The rune is alone in fortune telling about relationships. Brief interpretation of the meaning of the rune

Before moving on to the meaning of the Odin rune in fortune telling, it is important to note that none of the Old Germanic and Old Norse Futharks and Utharks had such a rune. The Odin rune is also called the rune of fate or simply an empty rune, since we are talking about the twenty-fifth element of the rune set, which does not have a graphic image.

The empty rune was proposed by the American rune researcher Ralph Bloom, who also gave it its now established name - the Rune of Odin. He determined the meaning of this rune by the need to introduce into the fortune-telling futhark the factor of uncertainty, a certain universe, a superhuman will that can radically change any situation.

The interpretation of an empty rune is twofold - on the one hand, it can mean that a higher power is entering the situation, in the sense of a force that you cannot influence and the existence of which you probably do not even know (or did not know until the current moment in time ).

On the other hand, the meaning of the Odin rune often comes down to the phrase “everything is in your hands,” and this means that in relation to your situation, the circumstances have developed in such a way that you are able to tip the scales with any of your actions, even the most insignificant and even more so intentional in the direction you want.

The Odin Rune in a relationship can indicate that you don't know something just because you really shouldn't know it. We are not necessarily talking about some kind of negative information, but the knowledge hidden by the meaning of an empty rune can radically change the situation and you simply cannot cope or come to terms with these changes. Think about it - maybe ignorance really is bliss?..

The Odin rune in love often says that even if you do not understand the background of what is happening, you should definitely contribute in every possible way to the development of the situation. After all, this also happens - dreams come true, suddenly, unexpectedly, and this can be shocking. An empty rune in a close relationship indicates that if you slow down the situation, the outcome will definitely not satisfy you. Neither you nor the other participant(s) in the situation.

The rune of fate in business or everyday life can indicate karma. Perhaps current events are only a reflection or rather a consequence of your actions committed in the distant past (who knows - maybe even in a past life). The difficulty is that the interpretation of the Odin rune always leaves uncertainty.

You may not understand who is helping or hindering you, why he is doing this and what awaits you in the end. But the changes are obvious and it is difficult to resist them this moment you are unable to. Or, as already noted, the meaning of the Odin rune may be completely opposite for you, and then you will have to think hard, because every step can become fateful, and not only (and not even so much) for you.

Please note that the meaning of the Odin rune does not change depending on its position, simply because it always has the same position, there is neither a direct nor an inverted aspect. In fact, many practitioners do not use an empty rune in fortune telling, and it can hardly be argued that this makes their predictions and definitions of the situation less accurate.

Summarizing all of the above, we note that an empty rune in fortune telling can give two diametrically opposed pieces of advice. The first is to show courage and take a step forward into the darkness, into the unknown. Second - show humility and submit to circumstances, now is not the time to fight. An empty rune in relationships, business and other situations can have an unlimited number of aspects, so it is more difficult to understand than with any other rune.

Using the Odin rune outside of a fortune-telling context

Considering the rather peculiar meaning of the Odin rune, using it in rituals and meditations, to put it mildly, is not recommended. Otherwise, a situation will arise when you operate with forces and aspects that you do not know or understand, and it may turn out that you simply cannot control them.

For this reason, there is not a single esoteric practice (except fortune-telling) for the use of the Fate rune. It is likely that such practices simply do not exist. This point is connected with the basic postulate of runic craft - it is forbidden to influence your destiny with anything other than your own actions.

Rune of Odin as a manifesto of faith through knowledge

K. Meadows defines the meaning of the empty rune (it was he who first called it the rune of fate) as a creative force that lies beyond the orderly. In relation to the Old Norse mythological system, we can talk about Utgard, a reality that lies beyond the worlds of the Yggdrasil Tree. This is a kind of transcendental space, external to everyone, including the Aesir and Vanir.

If an empty rune appears in a reading, this always indicates surprise. Many runologists (including the already mentioned R. Blum and K. Meadows) are inclined to believe that the essence of interpreting a situation lies not in determining the contextual meaning of the Odin rune, but in the reaction that arises in a person under specific circumstances. In other words, you react to the situation instinctively, on the basis of a priori knowledge, and only then ask questions - what led to this situation, what is its essence, what are the consequences? The Odin rune focuses attention on the primary reaction, in it are all the answers.

Why does K. Meadows reduce the meaning of the Odin rune to the concept of faith? Because faith is knowledge (this statement is closely related to a number of myths about how Odin acquired his wisdom bit by bit). But this is not received, but reflexive knowledge, primordial, underlying any event and phenomenon of the surrounding world, including the person himself. This definition takes time to understand, but to make it easier, the meaning of an empty rune can be defined by the phrase “I believe because I know.”

P.S. Contrary to what is sometimes stated, the Odin rune is in no way connected with the Odal rune and related symbols. It is also incorrect to define it as a rune that does not have a negative meaning.

In modern runological treatises you can find the twenty-fifth Futhark rune. The Odin rune is a remake; it is not found in historical sources, but fits well into the reconstruction of the fortune-telling process. It is also called "Wyrd" or "empty rune". This emptiness, however, is not responsible for stupidity or absurdity. What is the true meaning of this rune: the rune of Odin marks liberation, healing from the shackles of the “old” in the name of the birth of a pure, bright “new”. The runic energy of Wyrd helps to renounce the painful influence of old mistakes, end oppressive relationships and strive for the “new”.

The twenty-fifth rune is an invention of modern researchers, but it fits so well into the Elder Futhark system that many people perceive it as historically existing.

The birth of a new thing is always associated with pure, bright energy. The interpretation of an empty rune is inextricably linked with the awakening of rainbow events in human life: it brings happiness and good luck in new achievements. We all know that energy in nature does not come from anywhere; this is stated by the Law of Conservation of Energy. So it is in this case: it is important to remember that a favorable “new” can only arise in the place of a painful “old”. You must free yourself from everything oppressive so that runic energy can bring positive changes into your life.

The meaning of the empty rune indicates the unity of the dictates of fate, as it connects your position in the past, present and future.

Brief interpretation of the meaning of the rune

What does an empty rune mean - consider all possible options:

  • A sign of the end. Healing followed by well-being. Strength leads the healed person straight to a happy future and at the same time gives a feeling of lightness, a feeling of a weight lifted from the shoulders.
  • Merge meaning. Teaming up with others to achieve greater results, empowering a group of people to perform a wider range of tasks.
  • Sometimes the rune is credited with being a sign of the present. Today, now, at this moment - and never again in the future.
  • The meaning of life, the search for your own calling, the right path. Magical power guides a person on the correct, unique, individual path in life. Shows the road leading to happiness.
  • Symbol of Death (rarely used). Breaking old, burdensome connections; avoiding unwanted, negative circumstances; death of all problems that lie as a heavy burden and interfere with progress and achievement of goals; liberation from destructive thoughts and attitudes.

What does working with the Odin rune include?

When meditating and working with any rune, changes occur in life, and the empty rune of Odin is no exception.

The energy of runes is so strong that sometimes a person is not ready for the significant changes that they bring to his life. Sometimes they encourage him to look into the past, which can be painful and unpleasant. However, all this is aimed only at your success in the future, this is how runes work - the Empty rune has the following features:

  1. Be prepared to plunge into the past in order to get out from there perhaps the most unpleasant thing, hidden under seven locks, hurting or frightening: your fears, grievances. It is very important to realize that the more we do not want some event, the greater the likelihood of it happening. With our fear, strong fear, we only attract trouble. It is imperative to work through fears.
  2. Dedication is the main criterion for the action of Odin’s rune. You need to be decisive and fearless in making decisions that will help you on your way to a happy future. A very important criterion for getting what you want is following the instructions received during fortune telling.
  3. It is necessary to awaken the inner voice, harmonize the soul and mind in order to make a decision: is the prediction true or not? You are the one responsible for making this decision, so take it with due care.
  4. You must be prepared to take a drastic, perhaps uncomfortable, action that will take you out of your comfort zone. However, in return, expect real changes that will definitely please you.

The meaning of the Odin rune in magical scenarios

Interpretation of meaning in combinations

If you get the Odin rune, the meaning of this symbol is inextricably linked with the other runes in the layout:

  • A rune falling out alone means that your issue must be resolved independently - only you are responsible for your actions, so rely on your own strength, your own mind, and then everything will work out.
  • The appearance of a rune in the center of the layout means the approach of significant changes in your life. You will take a new, previously unknown road. Do not be afraid: new way leads only to good things, so have the courage to proudly walk along this road! And the rune will make sure that everything goes well.
  • If your interest is directed at another person, his actions and behavior, then the meaning of the Odin rune in a relationship indicates that this information cannot be disclosed by you. Do not try to delve into the secrets and understand any secrets: this can only harm you and others.
  • The appearance of the Odin rune in combination with the runes of love means that you will soon come to the end of your relationship. However, expect that very soon your person, your true soul mate, will truly come into your life. Such happiness has never existed in your life before, accept it with gratitude.
  • The appearance of a rune at the end of the layout indicates that you will not be able to influence your real relationship. The situation will resolve itself; there is no need to influence it on your own. Intervention can lead to irreversible consequences that will adversely affect later.


In any fortune telling, it is important to connect your inner voice, harmonize your soul and mind, apply the interpretations personally to your situation, and you will understand whether they are true. For example, if you often get an empty twenty-fifth rune, this may mean that you are a creative person. This means that you are impulsive, sometimes irritable, and highly emotional. All this adds passion, “spark” to your relationship, your life is full of emotional “shocks”. But we cannot do without discord and strong conflicts. Frequent “explosions” are constant companions of your life. But you always come out of them with new life experiences.

In this article I would like to touch on a topic that is quite difficult to interpret, the Odin rune, the Wyrd rune or the Empty rune. Due to the complexity of its decoding and understanding, it often confuses people who are beginning to learn runic art.

The dominant opinion is that the rune of Odin is the rune of fate, a karmic fate in the most negative shade. Having no graphic image and often called the Empty Rune, it denotes the unknown, emptiness, which often repels and frightens beginners. Human nature has a fear of the unknown, which is why many people do not use this rune at all in the process of fortune telling.

However, fear of the Odin rune and its incorrect decoding can lead to an incorrect interpretation of the entire alignment and lead to sad results. But for the process of cognition, this rune is one of the best helpers!

The history of the Odin rune

The Odin rune appeared later than all other runes. It was first reported in The Book of Runes by Ralph Bloom in the 1980s, who associated the Void Rune with Odin and believed that it represented karmic destiny. But there is an assumption that this rune or one similar to it has been used by runologists since the 16th century.

At the moment, there are 2 main principles of fortune telling with runes: with and without the use of the Empty Rune.

Supporters of the classical, conservative approach do not use this rune, believing that it violates the integrity of the Futhark, a multiple of the sacred number “3”.

Proponents of a different approach actively use this rune for fortune telling and meditation.

The only thing that supporters of both methods agree on is that the Odin rune should under no circumstances be used in runic formulas and runic staves.

Options for interpreting Odin's rune

There are a huge number of decoding options for this rune, but most boil down to the fact that the situation envisioned by the client is at the mercy of higher powers.

The Odin rune at the end of the layout says that the mysterious situation did not just happen to the client, it HAD to happen. This is what is destined from above, and what will subsequently determine the whole future fate person, which means it is impossible to know the outcome of the situation in advance. Knowing the end result in advance, without taking any specific actions, without showing initiative or, conversely, being zealous with it, you can radically change your fate.

The Odin rune in the middle of the layout may mean that at the moment a person is facing some decisive actions. The gods have not yet determined his destiny, and it depends only on him how he will build it. The rune in this position calls for attentiveness and deep analysis of one’s actions and actions. When it comes to relationships, it often means that all relationships and the current situation are not accidental. A person has a karmic debt, which fate gives a chance to correct. But, as with all karmic relationships, it is impossible to predict exactly what the karmic lesson will be.

The Odin rune means the complete end of something, but at the same time the beginning of a new one. It foreshadows a test of strength and promises a reward in the end. Rune of faith and cosmic energy simultaneously.

The meaning of the Odin rune at the beginning of the layout warns that this issue cannot be overlooked: at the moment, important events are taking place that a person himself must understand without outside help. Usually, if the Odin rune appears at the beginning of the reading, fortune telling is stopped. All subsequent scenarios for this situation will most likely be incorrect.

If the Odin rune appears several times in a row on different issues, this is a clear sign that the runes are not ready to work today, you need to stop fortune telling immediately.

I interpret this rune as a symbol of enormous possibilities - unrealized and potential. Everything is in the hands of the person himself. It depends only on him how and where he will lead his destiny. There is no predetermined existence, there is only He and His possibilities. Man creates all “insoluble” difficulties and “insurmountable” obstacles for himself. And he can overcome them himself.

*In my work I use the Odin rune, but in no way do I encourage supporters of the “conservative” approach to start working with the Odin rune as well.


We are finishing our study Scandinavian runes and today we’ll talk about a symbol around which there is a lot of controversy and speculation. The Odin Rune, the meaning of which we will consider, was initially not used at all in runic Magic. For the first time, it was the American amateur researcher Ralph Bloom, the author of the famous literary manuals “The Book of Runes” and “Healing Runes”, who proposed adding this symbol to the Elder Futhark. It must be said that Blum’s interpretation of many magical signs also differs significantly from the classics, so on the Internet there are extremely opposing opinions about his approach. But, nevertheless, someone still uses an empty rune for fortune telling, so we will not lose sight of it.

Rune of Odin - basic meaning and interpretation

This symbol has several names: Odin rune, empty rune, Wyrd (sometimes Vert), rune of Fate. There are several different opinions about the meaning, description and interpretation of the Odin rune. Which one is considered the most authoritative - choose for yourself. However, even the use of this symbol itself is not mandatory - many runologists do not include it in their magic set at all.

Ralph Bloom himself described this rune as an indication that a person’s fate is in his own hands. If the questioner gets this sign in the reading, it means that he is free to act as he thinks is right, since this is his personal decision, which shapes his own destiny. The empty rune does not contain any answer or advice, but at the same time it simultaneously includes the meanings of all Futhark symbols at once. Just like on a blank sheet of paper, we can draw the sign that we consider necessary in the given circumstances.

Some researchers interpret the Wyrd rune differently. They believe that this is a sign of Fate, Karma, and the participation of Higher Powers in a person’s life. If we judge from this position, then the empty rune in the layout must be interpreted as events that do not depend in any way on the will of a person: what is destined to happen will happen.

There is another variation of interpretation. Many runologists draw parallels between runic Magic and Tarot cards. So, for example, an empty card can mean that information is closed, a sign that a person does not need to know about something at the moment. The meaning of an empty rune can be perceived in the same way.

Mantic meaning of the Odin rune

Here, of course, everything depends on what interpretation you have determined for yourself. If the first, then to any person’s question, magical signs will give a single answer - “think with your own head.” The second option, on the contrary, will indicate that events will develop in their own way, and a person will not be able to influence the outcome of the case under any circumstances. In the third case, you need to perceive the meaning of Odin’s rune in fortune telling as the impossibility of getting an answer to a particular question. If your question requires a “yes” or “no” answer, then the empty rune answers it “I don’t know.”

As an example, let's try to consider all the possible meanings of the Odin rune in a relationship, imagining that the client asked a question about whether he will be able to build a family with the partner with whom he recently started an affair. If we lean towards Ralph Bloom's theory, we see that everything is in the hands of this man. If he wants, he may well propose to this woman, and she will agree. If she doesn’t want to, then their romance can only become temporary. He needs to decide what to do for himself.

If we take as true the assumption that Fate itself interferes in the life, then we will answer our client something like this: “You cannot change anything - in this case, Fate itself decides for you. Whether this woman will become your wife or not depends on the Higher Powers. You just have to live and hope.” Another option is to remember that sometimes the word “fate” can also mean karma - then we can say that the relationship between these two people is clearly karmic, and in the good or bad sense of this word will be seen later.

If we are more impressed by the correspondence of Wyrd to the white Tarot card, then the meaning of the Odin rune in love we will have a lack of information on this issue. A man definitely doesn't need to know if this girl will be his lifelong friend.

Rune Wyrd in magic and amulet practice

Of course, we know nothing about the use of an empty rune in magical operations or as an amulet. Many runologists argue that its presence in the runic set is only a modern addition, since in ancient times this sign did not exist in principle. Therefore, unfortunately, it is impossible to say anything about this - only empty assumptions and conjectures.

Rune of the Day of Wyrd

If a symbol comes to you during fortune telling when asking how your day will go, you can make three different assumptions about this. The first is from your own actions and decisions made the outcome of events will directly depend. Secondly, Fate itself will lead you where you need to go; all the events of the day will not be accidental. Third, expect surprises, since information about the future is closed to you.

Should I use the Odin rune for fortune telling or not?

Whether to use an empty rune in your practice depends on your personal preferences. Runologists working with Wyrd note that it appears during fortune telling quite rarely, but, as they say, accurately. Others cope quite successfully without it. In a word, it’s up to you and only you to decide.

Hides a mysterious meaning Odin's rune- does not have its own image. The ancient Scandinavians attributed many unusual properties to her: she was respected and a little feared.

The runic sign is associated with everything unidentified, unsolved, hidden from human eyes. If it comes into action, it means that the current path has been completed and you need to prepare for a new one. And this transition will happen instantly - you won’t have time to look back.

In metaphysics, Odin has a double meaning. Emptiness is nothing and everything. Emptiness is the end and the beginning. Emptiness is the past and the future.

Despite the absence of a symbol, the rune has a rich internal content that describes the greatness of the entire World.

General meaning and description of the Odin rune

Existing titles: One, Odin. It is also sometimes called VeRT or Weird (Weird).

At first glance, it may seem that the ancient rune has no influence on the interaction of universal forces and natural elements. But, nevertheless, its most powerful energy is associated with the beginning of everything.

Thanks to Odin, the secrets of nature are revealed to us, and the unknown moves forward.

The emptyness of the rune does not mean at all that it has a negative sign - this feature connects it with existential fullness.

One is not just, it is something more. It is not associated with generally accepted concepts and does not depend on the surrounding reality. All her work takes place in another world, which is not open to everyone.

The information it carries is the following saying: what is to be, cannot be avoided. But this phrase is true only for those people who are not ready to take a step towards change.

Fate will change - it’s worth taking the decisive step. This must be a specific movement in a given direction - confident and accurate. Don't be afraid of anything.

Interpretation of Odin's runes for fortune telling

When One appears in a reading, it is an important message for the person. The Universe requires you to pay attention to current events.

The future brings you happiness, but only those who are fully prepared for it will be able to get it. Turn on your willpower and get ready to move towards your dreams.

Get ready for a sharp change in the surrounding reality - jump headlong into the abyss and don’t be afraid of anything.

Divine forces at this stage are testing your devotion and loyalty. You must realize that now all events have come together - both those that have already happened and those that will happen soon.

The runic meaning boils down to the fact that everything depends on internal development and the ability to change. Each of us has a close connection with our karma - thanks to this contact, we can radically change our whole life.

Do not forget about responsibility for your behavior - you will have to pay for everything later. Who will be rewarded and who will be punished?

In fortune-telling practice, a sign is associated with something unexpected. Whether the surprise will be pleasant or not really depends on actions committed in the past.

It is likely that in the near future sacred knowledge will become available to you, for which you are not yet mentally prepared.

Neighboring symbols are of great importance. They can reveal the true runic prediction.

Direct position of the rune

Among all the symbols of Scandinavia, this rune arose later than all. Direct Odin is not used in runic formulas and inscriptions due to the fact that it does not have an image. But in scenarios it plays a fairly important role.

Professionals interpret the rune in different ways:

  • the first group associates it with fate and claims that a person does not have the opportunity to penetrate the depths of his own karma, much less change anything in it;
  • the second group associates the sign with fate - our every action finds an answer in the Universe (a good deed attracts positive energy, an evil one attracts negative energy);
  • and the third group sees the rune as the personification of karma.

In alliance with the symbol, it is advisable to make a wise and experienced friend, preferably older in age. If it is nearby, it means that in the end you will get all the answers to your questions.

The neighborhood should reassure you, because your transition from darkness to light has already occurred.

Reversed rune position

The meaning hidden by the inverted One is identical to the normal position of the sign. When interpreting, experts rely more on intuition and promptings from their inner voice.

In any case, Odin is connected with the unidentified. She predicts a meeting with new knowledge and unusual events.

One: meaning in love and relationships

Let's try to figure out what the Odin rune means in a love matter.

When it is in a relationship scenario, it means that the lines of your destinies have already been drawn. Your current partner will (if not already) play a significant role in your life. And even if the couple breaks up, common memories will haunt you for a very long time.

Usually, unusual events are expected from the Old Scandinavian symbol, which will burst into everyday life and completely turn it upside down. There is no need to be afraid of change - it is often positive. This is an old, long-outdated prejudice that everything unknown is scary.

Sometimes the rune tells you that you need to take a closer look at your chosen one. It is possible that he is hiding something.

In conjunction with Odin, foreshadows a meeting with a good man- your feelings for him will be very strong.

When it’s nearby, don’t wait, but act. The moment has come to take a decisive step. It's a good time to propose marriage.
