Match scarecrow. Do-it-yourself legendary children's pistol "Pugach"

And then! We get somewhere (you need to know the places) a thick brass tube with a diameter of 6-8 mm., 10 cm long. From one end we flatten the tube tightly with a hammer for 3-4 cm. We bend the flattened one by almost 90 degrees. We get something like a pistol.

We place pieces of tin inside, heat the place of the fold so that the tin melts and forms a strong cork 1 cm long there. We heat and cool with the barrel up.

We find a nail of a suitable diameter (it easily enters and exits), saw off its tip (we don’t grind the saw cut!), We insert it into the trunk and bend the rest of the nail also by almost 90 degrees. When assembled, such a pugach looks like the letter "P" with short legs spaced wider than the shoulders. We connect the legs with a ring of tight rubber ...

We crumble sulfur into the barrel from 2-3 (no more) match heads. We insert a nail and grind the sulfur into powder with it.

Then we put an elastic band on the ends of the nail and tube - this is a non-working state. For a shot, we push the nail out of the barrel by 3 cm. The rubber itself will push it against the wall of the tube. This is already a combat state.

We hold the pugach with the muzzle away from us - the thumb is on the barrel, the rest are on an elastic band. It is necessary to sharply press the rubber band against the barrel - the nail jumps into the tube, hits the sulfur and - AH! Rumble, rumble!

By the way, an increase in the number of matches used does not add to the roar, but it can break your scarecrow to hell. There - two or three fingers, one or the other eye, etc. and so on. So - be careful!

Source This information is unknown to me. If you know the author of the article or are one yourself, please contact me through the "Contacts" page.

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In those distant times, when our parents did not yet have such a variety of toys that today's children have, it was a very relevant topic to make toys with your own hands. This article will look at how to create the legendary Pugach, which shoots just like a real gun, but without bullets. As a charge, sulfur from matches is used here, which detonates when a special striker hits it. Despite the fact that this is a children's pistol, it looks quite impressive and original, besides it is quite weighty, just like a real one.
These toys were very fashionable in the 80s and 70s.

The indisputable advantage of such a toy is that it is almost impossible to break it, since everything here is made of metal. The only thing required for the gun to work is matches. The pistol is safe when used carefully and is very easy to build.

Materials and tools for assembling a gun:

- an old bicycle chain;
- strong steel wire;
- soldering iron (or welding);
- a pair of rubber bands;
- nuts from bicycle spokes;
- bicycle spoke;
- hammer;
- screws with nuts and washers;
- pliers.

How the gun works:
There is an elastic band on the pistol, it activates the firing pin. Sulfur from ordinary matches is used as a charge. When fired, flames and smoke escape from the muzzle of a pistol, and a very loud sound of a shot is heard. You can not shoot with a pistol at animals and people if they are at a distance of less than 8 meters, as you can easily cause injury in the form of a burn or stun.

Pistol making process:

Step one. Creating the Body of the Gun
The main part of the pistol is made of strong steel wire; some authors also practice the manufacture of such pistols from thick aluminum wire. As you can see in the photo, here the author used welding in some places, and a soldering iron can also be used for connection. What needs to be connected is the axle that holds the "muzzle" and the body of the gun itself.
To work with wire, you can use pliers and a vise.
First, it is desirable to bend the frame of the pistol with your hands from a soft wire, and then make the pistol itself using it.

Step two. We make a "muzzle" for a gun
The muzzle, interestingly, is made of several links of a bicycle chain and consists of two parts. The nose can deviate on the axis to the right or left, this is necessary in order to load the gun with gray from a match. First you need to disassemble the chain and extract eight links from it (another number is possible). To do this, grind off the caps on one side of the chain, and then knock out the axles from them.

After that, you need to create two blocks from the chain links, the water block should have six links, and the other two. The bow will be the most important, it consists of two links, sulfur will be charged into it. To provide support for the striker, a nut from a bicycle spoke is driven into the front. As a result, the hole in the chain link will narrow, and the sulfur will detonate when the striker hits. When the gun explodes, fire and smoke will also come out of the muzzle of the gun.

The front two links are interconnected using bolts with nuts, as well as two parts from the same bicycle links. For the long part, you will need two pieces of metal with holes, they are also connected with bolts and nuts.
Also in the front part you need to fasten a loop for which the elastic band will cling. This loop is also made from part of the chain link.

Step three. Creating a hammer on a striker
The trigger is also made of wire, it is a hook with a loop at the end. When the trigger is pressed, the hammer loop is removed from the axis and a shot occurs. As for the drummer, you will need either welding or a soldering iron. What the drummer looks like can be seen in the photo. It is an axis with a loop at the end, with this loop the drummer is put on the axis when loading the pistol. Also on the drummer there is a special hook for which the elastic band clings. Well, in the very front part, a special handle is welded, which makes it easy to retract the drummer and thereby load the pistol.

Step four. Assembling the gun
The pistol is very easy to assemble. The manufactured link blocks must be installed on the axis and attached to the gun. The long block can be welded to the axle or soldered. As for the front, it must be movable in order to load the pistol. To do this, a thread will be needed at the end of the axis, but the block will be fixed with nuts and washers.

Now you can install the trigger and drummer. The trigger can be tied to the axis of the gun with an elastic band, this is the easiest way to attach it. Well, the striker is inserted into the block of links, and its loop is put on over the trigger loop. And finally, it remains to pull the elastic band, at one end it is attached to the nose of the pistol, and at the other to the striker. The rubber band must be powerful enough for detonation to occur.

pugach- a simple invention that is capable of making a loud sound. Often, these things are done by guys in the yard to drive away dogs or just laugh at someone. The design of the scarecrow is very simple, even a child can handle it. school age.

How to make a do-it-yourself scarecrow from a pipe?

For the scarecrow we need:

Tube (metal), size: length 10 cm, diameter - 3-4 cm;
- nail, 7-9 cm;
- a piece of a bicycle chamber;
- foil.

Scarecrow scheme.

1. First of all, you need to bend the tube into an L-shape. Having measured 7 cm, we bend. With a hammer, you can flatten the end of the smaller part.

2. We take the foil and tightly hammer it into the tube. Approximately 2 cm. the pipe must be clogged.

3. Now we will bend the nail. We insert the nail into the tube, measure another 1 cm and bend.

4. We crumble sulfur from 2-3 matches into a tube and ram it with a nail.

5. We leave the nail in the tube, and insert the elastic. It should be pulled between the bent edge of the nail and the tube.

That's it, our bugger is loaded and ready to fire!

To power it, throw it on the floor, just enough to hit a nail, or simply press the rubber band.

VIDEO. How to make a scarecrow?

Every grown man was once a child. And the greatest entertainment in those happy times of childhood was to play with friends in the yard. It doesn't matter what, the main thing is to play. What did you play most often? Of course, in skirmishes, war, guerrillas and much more, it was impossible to list everything. And if there was an opportunity to shoot from something, then it was the ultimate dream of any boy! Slingshots, crossbows and other charms of the world of boys simply excited the imagination. And if something is blown up to the whole yard, then this is the height of bliss! And if it is possible to shoot burning matches at a decent distance? It was, as they say now, "The Hit of the Season"! We will tell you about one of the types of boyish fun. It's called scarecrow.

A pugach is a device that makes noise. The main purpose of its creation is to scare someone. In fact, it is customary to consider a children's toy in the form of a pistol, which, when used with caps, makes a loud popping sound. But there are also so-called "adult" pugachi - blank cartridges, for example.

However, there are also many ways to make a scarecrow at home. What can this product be made from?

  1. from a copper tube and a piece of plywood;
  2. from a clothespin;
  3. from a metal tube;
  4. from a bicycle spoke;
  5. from two bolts and a nut;
  6. from a dowel, etc.

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    A pugach from a clothespin, or, as it is also called, "Matchshot", was invented a very long time ago, when the Soviet Union still existed. A whole era of children have been amused by this kind of "weapon" when playing war with friends in the yard. The design is so simple, and the materials for its manufacture were so accessible to everyone that only the lazy or those who had not heard anything about it did not make a clothespin scarecrow. Compactness, ease of use and reliability have made the device very popular. Another feature is that it was possible to shoot both conventional and incendiary shells from it.

    Nowadays, a clothespin scarecrow is no longer popular. One of the main reasons is that in Soviet times, clothespins were wooden with a weak spring, and now they are made of plastic. Another important factor: now children have so much entertainment (the Internet, games, movies) that they are not even interested in doing something with their own hands. Yes, and with the development of the Internet and social networks you rarely see school-age children in the yard playing something.

    However, there are still enthusiasts! For them, we wrote this article, in which we will tell you in detail how to make a scarecrow from a clothespin with your own hands. So let's get started.

    Now let's go directly to the description of what needs to be done to create this miracle weapon.

    First stage

    You disassemble the clothespin into three parts - you should get two of its wooden bases and a spring.

    Second phase

    Using a penknife, it is necessary to process both halves of the base of the clothespin, which is not at all difficult. First, cut a gutter on one of the wooden bases. Don't rush or you could cut your fingers! Then divide the second half into two parts.

    Third stage

    Now carefully pull the spring back to the chute so that its protrusion fits exactly into the chute. Then you need to attach the short part to the long one. In order to avoid mistakes, you should focus on the factory gutter. The final stage: when everything has risen as it should, it is necessary to fasten all the details with an elastic band. All is ready! As you can see, making a scarecrow is not at all difficult!

    The next thing to do is to test our creation. This is the most enjoyable stage, isn't it?

    Checking the product

    To do this, perform the following steps:

    1. 1. Pull the upper part forward until the spring is its protrusion in the factory chute. Once you have done this, you must pull this part back until the clothespin with its protrusion is in the groove that you made.
    2. 2. Now you must select a projectile and load it. To do this is simple: slightly lifting the top part. In this case, matches or paper clips are best suited as shells.
    3. 3. Then we retract the spring until the start bar is released. After that, there should be a shot. If so, cheers! You did everything right!

    What to do if the device does not work?

    The reason may be the fact that the second part of the spring is not held in place. What should be done? It is necessary to deepen the groove in which the spring is held.

    Believe it or not, even such a simple device can be upgraded! Yes, yes, don't be surprised. Now we'll tell you how.

    Glue a strip to the bottom of the scarecrow, which we cut out of the matchbox. We cut out a fragment where sulfur is located to set fire to matches. As a result of this improvement, the match will light up at the moment of the shot.

    Safety precautions for use

    Since the range of the Pugach projectile can be up to five meters, never use it at home or in other areas. Also, do not aim at other people, children or animals. Also, keep your crossbow away from flammable objects. It is highly advisable to wear goggles to protect your eyes when using burning shells, caution does not hurt. Happy use!

A matchstick from a clothespin was invented back in the days Soviet Union. He was also called "pugach" in the common people. Schoolboys gladly used this "weapon" in their battles. Due to the simplicity of design and components that are always available, the crossbow was very popular among students in the senior and junior classes. Everyone knew how to make a scarecrow. This device is compact, and you can shoot from it with both conventional and incendiary ammunition. It depends on individual desire. Although firing fire projectiles had more psychological impact because it also caused physical harm. The effectiveness of such a charge is negligible. Now this weapon has lost its former popularity. To a certain extent, this was influenced by the fact that now clothespins are mainly made of plastic, and wooden ones have a very weak spring. Yes, plus to this, the kids are now lazy and not particularly hardworking. But still there are still real connoisseurs of this uncomplicated weapon who would like to know the process of its manufacture. Here for them further it will be told about how to make a pugach with your own hands. In the hope that they will pass on this secret to others, as a result of this it will not be lost.

Fixture base

How to make a pugach from a clothespin - a children's weapon from the times of the Soviet Union? The answer to this question is quite simple. Some people still use wooden clothespins.

One of them can be taken as a basis in the manufacture of this throwing weapon, which can shoot with lit matches like a real military weapon.

improvised materials

In this case, the following is required:

  1. Clothespin made of wood.
  2. Rubber.


Here you will need:

  1. Penknife.
  2. Protective glasses.


In this regard, you can use:

Manufacturing process

Now let's move on to the question of how to make a homemade scarecrow.

For this you need:

Disassemble the clothespin itself into three parts. Namely: two halves of wood and a metal spring.

With the help you need to finalize both halves. It is not difficult to do this. First, you just need to cut a small groove on one of the wooden halves. Take your time, your fingers are much more valuable than any clothespin. Then divide the second half into two parts.

Then the spring must be pulled back to the indicated groove. This must be done carefully. So that her protrusion enters this very gutter.

Then attach the short piece to the long one. In order not to make a mistake during assembly, before making a scarecrow, be guided by the factory grooves. After everything fell into place, you need to fasten the elements with an elastic band. That's all. The pugach from the clothespin is ready.

Remember that the indicated wooden parts tightened with an elastic band should still move apart a little. That is, so much so that the upper part makes it possible to cock the spring.

Check for "combat readiness"

In the question of how to make a bugger, it should be taken into account that this device must be ready to fire. That is, you need to check. To do this, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Pull the top forward. Until the protrusion of the spring is in the factory groove on its surface. When you achieve this, then pull this part back. Until the moment when the protrusion of the clothespin is in the groove you made at the bottom of the matchbox.
  2. Then select a projectile and load it by lifting the top part of this device. In this case, ordinary matches or metal paper clips are ideal.
  3. After that, pull back the spring so that the starting bar is released. This will result in a shot. That is, the device works.

Cause of malfunction

It may also be that the matchgun will not shoot. This may be due to the fact that another part of the spring is jumping out of place. Then you have to further deepen the groove into which it enters. This malfunction appears from the fact that the depth of the groove is not the right size.

Fixture upgrade

In the future, you can improve your scarecrow. To do this, glue a fragment of a matchbox on which sulfur is located to its lower part. It's easy to do. After such an upgrade, the matches will light up when fired. This will add additional efficiency to this device. Also, part of the matchbox can be completely replaced with a piece of sandpaper. However, in this case, you will have to insert the matches into the pugach backwards. It won't be very convenient. This problem is much easier to solve by lighting matches before firing. In this case, do not neglect the danger posed by burning shells. Never use them indoors, do not shoot at flammable objects and it is advisable to wear them at the same time. And of course, in no case should you aim at people and animals. The matchgun is capable of shooting at a distance of up to five meters, and sometimes even further.


After reviewing the foregoing, everyone will be able to figure out the question of how to make a matchstick gun. It is only necessary in this case desire, scrupulousness and diligence.
