What does this mean in. Meaning of the word designation

Many words that came to us from other languages ​​have become so firmly established in everyday life and assimilated that now only a linguist can establish their foreign origin. Such are the words “chest”, “doctor”, “machine” and even “abracadabra”, which, as it turns out, has Greek roots. But “flash” is clearly not original Russian word. It is too short, hissing and generally unusual. In addition, it is characterized by polysemy, which is typical for English words. Today we will analyze its main meanings, find out how the word “flash” is translated and what word-forming potential it has.

Where it all started

The energetic, rapid sound of the English word flash fits very well with its meaning of “flash, instant.” Like many words in Shakespeare's language, it easily and without any changes turns into the verb “to flash, to flash.” Anything that moves quickly, in one movement, can be characterized by the word “flash”. In principle, this connotation has passed into the Russian language, as we will see later.

Spelling difficulties

Wide open sound [æ] in English word most similar to Russian [e], slightly mixed with [a]. However, to the question “how do you spell the word “flush”?” The Russian spelling dictionary answers unambiguously: with the letter “e”. This option was adopted by analogy with other borrowed words like “brandy”, “diet”, “energy”.

The use of the letter “e” in Russian does not differ in frequency and is considered rather an exception to the rule. Although when pronouncing these words out loud, it is the sound [e] that is most often heard. In the end, we have all been accustomed since our school days to the fact that in the great and powerful, not everything is heard and written. “Flash” is one of those very cases.

High tech

Information processing is always a lightning-fast process. Therefore, the use of the term “flash technologies” in the IT field is more than justified. Any more or less confident PC user quite often comes across the word “flash”. The meaning of the word manages to split in two here too.

Let's focus on computer graphics. Here, flash is a popular technology for creating animation for Internet sites. Beautiful flashing buttons, flying butterflies and snowflakes are all examples of Flash animation in action. The object-based approach allows you to significantly save time and effort when creating such pictures, because you can draw just a few frames and set for them the desired trajectory of movement or an algorithm for replacing one frame with another. The work will be really lightning fast. You can also add sound and videos to Flash animation. Flash technology has become a powerful, uncomplicated and therefore popular tool for creating your own videos, games and applications.

If we talk about information storage technologies, the concept of “flash drive” applies to media with electrically reprogrammable memory. The lightning speed of information processing is worthy of the short and succinct word “flash”. Electric charge(well, why not lightning?) constantly changes and is registered in a special semiconductor pocket located on a “flash drive”.

Cards on the table

The ways of a borrowed word in a language are mysterious. Flush, a popular term in poker, passed into Russian speech, without asking, taking the form “flush” from its close relative, flash. Strictly speaking, flush means a sudden rush of water or confusion, as well as abundance. In poker, this word also in some way describes abundance - five cards of the same suit, in any order. In terms of its power, a flush is second only to a full house and four of a kind.

An extremely pleasant variation of a flush is a straight flush, in which all cards come one after another strictly in order of seniority, for example, seven, eight, nine, ten and jack of hearts. The lowest straight flush starts with an ace and ends with a five. And the oldest one received the proud name “royal flush” - it starts with a ten and ends with an ace. If a player is on his way to a flush, this combination is called a “flush-draw”.

Poker can hardly be called a lightning-fast game, because it requires extreme concentration and prudence. Nevertheless, the term “flush” has firmly taken root in the Russian-speaking environment of players and has become business card poker

Leap into the past

The short “flash” is an ideal basis for word formation. By adding it to any other word, you can give it speed, brevity and immediacy. Let's look at this using the term “flashback” as an example.

The English preposition back, denoting backward movement, merging with the already well-known flash, gives an excellent, capacious name for a technique in art. A character in a film, game or play is instantly transported by thoughts to his past, where he indulges in nostalgia, tries to answer an important question, or simply says goodbye to life. Such “time travel” usually does not last long. Soon story line resumes and the character returns to the present time. In the literature, such a technique is called a retrospective and can last a long time.

There is also a reverse technique - flash forward. As you might guess, here the viewer or player is dealing with a leap into the future. Flash-forwards are often used at the very beginning of a feature film or TV series to stir up intrigue and allow viewers to make their own guesses about the plot.

In the right place and at the right time

A huge crowd of people of different ages, occupations and appearance. They don't know each other. But nevertheless, here and now they are nearby, representing a common idea. Flash mob literally translates to “instant crowd”, and this is a very accurate description of a popular phenomenon today.

A large group of people gather at a predetermined location to perform some actions, which is also called a flash mob scenario. After completing the scenario, the participants disperse. As a rule, such mass actions do not last long. Participants learn about flash mobs from the media, mainly various social networks.

Fast as lightning

It would be strange if this expressive word did not leak from common nouns into proper names. Yes, not simple ones, but for the most superheroes. This character was Flash, who appeared from the pens of DC Comics artists and writers in 1940 in the first issue of Flash Comics. Of course, Flash's main ability is extreme speeds exceeding the speed of light. Flash's quick reactions and speed of thought also amaze comic book fans year after year. Later versions of the Flash can drive their body's internal vibrations so fast that they can pass through solid objects. Internal vibrations help Flash destroy buildings and cause earthquakes with just one touch.

An extremely popular superhero, Flash has repeatedly become the main character of many films and TV series. In 2014, a television series of the same name was released, and its third season is expected to be released in October 2016.

Common features

And yet, what does the word “flush” mean? All of the above meanings have one common element - a flash of lightning. Instant, bright and memorable. It is possible that in the future humanity will invent many things in the names of which this word will be appropriate.

Matings, controlled size, surface or control zone, weld number or designation of the intersection of welds, indicated by weld numbers, through a dash, for example No. 1 2, and other parameters. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Indicator, pointer, mark, sign, symbol, mark, label, name, indication, name, marking; expression, article, outlining, marking, outlining, definition, delineation, positioning, marking, drawing, marking,... ... Synonym dictionary

Action on the verb to designate/designate Sign/Symbol/Image of an object or phenomenon... Wikipedia

NOTE, i, cf. 1. see designate. 2. Sign, to the Crimea that n. designated. Legend. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

DESIGNATION- DESIGNATION. Coding (naming) by language means the components of extra-linguistic situations, objects and objects. See also nomination... New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

designation- DESIGNATION1, designation, mark, special. marking, special marking MARK, note, label, mark, mark DESIGNATE/DESIGNATE, notice/notice, mark/outline, mean/signify, mark/mark, special, nons. and owls... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

designation- This term includes trademarks, commercial designations, trade names, design elements, emblems and other means of marking goods/services that can identify goods/services, as well as their manufacturers. [Department... ... Technical Translator's Guide

Designation- Designation ♦ Designation The relationship of a sign to its referent, that is, to a real or imaginary object located outside the sign (in linguistics the terms denotation or reference are also used). Not to be confused with meaning - inherent... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

designation- state the designation verbalization... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

designation- DESIGNATION, i, cf A sign indicating that l.; Syn.: sign. Dash in complex sentence This is most often a designation of the result... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns


  • The Signature of All Things, Kenneth Rexroth. American poet and anarchist Kenneth Rexroth is best known as the initiator of the San Francisco Renaissance of the 40s and 50s. His experiments with jazz poetry and translations of Japanese and Chinese lyrics...
  • Guitar Guitar chord charts Notation Construction, Vladimir Katansky. 56 pp. This publication contains guitar chord charts for accompaniment on a six-string guitar. Their designations and construction are given. These chords can be played without notes, i.e....

A dream symbol such as an ax may be associated in your mind with the expression: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe,” in this case, your subconscious signals to you that you are worried about whether you did the right thing when working with documents, or you regret writing a letter, telegram, note.

An ax can symbolize the cunning and resourcefulness of a person who is capable of making at least something out of nothing, as in the fairy tale about porridge cooked from an ax.

They say: “He floats like an axe,” and if your subconscious associates this image with this particular statement, then this means that you are dissatisfied with the way someone from your environment performs the tasks assigned to him.

Sharpening an ax - in reality, prepare for some risky step related to papers; be careful, it may turn out that your partners will support you only in words, but in reality they will let you down.

If, while you are chopping something, the ax flies off the ax handle, it means that you will experience interference in your work, which will not only ruin your mood, but will also affect your income.

Chopping something with an ax means achieving what you want using cunning and resourcefulness.

If you cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream, this means that by acting directly, without precautions, you will cause mental pain to someone around you, so think before you act.

A dream in which someone threatens you with an ax predicts danger from papers, so be careful when signing documents.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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    To signify, commemorate, depict, mark, outline; mark, capture, brand, perpetuate; determine; mean, express, foretell. Green color means hope.. Wed. ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning.... ... Synonym dictionary

    TO DESIGNATE, designate or signify, mean that, by (from, on) to mark, to distinguish with any signs, notes; by letter or signs. Summers are not indicated on the passport. Mark the top on the bales. The height of the water is indicated by a line. Mark closer to mark... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    DEnote, ay, ay; imperfect 1. see designate. 2. (1st person and 2nd person not used) what. So, to have some n. meaning. What does this label mean? His coming signifies reconciliation. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    designate- - [Ya.N.Luginsky, M.S.Fezi Zhilinskaya, Yu.S.Kabirov. English-Russian dictionary of electrical engineering and power engineering, Moscow, 1999] Topics of electrical engineering, basic concepts EN designateidentifylabel ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Verb., nsv., used. compare often Morphology: I designate, you designate, he/she/it designates, we designate, you designate, they designate, designate, designate, designated, designated, designated, designated, designating, designated,... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    designate- ▲ display as, sign designate display as sign. mean. to mean. give [give] a sign. as a sign of what (preposition. # memory. smile as a sign of approval). as a sign that... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    I nesov. trans. 1. To mark something with some sign or label in order to distinguish it, to distinguish it from similar ones. Ott. Serve as signs that distinguish or highlight something. Ott. Point at something by making a mark, giving signals, etc. Ott. Indicate... ... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    designate- designate, ayu, aet... Russian spelling dictionary

    designate- (I), denote/yu(s), cha/eat(sya), cha/ut(sya) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    designate- 1. Syn: mean, signify 2. Syn: define, indicate, establish, name, mean 3. Syn: mark, mark, mark, mean (red.), mark, mark, mark... Russian thesaurus business vocabulary


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verb, nsv., used often

Morphology: he she it means, They mean, meant, meant, meant, meant, meaning, signified, meaning, meaning

1. If a word, sign, gesture, etc. mean something, it means that this is the meaning you put into them, this is the meaning they have.

The name of Lake Zyuratkul translated into Russian means “dead”. | An ellipsis means skipping text. | Not all peoples nod their heads to mean agreement. | The red circle on the map indicates the location of the expedition.

2. If your appearance, gaze, silence, etc. mean something, which means they indicate the feelings that you experience, reflect your internal state.

The expression on her face meant displeasure. | Does your silence mean that you are angry with me? | What does your heavy sigh mean?

3. If any action taken by anyone means something means that it inevitably entails something, is equivalent, equivalent to something.

Landing on water in poor visibility conditions meant certain death for the crew and passengers of the aircraft. | Bankruptcy does not mean closing a company and selling it under the hammer. | A pardon does not mean the revocation of a sentence, but only its mitigation.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.

See what “mean” is in other dictionaries:

    See denote... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. mean mean, designate; define, establish, indicate, designate, name; mark, mark, mark,... ... Synonym dictionary

    MEAN, MEAN The verbs mean and signify are derived from the noun sign. And this noun itself was formed from the verb stem with the help of the suffix to (cf. Old Slavonic zrak, ghost, formed from the root ... ... History of words

    MEAN, mean, mean, imperfect. 1. imperfect. to mean (book). 2. The same as denoting in 2 digits. “Confiscation means the alienation of property without compensation.” Lenin. “The Queen of Spades means secret malevolence.” Pushkin... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (ay, yes, 1st person and 2nd person are not used), ay; imperfect., that. The same as denoting (in 2 meanings). What does your silence mean? Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    mean- — Topics oil and gas industry EN indicate ... Technical Translator's Guide

    I nesov. trans. 1. To indicate, mark something with some sign; designate. Ott. Capture. 2. transfer Leave a trace of any activity, any actions, actions. II Nesov. trans. 1. Have some meaning or significance. 2.… … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    mean- means, ay, ay... Russian spelling dictionary

    mean- (I), meaning, tea/eat, tea… Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    mean- 1. Syn: mean, designate 2. Syn: determine, establish, indicate, designate, name 3. Syn: mark, mark, mark, designate, designate... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    - ay, ay, ay; nsv. What. 1. Have one or another meaning, meaning (about words, signs, gestures). What does your silence mean? An ellipsis means skipping text. 2. Testify about something, show something. The facial expression meant... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


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