What is a cloud. The meaning of the word "cloud"

Cloud, - And, feminine gender.
1. A large, usually dark, dense cloud that brings rain, snow, or hail. Thundercloud Clouds gathered (condensed, hung) over someone ( figurative meaning.: about impending trouble, trouble). Like a cloud someone (gloomy, angry).
2. figurative meaning., what. A multitude, a dense moving mass. Cloud of arrows. Clouds of flies. The locust swooped in.
cloud cloud ( colloquial) about a person: gloomy and angry.
diminutive noun cloud, and feminine gender.(to 1 significant.).
adjective cloudy, - oh, - oh (to 1 significant.).

Word usage examples cloud in the context

    . Once, when I was getting ready to put up a tent and dig a cave, suddenly a thick cloud and pouring rain poured down.
    . Grass moved quite a distance from the station. The stall was nowhere to be found. Pruda too. Cloud darkened the sun. Wind started to blow. It got colder.
    . Above Yershalaim floated not a purple veil with a white edge, but an ordinary gray rearguard cloud.
    . For a long time cloud poured, but spilled a fine rain.
    . A thunderstorm hung over the track cloud.


thickened(or gathered and so on.) clouds over someone - danger has approached, trouble, something threatens

Cloud-cloud- about someone very gloomy, gloomy

Dictionary of Efremova


  1. and.
    1. :
      1. A large, thick, dark cloud that brings rain, hail, snow.
      2. A volatile mass of something that looks like such a cloud.
    2. unfold..Use. when referring to an indefinitely large number of smb., sth.

Phraseological dictionary (Volkova)


Not from a cloud of thunder (unfold) - used for designation of something. appearing, appearing unexpectedly.


1) O in large numbers someone-something.

Cloud-cloud fly.

2) about very gloomy, gloomy.

Sits in a cloud.

Ozhegov's dictionary

T At cha, And, and.

1. A large, usually dark, dense cloud that brings rain, snow, or hail. Thunderstorm cloud. Clouds gathered (condensed, hung) over the stone. (trans.: about impending trouble, trouble). Like T. Who.(gloomy, angry).

2. trans., what. A multitude, a dense moving mass. T. arrows. Clouds of flies. The locust swooped in.

cloud cloud(colloquial) about a person: gloomy and angry.

| reduce cloud, And, and.(to 1 value).

| adj. cloudy, oh, oh (to 1 value).

Dictionary Ushakov


tu cha *****

dispersed!" Griboyedov. The clouds converged, gathered over someone.

3. trans., only units use to denote a gloomy mood, a gloomy look. “Like a cloud, a disgruntled father walked.” Nekrasov. Watch cloud.

4. trans. A dense, moving mass, a multitude of something. "Flies fly in clouds and buzz in stuffiness." Goncharov. Cloud of dust. Cloud of locusts.

Not from a cloud of thunder ( unfold) - use to denote something that appeared, arose unexpectedly. Cloud-cloud - 1 ) about a large number of someone-something. Cloud-cloud fly. 2 ) about very gloomy, gloomy. He sits in a cloud.

Sentences with "cloud"

There was a wind, and a small wave whipped us all the time when we looked towards the opposite shore, following the cloud, so we turned our heads there and missed the minute when the cloud suddenly moved quickly and dusk fell.

When breakfast is ready, the student takes out a loaf of bread and, seeing dark raindrops and a huge cloud above them, immediately takes out an umbrella.

A thundercloud filled her heart and rose higher and higher, darkening her mind.

- (1) 1. Thundercloud, rain cloud: Black clouds are coming from the sea, they want to cover the sun, and blue millions tremble in them. 12. And then suddenly a cloud came from the inflow of the face and a hundred above the uncovered top of the church, and little rain over the tomb ... ... Dictionary-reference book "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

Female (fat, fat) something huge, plump, fat, bulky, voluminous and loose, composite, prefabricated; heap. Haystacks, stacks, stacks are standing in clouds. Grass in the meadows cloud cloud. Cloud of dust. The locust swarms. Cloud of arrows. | * A huge number, ... ... Dictionary Dalia

Cloud, fog. See cloud... Synonym dictionary

cloud- rainless (Serafimovich); white (Sologub); snow-white (Fofanov); hailstone (Fyodor. Davydov); formidable (Balmont, Ryleev); thunderstorm (Golenishchev Kutuzov); thunderous (Frug); overweight (Dmitrieva); thick (Chekhov); stuffy (Tyutchev); smoky (Artsybashev); ... ... Dictionary of epithets

cloud- A cloud, and, well. 1. Bazaar, market, flea market. 2. (or fig cloud). A large number of things. Fucking cloud of people. 1. Poss. from ug… Dictionary of Russian Argo

CLOUD, and, wives. 1. A large, usually dark, dense cloud that brings rain, snow, or hail. Thundercloud. Clouds gathered (condensed, hung) over someone. (trans.: about impending trouble, trouble). Like t. who n. (gloomy, angry). 2. trans., what. A bunch of,… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

cloud- CLOUD, colloquial. reduced gloomily ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

- (inosk.) trouble, danger. Wed Thunderstorm (in the sense of threat). Wed She was embarrassed ... It seemed to her that her husband loved only her beauty, her appearance, and not her soul; but his everlasting kindness and attentiveness dispersed these clouds. A. A. Sokolov. Secret. 14.… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

A cloud has gone behind the sun. Jarg. they say Shuttle. approval About luck, luck. Maksimov, 152. Fire cloud. Novg. Thundercloud. NOSE 6, 127. Angry cloud. Novg. Cloud of dark color. NOSE 11, 74. Dark cloud (black) of what. Psk. About a lot of things. SPP… … Big Dictionary Russian sayings


  • Cloud. 5 spoons of elixir. Wizards (CDmp3), Strugatsky Arkady Natanovich, Strugatsky Boris Natanovich. Arkady Natanovich and Boris Natanovich Strugatsky are classics of modern science and social fiction. The works of the Strugatskys were published in translations in 42 languages ​​in 33 countries of the world. On the…
  • Cloud, Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Arkady Natanovich and Boris Natanovich Strugatsky are classics of modern science and social fiction. The works of the Strugatskys were published in translations in 42 languages ​​in 33 countries of the world. On the…


noun, and., use often

Morphology: (no) what? clouds, what? clouds, (see) what? cloud, how? cloud, about what? about the cloud; pl. What? clouds, (no) what? clouds, what? clouds, (see) what? clouds, how? clouds, about what? about clouds

1. clouds called a large, dark cloud that brings rain, hail, snow with the oboe.

Heavy, leaden, low clouds. | Thunderstorm, storm cloud. | Black, blue cloud. | The sun has gone behind the clouds. | Clouds are coming from the mountains. | The wind dispersed the clouds. | The sky is covered with clouds. | The sky is overcast with clouds, thunder is heard.

2. clouds called a swirling mass of small flying particles of dust, steam, smoke, etc.

Clouds of sparks, smoke. Clouds of snowflakes. | Catch up with a cloud of dust. | Raise clouds of spray. | Clouds of ash rose from the floor.

4. If over someone thickened, clouds gathered, then this means that this person is threatened by some kind of trouble, danger, trouble.

He had no idea what clouds were gathering over his head.

5. If someone is said to be darker, darker than clouds, then this means that this person has a very sad look, a worried expression, etc.

Ivan sat darker than a cloud, all engulfed in prickly and impotent rage.

cloud noun, and.

cloudy adj.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .


See what a "cloud" is in other dictionaries:

    Cloud ... Spelling Dictionary

    - (1) 1. Thundercloud, rain cloud: Black clouds are coming from the sea, they want to cover the sun, and blue millions tremble in them. 12. And then suddenly a cloud came from the inflow of the face and a hundred above the uncovered top of the church, and little rain over the tomb ... ... Dictionary-reference book "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

    Female (fat, fat) something huge, plump, fat, bulky, voluminous and loose, composite, prefabricated; heap. Haystacks, stacks, stacks are standing in clouds. Grass in the meadows cloud cloud. Cloud of dust. The locust swarms. Cloud of arrows. | * A huge number, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Clouds, female 1. Big, advantage. a dark thick cloud threatening rain, hail, snow. Thunderstorm, snow cloud. “The right side was covered with one continuous cloud.” Nekrasov. 2. trans. Danger, impending trouble, that n. ominous, dark... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Cloud, fog. See cloud... Synonym dictionary

    cloud- rainless (Serafimovich); white (Sologub); snow-white (Fofanov); hailstone (Fyodor. Davydov); formidable (Balmont, Ryleev); thunderstorm (Golenishchev Kutuzov); thunderous (Frug); overweight (Dmitrieva); thick (Chekhov); stuffy (Tyutchev); smoky (Artsybashev); ... ... Dictionary of epithets

    cloud- A cloud, and, well. 1. Bazaar, market, flea market. 2. (or fig cloud). A large number of things. Fucking cloud of people. 1. Poss. from ug… Dictionary of Russian Argo

    CLOUD, and, wives. 1. A large, usually dark, dense cloud that brings rain, snow, or hail. Thundercloud. Clouds gathered (condensed, hung) over someone. (trans.: about impending trouble, trouble). Like t. who n. (gloomy, angry). 2. trans., what. A bunch of,… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    cloud- CLOUD, colloquial. reduced gloomily ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    - (inosk.) trouble, danger. Wed Thunderstorm (in the sense of threat). Wed She was embarrassed ... It seemed to her that her husband loved only her beauty, her appearance, and not her soul; but his everlasting kindness and attentiveness dispersed these clouds. A. A. Sokolov. Secret. 14.… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    A cloud has gone behind the sun. Jarg. they say Shuttle. approval About luck, luck. Maksimov, 152. Fire cloud. Novg. Thundercloud. NOSE 6, 127. Angry cloud. Novg. Cloud of dark color. NOSE 11, 74. Dark cloud (black) of what. Psk. About a lot of things. SPP… … Big dictionary of Russian sayings


  • Cloud. 5 spoons of elixir. Wizards (CDmp3), Strugatsky Arkady Natanovich, Strugatsky Boris Natanovich. Arkady Natanovich and Boris Natanovich Strugatsky are classics of modern science and social fiction. The works of the Strugatskys were published in translations in 42 languages ​​in 33 countries of the world. On the…

We all know perfectly well what a cloud and a cloud are, but one has only to ask the question “How does a cloud differ from a cloud?”, How to give an exact formulation of the differences becomes very difficult. In our article, we will study in detail all aspects of this issue and put the answers on the shelves.

Cloud and cloud through the eyes of scientists and ordinary people

Cloud meteorologists call rather large accumulations of gases in the lower layers of the atmosphere or, to put it more simply, fog “floating” in the air. From the ground, they look like white, fluffy “pieces of cotton wool” flying through the sky. Thanks to this, many poems have been written about clouds (“Looking at the Heavens” by N. Aseev, “Clouds Float Lazily and Heavily” by A. Blok, etc.), and poets come up with more and more new epithets for them.

Okay, we've dealt with clouds, but what about clouds? The easiest thing to do now would be to give scientific definition this word and simply compare it with the description of the cloud. But the whole catch is that the term "cloud" in meteorology simply does not exist, it is only a speech turnover. It is used when they want to say something big. dark cloud bringing with it bad weather: rain, hail or a thunderstorm. And in scientific circles, instead, there is a clear classification of clouds by origin and appearance. We propose to consider its main component, without touching on intermediate types.

So, meteorologists divide clouds into three main groups:

Now that we are familiar with the basic concepts, we can try to compare a cloud with a cloud. As promised, we will put everything on the shelves.

1. Appearance.

The main and most obvious difference is the type of clouds and clouds. Clouds, due to their structure, are bright and white color, and clouds are their complete opposite.

2. Method of education.

To formulate this difference, it is worth first learning about the process of formation of clouds and clouds. Moist air is involved in their occurrence. It reaches the upper layers of the atmosphere, where, due to a decrease in pressure, it begins to cool. The moisture formed due to this envelops the smallest particles of dust - millions of tiny drops are obtained, of which the cloud consists. But when does a cloud become a cloud? This happens when there are too many of these drops. So, another difference between a cloud and a cloud is the amount of moisture contained in it.

3. Types of clouds and clouds.

Another significant difference is that, due to the nature of their formation, clouds cannot be cirrus.

4. The ability to transmit light.

Everyone knows that clouds let the sun's rays through, and clouds, in connection with big amount the vapors contained in them do not possess such an ability.

5. Bad weather.

Clouds often bring precipitation with them, while it takes much longer for ordinary clouds to turn around.

Thus, now we have analyzed in detail how a cloud differs from a cloud and what these differences are connected with. Good luck in self-development and have a nice day!
