Northern Group of Forces (SGV). SGV aviation in Poland is forever alive!!! Strakhov military garrison SGV 1973 1975

Comrades, so that the branch does not die - information on the 149th dietary supplement (IBAD, APID)


149th Bombardment Aviation Division

I. Titles and awards

149th Air Defense Fighter Aviation Division, military unit 45190 (? - 01/29/1952), was August 1943.
149th Fighter Aviation Division, military unit 45190 (01/29/1952 - 09/01/1960)
149th Fighter-Bomber Aviation Division, military unit 45190 (09/01/1960 – 11/11/1976)
149th fighter-bomber aviation division, military unit 45190 (11/11/1976 - 1982(?))
149th Bomber Aviation Division, military unit 45190 (1982(?) - ?), was July 1992.
149th mixed aviation division, military unit 63352 (? - ?), was 01/01/2000


II. Subordination

Amur Air Defense Army (late April 1945 - ?)
37th Air Force (May 1955 - 1964)
SGV Aviation (1964 - April 1968)
4th Air Force (April 1968 - January 1980)
4th Air Army of the Supreme High Command (January 1980 - 1988)
4th Air Army SGV (1988 - 1992)
76th Air Force (1992 - 1998)
6th Air Force and Air Defense Army (1998 - ?), was 01/01/2000

III. Locations

SANSHILIPU, China (? - May 1955)
SPROTAW, Poland (05/23/1955 - 1992)
SMURAVYEVO (1992 - ?), was 01/01/2000

IV. Material part:

A) aviation:
An-14 (? - ?)
An-2TD (? - ?), was born in 1991.
Mi-9 (? - ?), was 1991

B) automobile:

V. Combat composition

By the end of 1991 - An-2TD (1 unit), Mi-9 (1 unit)

An-14 aircraft (tail numbers? colors):

An-2 aircraft (tail numbers? colors):

Board number: 02
- serial number: 1G-206-28
- Date of issue:
- when and from whom received:
- division:

- senior aircraft technicians:
- when and to whom it was handed over:
- notes:

Mi-9 helicopters (red side numbers):

Board number: 05
- serial number: 8719
- Date of issue:
- when and from whom received:
- division:
management link (? - ?), was 1992
- senior aircraft technicians:
- when and to whom it was handed over:
- notes:

As of 01/01/1955:
- 3rd Fighter Aviation Regiment, SANSHILIPU, MiG-15
- 18th Fighter Aviation Regiment, PULANDIAN, MiG-15
- 582nd Fighter Aviation Regiment, DENSHAHE, MiG-15

As of 01/01/1962:
- 42nd Guards Fighter-Bomber Aviation Tannenberg Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov Regiment, ZHAGAN, MiG-17F, MiG-17PF
- 3rd Fighter-Bomber Aviation Regiment, KSHIVA, Su-7B
- 18th Fighter-Bomber Aviation Regiment, ShPROTAVA, MiG-17

As of 01/01/1977:
- 42nd Guards Aviation Tannenberg Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov fighter-bomber regiment, ZHAGAN, MiG-21PFM
- 3rd aviation regiment of fighter-bombers, KSHIVA, MiG-27
- 18th aviation regiment of fighter-bombers, ShPROTAVA, Su-17M

As of 01/01/1989:
- 339th separate communications battalion, military unit 26342, SPROTAVA;
- N-mobile aviation repair shop, military unit. 45190-A, ZHAGAN;
- 42nd Guards Bomber Aviation Tannenberg Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov Regiment, military unit. 45196, ZHAGAN, Su-24M:
253rd separate airfield technical support battalion, military unit 22733, ZHAGAN;
510th separate communications and radio technical support battalion, military unit 01110, ZHAGAN;
- 3rd Bomber Aviation Regiment, military unit 40440, KSHYVA, Su-24:
256th separate Order of the Red Star battalion of airfield technical support, military unit. 29655, KSHYVA;
Nth separate battalion of communications and radio technical support, military unit. 11049, KSHYVA;
- 89th Bomber Aviation Regiment, military unit 42014, SHPROTAVA, Su-24, Su-24M:
N-sky separate airfield technical support battalion, military unit. 78673, SPROTAVA;
Nth separate battalion of communications and radio technical support, military unit. 55756, ShPROTAVA;

As of 01/01/2000:
- 98th Guards Reconnaissance Aviation Vistula Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Regiment, MONCHEGORSK, 710 people. l/s, 26 MiG-25RB, 20 Su-24MR;
- 67th Bomber Aviation Regiment, SIVERSKAYA, 680 people. l/s, 37 Su-24M;
- 722nd Bomber Aviation Regiment, SMURAVEVO, 650 people. l/s, 29 Su-24M;

VI. Personnel

AD commanders:
CHERVIAKOV Efim Stepanovich, major, from 10/16/1942 lieutenant colonel (06/30/1942 - 10/15/1943)
KOZLOV Mikhail Vasilievich, lieutenant colonel (10/16/1943 - ?), was born on 05/09/1945.
MASALITIN (? - ?), was born in 1964, 1971.
VORONTSOV (? - ?), period 1970-1975.
GERASIMOV (? - ?), was born in 1980.
KUSHNERUK (? - ?), was 1982.
ZUBAREV Alexander Alexandrovich, colonel (? – 1987)
MOROKHOVETS Nikolai Vladimirovich, colonel, s? Major General of Aviation (1987 – February 1992)
CHERNY Viktor Petrovich, colonel (February 1992 – ?)

AD Deputy Commanders:
RESHTOGA, lieutenant colonel (? – 06/06/1979)
VINICHENKO V. (? - ?), was born in 1992

Deputy commanders of the AD for political affairs - heads of the political department of the AD:
RASTEGAYEV (? - ?), period 1970-1975.
YAKOREV Alexander Mikhailovich, lieutenant colonel (? - ?), was in the early 1980s.
PAVLOV, colonel (? - ?), was born in 1983.

Deputy AD commander for IAS - chiefs of AD IAS - senior AD engineers:

AD Deputy Commander for Logistics - Chiefs of AD Logistics:

Heads of VOTP AD:

Heads of physical training and sports AD:

AD chiefs of staff:
KHANYGIN (? - ?), period 1970-1975.
KUSHNERUK (? - ?), was 1980.
STARODUBTSEV Leonid Ivanovich (1983 - ?)

AD Deputy Chiefs of Staff:

AD intelligence chiefs:
VARSEGOV Sergey (? - ?), was born in 1992

Heads of electronic warfare AD:

AD headquarters clerks:

heads of the operational department - deputies of the NSH AD:
KHRUSHCHEV, lieutenant colonel (? - ?), was born in 1980.

Heads of the communications department - heads of AD communications:

heads of the organizational and mobilization department:

heads of the secret unit:

Secret section typists:

CP chiefs:
SUSHCHENKO Evgeniy Grigorievich, lieutenant colonel (1970 - 1975)

Senior officers of the BU KP:

BU KP officers:

KP dispatchers:

Operational duty command posts:

AD SERVICES (directly subordinate to the deputy AD commander)
AD pilot inspectors:
FOMENKO Y. (? - ?), period 1986-1992.
CHERNYSHEV Nikolay (? - ?), period 1986-1992.

chiefs of the navigation service - senior navigators of the AD:
PASHNIN M.S., Colonel (1987 - 1992)

flight safety chiefs:
FONOV Igor P. (? - ?), was born in 1987


DEPARTMENTS, SECTIONS AND SERVICES OF AD (subordinate to the commander of AD through the relevant superiors)

Deputy heads of the political department:


Senior AD engineers for C&D:

Senior engineers AD for JSC:

Senior engineers of AD for AB:

AD senior engineers for electronic equipment:

Senior engineers of AD for PNK:

Senior AD engineers for electronic warfare:

AD engineers for operation and military repair of electronic equipment:
SKURATOV Gennady Vasilievich, lieutenant colonel (1982 - 1987)

AD engineers for operation and military repair of electronic warfare equipment:

PARM chiefs:

heads of personnel department:

Deputy Chief of Logistics:

Heads of A&EGS - Assistant Chief of Logistics:

ATS chiefs - assistant logistics chiefs:

Heads of clothing and food services - assistants to the head of logistics:

heads of the fuel and lubricants service - assistant chief of logistics:

SAVRiB chiefs - assistant chief of logistics:

heads of chemical service:

heads of financial services:

heads of medical service:

Heads of the special department:


command line commanders:

On-board technicians:

Killed on a MiG-21UM along with Guards. Art. Lt. VIKHAREV Sergei Dmitrievich in a night control flight to attack a ground target from a simple type of maneuver at the Przemkow-South training ground. During a dive with an angle of 20 degrees, the crew began the withdrawal at an altitude of 600 meters, instead of 800, provided for by safety measures, and with an overload of 2.0 units, instead of the specified 4.0 units. At 23 hours 45 minutes, the twin, already in almost horizontal flight, collided with the ground in the target area and exploded.

The Armed Forces of the USSR after the Second World War: from the Red Army to the Soviet Feskov Vitaly Ivanovich

Chapter 13 Northern Group of Forces in 1945-1992.

Northern Group of Forces in 1945-1992.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War in accordance with the Treaty of Friendship, Mutual Assistance and Post-War Cooperation between the USSR and the Polish Republic, signed in Moscow on April 21, 1945 and Directive of the Supreme Command Headquarters No. 11097 of May 29, 1945 to the commander of the 2nd Belorussian Front, the process of reforming the front began to the Northern Group of Forces (the spelling of the document has been preserved. – Auto.):

“The headquarters of the Supreme High Command orders:

1. Rename from 24.00 10.6.45 the 2nd Belorussian Front to the Northern Group of Forces. The group's headquarters should be in the Lodz region (temporarily in the Bromberg region). The commander of the 2nd Belorussian Front, Marshal Rokossovsky, is to be called the Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Group of Forces.

2. The Northern Group of Forces should consist of:

43rd Army - 54 sk (126, 235, 263 rf), 90 sk (26, 70, 319 rf), 132 rf (18, 205 rf) and 115 rf;

65th Army - 105 sk (354, 193, 44 guards infantry division), 46 sk (108, 186, 413 guards), 18 sk (15, 69, 37 guards infantry);

52nd Army - 78 sk (373, 31, 214 rf), 48 rf (294, 213, 111 rf), 73 rsk (50, 116, 254 rf);

separate 96 sk (10 guards, 38 guards, 76 guards SD);

cavalry - 3rd Guards. kk;

artillery - ex. 8 ak; 23, 15, 1 hell of breakthrough; 8th push. art. division; 147, 37 guards, 145 pabr; 1, 4, 5, 13 iptabr; 47, 49, 28, 65, 12, 6 zenads;

tanks - 3rd Guards. tk, 5 tk, 10 tk, 20 tk;

Air Force - 4 VA - 8 iak (215, 323, 269, 309, 229 iad), 4 shak (196, 199, 332, 230, 233 shad), 5 tank (132, 327 bad).

3. The troops of the Northern Group will be deployed within the boundaries of:

from the north – Goldap, Braunsberg, coast Baltic Sea to Stettin harbor (exclusively) and the island of Bornholm;

from the west - (claim) Stettin harbor and further along the rivers Oder and Neisse (western) to the Czechoslovak border;

from the south – the border of Poland and Czechoslovakia;

from the east - from the river. San is east of Mychkovtsy, east of Przemysl, west of Rava Russkaya, further along the 1939 state border to Nemirov, from here to Yalovka, the junction of the borders of the Lithuanian SSR, Poland and East Prussia and further - Goldap.

4. The 65th Army in the area it occupied by 3.6.45 was replaced by units of 2 units. A.

After the shift, withdraw the 65th Army to the area of ​​Lodz, Poznan, Breslau by 3/7/45, starting the march no later than 4/6/45.

5. Adopt into the Northern Group of Forces:

a) from the 1st Ukrainian Front - the 52nd Army (in the indicated composition) by 6/27/45 in the area of ​​Kielce, Czestochowa, Krakow;

b) from the 4th Ukrainian Front - 18th Army - ex. 17th Guards and 95 sk, str. divisions - 8, 24, 138, 211, 351, 2 guards. Airborne Division - by 20.6.45 in the area of ​​Miechow, Czestochowa, Soskovets;

60th Army - command 15, 28, 106 sk, divisions - 100, 304, 246, 148, 302, 322, 107, 336 - by 17.6.45 in the area of ​​Osrów, Jels, Kempis;

1st Guards army - ex. 67, 11, 52 sk, str. divisions - 81, 237, 340, 30, 271, 276, 241, 121, 305, 226 - by 24.6.45 in the area of ​​Miechow, Czestochowa, Soskovets;

c) from the Headquarters reserve - 5 and 20 tk by 5.6.45 in the Zagan region, 10 tk by 5.6.45 in the Katowice region.

6. Transfer on the spot to the 1st Belorussian Front:

2 beats A - 116 sk (86, 326, 321 sd), 108 sk (372, 90, 46 sd), 40 guards. sk (101st Guards, 102nd Guards, 272nd Infantry Division) - by 5.6.45 (after changing units of the 65th Army);

70th Army - ex. 47, 114 sk; division lines - 71, 136, 162, 1, 369, 165, 160 - by 3.6.45;

49th Army - ex. 70 and 121 sk; division lines - 191, 380, 42, 139, 238, Z85, 200, 330, 199 - by 3.6.45;

dept. SD - 158, 346 - by 3.6.45; 1st Guards tk – to 3.6. 45

Transfer to the army with all reinforcement guards units, rear units and institutions and available reserves.

7. Transfer the Dnieper flotilla to the operational subordination of the commander of the 1st Bel. front.

8. Disband on the spot and use it to replenish the troops of the Northern Group:

control of the 19th Army;

management of 134, 98, 14, 103, 15, 28, 106, 67, 17 Guards, 95, 11, 52nd building;

rifle divisions - 310, 313, 27, 142, 201, 381, 90 Guards, 182, 325, 100, 304, 246, 148, 302, 322, 107, 336, 81, 237, 340, 8, 24, 138 , 211, 351, 2nd Guards. vdd, 30, 271, 276, 241, 121, 305, 226;

Total ex. armies – 1; ex. sk – 12; page div. – 33.

9. Concentrate the troops of the Northern Group in the areas: 43 A (in the indicated composition) - Danzig, Swinemünde, Neustettin by 10.6.45 (replacing part 19 A);

leave one infantry squad consisting of two infantry divisions on the island of Bornholm;

65 A (in the specified composition) - Lodz, Poznan, Breslau - by 8.7.45;

52 A (in the specified composition) - Kielce, Czestochowa, Krakow - by 6/27/45;

96 sk - Lomza, Mlawa, Pultusk - by 20.7.45;

3rd Guards kk - Lublin - by 15.7.45;

3rd Guards tk - Krakow - by 20.6.45; 5 tk – Bialystok – by 17.6.45; 10 tk – Krotoshin – by 10.6.45; 20 tk – Breslau – by 8.6.45.

10. Instructions on the withdrawal of the 60th, 18th and 1st Guards departments. armies, as well as troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front, not specified in this directive, will be given by the General Staff.

11. Submit the march calculation to the General Staff by 4.6.45 and the troop deployment plan by 10.6.45.

12. Report on the progress of regroupings daily in operational reports.

Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. I. Stalin Antonov"

It should be noted that later changes were made to this directive and not all of these formations were disbanded - in particular, the command of the 52nd Rifle Corps and the 90th Guards Rifle Division remained in existence (the 115th Rifle Division was disbanded instead) . In addition, the above directive indicates without numbers the rifle corps and its two divisions stationed on the island of Bornholm (Denmark) - this was the 132nd rifle corps of the 43rd army, consisting of the 18th and 205th rifle divisions: 05.04. In 1946 it was withdrawn from Danish territory.

In the summer and autumn of 1945, the withdrawal of troops was underway: the troops were the first to leave Poland 52nd Combined Arms Army, which was taken to the territory of the Lvov Military District ( see adj. 19.1).

By the end of the autumn of 1945, 2 combined arms armies (43rd and 65th), 4th Air Army and separate armored vehicle divisions remained in Poland.

Part 43rd Combined Arms Army(Commander Colonel General Popov Vasily Stepanovich - from July 1945 to disbandment in August 1946) included:

54th Rifle Konigsberg Corps (military unit 31510, commander Lieutenant General Mikulsky Semyon Petrovich from July 1945 to May 1946) – it included 3 rifle divisions:

– 126th Gorlovka twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov, military unit 31510;

– 235th Vitebsk Red Banner Order of Suvorov, military unit 02203;

– 263rd Sivashskaya, military unit 38675.

The corps and its divisions in the winter and spring of 1946 were withdrawn to the territory of the Tauride District ( see chap. 21).

90th Rifle Corps (military unit 83214, commanders: Major General Sedulin Ernest Zhanovich - from February 27, 1945 to June 1946, major general Frolenkov Andrei Grigorievich - until September 1946) - it included 3 rifle divisions:

– 26th Stalin Red Banner Order of Suvorov, military unit 23916;

– 70th Verkhnedneprovskaya Order of Suvorov, military unit 03763;

– 319th Dvinskaya Red Banner, military unit 59853.

The corps administration, the 70th and 319th divisions were disbanded in August–September 1946.

132nd Rifle Corps (military unit 83666) - it consists of 2 rifle divisions:

– 18th Mginskaya Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov, military unit 07652 – disbanded in June 1946, replaced by the 26th division;

– 205th Gdynia Order of Suvorov, military unit 25280.

After the war, the corps was commanded by 3 generals ( table 13.1).

Table 13.1

Commanders of the 132nd Rifle Corps in 1945-1948.

Part 65th Combined Arms Army(commander - Colonel General Bateau to Pavel Ivanovich), in June 1946, reorganized into the 7th Mechanized Army ( see adj. 18.2), included:

18th Red Banner Rifle Corps (military unit 68879, headquarters in Lodz), which included 3 divisions:

– 27th Guards Mechanized Rechitsa Twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky, military unit 49510 – former 37th Guards Rifle;

– 69th Rifle Sevskaya twice Red Banner of the Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov, military unit 30710;

– 108th Rifle Bobruisk Order of Lenin Red Banner, military unit 08732 – disbanded in June 1946.

Corps commanded by: Lieutenant General Dudes Nikita Emelyanovich - from December 26, 1944 to February 1946; lieutenant general Fomenko Pyotr Ivanovich - until July 1952.

46th Rifle Stettin Red Banner Corps (military unit 17317, headquarters in Poznan, commander Major General, from 11/02/1944 Lieutenant General Erastov Konstantin Mikhailovich - from June 25, 1943 until disbandment in June 1946), which included 3 divisions:

– 15th Rifle Sivash-Stettin Order of Lenin, twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Red Banner of Labor, military unit 61439 – departed to Transcaucasia;

– 186th Rifle Brest Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov, military unit 95881 – disbanded in June 1946;

– 413th Rifle Brest Red Banner Order of Suvorov, military unit 01840.

105th Red Banner Rifle Corps (military unit 11168, headquarters in Breslau, commander major general, from 11/02/1944 lieutenant general Alekseev Dmitry Fedorovich - from December 24, 1943 until disbandment in May 1946), which included 3 divisions:

– 22nd Mechanized Dnieper Order of Lenin, Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov, military unit 05901 – former 193rd Rifle;

– 44th Guards Rifle Baranovichi Order of Lenin Red Banner Order of Suvorov, military unit 35751 – disbanded in June 1946;

– 354th Rifle Kalinkovichi Order of Lenin Red Banner Order of Suvorov, military unit 49910 – disbanded in June 1946.

Subordinate to the group were:

96th Rifle Brest Red Banner Corps (military unit 31510, commander Lieutenant General Chanyshev Yakub Dzhangirovich - from 02/18/1944 until disbandment in May 1946) - it included 3 rifle divisions:

– 10th Guards Pechenga Twice Red Banner Order of Alexander Nevsky and Red Star, military unit 01510;

– 38th Guards Lozovskaya Red Banner, military unit 06705;

– 76th Guards Chernigov Red Banner, military unit 07264.

The corps and its divisions were initially withdrawn to the territory of the Moscow Military District ( see chap. 22), and then the 10th and 76th divisions found themselves in different districts (ZakVO and LVO).

5 separate BTMV divisions:

– 3rd Guards Tank Kotelnikovskaya Red Banner Order of Suvorov (military unit 44181, until June 10, 1945 – corps of the same name);

– 5th Tank Dvinskaya (military unit 44181, until June 10, 1945 – corps of the same name);

– 10th Tank Dnieper Order of Suvorov (military unit 22087, until June 10, 1945 – corps of the same name);

– 20th Tank Zvenigorod (military unit 70413, until June 10, 1945 – corps of the same name);

– 26th Guards Mechanized Vitebsk-Novgorod Twice Red Banner Division, military unit 08744 – former 90th Guards Rifle Division.

Formations and units of the 4th (from January 1949 to 1967 - 37th) Air Army.

However, already in the spring of 1946, the 46th Corps of the 65th Army and the 413th Division left for the Moscow Military District (Belgorod) (its 15th Division, which became the 26th Mechanized Division, left for Transcaucasia) and the administration of the 105th Corps was disbanded and his 168th and 354th divisions. The 65th Army itself became the 7th Mechanized on June 12, 1946, consisting of 4 divisions: the 27th Guards and the 22nd Mechanized, as well as the 3rd Guards and 10th Tank ( see adj. 18.2), The 44th Guards and 69th Rifle Divisions that remained during the reorganization of the army became part of the 43rd Army, while the first of them was disbanded a little later along with the army, and the second was withdrawn to Vologda.

Further withdrawal of troops led to the fact that the group retained the commands of 2 rifle corps and 6 divisions:

18th Red Banner Rifle Corps (Wroclaw). It consists of 2 divisions: the 26th Infantry (Wroclaw) and the 26th Guards Mechanized (Borne-Sulinovo).

132nd Rifle Corps (Gdansk) - it consists of 2 rifle divisions: 70th (Bialogard) and 205th (Gdansk).

7th separate personnel tank division - until 12/20/1946 7th mechanized army (Lodz);

20th Panzer Division (Świętoszów).

However, in March–May 1948, the command of the 132nd Corps and its 2 rifle divisions were disbanded, and the 7th separate personnel tank division was withdrawn to the BVI. In 1952, the administration of the 18th Corps and the 26th Rifle Division were disbanded. All subsequent time, the basis of the group was made up of 2 divisions - the 90th Guards Tank Division (also the former 90th Guards Rifle Division, then the 26th Guards Mechanized Division, in the period 03/12/1957 - 01/04/1965, the 38th Guards Tank Division) and 20th Tank. The first of them, on 02/08/1985, in accordance with General Staff Directive No. 314/3/0224, was reorganized into the 6th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment - at the same time the 6th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment motorized rifle division The GSVG was reorganized into the 90th Guards Tank. At the same time, there was a change in the numbers of some regiments in both divisions - the 6th and 215th Guards Tank Regiments of the SGV were reorganized into the 16th and 82nd Guards Motorized Rifle Regiments, respectively, and the numbers of its tank regiments received the 16th and 82nd motorized rifle regiments in the GSVG.

In addition, at the same time there was a change of regiments in the 20th tank division- her 255th Guards Motorized Rifle Volgograd-Korsun Red Banner named after. Shumilov's regiment left for the 82nd Moto rifle division to Volgograd, where the 144th regiment arrived from. Although in reality there was only a small castling personnel and the transfer of battle flags and historical records of these regiments. Why this was done remains a mystery: one can only assume that the presence in Volgograd of an active participant in this battle of the 255th Guards Regiment (in 1942-1945 the 36th, also known as the 7th Guards Motorized Rifle Stalingrad Brigade), bearing the name the hero of Stalingrad, General Shumilov, was considered necessary for political reasons. Apparently, for the same reasons, the famous Battle of Stalingrad The 8th Guards Combined Arms Army was stationed here - however, at the same time reducing it to the size of an army corps.

The group's troops were stationed in 180 military camps. In these towns, in addition to them, military units of the Commander-in-Chief of the Western Direction were also located ( see chap. 2), and other units (Air Force, KGB, etc.). The separate 11th, 14th, 37th regiments and the 26th, 137th battalions of the KGB Government Communications were stationed here (subordinate to the Government Communications Department - military unit PP 24260), the 15th separate railway battalion (military unit PP 80777, Kenszyca), 56th Automobile Repair Plant (Wroclaw), construction units, hospitals, commandant's offices, warehouses, bases, etc. And in Świnoujście there was a base for the Baltic Fleet.

The group served as a link between the GSVG and the troops located on the territory of the USSR. It is difficult to talk about the seriousness of its combat potential: due to the small number of troops, the group corresponded approximately to a reinforced army corps - only 2 divisions, but with big amount combat and other units ( table 13.2). To a greater extent, the group played a psychological role - for the GSVG troops it was important not to feel isolated from the country and to have at least minimal support from the rear.

Table 13.2

Connections and units of central and group subordination in the late 1980s.

No. and name of formation, in brackets - No. of military unit PP Dislocation
Commander's Office (01864), headquarters(14140), 91st department. security and support battalion (70634) Legnica
1367th department security and support battalion of the GKVZN (61607), 688th department. transport helicopter regiment (25459), 245th department. mixed aviation squadron (42175) 1, 325th anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Air Defense Forces (98267), 134th department. communications brigade GKVZN (63536), 1996th department. radio engineering battalion of the Air Defense Forces (01012), KRC (64135), 689th ACS center of the GKVZN (12222), 284th US GKVZN (96681), 206th FPS unit (70607) Legnica
83rd department air assault brigade GKVZN(54009), 650th department. repair and restoration battalion (01991) Bialogard
27th department GRU special forces battalion (42551), 96th department. radio technical air defense battalion SV (01012) Strzeg
510th department training tank regiment (74858) Strachow
114th Guards missile brigade (36334), 225th division. electronic warfare regiment (64055), 100th department. engineer battalion (54727) Borne-Sulinovo
140th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade (93293) rubble
55th department combat helicopter regiment (19998) Kolobrzeg
25th department mixed aviation squadron GKVZN (20761) Krzywa
5th Pontoon-Bridge Regiment (86675), 1308th Det. pontoon-bridge battalion (52335) Wenjin
902nd department pontoon-bridge battalion (42169) Torun
3rd department Communications brigade of the State Committee for Military Welfare (93642) Kenshitsa
94th department air defense radio engineering regiment (33886), 587th department. radio relay battalion (62922), 164th department. chemical protection battalion (75160), 246th department. automobile battalion (41196) Wroclaw
137th department communications battalion (49427), 886th department. communications battalion (86936), 1955th department. electronic warfare battalion (62158), 59th department. automobile battalion (77935) Świdnica
86th department radio technical air defense battalion (01959) Kluzhevo
mobile repair and technical base (06030) Szczecin
dept. road maintenance battalion (21754) Olava
6th Guards Motorized Rifle Division(08774) consisting of: Borne-Sulinovo
- 16th Guards motorized rifle regiment BT (68434), 80th tank regiment (73858), 90th department. tank battalion (64029), 465th department. anti-tank division (06192), 54th division. Guards communications battalion (36548), 94th department. chemical defense company (22056), 71st department. repair and restoration battalion (88873), 97th department. medical battalion (41092), 1083rd department. logistics battalion (12704), OVKR (02509) Borne-Sulinovo
- 82nd Guards motorized rifle regiment BT (12702), 126th division. reconnaissance battalion (74256) Supnevo
- 252nd Guards. motorized rifle regiment BM (15332), 1082nd anti-aircraft missile regiment (81409) Szczecinek
- 193rd Guards. self-propelled artillery regiment (66485), 669th department. missile division (83736) 2 Bialogard
- 101st department Guards engineer battalion (15258) Szczecin
20th Panzer Division(70413) consisting of: Świętoszczów
- 8th Guards tank regiment (31695), 144th motorized rifle regiment BM (61412), 1052nd Guards. self-propelled artillery regiment (12255), 459th anti-aircraft missile regiment (33593), 595th department. missile division (82492) 2, 96th department. reconnaissance battalion (28348), 206th department. engineer battalion (33854), 710th department. communications battalion (45504), 336th department. chemical defense company (32204), 70th department. repair and restoration battalion (88862), 219th department. medical battalion (92678), 1082nd department. logistics battalion (77935), OVKR (07952) Świętoszczów
- 76th Guards. tank regiment (52801) Strachow
- 155th Tank Regiment (68415) Zielona Gora

Notes to the table 13.2:

1 245th Red Banner.

The 2,669th division was withdrawn from the division on August 28, 1888.

At the end of 1990, the SGV had approximately 45 thousand military personnel, 598 tanks, 820 infantry fighting vehicles and military personnel carriers, 354 guns, mortars and MLRS, 300 aircraft and 69 helicopters in the 4th Air Army of the Supreme High Command (another 42 combat and 23 transport helicopters were in army aviation). Compared to the mid-1980s. the number of the group decreased by 3.5 thousand people, 90 tanks, 140 armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles and 90 guns.

The 4th Air Army of the Supreme High Command was constantly located in the SGV - from February 1949 to April 1968 it was called the 37th Air Army, and from July 1964 to August 1967 - the SGV Air Force. The army included the directorates of 3 aviation divisions and 12 regiments, of which two divisions were located on Polish territory (239th fighter - 159th Guards, 582nd and 871st fighter air regiments; 149th bomber - 42nd Guards , 3rd and 89th Bomber Aviation Regiments) and 3 separate regiments - the 164th Guards Reconnaissance Regiment, the 151st Electronic Warfare Regiment and the 688th Helicopter Regiment. Another 132nd Bomber Aviation Division (4th Guards, 63rd and 668th Bomber Aviation Regiments) of this army was stationed in the Baltic States.

The mass withdrawal of the group’s troops began on 05/05/1992, and it was disbanded on 09/15/1993. At the same time, divisions, individual brigades and regiments were withdrawn:

- in the Moscow Military District - 6th Guards Motorized Rifle Division (Tver), 134th separate brigade communications (Smolensk); 225th separate electronic warfare regiment (Novomoskovsk);

– in the Leningrad Military District – 510th separate training tank regiment (Kamenka village), 27th separate special forces battalion (Vyborg);

– in the Far Eastern Military District – 83rd Airborne Brigade (Ussuriysk), 5th Pontoon-Bridge Regiment (Arkhara village);

- in the North Caucasus Military District - the directorate of the 4th Air Army, the 114th Guards Missile Brigade (Krasnodar) and the 55th Separate Helicopter Regiment (Korenevsk);

- in the KVO - 20th Tank Division (Kharkov, where it was disbanded);

– in the Western Military District – 140th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade (Telemba station);

– in the BVI – 688th separate helicopter regiment (urban village Zheludok).

The group was commanded by 18 marshals and generals ( table 13.3).

Table 13.3

Command of the Northern Group of Forces in 1945-1993.

Full Name Military rank Period in office Sources
Commander of the group's troops
Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich Marshal Soviet Union 10.06.1945-06.11.1949
Trubnikov Kuzma Petrovich Colonel General 07.11.1949-18.09.1950
Radzievsky Alexey Ivanovich lieutenant general 18.09.1950-08.07.1952
Konstantinov Mikhail Petrovich lieutenant general 08.07.1952-06.04.1955
Galitsky Kuzma Nikitich Colonel General, from 08/08/1955 Army General 06.04.1955-11.01.1958
Khetagurov Georgy Ivanovich Colonel General 02.06.1958-25.03.1963
Maryakhin Sergey Stepanovich Lieutenant General, from 04/13/1964 Colonel General 25.03.1963-10.07.1964
Rudakov Alexey Pavlovich lieutenant general 10.07.1964-26.08.1964
Baklanov Gleb Vladimirovich Colonel General 26.08.1964-19.04.1967
Shkadov Ivan Nikolaevich Lieutenant General, from 02/19/1968 Colonel General 19.04.1967-03.12.1968
Tankaev Magomet Tankaevich Lieutenant General, from 02.21.1969 Colonel General 03.12.1968-30.01.1973
Gerasimov Ivan Alexandrovich Lieutenant General, from 05.11.1973 Colonel General 30.01.1973-26.06.1975 [TsAMO RF, KUOS: Code of Criminal Procedure Gerasimova I.A.]
Kulishev Oleg Fedorovich Lieutenant General, from October 28, 1976 Colonel General 26.06.1975-06.02.1978
Zarudin Yuri Fedorovich Lieutenant General, from 02/14/1978 Colonel General 06.02.1978-01.10.1984
Kovtunov Alexander Vasilievich Lieutenant General, from October 29, 1984 Colonel General 01.10.1984-22.01.1987
Korbutov Ivan Ivanovich Lieutenant General, since 04/29/1988 Colonel General 05.02.1987-26.06.1989
Dubynin Victor Petrovich 26.06.1989-10.06.1992
Kovalev Leonid Illarionovich Lieutenant General, from June 30, 1990 Colonel General 16.07.1992-15.09.1993
Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander
Bogolyubov Alexander Nikolaevich Colonel General 10.06.1945-00.10.1945
Kotov-Legonkov Pavel Mikhailovich lieutenant general 00.10.1945-05.05.1949
Tetyoshkin Sergey Ivanovich Major General, from 05/31/1954 Lieutenant General 05.05.1949-00.12.1954
Baskakov Vladimir Nikolayevich major general t/v, from 08.08.1955 lieutenant general t/v 00.12.1954-00.03.1956
Stogniy Georgy Efimovich lieutenant general 00.03.1956-12.07.1962
Rudakov Alexey Pavlovich Major General, from 02/22/1963 Lieutenant General 12.07.1962-00.00.1965
Kovalev Ivan Maksimovich Major General, from 02/19/1968 Lieutenant General 00.00.1965-00.00.1970
Sokolov Alexander Alekseevich major general 00.00.1970-00.06.1973
Postnikov Stanislav Ivanovich major general 00.06.1973-01.09.1975
Rizatdinov Rafkat Gabdrakhmanovich Major General, from October 27, 1977 Lieutenant General 01.09.1975-00.00.1980
Kapochkin Alexander Nikolaevich Major General, since October 30, 1981 Lieutenant General 00.00.1980-00.00.1984
Grakhov Georgy Alexandrovich Major General, from 02/18/1985 Lieutenant General 00.00.1984-00.00.1987
Shabrikov Yuri Gavrilovich major general 00.00.1987-00.00.1990
Kovalev Leonid Illarionovich lieutenant general 00.00.1990-16.07.1992
First Deputy Commander
Trubnikov Kuzma Petrovich Colonel General 10.06.1945-06.11.1949
No data No data 07.11.1949-00.07.1951
Konstantinov Mikhail Petrovich lieutenant general 00.07.1951-08.07.1952
No data No data 08.07.1952-00.04.1956
Fomenko Sergey Stepanovich lieutenant general 04.04.1956-00.00.1957
No data No data 00.00.1957-23.02.1959
Baklanov Gleb Vladimirovich Lieutenant General, from 05/07/1960 Colonel General 24.02.1959-25.05.1960 [TsAMO RF, KUOS: Code of Criminal Procedure of G.V. Baklanova]
Maryakhin Sergey Stepanovich Lieutenant General t/v 25.05.1960-29.03.1963
Yamshchikov Alexey Mikhailovich lieutenant general 29.03.1963-28.06.1968 [TsAMO RF, KUOS: Criminal Procedure Code Yamshchikova A.M.]
Vlasov Nikolai Nikolaevich major general 28.06.1968-00.00.1970
Ivanov Vladimir Ivanovich major general t/v, from 08.11.1971 lieutenant general t/v 00.00.1970-24.05.1972
Volivakhin Nikolay Ivanovich lieutenant general 24.05.1972-00.00.1975
No data No data 00.00.1975-00.00.1981
Dubinin Vyacheslav Vasilievich 00.00.1981-00.00.1984
No data No data 00.00.1984-00.00.1990
Shovel Anatoly Vasilievich Major General, from 06/30/1990 Lieutenant General 00.00.1990-00.06.1992
Kovalev Leonid Illarionovich lieutenant general 00.06.1992-16.07.1992

From the author's book

Chapter 17 Baltic Red Banner (since 1974) Military District, Special Military District, North-Western Group of Forces in 1945-1994

From the author's book

Chapter 22 Moscow Order of Lenin (since 1968), Voronezh, Gorky, Smolensk military districts in 1945-1992

From the author's book

Chapter 23 Volga Red Banner (since 1974), South Ural, Kazan and Volga-Ural Red Banner military districts in 1945-1992. The South Ural Military District (YUVO) with headquarters in Chkalov (later Orenburg) was formed on November 26, 1941 on the territory of the Chkalov region

From the author's book

Chapter 24 Ural Red Banner (since 1974) military district in 1945-1992. The Ural Military District (II formation), created by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated May 17, 1935, territorially covered the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions and the Kirov Territory)
