously. The reason for this attitude lies in the fact that the Snake-Aquarius man is trying to teach how and what to do even in something about which he himself knows nothing and has no professional knowledge and experience.

The representative of this zodiac sign is an intelligent person with a strong character. His intelligence helps him achieve whatever he wants. However, this man is selfish. He believes in his uniqueness, but does not recognize the talents and capabilities of other people. It is very difficult for him to come to terms with the fact that someone is better and smarter than him. Usually, if he made a mistake, he will never show it or tell anyone.

The Aquarius Snake man is a very observant person. He notices even all the small details. He is ready to share this with his circle. There are always fans and followers around him. He is an excellent teacher, willing to teach observation and cognition.

Career growth for such men is a big coincidence. A representative of this sign must get to the right place and time. Only in this case will he be able to climb the path of professional growth. And so he usually takes the middle place, which suits him quite well. The main thing for the Snake-Aquarius man is food for thought, and not insensitive career advancement.

If a man of this sign has a family in which most of the members work, then he does not care at all about how much money he earns. This guy is happy with what he has.

Compatibility in love between Aquarius and Snake men

In love relationships, a man born in the year of the Snake under the sign of Aquarius is an authoritarian leader. Therefore, intimate relationships with girls are quite difficult for him. A representative of the fair half of humanity is already, by definition, the weaker sex. And such guys cannot stand weakness. But it is also difficult for them to communicate with a strong personality. They do not tolerate comparison with themselves, they are afraid that they will find themselves in the background. Therefore, in their youth, their relationships with girls lead nowhere. Such a guy can start a family only in his mature years. And all this is done not out of love, but out of calculation.

The Snake-Aquarius man has been in search of prosperity and tranquility all his life. They usually find this in their partner. However, they are not dependent on him. They assign to their beloved those areas of activity that are not interesting to them. For now, they are doing what they like. In a pair, the Aquarius - Snake man is the dominant side. They try in every possible way to suppress their soulmate, to make her into a person with whom they will feel comfortable and comfortable. Sometimes this goes beyond what is permitted. Then quarrels and conflicts occur in the family.

The most suitable zodiac sign for this guy is Rooster, Bull, Snake. But relationships with the Pig, Goat and Rabbit will not work out at all.

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Horoscope of the sign Aquarius, born in the year of the Snake. Snake-Aquarius experiences constant nervous overload. This is because Aquarius influences the Snake, accumulating external and internal emotional stress. The influence of the Snake, in turn, helps create this tension. She prefers to withdraw into herself and think everything over, but Aquarius does not give her this opportunity, leading her nervous system into real chaos.

It is important for such a person to take these qualities into account and be able to achieve internal harmony. He just needs to leave his nervousness and insatiable desire for communication for a while and be in peace and quiet. Of course, the Snake-Aquarius is characterized by mood swings, she can be eccentric, but such a person knows how to stop in time.

Snake-Aquarius is a creative person with the abilities of a director. She perfectly organizes holidays and public events, knows how to rally and unite people.

Snake-Aquarius is an intelligent, sincere person, but very similar to an iceberg. Only a small part of the character and nature is on the surface. Even the closest people will not be able to say that they know the Snake-Aquarius one hundred percent. Such a person shows people only what he considers necessary to show and needs privacy from time to time. In personal relationships, the Snake-Aquarius behaves frivolously, but at the same time she has inflated demands on her life partner. She prefers going out together and having beautiful courtships.

Snake-Aquarius man

This is a mysterious and interesting person. He loves life and plays with it. The Snake-Aquarius man’s head is full of new ideas, but he is in no hurry to immediately implement them.

In his personal life, he prefers not to rush into action, but mentally he always runs ahead. He can watch and study the woman he likes for a long time. Here, either such a man will “sit out” and never move on to action, or he will allow the relationship to develop into something more serious. In a relationship with a Snake-Aquarius man, a woman plays an important role. If the companion of such a man applies wisdom and life experience, then in a relationship she will receive an attentive and caring partner with whom she will be
Not only is it safe to walk through life calmly, but it’s also interesting and easy.

Snake-Aquarius woman

This woman is an attractive, beautiful and intelligent person. She knows how to influence men to get what she wants.

In her personal life, she is looking for a man who will be devoted to her and will patiently endure all her whims and whims. In this case, the Snake-Aquarius woman will be a good wife. She needs attention, affection and material support. A woman of this sign is a complex person, but quite adequate. For her, the well-being and happiness of the family comes first.

Aquarius-Snake is a person born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Snake. This cycle repeats every 12 years. It combines the cheerfulness, activity and sociability of Aquarius with the composure and calmness of the Snake. This is an interesting combination: the realist Aquarius, using his experience, and the practical Snake, relying on the mood of his body. It is worth noting that the personality characteristics of Aquarius-Snake according to the horoscope depend on the gender of the person.

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    The woman born during these years stands out among other female representatives with her cheerfulness and positivity. She is an active and enterprising person, has a lot of abilities, creative energy and ingenuity. Possessing good taste and talent as an organizer, Aquarius-Snake finds himself in the entertainment field. Colorful shows, holiday parties, and concerts under her leadership are held at a high level. Usually she is given the honorary role of director or screenwriter. But this searching and gifted person, who is in an eternal search for the use of her many talents, does not know how to stay long in the found field of activity.

      Despite the desire to open new horizons, Aquarius-Snake is a cautious and prudent nature. He calculates all his steps in advance, hoping to gain some benefit.

      An Aquarius woman born in the year of the Snake is capable of achieving a lot in life. If from birth she receives the appropriate positive attitude, she will have an excellent start and career growth, and as a result, inevitable success, popularity and financial wealth.

      This woman is a beautiful and witty lady who gathers around her the best representatives of society. Aquarius-Snake especially attracts the attention of men with its intelligence, charm, charm and charisma. But she herself knows how to achieve the favor of the other sex, and her circle of interests includes wealthy and generous gentlemen who court beautifully and speak flattering words.

      In a romantic relationship, Aquarius-Snake tries to completely surrender to feelings, enjoying love and passion. But a woman, due to her character, does not even think that maintaining a relationship depends on the efforts made on both sides. Therefore, everything depends on her behavior. There are only two options: breakup or serious relationship.

      Having created a family, a woman devotes herself entirely to the care and worries of children, husband, and home. She becomes a faithful wife, a caring and loving mother. But a man must also be attentive, faithful and financially provide for his family.

      Advice for women of this sign:

      • Maintaining self-confidence in any situation.
      • Balance in family relationships.
      • Demonstration of tact and delicacy.
      • Refusal of defiant statements.


      A man whose date of birth falls during this period has remarkable energy and activity. He is unusual, but not strange, rather a mysterious person who performs original and peculiar actions. Such a combination as Aquarius and Snake gives rise to strong and intelligent representatives who know how to reach the top with their intellect, and not perseverance.

      A man born during this period has many plans and ideas in his head. However, he is in no hurry to implement them until he presents a complete picture of the present and future of his project. He prefers to remain in an amorphous state for a long time until someone pushes him.

      Having a phenomenal memory, he can remember information in large quantities and range. This helps a man become a successful literary figure, editor of television and media programs. Scientific and political activities are also available to Aquarius-Snake. But he doesn’t know how to notice the successes of other people, nor does he know how to admit he’s wrong.

      Career growth is not at all interesting for Aquarius-Snake. The man is quite content with the place he occupies and is not at all burdened by it.

      Having a romantic relationship, Aquarius-Snake prefers to advertise them and flaunt the chosen one. He himself is bright and impulsive in relationships, looking for the same temperamental person with whom he can throw himself into the maelstrom, adventures and adventurous projects.

      He is jealous, ready to make a scandal on this basis, demands unquestioning submission on the part of his wife, wants to have a strong personality next to him. But he is unlikely to want to learn how to build relationships, make compromises and concessions. Only much later, having crossed a certain life line, does he begin to understand his mistakes in building relationships.

      If a girl interests him, he looks closely at her for a long time. Having met a wise woman, he will show his best qualities: care, ingenuity, prudence and kindness.

      Tips for men:

      • Learn to relax and sometimes give up your positions.
      • Listen to other people's opinions. It may turn out to be correct.
      • Share joys and troubles with loved ones.

(from 02/02/1965, from 02/18/1977, from 02/06/1989, from 01/24/2001)

He loves communication and often spends his free time surrounded by friends. He has a wonderful trait - he knows how to unite people, rally them, organize interesting parties and competitions. He has an extraordinary imagination, which he knows how to apply well in life. He is inquisitive and open to everything new. Therefore, he can often succeed in several areas of activity at once.

Characteristics of an Aquarius man - Snakes in LOVE

The reason that prevents him from starting a personal relationship is overly high demands on his partner. He is looking for a real heroine, who should belong only to him. At the same time, he does not make such demands on himself, giving his partner a little flighty behavior. He loves beautiful gestures, courtship and even poems written in his honor. If you decide to confess your love to him, then it is better to combine it with a trip to an expensive restaurant.

Despite his sociability and friendliness, he starts personal relationships with great reluctance. He does not prefer to completely open his soul to a new girl and let her in. It is easier for him to have superficial relationships when he has freedom and can independently manage his time, without adjusting to anyone. That is why it is very often difficult for him to find his soul mate.

Aquarius born in the year of the Snake in BED

He loves everything new and is ready for various experiments. Thanks to this, he will be able to find himself and get real satisfaction. Therefore, he will not be able to feel happy next to an overly conservative woman, who will find it difficult to turn away from the path she knows well. At the same time, he very rarely pretends to be the main role, preferring to give all the initiative to his partner.

Physical relationships are not as important to him as they are to other zodiac signs. Despite this, he does not miss the opportunity to have fun, but he will never dwell on it. He is also not highly emotional, preferring to experience all feelings and emotions within himself. However, he is attentive to his partner's needs and tries to satisfy them.

Aquarius man horoscope - Snakes in MARRIAGE

He can become a good father who will treat his children more like friends. In view of this, a trusting relationship is established between them, and he is always aware of all their secrets. He will be able to find a common language with his wife if she can provide him with the freedom he needs so much and a certain space when he can do all his business. He will not be able to tolerate too much supervision and increased demands.

He most often gets married at a more mature age. Despite this, he continues to be a little careless about his responsibilities. So, for the sake of his family, he is not ready to give up his hobbies and interests. Most likely, he will try to combine this, which does not always work out. But he is distinguished by great devotion, which is quite difficult to meet. Therefore, he will not even have thoughts about betrayal.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

Thus, you cannot find a more devoted friend or life partner than him. However, building a relationship with him will not be so easy, because he has a difficult and rather unusual character. But you can’t blame him for this - you can only accept them for who he is. And then he will be able to open his heart to you and let you into his intricate, but very rich inner world, to which not everyone has access.
