Burnt footballer. Tanned, Sergei Ivanovich

Tangy Sergei Ivanovich. Defender, midfielder.

Pupil of the Kyiv school "Dynamo".

He played for the team Geologist Tyumen (1983 - 1987, 1991), Zenit Leningrad (1988, 1989 - 1990), Shakhtar Donetsk (1989), Lokomotiv Moscow (1991 - 1994), Hapoel Haifa, Israel (1994 - 1995), Dynamo Moscow (1995 - 1996), Dynamo Stavropol (1996 - 1997), FC Tyumen Tyumen (1997 - 1998), Lokomotiv Nizhny Novgorod(1998), "Torpedo-ZIL" Moscow (1999 - 2000), "Gomel", Belarus (2001).

Winner of the Russian Cup 1995

He played 2 matches for the Russian national team.

Head coach of the club "Gomel" (2001 - 2004). Head coach of the club "Torpedo-SKA" Minsk (2004). Head coach of the club "Nosta" Novotroitsk (2005 - 2009). Head coach of the club "Tyumen" Tyumen (2010). Head coach of the club "Ventspils" Ventspils, Latvia (2011 - 2012). Head coach of the club "Mordovia" Saransk (2013). Head coach of the club "Salyut" Belgorod (2013 - ...).


June 95th. Dynamo Moscow have just won the Russian Cup. The jubilant capital of Dynamo, Sergei Podpaly, holds over his head the coveted trophy received from the hands of the speaker of the State Duma, Ivan Rybkin.

September 96th. I'm talking to Tanny at the Dynamo base. Only this happens not in Moscow, but in Stavropol. For more than a month, the ex-captain of the Dynamo capital has been playing as part of their Stavropol teammates. It is natural to start a conversation with the 33-year-old defender with a question about the end of his career in the capital in the team of Adamas Golodets.

How did it happen that the leading player, the captain of the team, Dynamo Moscow put up for transfer?

In the off-season, I was already vice-captain. Andrey Smetanin put on the captain's armband. Preparing for the championship of Russia, "Dinamo" firmly kept in mind the quarterfinal match of the Cup Winners' Cup with "Rapid" in Moscow. I couldn't go out in that match because of too many yellow cards. So the squad with the new captain at the head was playing. And I appeared on the field in the third round of the championship in Kaliningrad. Then he played in the second leg against Rapid in Vienna, where he tore his calf muscle. Out of action for a month. When he returned, he was no longer included in the squad, although he was listed as a substitute in the protocol of each match. Adamas Solomonovich said that I would still be useful to the team. But the entire Dynamo "kitchen" is run not by him, but by Tolstoy. And soon there were rumors that Tolstykh was putting Samatov, Shulgin and me on the transfer list. That is, those who are over 30. Then the rumors were confirmed.

What were your feelings?

It became embarrassing. He played the whole last season, it seems, without any complaints. In the off-season, several major league clubs were invited, but Dynamo did not want to hear about it and were not going to let go anywhere. Then they suddenly decided to go for the rejuvenation of the composition, and the “old men”, who had done a lot for the team, immediately found themselves out of work.

In May, Textile Worker appeared on your horizon.

- Dynamo played in Kamyshin. Before the match, Pavlov came to my hotel and said that he had already had a conversation with Tolstykh about me and Samatov. Oleg was not in Kamyshin then. I discussed the terms of a personal contract with Pavlov and, as soon as there was a break in the championship, I left with Samatov for Sochi, where Tekstilshchik held training camps. Then we were at the training camp in Germany. And it's been like that for almost a month and a half. But Pavlov was in no hurry to pay compensation for us. And a week before the end of the submission of additional applications, he said that he would not be able to do this at all. Like, the price is too high. Although he knew from the very beginning how much Dynamo wanted to get for us. I was in danger of being out of work for the rest of the season. Thank you, Stavropol helped out.

It seems that the Stavropol "Dynamo" was interested in you in parallel with the "Tekstilshchik"?

They called me at home, in Moscow, from here, but they talked with my wife. At that time I was in the Kamyshin team and firmly believed that I would play in it. And only when Pavlov's insolvency became clear, I had a conversation with the leadership of the Stavropol Dynamo. The clubs agreed on everything. The terms of the personal contract offered by the Stavropol team also suited me.

Are you involved in the fact that Samatov also appeared in Stavropol?

Izhevsk tried to acquire it, but something did not work out for Gazovik. The Dynamo leaders of Moscow and Stavropol, according to Samatov, also quickly found a common language. Of course, I advised Oleg to go to Stavropol - after all, we are friends with him. Even before Dynamo Moscow, they played together in Lokomotiv.

Your pre-Dynamo past contains the Tyumen Geologist, the Leningrad Zenit, the Donetsk Shakhtar, the Moscow Lokomotiv. Couldn't it have happened that everything started with Dynamo, but Kyiv?

I was born and raised in Kyiv. Mom still lives there. Played in children's teams. There was an opportunity to get into the Dynamo Kyiv double, but in the early 80s there was the same competition as in the first team. I wanted to play all the time. Plus, the army was "running out." So he went to "serve" in Dynamo - only not in Kiev, but from the city of Kirov, which was then headed by Valery Ovchinnikov. In 1983, Valery Viktorovich went to train "Geologist" and took me with him. In Tyumen, I played until 1987, both under Ovchinnikov and under other coaches. "Geologist" won three times in his zone of the second league. On the third attempt, he made it to the first league. And then I was invited by Zenit, who coached Zavidon.

With "Geologist" you passed from the second to the first league. With “Zenith” made the opposite movement – ​​from the highest to the first.

Alas. Although at first everything went fine. They even played in the UEFA Cup. But then the team began to mess with the coaches, and the fans composed caustic rhymes: “Our Leningrad Zenit was once famous. And now things at Zenit are not business, but excuse me ...”

Fans, probably, were already waiting for the second coming of Pavel Sadyrin?

Maybe (laughs). But then Pavel Fedorovich was not bad at CSKA either. However, despite the hardships of “Zenith”, I was still going to connect the fate with Leningrad, which I really liked. In 1989, he left for Shakhtar Donetsk for half a season, but he could not stand it and returned.

What prevented you from staying at Zenith?

Not what, but who. Sadyrin was in Moscow. Other coaches came to Zenit. In the 91st - Morozov. I was just supposed to be given a place to live. The housing problem was more acute for me than money: after all, family man, and there was no own angle. They showed me my future home. My wife and I liked it. And then Morozov, who had not made any claims against me before, suddenly announced that I would not get any apartment, and in general he did not want to see me in his team. So, without any intelligible explanations. And a Leningrader, or, as they say now, a Petersburger, did not work out of me.

But after a while you became a Muscovite.

- Lokomotiv, where I came in the middle of the last USSR championship, kept my promise about the apartment. I got into the team under Filatov, and in 1992 it was headed by Semin, who returned from abroad. Everything worked out well for me in Lokomotiv.

Why did you leave there?

I wanted to try myself in a foreign club. At first I went to the bride in one of the Korean teams. But the Koreans did not agree with the railway workers on the price. Then the opportunity arose to go to Israel. Signed a contract with Hapoel from Haifa. The championship started well. Then the local stars began to find out something with the leadership. The team "fell", and, as often happens in Israel, foreigners were accused of all mortal sins. Me included. The contract was terminated. And I was paid everything that was due. Although usually, they say, in such conflicts, the Israelis leave foreigners "with a nose." In December 1994 he returned to Moscow and rather unexpectedly received an invitation from Beskov and Tolstoy.

And immediately became the captain of Dynamo?

This is Beskov's idea. None of the guys objected. And I myself did not fully understand: for what such an honor. Perhaps they took into account that I was the captain of Lokomotiv for a long time.

In different teams you played in different positions: winger, defensive midfielder, front defender. And where did you first find yourself in today's place - the libero?

In Locomotive. Semin accidentally tried it and did not seem to regret it. It was for the position of a free defender that I was invited by the Stavropol Dynamo.

Your birthday is September 13th. And autumn is the time for European competitions, in which you also had a chance to play.

And in “Zenith”, and in “Lokomotiv”, and in “Dynamo” he started European tournaments either on the eve or immediately after his birthday. The mood was different. With “Zenith”, I remember, we went through a weak Danish club, but then we got to “Stuttgart”, which showed us where the crayfish hibernate. In that Stuttgart, several people from the German national team played. And exactly on September 13, 1993, Lokomotiv met with Juventus in Turin. We looked decent in the first half, and then Roberto Baggio started doing this! No wonder he was named the best player in the world that season.

Did you play your most memorable match outside of European competition?

No. in the Russian Cup. I think the 1995 final between Dynamo Moscow and Rotor remained in the memory of many. Even on penalties, but then we snatched the victory with our teeth. After all, for various reasons, half of the main team did not play for us.

In that meeting, I remember, not only the post-match penalty kicks made their way. At the end of extra time, referee Siner considered that Samatov knocked down Krivov and pointed to the “dot”. You said something to Siner and he pulled out a red card from his pocket...

Didn't touch Samatov Krivov! You can see it on the video from any point. Fuck "Rotor" - I don't know how the referee would feel. He could spoil the whole holiday with this invented 11-meter. I then could not stand it and told Siner everything that I think about him. He removed me. But justice prevailed: Veretennikov hit the post. And I couldn’t find a place for myself, watching the match from the bench. Only when Shulgin scored the eighth, decisive, penalty, I realized that the football god is on our side.

Do you often have conflicts with judges?

When I was a captain, I had to communicate with them on duty. Sometimes, of course, unfair decisions pissed me off. But I am an outgoing person. I can then apologize to the judge. However, it is difficult to get used to what sometimes happens in the first league. This is complete arbitrariness!

Do you mean this season?

I still have not played in the first Russian league. And allied times have long been forgotten. For the first time for the Stavropol Dynamo played in Nizhnekamsk. The referee there whistled only in favor of the hosts. Is it possible to win with such refereeing? The situation repeated itself in Arzamas. True, the guys said that, fortunately, this does not always happen. But already by these examples I can say that they judge here much worse than in the major leagues.

Are you also not enthusiastic about the level of play of the first league teams?

I won’t say that the level of most teams in the first league is much lower than those who play in the highest, but the difference is noticeable.

What is your opinion about the Stavropol Dynamo?

I have known many Stavropol players for a long time. He played against them both in Lokomotiv and Dynamo Moscow. In my opinion, such a team - in terms of play and composition - should be in the top league.

But, judging by the stock of points, your new team will not be able to break through there this season.

Even if only theoretical chances remain, we must try to use them. Both I and Oleg Samatov came to Stavropol to help Dynamo solve
main task. If this task is completed, then I will stay in Stavropol.

And if not?

On this score, there was an agreement with the leadership of Dynamo immediately: they would let me go. I still don't have much left to play. I don’t complain about my football fate, but I want to finish my career in the big leagues. The best thing, of course, is to step there together with the Stavropol team. I don't think about anything else yet.

Sergey KAPUSTIN, Stavropol. Newspaper "Sport-Express", 18.09.1996


He has a passport of a Russian citizen, the appearance of a native of the southern regions of the once vast country and the ambitions of a coach of the Belarusian club, which seriously claims this season for the “gold” of the national championship. Two years ago, the midfielder-legionary of "Gomel" Sergei Podpaly received an offer to head this team, which by and large did not count on anything in the championship of Belarus. Today, the Gomel team are confidently leading the table, showing a stable, interesting game.

A pupil of the Kyiv school "Dynamo" Sergei Podpaly is probably still well remembered by the fans of the clubs of the same name in Moscow and Stavropol, Donetsk "Shakhtar", St. Petersburg "Zenith", Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod "Locomotives". And now a forty-year-old graduate of the Volgograd Institute of Physical Education and the Moscow Higher School of Coaches is successfully applying his knowledge in the city above Sozh, which is as warm and hospitable as his native Kiev, often visiting Minsk at the same time ...

Sergey, where do your relatives live?

Almost all in Ukraine. True, my father died, but my mother is still in Kyiv.

It so happened that during your career as a player you changed, if I am not mistaken, a dozen, if not more, teams. Do you like to travel?

The fact is that I left some of them and then returned to them, as, for example, happened with the Tyumen "Gazovik" or "Zenith". In St. Petersburg, let's say, everything suited me, but my housing problem was not solved there, unlike Shakhtar Donetsk, where Anatoly Konkov invited me. He was not going to leave the Moscow Lokomotiv either, where he played for about three years. But at that time it was fashionable to serve foreign bread, so in 1994 I ended up in Haifa. Now, in Russia, the conditions are not an example better, and you don’t have to leave especially anywhere. And then it seemed that in Israel they were waiting for you with open arms. It turned out that there are enough problems. "Hapoel" did not become a champion, and, of course, legionnaires were to blame for this. I had to return to Russia. And here the proposal of Konstantin Beskov came in very handy. In the Moscow "Dynamo", of course, I went with great pleasure.

And how did you end up in Gomel?

When my two-year contract with Torpedo-ZIL, which was led by Boris Ignatiev, ended, Alexander Kuznetsov called Gomel, also, by the way, a Russian specialist. I agreed to help him. True, I did not have a chance to work under his leadership for a long time. He left as the second coach in CSKA.

And you were soon offered to lead the team?

Quite right, me and Valery Broshin. We were also HST graduates, quite experienced players who had seen a lot, and the team was somewhere in the middle of the table. In a word, they decided that it would not be worse, and they said so to the club's management, giving their consent.

Two years have passed. What has changed dramatically during this time?

The first year, of course, was very difficult, because I had to command the players with whom I myself had recently taken to the field. We finished the season, I think, in a quite worthy sixth place, and the double won its tournament. Now, as you can see, we are claiming the championship. The team, I think, got a little stronger, the team became more united, several young and promising guys were invited. I, too, for my part, I hope, was able to learn something, learn something new and use it in my work during this time. Almost everything had to be rebuilt, starting with discipline and ending with the training process and life. Of course, someone had to slowly get rid of. From the composition that I took, now there are only a few people left.

- Is Gomel a financially prosperous team?

By Belarusian standards - quite, although I would not call the earnings of football players and coaches very high. The main thing is that the payments are timely and stable, everything promised by our general sponsor - Belorusneft - is clearly fulfilling.

Detractors say, and you probably know this, that the first place of your club is the result, among other things, of the notorious "work with the judges" ...

You can’t throw a scarf over every mouth, and let these conversations remain on the conscience of those who lead them. After the first round of a survey of coaches from 16 Premier League clubs, 14, in my opinion, noted that they like Gomel's game. The theme of "assistance" of referees in football is truly eternal. But referees don't score goals. To talk in favor of the poor is the lot of the weak.

What do Sergei Podpaly, a player, and Podpaly, a coach, have in common and how do they differ?

The common thing, probably, is that I always, wherever I played, aimed at a high result, strived for victory, was and remain a maximalist. Not in vain, probably, in the teams whose colors I defended, they often chose me as a captain. The qualities of a leader, I think, help even now. The guys are not offended when I raise my voice, realizing that this is for their own good. If we manage to break into European competitions - it will be easier for them to shine on high level, declare yourself and get, perhaps, into well-known clubs in Russia or abroad.

Vladimir Panov. Newspaper "Soyuz. Belarus-Russia", 10/16/2003

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1 16.08.1992 RUSSIA - MEXICO - 2:0 d
2 02.02.1994 MEXICO - RUSSIA - 1:4 n
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2 – – – – –

Sergey Podpaly, Dynamo Moscow midfielder
(Meet the debutant of the team)
Former Lokomotiv Moscow player Sergei Podpaly, who left last summer for the Israeli Hapoel club from Haifa, returned to Russia and began playing for Dynamo Moscow.
– What are your impressions of Israel?
- It's good to relax there, but not to work. Going there to play football is, in my opinion, a hopeless business. Therefore, I do not regret that I returned. After all, from the very beginning I had no great desire to go to Israel.
“Then why were you there?”
- At one time, my relationship with Yuri Semi-ny stopped developing. At the same time, an agent from Hapoel appeared in Moscow, who offered to play a season in this team. Not that the conditions completely suited me, but in that situation this option seemed the best.
What did you see in Israel?
- Three or four clubs that could compete with the teams of the Russian major league, and in the first place - "Maccabi" (Haifa) and "Maccabi" (Tel Aviv). The Bersheva team is not bad, in which the former head of the Moscow Lokomotiv Vitaly Shevchenko works. All leaders have "Russians" in their roster - players from former Union, and the main bet is placed on them. In my opinion, it is thanks to the efforts of the "Russians" that Israeli football has been progressing lately.
- What can be seen from the game of his team.
- Yes, the Israelis played a draw with the Romanians in Euro-96, and this suggests that they have a good team.
- Is Hapoel not one of the strong clubs?
Last years he fought for survival. But at the end of last season, Hapoel had a new owner - one of the wealthiest people in the country, the owner of fish factories in Africa. We bought two Israelis and three of ours. In addition to me, Vyacheslav Melnikov from the CSKA doubles and Oleg Koshelyuk from Chernomorets Odessa played in the club. The championship started well. Then the local stars began to find out something with the leadership. The team “fell down”, and, as it often happens in Israel, foreigners were accused of all mortal sins. Me included. The contract was terminated. And I was paid everything that was due. Although usually, they say, in such conflicts, the Israelis leave foreigners "with a nose." In December 1994 he returned to Moscow and rather unexpectedly received an invitation from Beskov and Tolstoy.
- Were there other options besides Dynamo Moscow?
- Called to St. Petersburg Pavel Sadyrin, it was possible to go to Nizhny Novgorod. But I didn't want to leave Moscow.
- Where are the Dynamo coaches going to use you?
- Now I'm playing as a defensive midfielder.
- Did you immediately become the captain of Dynamo?
- This is Beskov's idea. None of the guys objected. And I myself did not understand to the end: why such an honor. Perhaps they took into account that I was the captain of Lokomotiv for a long time.
- Is there any difference between Dynamo's training style and game style?
- Beskov has more work with the ball, more playing exercises, squares. And Semin has mostly running training.
- That is, in Lokomotiv they put on "physics"?
- Yes. There, it is the physical condition that is considered the basis of a good game. And to some extent it justifies itself.
- Did the first Dynamo match in Sochi inspire you with optimism or disappointment?
- The first game, especially on the road, is always difficult. And then the field is disgusting, I had to knead the mud. The more pleasant the victory.
- What worries you at Dynamo?
- Big loss - Kobelev. But the main thing is that we haven't played yet. There are a lot of newcomers in the team, it takes time to get used to it.

WITH quite recently, his surname resurfaced in the appendix to the Belarusian football. When Gomel was looking for a new head coach to replace Alexei Merkulov, the candidacySergei Podpaly The Internet was mentioned among the main ones. It is understandable: at the beginning of the 2000s, the Russian specialist led the “southerners” to victories in the championship and the Cup of Belarus, and those glorious times have not yet been forgotten on the banks of the Sozh.

We did not forget about them either: during the week, the PB correspondent had a telephone session with Sergei Ivanovich. And it began just with a question on a topical Belarusian topic.

- Did you have contact with the Gomel leadership?
- I didn't talk to anyone. Frankly, even he was surprised that such news appeared. I learned about it from journalists, then friends began to call. Basically, false information.

- If the offer was received, would you agree?
- Both the city and the team are, of course, not strangers to me. Thank you for your attention. Although these are rumors, it is clear that nothing just happens. We could meet and talk. However, for now, it seems to me, all this is premature.

- How do you like Gomel this season?
- I know that he was aging badly. Management was patient. But when there is no result, the coach is always to blame. Although lately I see that the team began to gain points quite well. Everything should get better.

- What are you doing now?
- Since the Belgorod “Salyut”, which I headed, withdrew from the championship, I have been in Moscow. I deal with employment issues. I meet and talk to people.

- Any progress?
- Eat. I think in the coming weeks everything should be decided. I would like to get to work as soon as possible.

- How did it happen that "Salute" ceased to exist?
- The problems started a long time ago. We hoped that we would still be able to finish the season. But, unfortunately, the leadership of the region did not find finance. I had to withdraw from the championship. Now the team under a different name plays for the KFK championship.

- Were you settled?
- Not yet. "Salute" was sponsored from the regional fund. Since September last year, they stopped paying salaries. Well, maybe a few pennies. Debts piled up. In January, it was decided to finish with all this.

- In addition to "Salute", Vladikavkaz "Alania" could not finish the championship. FNL is breathing its last?
- I wouldn't say. There are teams that have problems. Basically, these are teams that are financed from the budget. Right now it's being licensed. I think that after both Belgorod and Vladikavkaz have withdrawn (although the situation is slightly different there), the requirements will become tougher. This should not be repeated.

- "Mordovia", in which you started the season, returned to the Premier League. Do you see merit in this?
- How to say? With the coaching staff, we put a lot of effort into this. Moreover, the team achieved its goal, by and large, even before the New Year. In the spring, “Mordovia” just played out the championship. We went through pre-season training with her. When they left, the team was in second place. And, to be honest, we did not see any problems in solving the problem.

- Your parting with "Mordovia" passed with the breaking of dishes ...
- There was a misunderstanding with the management. This is the main reason. But when I came to Saransk with Salyut (we lost 0:1) after the match the president of the club congratulated me on a good game. We talked normally. When we meet, I think we will shake hands with each other.

- But the official version of the dismissal sounds interesting: absenteeism ...
- No ... There's how it happened. We played in Yaroslavl, the team had a day off tomorrow. I had to go to Moscow for one day. Both the coaching staff and the administration knew about it. Especially close there. It's purely a family issue. The child was traveling abroad, it was necessary to give permission to leave. The next day in the morning I was already in Saransk. This is not the reason that led to the resignation. Unfortunately, everywhere painted so that this is the main reason.

- What do you remember from the Gomel stage of your career?
- Very nice environment, great team. Everything was especially great when Voronchuk worked as the president of the club. Thanks to his support, it was easier for me too. It is important when the president and the coach have good contact. In this case, you can solve big problems.

From the player of "Gomel" in his coaches you quickly retrained. Former partners immediately began to call on “you”?
- By that time I had already graduated from the Higher School of Coaches, I had a coaching license. I was ready for this job. After the appointment, we got together as a team, talked, the guys supported me. At first they still called me by my first name. Then they switched to “first name and patronymic”. Relations were good, that's why everything went well. We won the Cup, we became champions...

- Before the golden season-2003, “Gomel” got to the finish line sixth three times. And here is such a leap ...
- In 2002, in the off-season, they began to build another team. As a head coach, he tried to select players for himself. The composition was calculated to be in the top three. Unfortunately, it didn't work out. But they took the Cup. Maybe it's for the best. We got additional motivation for the next championship season. They intensified even more. And in the end, confidently went all the way. Although the task of becoming a champion was not before us.

They say that there were so many people who wanted to get to the golden match with Torpedo-SKA that some of the spectators watched football from behind the fence ...
- There were really a lot of people. People have been going to “Gomel” all their lives. To be honest, Gomel fans surprised me. After all, we had good games, and bad ones. And they have always been equally great support. The city lived for football.

Bliznyuk in that season, together with Kornilenko, became the top scorer of the championship. Was his contribution to the “gold” decisive?
- Certainly. I am glad that Gena returned to finish in Gomel. This city made him a footballer. By Belarusian standards, this is a top player.

- Matches with “Schalke-04” in the UEFA Cup were memorable. Did you feel that this is a team from another planet?
- Well, I wouldn't say it's another planet. But we got experience, a lesson. Game in Germany, "cue ball" in the stands... Although there about such a team as "Gomel", no one knew. The guys have found positive emotions. And they didn’t dwell on those big defeats.

- Which of the Belarusian coaches was the most interesting and difficult to compete with?
- At that time, the meetings with BATE and Yuriy Puntus were the most important. The Borisovites were already leaders of the Belarusian football then. Often our matches with them turned out to be decisive.

- One of these was the Cup final in 2002.
- The final is already an achievement. Moreover, it was my first success. The game was not easy, somewhere we were lucky. Emotions were the sea.

- A little later, Puntus called you as an assistant to the youth team ...
- It happened before my departure from Belarus. Just left Gomel. Despite the rivalry at the club level, we were friends. I couldn't refuse. Unfortunately, they did not work together for long. But it was interesting.

- What matches of "junior team" still remain in your memory?
- I remember how they lost houses to Moldova. How well played in Norway. How they worked at the training camp in Ruita. It was held together with the first team. There were many impressions. In general, a good memory remained about the entire Belarusian period.

- With “Gomel” in 2004, you also parted not in a friendly way. What was the story there?
- In football, there are often moments when the management is dissatisfied with the coach, and the coach is dissatisfied with the management. As a result, parting in a good way does not work. And so we did. Unfortunately, by that time the president of the club had changed. It became harder to work. There was no mutual understanding.

- The resignation occurred two weeks before the start of the Champions League...
- That's the most annoying thing. After all, both I and the team were going to the Champions League. But there was a pretty passable grid. There was a good chance. You could, you could get...

- To a group?
Well, at least fight. The option was hopeless.

- Then in your career, "Torpedo"-SKA appeared. But you didn't stay there for long.
– Agreed so: until the end of the season, and then we'll see. I improved it. But then an offer came from Russia. Yes, and “Torpedo” started financial problems.

The Nosta players, where you also had a chance to work, said that red, green snow could fall in Novotroitsk. This is true?
- Ha, well, this is nonsense. Novotroitsk is a small industrial city. It was noticeable. Hence the stories about snow and all the colors of the rainbow. But in general, the period in “Nosta” left only positive impressions. I can't say anything bad about Novotroitsk.

- Three years ago you brought Latvian "Ventspils" to Soligorsk...
- It's good that the lot brought with Shakhtar. I came to Belarus, saw my comrades... The games turned out to be interesting, tense. What's at home, what's on the road.

- Do you know that you had a hand in the European Cup curse of Shakhtar?
- Yes, I heard that Soligorsk has such a problem. Shakhtar had an advantage at home. Maybe we were lucky that we managed to score and win. That goal saved us. The match in Ventspils turned out to be more spectacular, with an abundance of goals.

- You have twice been on internships with Claudio Ranieri - at Chelsea and Juventus...
- I went for the first time when I was still working in Belarus. We went with a friendly group. Me, Puntus, Shapiro... Interesting. The main impression is a simple base. Nothing special.

- In "Salute" you worked for some time as an executive director. Yours?
The president asked for help. I paid more attention to the sports part. I won't say it was interesting. But since you asked...

- You were born in Kyiv. Do you take Ukrainian events to heart?
- Certainly. Moreover, almost all relatives are there. Mother, sister, brothers... I'm worried. I call them. I watch all the news and programs. I never thought this could happen. I would like the hostilities to end as soon as possible. We must sit down at the negotiating table.

- Could you ever work in the Russian Premier League?
- There was an option. About five years ago. With "Nosta" just took a high place. They called to “Amkar”, where Bozovic was leaving. I went to negotiations, they were successful. Management offered a five-year contract. To work purposefully with the team. Moreover, she was on the move then, preparing to play in Europe. But at the last moment there was one inconsistency. Otherworldly forces intervened.

- Fans of the Moscow "Locomotive" do not let you forget that you are the first captain of the club in recent history?
- Now the veteran team of Lokomotiv is being created. At the end of last year we got together and played football. They invited me too. It's nice that I had a chance to lead the team with the captain's armband. Then they organized a banquet, the fans were there, by the way.

- How do you like the season performed by the railway workers?
- The team went through the championship very well. Largely due to the fact that Kuchuk accepted it. He managed to create a team, improve the situation. I think that Loko's game will become even more interesting next season.

- You are a participant in the first ever match of the Russian national team...
- It was a game against Mexico in Moscow. For me, she was remembered for flights and transfers. Lokomotiv played in Nakhodka. I just flew in from there - I immediately had to advance to the training camp. The composition looked very solid. And it was very nice to go there.

- The national team was just being created - were there any problems with the organization?
- Not really. Then they didn't pay any attention to it. It was later that the guys were dissatisfied with both the form and the attitude. For the "nineties" nothing surprising. Russian football was just beginning to line up.

- In total, you have two matches for the national team. Who was the other one with?
- Interestingly, also with Mexico. They just played not in Moscow, but in the States. It was in winter. We were preparing for the 1994 World Cup.

- There were chances to get there?
- Until recently, I applied for a trip. But the coaches decided to take more experienced players. Then, by the way, they wrote that there were errors in the acquisition. Yes, and the mentors themselves noted that it was necessary to take the composition, which was preparing for the tournament. Do not invite people who are indifferent to the result.

Who then acted in your position?
- I played the last defender. The guys were very strong. Nikiforov, Gorlukovich...

- What is your prediction: will the Russian team advance from the group at the World Championships?
- Hope. A lot will depend on the first game against the Koreans. It is necessary to win in it - in order to gain confidence.

Sergei Ivanovich Podpaly(September 13, 1963, Kyiv, USSR) - Soviet and Russian football player, acted as a libero. Master of Sport. Russian football coach.


A pupil of the football school of Kyiv "Dynamo".

Bronze medalist of the Russian Championship (1994), winner of the Russian Cup (1995). He played two matches for the Russian national team.

He was the first captain of the Moscow "Locomotive" of the era of the beginning of the rise of the club under the leadership of Yuri Semin. He was the captain of the Moscow "Dynamo" in the last period of activity in the club of coach Konstantin Beskov.

Graduated from the Volgograd Institute of Physical Education and the Moscow Higher School of Coaches (2000, in absentia). From September 2001 to June 26, 2004, he worked as the head coach of Gomel, with whom he won gold medals (2003) and the National Cup (2002), finalist of the Belarus Cup (2004).

In 2004 he was the head coach of Minsk Torpedo-SKA.

In December 2007, Nosta head coach Podpaly and the club's general director Andrey Kanchelskis visited Italy at the personal invitation of Juventus head coach Claudio Ranieri, under whose leadership Kanchelskis once played for Fiorentina.

On June 2, 2009, after a home defeat with a score of 1: 3 from the Khabarovsk club SKA-Energy, Podpaly was dismissed by the leadership of Nosta.

Since 2010 he has been a trainer-consultant in football club"Tyumen". On December 12, 2010, he completed a 240-hour training course at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow and received a Pro license.

From January 2011 until mid-May 2012, he was the head coach of the Latvian "Ventspils". In 2011 "Ventspils" became the champion of Latvia and the winner of the Latvian Cup.
