What equipment to put on T28 nts. Review of tank destroyer T28 Concept

Ran out new year holidays and on January 15, the long-awaited format of combat missions finally started - Personal Combat Missions. In it you can earn a huge amount of credits for completing certain tasks, and also get 4 unique machines that cannot be purchased or obtained in any other way. T28 Heavy Tank Concept is one of them. And it’s definitely worth fighting for!

Let's start with the fact that the T28 Concept was originally a concept project for a heavy assault tank, which was developed by US designers to break through German fortifications and heavy defenses on the Siegfried Line. True, he did not go beyond projects on paper and several not very detailed models. Subsequently, T95 prototypes were created based on these developments.

So, what's so special about the T28 Concept? In the game, it is positioned as a premium US level 7 tank destroyer, and its closest analogues include the British premium vehicle AT 15A and the American upgradeable tank destroyers - T28, T28 Prototype and T95, which are projects historically based on the development of this concept.

Unlike its counterparts, the T28 Concept is more dynamic and its top speed is definitely higher than its armored counterparts. All this with a rather considerable weight of the tank of 70.7 tons and without compromising its armor - the promised armor 203/101/50 is quite impressive! The slope of the armor at the front is simply incredible - it is unlikely that anyone will be able to penetrate you into it. The gun mantlet is also good - thanks to its design, it combines armor with ricochet angles. But there is also weak spots- first of all, the NLD, which will always be at right angles to the enemy, which means either damage will go through it, or you will have to hide it behind folds of terrain and heaps of garbage in cities. The stylish hemispheres on the sides will also suffer from time to time - although they add charm to the car, unusually placed positions for the machine gunner will definitely fall into the enemy’s sights, and only an accidental ricochet will save you. This PT is allocated 880 HP, which is generally on par with other level 7 PTs. The crew consists of only four people, which will make it possible to easily use a team from another American self-propelled gun, if any are present in the hangar, without difficulty and recruiting the missing ones. Pleases on this moment and a view of 370 meters! And this despite the fact that in the patch note for upcoming updates there is already a nerf to the review of many tank destroyers, but not a word about this one yet.


The weapon here cannot be said to be special, but in direct hands it can have a good influence on the outcome of the battle! The average one-time damage with armor-piercing and gold weapons is at the level of 320, with high-explosive fragmentation - 420. In principle, this is quite in the spirit of most self-propelled guns of the seventh level. But the penetration is debatable - 181/224/53, actually average at the level among PTs. It has good accuracy, suitable for an assault self-propelled gun, and the aiming time of just over 2 seconds is quite pleasant. Well, with its rate of fire of 6 rounds per minute, it provides about 2000 damage during this time. It suffers from the lack of good vertical aiming angles, but the charismatic feature of the gun and the vehicle as a whole is the horizontal aiming angles - they are very good and comfortable in the game, and the design is unusual compared to other tanks in the game.

Comparison table with classmates (level 7):


As with most tank destroyers, the equipment is important to focus on damage per minute and comfort when shooting. This means the Rammer and Accelerated aiming drives are required! Install in the third slot I don’t see improved ventilation special meaning, and the Camouflage Net, for example, will not fit into the play style at all, so the most profitable investment would be in Coated optics or, in as a last resort, using a Stereo Tube lying around. This equipment will maximize your already good visibility. Please remember that these recommendations are not fundamental and you should proceed from your personal preferences.

Crew skills:

Although for this self-propelled gun it will most likely be used a crew from a US classmate, but if you have not upgraded them or you decide to upgrade another crew, it makes sense to take Repair and Sixth Sense for the commander first, and the missing Repair and perks as the second , improving the characteristics of the gun and cross-country ability (Smooth rotation of the turret, King of the Off-Road, Non-contact ammunition rack). Remember that these tips are only advisory in nature and when making decisions you should proceed from your personal considerations.

Speciality Skills 1 Skills 2 Skills 3
Commander "Sixth Sense" "Repair" "The Brotherhood of War"
Gunner "Repair" "Smooth turn of the tower" "The Brotherhood of War"
Mechanic "Repair" "King of the Off-Road" "The Brotherhood of War"
Charging "Repair" "Non-contact ammunition rack" "The Brotherhood of War"


To sum it up, this machine will definitely not be superfluous in the hangar! It may not be ideal, but it will bring a lot of pleasure in battle. And besides, personal combat missions to obtain it are not that difficult, so it’s worth trying to get it into your collection, and its unusual design and uniqueness only add to your motivation!

Hello, dear tankers! Today we continue to look at the US tank destroyer branch, and today we have one of the most incomprehensible and terrible Tier 8 vehicles. Terrible not only for the enemy, but also for the driver. This is a machine that does not forgive mistakes. A machine that, if used correctly, can bring panic and fear into the enemy’s formation. This is one of the most incomprehensible, creepiest, most unexpected cars in the game. Meet T28.

Well, the car is level 8. Despite its level, this vehicle does not find a place in companies, like many other tank vehicles. This machine is designed for terrible random bending, but you will have to try hard to bend everyone individually. Many drivers of this PT and the next one also pay with nerves, and many get a lot of fun. Therefore, if you do not like very slow and armored vehicles, then it is better to stop at the T25 AT. This car differs from its predecessor in all respects and in each individual respect. It’s worth trying to play on this machine, perhaps even on the OT (general test) right away in the top configuration, but if the machine is not for you, then it’s better not to torture yourself and the allied team - nerves are more expensive. It is also worth considering the fact that T95 is a truly terrifying continuation of T28 (in two senses of the word “terrifying”, for whom you decide). The value of this horror is 2,580,000 credits and 87,000 experience. The numbers are quite normal for level 8, so there is nothing scary or unattainable about them. From experience, this is even slightly less than the alternative T28 prototype. However, since the machine is quite demanding on the hands and does not forgive mistakes, we immediately need to install optional equipment, plant a good crew and apply camouflage. We will talk about the equipment later, but now expect to spend at least 1,000,000 credits on its purchase, since the previous machine was light, and this is a heavy PT with completely different class modules. As for the crew, everything is quite simple, but with its own moments. I have already said more than once that the higher the level of the vehicle, the more strongly the crew influences its characteristics. Therefore, I highly recommend transferring the crew from the previous vehicle, since the specialties are completely the same. I advise you to transfer immediately with a 100% level of proficiency in your main specialty; this can be achieved in several ways:

  • The most convenient way is to retrain everyone for gold. The perks for us and our predecessors should match, so you don’t even have to reset them. It will cost you 200 * 5 = 1,000 gold.
  • An alternative option is retraining for silver up to 100%. Here we will have to sacrifice a small amount of experience, since we will be forced to reset the crew's skills and retrain them. Thus, part of the experience in the “plus” will cover the entire penalty amount, and in addition to this we will be able to choose new perks and skills. It will cost us 40,000 * 4 = 160,000 silver.

I also highly recommend applying camouflage to your car. We are a PT, which already means that we have a bonus to camouflage, and in combination with camouflage we will get a good increase... It will cost 80,000 * 3 = 240,000 credits for 30 days. For level 8 it's not that expensive.


Here is the car's research tree

Of course, the already discovered pre-top gun and radio station cannot but rejoice. However, if you have already upgraded the alternative AT T28 prototype, then the gun and engine should already be open.

As usual, the choir room must be opened and installed immediately to increase the load-carrying capacity of the machine. We will also significantly increase the turning speed and maneuverability on different soils, which in turn is extremely important for a PT with our dynamics.

Both the top-end engine and the stock one do not achieve sufficient power to achieve more or less normal speed at our weight. Yes, a top engine is important, but on this tank the game is not based on dynamics, so a top gun will be more useful for us.

Well, we obviously won’t have enough of a stock radio station to play at our levels, so we definitely immediately install a top-end one, since it was opened a very long time ago and is quite light in weight. It will be quite enough for us.

This tank has a terrible, very terrible top gun. Of course, many will say that the BL-10 will be better, but this is not so. Firstly, accuracy is better here, and secondly, one-time damage does not always make the difference. There are many situations when it is more important to inflict 100 - 200 units. damage is faster than inflicting 700 - 800, but wait 15 seconds... We have more than enough penetration even with basic shells, so we won’t have problems with penetrating Mouses, Is-7s and Slippers. The damage is also quite good, and with a high rate of fire we can add more and more damage. As for the pre-top gun, it’s not enough for us, but be patient and gradually upgrade the top gun, in the end you’ll get what you wanted and the game will become much more enjoyable.

Leveling up

It is better to open and install modules in this order

  1. Radio station
  2. Chassis
  3. Top gun
  4. Engine

The last 2 points can be swapped if you find it too unbearable to drive with a stock engine.

Advantages and disadvantages of the car in the top configuration


  • Low silhouette
  • Excellent armor in the frontal projection
  • Great weapon
  • Good shooting accuracy on the move


  • Poor side and stern armor
  • Weak dynamics
  • No tower

Balance weight

We find ourselves in battles of levels 8 - 10. In principle, we don’t care who we punch holes in, but we don’t care what kind of artillery we catch blanks from. However, we feel comfortable anywhere if the ultimate machine is about you and you know how to play it.


A successful game with PA will bring us a small farm. All this is thanks to the vehicle’s good survivability and the ability to inflict high damage on any opponents. However, this is all when using ordinary shells and consumables; with premium ones you will be at a disadvantage. The game without PA will also be little different from the last option.


Well, get used to the fact that you are a mobile pillbox. We have extremely weak dynamics, so we need to very carefully choose the direction where to go from the very beginning. We are unlikely to be able to return to base, not to mention changing the flank. It’s also worth noting that our body is quite long, which means that it won’t be difficult to punch you into the side projection, and it won’t be difficult to hit you either. We should be wary of artillery because cardboard sides and sterns and splashes will go through just fine. Also, due to the low speed, we simply will not be able to quickly change position. Our most worst enemy- ST at short distances, they can simply get in from the side and hurt us. Shoot down the tracks with them, crit the engine, do whatever you want, but don’t let them in your area. Well, this PT is probably all about its features. I will only say that you need to think carefully before every action, turn, shot. The game on this PT is built with the help of brains, not hands and experience, which is also important.

Optional equipment

Everything is standard here, but with some features

  • Rammer
  • Drives
  • Fan/lining/optics/mesh - depending on the playing style. Personally, I would put a liner, we don’t have dynamics anyway, so we won’t lose anything, but the art will have to try harder when dealing damage. With such a lining, even a direct hit can only be an injection.


Also standard

  • Repair kit
  • First aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher

Crew Perks


  1. Sixth Sense
  2. Disguise
  3. The Brotherhood of War


  1. Disguise
  2. Sniper
  3. The Brotherhood of War

Driver mechanic

  1. Disguise
  2. Virtuoso
  3. The Brotherhood of War
  1. Disguise
  2. Radio interception
  3. The Brotherhood of War


  1. Disguise
  2. Non-contact ammunition rack
  3. The Brotherhood of War

Vulnerabilities of the machine

Orange- commander, gunner, loader
Red- engine, tanks, transmission
Green- easily penetrated zones
White- ammunition rack
Blue- driver mechanic.

And finally, a few videos of the car

About the tank

As I said:

Tank level 7

Method of obtaining - Auction

I'll tell you about the modules

Gun: 105 mm Gun T5

Not bad penetration and damage at this level. Our tank can easily withstand its rivals.

Since our tank does not have a turret, I’ll tell you about the location of the turret in the “tank reservation” section.

Engine: Wright G200 M781C9GC5

Engine power 960 hp Maximum speed: 29 km/h forward and 10 km/h reverse. Which is quite small.

Chassis: T28 Concept

The chassis turning speed is 18 G/s, which is not bad enough for a 70-ton colossus.

Radio: SCR 508/1

Communication range: 570 m.

Tank armor

Our entire tank is an armored "rock". Just think about armoring the forehead of a 203 mm hull. Not every tank can penetrate our tank at a long distance. The side armor is much more modest, only 101 mm, and the thickness of the rear armor plate is only 50 mm. In place of the turret, our tank has a hole cut out in its hull in the form of a balcony in which the tank's gun is installed. The maximum degree of rotation of the gun on our tank is +30 -30 degrees.


The main tactics of our tank is defense or breaking through the flank with allies.

With aggressive tactics, breaking through the flank should be done quickly and smoothly. You drive out of cover, shoot, make your way to the nearest safe shelter and start all over again. In this case, the crew must upgrade the repair perk. In order to quickly repair damaged modules. It's basically a caterpillar. Because any enemy knows that a tank with a downed track is practically defenseless. Most often, you will be shot at by enemies who cannot penetrate your forehead. If a track breaks, you need to urgently repair it. complete set and prevent the enemy from getting on board. With proper use of the T28 HTC, you can easily become a mobile shield for your allies or an armored pillbox on a city map like Himmelsdorf, which will create a lot of problems for your enemies.

Due to its large dimensions, our tank is in second place after the Japanese tank, the most tasty morsel in battle. So in a battle with art, you should think through your safe route in advance. During all the battles, owners of powerful high-explosive weapons such as KV-2, etc. gave me a lot of trouble. Just one hit on the side from the KV-2 concussed half of the crew and caused enormous damage. Therefore, there is no need to expose the sides to the enemy, especially if he is with a high-explosive weapon. It is also worth remembering the famous T28 turrets (Players have already called them drones) which are well penetrated by enemies. Therefore, try to be more active and stay at an average distance from the enemy. From lvl 8 and 9 everything is much worse. At this level, our armor plays practically no role. It all depends on caution and speed of reaction. It would also be nice to know good shelters on the maps.

Consider "+" and "-"


  • effective weapon;
  • durable armor;
  • excellent horizontal aiming angles;
  • Elite equipment status;


  • the presence of vulnerable spots (turrets on the sides of the gun);
  • large dimensions;
  • low accuracy and rate of fire;
  • small vertical aiming angles;
  • weak dynamics.




Rammer - reducing reload time.

Reinforced aiming drives - reducing aiming time.

Stereo tube - +25 to visibility from a stationary tank

T28 HTC This is a promotional tank (not to be confused with premium vehicles), which is awarded for completing the second stage LBZ. So who is this T28 HTC? Where to put T28 HTC? Now we will give answers to this question further.

History of the T28 HTC

Let's start a little with the history of the design of this war chariot. In the distant autumn of 1943, the Armaments Department began creating a heavy breakthrough tank. It was created on the basis of nodes from heavy tank M6, with a partially movable turret, and the planned gun was T5E1 - 105 mm. At the same time, the forehead had to be well armored - 203 mm of armor. But after reviewing the sketches by the US Army, it was canceled at the design stage. After which they began to create that same turtle T95. But as usual in World Of Tanks, a paper tank is also historical and we see it in the game, and I think many will soon “finish” it.

Review of T28 Concept or Funny Turtle from Jove

Specifications T28 HTC

First of all, I’ll note its weight – it’s almost 71 tons! For example, its classmate SU-152 weighs “only” 46 tons. As you can see, the difference is major. Therefore, terribly slow speed becomes inevitable. What we see in the game is that all T28 Concepts go into the streets so that frontal armor can be implemented.

A gun with an average penetration of 181 units for a slow PT is simply ridiculous. After all, the DPM comes out to only around 1900, which essentially prevents you from damaging enough in the game to be a plus.

Everything here is very simple, although the first time I met the Concept in battle at a medium distance, I never penetrated it. But having already approached him closer, he calmly began to punch. The turrets, the spheres on the sides and, of course, the sides and stern are simply made of foil.

- hatches on the roof
- 2 spheres on the sides

Spheres in general deserve special mention; absolutely all tanks can penetrate them, starting from level 5.

So this is clearly a cactus, and not a fun car for World of Tanks.

The period of World War II was very fruitful for world tank builders. It’s no wonder - reality

The period of World War II was very fruitful for world tank builders. It’s no wonder—realities obliged. Projects of various equipment appeared with enviable frequency on the designers’ paper, periodically finding embodiment in metal, or at least in wooden models.

In 1943, when the prospect of large-scale military operations on the Western Front loomed on the horizon, the US armed forces experienced an acute shortage of heavy military equipment. The Sherman family could not cope with the Panthers and Tigers, and the Germans were in full swing developing the Royal Tiger, Jagdtiger, Mouse and E-series. Also, the Germans still had the “Siegfried Line”, which also had to be overcome with something.

To improve the situation, overseas designers decided to create a super-armored vehicle with a large-caliber gun. As a result, the Americans got a mastodon second only to “Mouse” in terms of “chthonicity” - T28/95 (or 105 mm Gun motor carriage T95). In World of Tanks, this unit is called T95 and is located on the 9th level of the US tank destroyer branch.

In addition, the T28 development program gave our game several more interesting machines, “paper” in nature. One of these is PTshka T28 HTC(Heavy Tank Concept), one of the early prototypes of the T28/95, which is number 2 in the line of prize tanks for completing personal combat missions.

It’s worth mentioning right away about the paucity of available information regarding the performance characteristics and other details of the development of this particular version of the T28/95 tank. All that is available are sketches on paper and a wooden model. Based on the requirements ground forces USA and the developments available to the Americans at that time, the modified base of the experimental M6 heavy tank was taken as a basis.

The frontal armor was supposed to have a thickness of approximately 203mm, the 105mm T5E1 gun was placed in a “half-turret” resembling a sponson, with a limited rotation sector. Power point Logically, it should have come from the M6 ​​tank - an 800- or 960-horsepower Wright G200 engine. The mobility turned out to be very mediocre, because this engine, with less than 60 tons of mass, did not allow the M6 ​​to be dynamic, and with an estimated 70+ tons T28 NTS would be even more clumsy.

Although, the sluggishness apparently did not bother the American tank forces, because it was decided to abandon this project not because of this factor. On the contrary, the military found more than twenty centimeters of armor in the forehead not enough, and preference was given to a prototype with a turretless layout, improved frontal protection and a weight increased to 95 tons. Thus, the first prototype of the T28 has reached us only in drawings and in the form of a wooden model, but this was enough to get a “second life” in World of Tanks.

We remind you that in order to obtain a unique tank destroyer of the seventh level T28 NTS, you must complete
