What to watch out for in the forest. Why is the forest dangerous and should you be afraid of the forest? Debunking myths

Even as a child, when I saw wild animals in children's books, they interested me very much. As I grew older, I realized that in real life, the “bear with clumsy feet” is not at all like in fairy tales, and I would like to give you some tips on how to behave with a bear.

How not to meet a bear

The best way to solve a problem is not to create it. Therefore, when in the wild, you need to do everything to avoid meeting a bear and save your nerves.

  • Animals are afraid of humans. So, let them know that you are here: talk loudly, turn on the music.
  • Food waste attracts extra animals, so it needs to be burned.
  • Move through open areas where fewer trees and thickets.
  • And, of course, don’t walk along bear trails!

What to do if you encounter a bear

How to escape from a bear if you see one? I believe the key to successfully handling difficult situations is keeping a cool head. Therefore, it is very important not to panic, but to analyze the situation.

If you see a bear, but he doesn’t see you, then simply quietly and carefully hide in the direction that you consider best, given the location of the bear.

If the bear sees you too, then don’t run. Stand still. Watch his behavior. Remember that bears very rarely attack people. Talk to the bear confidently and out loud. If the bear stood on hind legs with the front ones down - it's not scary, he's just looking at you. Bears can be curious too! Try to move away slowly, remaining facing the bear (but do not look into its eyes). If the bear tries to follow you, then stand still.

How to escape from a bear if it attacks

Even if the bear gets too close, continue to stand and speak in a confident voice. Understand the bear's purpose. If she is defensive and he is not very aggressive, then it is worth playing dead or climbing a tree.

If the bear attacks aggressively, then it's your time to scare him. Speak loudly, bang your irons, stomp your feet, try to appear bigger. If it comes to a fight, hit the bear in the face and eyes - this will be the most sensitive for him.

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I think all people in the world know about bears. Of course, most of us have only seen these predators in zoos and nature reserves. And I must say that the bears there look very calm, and the little bear cubs are absolutely adorable. However, bears in a space fenced off from people is one thing, but bears in wild habitat- this is completely different.

Where does the brown bear live?

Brown bears live throughout Russia and the CIS countries. They are most often found in dense dense forests, where people rarely wander. The thing is that, contrary to popular opinion, bears don't eat people and generally try to avoid any contact with them. But I think you know that there are still cases in the world where bears kill people(they kill, not eat).

As I said, these animals live in very dense forests, where people have absolutely no reason to go, but, of course, there are those who are directly drawn to adventure.

Sometimes there are cases when a bear wanders into completely unusual living environment(sometimes even to the city), but, as a rule, such an animal is either sick, injured, or has something wrong with its psyche.

How to escape from a brown bear

Before I start talking about how you can escape from a brown bear, I would like to say that better Just never meet this predator than trying to survive a collision with it.

If you really like to walk through the forests during spring and summer periods, then I do not recommend that you go into the very depths of these forests, since From May to August, bears experience their peak period of activity, at this time they extremely aggressive and can attack humans. Also, under no circumstances take food with you into the forest that has a strong aroma - this may attract a bear.

Unfortunately, we can never guess what might happen; I know stories where the most experienced and careful foresters have become victims of bears. Therefore, on extreme case, I want to give you a couple of tips that will help you when meeting with brown bear . So, if you are in the forest, far from people, and this huge predator is standing in front of you, then you should behave in a certain way:

Still, I hope you never have to come face to face with a bear.

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Watching the movie "The Revenant" with a famous scene attacks wild bear per person, I made two conclusions for myself. Firstly, I can’t watch such films, and secondly, I urgently need to know how to escape from a bear in case something happens. Well, what if? There are a lot of bears in Russia, just in case it’s better to know how to behave.

Escape a bear by playing dead

Ideally, it is better not to meet a bear. But if it was not possible to prevent the attack, it is better play dead and protect vital organs. This is suitable specifically for behavior with brown bear, the peculiarity of his behavior is to lose interest in the victim if he does not feel danger. To do this you need to take the correct position:

  • fall to the ground;
  • face down;
  • hands cover the head;
  • even if bear flips over you, you need to strive to take the position " on stomach, face down».

Why is this so? Lying on your stomach, you protect your internal organs from the paws of the beast. Sorry for the naturalism, but if the beast rips your stomach open, escape from the bear you definitely won't succeed. Therefore, you need to roll over, especially good if there is a backpack, it will soften the blows of the paws. You need to keep your hands near your face to protect your eyes.

Why do bears attack

The main reason for the attack, as is known, is that mother bear protects cubs.

That's why best to pretend to be dead, because a dead person poses no danger.

That's why protect yourself from a mother bear with her cubs at close range using weapons(shooting a bear or trying to scare it with a shot) is a very bad idea. You will fire your gun at random - she-bear will only receive confirmation that you are dangerous to her cubs. Of course, if you are a hunter high level and you are sure that you will hit the brain or spine the first time, then this is a completely different conversation.

Never approach bear cubs, even if you think they are very cute. Their mother is somewhere nearby, and she will not appreciate your outburst of affection.

Escape from a wounded bear

Another possible scenario is bear in a trap or a loop, most likely wounded.

Poachers operate in many forests and you may become an unwitting witness to sad events.

Don't come any closer! A wounded bear is very dangerous and aggressive. He has enough power to kill a person. The only way escape from the bear in this case - do not approach.

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One day, when my family and I went to our old dacha, out of boredom, I climbed into the attic, where I found a bunch of different books. I don’t know why, but I found myself holding a book in my hands, the name of which I don’t even remember now. It talked about survival in the wild; since I couldn’t find anything else to do for myself, I ended up reading the book. I think it was not in vain, because now I can show off my knowledge to my friends. For example, talk about what to do if you encounter a bear.

Escape from the bear before you meet him

Following folk wisdom, any situation easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences later. In this case it also works. If you are not a hunter and are not going to sneak up on the animal unnoticed, then try to warn it about your presence in the forest: talk loudly, sing, make noise in every possible way. It turns out that if a bear notices people in advance, in most cases it will try to hide and leave. For a walk, try to choose open place, do not travel through forest thickets, especially at night. If you are unusually lucky and come across a bear trail, turn around immediately. Turn around and leave quickly.

What to do if the meeting took place

It is much easier for an animal to deal with prey that is scared and runs away than with an enemy that is ready to defend. Here are some tips that could save your life:

About weapons

Availability of weapons - insufficient protection measure without knowing how to use it. Stories about hunting bears with a small-caliber rifle are just that: stories. You should only shoot a bear if you understand that your gun can stop it here and now. In most cases, both animals and humans can escape any collision peacefully. Don't give in to immediate feelings of fear or anger, but if you... absolutely sure that there is no other way out - shoot.

Remember that there is no universal method of protection, because every meeting with wild beast occurs according to a unique scenario.

Recently, wild animal attacks on people have become more frequent in forests. Mushroom pickers and tourists are at greatest risk, but everyone else may find themselves face to face with a wolf or bear: predators often come out of the forest in search of food. the site tells you what to do and how to behave when meeting a wild animal.


When meeting a bear, you should not try to run away. Photo:

Hunters say: wild animals themselves avoid meeting people, and in order to avoid encountering a bear, it is enough to follow some rules of behavior in the forest. Experts advise moving through the forest not alone, but in a group, and talking loudly to warn the animal of your approach: then the animal will not show itself. It is best to stop for a rest in open areas of the forest, and after cooking on a fire, all leftover food must be burned - the bear can smell the food and come out to people. You also need to burn tin cans. If you suddenly meet bear cubs in the forest, you should not stop to take a couple of photos or just admire the cubs: their mother bear is walking nearby, and she definitely will not like the fact that you are getting close to her cubs.

If you were unable to avoid the meeting and you see a bear approaching, you need to try to remain calm, no matter how difficult it is: in such a situation, a cool mind is your main assistant. If the bear has not noticed you, try to silently hide from its field of vision and carefully leave the forest. If a predator is looking at you, talk to him in a low voice. The animal may come closer and stand on its hind legs to sniff you and make sure there is no threat. At the same time, it is better not to move and under no circumstances run away - the predator will regard this as a danger and will quickly be able to catch up with you. Don't try to climb a tree. When the bear is aggressive and about to attack, lie down on the ground and play dead. Most often, the forest dweller sees that the person does not pose a threat, sniffs him and leaves. In other cases, it remains, on the contrary, to scream loudly, call for help and, if possible, rattle with metal objects: when the predator sees other people, it will get scared and run away.


The wolf feels fear acutely. Photo:

The wolf feels fear better than all predators, so when meeting him, first of all, you must remember to remain calm. Under no circumstances turn your back to the wolf: he will regard this as a reason to attack. If you encounter a whole pack, slowly step back, facing the wolves, and talk loudly. Try to climb the first tree you come across.

If the wolf attacks, try not to let yourself be knocked to the ground, stay on your feet as long as possible and loudly call for help. You can try inserting a thick stick into the predator's mouth. When the jaw closes, the animal will experience pain, try to get rid of the obstacle, and you will have time to escape.


You can escape from the wild boar in a tree. Photo:

Most often, a wild boar attack is provoked by the person himself. The beast attacks first if it is wounded and enraged: in such a situation it is better not to catch its eye. While the animal does not see you, you can try to hide unnoticed, but when a wounded boar sees a person and runs at him, there are only a few seconds left for action, and you cannot hesitate.

Most best way protection - climb a tree, even if it’s not tall, but strong. Boars cannot climb or jump and will soon lose interest in you. The animal can be scared away by the hunter's signals - special pyrotechnic cartridges. Do not try to use them as a means of self-defense: the boar will only become even more angry. Point the charges into the air - in most cases the animal will leave.


Lynx rarely attacks first. Photo:

The lynx behaves very carefully and tries never to catch the eye of a person. Even if the animal sees tourists or mushroom pickers, it will not attack and will prefer to remain unnoticed. Danger exists only if the animal is wounded. It is almost impossible to prevent an attack, since the lynx usually hides in tree branches and appears unexpectedly.

However, we should not forget that the lynx is the same cat, only big, and it is quite shy. The animal can be forced to leave by actively waving its arms and making loud noises.

If you see an animal moving away, do not try to get closer to it or lure it to you: the meeting may end in failure.


Often, a moose can be more dangerous than a bear. Photo:

Although moose are herbivores, they can often be more dangerous to humans than bears. Moose are most aggressive during mating season, which usually takes place in early autumn. In this situation, the elk is extremely dangerous, and it will be much easier to prevent such a meeting than to escape when it has already taken place.

If you see that the bark on the trees is peeled off at about the height of a man, it means that a moose is walking nearby. You can also recognize its nearby location by the piles of droppings on the ground.

When the animal does see you, try to hide behind a tree. As you know, moose have poor eyesight, and the elk may lose sight of you. Don't run: this will only make him more aggressive. While the animal is looking at you, freeze and do not move, and if the elk attacks, climb a tree and wait for it to leave.
