Bill Kaulitz personal life. Bill Kaulitz is gay, Tokio Hotel leader confesses

Presenter:“I am disgusted by sex with groupies and I am afraid of assassination attempts” - the frontman of the worldwide successful group Tokio Hotel, Bill Kaulitz, surprised us with these open statements.

In Oberhausen, four Magdemurzians make a stop on their tour. There is already a familiar situation: thousands of screaming fans. State of emergency!
So what price should guys pay for their incredible success? Tokio Hotel told David Moterad and Bettina Fietsche about this.

Bettina: How often Bill Kaulitz having sex?

Bill: For all last years There was not a single girl in my room, nothing at all.

Bettina: What is it like to be constantly afraid of assassination attempts?

Volume: This, of course, is the kind of thing that we can’t seem to live without, or we can’t even imagine what it’s like when there are no people who hate us.

Bettina: And how do the guys cope with this? Not a single step goes unnoticed and security is no longer possible.

Bill: You need to consider whether you are ready to live this way. This is how it is with us.

Bettina: We met with Tokio Hotel and received honest answers to very personal questions.

On Friday evening, more than 11,000 fans waited in the Oberhausen Arena for the object of their desires: Bill Kaulitz. A sparkling mix of warrior, angel and alien, it's out of this world anyway. A couple of small dance moves were enough to send the audience into ecstasy. When he sings about great love, you can hear little but squeals.
Bill sings about something he himself no longer experiences. Falling in love, having a girlfriend, from the very beginning of their worldwide success, he forgot about it. The last time he was in love was when he was 14 years old, i.e. 6 years ago. Does this mean he can say goodbye to sex?

Bill: I haven't had a girlfriend in recent years. And a year ago... I will say this, I have to really fall in love in order to constantly spend time with someone and let them into my apartment or tour bus and all that.
(Tom laughs.)
Bill: What's happened?
Volume: There is nothing.
Bill:...I need to fall in love. And therefore, sex after a concert with someone who is standing in the front row is not even considered by me.
Voiceover: What would happen if...
Volume(interrupts): for me it’s just the opposite actually!

Bettina: Things are completely different with twin Tom. At the same time, many girls are interested in Tom more as a pop star than as a person.

Volume: It's just a little fun for us. In the end, it doesn’t matter whether she considers you good as a person, which she, of course, cannot, because she doesn’t know you. Or maybe that’s why she only saw you on TV. But now I don't care about that!
Bill: and besides, of course we have...
Volume(interrupts and turns to Bill): It's just about physical contact, something you don’t understand at all!
Bill: Yes.
Bettina: Giving up love is not the only sacrifice for a successful global career.

Bill has bad memories (literally experience here!) and he even fears for his life. Security had to pull people disguised as fans and armed with knives from the red carpet.

Bill: Stories like people with knives and so on already happened at the very beginning of our career. Then I was about 16. Yes, 4 years have already passed, but a person grows up with it, and you don’t know how it is - it’s different.

Bettina: Only indoors, behind closed doors, does Bill feel safe.

Trying on suits at the beginning of the week. With him are only his bandmates and the designer duo Dsquared, who designed these cosmic outfits.

Bill: Yuhhu, party!

Bettina: A relaxed and fearless moment. It is very risky for Bill and the others to appear in public.

Bill: Once, I think, in Los Angeles, we already had this situation. Then one of the fans ran onto the stage and tried to drag Tom down from the stage. In addition, this can happen on the red carpet or at performances with big amount artists.

Bettina: The French gang of girls had been stalking their idols for several months. Last year, things got heated at the gas station. The girl pestered Tom, he lost his temper and hit her. This week it was revealed that Tom must pay a €1,000 fine and apologise. Case is closed. This can happen to all artists, but as Tokio Hotel themselves say, they have always had more enemies than others, starting from their school years.

Volume: This, of course, is the kind of thing that we can’t seem to live without, or we can’t even imagine what it’s like when there are no people who hate us. To some extent, we even need this. But of course this is something to be wary of.

Bettina: Guys love to attract attention. And the fact that in Germany they are still considered a teenage group makes Bill nervous.

Bill: One day they conducted a survey on the street in which passers-by were played excerpts of songs from our new album and they really liked them. When they were told that this is Tokio Hotel, they immediately immediately said: “well, yes, after all, I don’t like it that much.”

Bettina: This does not happen in other countries. After 2 concerts in Germany they go to Moscow, Madrid, Rome, Paris. Tokio Hotel achieved worldwide success, which is very rare for German musicians. But their lives go beyond the usual living standards. Drinking coffee or going shopping is unimaginable for Bill.

Bill: Maybe after the store closes. Well, or if there is a shopping center... Or everything will have to be closed. This happens often. We often go to the cinema, but then the cinema is closed, and we go there after closing.

Leading: Are bodyguards always with you?

Bill: One guard is always with us, that's for sure, but more often than not there is more than one. But I wouldn’t dare go out somewhere without a bodyguard now anyway.

Bettina: Money, success, fame, all of this is really expensive.

Bill: You should always be ready to give something in return. It's impossible to have everything. It is impossible to have a personal life, a girlfriend, such things do not just come. You have to accept it and deal with it. You have to give everything for it.

Bettina: Bill and Tom are now 20 years old. They have been in business for 10 years, they have been stars for 5 years and today they are world stars. Their life rushes at high speed, it is equally difficult in both positive and negative aspects. No financial worries, millions of fans are always with them. For this - fear for your own life.

Personal life of Bill Kaulitz has changed a lot since he became the lead singer of the popular music group Devilish, which was later renamed Tokio Hotel. The group was formed by Bill, his brother Tom and their friends Gustav Schaefer and Georg Listing. Bill gained enormous popularity among teenagers, especially girls, who did not give way to the young musician, bombarding him with letters and declarations of love. Each of his appearances on stage was accompanied by their enthusiastic screams and it was hard to believe that there weren’t many romances in Bill Kaulitz’s personal life. According to the Tokio Hotel vocalist, his huge busyness is to blame for everything, but he never lost hope of meeting true love.

Pictured: Bill Kaulitz

However, even in his loneliness, Bill tries to find the advantages that no one limits his circle of contacts and he does not have to report to anyone. Bill Kaulitz does not consider himself a heartthrob, therefore he does not welcome short-term hobbies and small romances; according to the musician, if he enters into a relationship, then it must be very serious and long-term. He admits the possibility that one of the fans could become his girlfriend, but only if he truly falls in love. In Bill Kaulitz’s personal life, he often communicated with fans, but he had not yet developed a close relationship with any of them.

In 2010, an important event occurred in the biography of Bill Kaulitz and his brother - they moved to Los Angeles, and explained their departure from Hamburg by the desire to hide from everyone and live their own lives. They settled into a large house and feel very comfortable, and Bill and Tom are accompanied by four dogs. They are still drawn to Germany, where their family lives, and they come to their home whenever possible.

In the photo - Bill Kaulitz with his brother Tom

An important place in Bill Kaulitz's personal life is occupied by charitable activities - together with Tom they took part in the campaign “Remove Wild Animals from the Circus!”, as well as against the extermination of stray animals. As for his affairs on the love front, last year news appeared about his relationship with Nikki Ramsay, the daughter of a famous chef and TV presenter. But how true this news is is unknown, and Nikki herself says that they still have a good relationship, although they broke up.

12.10.2018 |

"Tokio Hotel" is a German rock band that became famous throughout the world 10 years ago. Talented, bright, outrageous guys blew up the music charts with their tracks and received many awards and prizes. Millions of fans listened to their music, copied appearance– grew long hair, painted them black, lined their eyes.

Tokio Hotel Group then and now

Twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz were born in Leipzig, Germany in 1989. When the boys were 7 years old, their parents separated and their mother married musician Gordon Trumper. He taught the children to sing and play the guitar. Bill composed songs and performed them to the accompaniment of Tom.

Bill and Tom Kaulitz as children

In 2001, the twins formed a band called Devilish, joined by guitarist Gustaf Schäfer and drummer Georg Listing. The guys performed in clubs and recorded their first solo album. The twins had unusual looks: Bill painted his eyes and nails black, Tom wore dreadlocks.

Tokio Hotel Group formerly

The group was noticed by producer Peter Hoffman, he invited the young men to sign a contract and change their name to “Tokio Hotel”. The guys recorded 15 compositions, among which was “Durch den Monsun”, which hit the top lines of the world charts. The song "Schrei" has become the anthem of all teenagers. This track is a protest against adult oppression.

At the peak of popularity

From 2006 to 2014, the team released 4 records in German and English languages, toured Europe, the USA and Latin America. The guys' popularity was enormous. However, the next album, "Dream Machine", did not rise above number 5 in the German charts.

Band members today

In 2018, after a large-scale tour in support of the new record, the guys took a creative break. However, the group continues to exist.

Bill Kaulitz - lead singer of the band Tokio Hotel

In 2016, Bill decided to perform solo and released the album “I’m Not OK.” It included 15 songs. A video clip was shot for the single “Love Don’t Break Me”.

Bill Kaulitz then and now

Now Bill has radically changed his image, he cut his hair short and dyed his hair platinum blond. The musician participates in fashion shows, appears on the covers of glossy magazines. The Modelwerk modeling agency signed a contract with Bill.

Bill participates in fashion shows

Kaulitz runs a YouTube channel where he posts videos about the band and everyday vlogs. Bill continues to make music. In October of this year, he recorded a duet with the German artist Nisse.

Bill remains a musician

As for Kaulitz's personal life, there have always been many rumors about it. The Tokio Hotel soloist was credited with having affairs with singers, models, makeup artists, and even the daughter of the famous chef Gordon Ramsay. The artist usually does not give any comments about love relationships.

Bill Kaulitz and Trina Strassenburg

Officially, he only had an affair with a fan of Tokio Hotel’s work, Trina Strassenburg. They met at a band concert and dated for a year, then broke up due to constant quarrels.

Tom Kaulitz – guitarist and producer

Tom Kaulitz has always been not only the guitarist of the Tokio Hotel group, but also co-authored many songs. In 2016, he became the producer of his brother Bill's solo album.

How Tom Kaulitz has changed

As for successes on the personal front, in the summer of 2015 Tom married German model Ria Sommerfeld, but the relationship fell apart six months later.

Tom Kaulitz today

Later, the guitarist dated Iranian fashion model Shermin Shahrivar. She was 7 years older than him. This spring, rumors appeared that Tom was having an affair with Heidi Klum herself. Photographs of the loving couple taken by paparazzi appeared in the press.

Tom Kaulitz and Heidi Klum

Bill and Heidi did not hide their relationship from the public. Soon they officially appeared as a couple at the AmfAR charity dinner in Cannes. According to Heidi, she is happy with Bill and is not embarrassed by the 16-year age difference.

Gustav Schäfer – drummer

Gustav Schäfer was born in Magdeburg in the autumn of 1988. He loved music since childhood, listening to records by Phil Collins and Eric Clapton with his father. At the age of 12, Gustav became part of the Tokio Hotel group.

Gustav Schäfer hasn't changed much

The drummer is known among fans for his tattoos. He has 4 of them: on his back, on his arms, on his right leg. What struck fans most was the tattoo with the words of a Johnny Cash song; this is Gustav’s favorite performer.

Schaefer Tattoos

Over the years, Schaefer has not changed much in appearance, but serious changes have occurred in his personal life. He got married and had a daughter. Now Gustaf Schäfer remains the drummer of Tokio Hotel.

Georg Listing – bassist

Georg Listing was born in the spring of 1987 in Halle. As a child, the boy attended a music school, where he learned to play the bass guitar. Another of Listing's favorite musical instruments is the piano. He entered the Tokio Hotel at the age of 13.

Georg Listing then and now

Now Georg Listing has hardly changed, he just cut his long hair and pumped up a little. He continues to be friends and work with the Kaulitz twins. In addition, the musician travels a lot.

Georg loves to travel

He recently visited Iceland's most famous waterfalls and shared beautiful photos on Instagram. Georg does not talk about his personal life.

Tokio Hotel is preparing a new album

Today, the Tokio Hotel group continues to perform in full force and tour around the world. Recently, the lead singer of the band, Bill Kaulitz, wrote on Instagram that a new album, “Tokio Hotel,” will soon appear on the shelves of music stores. While the final release date is not known, fans of the twins hope that the songs will bring the group a new round of popularity.

Photo: Instagram,,,

Tough, even aggressive appearance, but if you look into the eyes, you can see a gentle, vulnerable nature. A person who loves his brother the most and still suffers from lack of parental warmth as a child.

Who is he, Bill Kaulitz, leader of Tokio Hotel, what Interesting Facts from his life he brings out for everyone to see, but what is he carefully trying to hide?

General biographical information

  • Full name: Bill Kaulitz (Bill Kaulitz in German);
  • Year and place of birth: Leipzig, former German Democratic Republic, 1989, September 1;
  • Height – 188 cm;
  • Weight – ranges from 52 to 55 kg;
  • Natural father - Jorg Kaulitz;
  • Stepfather - Gordon Trumper;
  • Mother: Simone Kaulitz-Trumper;
  • Brother - Tom Kaulitz;
  • Marital status: not married, not in a permanent relationship.

Bill and his brother's childhood

The future vocalist of the infamous group was born in Leipzig a year before the GDR and West Berlin became part of a unified Germany. Bill was born 10 minutes earlier than his twin brother, and this difference determined the boys’ relationship for the rest of their lives: the elder takes care of the younger, and Tom listens to Bill’s opinion in everything. When they were 7 years old, the children's parents, Jörg and Simone, divorced, and two years later the mother took the twins to Leutsch (a small village near Magdeburg).

Photo of Tom and Bill Kaulitz as children.

There are constant heated discussions about Bill and Tom's childhood. The brothers themselves discuss the reasons why their mother and father divorced with great reluctance. What is known for sure is that they have little contact with their own father and do not feel much love for him. And their stepfather, musician Gordon Trumper, on the contrary, has an excellent relationship with them. According to Bill, it was Gordon who understood his desire to advance in music and supported him in early childhood.

Mr Jörg told BILD in 2012: “Tom reproached me many times for abandoning their mother. This is a lie, she was very ambitious, wanted to live an active life, and I wanted a quiet life, she herself decided to leave.”

What was the twins’ childhood like in terms of behavior? It is said that after moving to Leutsch they were left to their own devices and hardly went to school. Here's what Bill had to say about it: “We grew up in an environment where drugs and alcohol were normal among our peers. But that doesn’t mean we were the same!”

The future leader of Tokio Hotel, however, was not distinguished by good behavior as a child: at the age of 12, he got his eyebrows and tongue pierced, and dyed his long hair either black or red. Because of this, he was often bullied by his village peers and was teased and beaten. In the village where the brothers grew up, the guy’s appearance caused outrage and condemnation. The twins decide to escape to the city, but their attempt to become independent was stopped by their mother and stepfather: first finish school, and then think about independence!

And yet they declared themselves - in 2001 a musical duet called “Devilish” was created. The duo of Bill and Tom was almost immediately joined by Georg Listing and Gustav Feber. Performing in a small club in Magdeburg, the group simultaneously recorded songs on discs and sold them. In total, they sold about three hundred different untitled discs, and now it is a great happiness for the brothers’ fans to become the owner of one of them.

The appearance of the group "Tokio Hotel"

In 2003, Peter Hoffman accidentally wandered into a Devilish performance. Yes, the same one that produced “The Doors” at one time! He still perceives the desire to drink a glass of beer at Gr ö ninger Bad” as a sign from above: “I listened to them and thought: damn, these guys are worth pursuing, they will succeed!” Hoffman took the little-known four under his wing and insisted on changing the name to "Tokio Hotel".

The composition of the Tokio Hotel team: Tom and Bill Kaulitz, Gustav Schäfer and Georg Listing.

15 songs were immediately written, 12 of them were selected - the plan was to release a large album. On August 15, 2003, one of the songs, “Through the Monsoon” (Durch den Monsun), received a full arrangement and was recorded “clean”. It became the band's first full-fledged single. Since the band's name had a "Japanese" connotation, Hoffman suggested recording a second version in Japanese - "Monsun o koete".

Both versions of the song were auditioned at Sony BMG, and a contract was immediately signed to shoot a video. Since all four were minors, the documents were signed by the twins' mother, Simone Kaulitz-Trumper. By the way, she also signed the agreement with Hoffman. Later, the boys' father tried to claim financial custody of his sons, but was met with severe rebuff from both ex-wife, and from themselves.

On August 16 of the same year, the single “Through the Monsoon” was released on German television channels. In less than two weeks (from August 16 to August 26), the clip rose from 15th to 1st place! In Austria, the song was also received with a bang; it was played on all music channels.

Still from the video for the song “Durch Den Monsun”.

Hoffman, as a real specialist in terms of promotion, did not limit himself to the purely musical sphere. His friend Alex Gernandt worked as a deputy editor at the German youth magazine Bravo, and before the contract with Sony BMG, Peter gave him several singles to listen to. “How cool they are!” – Alex declared enthusiastically. At his suggestion, a portrait of the four was placed on the cover of the magazine even before the first song was released on television.

Triumphant march around the world

In 2005, the group’s first big album was released, it was called “Shout,” and almost immediately a video of the same name was shot. The band and Hoffman took a big risk by re-voicing the song for the video - Bill's voice suddenly began to break. Despite this, the video immediately took first place on all music channels.

Tokio Hotel – Schrei

2006, March 11 – on K ö nig-Pilsener-Arena hosted the first big concert “Tokio Hotel”. At the end of the concert, in front of almost 12 thousand spectators, they were presented with a prize. For newcomers – and a prestigious award from the Arena in Oberhausen! Before them, only recognized stars received such an honor, for example, Whitney Houston and Paul McCartney.

Glory fell on the German guys. By December 2006, almost half a million discs had been sold, the number of concert tickets sold had exceeded 200,000. Alex Gernandt, who still worked at Bravo, was rubbing his hands with satisfaction: the band’s photo had already been placed on the cover of the magazine 13 times, which (understandably) business!) made it possible to significantly increase the circulation.

In March of the same year, three new songs were written specifically for Bill’s breaking voice: “Blackness”, “Confession” and “Theme No. 1”. They were included in the new studio album, called "Shout - and as loud as you can." In September, the song from this collection “The Last Day” took the top line in all world charts, and the album itself sold better than the collections of Jon Bon Jovi and The Rolling Stones, which were released at the same time.

The first city outside Germany where Tokio Hotel decided to give a concert was... Moscow! A wide variety of audiences gathered for the concert in Luzhniki: from children with their parents to people almost of retirement age - everyone wanted to see the German stars! Kaulitz performed his already old single “Save Me” in a new version - not in a boyish thin voice, but in bass halftones, and a new version was received with delight by the audience. During the concert, all four of them threw wet towels and drumsticks to the audience: now pieces of this fabric and wood are a very expensive rarity among fans. In 2007, the group once again came to Moscow to receive the Muz-TV award.

German musicians at the Muz-TV Awards. Moscow 2007.

The German boy band visited Moscow many more times, and in 2016 a series of concerts almost came under threat. Women who had teenage children united into a militant group and demanded that the performance be cancelled. The reason was the video “Feel It All”, where main character behaved, in their opinion, inappropriately.

Some statistics after 2006

  • 2007, April 3 – start of the “Room 483” world tour. Awarding the Blazer Award;
  • 2007, June – release of the English-language collection “Scream”;
  • September-October 2007 - as part of the tour, 12 concerts were given in France, tickets for which were sold out in less than 24 hours;
  • November 2007 – September 2008 – the group received several awards from MTV: nominations “Best Debut”, “Best Music”, “Headliner”. In 2009, MTV presented the "Best Group" award;
  • 2009 – release of the album “Humanoid” (it was less successful than the previous ones), the beginning of an Asian tour and a visit to Japan as world stars;
  • 2014 – release of the collection “Kings of Suburbia”. A new world tour was carried out in support of the disc;
  • 2016 – Bill Kaulits’ solo album was released – “I am not OK”;
  • 2017 – release of the disc “Dream Machine”; The first listeners of the songs “live” were Muscovites at the concert on April 27.

Bill's personal life and interesting facts

Constant changes of image, provocative unisex costumes, unusual hairstyles and bright “non-male” makeup, scandalous behavior on stage - all this causes, on the one hand, the indignation of the “well-behaved” public, and at the same time fuels the love of fans. For example, at the first concert in Moscow, Bill got so excited that he began to imitate obscene advances towards his brother right on stage. This, and more, gave rise to rumors about the twins’ “wrong” relationships, and too little information was leaked to the press about Tom and Bill’s affairs with women. Who Bill is “in love with” and who his girlfriend is was known for sure only once: Nikki Ramsay, the daughter of a popular English showman, confirmed that they had a relationship.

Pictured is Nikki Ramsay.

In 2015, a photo of his older brother appeared in the press, where he was captured arm in arm with Liz Vanderpump, the star of the American reality show “Real Housewives.” Everything would be fine, but the lady, beautiful in all respects, was 54 years old at that time! In response to questions from journalists: “What is this, love?” – Bill did not confirm or deny the relationship with a woman old enough to be his mother. He “added fuel to the fire” with the statement: “I’m constantly waiting for a miracle, I want to meet a person who will change my life radically, and it doesn’t matter to me what age and gender he will be.” Oh how...

Bill in 2018. Photo Instagram

Lately (probably because he has matured) Bill has changed his “sweet” image to a more masculine one. Not all fans took this positively: “He was such a little guy 5-6 years ago, what did he do to himself?”

It is not only his suspicious orientation and shocking creativity that is causing a stir around the leader of Tokio Hotel. Either he declares that he has become a convinced vegetarian, or suddenly on the Internet he shares his favorite recipes for pizza with chicken and milkshake. The brothers behave defiantly in public, but do not like to give interviews at home.

The Kaulitz brothers with their pets.

But the brothers always treat animals with equal reverence: according to them, as children they fed stray dogs and looked after them. Now several dogs live with Bill and Tom, their biggest favorite is the bulldog Pumbaa, they also had a cat Casimir. Brothers are active participants world organization PETA has been working for animal welfare for many years. In 2012, they publicly expressed outrage at the extermination of stray dogs in Ukraine on the eve of the European football championship. They never wear natural fur or skin.

Scandals haunt Bill and Tom constantly: not long ago there was a rumor that the girlfriend of Kaulitz’s younger brother was forced to break up with him and get plastic surgery on her face, as fans threatened to disfigure her. Their foster father Gordon Trumper had to delete his YouTube account twice due to indiscreet questions and insults.

Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel admits everything in a letter published on the SheKnows website. The 25-year-old German singer, who announced the letter on Instagram and Twitter, has decided to speak openly about his sexual orientation. The first and important step in which he admitted: there is no need for any restrictions in love. And even if he didn't want it, he had to explain himself. The phrase “Bill Kaulitz is gay” has accompanied him since his debut in the music world.

Tokio Hotel's Bill Kaulitz's homosexuality has been talked about on the internet and in music circles for several years now, sparking curiosity among his many fans who follow him on Facebook. In this touching letter, the German tattoo artist reveals unknown aspects of his private life.

The Tokio Hotel singer explains in his letter: "As a child, I always dreamed of finding the great love of my life. My twin brother Tom never understood the latter. He didn't really care about it. My friends sometimes laugh at me and almost everyone I know ", they think that the kind of love that I believe in only happens in fairy tales. But I was also betrayed, deceived, used. However, I still believe in magic, in great love that happens once in a lifetime. People love to classify everything and label everything," Bill said, "even sexual preferences and love. Especially in the industry I'm in. I feel like people are just going crazy because they can't find out who's in my bed: a woman or man. That's why I've been constantly asked the same question, "Are you gay or not?" since I was 13 and started doing interviews."

All these phrases of the vocalist are reminiscent of the words of the British swimmer Tom Daly, when he admitted his homosexuality last year: before that, he first said that in love for him there is no difference between men and women, and then became an open homosexual. News of Bill Kaulitz's letter quickly spread throughout the world. in social networks. Now many of his fans are wondering: is Bill gay or bisexual? We'll likely learn something more very soon. The fact remains that all the confessions from celebrities in the world of music, film, television and sports are very useful and meaningful for all homosexuals who are victims of homophobia, bullying and ignorance every day.
