Manchurian apricot: description and care. Ornamental shrub Manchurian apricot Manchurian apricot blood red currant

Armeniaca mandshurica (Maxim.) V. Skvortsov
Category and status: 3 g - a rare species. In Russia, it is located on the northeastern border of the range.
A brief description of. Small tree up to 12 m high. and up to 45 cm in diameter. It blooms in late April - the first half of May, before the leaves bloom, very abundantly and almost annually, but the fruits are tied only in plants growing in open places. Lives up to 100 years (1, 2, 3).
Spreading. In Russia, it is found only in the south of Primorsky Krai on the Khanka plain, spurs of the East Manchurian mountains and in the very south of Sikhote-Alin in the Oktyabrsky, Ussuriysky, Pogranichny, Mikhailovsky, Khankaysky, Khorolsky, Spassky, Chernigov, Shkotovsky and Partizansky districts. The main part of the range is located on the territory of the first five districts. It is less common in other areas. The northernmost points of growth of the species are the southwestern environs of the village. Novokachalinsk, Khanka district (north-west tip of Lake Khanka) and southern environs of the city of Spassk-Dalny. The most eastern populations of the species are located on the left bank of the river. Partisan between ss. Novitskoye and Vodopadnoe Partizansky district. Outside of Russia, it occurs in northeastern China and in the north of the Korea Peninsula (1, 3).
Peculiarities of ecology and phytocenology. It grows in dry and periodically dry oak forests, as well as in tree and shrub thickets on steep sunny (southern, southwestern and southeastern) rocky slopes facing vast flat spaces: wide river valleys, lake plains. Sometimes, under the same conditions, it forms almost pure groves surrounded by oak or pine forests, but such sites are very rare and occur in extremely limited areas, not exceeding 1-2 hectares. The upper limit of apricot distribution is limited by a height of 300-450 m above sea level. ur. m. (2,3,4). Xeromesophyte. Very light-loving. Heat-loving, but frost-resistant. Undemanding to the soil. Optional petrophyte.
Number. The number of apricot trunks usually does not exceed 100 copies. per 1 ha, less often - up to 200 or more (3). The state of the populations. Communities with Manchurian apricot are systematically affected by forest fires. Multiple fires lead to the formation of coppice trees and shrubs with a small participation of apricot. IN last years apricot renewal occurs more often vegetatively (by shoots from a stump). Natural regeneration in all types of forest with the participation of the species can be considered insufficient. From immoderate grazing in some areas, the apricot has disappeared completely, in others it occurs singly, with severely mutilated shoots (3).
limiting factors. Decorative and fruity. Wild apricot populations are located in the most densely populated areas. Grazing and eating shoots by livestock, economic development of the territory, systematic forest fires. The resumption of apricot is prevented by mass eating of fruits by mouse-like rodents (2, 3). Trees are damaged by stem pests - borers (3).
Security measures taken. It was included in the Red Book of the RSFSR (1988). The species is included in the List of objects... listed in the Red Data Book of Primorsky Krai (2002). Protected in the Khankai, Ussuri and Lazovsky reserves (5-7), however, the populations of the species in them are small. The protection of the species is also carried out on the territory of botanical monuments of nature - Novogeorgievskaya and Chernyatinskaya apricot groves in the Oktyabrsky district (3,4,8).
Required security measures. Organization 00PT in the middle reaches of the river. Komissarovka of the Border District, in the environs. With. Vassianovka, Chernigov district, okrug. With. Krounovka, Ussuriysky district, as well as in 69 sq. Reshetnikovskoe forestry of the Border Forestry (3). Population control.
cultivation possibilities. Widely known in culture. Cultivated in 31 botanical gardens in Russia. It is used, although not enough, in landscaping in the Primorsky Territory.
Information sources. 1. Vorobyov, 1968; 2. Kurentsova, 1962, 1968, 1973; 3. Epifanova, 2004; 4. Krestov, Verkholat, 2003; 5. Belaya, Morozov, 1985; b. Barkalov V.Yu., personal communication; 7. Taran, 1990; 8. Seledets, 1993. Compiled by: S.V. Prokopenko.

The Manchurian apricot won wide popularity among gardeners due to its frost resistance and decorative effect. This variety is originally from Central Asia, from where it spread to Northeast China, Primorye and North Korea. The Manchurian apricot belongs to the Rose family.

Manchurian apricot - Asian variety

General characteristics of the variety

Manchurian apricot is a deciduous plant with a dense and spreading openwork crown. This is a rare variety, so it is listed in the Red Book of Russia. Apricot cultivation began at the beginning of the 20th century, and the variety gained popularity due to its unpretentiousness and easy propagation (using seeds or grafting).

The plant grows in height from 10 to 15 m. The bark on a young tree is light brown, but the older it is, the darker it is. And already on an adult plant, the bark is covered with deep wide cracks. Often the trunk of an apricot reaches a diameter of 40 cm. This type of apricot is the ancestor of the following varieties:

  1. Uralets.
  2. Honey.
  3. Spicy.
  4. Golden bone.
  5. Firstborn.

Main characteristics:

  1. A winter-hardy variety that can withstand a gradual drop in temperature to -30 ° C, and some specimens calmly tolerate cold down to -50 ° C.
  2. It is resistant to drought and very photophilous.
  3. Perfectly adapts to survival in the soil of various composition and type.
  4. IN wild nature most often grows on dry slopes of mountains.

Leaf Features

Description of tree leaves:

  1. Stretched shape.
  2. They are bright green above and dark green below.
  3. In autumn they change color to yellow-red-orange.
  4. Although the plant is deciduous, immediately after the onset of autumn, it does not shed its leaves completely. A bright crown can be observed on the tree until mid-November (or before the onset of severe frosts).
  5. Medium in size and thin petioles.

Thanks to the color of the leaves, cultivated ornamental trees and shrubs of this variety will serve as a worthy decoration for the garden. A plant planted in the form of an alley looks good.


Apricot Manchurian begins to bloom in April. The flowers are distinguished by a beautiful pale pink shade and their size (they are much larger than those of apricot cultivars). They are located on the tree both singly and in small bunches. The flowers are sessile or have a very small stem, appear on the tree before the leaves.

Flowering does not last long, like all apricot trees: only two weeks, but if the weather is not sunny and the air is cool, flowering can last a few days longer.

Apricot blossom starts in April

Fruit Features

This variety begins to bear fruit only 7 years after planting. The fruits ripen in July. They are distinguished big size(about 2.5 in diameter) and a bright orange-yellow color. On the fruits of the Manchurian apricot there is a slight pubescence. They weigh from 15 to 20 g.

This type of apricot is considered decorative and fruit, that is, its fruits can be eaten. But when raw, they taste bad. They are more herbaceous than apricot cultivars, but larger and juicier.

Manchurian apricot has a pleasant taste only after heat treatment or drying, so it is often eaten in the form of jam, compote or jam, dried apricots, marshmallows. Suitable for eating and bones. They are consumed roasted (like almonds) or squeezed to obtain apricot oil. It is widely used in cosmetology due to its fatty structure.

Manchurian apricot (lat. Prunus mandschurica)- fruit culture; member of the genus Plum in the Rosaceae family. In nature, it is found infrequently, mainly in Korea, China, Mongolia and in the Primorsky Territory of Russia. Is a rare species. Natural habitats are forests with a predominance of sepulchral pine, dry areas, lower reaches of rivers and rocky slopes. Average life expectancy is 100 years.

Characteristics of culture

Manchurian apricot is a deciduous tree up to 15 m high with a spreading openwork crown. The leaves are lanceolate-oval, ovate or broadly oval, rather large, glabrous, pointed at the ends, serrate along the edge, up to 12 cm long. The fruit is an oval or round orange-colored single-drupe, up to 4 cm in diameter, has a sour-sweet taste. Average weight fruit - 15-20 g. Manchurian apricot is relatively frost-resistant, withstands frosts down to -30C. Flower buds are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and frost.


Apricot Manchurian is the ancestor of the following varieties:
*Chelyabinsk Early- the variety is represented by medium-sized trees with a densely leafy crown and dark red shoots. The fruits are small, rounded, with a light brown, easily separated stone. The skin is yellow, covered with small dots. The pulp is loose, juicy, light orange, sweet. It is considered a universal variety. It is partially self-fertile, winter-hardy, drought-resistant, and cannot boast of high yields. Diseases and pests are extremely rare.

*Spicy- the variety is represented by medium-sized trees with a spreading densely leafy crown and dark red shoots. The fruits are round, small, weighing up to 17 g, with a brown, easily separated stone. The skin is yellow, with a dark red blush, velvety. The pulp is loose, light orange, sweet and sour, tart. The variety is winter-hardy, drought-resistant, practically not affected by pests and diseases. Bears fruit annually.

*Snezhinsky- the variety is represented by medium-sized trees with a spreading densely leafy crown and dark red shoots. The fruits are medium-sized, oval, weighing up to 25 g, with a round brown, easily separable stone. The skin is yellow, with a dark red punctate blush. The pulp is tender, juicy, light orange, sweet. The variety is partially self-fertile, winter-hardy, high-yielding, resistant to diseases and pests. Bears fruit annually.

*Uralets- the variety is represented by medium-sized trees with a spreading densely leafy crown and red shoots covered with lentils. The fruits are round, small, weighing up to 20 g, with an oval brown, easily separated stone. The skin is yellow, with a reddish punctate blush. The pulp is juicy, tender, loose, light orange, sweet. The variety is partially self-fertile, high-yielding, frost-resistant, drought-resistant, rarely affected by pests and diseases.


Most often, the Manchurian apricot is propagated by planting seeds. The seeds of the culture remain viable for several years. The most effective autumn planting, germination in this case will be 50-90%. Before planting, the bones must be subjected to preliminary preparation. The bones are lowered into the water, those specimens that float up are removed, they are not suitable for planting. Stratification will also be helpful. The seeding depth is 1 cm. Shoots that appear next spring need careful care. After 2 years, young plants are transplanted to a permanent place.


The fruits of the Manchurian apricot are used to make compotes, jams and conserves, and are also consumed fresh. The culture is often used in ornamental gardening to create hedges and cultivate bald southern slopes. Apricots are especially good in alliance with cherries, apples and plums.

How to grow an apricot

In the last issue of the newspaper, we talked about apricot varieties that can be successfully grown on Southern Urals. Today we will talk about the agricultural technology of this crop.

rootstock for apricot

The success of apricot cultivation almost primarily depends on the rootstock on which the variety is grafted. I have been experimenting with the selection of rootstocks in the garden for the past 10 years. At the same time, he got acquainted with the experience of other gardeners and research institutes.

As a result, I came to the conclusion:

Plum - unsuitable for rootstock, although it grows well with apricot. But fragile. The apricot is much thicker than the plum and the trees break off at the grafting site.

turn - also an unimportant scion for an apricot. On the turn, it grows weaker, less productive and winter-hardy than on the rootstock of an apricot.

Bessey(sand cherry)- attracted the attention of fruit growers as a winter-hardy stock, but did not live up to expectations. At the apricot and bessei- discrepancy between the scion and the stock. Trees grow weak, sickly. A familiar gardener last year bought an apricot variety Delight Chelyabinsk selection, grafted on bessey. And last winter, three out of four seedlings withered. From Rapture he had only despondency.

I tried to use the seeds from the cultivated apricots of the Khabarovsk selection - there is a massive warming up. It is no coincidence that in Khabarovsk and Minusinsk special small-fruited apricots with resistance to overheating have been bred. I personally use the seeds from the Chelyabinsk apricot seedling, here the warming is in the range of 15-20 percent.

I vaccinate in the third decade of April before the start of sap flow in dry calm weather. Small frosts of 5-7°C do not have a negative effect. I use three methods of grafting: improved copulation, when the thickness of the rootstock and scion are the same, splitting and side cut, when the thickness of the rootstock is several times greater than the scion. Recently, he also mastered grafting according to the Khudyakov method, when the stock is about 1.5 times thicker than the scion. This is the same improved copulation, but with cleaning (cutting) on ​​the combined side of the rootstock. A plastic cover is necessarily put on vaccinations, a warm and humid air environment is created under it. I take it off in the evening, as soon as the leaf has formed. I did not observe any burns, as some write about it. Once again I say that the best and only rootstock are the bones from Manchurian apricot . All other rootstocks are from the evil one. Not a single author who writes about other rootstocks has written what he received, say, for 10 years, how long a tree lives on this rootstock. It is precisely established that an apricot lives on a plum tree for 4-6 years, and even less on a bessey.

Planting an apricot

Apricot varieties suitable for the Ural zone were created with the participation of the Manchurian apricot. This must be taken into account when growing a crop, since our climatic conditions significantly different from the Far East. The planting technology is the same as for the plum tree, since both cultures in some unfavorable years simmer in the root collar zone.

For planting an apricot, it is advisable to choose a place protected from the northwestern and northern winds by buildings or trees. It is recommended to make a mound with a diameter of 2 m and a height of 0.5 m. In spring or autumn, 30-40 kg of humus, 0.1-1 kg of superphosphate, 150-300 g of potassium sulfate, but better than 1 .5-2 kg of ash. (By the way, every autumn I bring a bucket of ash under a fruiting apricot). The hill is made from ordinary earth, on clay soils you need to add sand and broken bricks. Closer to the center, where the tree will be planted, they lay fertile land. There is a way to plant apricots and plums in a box without a bottom measuring 1x1x0.5 m. Personally, I plant them in a steel barrel: I cut it in half and sprinkle earth on the sides. In the conditions of thickened collective gardens, planting on a flat place will necessarily lead to a warming of the bark, especially at the beginning of winter, with prolonged exposure to temperatures close to zero. Such a temperature can be maintained for a long time on the surface of the earth under snow that has fallen before the soil freezes. Dangerous and rapid accumulation of snow (up to 50 cm or more) in the first half of winter. In this case, even the soil frozen to a depth of 20-30 cm gradually thaws, and the temperature around zero is maintained on its surface. Therefore, at the beginning of winter around apricots, especially young trees, which are damaged more often and more severely, it is necessary to trample the snow. And in March, it must be discarded from the root neck.

As a rule, autumn watering also leads to bark warming. In our conditions, watering should be stopped immediately after harvest. And in a year like today, they are not required at all.

Apricot pruning

Apricot bears fruit both on growth shoots and on short-lived overgrown branches. To maintain active growth and regular fruiting, pruning is necessary. With summer (June) pruning of growths, flower buds are laid at a late date. This shifts the time for the tree to emerge from winter dormancy, increasing its frost resistance at the end of winter. Summer pruning did not affect the flowering period: the pruned and unpruned trees bloomed at the same time. Delays flowering by spraying with milk of lime in March. True, such an event can lead to negative consequences. Early flowering saved the apricot today from crop failure, but the plum blossomed later and fell under the most inclement weather and there were no fruits. So there is a double-edged sword here.

Apricot nutrition

Excess nitrogen in the soil causes strong growth, and its nitrate form- functional disorders in the form of leaf tissue necrosis. Nitrogen helps to lengthen the growing season. Potassium, on the contrary, reduces it. Phosphorus nutrition accelerates the formation of flower buds. Nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer increases the number of ovaries, especially after abundant fruiting. Phosphorus-potassium reduces acidity and increases sugar content and vitamin content in fruits, improves their color. Apricot is sensitive to chlorine, so the best form of potash fertilizer- potassium sulfate or ash.

Nikolay Pitelin , experienced gardener

About growing apricot in non-traditional areas in other articles in the section
