An antonym for the word heavy. The expressive possibilities of synonyms and antonyms in the works of a

Turanina N.A. 1 , Kulyupina G.A. 2 , Kurganskaya L.M. 3

1 ORCID: 0000-0001-8280-6486, Doctor of Philology, 2 ORCID: 0000-0001-9790-3545, Candidate of Philology, 3 ORCID: 0000-0002-7555-6439, PhD in Pedagogics, Belgorod state institute arts and culture



The article discusses the use of synonyms and antonyms in the works of A. Likhanov as figurative and expressive means of the Russian language. On specific examples, the features of the functioning of synonyms and antonyms are analyzed, the variety of functions performed by them is shown. The use of synonyms by the writer, connected coordinating conjunction, which is generally not typical for words of this class, the use of antonymic pairs, which are formed by words belonging to different parts of speech.

Keywords: synonym, antonym, figurative and expressive means.

Turanina N.A. 1 , Kuljupina G.A. 2, Kurganskaja L.M. 3

1 ORCID: 0000-0001-8280-6486, PhD in Philology, 2 ORCID: 0000-0001-9790-3545, PhD in Philology, 3 ORCID: 0000-0002-7555-6439, PhD in Pedagogy, Belgorod state institute of arts and culture



In article use in A. Likhanov’s works of synonyms and antonyms as Russian graphic means of expression is considered. On concrete examples features of functioning of synonyms and antonyms are analyzed, a variety of the functions which are carried out by them is shown. The use by the writer of the synonyms connected by a coordinative conjunction that in general isn’t characteristic of words of this class, use of antonymous couples which are formed by the words relating to different parts of speech is revealed.

keywords: synonym, antonym, graphic means of expression.

Skillful use in language fiction expressive and visual means of vocabulary allows the writer to focus on an object or phenomenon, to assess it, to increase the impact on the reader.

The language of A. Likhanov's artistic prose is rich in various methods of using synonymous and antonymic means of language.

Most often there are cases of open use of synonyms, when synonymous words coexist in the text, performing various functions. First of all, synonyms are used for substitution to avoid simple repetition of words: On the table in front of her mother lay photocard. Pictured there was a young guy with a forelock from under his cap and with an accordion in his hands("Stars in September"); Who does not know that each stove has its own character they are like people. How many ovens norov ("Kikimora").

With the help of synonyms, the author clarifies the meaning of individual words, helps to distinguish shades of meaning: ... the idea that this milk is a payment for Vaska, by itself disappeared as if dissolved in drunk milk; I was disgusting, disgusting ; Maybe a premonition is not superstition, Not prejudice, but something that actually exists?("Steep Mountains"); Something happened to him, something seethed, seethed in it, as in a cauldron. I have noticed before that his hands are always tremble- split so much firewood! - but now they're just were shaking ("Kikimora") . In the last example, gradation relations between synonymous words and opposition relations are superimposed on the meaning of the clarification.

In some cases, synonyms are words that emphasize differences in their meanings: He had many duties in the children's clinic, and the main among them - coachman, more precisely, a cab driver, because coachman carries only riders, and cab also cargo(in the last use of the pair coachman - driver the comparative function of synonyms is also manifested: attention is drawn to differences in the meaning of words) (“Kikimora”); - Yes, comrades. women, or rather - women! ("Wooden horses").

Synonyms play a different role in this example: ... he will lead Mashka into the shafts of a wagon, black, lacquered and shiny, and then drive his carriage to front door, or "clean", as Zakharovna said, the entrance("Kikimora"). Here the clarification function is manifested, however, in a somewhat “inverted” form: a synonym for colloquial style is given to the interstyle word.

Very often in the stories of A. Likhanov one can note the effect of stringing synonyms, their gradation, when each subsequent word strengthens or weakens the meaning of the previous one: What kind of funeral? I asked knowing, guessing, understanding what kind of funeral the postman brought to Anna Nikolaevna("Steep Mountains"); As if spellbound, Leka and Nyuska looked at them without blinking, waiting, asking, begging, demanding miracle("Stars in September"); I terribly respected I idolized Vaska for his victory...("Wooden horses").

A single word and a periphrastic name enter into synonymous relations: ... Anna Nikolaevna ... only talked about how Kutuzov lured Napoleon to Moscow and there, in burning Moscow, this impudent conqueror suddenly realized that he lost the war ...("Steep Mountains"); … Anton held in his hand cockroach and looked at him as if black cinder bring happiness...("Stars in September").

Linguists note that with synonyms a connecting union is impossible, meanwhile, in the stories of A. Likhanov there are such combinations of words, for example: My deeds were holy And blameless ("Kikimora"). According to N.F. Shumilova, "the possibility of connecting some synonyms using the union And to a certain extent lies in their genetic heterogeneity. Indeed, in the highlighted pair the word saint originally Russian in origin, and the word blameless goes back to Old Church Slavonic. In addition, when connecting two synonyms that differ in shades of meaning, the refinement function comes to the fore. Consider examples: <Убегать на войну>it's like that get under one's feet in adults only distract them and interfere them("Steep Mountains"); And now, when grandfather said about the cockroach, this vague, obscure thought became clear And understandable ("Stars in September"); And now no one doubted my words, didn't argue And did not argue ("Kikimora").

No less significant is the use of antonymy, which is one of the complex phenomena in the expression of the semantic relationships of words. Antonyms in the works of A. Likhanov are most often found in pairs, which is common for their use in the text, for example: From oven to oven Field passes leisurely, and I running; - I called myself! I barked awkwardly, confusing coarseness With courtesy; According to Polina's example, I firebox door slammed, and blew the door, on the contrary, wider opened wide (in this example, the subsequent opposition is signaled by introductory word against) ("Kikimora"); In even rows, neatly stacked, there lay jointers, planes - large And small ("Wooden horses"); Everyone should know: soldiers - and dead And alive– are back! We're back with a win!("Wooden horses").

In the last example, I would like to pay attention to the order of the members in the antonymic pair. More common usage alive and dead. It is in this sequence that these antonyms are recorded in the Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language by M.R. Lvov; the name of the novel by K. Simonov "The Living and the Dead" immediately comes to mind, phraseological unit neither alive nor dead.

Adjective dead, leading an antonymous pair, acquires new shades of meaning, acquires greater significance. In the village of Vasilievka, a special account is given to the Nazis: of the seventy men who went to war, only six returned home, and then wounded and crippled. But the memory of those killed in battles is alive among fellow villagers, which is why the chairman of the collective farm, Terenty Ivanovich, proposes to cut down " a simple monument, a simple wooden pyramid and write names on it all the fallen men". Thus, dead soldiers will return to their native village from all battlefields.

Combined with a verb returned an oxymoron arises, figuratively revealing mutually exclusive and contradictory beginnings in the designated.

Pairwise inclusion of antonym words in the fabric of the text is not mandatory. In the works of A. Likhanov, there were other cases of using antonyms: Grandmother and mother allowed me to heat the stove, but that stove was our, his and here are the stoves strangers ("Kikimora").

In this sentence, the word stranger(‘not one’s own, not one’s own, belonging to others’ turns out to be simultaneously opposed to the word our(‘belonging to us, pertaining to us’ and the word mine, which in this sentence appears in the meaning of ‘own, constituting someone’s property’, but, in addition to the indicated meaning, the contact location with the pronoun our allows you to see in the word mine and the primary meaning is ‘belonging to oneself, having to do with oneself’. Thanks to this opposition of three words, a kind of antonymous-synonymous triangle of meanings arises: our ←alien→ own, including the commonality and opposition of the meanings of words. Such an antonymic-synonymous triangle destroys the traditional idea of ​​the obligatory pairwise closure of antonyms.

In A. Likhanov's story "Kikimora" we revealed an even more complex organization of opposing the meanings of words: big grief, inconsolable tears, immeasurable jubilation - do they exchange in trifle all the other feelings that each person is blessed with from birth? Synonymic series big, inconsolable, immeasurable heads the word big with the meaning ‘one that draws attention to itself, stands out for its size, volume, quantity or degree, the strength of the manifestation of any state, property, attribute’. Adjective immense has an amplifying character and emphasizes that the degree, the strength of something exceeds the usual. Caught in this synonymous series, and the adjective inconsolable acquires the meaning of ‘large, distinguished by the power of manifestation’.

Emphasized adjectives are opposed to the noun trifle(‘an insignificant circumstance, a trifle’).

According to E.N. Miller, "squeezing antonymic oppositions into the narrow framework of one part of speech narrows the idea of ​​the real possibilities of the language, of the variety of antonymic potentials of vocabulary" . It was E.N. Miller owns the term "interpartial antonymy", which is understood by the author as "antonymy of words opposite in lexical meaning different parts speech". This point of view is shared by other researchers, who, by analyzing a large array of speech material, proved the right to the existence of such an approach,.

This type of antonyms can be attributed to speech, contextual. Their frequency among various authors is low, within 15%, in the works of A. Likhanov the use of antonyms of this type is less common.

The use of antonymous words in works can give phrases conciseness and depth of aphorism. Here are examples from only one story "Kikimora": Happy time - childhood: laughter And tears walk hand in hand!; closing up past And the present give understanding; Kindness has a dangerous power to make you forget evil.

Use in works of art A. Likhanov's use of synonyms and antonyms allows the author to achieve a high degree of expressiveness, which contributes to a brighter, more convex depiction of phenomena and objects, a deeper impact on the reader.

References / References

  1. Shumilov N.F. Synonyms connected by the union "and" / N.F. Shumilov // Russian language at school. - 1976. - No. 5. - S. 88-91.
  2. Lvov M.R. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language / M.R. Lvov. - M. : AST-Press, 2006. - 592 p.
  3. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova; Russian Academy Sciences, Institute of the Russian Language. V. V. Vinogradova. - 4th ed., add. - M. : Azbukovnik, 1999. - 944 p.
  4. Miller E.N. The nature and form of functioning of lexical and phraseological antonymy in speech / E.N. Miller // Russian language at school. - 1980. - No. 3. - S. 76-79.
  5. Aleksandrova Z.E. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language / Z.E. Aleksandrova. - 11th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Russian language, 2001. - 568 p.
  6. Miller E.N. Antonyms of different parts of speech / E.N. Miller // Russian language at school. - 1987. - No. 5. - P.87-91.
  7. Dibrova E.I. Poetic structures of antonymy / E.I. Dibrova, N.Yu. Donchenko. - M. : S.Print, 2000. - 183 p.
  8. Sazonova V.A. Interpartial antonymy (on the material of A.P. Chekhov's fiction) / V.A. Sazonova // World of science, culture, education. - 2011. - No. 1. - P. 10-12.

References on English language/ References in English

  1. Shumilov N.F. Sinonimy, soedinennye sojuzom "i" / N.F. Shumilov // Russkij jazyk v shkole. - 1976. - No. 5. – P. 88-91.
  2. L'vov M.R. Slovar’ antonimov russkogo jazyka / M.R. L'vov. - M. : AST-Press, 2006. - 592 p.
  3. Ozhegov S.I. Tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo jazyka: 80 000 slov i frazeologicheskih vyrazhenij / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Ju. Shvedova; Rossijskaja akademija nauk, Institut russkogo jazyka im. V. V. Vinogradova. - 4th izd., dop. – M. : Azbukovnik. 1999. - 933 p.
  4. Miller E.N. Character i forma funkcionirovanija leksicheskoj i frazeologicheskoj antonimii v rechi / E.N. Miller // Russkij jazyk v shkole. - 1980. - No. 3. – P. 76-79.
  5. Aleksandrova Z.E. Slovar’ sinonimov russkogo jazyka / Z.E. Alexandrova. - 11th izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Russkij jazyk, 2001. – 568 p.
  6. Miller E.N. Antonymy raznyh chastej rechi / E.N. Miller // Russkij jazyk v shkole. - 1987. - No. 5. – P. 87-91.
  7. Dibrova E.I. Poeticheskie struktury antonimii / E.I. Dibrova, N. Yu. Donchenko. - M. : S.Print, 2000. - 183 p.
  8. Sazonova V.A. Mezhchasterechnaja antonimija (na materiale hudozhestvennoj prozy A.P. Chehova) / V.A. Sazonova // Mir nauki, culture, obrazovanija. - 2011. - No. 1. – P. 10-12.

(from Greek anti - against, ónyma - name) - these are words with the opposite meaning when used in pairs. Those words enter into antonymic relations, which reveal from opposite sides correlative concepts associated with one circle of objects, phenomena. Words form antonymic pairs based on their lexical meaning. One and the same word, if it is ambiguous, can have several antonyms.

occur within all parts of speech, however, the words of an antonymic pair must belong to the same part of speech.

Do not enter into antonymic relations:

- nouns with a specific meaning (house, book, school), proper names;

- numerals, most pronouns;

- words denoting gender (man and woman, son and daughter);

- words with different stylistic coloring;

- words with magnifying or diminutive accents (hand - hands, house - house).

By their structure, antonyms are not homogeneous. Among them there are:

- one-root antonyms: happiness - misfortune, open - close;

- heterogeneous antonyms: black - white, good - bad.

The phenomenon of antonymy is closely related to the polysemy of the word. Each of the meanings of the word can have its own antonyms. Yes, the word fresh in different meanings will have different antonymic pairs: fresh wind - sultry wind, fresh bread - stale bread, fresh shirt - dirty shirt.

Antonymic relations can also arise between different meanings of the same word. For example, to look through means “to get acquainted with something, to check, quickly examining, looking through, reading” and “to skip, not notice, miss”. The combination of opposite meanings in one word is called enantiosemy.

Depending on the distinctive features that words with the opposite meaning have, two types of antonyms can be distinguished general language(or simply language) And contextual speech(author's or individual).

Common language antonyms are regularly reproduced in speech and fixed in vocabulary(day - night, poor - rich).

Contextual speech antonyms- these are words that enter into antonymous relations only in a certain context: Sing better with a goldfinch than with a nightingale.

The use of antonyms makes speech more vivid and expressive. Antonyms are used in colloquial and artistic speech, in many proverbs and sayings, in the names of many literary works.

One of the stylistic figures is built on a sharp opposition of antonyms - antithesis(opposition) - a characteristic by comparing two opposite phenomena or signs: Long live the sun, let the darkness hide! (A.S. Pushkin). Writers often build titles of works using this technique: “War and Peace” (L.N. Tolstoy), “Fathers and Sons” (I.S. Turgenev), “Thick and Thin” (A.P. Chekhov), etc. .

Another stylistic device, which is based on the comparison of antonymic meanings, is oxymoron or oxymoron(gr. oxymoron - lit. witty-stupid) - a figure of speech in which logically incompatible concepts are connected: a living corpse, dead souls, ringing silence.

Dictionaries of antonyms will help you choose an antonym for a word.Dictionaries of antonyms- linguistic reference dictionaries that describe antonyms. For example, in dictionary L.A. Vvedenskaya the interpretation of more than 1000 antonymic pairs is given (their synonymous correspondences are also taken into account), the contexts of use are given. A in the dictionary of N.P. Kolesnikova antonyms and paronyms are fixed. The book contains approximately 3,000 paronyms and more than 1,300 pairs of antonyms. There are no illustrations of the use of antonyms in the dictionary.

In addition to dictionaries of antonyms general type, there are also private dictionaries that fix polar relationships in some narrow areas of vocabulary. This includes, for example, dictionaries of antonyms-phraseological units, dictionaries of antonyms-dialectisms, etc.

Let's take a look at the most common examples of antonyms: good evil; good bad; friend - enemy; day Night; heat - cold; peace - war, quarrel; true False; success - failure; benefit - harm; rich - poor; difficult - easy; generous - stingy; thick - thin; hard - soft; brave - cowardly; White black; fast - slow; high Low; bitter - sweet; hot Cold; wet - dry; full - hungry; new - old; big small; laugh - cry; speak - be silent; love - hate.

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These are different words related to the same part of speech, but having opposite meanings.

For example: truth-false, good-evil, disgusting-wonderful, friend-foe, heavy-light, sad-fun, love-hate.

Antonymsusually opposed on any basis; day And night- by time, easy And heavy- by weight, Here And there- by position in space, bitter And sweet- to taste, etc.

A polysemantic word in its different meanings can have different antonyms. So the antonym of the word easy in meaning " light in weight" is an adjective heavy, and in the meaning " easy to digest" - difficult .

Thus, if the word is polysemantic, then each meaning can have its own antonym.

For example: a bad bucket is a whole bucket, a bad deed is a good deed.

Antonyms can be contextual, that is, they become antonyms only in a given context.

For example:
Lies are good or bad
Compassionate or merciless,
Lies are clever and clumsy,
Cautious and reckless
Delightful and joyless.

The opposition of antonyms in speech is a bright source of speech expression, which enhances the emotionality of speech.

For example: Houses are new, but prejudices are old.(A. Griboyedov) How few roads have been traveled, how many mistakes have been made.(S. Yesenin) That heart won't learn to love that's tired of hating. (N. Nekrasov)

Antonyms are widely used in fiction and journalistic literature as a visual and expressive means.

In one case, they constructively organize the text, in the other, they contrastly set off the characters of the heroes of the works, in the third, they act in a clarifying function.

For example, antonyms expressing coordination concepts ( outside - inside, right - left, first - then), serve to express spatial or temporal relationships in the text. Such, in particular, are the exposition and ending of A.P. Chekhov " man in a case»:

“We didn’t sleep. Ivan Ivanovich, a tall, thin old man with a long mustache, was sitting outside at the entrance, smoking a pipe; the moon illuminated it. Burkin was lying inside on the hay, and he was not visible in the darkness. And further: “It was already midnight. To the right one could see the whole village, the long street stretched far, for about five versts. Everything was immersed in a quiet, deep sleep; no movement, no sound, one can't even believe that nature can be so quiet... To the left, from the edge of the village, a field began; it was visible far away, to the horizon, and in the full breadth of this field, flooded with moonlight, there was also no movement, no sound.

In A. Tvardovsky's poem " Vasily Terkin» antonyms with the meaning of location emphasize the scale and drama of the battle scenes:

Front left, front right
And in the February blizzard haze
A terrible battle is going on, bloody,
Mortal combat is not for glory,
For life on earth.

Antonyms with a temporary meaning shade the sequence of events.

For example, I.S. Turgenev in the story " Mu Mu"Writes about Gerasim:" He went into his closet, laid the saved puppy on the bed, covered him with his heavy coat, ran first to the stable for straw, then to the kitchen for a cup of milk.».

Antonyms with a temporary meaning can also be used to characterize the living conditions of the characters in the works, to reveal their inner world. Let us recall at least an unusually expressive portrait of a lady from the same story: ... she rarely went out and lived in seclusion last years his miserly and bored old age. Her day, joyless and rainy, has long passed; but her evening was blacker than the night».

Antonyms, expressing the qualitative opposition of concepts, are used for contrasting characterization of characters, their emotional experiences.

The heroine of Turgenev's novel " the day before” Elena Stakhova writes in her diary about her emotional experiences: “ ... I am alone, all alone, with all my good, with all my evil. Someone to lend a hand. Whoever comes up to me is not needed; and whoever you want ... he goes by».

With the help of contextual antonyms, Turgenev conveys her anxious mood on the eve of a declaration of love with Insarov: “ The day passed slowly for Elena; even slower the long, long night dragged on. Elena either sat on the bed, hugging her knees with her arms and resting her head on them, then went up to the window, applied her hot forehead to the cold glass and thought, thought, to exhaustion she thought all the same thoughts.».

IN refinement functions antonyms appear in the following passage from N.V. Gogol " Dead Souls »: « Another kind of men were fat or like Chichikov, that is, not so fat, but not thin either ...»

The titles of works are often built on antonyms: War and Peace" L. Tolstoy, " Thin and thick» A. Chekhov, « Living and dead» K. Simonova, « What is good and what is bad» V. Mayakovsky.

The phenomenon of antonymy is used to create a new concept by combining words that are contrasting in meaning: “ Living Dead», « An optimistic tragedy», « Bad good man ". This stylistic device is called an oxymoron. Publicists love to use it in the titles of articles, essays: Expensive cheapness», « Big troubles of a small fleet».

The expressiveness of proverbs and sayings, winged words is also often determined by antonymy: "Learning is light and ignorance is darkness»; « Softly spread - hard to sleep»; « Easy to see, hard to predict"(J. Franklin).

Antonyms are constantly used in antithesis - a stylistic device that consists in a sharp opposition of concepts, positions, states.

For example:
I'm sad because you're happy.(M. Lermontov)

Black evening. White snow
. (A. Blok).

And Death and Life are native abysses:
They are similar and equal
Alien and kind to each other,
One is reflected in the other.
One deepens the other
Like a mirror and a man
Unites them, separates them
By my will forever.

(D. Merezhkovsky)

Here, for example, is how V. Berestov uses the antonymy of the words good and evil in a poem with that title.

Evil without good will not take a step
If only because
That forever pretending to be good
He has to.
Good, perhaps more fortunate -
No need to pretend to be evil!

See also M. Lermontov's poems " Sail"and A. Pushkin" You and me»: You are rich - I am very poor; you are a prose writer - I am a poet ... or M. Tsvetaeva: Do not love, rich, poor, do not love, scientist, stupid.

The role of antonyms in the text

Antonyms (including contextual ones) allow:
a) clarify the thought, make it brighter, more figurative.

For example: Wealth and poverty, old age and youth, beauty and ugliness - this was what(in magical variety) told in fairy tales.(M. I. Tsvetaeva);

b) give more complete description any phenomenon.

For example: He saw that the depths of her soul, previously open to him, were closed to him.(L. N. Tolstoy);

For example: As a result, a sharp polarization took place: on the one hand, a flood of glossy waste paper, on the other - a trickle of literature truly artistic. (From newspapers);

d) to strengthen the transmitted content.

For example: So, we throw it into the heat, then into the cold, then into the light, then into the dark, lost in the universe, the ball is spinning.(I. Brodsky); That heart will not learn to love, Which is tired of hating.(N. A. Nekrasov)


Phraseology- one of the brightest and most effective means of the language. It is no coincidence that it is figuratively called " pearl of Russian speech». « Phraseologisms - a storehouse folk wisdom ". The Russian language is very rich in phraseological units.

Phraseologism, or phraseological phrase - stable in composition and structure, lexically indivisible and integral in meaning, a phrase or sentence that performs the function of a separate lexeme (vocabulary unit).

For example:
- Anika the Warrior - a bully who boasts of his strength but is usually defeated.
- And Vaska listens and eats
so they say about someone who does not pay any attention to the words of others, continuing to commit unsightly acts. (Quote from the fable of I.A. Krylov).
- Bash on bash -
this expression is used as a characteristic of the equivalent exchange of one thing for another.
- Cause time and fun hour
everything has its time: business and fun.

Sources phraseological units different. Some of them arose on the basis of human observations of social and natural phenomena (a lot of snow - a lot of bread ), others are connected with mythology and real historical events (empty, as if Mamai passed ), others came from fairy tales, riddles, literary works ( in the blink of an eye - from the Bible horns and legs - there is nothing left at all, the words from the song " Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother», stigma in fluff - so they say about one who rejects accusations that are true; from the fable of I.A. Krylov " Fox and Marmot»).

According to the structure, phraseological units can be phrases ( sit in a galosh, without a king in my head ) or sentences ( grandmother said in two, when the cancer on the mountain whistles ).

Phraseologisms have great expressive possibilities.

The expressiveness of phraseological units is determined by:

1) their vivid imagery, including mythological ( the cat cried like a squirrel in a wheel, Ariadne's thread, the sword of Damocles, Achilles' heel );

2) relatedness of many of them:
a) to the category of high ( the voice of one crying in the wilderness, sink into oblivion ) or reduced (colloquial, colloquial: like a fish in water, neither sleep nor spirit, lead by the nose, lather your neck, hang your ears );

b) to the category of language means with a positive emotionally expressive coloring ( keep like the apple of an eye -solemn coloring,skillful fingers- approving coloration)
or with a negative emotionally expressive coloring ( without a king in my head - disapproving coloration, small fry - disrespectful coloration penny price- contemptuous coloring).

The role of phraseological units in the text

The use of phraseological units allows:

a) enhance the clarity and imagery of the text.

For example:
I fixed my gaze, helplessly greedy:
Everywhere around damp haze.
Which way the thread of Ariadne
Did you drive me to hell?
(V. Ya. Bryusov);

b) create the desired stylistic tonality (solemnity, sublimity or inferiority).

For example:
I've been everywhere in the middle of nowhere.
From the motherland to distant lands
(M. A. Dudin);

"Guard! Robbery!” - shouted all over Ivanovskaya Claudia(V. M. Shukshin);

c) to express more vividly the attitude to what is being reported, to convey the author's feelings and assessments.

For example: Like the sword of Damocles, the threat of destruction of natural resources hangs over humanity.(From newspapers)

The expressiveness of phraseological units can be enhanced as a result of their transformations (expansion, reduction, replacement of words) and the transformation from general language into individual author's.

For example: He wanted to quickly jump out in people- he got confused, stumbled and was forced retire (I. S. Turgenev);

Beautiful night. Not a cloud in the sky, but the moon shines throughout Ivanovo. (A.P. Chekhov)

A special group of phraseological units are aphorisms(in translation from Greek - definition) - winged words, sayings from literary sources, expressing with the utmost brevity any significant, deep thought in an original, memorable form.

For example: And the chest just opened; There is no beast stronger than a cat; I did not even notice the elephant; And Vaska listens and eats (I. A. Krylov);

Happy hours are not observed; And who are the judges? Ba! All familiar faces; Blessed is he who believes; The times of Ochakov and the conquest of the Crimea (A. S. Griboyedov);

Love for all ages; Dreams and years have no return; Oh, you are heavy, Monomakh's hat; From the ship to the ball; What the coming day is preparing for me (A. S. Pushkin), etc.

Aphorisms in their essence include proverbs and sayings that contain age-old folk wisdom.

Attention! Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paronyms and phraseological units as means of expression are widely used in all styles of speech, except for official business.

Antonyms occupy a special place in the system of expressive lexical means. Antonyms(Greek anti "against", onyma "name") are different words referring to the same part of speech, but having opposite meanings: Friend--enemy, heavy - light, sad - fun, love - hate. Not all words have antonyms. If the word has many meanings, then each meaning can have its own antonym: a bad bucket is a whole bucket, a bad deed is a good deed. The opposition of antonyms in speech is a vivid source of speech expression, which enhances the emotionality of speech: At homenew and prejudiceold . (A. Griboyedov). That heart won't learnbe in love who is tiredhate . (N. Nekrasov)

Antonyms are constantly used in antithesis- a stylistic device, which consists in a sharp opposition of concepts, positions, states.

ANDDeath , AndLife --native abysses:

They are similar and equal

Each otheralien Andkind ,

One is reflected in the other.

One deepens the other

Like a mirror and a man

Theirconnects, separates

By my will forever.

(D. Merezhkovsky)

Phenomenon antonyms is used to create a new concept by combining words with contrasting meanings: "Living Corpse", "Optimistic Tragedy", "Bad Good Man". This stylistic device is called oxymoron. Publicists love to use it in the titles of articles, essays: "Dear cheapness", "Big troubles of a small fleet." Antonymy manifests itself primarily in quality adjectives and adverbs, as well as nouns and verbs that correlate with adjectives: poor - rich, poor - rich, poverty - wealth, poorer--get rich. Not all words are antonymous. Nouns with a specific meaning do not have antonyms (house, notebook, heart, tree), numerals (five, ten) most pronouns (I, you, he, himself, someone) names and surnames of people geographical names (Ivan, Masha, Sidorov, Crimea) etc. One and the same word (if it is ambiguous) can have several antonyms.

Antonyms are distinguished by structure single-rooted and multi-rooted. One-root are created by adding prefixes to the word: inhale - exhale, inside - from the inside, armament - disarmament, pre-war - post-war, arrival - departure.

heterogeneous are antonyms with different roots: day - night, love - hate, joy - grief, talk - be silent, early - late, young - old.

Differ actually language antonyms and speech, contextual, individual-author's. Actually linguistic antonyms are opposed in meaning in the lexical system itself out of context: big - small, quickly - slowly, say hello - say goodbye. These are stable pairs that are constantly found in antonymic dictionaries. Speech antonyms, contextual, individual author's, do not have opposite meaning out of context.. For example, the word sheep V direct meaning out of context it has no opposite meaning, no antonym. But in the proverb Don't treat your enemy as a sheep, treat your enemy as a wolf." this word becomes an antonym for the word wolf.

Antonyms are a vivid means of expressiveness of speech. Therefore, they are often used in works of fiction to express antithesis. Antithesis(Greek antithesis "opposition") - a turn of speech in which, to enhance expressiveness, opposing concepts, thoughts, character traits of the characters are sharply contrasted, for example:

We recognized each other in the crowd.

Agreed Andlet's part again.

Was withoutjoy Love --

Parting will be withoutsadness ;

I swearfirst day of creation.

I swear itlast afternoon.

I sweardisgrace crimes.

And eternal truthtriumph.

I swearfall bitter flour.

victories short dream.

I sweardate with you

And threatening againseparation ... (M. Lermontov)

On the comparison of antonymic meanings is built oxymoron(Greek oxymoron "witty-stupid") - combinations of words expressing logically incompatible, mutually exclusive concepts. Their components are combined according to the method of subordination: shameful fame, sweet tears, a brave coward, cheerful fatigue. As you can see, an oxymoron usually consists of an adjective and a noun. Oxymorons can express:

1) Feelings, mood of a person (hateful love, calm anxiety). You gave happy suffering. (E. Evtushenko);

2) Qualities, properties, will, activity, human behavior: (timid daredevil, business loafer, ebullient lazybones);

3) Age features (young old man, adult children);

4) Taste, color qualities, name of substances (bitter honey, pale blush, black snow);

5) Social status, the relationship of people (poor millionaire, friendly enemy, new old acquaintances);

6) Phenomena and states of nature, periods of time and space (ringing silence, bright night, short long life, eternal moment, close distance);

7) Size, value, Family status (little giant, big fellow, unmarried widow, married bachelor);

8) Thermal properties (hot Snow);

9) Action and state (talk silently, cry sweetly, hurry slowly): 26

In the works of Lermontov there are different types antithesis constructions: from simple ones (contrasting a pair of antonyms) to complex detailed antitheses. The means of structural opposition can be both opposing conjunctions (a, but), and intonation, or only intonation.

Death Andimmortality,

Life Anddoom

And the virgin, and the heart is nothing.

Breake down it seemed difficult for us

Butmeet it would be harder!

their fateconnected ,

Aseparate one grave.

MyFriends yesterday's-- enemies ,

Enemies -- myFriends ,

But, may the good Lord forgive my sin,

I despise them...

(M. Lermontov)

A contrasting perception of the world is characteristic of the poetic disposition of the soul of A. Akhmatova, who perceives the world as a change of joyful and sad. This determines a special kind of psychologism in depicting the inner world of a person.

HowWhite stone deep in the well

I have one memory.

I can't and don't want to fight

It --fun and it-- suffering .

(A. Akhmatova)

Semantic contrasts that enhance the imagery of the text are especially characteristic of poetic works, which are distinguished by a special concentration of thoughts and emotions expressed in an extremely concise form.

Sometimes he falls in love passionately

In myelegant sadness .

(M. Lermontov)

“Smart sadness” by Lermontov shows all the variety of feelings, emotions, conveyed in one capacious, laconic epithet “smart” (multi-color, range of feelings).

Oh howpainfully youhappy I!

(A. Pushkin)

Here we feel the contrast conveyed by the words "painfully happy", which means the limit of emotions that are difficult to accept as happiness. The author is haunted by love, constant thoughts about it prevent him from feeling comfortable, working, creating (love is like a disease).

Thanks for the pleasure

For sadness, forlovely torment . (S. Pushkin)
