I All-Union Miss USSR Beauty Contest 89. “Miss USSR” vs “Miss Russia”: who is more beautiful? (photo)

The man in the video is called Travis Pastrana, all the details are on the website.

In general, this is a Guinness World Record for jumping out of an airplane without a parachute.

Here's what experienced people write:

- Well, in principle, people have all sorts of desires, someone wants to base jump thinking that it is safer than skydiving and that everything is fine, someone begins to feel like a hero and wants, without experience, to jump at night or jump from 4000m without an instructor and AFF classes, but all these are already ordinary cases. It’s just that when you look at this whole thing for the first time from a monitor or TV screen, it’s all very beautiful, delights, inspires, but no one sees reverse side medals. Immediately, questions arise like “Where do they teach bass, how to start jumping?” When you begin to delve a little into everything that is happening, then each time you realize how much more complicated everything is than it seemed. Well, if a person has such a great desire and aspiration, then I think it’s not worth fighting off everything in the bud, but it’s also not worth helping to clean up. Let him go and jump with a standard parachute from a normally flying plane, start parachuting, and then the realization will come. You see, if the priorities don’t change in a couple of years, which I terribly doubt, then it will come to the originally set goal.

- to try to prepare and accomplish this, I think you may need to actively engage in parachuting for 3-4 years (well, if in days, then approximately 1095-1461 days), during which it is advisable to make at least 1000 jumps.

And people ask:

- Were there such people in Russia? I'm interested in the price of the issue, provided there are no jumps. preparation time in days and approximate price in rubles. I ask you to answer only to the point

And the answer is in 2010 prices

- Well, actually in the West, parachuting is developed and popularized much better than ours, and people jump there more often and sometimes more recklessly. When it is already difficult to surprise or be surprised by something, then for the sake of action they perform stunts, etc. Not many people performed such tricks, but, as a rule, they were very experienced athletes (by the way, some of them finished the game). So there is no question of such a trick even if there is no jumping experience and not for any earthly money. A beginner simply cannot stay in free fall; he needs to be trained. You can try to call a person who is freeflying with at least 1000 jumps experienced for such a trick, although even this is not enough. The main thing is that these jumps are effective. You can also add wind tunnel training there.

Well, I said the money was quite acceptable
600r one jump, 1000 jumps 600t. rub
Let's not forget to spend about 40,000 rubles on AFF
About 200,000 rubles for equipment (system, and other junk)
It is advisable to jump periodically with an instructor - how much money depends on how many lessons there will be
It's nice to fly in a tube, where one hour costs 22,000 rubles

At the same time, you need to spend every weekend at the airfield, or in short, you need to actively engage in parachuting. Well, if in a couple of years you actively jump and the desire to perform this trick does not disappear, then you will meet those scumbags who want to help you.

They say it's called banzai parachuting. Apparently, ordinary parachute jumps do not provide enough thrill for Japanese parachutists, so they jump out of a flying plane, having first thrown out their parachute. The idea is to catch your parachute mid-flight, put it on and release it before you die on impact.

This “sport” was originally invented in order to get into the Guinness Book of Records. A record of this can be found in the 2007 edition of the Book. After the publication of the Book, banzai parachuting quickly became popular in Japan, where anything that goes beyond the boundaries of the normal enjoys constant success.

But not everything is so simple, here it was with difficulty that the person was caught.

For many Soviet women, Sukhanova became the pioneer of a new, hitherto unseen world of beauty contests. The girl went down in history as the first model to win the honorary title “Miss USSR-89”. The story of the first beauty Soviet Union, her life path before and after the competition, read in this article.

Family and early years of life

The future “Miss USSR” was born into an ordinary, large Soviet family in 1972. Information about the star’s father is scant; it is only known that he died after suffering a heart attack when the girl was only 9 years old.

There is more information about Julia’s mother, but they all differ significantly from each other. The Soviet press wrote that she worked as an ordinary barmaid at the All-Russian Theater Society. The Americans prove that she was just an ordinary employee. But the beauty wrote in her memoirs that she held one of the highest positions in the humanitarian sphere. Be that as it may, the only conclusive evidence can be considered that Julia’s mother was as beautiful as her daughter.

The girl, in addition to regular school, also received an education in music school. She was interested in shaping and studied foreign languages.

The husband of one of her sisters, Igor, played a huge role in Julia’s life, because he replaced her father. And his wife, 15 years older than Yulia, sister Lyudmila, was the one who initiated the girl to try her hand at a beauty contest.

On the way to glory...

It should be noted that Yulia Sukhanova herself did not consider herself a beauty. However, growing up, she enjoyed enormous popularity among members of the opposite sex.

Just for the girls’ 16th birthday in Moscow, they decided to organize the first beauty contest “Moscow Beauty-88”. Lyudmila decided that this was their chance, and practically took her sister by the hand to the preview.

The first such event caused a huge stir among the public; there were a lot of people who wanted to participate. The sisters, seeing the huge line, turned back. But here His Majesty chance intervened in the fate of the young beauty. Cruising along the line in search beautiful girls one of the representatives of the competition organizing committee noticed Yulia and offered to go through the casting without waiting in line.

First experience

After passing the casting, Yulia Sukhanova, despite the fact that she did not have a passport at that time, was allowed to participate in the competition. The event took place at the Sports Palace and was extremely popular among spectators.

However, this time the Heroine of our story won, having reached the semi-finals, she left the race.

As the girl herself notes, at that time she did not even know how to stand confidently in heels, did not do any hairstyles or wear makeup. Still, Julia was remembered by the organizers of the competition for her spontaneity.

The most important thing that Yulia Sukhanova took away from this competition was experience. She saw all the delights of the capital, understood how to prepare for competitions, and what is most valued by the jury.

Like other participants, she visited Poland, where she tried herself as a fashion model, shooting for a clothing advertising booklet.

Serious preparation

Yulia Sukhanova, Miss USSR, whose biography began to rapidly gain momentum, during the announcement of a new beauty contest, decided to make every effort to achieve the highest result this time.

All the winners of the first beauty contest refused to participate in the new competition, so the organizers invited those girls who reached the semi-finals that time to take part.

Absolutely without any obstacles, Yulia, along with other 34 contenders, made it to the final part of the Miss USSR-89 competition. Serious training for the participants began at the Aksakovo boarding house near Moscow.

The girls were seriously engaged in shaping, improving their bodies, learning to walk on the catwalk, and posing for photographers.

It should be noted that most of the participants had no experience of participating in such events. Therefore, it is not surprising that during preparation, only a few girls immediately stood out from the crowd. Julia occupied a leading position on this list.


For the first time in the history of the Soviet Union, Central Television broadcast the competition for six hours straight. Moreover, in addition to the jury, the audience also had the right to choose their winner.

The contestants showed off their outfits, answered questions from the presenters, and even paraded in swimsuits. This competition was held under the title: “Demonstration of beach ensembles.”

Julia felt the full taste of victory. First she was awarded the title “Miss Audience Choice”, and then, without allowing her to come to her senses, “Miss USSR-89”. Among the honorary members of the jury who made such an important decision, it should be noted: ballerina Ekaterina Maksimova, TV presenter, actress Irina Skobtseva, singer Muslim Magomayev.

Yulia Sukhanova - Miss USSR-89, reacted to the assignment of a new title with tears, she cried with happiness.

Overshadowed Victory

It would seem that everything worked out perfectly. “Yulia Sukhanova is Miss Soviet Union,” they now repeated on every corner. The winner of the competition herself reaped the fruits of hatred from envious rivals. The girls who also participated in this competition began to ignore her and simply turned away from her.

Even during the competition itself, the crown that was awarded to the winner was damaged. The large aquamarine that adorned the symbol of victory was stolen.

The beauty queen received a TV as a prize. The girls who were far from winning received better and richer prizes.

However, these events could not completely overshadow the joy of victory, because Yulia Sukhanova, Miss USSR-89, enjoyed nationwide love and support.

Unfulfilled modeling career

It is no secret that before the start of the competition, its organizers, who set themselves the goal of subsequently earning extra money from young models, offered all participants to sign a contract for further work. According to Sukhanova, it was about 90% of the income, which the beauties had to give to the heads of the company for acting as intermediaries. Many girls refused, but Yulia agreed.

Later, some evil tongues will claim that this fact played an important role in the fact that the victory went to Julia.

Things didn’t happen at all as the organizers of the competition expected. At the time of signing the contract, Yulia Sukhanova - Miss USSR (photo in the article) was a minor. In addition to the girl, her mother had to be present when the contract was signed, but since her signature was not there, the contract was considered invalid.

Life after the competition

Julia, having collected Required documents, moved to the USA in September 1989. The appearance of the first Miss USSR there caused an unprecedented stir. The girl was the center of attention and was simply in great demand.

The first tour in America would have lasted 3 weeks. The young beauty was invited to various social events, where she made useful acquaintances with world-famous stars.

The girl did not know English, so she communicated with foreigners with the help of a translator. Yulia Sukhanova, whose photos spread all over the world, later admitted that the hardest thing she endured was the constant changing of clothes and long posing in front of cameras.

Germany and Japan were the next countries where the beauty queen went. Although Sukhanova’s return to the USSR was planned at the very beginning of the trip, she did not return home.

In America, the girl tried herself as a model for lingerie catalogs, and also took part in the filming of a yogurt advertisement.

Sukhanova appeared several times on the covers of foreign magazines and participated in fashion shows fashionable clothes, worked as a model. The girl invested all the money she earned in her own business.

Having founded her own company selling sports and medical equipment, in 2000 she became a fairly wealthy woman who completely provided herself with a luxurious life.

Personal life of a beauty queen

The beautiful woman, of course, did not remain for a second without male attention. Julia often changed lovers, but she never officially got married and had no children.

Why so beautiful woman doesn’t want to formalize their relationship? Who knows? This is her personal choice.

Yulia Sukhanova - Miss USSR-89 (photo), now in great shape. She is a little over 40 years old, and she has a wonderful figure, and she can boast of something that she has never done plastic surgery and did not resort to Botox.

took place 27 years ago the first all-Union beauty contest “Miss USSR-1989”, the participants of which were 35 girls who won city, regional and regional competitions. At that time, both for the organizers and for the models, this was the first experience of events of this scale, and no one had a clear idea of ​​how everything should happen. During the event, many funny things happened.

The very first competition in the USSR was the “Moscow Beauty 1988” competition, and a year later they decided to hold a similar event on an all-Union scale. The competition took place from May 19 to 21 in the Rossiya concert hall. Even schoolgirls aged 16-17 were allowed to participate. The girls answered the now standard questions about their cherished dreams and even paraded in swimsuits - then this stage of the competition was called “Demonstration of beach ensembles.”

The winner was 17-year-old Moscow tenth grader Yulia Sukhanova, second place went to Anna Gorbunova from Zelenograd, third place to Ekaterina Meshcheryakova from Perm. This was not the first competition for Yulia - a year ago she participated in the first Soviet beauty contest “Moscow Beauty-1988”.

Since such events were new to Soviet television, during the organization there were many incidents and difficulties. The Komsomol Central Committee opposed the idea of ​​a beauty contest. Producer Yuri Kushnerev recalls: “They even called me to the Central Committee of the party, interrogating me - what am I going to do there? The party bodies did not provide us with any help, and by and large we did not need it. We did everything on a whim, trying to borrow something from modeling agencies. We turned to these three largest ones - they taught us how to select candidates, who to weed out (complete fools dropped out of the qualifying rounds immediately - I really didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of foreigners).”

In order for the competition to take place, the producer had to negotiate with the bandits: “The only time we almost got hurt by them was when they arrived drunk at the girls’ boarding house. They wanted to have fun with them: “Where have they taken the women here?” It’s good that the candidates were guarded by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They quickly removed them,” admits Kushnerev.

Then Soviet viewers first heard about model parameters. Yulia Sukhanova perfectly matched them: height – 172 cm, weight – 55 kg, volume – 91-59-90. The participants were evaluated by spectators and jury members: Irina Skobtseva, Leonid Yakubovich and Ekaterina Maksimova.

After her victory, Yulia Sukhanova left for the USA and began her career as a fashion model. Later she went into business and now heads a company that produces “mountain” air generators. Years later, Julia recalls: “I never considered myself beautiful. Since childhood, I was more friends with boys - I loved to jump and run. And then my sister found out that Gorky Park was recruiting girls to participate in a competition... I remember I didn’t want to go - I even cried. And I prepared for the competition without much hope. And after the victory, I left for the States, where a modeling agency offered me a job. She started out advertising yogurt and ice cream, then signed contracts with American and Parisian agencies. The first time was very difficult. Any gesture, and especially any flaw, was examined under a magnifying glass... There were many reasons for tears.”

Many girls, after participating in a beauty contest, successfully arranged their destiny. “Miss Cinema Chance” Anna Portnaya did not wait for the promised training at VGIK, but took up modeling, and now works as an image maker. Elena Silina, who represented Volgograd at the competition, became a fashion model and married a wealthy Frenchman. Second runner-up Ekaterina Meshcheryakova received a ticket to Paris as a prize. There she signed a contract with a modeling agency, and even became the face of the Nina Ricci fragrance "L" Air du Temps. Today she is better known abroad than in her homeland.

The winner of the competition, Masha Kalinina, also went abroad, to America, where she lives to this day.