Crochet rose with leaves scheme. Volumetric crochet roses with patterns

Holiday script



The sun sheds its beautiful light,
Birds are not too lazy to sing songs,
The snow is melting and the sky is clear
Here is the holiday Mother's day!


It's cheerful, bright,

Great Mom's Day!

Starlings chirp songs

Drops are ringing in the morning.

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,

Loved by adults and children.

The sun shines brighter for us

IN glorious holiday our moms!

I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for
That she is my mother!

I walk the path

But my legs are tired.

jump over the hole

Who will help? I know - MOM!


To make it more interesting
We will sing a song for mom.

Song "I sing a song to Mom"

Leading: Guys, what do you think, is it easy to be a mother? (children's answers)

Do you help your mom? Let's tell you how...

  1. I help my mom

I cook soup in the sandbox

I'll wash the cat in a puddle,

How, mother, I love you!

  1. And I'm on the wallpaper in the hallway

Mamulin draw a portrait,

My brother will help me too

Mammy, similar or not?

Dance "Washing" (boys)


We continue our holiday

We will entertain you.

And now I propose

We all play together

Game with mom "Clothespins"


Guys, what do you think, is it possible to upset mom? (children's answers)

Should you listen to the advice of your parents? (children's answers)

And now we will see a scene about a chicken that did not obey his mother, and trouble happened to him.

Scene "Naughty chicken"


I am a little chicken

Just got out of diapers.

Mom took us for a walk

She fed us worms.

While I was looking for a seed

Lost his mother.

I'll run along the path

Maybe I'll catch up with my mom.


The chicken ran fast

And at the very edge

He met with the Frog.


Chicken, where are you going?

What happened baby?


I got lost today

And all alone was left.

You take me with you

You will be my mom!


You are not my child

Yellow Chicken.

My guys -

Green Frogs.


And the young birch

He met with Goat.


Chicken, where are you going?

What happened baby?


I got lost today

And all alone was left.

You take me with you

You will be my mom!


You are not my child

Yellow Chicken.

My guys are horny goats!


Here is the cat.


I got lost today

And all alone was left.

You take me with you

You will be my mom!


You are not my child

Yellow Chicken.

My kids are fluffy kittens!


He sees, the chickens are coming,

With them is a mother-crested mother.

CHICK: (runs to mom)

Look, here I am!

Hello my mommy!


Where have you gone Chick?

My naughty child?

We've been looking for you everywhere

All paths have been trodden.

Always listen to your mom

Trouble will not come to you! (hugs).(artists bow)

Leading: Our chicken was found and we are sure that from today your children will try to upset you as little as possible, right guys?



Guests and children

There are many talents!

Maybe we'll play

In friendly musicians?

Bring the tools

Call the conductor!

Cheerful orchestra

(Spoons, maracas, tambourines)

Presenter: Guys, I'll guess a riddle, listen carefully!

Whoever guesses it first will be great!

Who does not stop loving

Bakes pies for us

Delicious pancakes?

At the beloved ... .. GRANDMA (children in chorus)


1. The most beautiful
Who grows flowers?
Most beautiful
Who will tie the socks?
grandmother, grandmother,
My grandmother.

2. I will give the sun
to my grandmother,
So that in the eyes of sadness
She didn't have.

3. Grandma's on the shelf
Threads and needles
steel scissors,
Lace ribbons.
Grandma sews all day
I want to help her as soon as possible.

4. Dear grandmother,
My darling,
More than anything in the world
I love you.

5. Spring again,
Birds are singing,
And the clouds
They float in a flock.

Grandma's song
I will donate.
I am my grandmother
I love it very much.

Song "Grandmother"

1. Dear grandmother,

I love you.

A simple song

I sing for you.

2. Pens for grandma

Clap like this! (clapping)

Grandma's feet

They stomp like this! (stomp)


You guys sang together

Now we need to play!

playing with grandma


All day they stand like candles
These miracle people.
Dolls don't want to sleep
Don't lay on the bed.
sway a little
And they get back on their feet.
It's not hard to guess:
It's a tumbler doll!

Tumbler girls:

1. Your own roly-poly doll
I put to sleep:
I wanted to tell a story
And she decided to get up.

2. Everyone is getting ready for bed,
Bunnies, bears, kangaroos.
Only one doll
Everyone is dancing at the window.

3. This doll is a tumbler
She's wearing a bright shirt.
I'll put her in bed
Maybe he wants to sleep there

Dance "Tumbler Dolls" (girls)

Leading: Let the cheerful spring

We congratulate moms on Women's Day

And gently sing a song.

Song "Mommy, we sang a song"

1. The sun is radiant
smiled merrily,
Because mommy
We sang a song.

A song like this: “La-la-la! »
A simple song: “La-la-la! »

2. Outside the sparrow window
spun around merrily
Because mommy
We sang a song.

A song like this: “La-la-la! »
A simple song: “La-la-la! »

3.Spring streams
They rang merrily
Because mommy
We sang a song.

A song like this: “La-la-la! »
A simple song: “La-la-la! »

4. The first snowdrops
Nodding cheerfully
Because mommy
We sang a song.

A song like this: “La-la-la! »
A simple song: “La-la-la! »


The holiday turned out bright,

We give gifts to mothers.

Take it fast

You surprises from children!

(Children give gifts to their mothers and grandmothers)

Showing publications 11-20 out of 1601 .
All sections | Scenarios March 8. Holiday in the younger group

Holiday scenario for March 8 for younger groups "Feast of Bows" Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle. VED: Bows, bows, that's what bows, Beautiful blue and red bows. Everyone dressed up today and came to holiday to us. CHILDREN: We all congratulate our dear, kind mothers together! 1 reb: Mother! I love you so much that I don't know...

The scenario of the holiday on March 8 in the second junior group "Visiting the story-telling grandmother" Scenario of mother's holiday in 2 ml. gr "Visiting Grandma the Storyteller" Heroes (adults - Presenter, grandmother-storyteller, Matryoshka, chicken (children)- chickens (boys, nesting dolls, Songs: "Mommy dear", Grandmother". "The sun is radiant" Dance: «» Sandbox", "Matryoshka", "Chicken Rap"...

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MAAM Pictures Library

I found an interesting idea on the Internet and remade it for myself. Here's what happened. The scenario of the holiday on March 8 in the second junior group “Like a fox was looking for a mother” Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle (chickens, cubs, kittens) Presenter: Why has everything changed? It sparkled...

Scenario of a matinee dedicated to the Day of March 8 for children of the younger group(Children enter the hall to the music. The youngest 1st sit down, and the youngest 2nd become a semicircle) 1 Host: There is such a day in March - With a number, like a pretzel. How many of you guys know - What does the number mean? The children will tell us in unison. Children and Host: This is the holiday of our mothers! 1...

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Scenarios March 8. Holiday in the younger group - Scenario of the holiday on March 8 in the second younger group "Candy Kids"

The scenario of the holiday on March 8 in the 2nd junior group "Children - sweets" To the music, the host enters the hall. Leading. Hello, dear guests, We are glad to see you all! Let it fly by unnoticed, This is our festive hour! Around everything became very clear, Flowers today do not count. We...

The scenario of the matinee on March 8 in the second junior group 2019 Music sounds, children enter the music room and stand in a semicircle. Presenter: Hello, dear guests! Here comes the spring! The gentle sun smiled cheerfully at mothers, grandmothers - all women on earth! Happy holiday to you, happy March 8! 1. Child - Mom firmly ...

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten" ZVEZDOCHKA "

junior group

Musical director: Gogoleva Elena Sergeevna

Children enter the hall with a teacher. Become a semicircle

Leading . We are gathered here today

To congratulate your mothers,

We sincerely wish you great happiness and health.

May this snowy day be wonderful

Will be remembered as the most gentle,

As the most joyful and sweet

Cheerful, kind and handsome.


I'm not kidding today

Not a prankster at all

Guessed why

Because the holiday!


Because mothers smile at us in the hall,

Because this holiday

All the guys like


Gentle kind very cute

Women's holiday

And funny and handsome.

All children. Happy holiday, mom!

The song "Oh, what a mother"


Dear lovely mothers,

There is no better you in the world.

Accept from us dear

The first spring bouquet.

"Dance with flowers"»

All . This is such a big bouquet. Hello to our mother.

sit on chairs.

The sun goes down to the music

Sun: Hello guys! Did you find out who I am? That's right, the spring sun! I came to you on a holiday to congratulate all mothers, grandmothers and girls on the holiday.

On the first day of March

spring begins

The whole country celebrates.

Here are our mothers!

We are always proud of you!

smart and cute

Kind, beautiful!

Vedas: Thank you, sun, for your warm congratulations, stay with us at the holiday, and we will sing a song for you.

Song "Radiant Sun"

presenter - Listen, honey, what poems the children have prepared for their mothers.

1 child


I love my mom

I will give her a present.

I made a gift myself

From paper with paints.

I will give it to my mother

Hugging affectionately.

2 child

from colored paper,
I'll cut out a piece.
From it I will make
Little flower.
mommy gift,
I'll cook.
The most beautiful
I have mom!

3 child

Mom dear,
I love you!
All flowers are spring
I give you.

4 child

The sun is smiling,
Looking from above.
How cool is that
I have you!

Sun: Well done, guys, and now I want to play with you, have fun and warm you with my warm, spring sunshine.My sunbeams are very good! Take them apart quickly, and dance more fun! (gives ribbons to children)

Dance with ribbons: "Sunshine"

Sun: Well, kids are kids,

They danced from the heart

But now it's time to say goodbye

Yes, return to heaven.

(sun goes down)

Leading . Tell me, children, who else tenderly cares for you? I'll give you a riddle.

Who knits your mittens

Who bakes pancakes

Knows a lot of stories

Playing with grandchildren?

Children: Grandmother.

1 child

I am my own grandmother

Kiss you very hard

After all, my grandmother

Very, very kind.

2 child

Dear grandma,
Kind and gentle
I will give you
Fresh snowdrops.

3 child

Your hands are warm
I remember.
How cool is that
I have you!


All children love good grandmothers

We send greetings to the good grandmothers.

There are many different songs in the world about everything,

And now we will sing a song about your grandmother.

And mothers will help us

Song "Grandma, bake pancakes"

Presenter: - Look how many pancakes grandma baked.

Game: "Collect pancakes"

presenter picks up a bell and rings it.

Dili-dili, dili-dong,

What a strange call

Heard from all sides

Dili don, dili don

Guys! Someone is in a hurry to join us for the holiday.

Let's welcome our guest.

Matryoshka enters the hall to the music.

Hello honest people

Matryoshka is coming to you.

I was in a hurry for the holiday

She dressed up in her sundress.

Happy holiday to all

I wish you happiness and joy!

Matryoshka I didn't come to you alone

I brought you friends.

Sad nesting dolls

Lost on the track.

Crying, tears pouring down

They won't find their home.

What to do?


Guys, can we help nesting dolls find their houses?

GAME "Find houses for nesting dolls"

Matryoshka dolls of red and yellow color. On one side of the hall there is a red house for red nesting dolls, on the other - for yellow ones. To the music, children lay out nesting dolls in houses.

presenter - Thank you dear matryoshka.

We are very glad to see you at our holiday.

Look how many very small nesting dolls we have - your girlfriends. Invite them to dance.

Matryoshka. Hey, girlfriends, come out and dance for moms.

"Matryoshka Dance"


Go around the world around

Just know in advance

You will not find warmer hands

And more tender than mother's

You will not find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter

Mother to each of us

All people are more precious.

presenter : Well, what about without gifts.

Children give gifts to mothers and grandmothers.

Presenter: And now we invite all mothers and grandmothers to dance with us.

Children dance with their mothers

Vedas : On this our holiday came to an end. I once again congratulate all our lovely ladies present in this hall and want to wish you to always be as beautiful and may you always be in a good mood ...

Matryoshka says goodbye to everyone and leaves.

To the calm music, children leave the hall with their mothers.

What is the scenario "March 8" in the 2nd junior group? Something unusual, special, bringing joy to guests and children.

The scenario "March 8" in the 2nd junior group involves a magnificent celebration. There can be many ideas. Just choose one of them. It all depends on your decision.

Scenario "March 8" in the 2nd junior group. Where to begin?

So, in more detail. The scenario "March 8" in the 2nd junior group begins with a greeting. Children enter the hall to the music. become a semicircle. The host greets guests. For example: “Greetings to you, our dear mothers, grandmothers, aunts and sisters! This holiday is ours! The sweetest and most gentle! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!”

Children clap their hands. And read the verses:

"The spring has come again,

Brought us a holiday.

Congratulations dear

This day is beautiful!

On this clear spring day

We invited all the guests!

They put everyone in the hall!

And acquaintances, and friends!”

“Congratulations to all women,

Grandmothers and mothers!

And we wish you happiness

Health and joy!”


The scenario "March 8" in the 2nd junior group can be continued as follows. Beautiful songs for guests! This is exactly what women will be pleased to hear. Pick up Nice words for mothers and grandmothers. It will be even more pleasant for them to hear songs composed by you yourself. In general, prepare an interesting surprise for your family and friends!


How does the scenario of the matinee on March 8 continue? The 2nd junior group will please women... of course, with dancing! With toys, crackers or balloons. You can connect famous fairy-tale characters to the dance performance. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Spiderman, Batman, Fixies - the guys will be happy to see everyone! However, like the heroes of the occasion! After all, both adults and children love holidays.


Next moment. The holiday on March 8 (2nd junior group) continues with a variety of fun games. The first of them is "Collect words for mom in a jug." Written on cardboard sweet words each kid collects in his jug. Who is faster and who is more?

An interesting game is also the one where children look for blindfolded mothers and grandmothers. Or vice versa. You can end the game with a fun song:

We love mothers and grandmothers,

We love you folks!

And we want to congratulate you

You are so good

Our best friends!

Do you remember that we

It's impossible to live without you!

Wrote many songs

For our beloved mothers,

And for aunts, and for sisters,

and for grandmothers - everything is for you!

Well, we'll sing to you

A special song.

We want to say, folks,

that we love you so much,

And your care, affection

We will never forget!

Our dear women

We want to congratulate you!

Wish love, health

On this day, right now!”

After the song, you can continue the game. And you can make riddles for women. For example:

“The toy does not want to lie down. They put it down - it gets up, it swings. What is it called? After the guests give an answer, girls dressed in tumbler costumes come out. Congratulate women and dance the dance.

Festive mood

Well, what else can the 2nd junior group add to the scenario "March 8"? Clown is a great addition! He can give mothers and grandmothers colorful balls, toys and other souvenirs. The most important thing is the creation of guests. A clown will help instill respect and love for women, teach a child to be polite and kind. For games with children you will need: beads, hats, rose petals, a basket of flowers (pink, green, red, yellow, blue, white), paper clips and balls. He will be able to show a variety of tricks.

So the clown enters the hall. Children stand in a semicircle. The leader states:

"What are you elegant,

How neat are you!

We rejoice in you

Today is Mom's Day!

After that, you can give moms gifts. Accompany them with pleasant words:

“Congratulations on the eighth of March,

Happy this wonderful day!

Let all the hardships go away

Troubles and bad weather!

Our dear mothers,

good relatives,

The most beautiful you

And our favorite!

We dressed up today

We will dance and sing.

Definitely have fun.

There is so much to do!

Congratulations to our mothers

And we will give them surprises!”

We continue to surprise women. Children read poetry. Examples:

“Who is the cutest in the world?

And, of course, everyone is kinder?

Who wakes me up in the morning?

This is my mom!”

“Who sings songs to me?

Or read fairy tales?

Who loves me so much?

My mom too!"

"The sheep has a lamb,

And the cat has a kitten.

The dog has a puppy.

And mom has a son!”

"I kiss my mother hard

And I will hug my family.

I won't give up my mom

For nothing and no one!"

"We do not stand still,

Let's have fun together.

Music plays in the hall

Well, they took mom by the hand!

Children invite their mothers to dance. After that, the host takes out a large basket. It contains colorful flowers. Children give them to their mothers, adding the following words: “Here is a white flower, skillful for inventions”, “Here is a difficult flower. It's not yellow! Gold!" etc.

Intellectual contests

And more riddles! We continue to develop the script "March 8" for the 2nd junior group. Spring itself dictates the rules. This day is all about women. So:

"In my mother's ears sparkle,

They play with a bright rainbow.

Pretty little drops-crumbs -

Jewelry ... (Earrings)".

"Steel ear, sharp nose,

And in the ear - a thread-girlfriend.

And what can help us with you

Sew up at least a dress, at least a pillow? (Needle)".

"Its edges are called fields,

The top was decorated with flowers.

Guess the riddle:

On my mother's head ... (Hat)."

"Two arcs and two glass

Worn by our grandmothers.

No newbies for a long time -

They sit on the nose ... (Glasses).

“What will we cook for lunch

Dear mommy?

Our ladle is right there!

Our mother will cook ... (Soup)."

“Grandma cooks from berries

Meals for the kids.

It's just a meal

This is delicious ... (jam)."

As soon as the women solve all the riddles, the children can again entertain them with songs. Example:

Spring is rushing to visit us,

Brings a lot of smiles.

And we all want it today

Do not see my mother as strict.

Let her smile

And let the sun shine.

And if mothers are well,

The children are happy too!

In general, this mother's day -

The holiday is the best.

Rain, stop dripping!

Fly away, clouds!

Here is another option. Performed by children dressed as chefs:

"I'm baking again!

Moms all for a pie!

For your own mother

Bake and gingerbread!

Eat my mommy

My delicious gingerbread.

My dear you

I congratulate you!”


We continue to compose the script "March 8" for the 2nd junior group. Again poetry. The children take turns reading the poem.

"Our dear mothers,

We congratulate you!

Happiness, joy, love

Today we wish you!

"Now I'll tell my mother,

How much I love her.

Both a gift and a flower

I'll give it to her today.

You are a flower, mom, take it

Hold me tighter.

Smile to all guests

After all, today is Mother's Day!

“I will help my mother

And wash and clean.

And I won't get tired at all

After all, I love my mother very much!

After that, poems for grandmothers are heard. Examples:

"I'm picking flowers,

Congratulations to all grandmothers!

“Grandmothers are our girlfriends.

Grandchildren are loved.

We buy toys

Souls in us do not have tea.

"For a brand new fairy tale,

For your love and affection

We say "thank you"

Good grandmothers!”

"Dress Mom"

The holiday on March 8 in the 2nd junior group can be diversified with the next game called “Dress up Mom”. The host announces:

“Now attention!

Competition for everyone!

Who is the smartest here?

Show some skill!

Children should make bracelets and beads from paper clips for their mothers as soon as possible. Or from other improvised materials. The game ends with a dance. The host announces:

"Mom, now we have

There will be a fun dance again.

We love our mothers

And we will dance for them!”

The guys dance to "Kalinka-Malinka". The leader adds:

“Maybe it will be more fun?

Carousels will help us!”

Children carry out a carousel on a stick with ribbons. Moms take the ribbon with one hand, and hold the baby with the other. Everyone moves in a circle and sings:

"Slowly, barely

The carousels unfolded.

And then, and then

We'll all run.

We run, we run

We don't stand still!

Everything is faster, everything is running,

The carousel is spinning!

Stop, stop, don't run!

Slow down the carousel!

And like this for one and two

Our game is over!"


That's all. This is how the scenario of the matinee on March 8 ends in the 2nd junior group. You just need to say goodbye to all the guests. The leader says:

"Congratulations again,

Women native!

It's good to play with you

Our dear ones!

But the time has come to say goodbye

We hug tightly.

And remember that we

We don't forget about you!"

It is important!

And finally. Don't forget to prepare your child for the upcoming holiday. He must be absolutely calm. The significance of this event should not be exaggerated. Don't worry baby.

Reassure the child that if he forgets the words, nothing bad will happen. However, do not forget to talk about what you need to try. The kid must be careful.

Tell your son or daughter about the attractive aspects of the matinee. Tell him so that he wants to go there himself. And don't forget that gifts will be given. This is very important for preschoolers. The scenario of the holiday on March 8 (2nd junior group) may involve a joint tea party with parents.

The pre-holiday day does not need to be turned into continuous preparation for the event. Otherwise, the baby will decide that they are only trying to complicate his life, depriving him of everyday joys. In this case, he will only oppose the preparation.

Learn the child's remarks in a playful way. Lessons don't have to be long. Take breaks.

“Through I can’t” is not an option! Do not force your child to memorize material in this way. Moreover, do not threaten him with punishment for unfulfilled work, in order to avoid losing any interest and reducing self-esteem.

Encourage your child to interact with the people around him. Learn to be friends with children. Only in this case, the baby will be able to find his social circle, in which he will be able to fulfill himself.

Children enter the hall to the music. (Mom's heart)

Vedas: The sun is gentle

smiled at us

Let's start the holiday

holiday of our mothers!

Everything is ready for the holiday.

So what are we waiting for?

Children: We are a fun song

Let's start our holiday!

2nd junior group sings a song We love mommy very much

On a sunny fine day

Birds sang: shadow-shadow-shadow

The sun shone brightly

It was all in the yard.

Mother chicken came out

take a walk on the street

And behind her the chickens

Yellow guys.

The dance of the chickens is the middle group.

Vedas. Here comes the spring. Look how good it became on the street - it's warm, the sun shone brightly, the snow began to melt, the first spring flowers of snowdrops will soon appear.

The gardener became early in the morning

Replant tulips.

I looked back - that's it! -

Planted, but not there.

One two three four five -

transplant again

Dance of Flowers - 2nd junior group to the song Wreath (middle group sings)

Bright day, spring day,

Droplets ring joyfully,

We welcome spring

Mom's holiday continues.

The song is being performed We sang a song (middle group)


The kids have fun feet.

And happy hands

Frets - frets - frets.

I bake pancakes

I bake pancakes

For whom?

For grandmother.

With movements.

And for mommy, the guys will bake all the pies,

Let's all stand up straight and sing a song together.

Song I bake (2nd junior group sings)

Bring up:

I still have it in the box

Red cat lives

He's at Mom's party

He will sing his song

Only together with you.

Children :

Meow meow meow!

Brings up:

Wants to play with you

Catch small birds.

Bird and cat game.

polenka. average. gr.

Children stand in pairs in a circle, holding hands.

1. Run in a circle.

For the chorus - 4 times they stomp with one foot, 4 times - with the other + circled around with a boat.

2. Girl - around the boy + chorus.

3. They quarrel - with the finger of the right hand + with the finger of the left hand / with the support of the other hand /. They turn away / with their backs to each other /.

4. The girl sat down, spreading her legs; the boy runs around the girl. + chorus.

5. The boy gives the girl one hand - virgin. / eyes closed with palms / shakes his head - no, the boy gives his other hand - dev. - no, gives two hands, raises the girl + stomp, spin.

6. They run in a circle - and into place / the boy puts the girl down, bows /.

I love my mom very much

Her hello hot slut!

But not only to her,

And my grandmother too!

The middle group sings a song Be healthy grandma

Mom, I love you so much

I don't know right!

I am a big ship

Give the name Mama!

I help my mother

Every day I work

I'm clearing the table

My sex with pleasure!

Well, I'm a gift to my mother

I'll paint the closet with flowers

It would be nice and the ceiling ...

Too bad I'm not tall.

Children middle group dance to the song Mom's helper

A little boy comes out:

Reading poetry:

I have a big laundry

I'm not too lazy to wash clothes,

I pour water into the trough,

And I wash all day

In soap foam, in soap foam

All linen will become clean,

If mommy wants

I'll wash yours too.

I help my grandmother

I'm already big.

Grandma smiled

Became young.

Children 2 ml. bands sing a song congratulations to grandma

Presenter: Well done, sit down. And now the kids will play the game "Collect the flower".

Educators lay out on the floor the petals of three colors and the middle

the same color. They bring three children who will play to

middle and show what needs to be done, while emphasizing

children's attention on color.

Host: One, two, three.

Music sounds, children collect their flowers. During the game, educators

help children who are having difficulties. When the child collected

his flower, he starts to run, dancing, around him. So

Thus, the game ends with a general dance around the collected flowers. A game

carried out several more times.

Presenter: And now the game "Who will pass through the thaw faster."

Educators put three chairs, they put flowers made of

paper. Opposite are three more chairs, children are sitting on them. Before everyone

the child on the floor lies two planks.

Host: One, two, three.

Music sounds. Children stand on a plank, substitute another,

they pass to it, take the first board, put it in front of them, etc.

Having reached a chair with flowers, the child takes them and dances. A game

carried out several times.

Presenter: And now we will play. Who can hang a handkerchief on a string faster.

Music sounds. Educators put three handkerchiefs on three chairs. Two

educators hold a rope, under which there is a pan with clothespins.

Three children of the middle group are standing near the chairs.

On the count of "three", the children grab one handkerchief, run to the rope, take

clothespin and hang a scarf. They return to the chair for the next. The game is played several times.

Presenter: Our holiday has come to an end. Congratulations to all mothers and grandmothers with

day of the eighth of March! We wish you happiness and kindness, warmth and

Dear mothers! Spring holiday

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

May the sun always shine

We love you very much: "Yes Yes Yes!"

Music sounds. ...............................
