Tesla radiant energy. Tesla transformer do it yourself, the simplest circuit

Electricity helps mankind to solve a huge range of household and industrial problems, but its production requires a constant expenditure of resources from a person. The most efficient today are fuel generators that are used at thermal power plants, in mobile models of gasoline and diesel generators. But the development of progress does not stand still - humanity is constantly trying to reduce the cost of the electricity it receives through the introduction of innovations. One of the most revolutionary ideas is to create a fuel-free generator that can be rotated without spending resources.

What is a BTG (Fuelless Generator)?

The idea itself is relatively not new, the concept of a fuel-free generator is understood as a device that will generate electricity without the need to spend resources to rotate its shaft. At the base of this idea stood such prominent scientists as Tesla, Einstein, Hendershot and others. In those days, steam was used to start and operate the generator, obtained by burning some kind of fuel, from which the name fuel-free arose.

Nowadays, it is no longer necessary to use fuel to generate electrical energy. They learned to generate it from solar energy, wind energy, rivers, ebbs and flows. But the devices proposed by the founding physicists of electrical engineering still border on science fiction and continue to excite the imagination of both eminent scientists and ordinary people.

Principle of operation

Any generating device is built on the principle of generating electric current through the directed movement of charged particles in a conductive medium. This effect can be achieved through:

  • Generation of an alternating magnetic flux - when an EMF is induced in the conductor from magnetic field from the outside;
  • The flow of charged particles between media with different potentials;
  • Self-generation - an operating mode in which the device increases the power of the initial pulse, which allows you to maintain its performance and accumulate part of the energy to power some third-party consumer.

The only reason why such a plan cannot be fully realized is the law of conservation of energy. To get some kind of energy, you still need to spend another kind. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​inventing a fuel-free generator gave rise to a lot of myths around this issue and gave rise to adventurers.

Myth or reality?

I note right away that great minds created the idea of ​​a fuel-free generator not for commercial gain. People like Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein were driven by a completely natural thirst for knowledge and the desire to make this world a better place, and not a banal enrichment. As evidenced by the chronicles of their activities, they managed to achieve incredible success. Many of their achievements left behind much more questions than answers, which gives our contemporaries a reason to continue daring and scientific competition.

The reason why great scientists could not realize their inventions was the imperfection of technology or the absence of any component that would provide a stable result. Our contemporaries in scientific laboratories and at home are trying to implement the unrealized ideas of creating a fuel-free engine, sometimes for scientific purposes, sometimes for profit. But it has not yet been possible to achieve the desired and establish the production of a fuel-free generator on an industrial scale.

Due to the hectic activity of scammers on the Internet, you will find a lot of offers to buy a fuel-free generator, but these models do not have working capacity. As a rule, unscrupulous inventors take advantage of the ignorance of the population in matters of electrical engineering, create beautiful packaging and sell a dummy under the tempting name of a fuel-free generator. But this does not mean that working schemes do not exist, consider examples of the most famous of them.

Overview of BTG and their schemes

Today there is enough a large number of fuel-free generators of various designs and operating principles. Of course, not all models and the principle of their operation were covered by the creators for the masses. Most fuel-free generators remain a secret, sacredly guarded by creators and patents. We can only analyze the available information about the principle of their operation and general information about efficiency.

Adams generator - "Vega"

A fairly efficient magnetic type generator invented on the basis of the theory put forward by the scientists Adamsosm and Bedini. The operation of the generator is based on a rotating magnetic rotor, which is recruited from permanent magnets with the same pole orientation. When the rotor rotates, a synchronous magnetic field is created, which induces an EMF in the stator windings. To maintain the torque of the rotor, short-term electromagnetic pulses are applied to it.

The industrial implementation of this principle was received by the Vega generator, which comes from the abbreviation Adams Vertical Generator, which is designed to supply power to private houses, summer cottages, and shipping devices. Due to short-term pulses, a pulsating voltage is created at the output, which is supplied to the batteries for charging, and from them it is inverted into an alternating industrial frequency. But the question of the conformity of the declared parameters with its real capabilities is quite controversial.

Tesla generator

It was patented by a famous Serbian physicist over a hundred years ago. The principle of operation is the presence of electromagnetic radiation in the Earth's atmosphere, while the planet itself is much more low level potential.

Rice. 1. Schematic diagram of the Tesla generator

Look at the picture, the Tesla fuel-free generator conditionally consists of the following parts:

  • Radiation receiver - made of a conductive material located on a dielectric base. The receiver must be isolated from the ground and placed as high as possible;
  • capacitor (C) - designed to accumulate an electric charge;
  • grounding - designed for electrical contact with the ground.

The principle of operation is to receive electromagnetic energy by the receiver, which begins to flow through a closed circuit to the ground. But, due to the presence of a capacitor, the charge does not flow down the ground electrode, but accumulates on the plates. When connected to a load capacitor, the device will be powered by discharging the capacitor. In addition, the design can be supplemented with automation and converters for uninterrupted power supply together with recharging.

Rossi generator

The operation of this fuel-free generator is based on the principle of cold nuclear fusion. Despite the absence of classical turbines driven by steam or combustion of petroleum products, for its operation, instead of burning fuel, chemical reaction between nickel and hydrogen. In the chamber of the Rossi generator, an exothermic reaction occurs with the release of thermal energy.

It should be noted that for the normal course of the reaction, a catalyst is used and electricity is consumed. According to Rossi, the amount of thermal energy produced is 7 times more than the electricity consumed. This model is already beginning to be implemented for space heating and power generation. But, since for work it is still necessary to fill the installation with working reagents, it cannot be called completely fuel-free.

Hendershot Generator

The principle of operation of this fuel-free generator was proposed by Lester Hendershot and is based on the conversion of the Earth's magnetic field into electrical energy. The theoretical substantiation of the model was proposed by the scientist back in 1901 - 1930, it consists of:

  • electrical coils in resonance;
  • metal core;
  • two transformers;
  • capacitors;
  • permanent magnet.

For the circuit to work, the orientation of the coils from north to south must be observed, due to which the rotation of the magnetic field will occur, which will generate an EMF in the coils.

Mark Hendershot, son of Lester Hendershot presents his BTG

The scheme of this BTG also goes on the network (figure below). How true it is, I cannot say.

Hendershot generator circuit

Generator Tariel Kapanadze

Our contemporary claims that he discovered the possibility of obtaining electrical energy from the ether, working with Tesla coils and continuing the research of the famous scientist. Kapanadze's fuel-free generator consists of a Tesla coil, a capacitor bank, a battery and an inverter, but this arrangement is just a guess, the inventor himself keeps the design of the fuel-free generator in the strictest confidence.

Rice. 2: general form generator Kapanadze

Look at figure 2, here is a general view. Today, there are rumors about an attempt to implement the device on a large scale for the needs of consumers in some countries, but they have not been able to achieve the final result.

The electrical circuit of this generator also goes through the network (figure below). But how true it is, we cannot say.

Chmielewski generator

According to the official version, Khmelevsky's fuel-free generator was discovered by accident, as the creator conceived it as a power supply unit for converting direct current into alternating current. But it has found wide application in geological exploration and has become widespread in expeditions moving away from sources of central energy supply.

Such a fuel-free generator consists of a split-winding transformer, resistors, capacitors and a thyristor. Electricity is generated due to the special design of the transformer itself, which can create a counter EMF more than at the input. This result is achieved due to the resonant effect and the application of a voltage of a certain frequency and amplitude.

John Searle generator

The fuel-free Searl generator is based on the principle of magnetic interaction between the core and the rollers. In which the magnetic rollers are placed at an equidistant distance and tend to maintain their position after setting the system in motion. The composition of the magnetic motor includes a multi-component fixed core around which the same multi-component rollers rotate. Coils are installed along the diameter around the rollers, in which an EMF is generated when a magnetic roller passes near them. To start the device, starting electromagnets are used, which supply impulses that set the rollers in motion.

Rice. 3: general view of the Searl generator

According to Searle, the rollers themselves increase the speed of rotation due to the alternating magnetic field created by the opposite-pole alignment of the magnets inside the rollers and inside the stationary core. In the manufacture of a structure in three levels, the speed of rotation leads not only to the generation of electricity, but also reduces the mass of the device up to the anti-gravity effect.

Romanov generator

The principle of operation of the fuel-free Romanov generator is to supply standing waves to one of the capacitor plates, while the second plate is directly connected to the ground.

Rice. 4: working principle of Romanov generator

Look at the figure, here is the principle of operation of the device, when one plate is connected to the ground, a certain charge arises on it. Standing waves on the second plate generate a potential that is significantly different from the ground potential. Coils with multidirectional winding act as a standing wave generator, in which eddy currents compensate for the active component of the current. Once charged, the capacitor can be used to power electrical appliances as a load.

But it was not possible to achieve unequivocal success for domestic or industrial purposes in the implementation of this model.

Schauberger generator

Such a fuel-free generator is based on obtaining torque on the turbine by moving water through the pipe system and further converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. To obtain this effect, the design of the generator uses a through flow of water obtained from the movement of water from the bottom up.

Rice. 5: Schauberger generator circuit diagram

The principle of operation of this mechanical generator is based on obtaining cavitation cavities in a liquid - a state of rarefaction close to vacuum, due to which water does not move from top to bottom, as we are used to seeing in nature, but from bottom to top, which drives the rotor of an electric generator and creates a closed loop. When water rises up through the inner tubes and falls back into the original reservoir.

Is it possible to make a fuel-free generator with your own hands?

Many of the generators discussed above cannot be implemented at home. In some cases, their authors do not provide electrical circuits for general use, in others, offline operation ends some time after the start of generation. But there are models that you can try to implement at home on your own. But we do not give any guarantee. This is just an attempt and one of the possible implementations.

Consider, for example, the manufacture of a fuel-free Tesla generator. For this:

Rice. 9: measure the charge of the capacitor

As you can see, the Tesla fuel-free generator really works, and you can build it at home yourself. The main drawback is that it can only power an LED, and even then for a few seconds at most. The power of such a device depends on the area of ​​​​the receiver and the capacitance of the capacitor. And if it is still possible to select high-capacity capacitors, then creating a receiver the size of a football field so that at least a house can be powered uninterruptedly is quite problematic.

Video selection on the topic

Electricity helps mankind to solve a huge range of household and industrial problems, but its production requires a constant expenditure of resources from a person. The most efficient today are fuel generators that are used at thermal power plants, in mobile models of gasoline and diesel generators. But the development of progress does not stand still - humanity is constantly trying to reduce the cost of the electricity it receives through the introduction of innovations. One of the most revolutionary ideas is to create a fuel-free generator that can be rotated without spending resources.

What is a BTG (Fuelless Generator)?

The idea itself is relatively not new, the concept of a fuel-free generator is understood as a device that will generate electricity without the need to spend resources to rotate its shaft. At the base of this idea stood such prominent scientists as Tesla, Einstein, Hendershot and others. In those days, steam was used to start and operate the generator, obtained by burning some kind of fuel, from which the name fuel-free arose.

Nowadays, it is no longer necessary to use fuel to generate electrical energy. They learned to generate it from solar energy, wind energy, rivers, ebbs and flows. But the devices proposed by the founding physicists of electrical engineering still border on science fiction and continue to excite the imagination of both eminent scientists and ordinary people.

Principle of operation

Any generating device is built on the principle of generating electric current through the directed movement of charged particles in a conductive medium. This effect can be achieved through:

  • Generation of an alternating magnetic flux - when an EMF is induced in the conductor from a magnetic field from the outside;
  • The flow of charged particles between media with different potentials;
  • Self-generation - an operating mode in which the device increases the power of the initial pulse, which allows you to maintain its performance and accumulate part of the energy to power some third-party consumer.

The only reason why such a plan cannot be fully realized is the law of conservation of energy. To get some kind of energy, you still need to spend another kind. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​inventing a fuel-free generator gave rise to a lot of myths around this issue and gave rise to adventurers.

Myth or reality?

I note right away that great minds created the idea of ​​a fuel-free generator not for commercial gain. People like Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein were driven by a completely natural thirst for knowledge and the desire to make this world a better place, and not a banal enrichment. As evidenced by the chronicles of their activities, they managed to achieve incredible success. Many of their achievements left behind much more questions than answers, which gives our contemporaries a reason to continue daring and scientific competition.

The reason why great scientists could not realize their inventions was the imperfection of technology or the absence of any component that would provide a stable result. Our contemporaries in scientific laboratories and at home are trying to implement the unrealized ideas of creating a fuel-free engine, sometimes for scientific purposes, sometimes for profit. But it has not yet been possible to achieve the desired and establish the production of a fuel-free generator on an industrial scale.

Due to the hectic activity of scammers on the Internet, you will find a lot of offers to buy a fuel-free generator, but these models do not have working capacity. As a rule, unscrupulous inventors take advantage of the ignorance of the population in matters of electrical engineering, create beautiful packaging and sell a dummy under the tempting name of a fuel-free generator. But this does not mean that working schemes do not exist, consider examples of the most famous of them.

Overview of BTG and their schemes

Today, there are a fairly large number of fuel-free generators of various designs and operating principles. Of course, not all models and the principle of their operation were covered by the creators for the masses. Most fuel-free generators remain a secret, sacredly guarded by creators and patents. We can only analyze the available information about the principle of their action and general information about their effectiveness.

Adams generator - "Vega"

A fairly efficient magnetic type generator invented on the basis of the theory put forward by the scientists Adamsosm and Bedini. The operation of the generator is based on a rotating magnetic rotor, which is recruited from permanent magnets with the same pole orientation. When the rotor rotates, a synchronous magnetic field is created, which induces an EMF in the stator windings. To maintain the torque of the rotor, short-term electromagnetic pulses are applied to it.

The industrial implementation of this principle was received by the Vega generator, which comes from the abbreviation Adams Vertical Generator, which is designed to supply power to private houses, summer cottages, and shipping devices. Due to short-term pulses, a pulsating voltage is created at the output, which is supplied to the batteries for charging, and from them it is inverted into an alternating industrial frequency. But the question of the conformity of the declared parameters with its real capabilities is quite controversial.

Tesla generator

It was patented by a famous Serbian physicist over a hundred years ago. The principle of operation is the presence of electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere of the Earth, while the planet itself represents a much lower level of potential.

Rice. 1. Schematic diagram of the Tesla generator

Look at the picture, the Tesla fuel-free generator conditionally consists of the following parts:

  • Radiation receiver - made of a conductive material located on a dielectric base. The receiver must be isolated from the ground and placed as high as possible;
  • capacitor (C) - designed to accumulate an electric charge;
  • grounding - designed for electrical contact with the ground.

The principle of operation is to receive electromagnetic energy by the receiver, which begins to flow through a closed circuit to the ground. But, due to the presence of a capacitor, the charge does not flow down the ground electrode, but accumulates on the plates. When connected to a load capacitor, the device will be powered by discharging the capacitor. In addition, the design can be supplemented with automation and converters for uninterrupted power supply together with recharging.

Rossi generator

The operation of this fuel-free generator is based on the principle of cold nuclear fusion. Despite the absence of classical turbines powered by steam or combustion of petroleum products, instead of burning fuel, a chemical reaction between nickel and hydrogen is used for its operation. In the chamber of the Rossi generator, an exothermic reaction occurs with the release of thermal energy.

It should be noted that for the normal course of the reaction, a catalyst is used and electricity is consumed. According to Rossi, the amount of thermal energy produced is 7 times more than the electricity consumed. This model is already beginning to be implemented for space heating and power generation. But, since for work it is still necessary to fill the installation with working reagents, it cannot be called completely fuel-free.

Hendershot Generator

The principle of operation of this fuel-free generator was proposed by Lester Hendershot and is based on the conversion of the Earth's magnetic field into electrical energy. The theoretical substantiation of the model was proposed by the scientist back in 1901 - 1930, it consists of:

  • electrical coils in resonance;
  • metal core;
  • two transformers;
  • capacitors;
  • permanent magnet.

For the circuit to work, the orientation of the coils from north to south must be observed, due to which the rotation of the magnetic field will occur, which will generate an EMF in the coils.

Mark Hendershot, son of Lester Hendershot presents his BTG

The scheme of this BTG also goes on the network (figure below). How true it is, I cannot say.

Hendershot generator circuit

Generator Tariel Kapanadze

Our contemporary claims that he discovered the possibility of obtaining electrical energy from the ether, working with Tesla coils and continuing the research of the famous scientist. Kapanadze's fuel-free generator consists of a Tesla coil, a capacitor bank, a battery and an inverter, but this arrangement is just a guess, the inventor himself keeps the design of the fuel-free generator in the strictest confidence.

Rice. 2: general view of the Kapanadze generator

Look at figure 2, here is a general view. Today, there are rumors about an attempt to implement the device on a large scale for the needs of consumers in some countries, but they have not been able to achieve the final result.

The electrical circuit of this generator also goes through the network (figure below). But how true it is, we cannot say.

Chmielewski generator

According to the official version, Khmelevsky's fuel-free generator was discovered by accident, as the creator conceived it as a power supply unit for converting direct current into alternating current. But it has found wide application in geological exploration and has become widespread in expeditions moving away from sources of central energy supply.

Such a fuel-free generator consists of a split-winding transformer, resistors, capacitors and a thyristor. Electricity is generated due to the special design of the transformer itself, which can create a counter EMF more than at the input. This result is achieved due to the resonant effect and the application of a voltage of a certain frequency and amplitude.

John Searle generator

The fuel-free Searl generator is based on the principle of magnetic interaction between the core and the rollers. In which the magnetic rollers are placed at an equidistant distance and tend to maintain their position after setting the system in motion. The composition of the magnetic motor includes a multi-component fixed core around which the same multi-component rollers rotate. Coils are installed along the diameter around the rollers, in which an EMF is generated when a magnetic roller passes near them. To start the device, starting electromagnets are used, which supply impulses that set the rollers in motion.

Rice. 3: general view of the Searl generator

According to Searle, the rollers themselves increase the speed of rotation due to the alternating magnetic field created by the opposite-pole alignment of the magnets inside the rollers and inside the stationary core. In the manufacture of a structure in three levels, the speed of rotation leads not only to the generation of electricity, but also reduces the mass of the device up to the anti-gravity effect.

Romanov generator

The principle of operation of the fuel-free Romanov generator is to supply standing waves to one of the capacitor plates, while the second plate is directly connected to the ground.

Rice. 4: working principle of Romanov generator

Look at the figure, here is the principle of operation of the device, when one plate is connected to the ground, a certain charge arises on it. Standing waves on the second plate generate a potential that is significantly different from the ground potential. Coils with multidirectional winding act as a standing wave generator, in which eddy currents compensate for the active component of the current. Once charged, the capacitor can be used to power electrical appliances as a load.

But it was not possible to achieve unequivocal success for domestic or industrial purposes in the implementation of this model.

Schauberger generator

Such a fuel-free generator is based on obtaining torque on the turbine by moving water through the pipe system and further converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. To obtain this effect, the design of the generator uses a through flow of water obtained from the movement of water from the bottom up.

Rice. 5: Schauberger generator circuit diagram

The principle of operation of this mechanical generator is based on obtaining cavitation cavities in a liquid - a state of rarefaction close to vacuum, due to which water does not move from top to bottom, as we are used to seeing in nature, but from bottom to top, which drives the rotor of an electric generator and creates a closed loop. When water rises up through the inner tubes and falls back into the original reservoir.

Is it possible to make a fuel-free generator with your own hands?

Many of the generators discussed above cannot be implemented at home. In some cases, their authors do not provide electrical circuits for general use, in others, autonomous work ends some time after the start of generation. But there are models that you can try to implement at home on your own. But we do not give any guarantee. This is just an attempt and one of the possible implementations.

Consider, for example, the manufacture of a fuel-free Tesla generator. For this:

Rice. 9: measure the charge of the capacitor

As you can see, the Tesla fuel-free generator really works, and you can build it at home yourself. The main drawback is that it can only power an LED, and even then for a few seconds at most. The power of such a device depends on the area of ​​​​the receiver and the capacitance of the capacitor. And if it is still possible to select high-capacity capacitors, then creating a receiver the size of a football field so that at least a house can be powered uninterruptedly is quite problematic.

Video selection on the topic

This device has an incredibly simple design, unlike other inventions aimed at obtaining energy from inexhaustible sources. Even a schoolboy can make this generator with his own hands.

To date, there is a lot of talk about fuel-free generators, but more empty ones. Of all the developments being exaggerated, the most famous is Nikola Tesla's fuel-free generator or "a device for the utilization of radiant energy." A patent for this invention was filed in 1901.

The basic principle of Tesla's generator is based on obtaining solar energy and is as simple as the design of the original power plant. The essence of the development is the use of the energy of the Earth and the Sun: as you know, the Earth is a constant source of negative energy, and sunlight is positive. The task is to create a device capable of connecting two energy flows into a single circuit, thus creating a fuel-free generator.

Make a generator with your own hands

Technically it looks like this: an electrolytic capacitor with a grounded negative pole is used to generate power. The role of a capacitor is to store energy. The positive terminal of the capacitor is connected to a metal foil, such as an aluminum plate.

The receiving plate must be located at a certain distance from the ground. The area of ​​the receiver is also important. The patent application presented a design using an AC capacitor, but later it turned out that the generator could also function with an electrolytic capacitor.

The charged particles of the solar flux transfer an uninterrupted electric charge to the surface of the plate. Although this is a non-perpetual engine that receives energy from nothing, it is still a fuel-free generator that does not require fuel. Solar energy is an inexhaustible source of energy. This principle of a simple device - anyone can build a generator with their own hands.

The problem lies in the quality of the received current. Tesla's fuelless generator is indeed able to generate electricity, but it will be negligible. For example, a 1x1 m plate for a full daylight will generate a current of several volts with very low qualities (current strength).

Perhaps Tesla's fuel-free generator and non-empty pampering for schoolchildren in a physics lesson. But to date, development is not underway or is being conducted informally. Why? The answer is obvious - uninterrupted, practically free energy sources, introduced everywhere, will cancel entire industries, rebuild world economy. This will almost certainly shift political centers, the world will enter a different phase of its geopolitical development. This cannot go quietly and gently, crises and economic collapses are inevitable.

But no one bothers to make a generator with your own hands. Although it is useless, it is very exciting.

And finally, they got their hands on it. After assembling small coils, I decided to swing at new scheme, more serious and difficult to set up and operate. Let's move from words to deeds. The complete schema looks like this:

Works on the principle of an autogenerator. Breaker kicks the driver UCC27425 and the process begins. The driver sends a pulse to the GDT (Gate Drive Transformator - literally: a transformer that controls the gates) with the GDT there are 2 secondary windings connected in antiphase. This inclusion provides an alternate opening of the transistors. During opening, the transistor pumps current through itself and the 4.7 microfarad capacitor. At this moment, a discharge is formed on the coil, and the signal goes through the OS to the driver. The driver changes the direction of the current in the GDT and the transistors change (the one that was open - closes, and the second one opens). And this process is repeated as long as there is a signal from the interrupter.

GDT is best wound on an imported ring - Epcos N80. Windings are wound in the ratio 1:1:1 or 1:2:2. On average, about 7-8 turns, if desired, you can calculate. Consider an RD circuit in the gates of power transistors. This chain provides Dead Time (dead time). This is the time when both transistors are off. That is, one transistor has already closed, and the second has not yet had time to open. The principle is this: the transistor opens smoothly through the resistor and quickly discharges through the diode. On an oscilloscope it looks like this:

If you do not provide dead time, then it may turn out that both transistors will be open and then a power explosion is provided.

Go ahead. OS (feedback) is made in this case in the form of a CT (current transformer). The CT is wound on an Epcos N80 ferrite ring with at least 50 turns. The lower end of the secondary winding is pulled through the ring, which is grounded. In this way, the high current from the secondary turns into a sufficient potential at the CT. Next, the current from the CT goes to the capacitor (smoothes interference), Schottky diodes (pass only one half-cycle) and LED (acts as a zener diode and visualizes generation). In order for the generation to be, it is also necessary to observe the phrasing of the transformer. If there is no generation or very weak, you just need to turn the TT.

Consider separately the interrupter. With a breaker, of course, I sweated. I collected 5 different pieces ... Some are puffy from the HF current, others do not work as they should. Next, I'll tell you about all the breakers that I did. Let me start from the very first TL494. The scheme is standard. Independent adjustment of frequency and duty cycle is possible. The circuit below can generate from 0 to 800-900 Hz if you put a 4.7 uF capacitor instead of 1uF. Duty cycle from 0 to 50. What you need! However, there is one BUT. This PWM controller is very sensitive to RF current and various fields from the coil. In general, when connected to the coil, the breaker simply did not work, either everything was on 0 or CW mode. Shielding partially helped, but did not completely solve the problem.

The next breaker was assembled on UC3843 very common in IIP, especially ATX, from there, in fact, he took it. The scheme is also good and does not concede TL494 by parameters. Here you can adjust the frequency from 0 to 1 kHz and the duty cycle from 0 to 100%. It suited me too. But again, these pickups from the coil ruined everything. Here, even shielding did not help at all. I had to refuse, although I assembled it soundly on the board ...

Decided to return to the oak and reliable, but little functional 555 . Decided to start with a burst interrupter. The essence of the interrupter is that it interrupts itself. One chip (U1) sets the frequency, the other (2) the duration, and the third (U3) the operating time of the first two. Everything would be fine if it were not for the short pulse duration from U2. This interrupter is designed for DRSSTC and can work with SSTC, but I didn’t like it - the discharges are thin, but fluffy. Then there were several attempts to increase the duration, but they were unsuccessful.

Alternator circuits for 555

Then I decided to change the fundamental circuit and make an independent duration on the capacitor, diode and resistor. Perhaps many will consider this scheme absurd and stupid, but it works. The principle is this: a signal to driver is coming until the capacitor is charged (I think no one will argue with this). NE555 generates a signal, it goes through a resistor and a capacitor, while if the resistance of the resistor is 0 Ohm, then it goes only through the capacitor and the duration is maximum (how long the capacity lasts) regardless of the duty cycle of the generator. The resistor limits the charge time, i.e. the greater the resistance, the shorter the time the impulse will go. A signal with a shorter duration, but also frequencies, goes to the driver. The capacitor is discharged quickly through a resistor (which goes to ground 1k) and a diode.

Advantages and disadvantages

pros: frequency independent duty cycle control, SSTC will never go into CW mode if the breaker burns out.

Minuses: duty cycle cannot be increased "infinitely", as for example on UC3843, it is limited by the capacitance of the capacitor and the duty cycle of the generator itself (it cannot be greater than the duty cycle of the generator). Current flows through the capacitor smoothly.

I don’t know how the driver reacts to the latter (smooth charging). On the one hand, the driver can also smoothly open transistors and they will heat up more. On the other side UCC27425- digital microcircuit. For her, there is only a log. 0 and log. 1. So while the voltage is above the threshold - UCC works, as soon as it drops below the minimum - it does not work. In this case, everything works normally, and the transistors open completely.

Let's move from theory to practice

I assembled a Tesla generator in an ATX case. Power supply capacitor 1000uF 400v. Diode bridge from the same ATX for 8A 600V. I put a 10 W 4.7 Ohm resistor in front of the bridge. This ensures a smooth charge of the capacitor. To power the driver, I installed a 220-12V transformer and another stabilizer with a 1800 microfarad capacitor.

I screwed the diode bridges onto the radiator for convenience and for heat dissipation, although they almost do not heat up.

The breaker assembled almost a canopy, took a piece of textolite and cut out the tracks with a clerical knife.

The power unit was assembled on a small radiator with a fan, later it turned out that this radiator was enough for cooling. The driver is mounted over the powertrain via a thick piece of cardboard. Below is a photo of the almost assembled design of the Tesla generator, but being tested, measured the temperature of the power one in various modes (you can see a regular room thermometer stuck to the power one on a thermoplastic).

The coil toroid is assembled from a corrugated plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and glued with aluminum tape. The secondary winding itself is wound on a 110 mm pipe 20 cm high with a wire of 0.22 mm about 1000 turns. The primary winding contains as many as 12 turns, made with a margin in order to reduce the current through the power section. I did it with 6 turns at the beginning, the result is almost the same, but I think it’s not worth risking transistors for a couple of extra centimeters of discharge. The frame of the primary is an ordinary flower pot. From the beginning I thought that it would not pierce if the secondary was wrapped with tape, and the primary over the tape. But alas, it pierced ... In the pot, of course, it also pierced, but here the adhesive tape helped solve the problem. In general, the finished design looks like this:

Well, a few pictures with a discharge

Now everything seems to be.

A few more tips: do not try to immediately plug a coil into the network, it is not a fact that it will work right away. Constantly monitor the power temperature, when overheated, it can bang. Do not wind too high-frequency secondary, transistors 50b60 can operate at a maximum of 150 kHz according to the datasheet, in fact a little more. Check the breakers, the life of the coil depends on them. Find the maximum frequency and duty cycle at which the power temperature is stable long time. Too large a toroid can also disable the power.

Video of SSTC

P.S. Power transistors used IRGP50B60PD1PBF. Project files. good luck with you [)eNiS!

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You can make a generator that is powered by daylight. This is an excellent analogue of a solar panel, but the main advantage of such a generator is a minimum of materials, low cost and ease of assembly. Of course, such a generator will produce much less energy than a solar panel, but you can make a lot of them and thus get a good influx of free energy.

Nikola Tesla believed that the whole world is energy, thus, to receive and use it, it is enough just to assemble a device that could capture this free energy. He had many different designs for "fuelless" generators. One of them, which today everyone can do with their own hands, will be discussed below.

The principle of operation of the device is that it uses the energy of the earth as a source of negative electrons, and the energy of the sun (or any other light source) as a source of positive electrons. As a result, there is a potential difference, which forms an electric current.
In total, the system has two electrodes, one is grounded, and the other is placed on the surface and captures energy sources (light sources). A large capacitor acts as a storage element. However, nowadays the capacitor can also be replaced with a lithium-ion battery by connecting it through a diode so that the opposite effect does not occur.

Materials and tools for the manufacture of the generator:
- foil;
- a sheet of cardboard or plywood;
- wires;
- high-capacity capacitor with high operating voltage (160-400 V);
- resistor (presence is optional).

Manufacturing process:

Step one. We make grounding
First you need to make a good ground. If the homemade product will be used in a country house or village, then you can drive a metal pin deeper into the ground, this will be grounding. You can also connect to existing metal structures that go into the ground.

If you use such a generator in an apartment, then here you can use water and gas pipes as grounding. All modern sockets are also grounded; you can also connect to this contact.

Step two. Making a receiver of positive electrons
Now we need to make a receiver that could capture those free, positively charged particles that are produced along with the light source. Such a source can be not only the sun, but also already working lamps, various lamps, and the like. According to the author, the generator generates energy even in daylight in cloudy weather.

The receiver consists of a piece of foil that is attached to a piece of plywood or cardboard. When light particles "bombard" an aluminum sheet, currents are formed in it. The larger the foil area, the more energy the generator will produce. To increase the power of the generator, several such receivers can be built and then all of them connected in parallel.

Step three. Connecting the circuit
At the next stage, you need to connect both contacts to each other, this is done through a capacitor. If we take an electrolytic capacitor, then it is polar and has a designation on the case. To the negative contact, you need to connect the ground, and to the positive, the wire going to the foil. Immediately after that, the capacitor will begin to charge and you can then remove electricity from it. If the generator turns out to be too powerful, then the capacitor may explode from an excess of energy, in connection with this, a limiting resistor is included in the circuit. The more charged the capacitor, the more it will resist further charging.

As for the conventional ceramic capacitor, their polarity does not matter.

Among other things, you can try to connect such a system not through a capacitor, but through a lithium battery, then it will be possible to accumulate much more energy.

That's all, the generator is ready. You can take a multimeter and check what voltage is already in the capacitor. If it is high enough, you can try connecting a small LED. Such a generator can be used for various projects, for example, for autonomous LED night lighting lamps.

In principle, other materials, such as copper or aluminum sheets, can be used instead of foil. If someone in a private house has a roof made of aluminum (and there are many of them), then you can try to connect to it and see how much energy will be generated. It will also be a good idea to check whether such a generator can generate energy if the roof is metal. Unfortunately, there were no figures that would show the current strength in relation to the area of ​​​​the receiving contact.
