How a psychic helped solve mysterious murders. The use of psychics in solving crimes What crimes did psychics help solve?

Non-traditional methods of psychology can also be successfully used in the practice of investigating crimes related to kidnapping and the use of slave labor, in particular, with the help of hypnosis, you can restore the circumstances of his abduction in the memory of the victim, create a portrait of the people who kidnapped and held him, based on the description of individual fragments households suggest the place where he was held and forced into slave labor. With the help of a psychic, it is possible to determine the location of the abducted person.

To solve these problems, mainly two types of non-traditional methods of identifying and solving crimes are used. Liskin Yu.A. Biolocator searches for a cache // Shield and Sword.2010. No. 4. P.56

The first area of ​​activity is dowsing. This is a method of identifying information recorded in the operator’s mind and extra-sensually perceived in the form of ideomotor (involuntary neuromuscular reactions), externally detected through the movement of indicators held in the hand (flexible rods, wire frames, pendulums). This phenomenon is also known as dowsing, dowsing, bioindication, biodiagnostics. Usually, this method used to search for specified objects (sometimes, as in cases of searching for minerals and water - over hundreds and thousands of square kilometers). However, indication using a pendulum can also solve many clairvoyant problems.

The second area of ​​activity is clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is the extrasensory receipt of information about events occurring currently or in the past and inaccessible to direct sensory perception. Its special forms are retrospection - the ability to see events that took place in the past, and proscopy - a way of obtaining information about future events.

Currently, the process of accumulating facts to determine the effectiveness of dowsing in the search for objects of physical and biological nature continues, and an analysis of the features of this type of work is being carried out.

The presentation of the obtained dowsing results, which are provided in the appropriate drawings, diagrams, tables, is accompanied by final conclusions and proposals.

In cases where, when carrying out operational investigative activities, there is a need to turn to unconventional methods of diagnosing criminal situations, as a rule, clairvoyance is used in the form of retrospection, carried out in altered states of consciousness of the operator.

The experience of cooperation with psychics shows that the information received from them must be carefully weighed and checked; it is always of an auxiliary and recommendatory nature. Here all scientists clearly agree that this information cannot be used as evidence. According to A.I. Skrypnikov and A.B. Strelchenko "...It is premature to talk about the participation of persons with extraordinary abilities in criminal proceedings." Skrypnikov A.I., Strelchenko A.B. Using extraordinary human abilities to investigate crimes. M.: Eksmo, 2005. P. 13.

Many scientists do not accept this information in any form, either as operational investigative information or as criminal procedural information.

Some scientists and law enforcement officials agree that the help of psychics can be useful as operational investigative information.

According to Article 7 of the Federal Law “On Operational-Investigative Activities”, the basis for conducting operational-investigative activities is the following.

  • 1. The presence of a criminal case.
  • 2. Information that has become known to the bodies carrying out operational investigative activities about: signs of an illegal act being prepared, committed or committed, as well as about the persons preparing it, committing it or having committed it, if there is not sufficient data to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case; events or actions that pose a threat to state, military, economic or environmental security Russian Federation; persons hiding from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court or evading criminal punishment; missing persons and the discovery of unidentified corpses.
  • 3. Instructions of the investigator, investigative body, instructions of the prosecutor or court rulings on criminal cases pending in their proceedings. These are not the only reasons, but they interest us in this moment exactly them.

Part 5 of Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Operational Investigative Activities” states that “officials of bodies carrying out operational investigative activities solve their tasks through personal participation in the organization and conduct of operational investigative activities, using the assistance of officials and specialists possessing scientific, technical, and other special knowledge, as well as individual citizens with their consent, on a public and private basis.”

The law does not stipulate what specific special knowledge can be used when conducting operational-search activities, which makes it possible to interpret the term specialist very broadly. The participation of psychic specialists in operational-search activities is not prohibited by the said Law, therefore, it does not contradict the current legislation. These persons may be involved at any stage of operational-search activities. This is especially important when there is deadlock situations when investigating and solving particularly serious crimes, when the slightest productive information can help get on the right path.

Since this activity is not of a criminal procedural nature, the information obtained using the capabilities of persons with extrasensory abilities is indicative, that is, it has no evidentiary value.

However, information of this kind may acquire this meaning. Let us turn to Article 11 of the Law “On Operational-Investigative Activities”. “The results of operational investigative activities can be used for the preparation and implementation of investigative and judicial actions,” the article says. The results of an operational investigation can serve as a reason and basis for initiating a criminal case, and can also be used in evidence in criminal cases in accordance with the provisions of the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation governing the collection, verification and evaluation of evidence.

Thus, the possibility of using the results of operational investigations when making decisions on conducting investigative actions is laid down in the criminal procedure law. When constructing the grounds for carrying out investigative actions, the legislator proceeds from the fact that the basis for carrying out any investigative action (and therefore for making a decision about it) is a set of factual data indicating the possibility of achieving certain goals, obtaining new information about circumstances of significance for business. Some investigative actions can be carried out on the basis of a body of evidence and factual data gleaned from operational investigative sources.

Thus, in accordance with Article 168 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, a search is carried out if there are sufficient grounds to believe that in a certain place there are objects that are important to the case, that is, the law does not connect the search with the presence of evidence exclusively. Information about hidden or stolen objects can come from any person engaged in confidential cooperation with internal affairs bodies.

How, one might ask, does information received from a psychic differ from similar information received from an operative officer who does not have extraordinary abilities? How do they obtain this information? The detective does not restrict the activities of his informant in any way. He decides whether to trust or not trust his messages. If the psychic works successfully, he gives important information, why should the operative trust him less than another person?

Upon receiving information from a psychic, the reliability of which the operational commissioner does not doubt, he has the right to provide it to the investigator to make a decision on investigative actions. Now the investigator will evaluate whether the information received can be trusted. Considering that in practice, as a rule, the investigator is only introduced to the results of operational investigative activities, and the legislation on the procedure for familiarizing an investigator with operational investigative materials is contradictory, the investigator usually does not know from which source the operational employee received the information. An operative worker generally does not have the right to declassify his source, except on the basis of a resolution of the head of the body carrying out operational investigative activities in accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Operational Investigative Activities” (Article 12 of the Law on Operational Investigative Activity), because information about the forces , means, methods, results of operational investigative activities are a state secret.

In short, the investigator has to trust the detective's reports without asking how the information was obtained. On this basis, information received from a psychic and information received from another person are practically equal in chance. They are no different from each other.

Of course, you need to use information received from a clairvoyant very carefully, even if it does not contradict the circumstances established in the case and can be verified in other ways (both public and secret).

Can information received from a psychic serve as a basis and reason for initiating a criminal case? Art. 108 of the Criminal Procedure Code names six reasons for initiating a criminal case. This:

  • 1) statements and letters from citizens;
  • 2) messages from trade unions and Komsomol organizations, people's security teams public order, friendly courts and other public organizations;
  • 3) messages from enterprises, institutions, organizations and officials;
  • 4) articles, notes and letters published in print;
  • 5) surrender;
  • 6) direct discovery by the body of inquiry, investigator, prosecutor or court of signs of a crime.

It seems that information received from psychics can appear as statements and letters from citizens when a psychic directly contacts law enforcement agencies; if the information is contained as notes, articles, letters published in the press; and also, if a psychic gives information to an operative worker, investigator, prosecutor or court, then with appropriate formatting it can act as a message from an official. For example, an investigator draws up a report or memo based on the results of data received from a psychic. The requirement for information is that it contains sufficient data indicating the elements of a crime. In the future, the information received from the psychic is subject to verification in accordance with Article 109 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, as a result of which it finds official confirmation. For example, a psychic indicates that in some place there is a corpse or there is a room in which a kidnapped person is being forcibly held, an investigative team leaves on this message, finds a corpse or discovers a basement in which forced prisoners are kept - kidnapped people who are used as slave force, and the investigator initiates a criminal case. This is a very acceptable situation.

If we consider the messages of psychics as operational investigative data, then the prescription of Article 11 of the Law on Operational Investigative Activities that the results of operational investigative activities can serve as the basis for initiating a criminal case is fully consistent with the criminal procedural law (part 2 of Article 108 Criminal - Procedural Code of the Russian Federation), in which the validity of initiating a criminal case is associated with the presence of sufficient data indicating signs of a crime. The nature of this data is not defined in the law.

Legalization of operational-search data implies that they can be presented to the body of inquiry, investigator or court in charge of the criminal case, in accordance with Part 2 of Article 70 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation for their further use as evidence. According to this article, evidence can be presented by a wide range of participants in criminal proceedings, as well as by any citizens, enterprises, institutions, and organizations. The criminal procedure law does not contain obstacles to the presentation of evidence either by the bodies carrying out operational investigative activities or by anyone else. In our case, this could be an operative working with a psychic, but it could also be the psychic himself. The investigator has the right to refuse to accept materials if he considers them not relevant to the case, and the refusal must be motivated. However, all evidence collected in the case, including the materials presented, must be subjected to a thorough, comprehensive and objective verification by the person conducting the inquiry, investigator, prosecutor or court. Here we come close to the issue concerning the implementation of data obtained using unconventional methods in criminal proceedings.

However, when using non-traditional methods of psychology in criminal proceedings, a number of problems arise. Let's look at some of them.

Firstly, does the person being interviewed under hypnosis remain a subject of criminal proceedings with all his rights and obligations, and is the information obtained as a result of the use of hypnosis evidence in a criminal case? On the one hand, hypno-reproduction can be considered a type of interrogation, since this is the same process of obtaining information by the investigator from the person being interrogated (victim, suspect, accused, witness) about the circumstances of the event under investigation, only under hypnosis, since in the normal state they can be restored using ordinary interrogation techniques can not. Many scientists (V.N. Ivaenko, N.A. Selivanov) agree with the statement that reproductive hypnosis meets “all admissibility criteria for means of obtaining evidence in criminal proceedings.” On the other hand, and this point of view is also supported by many scientists, a person in a state of hypnosis is a person with an altered consciousness. If you open the textbooks on psychotherapy, you can be convinced that a person in a state of hypnosis is able to transform into a different personality (many years of experience of the hypnologist V.L. Raikov proved this), and can also fantasize and show complete obedience to the commands of the hypnotist. How can one remain a “subject of criminal proceedings” while possessing “all the rights and obligations provided for by law”?! Ulyaeva E.V. The use of non-traditional methods of psychology in the investigation of crimes related to kidnapping and the use of slave labor // Combating human trafficking and the use of slave labor: materials of the international scientific-practical conference, October 22-23, 2007 Stavropol: SF KRU MIA of Russia, 2007. Part 2. pp. 105-131

Here it is appropriate to cite the authoritative opinion of Prof. A. M. Larina: “There is no logic in obeying the law, recognizing as unacceptable the interrogation of a person who, due to an abnormal painful mental state, cannot participate in investigative actions, and at the same time artificially bringing another person into a similar state for obtaining information from him that he would not have given under normal conditions.”

However, recently more and more defended dissertations have appeared, where the authors classify such techniques in the section of “non-traditional methods”. So, I.I. Tymoshenko calls the questioning method using hypnosis, anesthesia..." and also advocates the use of these methods "taking into account foreign experience."

In my opinion, the use of hypnosis can provide important guiding information for solving crimes, but the information obtained is not criminal procedural evidence.

Not a TV show, not a made-up plot from a movie: the story that happened in Krasnoyarsk is absolutely real. Psychics helped solve the murder, and sent the killers to prison. The uniqueness of the story is also that the role of people with superpowers was confirmed in exclusive interview"Komsomolskaya Pravda" in Sledkom.

Successful lawyer

Only an hour's drive from Krasnoyarsk, but it’s like another planet - the small city of Divnogorsk. “Wooden” streets, among which there are rare high-rise buildings. The doors are wide open. And people easily go outside in slippers, as if they were going into another room. An ordinary family lives here: Viktor Vasilchenko (he works at a factory as a security guard) and his wife Lyudmila. And also psychic Natalya Sannikova, who helped find the killers of their son, Alexander Samoilov *.

...At 27, Alexander Samoilov was a successful lawyer. Competent, tenacious, he took on hopeless cases, and... won. Things were going well: he got married and had a son. To earn more money, he became a realtor. He spun around, but didn’t forget his own. I was constantly in Divnogorsk. But not from the mother - from the stepfather and his new wife Lyudmila.

I raised him from the age of one and a half as if he were my own. “When he married his mother Elena,” the 63-year-old man awkwardly dabs his eyes. -Mathematician, chess player, smart girl. I haven’t spoken to my own mother for two years. He took care of all his notebooks, from 1st grade until the end of the institute. But Elena threw them out; the basement was damp. Sasha dreamed of showing them to his children, so he was offended. Like a sin family life didn't work out either. Divorced my wife. He was in touch with us every day. And suddenly Sasha disappeared - no call, no text, nothing. How was it not...

Helped everyone

Seeing how her husband was being tormented, Lyudmila advised: “Vitya, would you go to Natalya Andreevna?” The whole city came to this woman with their troubles. The psychic helped everyone she could.

“How I came to this,” Natalya explained. “I had great losses: my mother died one year, followed by my father, then my daughter. I was later diagnosed with a massive brain tumor. And I turned to healers for help. Six months later, the doctors said: you don’t have any tumor, we were mistaken! And I decided that I needed to undergo training. She started at 53 years old and studied for 5 years. People went...

Viktor Vasilchenko also once knocked on a neighbor’s door: “Natalya Andreevna, would you like to see what’s wrong with your son?” She sat me down, tuned in, and took a look. And then - like a blow to the head: “Go to the police, he’s lying dead!”

One of the few childhood photographs of Sasha left with his stepfather Photo: from the family archive

Killed by my best friend

After meeting with the “seer” there was no doubt, Victor rushed to the police. At first they laughed at him: “The guy is young, he’s been on a spree, he’ll come back. Who did you believe? They’ll tell you this for the sake of money.”

“She didn’t take a penny from me,” Viktor Ivanovich argued. - Help, we need to look!

We checked a variety of versions,” recalls Ivan Soprun, head of the second investigative department of the first department for the investigation of particularly important cases. – We made telephone details. And the first suspects appeared in the case - Andrei Zharov and Vladimir Bronnikov. Samoilov was the last to call them.

Zharov was taken at home, Bronnikov in Moscow. They did not deny it.

Sentenced in correspondence

During interrogations, a friend of the missing Alexander, Vladimir Bronnikov, explained: he knew that Samoilov had money, says Ivan Soprun. – Saved up on legal matters. Then he suggested to his friend, Zharov, to kill Samoilov, take everything (money, car) and divide it between two.

Zharov is an orphan: no family, he did odd jobs. Before this, there was no crime against them, but here... They shook hands and sketched out a plan. Bronnikov convinced Samoilov to go with him to another city, supposedly to earn extra money by reselling wood. On the way, they picked up a representative of the seller - Zharov played his role.

We left in the evening, in the dark. Soon Sasha asked to take over at the wheel, stretched out in the back seat, and immediately fell asleep.

...Then, slowing down, the friends took up their phones. They typed messages, showed each other on the screens and erased them. They were terrified of waking Samoilov - he had an air pistol with him.

“Come on, we can’t wait any longer,” Bronnikov insisted. “I would try it myself first!” - the accomplice snapped. Then Zharov grabbed a hammer - he had been holding it under his jacket since Krasnoyarsk.

Hid in a rock above the Yenisei

After the first blow, the guy jumped up: “What are you doing?” the psychic said even before the killers were interrogated. - And they killed him - he was sleepy.

It’s amazing: when Bronnikov and Zharov gave their testimony, everything came together, almost word for word.

In a rocky place near the river along the highway, where the Yenisei makes a sharp turn, they found a deep crevice. They put the corpse there and threw stones at it.

They raked money out of Samoilov’s bag - 305 thousand. Having taken most of the money, Bronnikov fled to Moscow. And Zharov got a car. A buyer was quickly found for it.

Body in an ice sarcophagus

In conversations with the investigator, the suspects laid out everything, but they themselves could not find the place where Sasha was “buried.” And this is precisely one of the most important pieces of evidence, without which it is impossible to prove guilt in court.

Well, somewhere around here,” they hesitated, pointing to an area several hundred meters away. “Everything is covered in snow, you won’t even remember!”

And then the psychic came to the rescue again Natalya Sannikova.

“I immediately said: you won’t find your son soon, when the ice melts,” she explains. “You don’t have to look now, it’s useless.” The picture suited me: some mountains, a tree on a hill. Below him is a body, pinned by stones in the ice.

“You won’t find it soon,” Viktor Ivanovich did not want to put up with this. Together with his wife, he personally traveled around familiar rivers - Manu, Yenisei, Kacha, and looked for a similar place. Nothing!

The “seer” herself could not go on the search. She was no longer the same years old, she was approaching 60. She suggested it to a psychic friend, Elena. She just turned 25. The young, productive girl simply amazed the investigators.

Only she was able to indicate the place where the criminals hid the body,” explains Ivan Soprun.

Once at the approximately indicated place, she confidently said where to go. I've never made a mistake.

Alas: the rocks are too icy. It turned out to be impossible to get to the crevice where the body lay.

The psychic indicated the exact coordinates, and the SOBR group blew up a block of ice with a TNT charge. But it has not yet been possible to remove it all; Sasha remains in the ice sarcophagus.

Every word came true

He was found in May, when everything had melted, in the very place that psychics described. The fisherman was fishing there and suddenly noticed: between the rock and the gorge there was a mound of stones. And the nose and forehead stick out from there. A few hours later, the relatives identified the body - it was Alexander Samoilov.

The court sentenced Bronnikov to 12 years in a maximum security colony, Zharov to 11. The first was the instigator, and he beat him more. This is a friend!

When all traditional methods and possibilities of investigation have been exhausted, we turn to non-traditional ones,” summarizes Ivan Soprun. – This time the psychics helped us a lot. Let's face it: these people turned out to be extremely effective!

P. S. As for psychics, Natalya Andreevna no longer practices. He says it's time to retire. Lena also retired. She got married and devoted herself to her family. Now she works as a teacher and raises children. It is impossible to combine the life of a psychic with ordinary female happiness, her family explained to us. So Elena made her choice.

Subject paranormal abilities usually raises an endless number of questions to which clear answers are not always given. However, scientists, psychologists and even intelligence officers are trying to explain extrasensory perception. First of all, modern society The question is disturbing: who are psychics and is there a scientific explanation for their abilities?

Currently, extrasensory perception exists and is developing as a science. Much that until recently remained beyond the cognizable, now finds very specific materialistic justifications.

"A person is a complex receiving and transmitting system, energy system; and, as you know, energy does not disappear, there is a law of conservation of energy - energy does not disappear, but is transformed into another energy. It is the ability to capture the energy of a living person or traces of human energy, or the energy phantoms of dead people that extrasensory perception is based on,” explains Doctor of Medical Sciences, leading psychiatrist-criminalist Mikhail Vinogradov, who took part in the RIA Novosti on-line conference on the topic “Paranormal human abilities : obvious-incredible."

Extrasensory abilities have been inherent in humans since ancient times: thanks to them, people sensed danger and sensed the enemy. With the development of technology, the need for extrasensory perception in humans began to decrease.

Many people want to know whether they have the prerequisites for the development of paranormal abilities. As Mikhail Vinogradov says, such abilities can be inherited more often through a generation, and sometimes after some kind of injury, for example, after being struck by lightning. There are special centers in Moscow that use tests to help determine the presence of extraordinary abilities.

Experts strictly advise against developing such abilities on your own, recommending that you contact special centers.

Extrasensory perception is divided into three parts: healing (to help patients with a variety of diseases), clairvoyance (the ability to know past events) and clairvoyance (the ability to foresee certain events).

Many psychics use their energy to help police and rescuers with natural disasters and disasters. According to Vinogradov, psychics really help solve crimes or save people trapped under rubble after earthquakes and explosions.

People seeking to develop psychic abilities should know that psychics spend a lot of energy in their work. Sometimes, while helping to solve serious crimes, they literally become ill from what they saw. This is partly due to the fact that psychics take other people’s suffering and other people’s troubles very close to their hearts.

Now in almost every city there are numerous magicians, fortune tellers and soothsayers. However, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vinogradov warns that there are no more than three dozen psychics in the country who are really strong and capable of providing assistance.

Unfortunately, among magicians, sorcerers and certified specialists there are many so-called “werewolves” who should never be trusted. The only way to protect yourself from charlatans is to contact only those bioenergy therapists and traditional healers, which "are licensed in special centers and receive state-issued licenses, similar to those of private practitioners."

The material was prepared by the online editors of based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

After the airing of a series of television programs called “Battle of Psychics.” However, as it turned out, domestic law enforcement officers have long resorted to the help of clairvoyants when solving particularly serious and complicated crimes.

Give Themis to the clairvoyants!

IN last years It has become fashionable to resort to the help of various kinds of psychics, magicians, and fortune tellers. People flock to them in droves, trying to recover from serious illnesses, find a missing relative, or convict their other half of treason. Skeptics grin wryly, while police officers secretly use this kind of service. And to no avail.

As a rule, law enforcement officers resort to the secret help of psychics when the investigation reaches a dead end. And they believe that sometimes clairvoyants are able to indicate the place of burial of corpses, determine more accurately than a lie detector whether a person is lying or telling the truth, explain the mechanism of committing a murder and explain the motives that guided the killer.

In addition, the so-called witness memory activation method is widely used. Its essence is that a valuable eyewitness to events is immersed in a state of hypnosis and the memories are “rewinded” for the period of interest. At this moment, the subject can describe to the smallest detail the color of the criminal’s hair and eyes, the inscriptions on his clothing, and so on, which even a person with trained memory is not able to do in a normal state. Modern criminology knows many criminal cases solved with the help of psychics. Here are some of them.

This terrible story happened in Yekaterinburg on March 31, 2010. A motorist hit and killed a 9-year-old girl, after which he threw the child's body off the hood and left the scene. They searched for the killer in the mysterious black foreign car for several days. No one knew his name, what he looked like, or his car number. There was only one clue - a black Toyota Camry.

It wasn't just the police who were looking for the driver. Caring motorists chased foreign cars with similar characteristics. For the first time in the history of the Sverdlovsk police, drivers themselves brought their cars to the traffic police for inspection, and citizens called the duty station and told about suspicious foreign cars with dents. After an unsuccessful search, the killer was put on the federal wanted list. A reward has been announced for the killer driver's head. In the end, the local police chief turned to... a psychic.

The clairvoyant was shown photographs from the scene of the accident and fragments of a black bumper that were found there. He said where the car was located - in Serov (where it was found). In addition, the psychic named the numbers of the car number - 871, although he made a mistake in their sequence. The real license plate of the Toyota that was found at the Serov car service center is O718EM.

24-year-old Serov resident Artem Makhanek fell into the hands of police on the evening of April 5 on Mamin-Sibiryak Street. Artyom was stopped not far from a lawyer’s office, where he had already entered into an agreement with a defense lawyer. The guy knew that sooner or later he would be found, and was preparing for “doomsday.” He confessed to the murder of the girl on the spot.

Not without the help of psychics, such a high-profile case as the bombing of the Moscow Nevsky Express train on August 13, 2007, when an electric locomotive and 12 cars derailed, was solved. The crime was solved by putting one of the witnesses into a hypnotic state. As it turned out, the terrorists used one of the defendants in the case in secret. He claimed that he was simply driving a car with explosives from Moscow to Malaya Vishera, knowing nothing about the terrible cargo. The man could not remember the road, because he did not know either Moscow or the route to St. Petersburg. Law enforcement officers obtained voluntary consent from this person to the memory activation procedure, and after immersing himself in a hypnotic state, he completely reproduced the entire route. But what was most valuable was that the man remembered the people he met in Malaya Vishera and to whom he gave the car. He was even able to reproduce the license plates of two of their cars. The witness, who was allegedly used in the dark, turned out to be a relative of one of the suspects and later in court exercised the right not to testify against him. However, the court accepted the testimony of the witness, given under hypnosis, as admissible evidence - this happened for the first time in the history of Russian legal proceedings. As a result, two suspects were sentenced to long prison terms.

Our people also believe in predictors

Several years ago, Russian psychics helped solve the murder of law enforcement officers committed on the Moscow-Serpukhov commuter train. Two policemen Kirill Vafin and Vyacheslav Druzhin, who were accompanying the train, were found killed in the vestibule between the 3rd and 4th cars at night, when the train was almost empty.

A specialist in an unconventional field of knowledge gave the operatives many trump cards - he described in detail the appearance of the attackers, their place of permanent residence and, most importantly, special signs. The parapsychologist suggested what kind of tattoos were on the bodies of the criminals (one of the killers had a rare design on his neck in the form of a knife and a spider). After this, employees of the homicide department of the railway police brilliantly implemented the operational information and detained the criminal duo in Belgorod.

A similar criminal story, which was not without the participation of a psychic, occurred several years ago in Crimea. On January 31, 2010, on the peninsula, three young men killed a retired senior police warrant officer, who worked part-time as a taxi driver. At night in Simferopol, two drunken young men approached a taxi driver and asked him to take them to the village of Mazanka. The clients said that they did not have money with them, they would pay upon arrival, they could give two mobile phones as collateral. The driver agreed. On one of the streets of Mazanka, passengers asked to stop the car and began to beat the taxi driver. Some villagers saw the fight but decided not to intervene. The criminals took 200 hryvnia from the taxi driver, a mobile phone broken during the fight, and documents, including a police veteran’s ID card. When they saw the document, they were confused. One of them turned to a friend by phone for advice. He ordered them to go to him in the Nizhnegorsky region. The young people put the taxi driver in the back seat and an hour later they were with a friend. He suggested killing the retired policeman and selling his Volga or dismantling it for parts. The beaten man was told that they would take him to the hospital. Having driven off-road towards Azov, the car skidded. The man tried to escape, but the monsters caught him and strangled him. The killer's car was abandoned at the crime scene.

Police officers, having received a message about the disappearance of a former colleague, immediately joined the search and found a witness, a taxi driver, who saw the passengers boarding on that ill-fated day. In Mazanka, people were identified as eyewitnesses to the beating of the victim. But then the investigation reached a dead end. And then the Crimean police turned for help to local psychics, who unequivocally stated that the taxi driver was killed and the car should be looked for between the Nizhnegorsky and Sovetsky districts, even indicating the place where it was parked. Thanks to the help of clairvoyants, the crime was solved and the killers were arrested.

Psychics also intervened in the investigation of the murder of a Crimean biker in 2011. The body of 40-year-old Alexander Pyatnichko, nicknamed Lobo, was found 800 meters from the Evpatoria-Mirnoe highway, in an abandoned sewer of a wastewater treatment plant. The biker was decapitated and gunshot wounds were found on his body. Incredibly, two days before this, the Crimean psychic Pavel Lyundishev predicted a terrible discovery: “They will find him! I'm sure of it. Dead and headless, in the mud." The psychic stated that Alexander’s head was presented to the customer as proof of what had been done. The psychic also noted that Lobo was killed because of his business, the performer had long since left the peninsula, but the customer was local, from Crimea.

A year later, the psychic’s words were confirmed - law enforcement officers followed the killer and found out that he was hiding abroad. The identity of the criminal has been established, but the police have not yet been able to detain him.

Our police also turned to the clairvoyant in 2004, when they were investigating the case of a Crimean woman who ordered the murder of her own husband. By the way, it was possible to catch the criminal only after 8 years.

Aelita M. worked as a restaurant administrator in the village of Novy Svet, near Sudak. Her husband was a wealthy and non-greedy man - Aelita would have lived with him in peace and harmony, but fate decreed otherwise. In the spring of 2004, Aelita was relaxing in one of the sanatoriums of the South Coast, where she met a young man from Lugansk, who had previously served in the Berkut police unit. And a holiday romance began between these two, which grew into passion. And everything would be fine, but the unwanted husband interfered with the development of the relationship. As they say, the third is superfluous. And then Aelita persuaded her lover to kill her husband.

In mid-July of the same year, after a feast in a restaurant in the New World, a Berkut officer attacked Aelita’s husband and killed him, after which he left Crimea. Aelita herself reported to the police about the murder of her husband. The case was resonant, the progress of the investigation was controlled by Nikolai Fedoryan, a well-known law enforcement officer on the peninsula, who was then the head of the Sudak city police department. Nikolai Aurelovich admitted that when at some point the case reached a dead end, the detectives decided to turn to a local clairvoyant. The woman described in detail the crime, as well as the killer and the customer.

Soon the killer-lover was detained in the Lugansk region. He immediately confessed to everything. In the cell, the man opened his veins and wrote a suicide note in blood, in which he blamed Aelita for what happened. The customer herself managed to escape literally from under the noses of law enforcement officers. How she did this still remains a mystery. At first, the woman hid in the vicinity of Sudak, and then secretly left for Russia.

For several years, Aelita hid from justice in a certain Russian village, and in 2008 she moved to Ukraine and settled in Kharkov, where on January 7 last year she was detained by law enforcement officers.
