Andrey Slyushkin Represents: or. Old Testament proverbs as part of the contemporary Church Slavonic Menaine corpus

Paroemias of the Monk Seraphim.

Wisdom of Solomon reading (chapters 5 and 6):

The righteous live forever, and in the Lord is their reward, and their care is with the Most High. For this sake, they will receive the kingdom of splendor and the crown of kindness from the hand of the Lord, I will cover them with my right hand and protect them with my arm. He will take full armor with his zeal and arm the creature in revenge with the enemy. Put on the breastplate of righteousness and put on a helmet, judgment is not hypocritical. The invincible reverend will take up a shield, sharpen vain anger into a weapon, and fight the world with him insane. Right-handed arrows of lightning will go and, as if from a round bow of clouds, they will fly to intention, and hail will fall in full from stone-throwing fury. The sea water will be angry with them, but the rivers will brazenly drown me. The spirit of power will resist them and, like a tuft, will dispel them, and lawlessness will devastate the whole earth, and villainy will turn the thrones of the strong. Hear therefore, king, and understand, get used to it, judges of the ends of the earth. Inspire those who hold multitudes and are proud of the peoples with a tongue, as if there was a power from the Lord to you and strength from the Most High.

Wisdom of Solomon reading (chapter 3):

The righteous souls are in the hand of God, and torment will not touch them. Do not pray in the eyes of the insane to die, and imputation of embitterment is their outcome, and even from us is a procession of contrition, they are in the world. For before the face of a human, if they receive torment, their hope of immortality is fulfilled. And in the past they punished me in a small way, the blessings will be great, as God test me and find them worthy of Himself. Like gold in the furnace, tempt them, and, like sacrificial fruitfulness, I am pleasant. And during their visitation, they will shine and, like sparks along the stalk, will flow. They judge by the tongue and possess the people, and the Lord will reign in them forever. Those who hope Nan understand the truth and faithfulness in love will abide to Him, as grace and mercy in His saints and visitation in His chosen ones.

Wisdom of Solomon reading (chapter 4):

The righteous man, if he comprehends to die, he will be in peace. Old age is honestly not long-term, lower in the number of years is calculated. Gray hair is the wisdom of man, and the age of old age is an unclean life. Being pleasing to God, being beloved, and living in the midst of the sinner, he was put down. He was raptured, lest malice change his mind or flattery deceive his soul. For the zeal of malice darkens the good, and the soaring of lust changes the mind of the gentle. Having died in childhood, fulfill the years of duty, for his soul is pleasing to the Lord, for this sake he is pandering from the midst of wickedness. People who saw and did not understand, are lower in thought such as grace and mercy in His saints and visitation in His chosen ones.

Of course, in reality they have not been read for a long time, because on this day we serve, at best, a polyeleos, and in this case we have developed a tradition instead of the Great Vespers (with an entrance, a special litany after the procimenus and reading paroemia) instead of the Great Vespers (with an entrance, a special litany after the procimenus and reading ordinary, everyday, without entry, but it will be useful to bring them ... ..

That day I was in the Church of the New Martyrs. being on duty, where he just served as a polyeleos, while Father Victor did not participate in the service, but when he arrived, he quickly left. Gospel Reading at Matins: 27 All is given to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son but the Father; and no one knows the Father except the Son, and to whom the Son wants to reveal.

28 Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest; 29 take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls; 30 for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

It is curious that, as noted, there was no polyeleos in the cathedral. At the same time, there began painting the walls in the altar with the Faces of the Saints….

I was there for the liturgy. Only the readings of the feast of St. Seraphim. The first passage read was from the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Galatians: 16 I say, walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh, 17 for the flesh desires the opposite of the spirit, and the spirit the opposite of the flesh: they oppose each other, so that you do not do that what you would like.

18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

19 The works of the flesh are known; they are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 idolatry, witchcraft, enmity, strife, envy, anger, strife, disagreements, (temptations), heresies, 21 hatred, murders, drunkenness, outrage, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do so will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

22 The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, mercy, faith, 23 meekness, temperance. There is no law on those.

24 But those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.

25 If we live by the spirit, then we must act according to the spirit.

26 Let's not be conceited, irritate each other, envy each other.

Chapter 6

1 Brethren! if a person falls into any sin, you spiritual ones, correct it in the spirit of meekness, watching each one of yourselves so as not to be tempted.

2 Carry one another's burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ.

And here is the Gospel: 12 In those days He went up to the mountain to pray, and remained all night in prayer to God.

13 When day came, he called his disciples and chose twelve of them, whom he named apostles: 14 Simon, whom he named Peter, and Andrew his brother, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, 15 Matthew and Thomas, James of Alpheus and Simon, nicknamed the Zealot, 16 Judas Jacob and Judas Iscariot, who later became a traitor.

17 And he came down with them, and stood on level ground, and a multitude of his disciples, and many people from all Judea and Jerusalem, and seaside places Tire and Sidon, 18 who came to hear him

and be healed of their illnesses, also suffering from unclean spirits; and were healed.

19 And all the people sought to touch Him, because power came from Him and healed everyone.

20 And He, raising His eyes to His disciples, said: 21 Blessed are those who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied.Blessed are those who weep, for you will laugh.

22 Blessed are you when people hate you and when they excommunicate you and revile you and carry your name as dishonorable for the Son of Man.

23 Rejoice in that day and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven. This is what their fathers did to the prophets.

The service was performed by Fr. Peter Yakutkin, who spoke rather uncertainly about St. Seraphim of Sarov, saying, however, that prayer, fasting, and so on, are not the goal, but the means of acquiring the Spirit of God, without which no good is possible. And all this as a whole is the means to achieve the Kingdom of God...

August 2. Feast of the Prophet Elijah. Another holiday that I am deprived of.

Let me remind you that a temple is being built in Myskhako in honor of the prophet of God Elijah, and a temporary temple is operating in his honor. I was on duty that day....

Holy Prophet Elijah

Day of Remembrance: July 20 / August 2

The holy prophet Elijah - one of the greatest prophets and the first virgin of the Old Testament - was born in Thesbia of Gilead in the tribe of Levi 900 years before the Incarnation of God the Word.

Saint Epiphanius of Cyprus reports the following legend about the birth of the prophet Elijah: "When Elijah was born, his father Owls saw in a vision that handsome men greeted him, swaddled him with fire and fed him with flame." The name Elijah (the fortress of the Lord) given to the baby determined his whole life. From an early age, he dedicated himself to the One God, settled in the desert and spent his life in strict fasting, contemplation and prayer. Called to the prophetic ministry under the Israeli king Ahab, the prophet became an ardent zealot of the true faith and piety. At that time, the people of Israel fell away from the faith of their fathers, left the One God and worshiped pagan idols, the veneration of which was introduced by the impious king of the Jews 1 Jeroboam. King Ahab's wife, the pagan Jezebel, was especially supportive of idolatry. Worship of the idol Baal 2 led the Israelites to complete moral decay. Seeing the death of his people, the prophet Elijah began to convict King Ahab of impiety, urging him to repent and turn to the True God. The king did not listen to him. Then the prophet Elijah announced to him that, as a punishment for three years, there would be neither rain nor dew on the earth, and the drought would stop only through his prayer. And indeed, through the prayer of the prophet, the sky closed, drought and famine set in all over the earth. The people suffered from unbearable heat and hunger. The Lord, in His mercy, seeing the suffering of people, was ready to spare everyone and send rain on the earth, but did not want to violate the words of the prophet Elijah, who was burning with the desire to turn the hearts of the Israelites to repentance and return them to true worship of God. Keeping the prophet Elijah from the hands of Jezebel, the Lord sent him during a disaster to a secret place near the stream Cherath. The Lord commanded the predatory ravens to bring food to the prophet, thereby instilling in him pity for the suffering people. When the stream Khorath dried up, the Lord sent the prophet Elijah to Sarepta of Sidon to a poor widow who was suffering with her children in anticipation of starvation. At the request of the prophet, she prepared for him unleavened bread (a flatbread made from unleavened flour - without yeast) from the last handful of flour and the rest of the butter. Then, through the prayer of the prophet Elijah, flour and oil have not been exhausted in the widow's house since then throughout the famine. By the power of his prayer, the great prophet performed another miracle - he resurrected the son of this widow, who had died from illness. After three years of drought, the Merciful Lord sent a prophet to King Ahab to end the calamity. The prophet Elijah ordered to gather all Israel and the priests of Baal to Mount Carmel. When the people gathered, the prophet Elijah offered to build two altars: one - from the priests of Baal, the other - from the prophet Elijah to serve the True God. "On which of them the fire from heaven will fall, that will be an indication whose God is true," said the prophet Elijah, "and everyone will have to bow to Him, and those who do not recognize Him will be put to death." The priests of Valla were the first to begin the sacrifice: they called out to the idol from morning to evening, but in vain - the sky was silent. By evening, the holy prophet Elijah erected his altar of 12 stones, according to the number of the tribes of Israel, laid the sacrifice on firewood, ordered that a ditch be dug around the altar and ordered water to be poured over the sacrifice and firewood. (A paremia with this text is read on Great Saturday) When the ditch filled with water, the fiery prophet turned to God with a fervent prayer and petition that the Lord would send fire from heaven to admonish the erring and hardened Israeli people and turn their hearts to Himself. At the prayer of the prophet, fire descended from heaven and burned the sacrifice, firewood, stones, and even water. The people fell to the ground, crying out: "Truly, the Lord is One God and there is no other God besides Him!" Then the prophet Elijah killed all the priests of Baal and began to pray for rain. Through his prayer, the heavens opened and a heavy rain fell, watering the thirsty earth.

King Ahab realized his error and wept over his sins, but his wife Jezebel threatened to kill the prophet of God. The prophet Elijah fled to the kingdom of Judea and, grieving over the impotence to eradicate idolatry, asked God for his own death. The Angel of the Lord appeared to him, strengthened him with food and ordered him to go on a long journey. The prophet Elijah walked for forty days and nights, and having reached Mount Horeb, he settled in a cave. Here, after a terrible storm, earthquake and flame, the Lord appeared "in a quiet wind" (1 Kings 19:12) and revealed to the grieving prophet that He had saved seven thousand faithful servants who had not bowed to Baal. The Lord commanded the prophet Elijah to anoint (consecrate) Elisha for the prophetic ministry. For his fiery zeal for the Glory of God, the prophet Elijah was taken to Heaven alive in a fiery chariot. The prophet Elisha witnessed the ascent of the prophet Elijah to heaven in a fiery chariot and received, together with his fallen mercy (cloak), the gift of the prophetic spirit twice as much as the prophet Elijah had.

According to the tradition of the Holy Church, the prophet Elijah will be the Forerunner of the Terrible Second Coming of Christ to earth and during the sermon he will accept bodily death.

The life of the holy prophet Elijah is described in the Old Testament books (1 Kings; 2 Kings; Sir. 48:1-15; 1 Mac. 2:58). During the Transfiguration of the Lord, the prophet Elijah talked with the Savior on Mount Tabor (Matthew 17:3; Mark 9:4; Luke 9:30).

From the day of the fiery ascension to Heaven of the prophet Elijah, his veneration in the Church of Christ has never been interrupted. Russian Orthodox Church sacredly honors the prophet Elijah. The first church built in Kyiv under Prince Igor was in the name of the prophet Elijah. After Baptism, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga (Comm. 11/24 July) built the Church of the Prophet Elijah in her homeland, in the village of Vybuty.

The icon-painting tradition depicts the prophet Elijah ascending in a chariot with fiery wheels, which is surrounded on all sides by flames and harnessed by four winged horses.

Troparion to Elijah the Prophet

In the flesh an Angel, / the foundation of the prophets, / the second Forerunner of the coming of Christ, glorious Elijah, / from above sending Eliseev grace / drive away ailments / and cleanse lepers, /
the same and honoring him sharpens healing.

After the shift, I did not manage to get together in order to attend at least a festive vigil in Myskhako (the service there begins at 16.00). Therefore, I was at the evening service at the Holy Dormition Cathedral, where there was not even a polyeleos, but simply Matins with the Great Doxology. Nevertheless, I consider it best to bring the readings of the feast at Vespers and Matins.

Paremias to the prophet Elijah.

Third Kings reading. [Chapter s~i.] The word of the Lord came to Elijah the prophet, and he said to Ahab, “As the Lord God of hosts, the God of Israel lives, I stand before Him today, if this dew or rain comes in years, if not the words of my mouth (then is "if it rains or dews, other than according to my words"). And the word of the Lord came to Elijah, saying: go from here to the east, and hide yourself in the flood of Chorath, at the river Jordan, and there will be water from the stream and drink it, and I will command the lie to feed you there. And Elijah went, and did according to the word of the Lord, and sat down with the sweat of Chorath, before the face of the Jordan: and I brought him the ravens of bread in the morning, and meat in the evening, and from the stream I drank water. And by the day there was a stream, as if there was no rain on the earth. And the word of the Lord came to Elijah saying: Get up and go to Sareffa Sidon, and stay there: behold the commandments to the widow's wife feed thee. And he got up and went to Sareffa of Sidon, and came to the gates of the city, and there the widow was gathering firewood, and Elijah cried out after her, and said to her: Bring me a little water in a vessel to drink. And go get some water. And Elijah cried out after her, and said to her: Take me, therefore, and eat bread in your hand, and give it to me. And the woman said: The Lord my God lives, if I have unleavened bread, but is there a handful of flour in a water-carrier, and little oil in a chvanza. And now I am gathering two pieces of wood, and I will go in and create for myself and my child, and we will be asleep, and we will die. And Elijah said to her: Be of good cheer and come in, and do not do according to your word: but make me little unleavened bread from there first, and wear it out for me: do it for yourself and your children afterward. As the Lord God of Israel says thus: the water-bearer of flour will not fail, and the man of oil will not diminish, until the day, until the Lord gives rain on the earth. And go the woman, and do according to the verb to Elijah: and give to him, and to that woman, and that, and her children. And from that day the water-carrier of flour was not scarce, and the chvanets hardly diminished, according to the word of the Lord, even the word by the hand of Elijah. And according to these words, the son of the wife, the mistress of the house, fell ill, and his illness was very strong, until the spirit remained in him. And the wife said to Elijah: What is the man of God to me and to you? Thou hast come to me, remember my sins, and kill my son. And Elijah said to his wife: Give me your son, and he was taken from her bosom, and lift him up into the upper room, where he himself rested, and lay him on his bed, and cry Elijah to the Lord, and say: Alas, Lord, Witness of the widow, I do not dwell, You have embittered the hedgehog to kill her son. And I blow on the lads three times, and call on the Lord, and say: Lord my God, let the soul of this lad return to the stench. And be a taco. And Elijah cried out, and the Lord heard the voice of Elijah: and the soul of the child returned and quickened. And Elijah the maiden sings, and brings him from the upper room into the house, and his father and his mother. And Elijah said to her: See that your son is alive. And the wife said to Elijah: Behold, you understand that you are a man of God, and the word of the Lord is true in your mouth.

Third Kings reading. [Chapters and ~ and and ~ f~ and.] There was a word of God to Elijah the Thesbite, in the third year of the kingdom of Ahab, saying: go and appear to Ahab, for I will give rain on the face of the earth. And it was as if Ahab saw Elijah, and said to him: if you are corrupting Israel? And Elijah said: I do not corrupt Israel, but you, and your father's house, always leave the Lord your God, and follow the path of Baal. And now send, and gather all Israel to me on Mount Carmel, and the prophets of the student Baal, their three hundred and fifty, and the prophet of the vile four hundred, eating the meal of Jezebelin. And according to the word of Elijah, Ahab sent to all Israel, and gathered all the prophets to Mount Carmel, and brought Elijah to all of them. And Elijah said to them, How long will you temple on both your knees? if there is a Lord God, follow in His footsteps: if there is a Baal, then follow him. And not answering him people in words. And Elijah said to the people: I am the remains of one prophet of the Lord, and the prophets of Baal, including three hundred and fifty men, and four hundred abominable prophets. And Elijah said: Give me two youths, so that you choose one for yourself, and scatter it on the hooks, and lay it on the wood, but don’t add fire. And I will stir up the other youth, and lay it on the wood, and I will not ignite the fire. And let you call on the names of your gods, and I will call on the Name of the Lord my God: and God will be, whoever hears with fire, that is God. And all the people answered, and decided: the verb Eliin is good, like the verb, so be it. And Elijah said to the prophet of the student: Choose for yourself one youth, and first create you, as if there are many of you, and call on the names of your gods, and do not oppress the fire. And gird the youth, and make tacos. And I called on the name of Baal from morning until noon, and said, Listen to us, Baal, listen to us. And not without a voice or obedience: and ransack near the altar, who did these things. And it was noon, and Elias the Thesbitian scolded them, and said: Call with a great voice, as if your god has non-holidays: yes, he builds food for something else, or fell asleep to eat, but wake him up. And I call with a great voice, and, according to my custom, I cut my knives, and beat my bisha with whips until my blood is shed. And to the prophetess: and it was until the evening, as if there was a time for a sacrifice to be taken, and not without a voice. And Elijah spoke to the prophets of the cold, saying: depart now, and I will make my sacrifice. And retreated, and fell silent. And Elijah said to the people: Come to me: and all the people came to him. And Elijah received twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the children of Israel, as if the Lord had said to him: Israel will be your name. And you made a stone in the name of the Lord, and heal the unearthed altar, and create a sea containing two measures of the seed around the altar: and lay up a log on the altar, which you create, and crush the burnt offering on the hooks, and put it on the log, and use the altar. And Elijah said, Bring me four waterpots of water, and pour it out on the burnt offering and on the log, and make tacos. And he said: double, and double. And he said: triple, and triple. And water passed round about the altar, and the sea was full of water. And Elijah cried out into heaven, and said: Lord God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, listen to me, Lord, listen to me this day with fire: let all these people understand that You are the One Lord God of Israel, and I am Your servant, and for Your sake I have created all these things: and you turn the hearts of these people to follow you. And fire fell from the Lord from heaven, and ate burnt offerings and logs, and stone and dust, and water even in the sea, all the fire licked. And all the people fell down on their faces, and decided: truly the Lord God, that is God. And Elijah said to the people: Catch the prophets of Baal, let not one hide from them. And I ate them, and I led Elijah to the brook of Kiss, and I slaughtered them there. And Elijah said to Ahabov: Behold the voice of the rainy walk, hitch up your chariot, and come down, lest the rain come upon you. And Elijah went up to Mount Carmel, and bowed to the ground, and put your face between your knees, and prayed to the Lord. And the sky was darkened with clouds and spirit, and there was a great rain: and Ahab wept, going to Jezrael. And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah: and pulling up your loins, flow before Ahab to Jezrael. And Ahab will raise up to his wife Jezebel all, make Elijah a tree: and as if she slaughtered the prophets with a knife. And Jezebel sent to Elijah, saying: In the morning this very hour I will lay down your life, as the soul of one of them. And hearing and fearing Elijah, he rose up for the sake of his soul, and came to Beersheba, the land of Judah, and left his youth there, and went into the wilderness day by day. And having come here under a tornado, and ask for the soul of your death, and say: it is sufficient for me, Lord, accept my soul from me, as if I were more than my father. And lie down, and have time under the garden. And behold, the angel of the Lord touched him, and said to him: Get up, eat and drink. And when Elijah beheld, and behold, at his head, unleavened barley, and a trough of water: and rise, and poison, and drink, and turn successfully. And the angel of the Lord turned into a second, and touched him, and said to him: Get up, eat and drink, for the way is many from you. And he got up, and poisoned, and fed: and went to the fortress of eating forty days, and forty nights, to Mount Horivsky. And he went in there into the cave, and dwelt in it, and behold the word of the Lord unto him, and the Lord said to him: Why are you here Elijah; And Elijah said: Jealous of jealousy for the Lord God Almighty, as if the sons of Israel had left Thee, and Your altars were unearthed, and Your prophets had been beaten with weapons, and I remained one, and they seek to take away my soul. And the angel said: Come out morning, and stand in grief before the Lord: and behold, the Lord passes by, and the spirit is great and mighty, and destroying the mountains, and crushing stone before the Lord: the Lord is not in the soul. And according to the soul is a whirlwind, and the Lord is not in the whirlwind. And in the whirlwind fire, and not in the fires of the Lord: and in the fires the voice of coldness is thin, and there the Lord. And it was as if Elijah heard, covering his face with his mercy, and went out, and a hundred at the cave. And behold, there was a voice to him, and he said: Why are you Elijah; And Elijah said: Jealous of jealousy for the Lord God Almighty, as if your sons of Israel had left your covenant, and your altars were dug up, and your prophets were beaten with weapons, and I remained alone, and they seek to take my soul away. And the Lord said to him: go, return your way, and go to the path of the desert of Damascus, and anoint Hazael to the kingdom in Assyria: And anoint Jehu the son of Amessiah to be king of Israel, and anoint Elisha the son of Asaphat as a prophet instead of yourself.

Fourth Kings reading. [Chapter c~.] Be in those days, find Elijah Elisha the son of Asafat, and that orash with oxen. And Elijah went to him: and put down Elijah to have mercy on him, and leave Elisha the oxen, and flow after Elijah, and serve him. And I was always taken to be Elijah by the Lord in a whirlwind as if into heaven: and Idost Elijah and Elisha in Gilgal. And Elijah said to Elisha: Sit down here, for the Lord has sent me to the Jordan. And Elisha said, As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, if I leave you. And both poidosta, and fifty men from the sons of the prophets came, and a stasha straight from afar: both stastas were at the Jordan. And Elijah welcomed his mercy, and his retinue, and struck the waters with it: and the waters were divided everywhere and everywhere, and the preidost was on dry land. And it was like a preyidost and Elijah said to Elisha: ask what I will do for you, before I will even be taken from you. And Elisha said, Let the spirit that is in you be dead in me. And Elijah said: Thou hast hardened, ask: either way, if you see me taken from you, it will be taco, if you don’t see it, it won’t be. And let them go and speak, and behold the chariot of fire, and the horses of fire, and divide between the two. And Elijah will be taken as a coward, as if into heaven. And Elisha was in vain, and she cried out: Father, father, the chariot of Israel, and his horses, and no one saw him. And Elisha is taken for her garments, and I am divided into two. And the mantle of Elijah Elisha was taken, his fallen top. And Elisha turned, and stood on the banks of the Jordan. And Elisha welcomed the mantle of Elijah, who fell on his top, and hit the water, and not be divided. And Elisha said: Where is the God Eliin apho? And Elisha struck the water a second time, and the waters parted, and passed on dry land.

Gospel for Matins: 14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee; and the news about him spread throughout the surrounding country.

16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and entered, as was his custom, into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.

22 And they all testified this to Him, and marveled at the words of grace that proceeded from His mouth, and said, Is this not Joseph's son?

23 He said to them: Of course, you will say to Me a saying: doctor! heal yourself; do here, in your own country, what we heard was in Capernaum.


25 26 27

28 29 30

Liturgy readings. An excerpt from the Epistle of the Apostle James, Brother of the Lord: 10 As an example of suffering and longsuffering, take, my brethren, the prophets, who spoke in the name of the Lord.

11 Behold, we please those who have endured. You heard of Job's patience and saw the endof this from the Lord, for the Lord is very merciful and compassionate.

12 First of all, my brethren, swear not by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let it be with you: yes, yes, and no, no, lest you fall under condemnation.

13 If any of you suffers, let him pray. Is anyone cheerful, let him sing psalms.

14 Is any of you sick, let him call for the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

15 And the prayer of faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

16 Confess your faults to each other and pray for each other to be healed: the fervent prayer of the righteous can do much.

17 Elijah was a man like us, and prayed with a prayer that it would not rain: and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months.

18 And he prayed again: and the sky gave rain, and the earth brought forth its fruit.

19 Brethren! if any of you deviates from the truth, and one turns him, 20 let him know that he who turns a sinner from his false path will save his soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.

And the Gospel: 14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee; and the news about him spread throughout the surrounding country.

15 He taught in their synagogues, and was glorified by all.

16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and entered, as was his custom, into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and

17 They gave him the book of the prophet Isaiah; and he opened the book and found the place where it was written: 18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; for he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, and sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, to bring sight to the blind, to set the tormented free, 19 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.

20 And closing the book, and giving it to the minister, he sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him.

21 And He began to say to them, Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.

22 And they all testified to Him, and marveled at the words of grace that proceeded from His mouth, andThey said, Is this not Joseph's son?

23 He said to them: Of course, you will say to Me a saying: doctor! heal yourself; do it here too

Your fatherland, "what" we heard was in Capernaum.

24 And he said, Truly I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own country.

25 Truly, I say to you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when heaven was shut up for three years and six months, so that there was a great famine throughout the whole earth, 26 and to none of them was Elijah sent, but only to a widow in Zarephath of Sidon; 27 There were also many lepers in Israel under the prophet Elisha, and not one of them was cleansed, except Naaman the Syrian.

Hearing this, everyone in the synagogue was filled with rage. 29 And they got up and drove him out of the city and led him to the top of the mountain on which their city was built to overthrow him; 30 but he, passing through the midst of them, withdrew.

Alas, on the day itself I was again on duty, and there were no reports about the course of the holiday in Myskhako, but by all indications Father Georgy was there ...

The parish website later said: August 2 Our parish celebrated the Holy Day, in honor of the prophet of God Elijah, at the end of the Divine Liturgy, a festive prayer service was served on the territory of the church under construction with the participation of the clergy of the city, after which all those present were invited to a sweet table.

at the sixth hour
Troparion of prophecy, tone 6

With a contrite soul, we bow down to You, and we pray to You, Savior of the world, for You are the God of the repentant.

Glory, and now: and repeat the same.

Prokimen, tone 4

When the Lord returned / the captivity of Zion.

Verse: Then our lips were filled with joy.

Ps 125:1A, 2A

Prophecies of Ezekiel reading

And it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, while I was among the settlers by the river Chebar, the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God. On the fifth day of the month (this was the fifth year from the captivity of King Jehoiakim), the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel, the son of Buziah, a priest, in the land of the Chaldees, by the river Chebar; and the hand of the Lord was upon him. And I saw, and behold, a stormy wind came from the north, a great cloud and swirling fire, and a radiance around it, and from the midst of it, as it were, the light of a flame from the midst of fire; and from the middle of it was seen the likeness of four animals, and such was their appearance: their appearance was like that of a man; and each has four faces, and each of them has four wings; and their feet were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the sole of a calf's foot, and shone like bright bronze, and their wings were light. And the hands of men were under their wings, on their four sides; and their faces and their wings are all four; their wings touched one another; during their procession, they did not turn around, but walked each in the direction of his face. The likeness of their faces is the face of a man and the face of a lion on the right side of all four of them; and on the left side, the face of a calf in all four, and the face of an eagle in all four. And their faces and their wings were separated from above, but each had two wings that touched one another, and two covered their bodies. And they went, each in the direction that was before his face; where the spirit wanted to go, they went there; during their procession they did not turn around. And the appearance of these animals was like the appearance of burning coals, like the appearance of lamps; fire went among the animals, and radiance from the fire and lightning came from the fire. And the animals moved quickly to and fro like lightning. And I looked at the animals, and behold, on the ground beside these animals, one wheel in front of their four faces. The form of the wheels and their arrangement is like the form of topaz, and the likeness of all four is one; and by their appearance and by their constitution it seemed as if a wheel was in a wheel. When they went, they went to their four sides; did not turn around during the procession. And their rims were high and terrible; their rims around all four were full of eyes. And when the animals walked, the wheels walked beside them; and when the animals rose from the earth, then the wheels also rose. Wherever the spirit wanted to go, they went there too; wherever the spirit went, the wheels rose evenly with them, for the spirit of the animals was in the wheels.

Ezekiel 1:1–20

Prokimen, tone 4

If the Lord does not build houses, / the builders have labored in vain.

Verse: If the Lord does not keep the city, the watchman kept his watch in vain.

Ps 126:1

great monday,
at vespers
Prokimen, tone 6

May the Lord bless you from Zion, / and you will see the blessings of Jerusalem.

Verse: Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in His ways.

Ps 127:5A, 1

1. Exodus reading

These are the names of the children of Israel who entered Egypt with Jacob their father, each one with all his household: Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah, Issachar, Zebulun and Benjamin, Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher. All the souls that came from the loins of Jacob were seventy-five, and Joseph was already in Egypt. And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all their generation; but the sons of Israel were fruitful and multiplied, and increased and became exceedingly strong, and the land was filled with them. And a new king arose in Egypt, who did not know Joseph, and said to his people: Behold, the people of the children of Israel are numerous and stronger than us; let us outsmart him so that he does not multiply; otherwise, when there is a war, he will unite with our enemies, and arm himself against us, and will come out of our land. And they appointed foremen of work over him, so that they would wear him out with hard work. And he built for Pharaoh Pithom and Ramesses, cities for stores, and He, otherwise Heliopolis. But the more they harassed it, the more it multiplied and the more it increased, so that the Egyptians feared the children of Israel. And therefore the Egyptians cruelly forced the sons of Israel to work and made their lives bitter from hard work on clay and bricks and from all work in the field, from all work to which they forced them with cruelty. The king of Egypt commanded the midwives of the Hebrews, one of whom was named Shifra, and the other Fua, and said to them: when you are the midwives of the Hebrews, then watch during childbirth: if there is a son, then kill him, and if there is a daughter, then let him live. But the midwives were afraid of God and did not do as the king of Egypt told them, and left the children alive. The king of Egypt called midwives and said to them: why are you doing such a thing that you leave children alive? The midwives said to Pharaoh: Jewish women are not like Egyptian women; they are healthy, for before the midwife comes to them, they are already giving birth. For this, God did good to the midwives, and the people multiplied and became very strong.

Ex 1:1–20

Prokimen, tone 6

We bless you / in the name of the Lord.

Verse: Many times they took up arms against me from my youth.

Ps 129:8B, 1A

2. Job reading

There was a man in the land of Uz, his name was Job; and this man was blameless, just and God-fearing and moved away from evil. And he had seven sons and three daughters. He had estates: seven thousand small cattle, three thousand camels, five hundred pairs of oxen and five hundred donkeys, and a very large number of servants; and this man was more famous than all the sons of the East. His sons came together, making feasts each in his own house on his own day, and sent and invited their three sisters to eat and drink with them. When the circle of banquet days was completed, Job sent for them and sanctified them, and, rising early in the morning, offered burnt offerings according to the number of all of them and one calf for the sin on their souls. For Job said, Perhaps my sons have sinned and blasphemed God in their hearts. So did Job on all such days. And there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord; Satan also came between them. And the Lord said to Satan: Where did you come from? And Satan answered the Lord and said: I walked on the earth and went around it. And the Lord said to Satan: Have you turned your attention to my servant Job? for there is no one like him on earth: a man blameless, just, God-fearing and moving away from evil. And Satan answered the Lord and said, Is Job fearing God for nothing? Didn't You fence him around, and his house, and all that he had? You blessed the work of his hands, and his flocks spread over the earth; but stretch out your hand and touch everything he has, will he bless you? And the Lord said to Satan, Behold, all that he has is in your hand; but do not stretch out your hand on him. And Satan departed from the presence of the Lord.

Job 1:1–12

at the sixth hour
Troparion of prophecy, tone 1

Forgive those who sin immeasurably, O Savior, and make us worthy, without being subjected to condemnation, to worship Your holy resurrection, with the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother, the One Most Merciful.

Glory, and now: and repeat the same.

Prokimen, tone 6

For the Lord has mercy, / and great is his deliverance.

Verse: Out of the depths I called to Thee, Lord, Lord, hear my voice.

Ps 129:7, 1-2A

Prophecies of Ezekiel reading

When the animals walked, the wheels walked; and when they stood, they also stood; and when they were lifted up from the earth, then the wheels were lifted along with them, for the spirit of the animals was in the wheels. Above the heads of the animals there was a kind of vault, like a kind of amazing crystal, stretched from above over their heads. And under the vault their wings stretched straight one to the other, and each had two wings that covered them, each had two wings that covered their bodies. And as they walked, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty, a great noise, like the noise in a military camp; and when they stopped, they lowered their wings. And the voice was from the vault that was over their heads; when they stopped, then lowered their wings. And above the vault, which was over their heads, was the likeness of a throne, in appearance, as it were, of a sapphire stone; and over the likeness of the throne was, as it were, the likeness of a man above it. And I saw, as it were, a flaming metal, as it were a kind of fire inside it around; from the appearance of his loins and above, and from the form of his loins and below, I saw as it were a kind of fire, and a radiance was around him. In what form a rainbow appears on the clouds during rain, such was the appearance of this radiance all around. Such was the vision of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.

Ezekiel 1:21-28; 2:1

Prokimen, tone 4

May Israel trust in the Lord / from now on and forever.

Verse: Lord, my heart is not lifted up, and my eyes are not exalted.

Ps 130:3, 1A

great tuesday,
at vespers
Prokimen, tone 6

Arise, O Lord, enter into Thy rest, / You and the ark of Thy holiness.

Verse: Remember, Lord, David and all his meekness.

Ps 131:8, 1

1. Exodus reading

And Pharaoh's daughter went out to the river to bathe, and her maids walked along the river bank. She saw a basket among the reeds and sent her slave to take it. Opened and saw the baby; and behold, a child cries in a basket; and Pharaoh's daughter had compassion on him and said, This is from the Hebrew children. And his sister said to Pharaoh's daughter, Shall I not go down and call the Hebrew nurse to you, that she may suckle the child for you? Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Go down. The girl went and called for the mother of the baby. Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Take this child and feed him to me; I will pay you. The woman took the baby and fed him. And the baby grew up, and she brought him to Pharaoh's daughter, and she had him instead of a son, and she called his name: Moses, because, she said, I took him out of the water.

Ex 2:5–10

Prokimen, tone 4

This is what is so beautiful or what is so pleasant / - as soon as brothers live together.

Verse: As the world is on the head, descending on the beard, the beard of Aaron.

Ps 132:1, 2A

2. Job reading

And there was a day when the sons of Job and his daughters ate and drank wine in the house of their firstborn brother. And behold, a messenger comes to Job and says: the oxen plowed, and the donkeys pastured beside them, as the Sabeans attacked and took them, and struck the youths with the edge of the sword; and I alone escaped to tell you. While he was still speaking, another comes and says: the fire of God fell from heaven and scorched the sheep and the servants and devoured them; and I alone escaped to tell you. While he was still speaking, another one comes and says: The Chaldeans settled down in three detachments and rushed at the camels and took them, and they struck the youths with the edge of the sword; and I alone escaped to tell you. While this one was speaking, another comes and says: Your sons and your daughters ate and drank wine in the house of their firstborn brother; and behold, a great wind came out of the wilderness and swept the four corners of the house, and the house fell on the youths, and they died; and I alone escaped to tell you. Then Job got up and tore his outer garment, shaved off his head and fell to the ground and bowed down and said, Naked I came out of my mother's womb, and naked I will return. The Lord gave, the Lord took; as it was pleasing to the Lord, so it was done; may the name of the Lord be blessed! In all this Job did not sin and did not say anything foolish about God.

Job 1:13–22

at the sixth hour
Troparion of prophecy, tone 8

Today a wicked assembly has gathered, and a vain plot has been planned against you. Today, from agreeing with them, Judas dooms himself to being strangled, but Caiaphas involuntarily confesses that You alone for all voluntarily accept death, our Redeemer Christ God, glory to Thee!

Glory, and now: and repeat the same.

Prokimen, tone 4

May the Lord bless you from Zion / He who made heaven and earth.

Verse: Behold, bless the Lord today, all the servants of the Lord.

Ps 133:3, 1A

Prophecies of Ezekiel reading

The Lord said to me: Son of man! I am sending you to the children of Israel, to the disobedient people who rebelled against me; they and their fathers are traitors before me to this very day. And these sons with hardened faces and hard hearts; to them I am sending you, and you will say to them, "Thus says the Lord God!" Will they listen or will they not, for they are a rebellious house; but let them know that there was a prophet among them. But you, son of man, do not be afraid of them and do not be afraid of their words, if they will be thistles and thorns for you, and you will live with scorpions; do not be afraid of their words and do not be afraid of their face, for they are a rebellious house; and speak my words to them, whether they will listen or not, for they are stubborn. But you, son of man, listen to what I will say to you; do not be stubborn like this rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you. And I saw, and behold, a hand was stretched out towards me, and, behold, a scroll of a book was in it. And He unrolled it before me, and behold, the scroll was written inside and out, and it was written on it: "weeping, and groaning, and sorrow." And he said to me: Son of man! eat what is before you, eat this scroll, and go and speak to the house of Israel. Then I opened my mouth, and He gave me this scroll to eat; and said to me, Son of man! feed your belly and fill your insides with this scroll that I give you; and I ate it, and it was sweet in my mouth like honey.

Ezekiel 2:3-10; 3:1–3

Prokimen, tone 6

Those who fear the Lord, / bless the Lord.

Verse: Praise the name of the Lord, praise the Lord, servants.

Ps 134:20b, 1

great Wednesday,
at vespers
Prokimen, tone 4

Praise the God of heaven, / for his mercy endures forever.

Verse: Praise the God of gods, for his mercy endures forever.

Ps 135:26, 2

1. Exodus reading

After a long time, when Moses grew up, it happened that he went out to his brothers, the sons of Israel, and saw their hard work; and saw that the Egyptian was beating one Hebrew of his brothers, the sons of Israel. Looking to and fro, and seeing that there was no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. And he went out the next day, and behold, two Jews were quarreling; And he said to the offender, Why do you strike your neighbor? And he said: Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me, as you killed the Egyptian yesterday? Moses was frightened and said: Surely, they learned about this matter. And Pharaoh heard about this matter and wanted to kill Moses; but Moses fled from Pharaoh and stopped in the land of Midian, and having come into the land of Midian sat down by the well. The priest of Midian had seven daughters who were tending the sheep of their father Jethro. They came and drew water and filled troughs to water the sheep of their father Jethro. And the shepherds came and drove them away. Then Moses arose and protected them, and he drew water for them and watered their sheep. And they came to Reuel their father, and he said to them, Why have you come so soon today? They said: Some Egyptian protected us from the shepherds, and even drew water for us and watered our sheep. He said to his daughters: Where is he? why did you leave him? call him and let him eat bread. Moses liked to live with this man; and he gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses. She conceived and gave birth to a son, and Moses called his name: Gersam, because, he said, I became a stranger in a strange land. And when she conceived again, she gave birth to another son, and he called his name: Eliezer, saying: The God of my father was my helper and delivered me from the hand of Pharaoh.

Ex 2:11–22

Prokimen, tone 4

Lord, Thy mercy is forever, / do not despise the works of Thy hands.

Verse: I will glorify You, O Lord, with all my heart, and before the angels I will sing to You.

Ps 137:8B, 1A

2. Job reading

There was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord; Satan also came among them to present himself before the Lord. And the Lord said to Satan: Where did you come from? And Satan answered the Lord and said: I walked on the earth and went around it. And the Lord said to Satan: Have you turned your attention to my servant Job? for there is no one like him on earth: a man blameless, just, God-fearing and moving away from evil, and hitherto firm in his purity; but you stirred me up against him, to destroy him without guilt. And Satan answered the Lord and said, skin for skin, and for his life a man will give all that he has; but stretch out your hand and touch his bone and his flesh, will he bless you? And the Lord said to Satan: Behold, he is in your hand, only save his soul. And Satan departed from the presence of the Lord, and struck Job with a fierce leprosy from the sole of his foot to the very top of his head. And he took for himself a tile to scrape himself with it, and sat down in the ashes outside the village. After a long time his wife said to him, How long will you endure? Here, I will wait a little longer in the hope of my salvation. For your memory, sons and daughters, have perished from the earth, the diseases of my womb and the labors with which I labored in vain. You yourself sit in the stench of worms, spending the night without cover; but I wander and serve, I move from place to place, from house to house, waiting for the sun to go down to calm down from my labors and illnesses that now depress me. But say a certain word to God and die. But he said to her: You speak like one of the fools: are we really going to accept good from God, but will we not accept evil? In all this Job did not sin with his mouth.

Job 2:1–10

at the first hour
Troparion of prophecy, tone 3

You who mistook temptations for the human race, and did not get angry, free our lives from perdition, O Lord, and save us.

Glory, and now: and repeat the same.

Prokeimenon, tone 1

Let the nations know / that your name is the Lord.

Verse: God, who will be like You?

Ps 82:19A, 2A

Prophecies of Jeremiah reading

Prokimen, tone 8

Pray and make / vows to the Lord our God.

Verse: God is known in Judah, His name is great in Israel.

Ps 75:12A, 2

Maundy Thursday,
at vespers
Prokeimenon, tone 1

Save me, O Lord, from an evil man, / from an unrighteous man deliver me.

Verse: Who conceived untruth in their hearts all day long.

Ps 139:2, 3A

1. Exodus reading

The Lord said to Moses: go to the people, announce and sanctify them today and tomorrow; let them wash their clothes to be ready for the third day: for on the third day the Lord will descend before the eyes of all the people on Mount Sinai; and draw a line for the people on all sides and say: beware of climbing a mountain and touching its soles; whoever touches the mountain will be put to death; let no hand touch him, but let them stone him, or shoot him with an arrow; whether it be cattle or man, let it not live; at the time of the long trumpet sound, when the cloud moves away from the mountain, they can ascend the mountain. And Moses came down from the mountain to the people and sanctified the people, and they washed their clothes. And he said to the people, Be ready for the third day; do not touch women. On the third day, at the onset of morning, there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud over Mount Sinai, and a very loud trumpet sound; and all the people that were in the camp trembled. And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Mount Sinai was all smoking because the Lord descended on it in fire; and smoke ascended from her like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain shook violently; and the sound of the trumpet grew stronger and stronger. Moses spoke and God answered him with a voice.

Ex 19:10–19

Prokimen, tone 7

Deliver me from my enemies, O God, / and redeem me from those who rise up against me.

Verse: Deliver me from those who do iniquity.

Ps 58:2, 3A

2. Job reading

The Lord answered Job out of the storm and said: who is this who darkens Providence with words without meaning? Gird up your loins now like a man: I will ask you, and you explain to Me: where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me if you know. Who put the measure on her, if you know? or who stretched the rope along it? On what are its foundations established, or who laid its cornerstone, amid the general rejoicing of the morning stars, when all the sons of God shouted for joy? Who closed the sea with gates, when it burst out, came out as if from a womb, when I made the clouds its clothes and the darkness its swaddling clothes, and confirmed My decree for it, and put bars and gates, and said: hitherto you will reach and you will not pass, and here is the limit your haughty waves? Have you ever in your life given orders to the morning and indicated its place to the dawn, so that it embraces the ends of the earth and shakes off the wicked from it, so that the earth changes like clay under a seal, and becomes like a multi-colored garment, and so that their light is taken away from the wicked and their bold hand was broken? Have you descended into the depths of the sea and entered into the exploration of the abyss? Have you opened the gates of death, and have you seen the gates of the shadow of death? Have you seen the breadth of the earth? Explain if you know all this. Where is the way to the home of light, and where is the place of darkness? You, of course, reached her borders and know the paths to her house. You know this because you were already born then, and the number of your days is very great. Have you entered the storehouses of snow and seen the treasuries of the city, which I guard for a troubled time, for a day of battle and war? And Job answered the Lord and said: I know that You can do everything, and that Your intention cannot be stopped. Who is this who darkens Providence, understanding nothing? - So, I spoke about what I did not understand, about things wonderful for me, which I did not know. Hear, I called, and I will speak, and what I will ask You, explain to me. I have heard about You by ear; now my eyes see You.

Job 38:1–23; 42:1–5

3. Isaiah's prophecies reading

Isaiah 50:4–11

at the first hour
Prokimen, tone 4

His heart / gathered iniquity for itself.

Verse: Blessed is he who thinks of the needy and the poor.

Wed Ps 40:7B, 2A

Prophecies of Zechariah reading

This is what the Lord says: I will take my rod of good pleasure and break it to destroy the covenant that I have made with all nations. And it will be destroyed in that day, and then the poor of the sheep who are waiting for Me will know that this is the word of the Lord. And I will say to them, if it pleases you, then give Me My wages; if not, don't give; and they will weigh thirty pieces of silver in payment to Me. And the Lord said to me: throw them into the church storehouse - the high price at which they valued Me! And I took thirty pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the Lord for the potter.

Zech 11:10–13

Good Friday
at the third hour
Prokimen, tone 4

For I am ready for blows, / and my suffering is always before me.

Verse: Lord, do not rebuke me in Your wrath and do not punish me with Your wrath.

Ps 37:18, 2

Isaiah prophecy reading

The Lord God has given Me the language of the wise, so that I can strengthen the weak with words; every morning He wakes up, wakes up My ear, so that I will listen like a student. The Lord God opened my ear, and I did not resist, did not step back. I have given my back to those who strike, and my cheeks to those who strike; He did not hide My face from reproach and spitting. And the Lord God helps Me: therefore I am not ashamed, therefore I hold My face like a flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed. He who justifies Me is near: who wants to compete with Me? let's get together. Who wants to sue me? let him come to me. Behold, the Lord God helps me: who can condemn me? Behold, all of them, like clothes, are dilapidated; the moth will eat them. Which of you fears the Lord, obeys the voice of His Servant? Whoever walks in darkness, without light, let him trust in the name of the Lord and be established in his God. Behold, all you who kindle fire, armed with incendiary arrows, go into the flame of your fire and the arrows that you have kindled! It will be to you from my hand; you will die in agony.

Isaiah 50:4–11

Good Friday
at the sixth hour
Prokimen, tone 4

Lord, our Lord, / how wonderful is Your name in all the earth.

Verse: For Your splendor is exalted above the heavens.

Ps 8:2

Isaiah prophecy reading

Thus says the Lord: behold, my servant shall prosper, he shall be exalted, and exalted, and exalted. How many were amazed when they looked at You - so much more disfigured was His face than any man, and His appearance - more than the sons of men! So many nations will he astonish; kings will shut their mouths before Him, for they will see what was not spoken to them, and they will know what they have not heard. God! who believed what we heard from us, and to whom was the arm of the Lord revealed? For he sprang up before him like a seedling and like a sprout out of dry ground; there is no form or majesty in Him; and we saw Him, and there was no form in Him that would draw us to Him. He was despised and humbled before men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with sickness, and we turned our faces away from Him; He was despised, and we regarded Him as nothing. But He took upon Himself our infirmities and bore our sicknesses; but we thought that He was smitten, punished, and humiliated by God. But He was wounded for our sins and tormented for our iniquities; the punishment of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we were healed. We all wandered like sheep, each one turned to his own way: and the Lord laid on Him the sins of us all. He was tormented, but suffered voluntarily and did not open His mouth; He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and like a lamb silent before its shearers, so He did not open His mouth. From bondage and judgment He was taken; but who will explain his generation? for he is cut off from the land of the living; for the crimes of my people suffered execution. He was assigned a tomb with villains, but He was buried by the rich, because He did not sin, and there was no lie in His mouth. But the Lord was pleased to strike him, and he gave him over to torment; when His soul offers a sacrifice of propitiation, He will see a long-lived offspring, and the will of the Lord will be successfully carried out by His hand. He will look with contentment at the feat of His soul; through the knowledge of Him, He, the Righteous One, My Servant, will justify many and bear their sins on Himself. Therefore, I will give him a share among the great, and he will share the booty with the strong, because he gave his soul to death, and was numbered among the wicked, while he bore the sin of many and became an intercessor for transgressors. Rejoice, barren, unbearing; exclaim and exclaim, who did not suffer from childbirth; because the one who is left has many more children than the one who has a husband.

Isaiah 52:13-15; 53:1–12; 54:1

Good Friday
at the ninth hour
Prokimen, tone 6

The fool said in his heart: / There is no God.

Verse: There is no one who does good, there is none.

Ps 13:1A, 3B

Prophecies of Jeremiah reading

The Lord has revealed to me and I know; You showed me their deeds. But I, like a meek lamb led to the slaughter, did not know that they were plotting against me, saying: “Let us put a poisonous tree for his food and cut him off from the land of the living, so that his name will no longer be mentioned.” But, Lord of hosts, righteous Judge, testing hearts and wombs! let me see your vengeance on them, for I entrusted my work to you. Therefore, this is what the Lord says about the men of Anathoth, who seek your soul and say: "Prophesy not in the name of the Lord, lest you die by our hands"; therefore thus says the Lord of hosts: behold, I will visit them: their youths shall die by the sword; their sons and their daughters will die of hunger. And there will be no remnant of them; for I will bring disaster upon the men of Anathoth in the year of their visitation. You will be righteous, O Lord, if I begin to sue you; and yet I will speak with you about justice: why is the path of the wicked prosperous, and all the treacherous prosper? You have planted them, and they have taken root and grown and are bearing fruit. You are near in their mouth, but far from their heart. And me, Lord, You know, You see me and test my heart, what it is to You. Separate them like sheep to the slaughter, and prepare them for the day of slaughter. How long will the earth complain, and the grass in all fields dry up? cattle and birds perish for the wickedness of its inhabitants, for they say: "He will not see what will happen to us." Go, assemble, all you beasts of the field: go devour him. Many shepherds have spoiled My vineyard, they have trampled My ground under their feet; My favorite area was made an empty steppe; made it a desert, and in desolation it weeps before me. This is what the Lord says about all my evil neighbors who attack the inheritance that I gave as an inheritance to my people Israel: Behold, I will uproot them from their land, and I will uproot the house of Judah from among them. But after I uproot them, I will bring them back again and have mercy on them, and I will bring each one into his possession and each into his land.

Jer 11:18-23; 12:1-4, 9B-11A, 14-15

Good Friday
at vespers
Prokimen, tone 4

They divided my clothes for themselves / and they cast lots for my clothes.

Verse: God, my God, listen to me, why did you leave me?

Ps 21:19, 2A

1. Exodus reading

In those days, the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as one would speak to his friend; and he returned to the camp; but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, did not leave the tabernacle. Moses said to the Lord: Behold, You say to me: Lead this people, and did not reveal to me whom You would send with me, although You said: "I know you by name, and you have found favor in My sight"; Therefore, if I have found favor in Your sight, then I pray: open Your way to me, that I may know You, that I may acquire favor in Your sight; and consider that these people are your people. The Lord said to him: I myself will go before you and bring you to rest. Moses said to Him: If You Yourself do not go with us, then do not bring us out of here, for how can we know that I and Your people have found favor in Your sight? Is it not because you will go with us? then I and your people will be more glorious than any people on earth. And the Lord said to Moses: And what you said I will do, because you have found favor in My sight, and I know you by name. Moses said: show me your glory. And the Lord said to Moses: I will put all My glory before you, and I will proclaim the name "Lord" before you; And then He said: You cannot see My face, because a man cannot see Me and remain alive. And the Lord said, Here is my place; stand on this rock; when my glory passes, I will set you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed through; and when I remove my hand, you will see me from behind, but my face will not be visible to you.

Ex 33:11–23

Prokimen, tone 4

Judge, O Lord, my offenders, / fight with those who are at war with me.

Verse: Take up arms and shield and rise to my aid.

Ps 34:1, 2

2. Job reading

And God bless last days Job more than the former: he had fourteen thousand flocks, six thousand camels, a thousand pairs of oxen and a thousand donkeys. And he had seven sons and three daughters. And he called the name of the first Emima, the name of the second - Cassia, and the name of the third - Kerengappuh. And there were no such beautiful women in all the earth as the daughters of Job, and their father gave them their inheritance among their brothers. After that Job lived a hundred and forty years, and saw his sons and sons of sons to the fourth generation; and Job died in old age, full of days. It is written that he will rise again with those whom the Lord raises. It is said about him in the Syrian book that he lived in the land of Ausitidia on the borders of Idumea and Arabia: before that his name was Jobab. Taking an Arabian wife, he begat a son, whose name was Ennon. He descended from the father of Zareth, the son of Esau, the son of the mother of Bozorah, so that he was the fifth from Abraham.

Job 42:12–17

3. Isaiah's prophecies reading

Thus says the Lord: behold, my servant shall prosper, he shall be exalted, and exalted, and exalted. How many were amazed when they looked at You - so much more disfigured was His face than any man, and His appearance - more than the sons of men! So many nations will he astonish; kings will shut their mouths before Him, for they will see what was not spoken to them, and they will know what they have not heard. God! who believed what we heard from us, and to whom was the arm of the Lord revealed? For he sprang up before him like a seedling and like a sprout out of dry ground; there is no form or majesty in Him; and we saw Him, and there was no form in Him that would draw us to Him. He was despised and humbled before men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with sickness, and we turned our faces away from Him; He was despised, and we regarded Him as nothing. But He took upon Himself our infirmities and bore our sicknesses; but we thought that He was smitten, punished, and humiliated by God. But He was wounded for our sins and tormented for our iniquities; the punishment of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we were healed. We all wandered like sheep, each one turned to his own way: and the Lord laid on Him the sins of us all. He was tormented, but suffered voluntarily and did not open His mouth; He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and like a lamb silent before its shearers, so He did not open His mouth. From bondage and judgment He was taken; but who will explain his generation? for he is cut off from the land of the living; for the crimes of my people suffered execution. He was assigned a tomb with villains, but He was buried by the rich, because He did not sin, and there was no lie in His mouth. But the Lord was pleased to strike him, and he gave him over to torment; when His soul offers a sacrifice of propitiation, He will see a long-lived offspring, and the will of the Lord will be successfully carried out by His hand. He will look with contentment at the feat of His soul; through the knowledge of Him, He, the Righteous One, My Servant, will justify many and bear their sins on Himself. Therefore, I will give him a share among the great, and he will share the booty with the strong, because he gave his soul to death, and was numbered among the wicked, while he bore the sin of many and became an intercessor for transgressors. Rejoice, barren, unbearing; exclaim and exclaim, who did not suffer from childbirth; for she who is left behind has many more children than she who has a husband, says the Lord.

Isaiah 52:13-15; 53:1–12; 54:1

At Matins, after the great doxology
Troparion of prophecy, tone 2

Glory: And, having risen, revive us, as God is immortal.

And now: Holding the ends of the whole world, You deigned to be restrained by the tomb, O Christ, in order to redeem human nature from being swallowed up by hell and, having risen, revive us, as God is immortal.

Prokimen, tone 4

Arise, Lord, help us, / and deliver us for the sake of Your name.

Verse: God, we have heard with our ears, and our fathers have told us.

Ps 43:27, 2A

Prophecies of Ezekiel reading

The hand of the Lord was on me, and the Lord brought me out in spirit and set me in the middle of a field, and it was full of bones, and circled me around them, and behold, there were a lot of them on the surface of the field, and behold, they were very dry. And he said to me: Son of man! Will these bones live? I said: Lord God! You know it. And he said to me: prophesy on these bones and say to them: "dry bones! hear the word of the Lord!" Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will bring the Spirit into you, and you shall live. And I will surround you with veins, and I will make you grow flesh, and I will cover you with skin, and I will bring the Spirit into you, and you will live, and you will know that I am the Lord. I prophesied as I was commanded; and while I was prophesying, there was a noise, and behold, a movement, and the bones began to come together, bone to its bone. And I saw: and, behold, the sinews were on them, and the flesh grew, and the skin covered them from above, but the spirit was not in them. Then he said to me: prophesy to the spirit, prophesy, son of man, and say to the spirit: thus says the Lord God: come from the four winds, spirit, and breathe on these slain, and they shall live. And I prophesied as He commanded me, and the spirit entered into them, and they came to life, and stood on their feet, a very, very great host. And He said to me: Son of man! these bones are the whole house of Israel. Behold, they say: "Our bones have dried up, and our hope has perished; we are cut off from the root." Therefore prophesy and say to them, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will open your graves and bring you out of your graves, my people, and bring you into the land of Israel. And you will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you out of your graves, My people, and put My Spirit in you, and you will live, and I will place you in your land, and you will know that I, the Lord, have said this - and did, says the Lord.

Ezekiel 37:1–14

Prokimen, tone 7

Arise, O Lord my God, let Thy hand be exalted, / do not forget Thy poor to the end.

Verse: I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart; I will proclaim all Your wonders.

Ps 9:33, 2

Great Saturday
at the evening
1. Genesis reading

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. And God said: let there be light. And there was light. And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. And God called the light day, and the darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning: one day. And God said: Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate water from water. And it became so. And God created the firmament, and separated the water that was under the firmament from the water that was above the firmament. And it became so. And God called the firmament sky. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning: the second day. And God said, Let the waters that are under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear. And it became so. And the waters under the sky were gathered into their places, and dry land appeared. And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of waters he called the seas. And God saw that it was good. And God said, Let the earth bring forth vegetation, grass yielding seed after its kind and likeness, and a fruitful tree yielding fruit after its kind, in which is its seed, on the earth. And it became so. And the earth brought forth grass, grass yielding seed after its kind and after its likeness, and a fruitful tree bearing fruit, in which is its seed after its kind, upon the earth. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning: the third day.

Gen 1:1–13

2. Isaiah's prophecies reading

Arise, shine, Jerusalem, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen over you. For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the nations; but the Lord will shine upon you, and his glory will appear upon you. And nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness that rises above you. Raise your eyes and look around: they are all gathering, coming towards you; your sons come from afar and carry your daughters in their arms. Then you will see, and you will rejoice, and your heart will tremble and expand, because the wealth of the sea will turn to you, the wealth of the nations will come to you. Many camels will cover you - dromedaries from Midian and Ephah; they will all come from Sheba, bring gold and frankincense, and proclaim the glory of the Lord. All the sheep of Kedar will be gathered to you; The rams of Nebaioth will serve you: they will ascend My altar with a pleasing sacrifice, and I will glorify the house of My glory. Who are they flying like clouds, and like doves to their dovecotes? Thus, the islands are waiting for Me, and ahead of them are the ships of Tarshish, to transport your sons from afar, and with them their silver and their gold, in the name of the Lord your God and the Holy One of Israel, because He glorified you. Then the sons of foreigners will build your walls, and their kings will serve you; for in my anger I struck you, but in my favor I will be merciful to you. And your gates will always be open, O Jerusalem, they will not be closed day or night, so that the wealth of the peoples may be brought to you and their kings be brought. For the people and kingdoms that do not want to serve you will perish, and such peoples will be completely destroyed. The glory of Lebanon will come to you, cypress and peug and cedar together, to adorn the place of my sanctuary, and I will glorify my footstool. And the sons of those who oppressed you will come to you in humility, and all who despised you will fall at your feet, and they will call you the city of the Lord, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel. Instead of being abandoned and hated so that no one passes through you, I will make you greatness forever, a joy for generations. You will feast on the milk of the nations, and you will suck on the breasts of the king, and you will know that I am the Lord, your Savior and your Redeemer, O Mighty Jacob.

Isaiah 60:1–16

3. Exodus reading

The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, Let this month be your beginning of months; let it be the first between the months of the year. Say to all the congregation of the children of Israel: on the tenth day of this month, let each one take one lamb for themselves, according to families, one lamb per family; but if the family is so small that it will not eat the lamb, then let him take with his neighbor who is nearest to his house, according to the number of souls: according to how much each one eats, count on the lamb. You must have a lamb without blemish, male, one year old; take it from the sheep, or from the goats, and let it be kept with you until the fourteenth day of this month: then let the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel slaughter it in the evening, and let them take from its blood and anoint it on both the jambs and on the lintel of the doors in the houses where will eat it; let them eat his meat this very night, baked in the fire; with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs let them eat it; do not eat from it half-cooked, or boiled in water, but eat baked on the fire, the head with the legs and entrails; do not leave him until the morning, and do not break his bones, but what is left of him until the morning you burn with fire. So eat it like this: let your loins be girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staffs in your hands, and eat it with haste: this is the Passover of the Lord.

Ex 12:1–11

4. Prophecy of Jonah reading

The word of the Lord came to Jonah, the son of Amathia: Get up, go to Nineveh, the great city, and preach in it, for its evil deeds have reached Me. And Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord, and came to Joppa, and found a ship that was going to Tarshish, paid the freight, and entered it to sail with them to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. But the Lord raised a strong wind on the sea, and there was a great storm on the sea, and the ship was ready to be broken. And the shipmen were afraid, and each one cried out to his own god, and began to throw the luggage from the ship into the sea in order to relieve him of it; Jonah went down into the interior of the ship, lay down and fell fast asleep. And the captain of the ship came to him and said to him, Why are you sleeping? arise, call upon your God; maybe God will remember us and we will not perish. And they said to each other: let's go, let's cast lots to find out for whom this misfortune befalls us. And they cast lots, and the lot fell on Jonah. Then they said to him: Tell us, for whom has this misfortune befallen us? What is your occupation and where are you coming from? where is your country, and what people are you from? And he said to them: I am a Jew, I honor the Lord God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land. And the people were terrified with great fear, and said to him, Why did you do this? For these people knew that he was fleeing from the presence of the Lord, as he himself declared to them. And they said to him: What shall we do with you, so that the sea will calm down for us? For the sea did not cease to worry. Then he said to them: Take me and throw me into the sea, and the sea will be quiet for you, for I know that this great storm has come upon you for my sake. But these people began to row hard to land on the land, but they could not, because the sea continued to rage against them. Then they called to the Lord and said: We beseech Thee, Lord, that we not perish for the soul of this man, and that Thou shalt not impute innocent blood to us; for you, Lord, have done what pleases you! And they took Jonah and threw him into the sea, and the sea calmed down because of its fury. And these people were afraid of the Lord with great fear, and brought sacrifice to the Lord, and made vows. And the Lord commanded the great whale to swallow Jonah; and Jonah was in the whale's belly three days and three nights. And Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the belly of the whale and said:

I cried out in my sorrow to the Lord my God, and He heard me; from the womb of hell my cry: You heard my voice. You cast me into the depths, into the heart of the sea, and the rivers surrounded me; all Thy billows and Thy waves have passed over me. And I said, "I'm rejected from Your eyes. Shall I have another look at Your holy temple?" The water overflowed around me to my soul, the deepest abyss surrounded me. My head plunged into the clefts of the mountains, I descended into the earth, whose bolts hold forever. But let my life rise from destruction, O Lord, my God! When my soul left me, I remembered the Lord, and may my prayer come to You, in Your holy temple! Those who observe vain and false mercy have left their mercy, but with a voice of praise and glorification I will sacrifice to You, everything that I promised, I will reward You, about my salvation - the Lord!

And the Lord spoke to the whale, and he spewed Jonah onto dry land. And the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time: Get up, go to Nineveh, the great city, and preach in it what I commanded you. And Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to the word of the Lord; Nineveh was a great city with God, three days' walk. And Jonah began to walk around the city, as far as one can go in one day, and preached, saying: forty more days and Nineveh will be destroyed! And the Ninevites believed God, and declared a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the largest of them to the smallest. This word reached the king of Nineveh, and he got up from his throne, and took off his royal vestments, and dressed in sackcloth, and sat on the ashes, and commanded to proclaim and say in Nineveh on behalf of the king and his nobles: "whatever people , neither cattle, nor oxen, nor sheep should eat anything, go to pasture or drink water, and that people and cattle should be covered with sackcloth and cry out loudly to God, and that everyone should turn from their evil way and from the violence of their hands. Who knows, maybe even God will have mercy and turn away His burning anger from us, and we will not perish. And God saw their deeds, that they turned from their evil way, and God took pity on the calamity, which He said that He would bring upon them, and did not bring. Jonah was greatly upset by this and was irritated. And he prayed to the Lord and said: O Lord! Isn't that what I said when I was still in my country? That is why I fled to Tarshish, for I knew that You are a good and merciful God, long-suffering and merciful, and You are sorry for the disaster. And now, Lord, take my soul from me, for it is better for me to die than to live. And the Lord said, Has it made you so sad? And Jonah went out of the city, and sat down on the east side of the city, and made himself a booth there, and sat under it in the shade, to see what would happen to the city. And the Lord God made the plant grow, and it rose up over Jonah, that there might be a shade over his head, and that he might deliver him from his vexation; Jonah was overjoyed at this plant. And God arranged it so that the next day, at the appearance of dawn, the worm undermined the plant, and it withered. When the sun rose, God brought a sultry east wind, and the sun began to burn on the head of Jonah, so that he became exhausted and asked for death, and said: it is better for me to die than to live. And God said to Jonah: Are you really so upset about the plant? He said: he was very upset, even to death. Then the Lord said: You pity the plant that you did not work on and which you did not grow, which grew up in one night and disappeared in the same night: Shall I not have pity on Nineveh, the great city, in which there are more than one hundred and twenty thousand people, not able to distinguish the right hand from the left, and many cattle?

Jon 1:1-16; 2:1–11; 3:1–10; 4:1–11

5. Joshua reading

The children of Israel camped at Gilgal, and celebrated the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month in the evening in the plains of Jericho; and on the next day of Passover they began to eat from the produce of this land, unleavened bread and dried grains on that very day; and the manna ceased to fall the next day after they began to eat the produce of the land, and the children of Israel had no more manna, but they ate in that year the produce of the land of Canaan. Jesus, being near Jericho, looked, and sees, and behold, a man stands before him, and in his hand is a drawn sword. Jesus went up to him and said to him: Are you ours, or one of our enemies? He said no; I am the captain of the host of the Lord, now I have come hither. Jesus fell on his face on the ground, and bowed down and said to him, What will my master say to his servant? The captain of the host of the Lord said to Jesus, Take off your sandals from off your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy. Jesus did just that.

Isa Nav 5:10–15

6. Exodus reading

The children of Israel set out from Succoth and encamped at Etham, at the end of the wilderness. But the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud, showing them the way, and by night in a pillar of fire, shining for them, that they might go day and night. The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from the presence of all the people. And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Tell the children of Israel to turn and encamped before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and between the sea, before Baal-zephon; Set your camp opposite it by the sea. And Pharaoh will say to his people about the children of Israel: they have gone astray in this land, the wilderness has shut them up. But I will harden the heart of Pharaoh, and he will pursue them, and I will show My glory on Pharaoh and on all his army; and all the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord. And they did so. And it was announced to the king of Egypt that the people had fled; And the heart of Pharaoh and his servants turned against this people, and they said, What have we done? why did they let the Israelites go so they wouldn't work for us? Pharaoh harnessed his chariot and took his people with him; and he took six hundred chosen chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt, and leaders over them all. And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt and his servants, and he pursued the children of Israel; but the sons of Israel walked under a high hand. And the Egyptians chased after them, and all the horses with Pharaoh's chariots, and the horsemen, and all his army, and overtook them encamped by the sea, at Pi-Gahiroth before Baal-zephon. Pharaoh drew near, and the children of Israel looked back, and, behold, the Egyptians were coming after them: and they were very afraid, and the children of Israel cried to the Lord, and said to Moses, Are there no tombs in Egypt, that you have brought us to die in the wilderness? what have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? Isn't that what we said to you in Egypt, saying: leave us, let us work for the Egyptians? For it is better for us to be in bondage to the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness. But Moses said to the people: Fear not, stand still, and you will see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work out for you today, for the Egyptians whom you see today, you will never see again; The Lord will fight for you, and you be calm. And the Lord said to Moses, Why are you crying to me? tell the children of Israel to go, and you lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea, and divide it, and the children of Israel will pass through the midst of the sea on dry land; But I will harden the heart of Pharaoh and all the Egyptians, and they will follow them; and I will show My glory on Pharaoh and on all his army, on his chariots and on his horsemen; and all the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord, when I show my glory on Pharaoh, on his chariots, and on his horsemen. And the Angel of God, who went before the camp of the sons of Israel, moved, and went behind them; the pillar of cloud also moved away from their face and stood behind them; And he entered into the midst between the camp of the Egyptians and between the camp of the sons of Israel, and was a cloud and darkness to some, and lighted up the night to others, and they did not come near each other all the night. And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove the sea with a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land, and the waters parted. And the sons of Israel went out into the midst of the sea on dry ground; and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on left side. The Egyptians pursued, and all the horses of Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horsemen entered after them into the midst of the sea. And in the morning watch the Lord looked upon the camp of the Egyptians from a pillar of fire and cloud, and brought the camp of the Egyptians into confusion; and took away the wheels from their chariots, so that they dragged them with difficulty. And the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the Israelites, for the Lord will fight for them against the Egyptians. And the Lord said to Moses, Stretch out thy hand over the sea, and let the waters turn upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and upon their horsemen. And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and by morning the water returned to its place; and the Egyptians ran towards the water. Thus the Lord drowned the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. And the water returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen of all Pharaoh's army that went into the sea after them; none of them are left. And the sons of Israel walked on dry ground in the midst of the sea: the waters were a wall to them on their right, and a wall on their left. And the Lord on that day delivered the Israelites out of the hands of the Egyptians, and the sons of Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore. And the Israelites saw the great hand that the Lord had shown over the Egyptians, and the people of the Lord feared and believed in the Lord and Moses his servant. Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the Lord, and said:

Song of Moses, Tone 5

Reader: Let us sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

He threw the horse and rider into the sea. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

Helper and Patron became my salvation. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

He is my God, and I will praise Him, the God of my father, and I will exalt Him. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

The Lord who crushes in battles, the Lord is His name. Pharaoh's chariots and his army he cast into the sea. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

And he sank selected military leaders in the Red Sea. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

He covered them with an abyss, they sank into the depths like a stone. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

Your right hand, O Lord, is glorified in strength. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

Your right hand, O Lord, has broken the enemies, and with the abundance of Your glory You have crushed the adversaries. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

Thy wrath sent forth, it devoured them like stubble, and the water parted with the spirit of Thy wrath. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

The waters froze like a wall, and the waves froze in the midst of the sea. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

The enemy said: "I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the prey, I will satisfy my soul, I will kill with my sword, my hand will rule." Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

You sent Your spirit, the sea covered them, they sank like lead in the great water. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

Who is like You among the gods, Lord? Who is like Thee, glorified among the saints, wondrous in glory, working miracles? Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

You stretched out Your right hand, the earth swallowed them up. Thou hast led in Thy righteousness this Thy people whom Thou hast redeemed. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

I called by Your power to Your holy abode. The peoples heard and were angry; torment seized the inhabitants of the Philistines. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

Then the leaders of Edom and the princes of Moab hastened, trembling seized them, all the inhabitants of Canaan were exhausted. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

May fear and trembling fall upon them; From the greatness of Your arm, let them be dumb as a stone. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

Until Thy people pass by, O Lord, until Thy people, which You have purchased, pass by. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

Bring them in and plant them on the mountain of Your heritage, in Your ready habitation, which You have built, O Lord, the sanctuary that Your hands have prepared. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

The Lord reigns forever, and forever, and beyond. When Pharaoh's horse entered with the chariots and riders into the sea, and the Lord brought the water of the sea on them. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

And the sons of Israel walked on dry land in the midst of the sea. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit! Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

And now, and always, and forever and ever. Amen. Let's sing to the Lord.

Choir: For gloriously He is glorified.

Reader (sings): For gloriously He was glorified.

Ex 13:20–15:19

7. Prophecies of Zephaniah reading

Thus says the Lord: Wait for Me until the day when I arise for desolation, for I have determined to gather the nations, to call kingdoms, to pour out on them My indignation, all the fury of My wrath; for the whole earth shall be devoured by the fire of my jealousy. Then again I will give the peoples a clean mouth, so that they all call on the name of the Lord and serve Him with one accord. From the country beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, My worshipers, the children of My scattered ones, will bring gifts to Me. On that day, you will not shame yourself with all your deeds with which you have sinned against Me, for then I will remove from your midst those who are conceited by your nobility, and you will no longer be exalted on My holy mountain. But I will leave among you a humble and simple people, and they will trust in the name of the Lord. The remnants of Israel will not do iniquity, they will not speak lies, and no deceitful tongue will be found in their mouths, for they themselves will feed and rest, and no one will disturb them. Rejoice, daughter of Zion! Celebrate Israel! rejoice and rejoice with all your heart, daughter of Jerusalem! The Lord has canceled the sentence over you, drove your enemy away! The Lord, the king of Israel, is in your midst; you will no longer see evil.

Zeph 3:8–15

8. Third Kings Reading

And the word of the Lord came to Elijah: Get up and go to Zarephath of Sidon, and stay there; I ordered a widow there to feed you. And he got up and went to Zarephath; and when he came to the gate of the city, behold, there was a widow woman gathering wood. And he called her and said: Give me some water in a vessel to drink. And she went to take; and he called out after her and said, Take for me a piece of bread in your hand. She said: The Lord your God lives! I have nothing baked, but only a handful of flour in a tub and a little oil in a jug; and behold, I will gather two logs of firewood, and I will go and prepare it for myself and for my son; eat this and die. And Elijah said to her: Don't be afraid, go, do what you said; but first make a little unleavened bread for me and bring it to me; but for yourself and for your son you will do later; For thus says the Lord God of Israel: The flour in the vat will not be exhausted, and the oil in the jar will not be exhausted until the day when the Lord gives rain on the earth. And she went and did as Elijah said; and she fed, and he, and her house for some time. The flour in the tub was not exhausted, and the oil in the jug did not decrease, according to the word of the Lord, which He spoke through Elijah. After that, the son of this woman, the mistress of the house, fell ill, and his illness was so strong that there was no breath left in him. And she said to Elijah, What is it to me and to you, man of God? you came to me to remind me of my sins and to kill my son. And he said to her, Give me your son. And he took him from her hands, and carried him into the upper room where he lived, and laid him on his bed, and called to the Lord and said: Lord my God! Will You also harm the widow with whom I am staying by killing her son? And prostrate over the youth three times, he called to the Lord and said: Lord my God! may the soul of this child return to him! And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah, and the soul of this child returned to him, and he revived. And Elijah took the boy, and brought him out of the upper room into the house, and gave him to his mother, and Elijah said, Look, your son is alive. And that woman said to Elijah: Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is true.

1 Kings 17:8–23

9. Isaiah's prophecies reading

My soul shall rejoice in my God; for He has clothed me in the vestments of salvation, He has clothed me with a robe of righteousness, as He has placed a crown on a bridegroom, and adorned me with ornaments as a bride. For as the earth brings forth its plants, and as a garden brings forth what is sown in it, so the Lord God will manifest righteousness and glory before all nations. I will not be silent for the sake of Zion, and for the sake of Jerusalem I will not rest until it rises like a light, her righteousness and her salvation like a burning lamp. And the nations will see your righteousness, and all the kings your glory, and they will call you by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord will call. And you will be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. They will no longer call you "forsaken", and your land will no longer be called "desert", but they will call you: "I am pleased with him", and your land - "married", for the Lord is pleased with you, and your land is combined . As a young man is joined to a virgin, so are your sons to thee; and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so will your God rejoice over you.

Isaiah 61:10-11; 62:1–5

10. Genesis reading

And it came to pass after these events that God tempted Abraham and said to him: Abraham! He said: here I am. God said: take your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac; and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I will tell you about. Abraham got up early in the morning, saddled his donkey, took with him two of his youths and Isaac his son; he chopped wood for the burnt offering, and getting up he went to the place about which God had told him. On the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place from afar. And Abraham said to his youths: you stay here with the donkey, and I and the son will go there and worship, and we will return to you. And Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering, and laid it on Isaac his son; took fire and knife in hand, and both went together. And Isaac began to speak to Abraham his father, and said, My father! He answered: Here I am, my son. He said, Here is the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering? Abraham said: God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering, my son. And they both went on together. And they came to the place that God had told him about; And Abraham built an altar there, arranged the wood, and, having bound his son Isaac, laid him on the altar on top of the wood. And Abraham stretched out his hand and took a knife to kill his son. But the Angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said: Abraham! Abraham! He said: here I am. The angel said: do not raise your hand against the lad and do nothing with him, for now I know that you are afraid of God and have not spared your son, your only one, for Me. And Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw: and, behold, behind a ram, entangled in the thicket with its horns. Abraham went and took the ram and offered it as a burnt offering instead of Isaac his son. And Abraham called the name of that place: Jehovah-jira. For this reason even now it is said: Jehovah will be seen on the mountain. And the second time the Angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven and said: I swear by me, says the Lord, that since you have done this work and have not spared your son, your only son, for me, then I will bless you and multiply and multiply your seed, like the stars of heaven and like the sand on the seashore; and thy seed shall possess the cities of their enemies; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because thou hast obeyed my voice.

Gen 22:1–18

11. Isaiah's prophecies reading

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and the opening of the prison to the captives, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all those who mourn, to proclaim to those who mourn in Zion that instead of ashes adornment will be given, instead of weeping - oil of joy, instead of a despondent spirit - a glorious garment, and they will be called strong righteousness, the planting of the Lord to His glory. And they will build up the centuries-old deserts, restore the ancient ruins and renew the devastated cities, which remained in desolation from ancient generations. And foreigners will come and feed your flocks; and the sons of strangers will be your husbandmen and your vinedressers. And you will be called priests of the Lord, ministers of our God will be called you; you will enjoy the wealth of the nations and be glorified by their glory. For shame you will be doubled; for reproach they will rejoice in their share, because in their land they will receive twice; they will have eternal joy. For I, the Lord, love justice, I hate robbery with violence, and I will reward them in truth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with them; and their seed will be known among the nations, and their offspring among the nations; all who see them will know that they are a seed blessed by the Lord.

Isaiah 61:1–9

12. Fourth Kings Reading

One day Elisha came to Sonam. There alone rich woman she begged him to eat bread; and whenever he passed, he always went in there to eat bread. And she said to her husband: behold, I know that the man of God, who constantly passes by us, is a saint; Let us make a little room above the wall, and put there for him a bed, and a table, and a chair, and a lamp; and when he comes to us, let him go there. One day he came there, and went into the upper room, and lay down there, and said to Gehazi his servant, Call this Shunammite. And he called her, and she stood before him. And he said to him: tell her: "Behold, you are so concerned about us; what would you do? Is it necessary to talk about you with the king, or with the commander?" She said: no, I live among my people. And he said, What shall she do? And Gehazi said, Behold, she has no son, and her husband is old. And he said, call her. He called her, and she stood at the door. And he said: in a year, at this very time, you will hold your son in your arms. And she said: No, my lord, man of God, do not deceive your servant. And the woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son the next year, at the very time that Elisha had told her. And the child grew up and one day went to his father, to the reapers. And he said to his father: My head! my head hurts! And he said to his servant, Take him to his mother. And he carried him and brought him to his mother. And he sat on her lap until noon, and died. And she went and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and locked him up, and went out, and called her husband and said, Send me one of the servants and one of the donkeys, I will go to the man of God and return. He said: Why do you want to go to him? Today is not New Moon or Saturday. But she said okay. And she saddled the donkey and said to her servant, Lead and go; don't stop until I tell you. And she went and came to the man of God, to Mount Carmel. And when the man of God saw her from afar, he said to his servant Gehazi, This is that Shunamite woman. Run to meet her and tell her: "Are you well? Is your husband well? Is the child well?" She said they're healthy. And when she came to the man of God on the mountain, she took hold of his feet. And Gehazi came up to take her away; but the man of God said: leave her, her soul is grieved, but the Lord hid from me and did not tell me. And she said, Did I ask my master for a son? Didn't I say, "Don't deceive me"? And he said to Gehazi, Gird up thy loins, and take my rod in thy hand, and go; if you meet anyone, do not greet him, and if anyone greets you, do not answer him; and put my staff on the child's face. And the mother of the child said: As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives! I will not leave you. And he got up and followed her. Gehazi went ahead of them and placed the rod on the child's face. But there was no voice, no answer. And he went out to meet him, and informed him, and said: The child does not wake up. And Elisha entered the house, and, behold, a dead child was lying on his bed. And he went in, and locked the door behind him, and prayed to the Lord. And he got up and lay down over the child, and put his mouth to his mouth, and his eyes to his eyes, and his hands to his palms, and prostrated himself on him, and the body of the child was warmed. And he got up and walked up and down the upper room; then he got up again and prostrated himself on it. And the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes. And he called Gehazi and said, Call this Shunammite. And he called her. She came to him and he said, Take your son. And she came and fell at his feet, and bowed to the ground; and took her son and went.

2 Kings 4:8–37

13. Isaiah's prophecies reading

Thus says the Lord: Where is he who brought them out of the sea with the shepherd of his sheep? Where is the One who put His Holy Spirit in his heart, Who led Moses by the right hand with His majestic arm, parted the waters before them to make Himself an eternal name, Who led them through the abyss like a horse through the steppe, and they did not stumble? As the flock descend into the valley, the Spirit of the Lord led them to rest. Thus have You led Your people to make Yourself a glorious name. Look down from heaven and look from the habitation of Thy holiness and Thy glory: where is Thy zeal and Thy might? - Thy mercy and Thy mercy to me are withheld. You alone are our Father; for Abraham does not recognize us, and Israel does not recognize us as their own; You, O Lord, our Father, from time immemorial is Your name: "Our Redeemer." Why, Lord, did You allow us to stray from Your ways, to harden our hearts, so as not to fear You? turn for the sake of your servants, for the sake of the tribes of your inheritance. For a short time the people of Thy sanctuary ruled over it: our enemies trampled down Thy sanctuary. We have become such over whom You have never had dominion, and over whom Your name has not been called. Oh, that You would open the heavens and come down! the mountains would melt at your presence, as from a melting fire, as from boiling water, to make your name known to your enemies; at your presence the nations would tremble. When You did terrible deeds, unexpected by us, and descended, the mountains melted from Your presence. For from time immemorial they have not heard, they have not listened with their ears, and no eye has seen another god besides You, who would do so much for those who hope in him. You have graciously met the one who rejoices and does what is right, who remembers You in Your ways.

Isaiah 63:11-19; 64:1–5

14. Prophecies of Jeremiah reading

Thus says the Lord: Behold, the days are coming when I will make a contract with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah New Testament not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; that My covenant they broke, though I remained in union with them, says the Lord. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their inwardness, and I will write it on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they will be My people. And they will no longer teach one another, brother of brother, and say, "Know the Lord," for all themselves will know Me, from the smallest to the greatest, says the Lord, because I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sins no more.

Jer 31:31–34

15. Daniel's prophecy reading

King Nebuchadnezzar made a golden image, sixty cubits high, six cubits wide, and placed it in the field of Deir, in the province of Babylon. And King Nebuchadnezzar sent to gather satraps, governors, governors, chief judges, treasurers, lawyers, guardians of the court and all regional rulers, so that they would come to the solemn opening of the idol, which was set by King Nebuchadnezzar. And the satraps, governors, military leaders, chief judges, treasurers, lawyers, wardens of the court and all the regional rulers gathered to open the image, which Nebuchadnezzar the king set up, and stood in front of the image, which Nebuchadnezzar erected. Then the herald exclaimed loudly: it is announced to you, peoples, tribes and languages: while you hear the sound of a trumpet, a flute, a zither, a harp, a harp and a symphony and all kinds of musical instruments, fall down and bow to the golden idol, which was set by King Nebuchadnezzar. And whoever does not fall down and bow down, will immediately be thrown into a fiery furnace. Therefore, when all the peoples heard the sound of the trumpet, flute, zither, harp, harp and all kinds of musical instruments, then all the peoples, tribes and languages ​​​​fell down and worshiped the golden idol, which Nebuchadnezzar the king set up. At that very moment, some of the Chaldeans approached and reported against the Jews. They said to King Nebuchadnezzar: King, live forever! You, the king, gave the command that every person who hears the sound of a trumpet, flute, zither, harp, harp and symphony and all kinds of musical instruments should fall and bow to the golden idol; and whoever does not fall and bow down, he must be thrown into a fiery furnace. There are the men of Judah, whom you have appointed over the affairs of the country of Babylon: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; these men do not obey your command, O king, they do not serve your gods, and they do not worship the golden idol that you set up. Then Nebuchadnezzar, in anger and fury, commanded that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego be brought; and these men were brought before the king. Nebuchadnezzar said to them, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, do you deliberately not serve my gods, and do you not worship the golden image that I have set up? From now on, if you are ready, as soon as you hear the sound of the trumpet, flute, zither, harp, harp, symphony and all kinds of musical instruments, fall down and bow to the idol that I made; but if you do not worship, you will be thrown into a fiery furnace in that very hour, and then what God will deliver you from my hand? And Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered, and said to King Nebuchadnezzar, There is no need for us to answer you to this. Our God, whom we serve, is able to save us from the fiery furnace, and deliver us from your hand, O king. If this does not happen, then let it be known to you, king, that we will not serve your gods and we will not worship the golden idol that you set up. Then Nebuchadnezzar was filled with rage, and the appearance of his face changed to Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and he commanded to kindle the furnace seven times stronger than they usually kindled it, and ordered the strongest men from his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and throw them into a fiery furnace. Then these men were bound, in their underwear and outer garments, in their headbands and in their other garments, and they were thrown into the fiery furnace. And as the command of the king was strict, and the furnace was extremely hot, the flame of fire killed those people who threw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell into the fiery furnace, bound. And they walked in the midst of the flames, singing to God and blessing the Lord.

And standing up, Azariah prayed and, opening his mouth in the midst of the fire, exclaimed: “Blessed are You, Lord God of our fathers, praised and glorified is Your name forever. For You are righteous in everything that You have done with us, and all Your works are true and Your ways are right and all your judgments are true. You have executed true judgments in everything that you have brought upon us and on the holy city of our fathers, Jerusalem, because in truth and according to judgment you have brought all this on us for our sins. For we have sinned and acted lawlessly departed from You, and sinned in everything. They did not hear Your commandments, and did not keep them, and did not do as You commanded us, that it might be good for us. And all that You brought upon us, and all that You did to us He did according to the true judgment. And delivered us into the hands of the enemies of the lawless, the most hated apostates, and to the unjust and most evil king in all the earth. And now we cannot open our mouths; we have become a shame and a reproach to Your servants and those who honor You. But do not betray us forever for the sake of Thy name, and break not Thy covenant, take not Thy mercy from us for the sake of Abraham, Thy beloved, for the sake of Isaac, Thy servant, and Israel, Thy Holy One, to whom You said that You would multiply their seed, like the stars of heaven and as sand on the seashore. We are humbled, Lord, more than all peoples, and now we are humbled in all the earth for our sins, and at the present time we have no prince, no prophet, no leader, no burnt offering, no sacrifice, no offering, no incense, no place, that we may offer sacrifice to You and obtain Your mercy. But with a contrite heart and a humble spirit, let us be accepted. As in the burnt offering of rams and calves, and as in the case of thousands of fat lambs, so may our sacrifice before Thee now be pleasing to Thee; for there is no shame for those who trust in you. And now we follow You with all our heart and fear You and seek Your face. Do not shame us, but deal with us according to Your condescension and according to the abundance of Your mercy, and deliver us by the power of Your miracles, and give glory to Your name, O Lord, and let all who do evil to Your servants be put to shame, and let them be put to shame with all might and power. let them be crushed, and let them know that You are the Lord God, one and glorious throughout the whole world. "And meanwhile the servants of the king, who cast them down, did not stop kindling the furnace with oil, tar, tow and brushwood, and the flame rose over the furnace forty-nine cubits and he broke out and burned those of the Chaldeans whom he reached near the furnace, but the angel of the Lord descended into the furnace with Azariah and those who were with him, and threw out the flame of fire from the furnace, and made it appear that in the middle of the furnace there was, as it were, a noisy damp wind, and fire touched them not at all, and did not harm them, and did not confuse them. Then these three, as if with one mouth, sang in the furnace, and blessed and glorified God: "Blessed are You, Lord God of our fathers, and praised and exalted forever, and blessed is the name of Your glory, holy and praiseworthy and exalted forever. Blessed are You in the temple of thy holy glory, and most praiseworthy and glorious forever. and highly praised and exalted for ever."

Dan 3:1–56

Song of the Three Youths


Bless all the creations of the Lord.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, Angels of the Lord.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless the heavens of the Lord.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless all the waters above the heavens.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless all the powers of the Lord.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, sun and moon.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, heavenly stars.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless every rain and dew.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless all the winds.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, fire and heat.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, cold and heat.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, dews and blizzards.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, ice and frost.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, frost and snow.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, nights and days.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, light and dark.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, lightning and clouds.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

May the earth bless.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, mountains and hills.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless everything that grows on the earth.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless you sources.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless the seas and rivers.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, whales and everything that moves in the waters.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless you, all the birds of the air.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, beasts and all livestock.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, sons of men.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

May Israel bless.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, priests of the Lord.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, servants of the Lord.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, spirits and souls of the righteous.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless you, reverent and humble in heart.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless Ananias, Azariah and Mishael.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless, Apostles, prophets and martyrs of the Lord.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Bless the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

And now, and always, and forever and ever. Amen.

Choir: Lord, sing and praise Him forever.

Praise, bless, worship the Lord.

Choir: Singing and praising Him forever.

Great Monday.
At the sixth hour.

Troparion of prophecy, tone 6.

With a contrite soul, we bow down to You, and we pray to You, Savior of the world: Thou art the God of the repentant.

Glory, and now: Same.

Prokimen, tone 4.

Always return to the Lord / captivity Zion. Verse: Then our lips will be filled with joy. Ps 125:1A, 2A

It was in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, and I was in the midst of the captivity at the river Chebar: and the heavens were opened, and I saw the vision of God. On the fifth day of the month, this year is the fifth captivity of King Joachim. And the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel the son of Bouziev, a priest in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar. And be on me the hand of the Lord. And I saw, and behold, the spirit rises, coming from the north, and a great cloud is in it, and the light around it and the fire shine. And in the midst of it is like a vision of an elektra in the midst of fire, and a light in it: in the midst is like the likeness of four animals: and this is their vision, like the likeness of a man in them. And four faces to one, and four wings to one. And their legs are right, and their feet are feathered, and sparks are like shining brass, and their wings are light. And the hand of man is under their wings in their four countries. And their faces and wings of their four holding on to each other, but the faces of their four do not turn, when they walk: each one walks straight on his face. And the likeness of their faces, the face of a man, and the face of a lion on the right hand of four, and the face of a calf on the left of four, and the face of an eagle to four. And their faces and their wings were stretched out over four, of which two are connected to each other, and two cover the top of their body, and each straight to the face of his idyash. Wherever the spirit was, march, go, and do not turn. And in the midst of the animals there was a vision like a burning coal of fire, like a vision of lights gathered in the midst of animals, and the light of fire, and from the fire came out like lightning. And the animal flow, and I turn, like a vision of a vezekov. And I saw, and behold, one on the earth holding four animals. And the vision of the wheels, and their creation, like the vision of Tharsis, and the likeness is one in four: and their work was greater, as if there were a stake in the wheel. To the four countries of their march: I do not turn, sometimes they march. Below were their backs, and their height was higher: and they saw it, and their splashes were full of eyes around four. And when animals move, the movement and the wheels holding on to them: and when the animals rise up from the earth, the wheels also rise. Wherever there were clouds, there was also a spirit, a hedgehog to march: the procession and the animal, and the wheels were lifted up with them, for the spirit of life was higher in the wheels. Ezekiel 1:1–20

Prokimen, tone 4.

If not the Lord builds the house, / builders labor in vain. Verse: If the Lord does not keep the city, in vain there are streg. Ps 126:1

Great Monday.
For the evening.

Prokeimenon, tone 6.

The Lord bless you from Zion, / and see the good Jerusalem. Verse: Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in His ways. Ps 127:5A, 1

1. Exodus reading.

These are the names of the children of Israel who enter Egypt together with Jacob their father, each with all his house: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun and Benjamin, Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher. Joseph was in Egypt. For all the souls that came out of Jacob, seventy-five. And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation. But the sons of Israel have grown, and have multiplied, and have become many, and have been strengthened very much: multiply their land. And the king stood up in Egypt, who did not know Joseph. And he said to his tongue: Behold, the generation of the sons of Israel is a great multitude, and they are stronger than we are. Come, therefore, let us deceive them, but not when they multiply; and when a battle happens to us, these will also be added to the adversary, and having overcome us, they will come out of our land. And put over them the bailiffs of deeds, let them embitter them in deeds: and having created cities, Pytho, and Ramessi, and He, who is Iliopolis, are firm. Because of their humbleness, there are so many of them, and I am strengthened very strongly. And the Egyptians abhor the sons of Israel. And the Egyptians did violence to the son of Israel in need. And I create life painfully in cruel deeds, with mud, and with plinth-making, and with all deeds, even in the fields, in all deeds, I enslave them with need. And the king of Egypt said to the Jewish women: Their one name, Zipporah, and the name of the second, Fua. And he said to them: when you give birth to the Hebrews, and the essence is to be born, if there is a male, kill him, but if it is a female, supply him. They were afraid of the woman of God, and did not do it, as the king of Egypt commanded them, and the living male. So the king of Egypt called the women, and said to them: why do you create this thing, and revive the male sex? The women told Pharaoh: not like the wives of the Egyptians, so are the wives of the Hebrews: they give birth before they bring women to them, and rejoice. God is doing good to the women, and the people are multiplying, and I am getting stronger. Ex 1:1–20

Prokeimenon, tone 6.

Bless you / in the name of the Lord. Verse: Throwing with me many times from my youth. Ps 129:8B, 1A

2. Job reading.

There was a certain man in the country of Ausitidia, his name was Job: and if he were a true man, blameless, righteous, Godly, move away from every evil thing. And he had seven sons, and three daughters. And I beat his cattle, seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels: the husband of oxen is five hundred, and the shepherds are five hundred, and the servants are many, and I have commanded him on the ground: and this man was the noblest of those that exist from the east of the sun. Converging, his sons to each other, making a feast for each day, sing together and their three sisters, eat and drink with them. And when the days of the feast were over, Job sent and cleansed them, rising in the morning: and offering sacrifices for them according to their number, and one calf for sin, for their souls. Bo Job said: when my sons did not sin, and in their thoughts they thought evil against God? This is how Job has been doing all the days. And it was like this day, and behold, the angels of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and the devil came with them. And the Lord said to the devil: Where did you come from? And having answered the devil of the Lord, he said: I have gone round the earth, and I have passed under heaven. And the Lord said to him: Have you heeded your thoughts against my servant Job? For there is no way he is, on earth a person is blameless, true, pious, move away from every evil thing. And the devil answered, and said before the Lord: Does Job honor the Lord? Have you not protected the outer of him, and the inner of his house, and even the outside of all that are around him? Thou didst bless his hand, and Thou didst make many of his cattle on the earth. But send out Your hand, and touch everyone that you have: unless it is in Your face, He will bless. Then the Lord said to the devil: behold, the whole tree is unto him, I give it into your hand, but do not touch it yourself. And the devil departed from the Lord. Job 1:1–12

Great Tuesday.
At the sixth hour.

Troparion of prophecy, tone 1.

For those who sin immeasurably, richly forgive, O Savior, and vouchsafe us to bow without condemnation to Your holy Resurrection, with the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother, the One of Many Mercy.

Glory, and now: Same.

Prokeimenon, tone 6.

For the Lord has mercy / and much deliverance from Him. Verse: From the depths I called to Thee, Lord, Lord, hear my voice. Ps 129:7, 1-2A

Prophecy of Ezekiel reading.

Sometimes the animal walker, the walker and the wheels, and sometimes stand by them, stand and the wheels with them: and when I rise up from the earth, the wheels rise up with them, as the spirit of life was in the wheels. And the likeness over the head of the animals is like a firmament, like a vision of a crystal, stretched out above their wings from above. And under the firmament their wings are stretched out, hovering towards each other, each two are harnessed, covering their bodies. And when I heard their voice crying, always a swarm, like the voice of many waters, like the voice of God Saddai: and always go to them, the voice of the word is like the voice of a regiment: and always stand by them, rest their wings. And now the voice above the firmament of beings is above their head, always stand by them, descending their wings. And above the firmament, even above their head, like a vision of a sapphire stone, the likeness of a throne on it, and on the likeness of a throne like a view of a man from above. And I saw like a vision of an elektra, like a vision of fire inside it around from the vision of the loins and above, and from the vision of the loins even to the bottom I saw the vision of fire, and its light around. Like a vision of an arc, when there is a cloud on the day of rain, so is the standing of light around. This vision is a likeness of the glory of the Lord. Ezekiel 1:21-28; 2:1

Prokimen, tone 4.

May Israel trust in the Lord / from now until forever. Verse: Lord, my heart is not lifted up, my eyes are lifted up below. Ps 130:3, 1A

Great Tuesday.
For the evening.

Prokeimenon, tone 6.

Resurrect, O Lord, into Thy rest, / Thou and Thy sanctuary. Verse: Remember, Lord, David and all his meekness. Ps 131:8, 1

1. Exodus reading.

Pharaoh's daughter descended to wash down on the river, and her servants pass by the river: and seeing the ark in the beam, sent the slave, and took it. Opening it, he sees the youth weeping in the ark, and have mercy on the daughter of Pharaoh, and he says: This is from the children of the Jews. And his sister said to Pharaoh's daughter, Will I call for thee a wife, a nurse from the Jew, and she shall reward thee with a child? And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Go. The maiden went, calling the mother of the lads. And the daughter of Pharaoh said to her: Keep these children to me, and reward me: I will give you recompense. And the young woman took her, and she was milked. And the young woman, having matured, brought her to the daughter of Pharaoh, and became her son: and he called his name Moses, saying: Take him from the water. Ex 2:5–10

Prokimen, tone 4.

This is what is good, or what is red, / but let the brethren live together. Verse: Like a chrism on the head, descending on the beard, the beard of Aaron. Ps 132:1, 2A

2. Job reading.

It was like this day, the sons of Jobleva and his daughters drinking wine in the house of their elder brother. And the messenger came to Job, and said to him, The wives of the oxen grow, and the donkeys feed near them. And the captors came and captivated them, and the youths beat them with the sword, and I alone was saved, and I came to tell you. And I said to this, a messenger came, and he said to Job: fire fell from heaven, and burned the sheep, and the shepherds ate like: I alone have been saved, and I have come to tell you. And I said to this, the messenger came, and he said to Job: the cavalry made three principalities, and surrounded the camels, and captivated them, and beat the youths with swords: I was saved, but I alone, and came to tell you. Again I say to this, a messenger comes, saying to Job: thy son, and thy daughter, who eat and drink with their elder brother. Suddenly, a great wind came from the wilderness, and touching the four corners of the temple, and the temple fell on your children, and died: I was saved alone, and I came to tell you. When Job heard this, he got up and tore his garments, and cut off the hair of his head, and sprinkled dust on his head, and fell to the ground, bowing to the Lord. And he said: I myself came out naked from my mother's womb, naked and I will go away there: the Lord has given, the Lord has been taken away: as the Lord has pleased, so be it: be the name of the Lord blessed forever. In all these incidents that happened to him, Job sinned before the Lord below his lips, and did not give madness to God. Job 1:13–22

Great Wednesday.
At the sixth hour.

Troparion of prophecy, tone 8.

Today, the evil host has gathered and learned from you in vain. Today, from consent, Judas betroths strangulation, but Caiaphas involuntarily confesses that you alone for all accept death by will, our Redeemer Christ our God, glory to Thee.

Glory, and now: Same.

Prokimen, tone 4.

The Lord bless you from Zion, / He who made heaven and earth. Verse: Now bless the Lord, all servants of the Lord. Ps 133:3, 1A

Prophecy of Ezekiel reading.

The Lord said to me: son of man, I will send thee Az to the house of Israel, grieving Me, even grieving Me, themselves and their fathers rejected Me until this day. And the sons of the hard-hearted, and hard-hearted: I will send thee to those, and speak to them: thus says the Lord Adonai. If they hear or fear, there is a grieving house outside, and they will know that you are a prophet in their midst. And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them, nor be horrified at their face: they will not become furious and go around you around, in the midst of scorpions you live: do not be afraid of their words, and do not be horrified at their face, there is a grieving house behind. And speak my words to them: if they hear, or fear, there is an angry house outside. And you, son of man, listen to the One who speaks to you, do not be grieved, like a grieving house: open your mouth, and snow, I give you Az. And I saw, and this hand is stretched out to me, and in it is a scroll of a book. And develop it before me, and in it the front and back were written: and sobbing, and pity, and grief were written in it. And he said to me: son of man, this snow is a scroll, and go, and you are the children of Israel. And my mouth was opened, and I was drunk with this scroll. And he said to me: Son of man, your mouth will eat, and your belly will be satisfied of this scroll given to you: and eat it, and be in my mouth as sweet as honey. Ezekiel 2:3-10; 3:1–3

Prokeimenon, tone 6.

Fearing the Lord, / bless the Lord. Verse: Praise the name of the Lord, praise the servant of the Lord. Ps 134:20b, 1

Great Wednesday.
For the evening.

Prokimen, tone 4.

Confess to the God of Heaven, / for it is good, for His mercy is forever. Verse: Confess to the God of gods, for His mercy endures forever. Ps 135:26, 2

1. Exodus reading.

In the days of many, when Moses was great, he went out to his brethren as his sons of Israel: and understanding their sickness, he saw a man of Egypt beating a certain Hebrew from the brethren of his sons of Israel. And having surveyed this and Ovamo, there was no sight: and having struck the Egyptian, he hid him in a fox. On the second day, he went out, seeing two Jewish men struggling, and saying to the one who offended: Why are you beating sincerely? He said: who will appoint thee a prince and a judge over us? Food kill me, are you good, in the same way did you kill an Egyptian yesterday? But Moses was afraid, and said: if this word was revealed to the woman? When Pharaoh heard this word, he sought to kill Moses. And Moses departed from the presence of Pharaoh, and settled in the land of Midian; and having come into the land of Midian, he sat by the storehouse. To the priest of Midian besha the seven daughters of the sheep-herding father of their Jethro; When the shepherd came, I drove out: Moses rise up, deliver them, and pour them a drink, and water their sheep. And when he came to his father Raguel, he said to them: why come quickly today? Onyya said: an Egyptian man, deliver us from the shepherds, and draw for us, and water our sheep. And he said to his daughters: And where is it? And leave a man to all of you? Call upon him, let him eat bread. So Moses dwelt among the man, and he gave Zipporah his daughter to Moses to wife. In the womb, a woman conceived, give birth to a son, and Moses called his name, Gersam, saying: for I am a stranger in a foreign land. Then when she was pregnant she gave birth to a second son, and called his name Eliezer, saying: The God of my father is my helper, and deliver me out of Pharaoh's hand. Ex 2:11–22

Prokimen, tone 4.

Lord, Thy mercy is forever, / do not despise the works of Thy hand. Verse: Let us confess Thee, O Lord, with all my heart, and before the angels I will sing to Thee. Ps 137:8B, 1A

2. Job reading.

It was like this day, and the angels of God came to present themselves before the Lord: and the devil came in the midst of them to present themselves before the Lord. And the Lord said to the devil, Where are you coming from? Then the devil spoke before the Lord: having passed through the heavens, and having gone round all the earth, he came. And the Lord said to the devil: have you heeded your thoughts to my servant Job; as if there is no such thing from those on earth: a person is not malice, true, blameless, God-pious, move away from all evil, still adhere to non-malice: you said that you should destroy his estate in vain. And the devil of the Lord answered, and said, Skin for skin, and all that a man hath, he will give for his life. Either way, send Your hand, and touch with his bone, and his flesh, if not in Your face bless. And the Lord said to the devil: Behold, I commit him to thee, save his soul. Then the devil departed from the presence of the Lord, and smite Job with fierce pus from the feet even to the head. And Job took his skull, and sharpened his pus, and he sat down on the pus outside the city. A lot of time has passed, and his wife said to him, saying: as long as you endure, behold, I will wait a little more time, looking forward to the hope of my salvation. Behold, your memory is consumed from the earth, your sons and daughters, my womb of illness and labors, in vain you labored with illnesses: you yourself sit in the pus of worms, roaming outside without cover, and as wandering and serving, passing from place to place, and house from house, waiting for the sun when it sets, but to rest from my labors, and from diseases, even now they will support me. But rtsy a certain verb to the Lord, and die. He, looking at the speech to her: how did you speak as one from insane women? If good things come from the hand of the Lord, shall we not endure the evil ones? In all these that happened to him, in no way did Job sin with the mouth before God, and do not give madness to God. Job 2:1–10

Great Thursday.
At the first hour.

Troparion of prophecy, tone 3.

Blowed for the human race, and not angry, free our belly from corruption, O Lord, and save us.

Glory, and now: Same.

Prokeimenon, voice 1.

Let the Gentiles understand / for your name is the Lord. Verse: God, who will be like You? Ps 82:19A, 2A

Prophecies of Jeremiah reading.

Prokeimenon, tone 8.

Pray and repay / the Lord our God. Verse: God is known in Judah, His name is great in Israel. Ps 75:12A, 2

Great Thursday.
For the evening.

Prokeimenon, voice 1.

Deliver me, O Lord, from a wicked man; deliver me from an unrighteous man. Verse: Whoever thought untruth in his heart all day long. Ps 139:2, 3A

1. Exodus reading.

The Lord said to Moses: come down, testify with the people, and cleanse me this day and in the morning: and let the garments open. And let them be ready on the third day: on the third day, the Lord will descend on Mount Sinai before all people. And arrange the people around, saying: take heed not to ascend the mountain, and touch it with nothing: everyone who touches the mountain will die by death. A hand will not touch it, it will be beaten with a stone, or it will be shot with an arrow, if the cattle, if the man, does not live: when the voices and the trumpets and the clouds move away from the mountain, these will ascend the mountain. Moses descends from the mountain to the people, and I sanctify: and ask for your own garments. And he said to the people: wake up, do not go in to women for three days. But it was on the third day that it was in the morning, and there was a voice and lightning, and a cloud is gloomy on Mount Sinaistey, the voice of the trumpet was loud: and all the people were afraid in the regiment. And Moses brought out the people to meet God from the regiment, and ran under the mountain. Mount Sinai was smoking all over, descending for the sake of God on the nude into the fires: and the smoke ascended, like the smoke of a cave: and all the people were terrified. Bysha, however, trumpeted what was happening, the fortresses were very strong. Moses spoke, but God answered him with a voice. Ex 19:10–19

Prokeimenon, tone 7.

Deliver me from my enemies, O God, and deliver me from those who rise up against me. Verse: Deliver me from those who do iniquity. Ps 58:2, 3A

2. Job reading.

The Lord spoke to Job through the storm and the clouds: Who hides this advice from me, keep the verbs in your heart, does it seem to hide me? Gird up your loins like a man: I will ask you, but you will answer Me. Where was thou always the foundations of the earth? Raise Mi, or else weigh the mind? Who put her measures, if she weighs; or who brings the rope to the nude? On what are its pillars to affirm the essence? Who is the laying cornerstone on it? When the stars were created, all My angels praised Me with a great voice. I blocked the sea of ​​the gates, when it poured out from the womb of its mother. Put a cloud in his robe, and cover him with darkness. And put limits on him, overlaying gates and gates. Rech to him: reach this far and pass not, but your waves will be broken in you. Or will I make up the morning light in your presence? Dennitsa is the message of her rank, Yatisya kreel of the earth, shake the wicked from her. Or are you earth from the earth, have you created an animal, and have you planted this verb on the earth? Have you taken away the light from the wicked? Did you break the arm of the proud? Have you come to the fountains of the sea? Have you walked in the footsteps of the abyss? Do the gates of death open to you with fear? Are the gatekeepers of hell seeing you afraid? Are you accustomed to the latitude of the heavenly; tell ubo Mi, there is colic. In what land does light dwell? Is there a place for darkness? If, then, you bring Me into their borders, if not also weigh their paths? We know how then you were born, the number of your years is many. Have you come to the snowy treasures, and have you seen the city treasures? Are they subject to you in the hour of enemies on the day of battles and rati? And answering Job, he said to the Lord: We know that you can do everything, but it is impossible for you to be nothing. Who is melting advice from You? Spare the same words, and from You it seems to hide? Who will proclaim to me, they do not know, great and marvelous, they do not know? Listen to me, Lord, and I will say: I will ask you, teach me. By ear, I heard You first, but now my eye has seen You. Job 38:1–23; 42:1–5

3. Prophecies of Isaiah reading.

Great Fiver.
At the first hour.

Prokimen, tone 4.

His heart / gather up iniquity for himself. Verse: Blessed is he who understands the poor and the poor. Wed Ps 40:7B, 2A

Prophecies of Zechariah reading.

Thus says the Lord: I will take my good rod, and reject it, to destroy my covenant, which I have testamented to all people. And it will be ruined in that day, and the Canaanites will understand the sheep I have kept, for the word of the Lord is. And the river to them: if there is good before you, give my reward, or deny yourself: and set my reward thirty pieces of silver. And the Lord said to me: I put it in the furnace, and see if it is tempted to eat, in the same way they were tempted about them. And I took thirty pieces of silver, and put them in the temple of the Lord in the furnace. Zech 11:10–13

Great Fiver.
At the third hour.

Prokimen, tone 4.

Like Az is ready for wounds, / and My illness is before Me. Verse: Lord, do not rebuke me with Your wrath, but punish me with Your anger. Ps 37:18, 2

Prophecies of Isaiah reading.

The Lord gives Me the language of teaching, if you understand, when it is appropriate to say the word: put me in the morning morning, put your ear to hear. And the punishment of the Lord opens my ears, but I do not resist, nor the contrary word. Splash My breath on the wounds, and kiss My lips on the ears, but My face did not turn away from the cold of spitting. And the Lord the Lord was my helper: for this reason you were not put to shame, but lay down your face like a hard stone, and understand that I will not be ashamed. The one who justifies Me draws near; whoever hides with Me; Let him resist Me strongly: and whoever judges Me, let him draw near to Me. Behold the Lord the Lord will help Me: who will embitter Me; behold, all of you, as if you were wearing a garment, and as if you were a prayer, you will take away. Who in you fear the Lord; let him hearken to the voice of his servant: those who walk in darkness, and bring them no light, hope in the name of the Lord, and be affirmed in God. All of you give birth to fire, and strengthen the flame: walk with the light of your fire, and with the flame that kindle it: For me, this is for you, in sorrow you will sleep. Isaiah 50:4–11

Great Fiver.
At the sixth hour.

Prokimen, tone 4.

Lord, our Lord, how marvelous is Your name in all the earth. Verse: For your splendor is taken up above the heavens. Ps 8:2

Prophecies of Isaiah reading.

Isaiah 52:13-15; 53:1–12; 54:1

Great Fiver.
At the ninth hour.

Prokeimenon, tone 6.

The speech is foolish in his heart: / there is no God. Verse: Do not do goodness, carry to the last. Ps 13:1A, 3B

Prophecies of Jeremiah reading.

Lord, tell me, and I will understand: then I saw their undertakings. But I didn’t understand, like a gentle fire led to the slaughter, as if an evil thought thought of me, saying: come and put a tree in his bread, and we will destroy him from the land of the living, and let his name not be remembered by anyone. Lord of Hosts, judge righteously, test hearts and wombs, so that I can see Your vengeance on them, as if my justification is open to You. For this reason, the Lord speaks to the men of Anathoth, who seek my soul, saying: Do not prophesy about the name of the Lord: if not, die in our hands. For this reason, the Lord of hosts says: Behold I will visit upon them: their young men will die with the sword, and their sons and their daughters will die with hunger. And there will be no remnant of them, for I will bring evil on those who live in Anathoth, in the summer of their visit. Righteous thou, O Lord, as I answer to Thee, and I will both declare fate to Thee: what if the path of the wicked is sung? Ugobzishasya all who create iniquity? Thou hast planted them, and rooted: Thou hast made children, and brought forth fruit: Thou art near their mouth, but far from their wombs. And You, Lord, understand me, have seen me, and have tempted my heart before You, gather them like sheep for the slaughter, and cleanse them on the day of their slaughter. How long will the earth weep, and all the grass of the countryside will dry up from the malice of those who live on it? Cattle and birds perished, as if saying: God will not see our ways. Your noses flow and weaken you. Go, gather all the beasts of the country, and let them come to demolish it. Many shepherds have corrupted My grapes, defiling My part, giving My desired part into the impenetrable wilderness. Put in the consumption of evil. As this is what the Lord says about all the evil neighbors who touch My inheritance, which I divided Israel among My people: Behold, I will uproot them from their land, and I will uproot the house of Judah from their midst. And it shall come to pass that I will uproot them, and I will return and have mercy on them, and I will dwell them, each in my own property, and each in my own land. Jer 11:18-23; 12:1-4, 9B-11A, 14-15

Great Fiver.
For the evening.

Prokimen, tone 4.

Divide My garments for yourself, / and about My garments metasha lots. Verse: O God, my God, take me away, have you left me for nothing? Ps 21:19, 2A

1. Exodus reading.

The Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as if someone were to speak to his friend, and let go to the regiment: the servant of Joshua the son of Nun, the young man did not come out of the tabernacle. And Moses said to the Lord: Behold, you speak to me, bring this people out. You didn’t show me who you follow with me. But you said to me: we know you more than everyone else, and have grace with Me. If I have found grace before You, reveal to You Samago, so that I can reasonably see You: that I may find grace before You, and let me know how great this language is Your people. And the Lord said to him: I myself will go before you, and give you rest. And Moses said to him: unless you yourself go with us, let me not get me out of here. And how it will be known in truth, as if I have found grace from You, as well as Your people, I am going with You with us; and I will be glorified, but what about your people, more than all the language, the fir trees are on the earth? And the Lord said to Moses: and this is the word to you, which I said, I will do: for this one has found grace before me, and we know you more than all. And Moses said, Show me thy glory. And the Lord said to Moses: I will go before you by my glory, and I will call on my name, the Lord is before you: and I will have mercy on him, if I am dear: and I will have mercy, if I have mercy. And he said: You cannot see My Face, for no man will see My Face, and he will live. And the Lord said: This is the place with me, and you will stand on the rock. When My Glory passes away, I will lay you in a cleft of stone, and I will cover you with My hand over you until you pass by. And I will take away my hand, and then you will see my back: but my face will not appear to you. Ex 33:11–23

Prokimen, tone 4.

Judge, O Lord, those who offend me, / overcome those who fight me. Verse: Take up arms and shield, and stand up for my help. Ps 34:1, 2

2. Job reading.

The Lord bless the last Jobl, than the former one: I beat his cattle, fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand oxen, a thousand donkeys. And he was born to him seven sons, and three daughters. And he called the first slaughter, the Day; the second Cassia; the third, the horn of Amaltheus. And they did not find a likeness in the pretense of the daughter of Jobleb in the heavenly places: but the father gave them an inheritance among their brethren. Job lived after the plague for a hundred and seventy years: all the same years he lived two hundred and forty eight years. And Job saw his sons, and the sons of his sons, even to the fourth generation. And when Job died, he was old and full of days. It is written that there are packs, stand up for him, with them the Lord will raise up and: this is interpreted from the Syrian book. In the land of the living Absitius, on the borders of Idumea and Arabia: before that his name was Jobab. Let us take an Arab woman, bear a son, whose name is Ennon. Be that father Zareth, the son of Esau's sons, the mother of Bosorah, as if he were the fifth from Abraham. Job 42:12–17

3. Prophecies of Isaiah reading.

Thus says the Lord: Behold, My servant shall understand, and he shall be exalted and glorified greatly. As many are terrified of You, so Your appearance will be dishonored by men, and Your glory from the sons of men. So the tongues will be amazed at Him, and the king will stop their mouths: as if they could not be announced about Him, they will see, and even though they have not heard, they will understand. Lord, who believes our hearing? And to whom was the arm of the Lord revealed? Heralding, as a child before him, as a root in a thirsty land, there is no sight of Him, below glory: and I saw Him, and not a name of a kind, nor kindness. But His appearance is dishonorable, smaller than all the sons of men: a man in a sore, and knowing to endure illness, as if turning away from His Face, it was dishonorable, and not imputed. This one bears our sins, and it hurts about us, and we impute His being in labor, and in an ulcer from God, and in bitterness. The same ulcer was for our sins, and we were tormented for our iniquities, the punishment of our world is on Him, by His ulcer we are healed. All are like sheep astray: a man stray from his way, and the Lord betrayed His sin for our sake. And He, who was not embittered, and does not open His mouth: like a sheep to the slaughter, and like a lamb before His shearers is silent, so He does not open His mouth. In His humility His judgment will be taken, but who is His generation to confess? As if His belly is taken up from the earth, for the sake of the iniquities of My people, leading to death. And I will give the wicked instead of his burial, and the rich instead of his death: as if you did not do iniquity, below you found deceit in his mouth. And the Lord wants to cleanse Him from the plague: if sin is given, your soul will see the long-living seed. And the Lord wants with His hand to take away the disease from His soul, to show Him light, and to create with reason, to justify the righteous servant of many, and He will bear their sins. For this sake, He will inherit many, and divide the strong in self-interest: for His soul was delivered to death, and with the lawless I was imputed; Rejoice, barren fruit, exclaim and cry out, not ill, as many children are more empty than those who have a husband. Isaiah 52:13-15; 53:1–12; 54:1

Great Saturday.
At Matins, after the great doxology.

Troparion of prophecy, tone 2.

Holding the ends of the whole world, You deigned to be restrained by the tomb, O Christ, in order to redeem human nature from being swallowed up by hell and, having risen, revive us, as God is immortal.

Glory: And resurrect us, revive us, like the Immortal God.

And now: Contain the ends, thou hast deigned to be contained in the coffin, O Christ, but deliver humanity from the infernal absorption and resurrect us, revive us, like God the Immortal.

Prokimen, tone 4.

Resurrect, Lord, help us, / and deliver us for Your name's sake. Verse: God, we have heard our ears, and our fathers will tell us. Ps 43:27, 2A

Prophecy of Ezekiel reading.

Be on me the hand of the Lord, and bring me out in the soul of the Lord, and set me in the midst of the field, now it was full of human bones. And circle me around them around, and behold, many are green on the faces of the field, and behold it is green and dry. And he said to me: Son of man, will these bones live again? And rekoh: Lord God, You are all this. And say to me: Son of man, prophets on this bone, and say to them: dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Behold, the Lord speaks to Adonai with this bone: I will bring the animal spirit into you. And I will put sinews on you, and I will build up flesh on you, and I will stretch out skin over you, and I will put My Spirit in you, and you will live, and you will know that I am the Lord. And he prophesied, as the Lord commanded me. And there was always a voice to prophesy, and this is a coward, and I copulate bones, bone to bone, each to its composition. And he saw, and besh lived in them, and the flesh stretched, and ascended, and the skin stretched out to them from above, but the spirit was not in them. And he said to me: the prophets of the soul, the prophets of the son of man, and the prophets of the spirit: this says Adonai the Lord, from the four winds come soul, and blow on these dead, and let them live. And he prophesied, as if commanding me: and the spirit of life entered into me, and revived, and stood on his feet, the cathedral was much greener. And the Lord spoke to me, saying: Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel, for they say: our bones were dry, our hope perished, we killed them. Therefore, for the sake of the prophets, son of man, and the prophets to them, this says Adonai the Lord: Behold, I will open your graves, and I will bring you out of your graves, My people, and I will bring you into the land of Israel. And you will know, as I am the Lord, always open your tombs to Me, to raise you up from your tombs, My people: and I will give My spirit in you, and you will live. And I will set you on your land, and you will tell me that I am the Lord: I say, and I will create, says the Lord Adonai. Ezekiel 37:1–14

Prokeimenon, tone 7.

Resurrect, O Lord my God, let Thy hand be exalted, / do not forget Thy poor to the end. Verse: Let us confess to You, O Lord, with all my heart; we will sing all Your wonders. Ps 9:33, 2

Great Saturday.
For the evening.

1. Genesis reading.

In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. The earth was invisible and unorganized, and darkness was on top of the abyss, and the Spirit of God was hovering on top of the water. And God said: Let there be light. And be light. And God saw the light, as good, and God separated between the light and between the darkness. And God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And there was evening, and there was morning, one day. And God said: Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let there be a parting in the midst of the waters, and the waters. And be a taco. And God created the firmament, and God separated between the water, even if it were under the firmament, and between the water, if it were above the firmament. And God called the firmament, the sky. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning, the second day. And God said: let the waters, even under heaven, be gathered into one assembly, and let the dry land appear. And be a taco. And the waters were gathered together, even under heaven in their gatherings, and the dry land appeared. And God called the dry land, the earth, and the gathering of the waters he called the sea. And God saw that it was good. And God said: let the earth bring forth grass, sowing seed according to its kind and likeness, and a fruitful tree producing fruit, whose seed is in it, according to its kind on the earth, and be like that. And the earth brought forth grass, sowing seed according to its kind and likeness, and a fruitful tree producing fruit, which is its seed in it, according to its kind on the earth. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning, the third day. Gen 1:1–13

2. Prophecies of Isaiah reading.

Shine, shine, Jerusalem, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and darkness upon tongues, but the Lord will appear on you, and His glory will be seen on you. And the king shall go by thy light, and the nations by thy lordship. Lift up your eyes around you, and behold your gathered children: behold, all your sons have come from afar, and your daughters will rise up on their shoulders. Then you will see, and rejoice, and be afraid, and be terrified in your heart, as if the wealth of the sea, and tongues, and people, will be transferred to you. And flocks of camels will come to you, and the camels of Midianmstia and Gepharstia will cover you: all from Saba will come, bearing gold, and they will bring Lebanon, and an honorable stone, and they will proclaim the salvation of the Lord. And all the sheep of Kidar will be gathered to you, and the rams of Nabeothia will come to you, and the pleasant ones will ascend on My altar, and My house of prayer will be glorified. Kii essence, like clouds, fly, and like doves with chicks to Me? Waiting for me, and the ships of Tharsiystia in the first place, bring your children from afar, and their silver and gold with them, for the sake of the name of the Holy One, and for the hedgehog of the Holy One of Israel be glorious. And the sons of strangers will build your walls, and their kings will stand before you: for my wrath I have struck you, and for my mercy I have loved you. And your gates will be opened forever, day and night will not be closed, bring the power of the tongue to you, and their kings are led. The tongues of Bo and the king, who do not work for you, will perish, and the tongues will become desolated. And the glory of Livanov will come to you, cypress, and pevg, and cedar, together glorify My holy place, and I will glorify the place of My feet. And the fearful sons of those who humbled you, and provoked you, will come to you, and all who have provoked you will worship the footprints of your feet: and you will be called the city of the Lord, Zion of the Holy One of Israel. For this, as if you were abandoned and hated, and not help you, I will put you in eternal joy, joy in childbirth. And cut out a milk of tongues, and carry away the riches of kings, and understand that I am the Lord who saves you, and the God of Israel delivers you. Isaiah 60:1–16

3. Exodus reading.

The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying: This month is the beginning of months for you, the first will be for you in the months of summer. Rtsy to all the host of the children of Israel, saying: in the tenth month of this month, let each sheep take according to the house of the fatherlands, each sheep according to the house. If there are few of them in the house, as if not contented with being on a sheep, let him take with him his neighbor according to the number of souls, each one will consider himself contented on a sheep. Sheep perfectly, male sex, undefiled and of one year will be to you, from the lamb and from the goats you will receive. And it will be kept for you even until the quarter and ten days of this month: and all the multitude of the congregation of the children of Israel will be slaughtered by the evening. And they will receive from the blood, and they will anoint it on both rootstocks, and on the prags in the houses, in them they will eat it. And they will eat meat in that night baked with fire and eat unleavened bread with a bitter potion. Do not tear them down harshly, below it is boiled in water, but the head baked by fire with legs and with a womb. Thou shalt not leave of him until the morning, and break no bones from him; but the remnants of him until the morning, you will burn with fire. But take it down: your loins are girded, and your shoes are on your feet, and your rods are in your hands: and take it down with diligence: the Passover is the Lord's. Ex 12:1–11

4. Prophecy of Jonah reading.

The word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amathia, saying: Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh: and preach in it, as the cry of his malice to Me has risen. And Jonah arose, and fled to Tarshish from the Face of the Lord: and descended to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish: and gave his hire, and entered into it sail with them to Tarshish from the Face of the Lord. And the Lord raised up a great wind on the sea, and there was a great storm in the sea, and your ship in distress would be crushed. And being afraid of the shipwoman, and crying out every one to their god, and casting out the vessels, even into the ships, into the sea, hedgehog relieved from them: Jonah went down into the bottom of the ship, and saved that, and snoring. And the helmsman came to him, and said to him: why are you snoring? Arise, and pray to your God, that God save us, that we may not perish. And each one said to his sincere: Come, let us cast lots, and let us understand why this evil is upon us. And the casting of lots, and the lot fell on Jonah. And deciding to him: tell us why this evil is upon us, and what your doing is, and where are you coming from, and where are you going, and from which country, and from which people are you? And he said to them: I am the servant of the Lord, and I honor the Lord God of Heaven, Who created the sea and the dry land. And the man was afraid with great fear, and decided to him: what did you do this? In the meantime, the husband was wise, as if they had fled from the Face of the Lord, as if they were telling them. And deciding to him: what will we do to you, and the sea will be satisfied from us? Then the sea rises and raises more excitement. And Jonah said to them: Take me, and throw me into the sea, and the sea will be satisfied from you: I know better, because for my sake this great excitement is on you. And I need a man to return to the earth, and I can’t, as the sea rises, and rises more on them. And crying out to the Lord, and deciding: no way, Lord, let not our souls perish for the sake of this man, and do not give us the blood of the righteous: for you, Lord, as you willed, created you. And he took Jonah, and threw him into the sea, and the sea ceased from its tumult. And the husband was afraid of the great fear of the Lord, and devoured the sacrifice of the Lord, and prayed with prayers. And the Lord commanded the great whale to devour Jonah: and Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights. And Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the belly of the whale, and said:

Cry out in my sorrow to the Lord my God, and hear me: from the womb of hell my cry, thou hast heard my voice. Thou didst reject me into the depths of the heart of the sea, and the rivers bypassed me: all Your heights, and Your waves have passed over me. And I rech: I turned away from Your eyes: I will put food for me to look at Your holy temple? Pouring water on me to my soul, the abyss of my life is the last, my head is in the clefts of the mountains. He descended into the earth, even if her faith was slain for eternity: and let my life rise up out of corruption to Thee, O Lord my God. Whenever my soul ends from me, I remember the Lord, and may my prayer come to You to Your holy temple. Keeping vain and false, leave your mercy. But with a voice of praise and confession I will devour you, I promise you, I will repay you for the salvation of my Lord.

And the Lord commanded the whales, and threw Jonah on dry land. And the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second, saying: Arise, and go to the great city of Nineveh, and preach in it according to the sermon of the former, I have spoken to you. And Jonah arose, and went to Nineveh, as the Lord said: Nineveh was a great city to God, like a procession of a journey of three days. And Jonah began to enter the city, like a procession of the path of one day, and preaching and speaking: three more days, and Nineveh will turn. And the man of Nineveh believing God, and commanding fasting, and putting on sackcloth from their great even to their small. And the word came to the king of Nineveh, and rose from his throne, and cast off his garment from himself, and put on sackcloth, and sat on ashes. And it was preached, and it was said to be in Nineveh from the king and his nobles, saying: let the men and cattle, and the ox, and the sheep not eat anything else, nor let them graze, let them drink below water. And putting on sackcloth men and cattle, and crying diligently to God: and return each from the path of his evil one, and from the iniquity that is in their hands, saying: who knows, if God will repent and beg God, and turn from the wrath of His fury, and not die? And God saw their deeds, as if turning from their evil ways: and God repented of evil, if he said to do them, and do not. And Jonah was grieved with great sorrow, and was troubled. And pray to the Lord, and say: O Lord, are not these my words, even though I have spoken, still existing in my land? For this sake, beforehand, flee to Tarshish, for the sake of reason, as if You are merciful and generous, long-suffering and many-merciful, and repent of human malice. And now, Lord Lord, receive my soul from me, as if I should die rather than live. And the Lord said to Jonah: Are you deeply saddened? And Jonah went out of the city, and sat up straight in the city, and made for yourself a bush, and sitting under it in the canopy, until he saw that there would be hail. And the Lord God commanded the pumpkin, and let it grow over the head of Jonah, let there be a shade over his head, to overshadow him from his evil ones: and Jonah rejoiced over the pumpkin with great joy. And the Lord God commanded the early worm in the morning, and he lifted up the gourd, and came out. And be together, the sun would always shine, and God commanded the burning hot wind, and strike the sun on the head of Jonas: and faint-hearted, and denying your soul, and saying: I shall die rather than live. And the Lord God said to Jonah: Are you very sad about the gourd? And the speech of Jonah: I was deeply saddened even to death. And the Lord said: you were offended about the pumpkin, you didn’t work on it, you didn’t feed it, even if you were born for a night, and perished for a night. Am I not going to spare the great city of Nineveh, in which there are many more than twenty people, who do not know their own right hand, are lower than their own, and their cattle are many? Jon 1:1-16; 2:1–11; 3:1–10; 4:1–11

5. Joshua reading.

The children of Israel camped in Gilgalech, and made the passover on the fourth and ten days of the month from evening in the west on the field of Jericho. And the yadosha from the wheat of the land is unleavened and new. On that day, the manna ceased, and yadoska from the wheat of the earth, and who would not be the son of Israel of manna, but yadoska from the fruits of the land of Phoenicia in that summer. And Jesus was always at Jericho, and beholding his eyes, he saw a man standing before him, and his sword was drawn in his hand. And Jesus approached and said to him: Are you ours, or from our adversaries? He said to him: I am the Archangel of the power of the Lord, now I have come here. And Jesus fell on his face on the ground, and bowed down to him, and said: Lord, what dost thou command thy servant? And the Archangel of the Lord said to Jesus: take off the boot from your foot, for there is a holy place on it. And make Jesus tacos. Isa Nav 5:10–15

6. Exodus reading.

The sons of Israel rose up from Succoth, camping in Othom in the wilderness. But God is their leader, in the day, with a pillar of cloud, show them the way, but at night with a pillar of fire, shine on them. And there is no shortage of a pillar of cloud in the days, and a pillar of fire at night, before all people. And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: The princes of the sons of Israel, and turning, let them encamp right at the court, between Magdol and between the sea, right at Weelsenfon: before them, enlist at sea. And Pharaoh said to his people about the sons of Israel: These are going astray in the land, for the wilderness shut them up. But I will harden the heart of Pharaoh, and will marry their creators: and I will be glorified in Pharaoh and in all his army, and all the Egyptians will understand that I am the Lord. And make tacos. And it was proclaimed to the king of Egypt, as if the people had fled. And the heart of Pharaoh, and his servants, turned into people, and said: what did we do, let the children of Israel go, so that they do not work for us? Pharaoh harnessed his chariot, and gathered all his people with him. And six hundred chariots of the elect are watered, and all the horses of Egypt, and three hundred over all. And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and of his servants, and chased after the children of Israel: but the sons of Israel went out with a high hand. And the Egyptians drove after them, and found them enlisted at sea: and all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, and the cavalry, and his army directly to the court, against Beelsepfon. And Pharaoh is coming. And the eyes of the sons of Israel looked up, seeing: and behold, the Egyptians marched after them, and feared greatly. And crying out to the sons of Israel to the Lord, and saying to Moses: for a hedgehog not to be a tomb in Egypt, you brought us to death in the wilderness; what did you do to us when you brought us out of Egypt? Isn't this a verb that came to you in Egypt, saying: leave us, let us work as Egyptians; it would be better for us to work as an Egyptian than to die in this wilderness. But Moses said to the people: Be of good cheer, stand firm, and behold the salvation of the Lord, which He will do for us today. For in the same way you have seen the Egyptians today, do not allow anyone to see them in eternal time. The Lord will fight for you, but keep quiet. And the Lord said to Moses, Why do you cry to me? Rtsy the son of Israel, and let them travel. Take up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea, and tear it apart, and let the children of Israel enter in the midst of the sea on dry land. And behold, I will harden the heart of Pharaoh, and all the Egyptians, and they will follow them, and I will be glorified in Pharaoh, and in all his army, and in his chariots, and in his horses. And all the Egyptians will lead away, for I am the Lord, when I will be glorified in Pharaoh, and in chariots, and in his horses. Take the Angel of God walking before the army of the sons of Israel, and go behind them: and the pillar of the cloud will be taken from before them, and a hundred behind them. And in the midst of the army of the Egyptians, and in the midst of the army of the children of Israel, and a hundred: and there was darkness and gloom, and night came, and they did not mingle with one another all the night. Stretch out your hand to Moses over the sea: and the Lord drove the sea with a strong south wind all night long, and made the sea dry land, and the water parted. And the children of Israel went in in the midst of the sea on dry land: and the water was a wall to their right hand, and a wall to their left. And the Egyptians drove, and went after them, and every horse of the Pharaohs, and chariots, and horsemen in the midst of the sea. And it was in the morning watch, and the Lord looked at the Egyptian regiment in a pillar of fire and cloud, and the Egyptian regiment was crushed. And bind the axles of their chariots, and lead them into need. And the Egyptians said: We flee from the face of Israel, for the Lord will fight against them against the Egyptians. And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch out thy hand over the sea, and let the waters be joined together, and let the Egyptians cover the chariots and the horsemen. So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the waters were settled in place by the day: the Egyptians fled under the water: and the Lord shook the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. And the waters turned, and covered the chariots and the horsemen, and all the power of Pharaoh, following them into the sea, and not a single one was left of them. And the sons of Israel went on dry ground in the midst of the sea: and water was a wall to their right hand, and a wall to their left. And the Lord deliver Israel on the day he is out of the hand of Egypt: and the sons of Israel saw the Egyptians dead at the edge of the sea. But when Israel saw a great hand, the Lord made the Egyptians: and the people feared the Lord, and believed in God, and Moses his saint. Then sing Moses, and the sons of Israel, this song of the Lord, and saying:

Song of Moses, tone 5.

The reader says: Let us sing to the Lord:

And sing in voice 5: Be well known.

And the reader prefaces verses to anyone: Horse and rider thrown into the sea. Let's sing to the Lord:

And people sing in both faces: Be well known.

Helper and Patron be to my salvation. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

This is my God, and I will praise Him, the God of my father, and I will exalt Him. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

The Lord breaks the battle, the Lord is His name, the chariots of Pharaoh, and cast his strength into the sea. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

Chosen horsemen tristata flood in the Red Sea. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

The abyss covered them, mired in the depths like a stone. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

Your right hand, Lord, be glorified in the fortress. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

Thy right hand, Lord, crush the enemies, and with the multitude of Thy glory thou hast erased the opposing ones. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

Thou hast sent Thy wrath, I ate like a stalk, and the waters parted with the spirit of Thy wrath. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

Thickening like a wall of water, thickening and waves in the middle of the sea. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

The enemy says: I will persecute, I will divide my gain, I will fill my soul, I will kill with my sword, my hand will rule. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

Thou hast sent Thy Spirit, covering the sea: mired like tin in the water with greenery. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

Who is like You in bosekh, Lord? Who is like You? Glorified in the saints, wondrous in glory, work miracles. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

Thou hast stretched out Thy right hand, I shall devour the earth. Thou hast instructed Thy righteousness, Thy people, even delivered Thou. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

Thou hast consoled with Thy strength in Thy holy abode. Hearing the tongues, and being angry, the sicknesses of the inhabitants living in the Philistine. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

Then the lords of Edomstia, and the princes of Moabitem, trembled, I was trembling: all those who dwell in Canaan melted away. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

May fear and trembling attack me, may Your muscles be petrified by the greatness. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

Until Thy people pass by, O Lord, until Thy people pass by, even though Thou hast acquired. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

I have planted on the mountain of Thy possessions, in Thy ready habitation, which thou hast made, O Lord, a holy place, O Lord, which Thou hast prepared for Thy hands. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

Lord reign forever, and forever, and again. Whenever Pharaoh's cavalry with chariots and horsemen went into the sea, and the Lord brought the water of the sea on them. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

And the sons of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

And now, and forever, and forever and ever, amen. Let's sing to the Lord:

Face: Be well known.

And then the reader sings the same: Be well known. Ex 13:20–15:19

7. Prophecies of Zephaniah reading.

Thus says the Lord: bear with me on the day of my resurrection as a testimony: for my judgment in the host of tongues to receive kings, to pour out my wrath on me, all the wrath of my fury: for the fire of my zeal the whole earth will be consumed. As if then I will turn the tongue to the people in his generation, hedgehog to call on the name of the Lord to everyone, work for him under the yoke of one. From the end of the rivers of Ethiopia, I will receive prayers for Me; in My scattered ones they will offer sacrifices to Me. On the day he did not want to be ashamed of all your undertakings, you did not honor the image in Me: then I will take away from you the reproaches of your annoyance, and to whom you do not want to apply to be magnified on My holy mountain. And I will leave in you meek and humble people, and they will revere the name of the Lord. The remnants of Israel, and they will not do iniquity, and they will not speak vain things, and a flattering tongue will not turn up in their mouths; Rejoice, daughter of Zion, proclaim, daughter of Jerusalem, rejoice and adorn yourself with all your heart, daughter of Jerusalem! The Lord has taken away your iniquity, delivered you out of the hand of your enemies: the Lord will reign in your midst, and see no evil to anyone. Zeph 3:8–15

8. Kings of the third reading.

The word of the Lord came to Elijah, saying: Get up, and go to Sarepta Sidon, and stay there: behold the commandments there to the widow's wife feed thee. And I got up and went to Sarepta of Sidon, and came to the gate of the city: and there was a widow woman gathering wood. And Elijah cried out after her, and said to her, Bring me now a little water in a vessel, and drink it. And go take it. And Elijah cried out after her, and said to her: Take me, therefore, and eat bread in your hand, and eat it. And the woman said: The Lord thy God lives, if I have unleavened bread, but only a handful of flour in a water-carrier, and little oil in a chvanse: and now I will gather two logs of logs, and I will go in, and I will make it for myself and for my children, and take it off, and die. And Elijah said to her: Be of good cheer, come in, and do according to your word, but make me little unleavened bread from there first, and bring it to me: but for yourself and your children, make it later. As the Lord God of Israel says thus: the water-bearer of flour will not fail, and the amount of oil will not be reduced to the day, until the Lord gives rain on the earth. And the woman went, and did according to the verb to Elijah, and gave to him, and to that poison, and that, and her children. And from that day the water-carrier of flour was not scarce, and the chvanets hardly diminished, according to the word of the Lord, which was also spoken by the hand of Elijah. And by now, and the son of the wife of the mistress of the house fell ill, and his illness was very strong, until his spirit remained in him. And he said to Elijah: What is it to me and to you, man of God? Have you come to me to remember my iniquities, and kill my son? And Elijah said to his wife, Give me thy son. And you took him out of her bowels, and lift him up into the upper room, where you yourself rested, and lay him on your bed. And Elijah cried out to the Lord, and said: Alas, Lord, the witness of the widow, I do not dwell now, You have embittered you hedgehog to kill her son. And I blow on the lad three times, and call on the Lord, and say: Lord my God, let the soul of this lad return to him, and be so. And the lads cry out, and bring him out of the upper room into the house, and give him to his mother. And Elijah said, Look, your son lives. And the wife said to Elijah: Behold, I understand that you are a man of God, and the word of the Lord is true in your mouth. 1 Kings 17:8–23

9. Prophecies of Isaiah reading.

May my soul rejoice in the Lord: clothe me with a robe of salvation, and clothe me with a garment of joy: put a crown on me like a bridegroom, and adorn me with beauty like a bride. And like the earth that grows its flower, and like a garden its seeds vegetate: thus the Lord the Lord will increase righteousness, and joy before all tongues. For the sake of Zion, I will not be silent, and for the sake of Jerusalem I will not let go, until my truth comes out like a light, and my salvation, like a luminary, kindles. And the nations will see your righteousness, and the king your glory, and they will call you by a new name, which the Lord will call her. And you will be a crown of goodness in the hand of the Lord, and a diadem of the kingdom in the hand of your God. And you will not be called by anyone who is left, and your land will not be called empty by anyone: for you will be called my will, and your earth will be the universe: as the Lord favors you, and your land will be inhabited together. And just as a young man lives with a virgin, so will your sons live with you: and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so the Lord will rejoice over you. Isaiah 61:10-11; 62:1–5

10. Genesis reading.

According to these words, God tempted Abraham, and said to him: Abraham, Abraham. And the speech: se az. And he said: understand your beloved son, whom you loved Isaac, and go to the high ground, and offer him there as a burnt offering, one from the mountains, their river. And when Abraham got up in the morning, he saddled his donkey, and the two youths watered with him, and Isaac his son, and burning wood for a burnt offering, he got up, and came to the place, even if God spoke to him, on the third day. And when Abraham beheld his eyes, he saw a place from afar. And Abraham said to his youths: Sit here with the donkey: but let us go to the ond, and having bowed, we will return to you. Abraham took the firewood of the burnt offering, and offered it to Isaac your son: and take in your hands the fire, and the knife, and both of them together. And Isaac said to Abraham his father: Father. He said: what is, child? And he said: behold the fire and the wood, where is the sheep hedgehog for a burnt offering? And Abraham said: God will see Himself a sheep for a burnt offering, child. And they both went together, and came to the place, even if God said to him: and Abraham built an altar there, and lay the wood: and having bound Isaac your son, lay him on the altar on top of the wood. And Abraham stretched out his hand, take the knife, slay your son. And the Angel of the Lord called from heaven, and said: Abraham, Abraham. He same speech: Behold. And he said: do not lay your hand on the lad, below let him do what: now you know that you are afraid of God, and you did not spare your beloved son for Me. And Abraham beheld his eyes in his sight, and behold the ram alone, held by the horns in the garden of savek: and Abraham went, and took the ram, and offered him up as a burnt offering in place of Isaac his son. And Abraham called the name of that place, the Lord saw: let them say this day, the Lord has appeared on the mountain. And the Angel of the Lord called Abraham the second from heaven, saying: I swear by myself, says the Lord, for whose sake you created this word, and you did not spare your beloved son for Me: truly blessing, I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your seed, like the stars of heaven, and like sand open the sea: and your seed will inherit the city of adversaries. And all the tongues of the earth will be blessed in thy seed; thou hast heard my voice beforehand. Gen 22:1–18

11. Prophecies of Isaiah reading.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for the sake of anointing me, to announce the messenger to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, preach remission to the captive and enlightenment to the blind, call the year of the Lord pleasantly and the day of retribution, comfort all those who weep, give glory to the weeping Zion instead of ashes, anointing joy to the weeping, adornment glory instead of a spirit of despondency: and the planting of the Lord will be called a generation of righteousness for glory. And they will build up the deserts of eternity, which were desolate before; and they will renew the empty cities that have been desolate for generations. And strangers will come, shepherding your sheep, and foreigners, orators, and your vinedressers: you will be called the priests of the Lord, the servant of your God, it is said to you: you will tear down the strength of your tongue, and you will be wonderful in their wealth. They will inherit their second land, and eternal joy is over their head. For I am the Lord, love righteousness and hate robbery from unrighteousness: and I will give their labor to the righteous, and I will bequeath them an everlasting covenant. And their seed will be known in the nations, and their grandchildren among the people: everyone who sees me will know me, for these are the seed blessed by God, and they will rejoice in the Lord with joy. Isaiah 61:1–9

12. Kings of the fourth reading.

One day, and Elisha went to Soman, and that wife commanded, and holding him down to bring bread. And let him come in, and go out in multitudes, and deviating there to eat bread. And the woman said to her husband: now I understand that this holy man of God walks past us forever. Let us make an upper room for him, the place is small, and we will put a bed for him there, and a table, and a throne, and a candlestick: and he will always come in to us, and there he will turn away. And it was one day, and in the tamo, and deviated into the upper room, and spa tamo. And I will say to Gehazi my child: call me this Somanite. And I will call, and a hundred before him. And he said to him: wretchedly for her, behold, thou hast surprised us with all this care: what is it fitting for you to do? Do you have a word to the king, or to the prince of power? She said: no. in the midst of my people I am living. And he said to Gehazi, What should she do? And Gehazi said to his children: Verily she has no son, and her husband is old. And speak, call upon you. And I will call, and a hundred at the door. And Elisha said to her: In this time, as it is this hour, while you live, you will conceive a son. She said: neither, lord, do not lie to your servant. And a woman was conceived in the womb, and give birth to a son during this time, as if they were living this hour, as Elisha spoke to her. And the lads matured: and it was, when he went out to his father, to the reapers. And he said to his father: My head, my head hurts. And he said to the boy: bring him to his mother. And carry him to his mother, and lie on her knee until noon, and die. And lift him up, and lay him on the bed of the man of God: and shut him up, and go out, and call your husband, and say to him: send me one from the child, and one from the donkeys, and I will flow to the man of God, and I will return. And he said: why are you going to him today? Not a new month, below is Saturday. She same speech: the world. And the donkey saddled, and I will say to my lad: lead, and go, but do not hold me back, even though I am a river to you. Come, and go, and come to the man of God on Mount Carmel. And I went, and I came to the man of God in Mount Carmel. And it was as if I saw Elisha coming, and I will speak to Gehazi to my lad: behold, she is a Somanite. Now the calves meet her, and say to her: is peace to you? And flow to meet her, and say to her: Peace be with you; is peace to your husband; shall I make peace with your child? She same speech: the world. And come to Elisha on the mountain, and follow his foot: and draw near, Gehazi, cast it aside. And Elisha said: Leave me, for her soul is painful in her, and the Lord is hidden from me, and do not tell me. She said: I asked my lord for food for my son, as they said: do not deceive me? And Elisha said to Gehazi: Gird up your loins, and take my rod in your hand, and go, as if you have found a husband, but do not bless him, and if the husband blesses you, do not answer him: and lay my rod on the face of the lad. And the child's mother said: As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, if I leave you. And Elisha got up and went after her. And Gehazi went before her, and lay the rod on the face of the young woman, and not without a voice, and not without hearing. And return to his meeting, and tell him, saying: do not rise up the lads. And Elisha went into the temple, and behold the dead child was laid on his bed. And Elisha entered the house, and shut the door behind you two, and prayed to the Lord. And climb up, and lie down on the lad, and put your mouth on his mouth, and your eyes on his eyes, and your hands on his hand, and splash yours on his splash: and hover over him, and blow on him, and warm the flesh lads. And turn, and walk in the temple everywhere and everywhere: and vzyde and hovering over the lad seven times, and opened the lad's eyes. And Elisha cried out to Gehazi, and said, Call me this Somanite. And I will call, and go to him. And Elisha said, Take thy son. And the woman came in, and fell on his foot, and bowed down to the ground to him, and welcomed her son, and went out. 2 Kings 4:8–37

13. Prophecies of Isaiah reading.

Thus says the Lord: Where hast thou raised up from the earth a shepherd of his sheep? Where is the Holy Spirit put into them? Raised by the right hand of Moses, the muscle of His glory divided the water before His Face, make Him a name forever. Lead them through the abyss, like a horse through the wilderness, and not be bothered, and like cattle through the field, and bring down the Spirit from the Lord, and instruct them. Thou hast done Thy people, make a glorious name for Thee. Turn, O Lord, from heaven, and see from Thy holy house and Thy glory: where is Thy zeal and Thy strength? Where is the multitude of Thy mercy, and Thy bounty, as if Thou didst bear with us? Thou art our Father, for Abraham will not lead us away, and Israel will not know us, but Thou, Lord, our Father, deliver us, from the first Thy name is upon us. Why have you turned us, O Lord, from Your way, and hardened our hearts to not fear You? Turn for the sake of Thy servants, for the sake of the tribes of Thy heritage, so that we may not inherit Thy holy mountains. Our adversaries trample on Your holiness. Bykhom, as if from the beginning, when you did not own us, below, your name was not named on us. If you open the sky, the mountains will tremble from you and melt. It is as if wax melts from the face of fire and the fire of the adversary will be burned, and Your name will be revealed in Your adversaries: from Your Face the tongues will rise up. Whenever you do a glorious thing, the mountains will receive awe from you. From time immemorial we have not heard, below our eyes we have seen God, except for Thee, and Thy works, which Thou shalt do to those who wait for mercy. Mercy will hide those who do righteousness, and Your ways will be remembered. Isaiah 63:11-19; 64:1–5

14. Prophecy of Jeremiah reading.

Thus says the Lord: These days are coming, and I will make a new covenant to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. Not according to the covenant, which their father had bequeathed, on the day, I eat Me by their hand, to bring me out of the land of Egypt: for they did not abide in My covenant, and I neglected them, says the Lord. As this covenant, which I will bequeath to the house of Israel in the days of one, says the Lord: I give my laws in their mind, and I will write on their hearts, and I will be them in God, and these will be Me in the people. And no one shall teach his neighbor, and each of his brother, saying: Know the Lord: for all will know Me, even from the smallest to their greatest: for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and I will not remember their sins to anyone. Jer 31:31–34

15. Prophecies of Daniel reading.

In the summer of the tenth king Nebuchadnezzar, create a body of gold, the height of its cubits is sixty, and the breadth of its cubits is six: and put it on the poly Deir, in the country of Babylon. And the king sent Nebuchadnezzar to gather hypocrites, and governors, and local commanders, leaders and tormentors, and beings in power, and all the princes of the countries, come to renew the idol, which Nebuchadnezzar set up as king. And the governors, hypats, governors, leaders, tormentors of the great, those above the authorities, and all the rulers of the countries gathered to renew the body, put Nebuchadnezzar the king: and stand before the body, put Nebuchadnezzar the king. And the preacher cried out with strength: it is said to you, peoples, people, tribes, tongues. For an hour, if you hear the voice of the trumpet, the pipes and the harp, the samviks and the psalter, and the concord, and all kinds of music, bow bow down to the golden body, hedgehog put Nebuchadnezzar king. And if he does not bow down, at that hour he will be thrown into a fiery furnace. And when the people heard the voice of the trumpet, the flute and the harp, the samviks and the psalter, and the consent, and every kind of Musik, falling all the people, tribes, tongues, bowed down to the golden body, hedgehog put Nebuchadnezzar king. Then the men of the Chaldeans approached and slandered the Jews, answering the decision to Nebuchadnezzar of the king: King, live forever. You, the king, put a command, so that every person, even if he hears the voice of the trumpet, flutes and harps, samviks and psalters, and consent, and all kinds of music, and do not fall down to bow to the golden body, he will be thrown into a burning cave. The essence of the men of Judah, they also set you over the affairs of the country of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who did not obey your commandment, the king, and they do not serve your god, and they do not bow to the golden body, which you set. Then Nebuchadnezzar in rage and anger said to bring Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego: and bring the former before the king. And Nebuchadnezzar answered, and said to them: If indeed, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, do not serve my god, and do not worship the golden body that I have set up? Now, if you prepare, if you already hear the voice of the trumpet, flutes and harps, samviks and psalters, and accords, and every kind of music, bow down to the golden body, which I created: if you don’t bow, at that hour you will be cast into a furnace burning with fire: and who is the god who will sweep you out of my hand? And Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered, saying to King Nebuchadnezzar: Do not require us to answer you about this verb. For there is our God in Heaven, Him we serve, is strong to take us out of the furnace with burning fire and deliver us from your hand, O king. If not, let it be known to you, the king, as if we do not serve your god, and we do not bow to the golden body, which you have set. Then Nebuchadnezzar was filled with rage, and the sight of his face changed to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and he said: Kindle the furnace of seven, until it burns to the end. And by a man strong in strength, he said: having bound Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, cast them into a burning furnace. Then the men of them bound the bull with their gashs, and the covers, and the boots, and with their clothes, and cast the bull in the middle of the cave with burning fire. Possibly the voice of the kings was overcome, and the furnace was kindled more than superfluously: and the men of these, who cast Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, kill the fiery flame. And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, fell in the midst of the cave with the fire of burning fetters, and walked in the midst of the flame, singing to God, and blessing the Lord. And standing with them, Azariah prayed to the mother, and opened his mouth in the midst of the fire, and said:

Blessed are you, Lord God of our fathers, praised and glorified is your name forever. For thou art righteous about all, even thou hast done unto us, and all thy works are true, and thy ways are right, and all judge thy truths. And you created the fate of the truth for all, even if you brought it on us, and on the city of our holy father Jerusalem: as if by truth and judgment, you brought all this sin on us for our sake. Like a sinner and a lawless one who has departed from You, and a sinner in all. And we do not obey Your commandments, we keep below, we create below, as thou hast commanded us, so that it will be good for us. And all the tree you created for us, and all the tree you brought upon us, you created it with true judgment. And you delivered us into the hands of the enemies of the lawless, vile apostates, and the king of the unrighteous, and the most crafty more than all the earth. And now we have no mouth to open, shame and reproach to be Thy servant, and those who honor Thee. Therefore, do not betray us to the end for Your name's sake, and do not destroy Your covenant. And do not leave Your mercy from us, Abraham for the sake of Your beloved, and for Isaac Your servant, and Your holy Israel, whom You said to multiply their seed, like the stars of heaven, and like sand open the sea. Like the Master, let us be more silent than all the tongue, and let us be humble throughout the earth today for our sakes. And during this time there is no prince, and a prophet, and a leader, below a burnt offering, below a sacrifice, below an offering, below a censer, not a place to eat before You and find mercy, but with a contrite soul, and a humble spirit, let us be accepted. Like in the burnt offerings of lambs and youths, and like a fat lamb in the darkness, so may our sacrifice be before You today, and may it be done according to You, as if there is no coldness for those who trust in You. And now we follow with all our heart, and we fear You, and we seek Your Face. Do not shame us, but deal with us according to Thy meekness, and according to the abundance of Thy mercy. And deliver us according to Thy miracles, and give glory to Thy name, O Lord. And let all those who are your evil servant be put to shame, and let them be ashamed of all power, and let their strength be broken. And let them understand that You are the Lord God One, and glorious throughout the universe.

And do not stop, throwing them down, the king's servants burning the oven with naffa, and pitch, and rake, and courage. And the flames spilled over the cave on lacti forty-nine. And everyday life and burn, they will find around the caves of the Chaldees. And the angel of the Lord went down with those who were with Azariah into the furnace. And shake off the fiery flame from the cave, and create the middle of the cave like a noisy dew spirit: and the fire will not touch them at all, and do not offend, below the frost to them. Then these three, as if with one mouth, will sing, and bless, and glorify God in the cave, saying:

Blessed art thou, O Lord God of our fathers, and venerated and exalted forever; and blessed is the name of thy glory, holy, and most honoured, and exalted forever. Blessed art thou in the temple of thy holy glory, and venerable and exalted forever. Blessed are you, seeing the abyss, sitting on the Cherubim, and venerable and exalted forever. Blessed art thou on the throne of glory of thy kingdom, and venerable and exalted forever. Blessed are you in the firmament of heaven, and venerable and exalted forever. Dan 3:1–56

Song of the Three Youths.

Let's get up and eat:

Sing to the Lord and exalt for all ages.

The reader recites verses:

Bless, all the works of the Lord,


Bless the Angels of the Lord.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless heaven.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless all the waters, even higher than the heavens.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless all the powers of the Lord.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the sun and moon.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the stars of heaven.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless every rain and dew.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless all souls.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless fire and var.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the studio and the heat.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless dew and frost.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the nights and days.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless light and darkness.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the ice and scum.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the slans and snezi.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the lightning and the clouds.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

May the earth bless.

Face: Let him sing to the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the mountains and hills.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless all who live on earth.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the sources.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the seas and rivers.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the whales and all that move in the waters.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless all the birds of the air.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the beast and all cattle.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the sons of mankind.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

May Israel bless.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the priests of the Lord.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the servants of the Lord.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the souls and souls of the righteous.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the reverend and humble in heart.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless Ananias, Azariah and Mishael.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Bless the Apostles, prophets and martyrs of the Lord.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Let us bless the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Face: We sing to the Lord and exalt Him for ever.

And now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

Face: Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever.

Praise, bless, worship the Lord.

Face: Singing and exalting for all ages. Dan 3:57–88

Parable reading. [Chapters 3 and 8.]: The memory of the righteous with praises, and the blessing of the Lord is on his head. Blessed is the man who has gained wisdom: and mortal is he who has led away understanding. It is better to bathe this, than gold and silver treasures. The most honest is a precious stone, yet the honest is unworthy of it. The longitude of the days, and the summer of the belly are in her right hand: in her coat is wealth and glory. Truth comes from her mouth, but the law and mercy are on her tongue. Listen to me, O children! honest river: and blessed is the man who keeps my way: go out, for mine, go out of life, desire is prepared from the Lord. For this sake I beg you, and I offer my voice to the sons of men: as if I had arranged wisdom for advice, and I called reason and sense. My advice and affirmation, my mind, my own fortress. I love those who love me, but those who seek me will find grace. Understand, then, the malice of deceit, but apply your hearts to non-punishment. Listen to me and again, honest borer, and I will open the right mouth from my lips: as if my throat will learn the truth, but deceitful mouths are vile before me. With truth, all the words of my mouth: nothing in them is stubborn, below it is depraved: All rights are those who understand, and simple those who gain understanding. For I will teach you the truth, so that your hope may be in the Lord, and be filled with the Spirit.

Parable reading. [Chapters 10 and 11.]: The mouth of the righteous will drip wisdom, but the tongue of the unrighteous will perish. The lips of the righteous drop grace, but the lips of the wicked are corrupted. The measure was flattering abomination before the Lord: the weight of the righteous is pleasing to Him. Wherever annoyance comes in: there is dishonor: but the lips of the humble learn wisdom. The perfection (perfection) of the righteous will instruct them, and the encroachment of those who deny will save them: They do not use the property in the day of rage, but the truth will save them from death. The righteous one has died, leave repentance: but the destruction of the ungodly is handcuffed and ridiculed. The righteousness of the undefiled mends the ways, but unrighteousness falls into wickedness. The truth of upright men will redeem them; but the lawless are captivated by lack of counsel. If a righteous man dies, hope will not perish: the praise of the wicked will perish. The righteous will flee from the trap, but the wicked will betray him instead. In the mouth of the wicked is a network of citizens, but the feeling of the righteous is prosperous. In the good righteous the city will be corrected, and in the death of the wicked there will be joy: In the blessing of the righteous the city will be exalted, but the mouth of the wicked will be unearthed. A citizen deprived of reason swears, but a wise husband leads silence.

Wisdom of Solomon reading. [Chapter 4.]: The righteous man, if he befalls to die, he will be in peace. Old age is honestly not long-term: lower in the number of years is calculated. Gray hair is the wisdom of man, and the age of old age, life is not bad. He was pleasing to God, was beloved, and a sinner living in the midst, was reposed. He was raptured, lest malice change his mind, or flattery deceive his soul. For the zeal of malice darkens the good, and the soaring of lust changes the mind of the gentle. Having died in childhood, fulfill the years of duty: His soul is pleasing to the Lord. For the sake of this, I am pandering from the midst of wickedness. The people who saw, and did not understand, are lower in thought such: as grace and mercy in His saints, and visitation in His chosen ones.

The singing was in two choirs, as always during the solemn service. The vigil was also attended by the same deacon, as it turned out, Father Vasily from Simferopol (Simferopol and Crimean diocese), who, in addition, brought the icon Saint and Confessor Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky), Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea and scooper him. The icon was placed in the center of the temple, along with the image of the Resurrection of Christ and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The holy saint of God, Luke, who shone forth in the assembly of the saints of the Church of Christ as a confessor, showed in his person the image of a good shepherd, who heals both mental and bodily ailments, and showed an example of combining the ministry of an archpastor and a doctor. His theological treatises awaken faith and convince those who doubt the truth of the existence of God, refuting various pseudoscientific theories. By his deed the saint showed that there is "bearing the cross of Christ."

Archbishop Luka (in the world Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky) was born in Kerch on April 27 / May 10, 1877. After graduating from high school, after thinking about choosing a life path, he decided that he was obliged to deal only with what was "useful for suffering people", chose medicine. Upon graduation from the university, the future saint was engaged in medical practice and scientific research. In the 1920s he worked as a surgeon in Tashkent, actively participating in church life, attending meetings of the church brotherhood. The words of Bishop Innokenty of Tashkent: "Doctor, you need to be a priest" were perceived as God's call. After serving as a priest for three years, Fr. Valentin takes monastic vows with the name of the apostle, evangelist, and physician Luke, and on May 30, 1923, Hieromonk Luke was secretly consecrated bishop. From this time begins the way of the cross of Vladyka as a confessor. Numerous arrests, torture and exile did not weaken the zeal of the Saint in fulfilling his archpastoral duty and serving people as a doctor.

The word of the Lord came to Elijah the Thysbite in the third year of the kingdom of Ahab, saying, Go and show yourselves to Ahab, and I will make rain fall on the earth. And it came to pass, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, Is it thou that troubleth Israel? And Elijah said, It is not I who trouble Israel, but you and your father's house, because you despised the commandments of the Lord and follow the Baals; now send and gather all Israel to me on Mount Carmel, and four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, and four hundred prophets of the oak forest, eating from the table of Jezebel. And Ahab sent to all the children of Israel and gathered all the prophets to Mount Carmel. And Elijah came up to all the people and said, How long will you limp on both knees? if the Lord is God, then follow him; and if Baal, then follow him. And the people did not answer him a word. And Elijah said to the people: I alone remain the prophet of the Lord, and the prophets of Baal are four hundred and fifty and four hundred prophets of oak trees; let them give us two calves, and let them choose one calf for themselves, and cut it open, and put it on firewood, but let them not put fire; but I will prepare another calf and put it on the wood, but I will not put a fire; and call on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of the Lord my God. The God who will give the answer through fire is God. And all the people answered and said, Well, let it be so. And Elijah said to the prophets of Baal: Choose for yourselves one calf, and prepare ye first, for there are many of you; and call on the name of your god, but put no fire on it. And they took the calf that was given to them and prepared it, and called on the name of Baal from morning until noon, saying: Baal, hear us! But there was no voice, no answer. And they jumped at the altar which they had made. At noon, Elijah began to laugh at them and said: Shout with a loud voice, for he is a god; maybe he is thinking, or busy with something, or on the road, or maybe he is sleeping, so he will wake up! And they began to cry out with a loud voice, and stabbed themselves, as was their custom, with knives and spears, so that blood flowed over them. Noon passed, and they still raged until the time of the evening sacrifice; but there was no voice, no answer, no hearing. And Elijah the Thesbite said to the prophets of Baal: now depart, that I may also offer my sacrifice. They walked away and fell silent. Then Elijah said to all the people, Come to me. And all the people came up to him. He restored the destroyed altar of the Lord. And Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the Lord said thus: Israel shall be thy name. And he built an altar of these stones in the name of the Lord, and made a ditch around the altar, with a capacity of two sats of grains, and put wood on the altar, and split the calf, and laid it on the wood, and said: Fill four buckets of water and pour it on the burnt offering and for firewood. And they did so. Then he said: repeat. And they repeated. And he said, do the same a third time. And they did it a third time, and the water poured around the altar, and the pit was filled with water. During the offering of the evening sacrifice, Elijah the prophet came up and called to heaven and said: Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel! Hear me, Lord, hear me now in the fire! May these people know in this day that You are the only God in Israel, and that I am Your servant and have done everything according to Your word. Hear me, Lord, hear me! May this people know that You, O Lord, are God, and that You will turn their hearts to You. And the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt offering, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and swallowed up the water that was in the ditch. Seeing this, all the people fell on their faces and said: The Lord is God, the Lord is God! And Elijah said to them, Seize the prophets of Baal, so that not one of them hides. And they seized them, and Elijah led them to the stream of Kishon, and slew them there. And Elijah said to Ahab, "Hitch up your chariot and go, lest the rain overtake you." And Elijah went up on top of Carmel and bent down to the ground, and put his face between his knees, and prayed to the Lord. Meanwhile the sky became dark from the clouds and from the wind, and a heavy rain fell. Ahab got into his chariot, wept, and rode off to Jezreel. And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah. He girded his loins and ran before Ahab as far as Jezreel. And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and that he had killed all the prophets with the sword. And Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say: if you are Elijah, and I am Jezebel, then let the gods do this and that to me, and do even more if tomorrow by this time I do not do with your soul what was done with the soul of each of them. . Seeing this, he got up and went to save his life, and came to Bathsheba, which is in Judea, and left his boy there. And he himself went into the wilderness for a day's journey, and, having come, he sat down under a juniper bush, and asked for death for himself, and said: Enough already, Lord; take my life, for I am no better than my fathers. And he lay down and fell asleep under a juniper bush. And behold, an angel touched him and said to him: Get up, eat and drink. And Elijah looked, and behold, at his head a baked cake and a pitcher of water. He ate and drank and fell asleep again. And the Angel of the Lord returned a second time, touched him, and said: Get up, eat and drink, for a long road is before you. And he got up, ate and drank, and having refreshed himself with that food, he walked forty days and forty nights to the mountain of God Horeb. And he went into the cave there and spent the night in it. And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and the Lord said to him: Why are you here, Elijah? He said: I was jealous for the Lord God of hosts, for the sons of Israel forsake your covenant, destroyed your altars and killed your prophets with the sword; I was left alone, but they are also looking for my soul to take it away. And he said, Come out and stand on the mountain before the Lord, and behold, the Lord will pass by, and a great and strong wind will tear apart the mountains and crush the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord is not in the wind; after the wind there is an earthquake, but the Lord is not in the earthquake; after the earthquake there is fire, but the Lord is not in the fire; after the fire, a breath of still wind, and there is the Lord. Hearing this, Elijah covered his face with his mantle, and went out and stood at the entrance to the cave. And a voice came to him and said to him, Why are you here, Elijah? He said: I was jealous for the Lord God of hosts, for the sons of Israel forsake your covenant, destroyed your altars and killed your prophets with the sword; I was left alone, but they are also looking for my soul to take it away. And the Lord said to him: go back on your way through the wilderness to Damascus, and anoint Elisha, the son of Saphat, as a prophet in your place. 1 Kings 18:1, 17-41, 44, 42, 45-46; 19:1–16
