Did they wear a beard in the army? Join the army with a tactical beard! Join the army - with a tactical beard! Can military personnel wear it?

Complete information on the topic “is it possible for contract servicemen to have a beard” - all the most relevant and useful information on this issue.

timely shaving of the face, cutting hair and nails;

A serviceman's hairstyle and mustache, if any, must be neat, meet hygiene requirements and not interfere with the use of personal protective equipment and wearing equipment.

A serviceman's hairstyle, mustache, beard, if any, must be neat, meet hygiene requirements and not interfere with the use of personal protective equipment and wearing equipment. Only officers and warrant officers (midshipmen) are allowed to wear a beard.

Is it possible for military personnel to wear a mustache and beard?

Hey, I immediately remember the phrase of Warrant Officer Shmatko from the TV series Soldiers: A mustache is dirt, fleas, mice.. And rats!)) I don’t know for sure, but I think that in the army ordinary soldiers cannot have a mustache. Higher ranks, I think, can.

I asked my father this question, since he is a retired military man. So, you are not allowed to wear a beard in the army, you cannot even grow light stubble.

But you can wear a mustache.

When I served in the army, although this was a long time ago, this was categorically not allowed. The only person who did not fall under this rule was the one who already had a mustache in the photograph on his military ID. As you understand, there were very few of them. I think that since the time of the Union, hardly anything has changed in this matter.

Is it possible for military personnel to wear a mustache and beard?

When I served in the army, although this was a long time ago, this was categorically not allowed. The only person who did not fall under this rule was the one who already had a mustache in the photograph on his military ID. As you understand, there were very few of them. I think that since the time of the Union, hardly anything has changed in this matter.

No one is prohibited from wearing a mustache in the Army, be it a private, a warrant officer or an officer, but they must look neat. But there will be problems with a beard. Even slight stubble on the chin is prohibited and can be punished for it. Some of our military personnel shave twice a day, as stubble appears quickly. I shaved in the morning, and by lunchtime I already have stubble - go shave.

Recently, a friend complained that he shaved in the morning, but didn’t have time at lunchtime and received a reprimand from the boss who arrived. Even though he said that he had just shaved this morning, they didn’t believe him.

I served for many years, but I never saw our military with a beard.

I haven’t read the Charter and I don’t know on what basis they can ban wearing a beard in the army, but you can definitely wear a mustache. Since ancient times, mustaches have been considered a distinctive sign of the military, and in any history book you can read how bravely they twirled their mustaches before their next feat. Regarding beards, they say that wearing them is left to the discretion of the commander, and it seems like in the naval fleet captains and officers can wear beards, again paying tribute to tradition. And recently I heard that, according to research conducted somewhere by someone, bearded men are more combat-ready and courageous, and therefore in the special forces of many countries, wearing a beard is simply mandatory, especially during combat operations.

It is allowed to wear a beard if the face is disfigured as a result of an injury and the beard helps to hide these marks.

The command of the unit may allow a mustache as an incentive, but as soon as the military man leaves the unit’s checkpoint, the very first commandant’s patrol will take him by the ass. - 8 months ago

it all depends on your rank and position. Of course, ordinary ordinary soldiers cannot! but officers are allowed. We are only talking about mustaches, no one is allowed to have a beard. I have a friend who works in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and he also wanted to grow a mustache and let it go. Only he is an officer and he says even he was forbidden and not allowed. but he still did what he wanted, explaining that there is not a single regulatory document that would prohibit this.

from history: previously all firefighters were required to have a mustache. the whole point is that when they walked into the smoke, they bit their mustaches and breathed through them. I don’t know how much it helped, but since they did it, it was helpful

I asked my father this question, since he is a retired military man. So, you are not allowed to wear a beard in the army, you cannot even grow light stubble.

But you can wear a mustache.

A beard is allowed only if there is a disfiguring flaw on the face that a person is embarrassed about. For example, a big scar.

Yes, I remember that some of the military men wore mustaches, but I only saw one person with a goatee. They said it was because of the scar. And getting a scar from a military serviceman is tens of times higher than from a person in a peaceful civilian profession.

Military personnel with extensive experience and rank can, of course, wear a mustache and beard.

These are experienced people who have seen everything. And a mustache and beard really suit them

Those who have neither title nor experience, of course, can also wear facial hair

But she needs to be looked after, and this requires time, which they sorely don’t have.

That’s why many people shave their beards and mustaches so as not to waste extra time on their care.

You can wear a mustache and beard, but they must meet two main requirements:

Firstly, be neat and tidy.

Secondly, they should not interfere with wearing personal protective equipment.

And of course, that awkward transitional moment when three-day stubble smoothly turns into a mustache and beard, you need to wait it out somehow, often this can only be done on vacation or on sick leave. The rest of the time, the serviceman will not be allowed to go without shaving for so long; some even shave twice a day.

Officers and warrant officers can. Private people can't. Although this is not clearly stated in any regulatory documents, it is the way it is. A private soldier simply will not be allowed to grow a mustache or beard. the rank and file should look the same.

In the Army, a mustache and beard are not required, firstly, they need very careful care, and this takes time and naturally in the Army there is no time for this, so almost everyone is clean-shaven and without a mustache or beard, and a few are allowed to wear a mustache.

Why not? If they don't violate their appearance general rules military personnel? Remember Marshal Budyonny. He doesn't just have a mustache, he has a w-whiskey?

If women have already started wearing beards, this is a mistake of nature,

Then God himself ordered the warriors.

Hey, I immediately remember the phrase of Warrant Officer Shmatko from the TV series Soldiers: “A mustache is dirt, fleas, mice.. And rats!”)) I don’t know for sure, but I think that in the army ordinary soldiers cannot have a mustache. Higher ranks, I think, can.

  • Another reason is educational. There is no place for individuality in the army.
  • And finally the last thing the rationale for the ban is historical. As soon as a regular army was formed in Russia, restrictions on excess vegetation immediately appeared.
  • How to get around the ban?

    • The answer is clear -

    Plus sizes for you, friends!

    Bearded Military Club


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    Join the army - with a tactical beard! Can military personnel wear it?

    The beard has always been a symbol of masculinity. For several centuries it was even associated with strength and warriors. Remember the ancient Slavs and Vikings. However, in modern times everything is completely different.

    In the USA and in some countries it is allowed to be worn, in others it is not.

    A special term has even been coined: “tactical beard.” What does it mean?

    What does the Military Regulations of the Russian Federation say about facial hair? Is it possible for military personnel to have a beard? There is an opinion that this law prohibits. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

    Which armies allow military personnel to have a beard?

    Before we talk about Russia, let's talk about the armies of the world. First of all, about the USA. There, the law allows military personnel to wear beards and headdresses symbolizing religious affiliation.

    However, not all Western countries so liberal. Most of them strictly prohibit stubble, and if there is any, it is only as an exception to the rule.

    Previously, facial hair was treated calmly in Israel and in other states with official religions: Islam and Judaism. But recently, even there it is necessary to obtain permission from the command, and not from one officer, but from a whole series.

    Is it possible to wear a beard in the army in the Russian Federation?

    Let's turn to the Charter already mentioned above. So, it states, according to Article 344, Chapter 8, that the rules of personal hygiene include, in addition to washing, hygienic showering, washing hands and brushing teeth, mandatory shaving of the face and cutting of nails. Mustaches are, however, allowed, but only if kept neat and must also meet certain requirements.

    Are there any exceptions to the law? In the same article in the old edition, a little lower in the text, midshipmen, warrant officers and officers were allowed to wear beards. There is no such exception now.

    Why is facial hair prohibited?

    1. The point here is not the personal whim of the generals of the RF Armed Forces, but the banal rules of safety and personal hygiene. Imagine that in battle a soldier engages in hand-to-hand combat. Having a long beard puts him in immediate danger. After all, it won’t be difficult for the enemy to grab onto it and kill the defender. For the same reasons, long hair is prohibited.
    Wearing a gas mask, an oxygen mask (for pilots), and facial hair also conflict with each other. Why? The personal protective equipment simply will not fit tightly, and the soldier will be instantly exposed to the gases.

    This is why you can't wear a beard in the army.

    How to get around the ban?

    As we have already seen, wearing a beard is prohibited according to the Charter. However, what if the soldier is Muslim or has irritation from shaving?

    • The answer is clear - negotiate with the command. Moreover, the higher the rank, the greater the chances of permission. Medical certificates will help increase the likelihood of a positive outcome. In addition, if the lower part of the face is disfigured by a scar, the military may also be allowed to wear a beard.
    • In the old version of the Charter there was a clause that warrant officers, midshipmen and officers can have a beard. And although now there is no such exception on paper, in reality this is what happens. All rank and file are forced to shave off their hair, but those with a higher rank are given some concessions.
    • Another reason to bypass the ban is being in the troops stationed in the north of the country. It’s not clear why (perhaps because hair helps fight frostbite), but they are much less strict about facial hair, even among privates.

    What is a tactical beard and is it available in the Russian Army?

    In Muslim countries, being a beardless man is a shame. And it was in such states that the concept of “tactical beard” was born. It arose as a result of Afghan and Iraqi military campaigns carried out by Western armed forces.

    US soldiers were allowed to wear a beard in Afghanistan and similar countries in order to blend in with the local residents, as well as for hygienic reasons: the hair protects from dust, sand, chapping and frostbite.

    Also, according to some publications, in those years a study was conducted to determine how much a beard helps in combat operations. Scientists have found that thanks to it, the soldier produces more of the “male” hormone testosterone. As a result, such a military man becomes stronger, shoots more accurately, and overall his combat effectiveness increases.


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    100 military personnel took part in such an experiment (servants in the special forces and regular troops were taken). Half of the men are bearded, half are not. Those with vegetation had better survival rates than their counterparts. After this, they even came up with the thesis that “a beard helps you survive.” How real the fact of such an experiment is is impossible to judge now, but some logic can still be traced here.

    It is unclear how appropriate it is to use it in units.

    Bearded Military Club

    This club was created in 2011 by US special forces veterans. He grants some privileges to those men who serve in the army and have a beard. The abbreviation TBOC allows you to find their website on the Internet.

    The club regularly holds public events for those who are members, it organizes material support and meetings of like-minded people around the world. In addition, they are given special badges that are attached to the form and allow them to find like-minded people.

    TBOC also sends custom tactical belts with a special field for the owner's name and a quality assurance certificate.


    Yes, a beard has always been a symbol of masculinity and strength. In a number of countries it is prohibited, in other states it is allowed. Russia, alas, is not one of them. Whether the situation will change - only time will tell.

    Let's summarize what we learned about whether military personnel can wear a beard in the Russian Army:

    1. wearing a beard in the army is prohibited by the Military Regulations of the Russian Federation, Chapter 8, Article 344, while in the USA it is allowed.
    2. For medical reasons, as well as officers, with the special favor of the command, may be allowed not to shave.
    3. There is a term: “tactical beard”. This means that it helps cope with dust, sand, sun and excessive heat in combat conditions. A “temporary tactical beard” is a fabric face bandage that imitates hair, and it is not used in the army.

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    Sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures 334. Each military personnel must take care of maintaining their health, not hide illnesses, strictly observe the rules of personal and public hygiene and refrain from bad habits(smoking and drinking alcohol). 335. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene includes: - morning washing with brushing your teeth; - washing hands before eating; - washing your face, brushing your teeth and washing your feet before going to bed; - timely shaving of the face, cutting hair and nails; - weekly bathing with a change of underwear and bed linen, foot wraps and socks; - keeping uniforms, shoes and bedding clean, timely changing collars. A serviceman's hairstyle, mustache, beard, if any, must be neat, meet hygiene requirements and not interfere with the use of personal protective equipment and wearing equipment. Only officers and warrant officers (midshipmen) are allowed to wear a beard. Rules of public hygiene include: maintaining cleanliness in sleeping quarters, toilets and other common rooms, regularly ventilating the premises; maintaining cleanliness in public places, as well as in the territory where the regiment is located. 336. To ensure the immunity of military personnel to infectious diseases, protective vaccinations are carried out. Vaccinations can be scheduled and according to epidemic indications. Scheduled protective vaccinations for all regiment personnel are carried out in accordance with the vaccination calendar, and for epidemic indications - by order of the senior commander (chief). Military personnel are exempt from vaccinations only with a doctor's opinion. Vaccination records are recorded in medical records and military IDs. 337. A serviceman is obliged to report to command about cases of infectious diseases among persons living with him in the same apartment (dormitory room), and perform official duties with the permission of the regiment commander based on the conclusion of the head of the medical service. 338. When an infectious patient is detected in a regiment, the head of the medical service immediately reports this to the regiment commander and the senior medical commander, conducts active identification, isolation and hospitalization of sick people, disinfection in units, monitoring of persons who were in contact with the patient, and strengthens sanitary and hygienic control. If necessary, an observation or quarantine regime is introduced into the regiment, contact with the civilian population is stopped or limited, and meetings within the regiment are prohibited personnel and mass cultural events, additional isolation centers are being set up.

    Before we talk about Russia, let's talk about the armies of the world. First of all, about the USA. There, the law allows military personnel to wear beards and headdresses symbolizing religious affiliation.

    However, not all Western countries are so liberal. Most of them strictly prohibit stubble, and if there is any, it is only as an exception to the rule.

    Previously, facial hair was treated calmly in Israel and in other states with official religions: Islam and Judaism. But recently, even there it is necessary to obtain permission from the command, and not from one officer, but from a whole series.

    Is it possible to wear a beard in the army in the Russian Federation?

    Let's turn to the Charter already mentioned above. So, it states, according to Article 344, Chapter 8, that the rules of personal hygiene include, in addition to washing, hygienic showering, washing hands and brushing teeth, mandatory shaving of the face and cutting of nails. Mustaches are, however, allowed, but only if kept neat and must also meet certain requirements.

    Are there any exceptions to the law? In the same article in the old edition, a little lower in the text, midshipmen, warrant officers and officers were allowed to wear beards. There is no such exception now.

    Attention: So, the Military Regulations of the Russian Federation, Chapter 8, Article 344, prohibits wearing a beard. Below we will discuss whether this ban can be circumvented.

    Why is facial hair prohibited?

    This is why you can't wear a beard in the army.

    How to get around the ban?

    As we have already seen, wearing a beard is prohibited according to the Charter. However, what if the soldier is Muslim or has irritation from shaving?

    • The answer is clear - negotiate with the command. Moreover, the higher the rank, the greater the chances of permission. Medical certificates will help increase the likelihood of a positive outcome. In addition, if the lower part of the face is disfigured by a scar, the military may also be allowed to wear a beard.
    • In the old version of the Charter there was a clause that warrant officers, midshipmen and officers can have a beard. And although now there is no such exception on paper, in reality this is what happens. All rank and file are forced to shave off their hair, but those with a higher rank are given some concessions.
    • Another reason to bypass the ban is being in the troops stationed in the north of the country. It’s not clear why (perhaps because hair helps fight frostbite), but they are much less strict about facial hair, even among privates.

    But if the soldier decided to negotiate with the command, and he was allowed, it should be remembered that this is before the first exit from the unit. Then a commandant’s patrol can easily stop him and ask why the regulations are being violated. Moreover, if there is systematic evasion of compliance with the article, proceedings in a military court are possible.

    What is a tactical beard and is it available in the Russian Army?

    In Muslim countries, being a beardless man is a shame. And it was in such states that the concept of “tactical beard” was born. It arose as a result of Afghan and Iraqi military campaigns carried out by Western armed forces.

    US soldiers were allowed to wear a beard in Afghanistan and similar countries in order to blend in with the local residents, as well as for hygienic reasons: the hair protects from dust, sand, chapping and frostbite.

    Also, according to some publications, in those years a study was conducted to determine how much a beard helps in combat operations. Scientists have found that thanks to it, the soldier produces more of the “male” hormone testosterone. As a result, such a military man becomes stronger, shoots more accurately, and overall his combat effectiveness increases.

    100 military personnel took part in such an experiment (servants in the special forces and regular troops were taken). Half of the men are bearded, half are not. Those with vegetation had better survival rates than their counterparts. After this, they even came up with the thesis that “a beard helps you survive.” How real the fact of such an experiment is is impossible to judge now, but some logic can still be traced here.

    There is a so-called “temporary tactical beard”. It is artificial and fabric.

    It is unclear how appropriate it is to use it in units.

    Bearded Military Club

    This club was created in 2011 by US special forces veterans. He grants some privileges to those men who serve in the army and have a beard. The abbreviation TBOC allows you to find their website on the Internet.

    The club regularly holds public events for its members, organizes material support and meetings of like-minded people around the world. In addition, they are given special badges that are attached to the form and allow them to find like-minded people.

    TBOC also sends custom tactical belts with a special field for the owner's name and a quality assurance certificate.


    Yes, a beard has always been a symbol of masculinity and strength. In a number of countries it is prohibited, in other states it is allowed. Russia, alas, is not one of them. Whether the situation will change - only time will tell.

    Let's summarize what we learned about whether military personnel can wear a beard in the Russian Army:

    1. wearing a beard in the army is prohibited by the Military Regulations of the Russian Federation, Chapter 8, Article 344, while in the USA it is allowed.
    2. For medical reasons, as well as officers, with the special favor of the command, may be allowed not to shave.
    3. There is a term: “tactical beard”. This means that it helps cope with dust, sand, sun and excessive heat in combat conditions. A “temporary tactical beard” is a fabric face bandage that imitates hair, and it is not used in the army.

    The beard has always been a symbol of masculinity. For several centuries it was even associated with strength and warriors. Remember the ancient Slavs and Vikings. However, in modern times everything is completely different.

    In the USA and in some countries it is allowed to be worn, in others it is not.

    A special term has even been coined: “tactical beard.” What does it mean?

    What does the Military Regulations of the Russian Federation say about facial hair? Is it possible for military personnel to have a beard? There is an opinion that this law prohibits. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

    • How to get around the ban?
    • Bearded Military Club
    • Conclusion

    Before we talk about Russia, let's talk about the armies of the world. First of all, about the USA. There, the law allows military personnel to wear beards and headdresses symbolizing religious affiliation.

    However, not all Western countries are so liberal. Most of them strictly prohibit stubble, and if there is any, it is only as an exception to the rule.

    Previously, facial hair was treated calmly in Israel and in other states with official religions: Islam and Judaism. But recently, even there it is necessary to obtain permission from the command, and not from one officer, but from a whole series.

    Is it possible to wear a beard in the army in the Russian Federation?

    Let's turn to the Charter already mentioned above. So, it states, according to Article 344, Chapter 8, that the rules of personal hygiene include, in addition to washing, hygienic showering, washing hands and brushing teeth, mandatory shaving of the face and cutting of nails. Mustaches are, however, allowed, but only if kept neat and must also meet certain requirements.

    Are there any exceptions to the law? In the same article in the old edition, a little lower in the text, midshipmen, warrant officers and officers were allowed to wear beards. There is no such exception now.

    This is why you can't wear a beard in the army.

    How to get around the ban?

    As we have already seen, wearing a beard is prohibited according to the Charter. However, what if the soldier is Muslim or has irritation from shaving?

    • The answer is clear - negotiate with the command. Moreover, the higher the rank, the greater the chances of permission. Medical certificates will help increase the likelihood of a positive outcome. In addition, if the lower part of the face is disfigured by a scar, the military may also be allowed to wear a beard.
    • In the old version of the Charter there was a clause that warrant officers, midshipmen and officers can have a beard. And although now there is no such exception on paper, in reality this is what happens. All rank and file are forced to shave off their hair, but those with a higher rank are given some concessions.
    • Another reason to bypass the ban is being in the troops stationed in the north of the country. It’s not clear why (perhaps because hair helps fight frostbite), but they are much less strict about facial hair, even among privates.

    In Muslim countries, being a beardless man is a shame. And it was in such states that the concept of “tactical beard” was born. It arose as a result of Afghan and Iraqi military campaigns carried out by Western armed forces.

    US soldiers were allowed to wear a beard in Afghanistan and similar countries in order to blend in with the local residents, as well as for hygienic reasons: the hair protects from dust, sand, chapping and frostbite.

    Also, according to some publications, in those years a study was conducted to determine how much a beard helps in combat operations. Scientists have found that thanks to it, the soldier produces more of the “male” hormone testosterone. As a result, such a military man becomes stronger, shoots more accurately, and overall his combat effectiveness increases.

    It is unclear how appropriate it is to use it in units.

    Bearded Military Club

    This club was created in 2011 by US special forces veterans. He grants some privileges to those men who serve in the army and have a beard. The abbreviation TBOC allows you to find their website on the Internet.

    The club regularly holds public events for its members, organizes material support and meetings of like-minded people around the world. In addition, they are given special badges that are attached to the form and allow them to find like-minded people.

    TBOC also sends custom tactical belts with a special field for the owner's name and a quality assurance certificate.


    Yes, a beard has always been a symbol of masculinity and strength. In a number of countries it is prohibited, in other states it is allowed. Russia, alas, is not one of them. Whether the situation will change - only time will tell.

    Let's summarize what we learned about whether military personnel can wear a beard in the Russian Army:

    In some countries, a beard in the army is not just a whim, but a mandatory rule. Facial hair is a symbol of masculinity and wisdom; it should not be shaved under any circumstances, as this is the dignity of a man.

    However, not everyone attaches such importance to hair. What can be said about the Russian Federation? Let's get acquainted with the charter of this country and find out if there are exceptions to the rules.

    One of the basic rules in a military unit Russian Federation– this is compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. The Russian military regulations say that the rules of personal hygiene include not only daily washing, brushing teeth, etc., but also shaving the stubble.

    Although shaving is a strict requirement, some men allow themselves to grow a mustache. Before a military man grows his hair, he needs to find out whether he can wear a beard in the army or not, since a willful act can be punished.

    Previously, Article 344, paragraph 8, stated that officers, warrant officers and midshipmen could grow facial hair, but over time, an amendment was made to the charter and now no one can have a mustache. Is it possible to ignore this prohibition if a person is Muslim or has an allergy to shaving?

    As required by the military regulations?

    In many countries. Some men are allowed to have a mustache, but this does not apply to Russia. This categoricalness is due to several factors:

    These reasons prompted the government to review the charter and amend it.

    Important! Since wearing facial hair in a military unit is prohibited by law, if the regulations are systematically not observed, a lawsuit may be opened.

    Who in the army can wear a beard and mustache?

    As we learned, no one should wear a beard or mustache during service, but there are exceptions. Since previously ensigns and officers could have vegetation, everything remained that way. Although amendments have been made to the charter, these official men still do as they are accustomed to. Only high-ranking military personnel enjoy concessions; this rule does not apply to the ordinary soldier.

    If troops are stationed in the north of the country, where the temperature is very low, they are allowed not to shave their stubble. Even an ordinary private, being in such conditions, can freely wander. Thanks to this, men do not freeze their faces so much.

    For reference! Low temperatures are not a reason to wear long stubble. Only commanders can arbitrarily allow soldiers to violate this rule of personal hygiene.

    In other cases, military personnel must negotiate with their commander regarding the wearing of a beard and mustache. You can obtain an illegal permit if:

    1. The soldier has a doctor's note advising him to grow facial hair.
    2. The man has scars on his face.
    3. A military man has severe irritation or allergies to shaving.

    The higher your rank, the more likely you are to be allowed to break this rule. Even if you were allowed not to shave, when you leave the unit, you may be noticed by patrol officers who will start asking unnecessary questions.

    Are you punished for wearing a beard?

    According to the law, due to non-compliance with the regulations, the military must be punished. As for the beard, despite the ban, there are men in the military unit who wear it, but they do not forget that they need to be careful. Although some military personnel wear beards, most military personnel shave their facial hair completely.
