The scale has changed. Changing the screen scale of a computer or laptop on Windows

But, the other day I decided to open another section - “This is interesting and useful.” In which there will be articles of utilitarian content, i.e. something like lessons, descriptions, etc.This article, from this section, addresses one of the problems that many of us periodically face on the Internet.

Does it happen to you - you open, for example, a social network page, and see images and text in a small size? Sometimes it is so small that the text looks completely unreadable. You understand that this is a standard requirement for running blogs or websites. But I want to somehow change the situation.

After thinking about it, I found three easy and quick ways, How to solve this problem.

I tried to show how I do it. I accompanied the description with screenshots to make it clearer to those who want to use these methods.

Three easy and fast ways to resize the PC/laptop screen in Yandex and Google Chrome

  • Method one . Very fast, literally with one click (click) - using the so-called "hot keys".
On the keyboard I press two keys at the same time: 1) Ctrl (in the picture under the number 1) and a key with a minus sign (-) or a plus sign (+). They are listed under number 2.

That is, when I want to achieve an increase, I press “plus”. Accordingly, to reduce, I click the same way - on the Ctrl and minus keys. And that's it, the sizes instantly changed!

  • Method two. A little longer (well, half a minute) - in the settings of Yandex or Google Chrome.
Let's look at two examples in turn.
  1. So, in the upper right corner of Yandex I find the “puck” (number 1), click on it. And in the window that opens (see picture), I move the mouse cursor over the word “Scale”. The size in parentheses reflects the size I use on this moment.

For example, the scale was set to 125%. When you hover your mouse next to it, a new window immediately opens, with various options to choose from. The one that I currently have is already marked with a dot.

All I have to do is select another value and click on it. And immediately the computer screen will change its size! Everything happens quickly, much faster than described.

2. Now in Google Chrome. The algorithm of actions is the same. Only, fortunately, even shorter.

When you click on the “puck”, still in the same upper corner, a window will open.
And in it you just need to click on the plus or minus sign - depending on the need to enlarge or reduce the screen. If you try it right now, you will see for yourself that it is very easy and simple!

Now, when I open various website pages, they expand at the specified scale. That is, the result is saved, and when moving to other blogs, etc., I don’t need to re-install everything on the desired scale.
  • Third way Available in Google Chrome. And it allows you to set not only the screen size, but also fix the desired font sizes for web documents.
It is also done quite simply and quickly. Again, I open the Chrome menu in the browser toolbar, i.e. I click on the “puck”. Only now I select the “Settings” item.

I switch to a new tab. At the very end of the page you need to click on the line “Show additional settings”.

Here, scrolling down the page with the mouse, I stop at the “Web Content” item. Right there, without going anywhere, I click on the black triangle in the “Page Scale” line and easily change it.

And since I ended up on this page, I decided to use the font settings. Fortunately, this is very easy to do.
By clicking on the line “Customize fonts”, I go to a new tab.Here I note two parameters - I set the Standard and Minimum font sizes.
the second way;

And it always remains “at hand” method No. 1. If suddenly the font on the site is initially quite large, I reduce it using “hot keys”. Or, conversely, when you need to quickly zoom in on a paragraph, I use quick zoom.

Agree, these are, indeed, three quick and easy ways to increase the screen size on a computer or laptop when working on the Internet. I think if you didn't know about them, you'll definitely like them.

Sometimes it happens that the text on a computer screen is completely unreadable for a user even with excellent vision. This is how some web documents and books are built that have not undergone layout before distribution on the network or copied files. There may be many reasons, but you can find out methods for eliminating such a defect in this article: increasing the screen scale, controlling the size of text and images in browsers. You will also see a visual aid on how to pin such a screen in the browser and all web documents that open through it. You don't need any additional utilities or programs - everything happens right on your system.

How to enlarge the screen on a computer: resolution

If the text and icons on your desktop suddenly become blurry and small, then you probably have problems with your screen resolution. This can be easily resolved in the system settings.

  • Right-click on the desktop. From the drop-down list, select the line “Screen resolution”.
  • Pay attention to the “Resolution” item in the window that appears. Click on the set value next to it.

  • Here you can adjust the resolution using the slider. You should not set the resolution higher or lower than required - you need a specific value. Usually, next to your desired parameter there is a postscript “(Recommended)”.
  • Set the slider to exactly that value.

  • Click “Apply” to see the result. If you are not satisfied with it, then return to the menu and try setting a different resolution.
  • You can also click on the “Which monitor settings to choose” link to learn more about what resolution is.
  • The blurriness of text and images will disappear when you set it to the desired value and the screen size will become medium.

How to enlarge the screen on a computer: zoom in the browser

There are two ways to enlarge the screen in the browser: temporary and permanent. Unfortunately, you can only set the browser zoom permanently in Google Chrome. Below you will find instructions for both methods.

How to zoom in the browser temporarily

  • Go to your browser and find the settings icon. Typically, it appears as three dots in the upper right or left corner.

You will immediately see the “Scale” item.

  • 100% is the standard page view.
  • If you increase this value, the screen will become larger.
  • If you reduce it, then the screen will correspondingly become smaller.

Remember that there is a directly proportional relationship at work here.

How to zoom in the browser permanently

To save the new scale every time you start, you need to set this option in the settings. Please note that this increase will also apply to all web documents that you open in this browser. Therefore, you will perfectly see text and pictures in pdf and doc files.

  • Open the browser menu and click on the “Settings” line.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the “Open advanced settings” link. Click on it to see more.
  • You need the “Page Type” line. Here you can adjust not only the scale, but also the font. Enter the percentage value that is convenient for you.
  • Close settings. Now you will always see the browser window enlarged.

How to quickly enlarge the screen on a computer

There is one more quick way zoom in absolutely in any browser, program, document or picture.

  • Open the required file.

  • Hold down the CTRL key and the + sign on your keyboard. You will find the minus and plus signs in the upper right corner of the keyboard. Adjust the magnification to suit your needs.
  • Don't forget that in Windows system There is a “Screen Magnifier” tool that magnifies text and details at a specific location on the screen. You might find this feature useful.

Very often, when working with a new application, users wonder how to reduce the screen scale. Various ways will be described within this article. But various random actions of a poorly prepared user can lead to an increased display of interface elements.


There are such options for how to reduce the screen scale:

    Using the keyboard.

    Using a keyboard and mouse.

    Using a visual application interface.

    Using the scaling slider.

Each method will be discussed in detail in this short review. Recommendations regarding the practical use of each of them will also be given.

We use only the keyboard

One of the main ways to change the screen scale is to use special keyboard shortcuts. As a rule, the "Ctrl" and "-" or "+" buttons are used for these purposes. The first combination allows you to reduce the image by 10 percent. But in the second case, the picture will increase by the same value. This method is universal and works on most modern applications. Its only drawback is the need to remember two simple key combinations in order to use them as needed.

Using a combination of keyboard and mouse

How can I reduce the screen scale in another way? This can be done using the mouse and keyboard. This option is universal and works in almost all applications today. The order of its execution is as follows:

    Hold down the “Ctrl” key on the keyboard. It's on the bottom row of text keys next to Alt and Shift.

    If you need to enlarge the image, turn the wheel on the manipulator away from you. To achieve the opposite effect, change the direction of scrolling rotation to the opposite.

As noted earlier, this is a universal method and works fine in most modern applications. Its only drawback is that the mouse must have a scroll wheel (also called scrolling). But now it is difficult to find a manipulator that does not have this additional element. As a result, most users should not have problems with this method.

Finally, it is worth noting that this method can be used on a laptop even when there is no mouse connected to it. You just need to hold down the same “Ctrl” button and the touchpad scroll bar. If you swipe it from top to bottom, the image on the screen will become smaller. But to get the opposite result, just change the direction, and the scale on the display will increase.

Another way is to use the menu

Most modern applications have a special menu item that allows you to either zoom in or out of the screen. Here the first caveat immediately arises, which is that not every application product has such an option. For office packages and graphic editors, the usage algorithm is as follows:

    In the main menu we find the “View” item.

    In the list that appears, select “Scale”.

    The zoom window will open. Unlike the two previous methods, in this case you can set only those values ​​that are provided by the developers.

But for browsers the order is a little different:

    In the main menu of the Internet viewer we find the “Scale” item.

    Next to it there will be numbers that can be changed in increments of 10.

The “Scale” menu item is not always clearly defined. In some browsers, for example in a software product from Yandex, there is just a number, and you need to guess that this is the image scale.


Another way to change the screen scale is based on a visual interface element called a “slider”. It can be found in the lower right corner of the application. This is a horizontal line, along the edges of which there are signs “-” and “+”. There is also a marker on it (it can be a circle or a square, for example), by moving it along a horizontal line in one direction or the other, you can enlarge or reduce the image on the display. Unlike all the previously mentioned methods, which change the scale discretely (for example, in multiples of 10 percent), in this case everything happens more smoothly: you can set any value in 1% increments. But there is also a significant drawback to this method. It only works when there is a “slider”. But it can not be found in all office applications or graphic editors.

What's better?

The last two methods, as experience shows, are quite complicated for a novice user. Therefore, it is best to use either of the first two in practice. From the standpoint of simplicity, the second one is, of course, better. Therefore, if a question arises about how to reduce the screen scale, simply hold down the “Ctrl” key and scroll the manipulator wheel in the desired direction. This is the simplest option.

Now you know how to change the screen scale. All the best!

If you want to increase the screen scale on your computer, you can change it in the most operating system, or change the scale separately in the browser or in another application. In the first case, the dimensions of the entire system are changed, and in the second, only a separate application is changed.

Changing the scale in the Windows interface

The operating system automatically selects the appropriate scale if you have the appropriate graphics drivers installed. If you want to zoom out or zoom in yourself, you can do this by changing the dots per inch (DPI). Go to Start > Control Panel and open the Display item.

In Windows 7, select “different font size,” in Windows 8, “change the size of text and other elements,” in Windows 10, “set a custom zoom level.” A window will open in which you can set the percentage. Click OK for the changes to take effect.

Using Magnifier

If you want to temporarily enlarge part of the screen, you can use the convenient built-in magnifying glass. This is one of the options you can use to make text, apps, and other items larger.

You can quickly open Magnifier by using the Win keyboard shortcut with the plus sign (+) to zoom in and the Win minus sign (-) to zoom out. To exit the magnifying glass, use the Win and Esc keys.

Using Hot Keys

In some applications, such as your browser or Photoshop, you can use the keyboard shortcuts CTRL + and CTRL – to zoom in or out. To return the zoom to its original state, press CTRL + 0. But if you need to take a closer look at something and the keyboard shortcuts don't work, try using the Win key instead of CTRL.

You can scale elements directly from the program interface menu. For example, in Word, you can move the slider in the lower right corner, or set a certain percentage.

Many have noticed that on modern computers/laptops, icons and fonts have become smaller, although the diagonal has increased, this is due to the fact that the screen resolution has increased. In one of my previous articles I wrote How to enlarge (reduce) desktop icons in Windows , in this same article I will continue this topic and describe in detail the process of increasing/decreasing the font size and the scale of windows on a computer/laptop.

Enlarge font in Windows XP.

In order to change the font size in Windows XP, there are two ways:

1 Method. Right-click on an empty desktop field and select "Properties" from the context menu.

Select the "Design" tab and in the field Font size select the required size.

2 Method. To use this method, insert the Windows XP installation disc into DVD drive. After that, right-click on the desktop and select "Properties".

In the menu that opens, open the "Options" tab and click the "advanced" button.

In the "General" tab, select the font magnification scale.

If you want to specify your magnification factor, select "Special parameters" and indicate by what percentage to enlarge the font.

For the settings to take effect, you must restart the computer.

Increase/decrease font, scale in Windows 7.

To change the font and scale of windows in Windows 7, you need to right-click on an empty field of the desktop and select "Screen Resolution".

In the window that opens, select "Make text and other elements larger or smaller."

After this, you will be given a choice between how much to mutilate the font and other elements. Specify which item suits you and click the "Apply" button.

If you would like to change the font to your ratio, select "Other font size (dpi)".

After that, indicate by what percentage you would like to increase the font and window size in Windows 7.

After this, you need to re-login ("Start" - "Log out"). Please note that this procedure will close all applications; close all applications before clicking Quit Now.

Increase/decrease font, scale in Windows 8/8.1.

Right-click on your desktop and select Screen Resolution.

In the properties window that opens, select "Change size of text and other elements."

Using the slider you can change the size of text and windows. If you want to change any specific parameter, such as Window Title, Menu, select the appropriate parameter and specify the size. At the end, don't forget to click "Apply".

As you can see, changing the font size or window scale in Windows is quite simple and easy, regardless of Windows versions XP/ 7/ 8.
