Russian celebrities who adopted adopted children. Not the father who gave birth: Russian stars who raise adopted children Russian stars who raise adopted children

Far from everyone can raise someone else's child, but, as practice shows, many modern stars decide on such an act. Russian stage, cinema and sports. We will tell further about those who adopted a child into their family and raised him.

Margarita Sukhankina

Once Margarita saw on TV a story in which they talked about Seryozha and Lera - kids without parents. At that moment, the star realized that she wanted to become a mother for them.

In order to meet with the kids, the singer overcame quite long haul. After all the documents for adoption were completed, Margarita took the children to her, and since then she has been raising them. It is worth noting that immediately after the adoption procedure, the real parents of the babies wanted to take them back, but this was prevented by the fact that own mother was officially deprived of parental rights, and her father has five convictions.

Natalya Belokhvostikova

Once, actress Natalya Belokhvostikova performed in one of the orphanages and saw the boy Cyril. According to the woman, he stood out from all the other guys with his behavior. Moreover, the guy attracted the artist by the fact that during a personal conversation he asked Natalia to bring him a cross.

It is worth noting that the actress complied with the boy’s request and really brought him a cross, but already together with her husband Vladimir Naumov, with whom they adopted this child, despite their age (Natalia at that time was 65, and her husband was 80 years old). Today the boy grows up in a foster family, develops well and goes to school.

Sergey Zverev

Not so long ago, the country was shocked by the fact that the son of Sergei Zverev, whom everyone considered native, turned out to be adopted. This turned out to be within the framework of one of the Russian TV shows, before that the stylist himself hid this fact from the public for quite a long time, talking about the fact that his son was born from civil wife who died in a car accident.

The boy grew up and suddenly disappeared from the radar of the tabloids and completely immersed himself in worldly life without chic and glamour. Currently, Sergei Zverev Jr. lives in Kolomna, he is married for the second time. The guy does not communicate with the adoptive father, since the parent did not approve of the choice of the son's first bride, who turned out to be a simple provincial waitress.

Tatyana Ovsienko

Participating in one of the charity events in the Penza Baby House, singer Tatyana Ovsienko spotted a boy deprived of parental care, Igor. At that time, the child had a serious disease - heart disease and needed immediate expensive treatment, without which he could simply die. It is worth noting that Tatyana collected the necessary amount, paid for the operation of the child and after that issued guardianship over him.

Currently, Igor Dubovitsky lives in the USA together with ex-husband Tatyana Ovsienko - Vladimir Dubovitsky. It is worth noting that as soon as the guy turned 18, Tatyana told him the whole truth about his adoption and suggested that he try to find his parents, which the guy refused, saying that he already had a mother.

Andrey Kirilenko

At the time of the adoption of Alexandra, the famous basketball player Andrei Kirilenko already had two sons, but he and his wife wanted another child. After several futile attempts to get pregnant, the couple decided to adopt the baby. At that moment, they visited the orphanage and saw little Sashenka there, whom they immediately fell in love with.

An interesting fact is that a short time after the adoption of Alexandra, Andrey's wife found out that she was carrying a baby under her heart. Now there are four children in the Kirilenko family.

Viktor Rakov

The famous Russian actor Viktor Rakov, together with his wife Lyudmila, decided to adopt a child at a time when their own daughter was 16 years old. In the orphanage, the couple liked little Daniil, whom they decided to take into their friendly family.

The actor himself mentioned more than once that the guy seemed to be waiting for new parents to come for him, because at the moment when he was taken from the baby's house, he did not even think to turn around.

Ekaterina Gradova

Married to famous actor Andrei Mironov, Ekaterina Gradova had a daughter, Maria, who was born in May 1973.

At the moment when Catherine saw the two-year-old Leshenka, the actress was in her second marriage to Igor Timofeev. As she herself admits, at that moment she realized that she wanted to adopt a boy, but she was very afraid that her husband would not share such an idea. However, despite all the fears, the husband supported Ekaterina, as a result of which, at the age of 47, the star of Soviet cinema became a mother for the second time, albeit a foster one.

Alexey Serebryakov

Alexei Serebryakov is one of those Russian actors who do not like to talk about the details of their personal lives. This became especially clear at the moment when the man sued because journalists wrote about the fact that he adopted two boys.

Later, the actor confirmed that Stepan and Daniil were indeed adopted children, in addition to whom, in the Serebryakov family, his own daughter Dasha, who remained with him from his first marriage, is growing up.

Ksenia Strizh

Not so long ago it became known that Ksenia Strizh is the adoptive mother of her son Nikita, whom she adopted at a fairly mature age (at that time the host was already 50, and the guy was 15 years old).

It is worth noting that this decision of the actress was supported by her current husband Andrei Susikov. First, the couple took a training course for adoptive parents, having studied at special school for 8 months. Only then the boy was taken to a new family.

Ksenia herself on this occasion says what she just wants to give decent life child, because he has natural parents, but they are deprived of the rights to his upbringing.

Svetlana Sorokina

Svetlana Sorokina is a well-known journalist and a woman who is raising an adopted daughter, whom she took custody of in 2003. At the very beginning, Svetlana gave the girl her last name and named Antonina (the TV presenter and her adopted daughter are in the main photo).

It is worth noting that immediately after the adoption, Svetlana made public information about this, but the television star was in no hurry to show the girl to the public. The world saw Tonya only when she was 12 years old (in 2015).

Svetlana herself admits that she never regretted her act.

(adopted and raised Igor Dubovitsky)

Honored Artist Tatyana Ovsienko has always loved children, but she failed to give birth on her own. In 1998, the 32-year-old singer saw a two-year-old boy in an orphanage who was enthusiastically reading an algebra textbook. Tatyana found out from the staff that Igor has a severe heart defect, so no one wants to take him into the family.

First, the artist helped organize an operation for the boy, and then ... adopted him with her husband Vladimir Dubovitsky. A few years later, the couple divorced, and Ovsienko raised her son herself. Now Igor Dubovitsky lives in the USA. In 2015, he had a son with his Brazilian wife. Tatyana does not have a soul in her son and grandson.

Sergey Zverev

(adopted and raised Sergei Zverev Jr.)

The king of glamor, stylist and world champion in hairdressing Sergey Zverev adopted a three-year-old boy in 1996, whom he found in an orphanage in Irkutsk. In the mid-1990s, terrible conditions reigned in children's institutions in the Russian hinterland. Sergei Zverev told how he first saw his adopted son:

“When I entered the room of children who could not walk at all, I almost died of fear. Wooden cribs were gnawed! I thought: "Rats!" And these are children ... I was shocked! They were hardly fed there. Food was stolen and taken home. I grabbed this boy and ran out."

Sergey Zverev, Jr., after coming of age, found out that he was adopted by finding old documents at home. His father never told him about it. Despite the fact that a warm relationship reigned between Sergei Zverev and his adopted son for many years, now Zverev Jr. does not communicate with his father. The young man is married for the second time, and his father does not accept his choice.

Boris Galkin

(adopted and raised Vladislav Galkin)

Honored Artist of Russia Boris Galkin, from the age of 10, raised the son of his wife, Elena Demidova. The actor adopted Vladislav Sukhachev and gave him his last name. The young man followed in the footsteps of his adoptive father and at the age of 10 he played Huckleberry Finn in the film adaptation of Mark Twain.

In February 2010, it became known about the sudden death of the star of the series "Truckers", "Master and Margarita", "Special Forces".

The death of 38-year-old Vladislav Galkin was a tragedy for his stepfather. “I have an absolutely umbilical connection with Vlad,” admitted Boris Sergeevich. Only the birth of Anna's daughter helped the director come to terms with the loss of his adopted son. After a divorce from Elena Demidova, the artist met singer Irina Razumikhina, who is 26 years younger than him, and at 69 became a father.

Oleg Gazmanov

(adopted and raised Philip Gazmanov)

Oleg Gazmanov in 1997 divorced his first wife and mother of his son Rodion after 22 years of marriage. The artist admitted that he fell in love with Marina Muravyova and could not deceive his wife. The new darling of the artist was married to Sergei Mavrodi's brother Vyacheslav and was expecting a child from him. When her husband was convicted in the MMM case, Marina divorced him. Oleg Gazmanov took her from the maternity hospital with little Philip. The musician adopted the boy and gave him his last name. Philip will soon turn 22 years old.

Dmitry Malikov

(raised Olga Isakson)

Dmitry Malikov, at the age of 22, met Elena Isakson, who was 7 years older than him. The beloved musician raised her daughter Olga - at the time the couple met, the girl was seven years old. For several years, Dmitry and Elena lived in a civil union.

In 2000, after the birth of their daughter Stephanie, the couple legalized their relationship. Dmitry adopted and raised Olga, making no distinction between children. In August 2016, the artist became a grandfather - Olga and her husband Jamal Khalilov had a daughter, Anna. And at the beginning of 2018 surrogate mother gave birth to Dmitry and Elena son Mark.

Alexander Malinin

(adopted and raised Anton Malinin)

Alexander Malinin has been happy with his third wife Emma for 29 years. By the time he met her, the artist managed to become a father twice. In his first marriage, his son Nikita was born, in the second, his daughter Kira. Emma Zalukaeva raised her son from her first marriage. The artist adopted Anton and gave him his last name. Anton is now married and has two children. Alexander Malinin is happy to communicate with Plato and Arianna and regularly shows his grandchildren to fans.

Rolan Bykov

(raised Pavel Sanaev)

Rolan Bykov in both marriages raised the children of his wives from previous relationships. The actor and director lived for 15 years with the actress Lydia Knyazeva. Roland adopted her son Oleg, giving him his last name and patronymic. After parting with Knyazeva, Bykov married actress Elena Sanaeva and raised her son. Pavel Sanaev recalls his stepfather with gratitude:

“Telling about Rolan Antonovich as a father, I do not for a second belittle the merits of my own father - after all, a bush named Pavel Sanaev was born thanks to him. But Rolan Antonovich cultivated this bush. And he cultivated very skillfully: where he needed to cut, when he needed to fertilize. No matter how busy he was, he always found time for me. He could come home from work at twelve and sit with me until three in the morning, discussing my problems.

Leonid Filatov

(raised Denis Zolotukhin)

In 1982, Leonid Filatov married actress Nina Shatskaya. The second wife of the artist raised her son from marriage with Valery Zolotukhin. Denis Zolotukhin enjoyed talking with his mother's new husband. Now Priest Dionysius (as the son of Zolotukhin, who became a priest, is called according to church rules) recalls Filatov with warmth and gratitude:

“Lenya and I had an excellent relationship, I called him that - just Lenya ...

Lenya greatly influenced my character. Before him, I grew mattress by mattress. Filatov immediately took up with me, made a real man out of me - in his own terms, of course. He grew up in Ashgabat, in the East. He taught me how to talk to the punks, always be the first to hit in the face, even if the enemy is stronger or there are several of them. And I quickly overcame my innate delicacy,” notes Denis Zolotukhin.

Nikolay Rybnikov

(adopted and raised the daughter of Alla Larionova Alena)

Nikolai Rybnikov and Alla Larionova were called one of the most beautiful and faithful couples of Soviet cinema. Few people knew that the eldest of the two daughters of the spouses was not related to the artist by blood.

Alla Larionova had a stormy romance with actor Ivan Pereverzev. The actress became pregnant, but soon found out that her lover was continuing his relationship with his ex-wife.

Larionova left Pereverzev in the last stages of pregnancy. Upon learning of this, Rybnikov, who was in love with her, offered Alla to marry him. Soon after the birth of Alena, Nikolai adopted the girl. Only a teenager eldest daughter Rybnikova learned that her biological father was Ivan Pereverzev.

Yana Rudkovskaya

(raised her stepson Andrey Baturin)

Producer Yana Rudkovskaya has three children. If the "Dwarf Gnomych" Sasha Plushenko is well known to fans, then the star shows his older sons much less often. 18-year-old Andrei and 17-year-old Nikolai are her sons from her first marriage to billionaire Viktor Baturin.

Already married to Evgeni Plushenko, Yana Rudkovskaya said that her eldest son Andrey was adopted for her. The producer has never made a distinction between the boys and loves both like family. This year the boys graduated from high school. “The boys grew up, and my mother even cried at last call today,” Yana wrote on Instagram in May 2019.

Photo: Persona Stars, Legion Media,

Adoption of children around the world is becoming more popular every day. Russian celebrities They also take in children. Among them are Alexei Serebryakov, Svetlana Sorokina, Tatyana Ovsienko, Sergei Zverev, Ekaterina Gradova... On the eve of Children's Day, we talked with those who decided on such an unpopular, alas, act.

Sergei Zverev got into debt?

Among the first adopted son took stylist Sergei Zverev. Serezha will turn 21 this summer. We became aware of rumors that Zverev's son began to be friends with the green snake, quit his job and became overgrown with debts. Not so long ago, the son of the king of glamor was seen in one of the capital's banks, where he took out a loan. We made a call to the star.

“Nothing like that,” Sergey answered us. - Serezha does not let me down. I will not hide, we had problems with him. And who didn't have them when they were young? But I will say this, I am a strict dad and put everything in its place. The son is working. At least it doesn't sit on my neck. I believe that children should be brought up in severity, - says Zverev, - but be sure to help when they really need it. Otherwise, who will help our children, if not us? I don’t get into the affairs of my son’s heart until he asks me about it. But when it will be necessary, I will give any advice with pleasure.

Recall that Sergei Zverev took the child from the Irkutsk orphanage in the early 90s, then the situation in orphanages was catastrophic. The children did not have enough food, not to mention medicines. So Sergei saw a child who was very ill. He felt sorry for the baby.

According to Sergei Anatolyevich, at the sight of sick children, his heart bleeds. Zverev's mother was against her son taking the child to be raised, despite the fact that she herself was an orphanage. Sergey was able to convince his mother, and the boy began to live with them. As a result, Valentina Timofeevna succumbed to the persuasion of her son. She helped raise Seryozha Jr.

Natalya Belokhvostikova brought her son a cross

In 2007, actress Natalya Belokhvostikova, speaking at a creative evening in an orphanage, met a baby whom she could not forget. Having left home, Natalya Nikolaevna recalled the little boy Kirill, who asked her to bring him a cross. All the children ate sweets, which the actors brought a whole trunk, and Cyril stood sadly on the sidelines and asked for a pectoral cross. Without thinking twice, Natalya, together with her husband Vladimir Naumov, again visited the baby. They couldn't go home without him. Kirill clung to them as if they were family. It seemed that they had known this little man all their lives.

- Kiryusha, - says Natalya Nikolaevna, - used to be closed and shy. He only talked to us. Now he has grown up and become more sociable. Our daughter Natasha is already an adult, she has been well without us for a long time, and Kirill filled our life with new meaning. He saved Vladimir Naumovich and me from loneliness.

Natalya Belokhvostikova with her family /

Svetlana Sorokina adopted Tonya

TV presenter Svetlana Sorokina had everything: a great career, a luxurious mansion with servants, a luxurious limousine. But the TV personality did not leave the feeling of emptiness. Resigned that she was not destined to give birth, Svetlana began to look for a child in orphanages. Arriving at another shelter, she went into the room where the younger kids were playing. 11-month-old Tonechka went towards her, moving funny with the help of a walker. Today Tonechka is 11 years old. Antonina turned out to be a talented girl. She brilliantly studies at the music school at the Gnesinsky College. Mom and daughter often travel together. So far, 57-year-old Svetlana Innokentievna is raising her daughter alone. There were rumors that the TV presenter had remarried, but we found out from her that this was just idle talk. With her husband, cameraman Vladimir Grechishkin, Sorokin broke up at the peak of her career. Svetlana and Vladimir were a beautiful couple. Together they dreamed of adopting a child, but their love could not stand the test of distance. Svetlana's husband did not want to move with her from St. Petersburg to Moscow, where the broadcast star was offered a job. Svetlana's colleagues tried to dissuade her from adoption, but after a while they told her how good she was. Svetlana still manages to do everything and, according to her inner circle, she became younger after Tosha appeared in her life.

Svetlana Sorokina with her daughter Tonya /

Alexei Serebryakov refused to party for the sake of his son

On June 3, the wonderful actor Alexei Serebryakov will turn 50 years old. The actor will celebrate his half-century anniversary in the circle of a large family. We got through to Alexei Valerievich's home. His beloved wife Maria took the phone. Together with the children, she prepares a surprise for her husband for his birthday, the sons make something with their own hands. Maria and eldest daughter Dasha will definitely bake a big cake for their beloved dad and husband. Maria Serebryakova shared that her husband for the sake of children refused secular parties. The star of the "Penal Battalion" and "9th Company" bought a house of 300 square meters for his children, and then took them to Canada. According to Serebryakova, they are ready to adopt another child. So far, there are three children in the family. Daughter Daria - from the first marriage of Mary. In addition to Dashenka, in which the actor does not have a soul, there are two more sons. The Serebryakovs took them from the orphanage. First they adopted Daniel, and then his brother Stepan. According to Maria, she and her husband cannot be indifferent when the children feel bad. A few years ago, Serebryakov, together with his friends, actors Irina Apeksimova and Andrey Smolyakov, founded the Time to Live fund to help orphans.

Alexey Serebryakov with his family /

Tatyana Ovsienko put the child on her feet

Singer Tatyana Ovsienko dreamed of children for many years. But when she heard from the doctors that she would never have them, she decided to take the child to be brought up.

While on tour in Penza, the singer visited several orphanages for the purpose of charity. This was way back in 1998. In one of the shelters, she was told that there is a 3-year-old boy suffering from a heart defect. The baby urgently needed an expensive operation. He could die, the clock counted. Tatyana did everything to instantly send the child to Moscow. When the boy was on the mend, Ovsienko adopted him. At that time, she was in a de facto marriage with actor Valery Nikolaev. Together they decided that it would be better for Igor to study in America. Now the guy is already 19 years old.

“My son,” Ovsienko told us, “has grown into a bright man. We had everything like everyone else. We abandoned our studies and quarreled. But everything turned over. Igor attentive, a kind person. I think his wife will be very lucky with him.

Ekaterina Gradova with family /

Ekaterina Gradova adopted at 47

The adopted son of actress Ekaterina Gradova, Alexei, is the same age as her grandson Andrei. Guys are 22 years old. They get along and communicate with each other. Ekaterina Georgievna thought about adopting a child when she was 47 years old. She and her husband Igor Timofeev decided to take the child from the orphanage after the wedding. At that time, her eldest daughter Maria, whom she gave birth to from Andrei Mironov, was 20 years old, Masha Mironova was already growing up her son. Lyosha was taken to the same orphanage where in the early 70s they took children for the filming of the television series Seventeen Moments of Spring. Gradova in this telenovela played the radio operator Kat. According to her, she could never forget the kids who took part in the filming.

“As a child, Lyosha dreamed of being a military man,” says Ekaterina Georgievna. “Then his views changed. He tries himself in the acting profession, plays the guitar and piano perfectly, sings.

Meg Ryan with her daughter /

By the way

It is known that the actress Irina Alferova issued custody of the children of her deceased girlfriend. The adopted son was raised by Nikolai Karachentsov and Lyudmila Porgina; two children from Tyumen were adopted by the singer Margarita Sukhankina. The well-known lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky, having an adult daughter and grandchildren, adopted two-year-old twins Maxim and Daria with his wife Olga. Mikhail does not hide the fact that the children saved him and his wife from lonely old age.

From foreign stars, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Madonna, Nicole Kidman, Sharon Stone, Meg Ryan, Michelle Pfeiffer, Steven Spielberg and many others became adoptive parents.


Photo: Yuri Samolygo/ITAR-TASS, Boris Kremer, Andrey Strunin, Photoagency Interpress/Russian Look

The decision to take a child left without parental care is made for various reasons: someone cannot get pregnant and give birth to a baby, someone just wants to help an orphan. Domestic celebrities are no exception, they willingly take children to be brought up.

Tatyana Ovsienko

The singer never planned adoption. Tatyana dreamed of giving birth to a blood child, but after she made a career. Only everything turned out differently. She did not give birth to a son, but met by chance during a charity event in an orphanage in the city of Penza. It happened in the late 90s. Tatyana brought gifts and invitation cards to her concert for the children. The sad eyes of one of the children touched her to the core.

Tatyana learned that Igor was suffering from a heart defect and urgently needed an operation. The boy was not even three years old. Without surgery, the chances of survival were minimal. The orphanage could not pay for expensive treatment in the capital. Ovsienko paid for the operation, and the boy's condition improved. The singer brought him to her country house for recovery in favorable conditions. After living together, Tatyana could not part with the boy and took Igor.

The guy found out that he was an adopted child at the age of 16. For him it was a shock. The son is separated from his mother. Only a heart-to-heart talk with Tatyana helped to improve relations. The young man lives and studies in America, plays in a rock band. He fully recovered, the doctors allowed him to lead a normal life. According to family friends, Igor is a sociable and calm person, very attached to his mother.

Viktor Rakov

The famous theater and film actor Viktor Rakov, together with his wife Lyudmila, adopted a child in the winter of 2009. The star has a 25-year-old son Boris from his first marriage. The couple also have a joint daughter, Anastasia, 20 years old. She lives separately from her parents. Lyudmila failed to get pregnant again, so the couple decided to take the child for adoption. There was no definite idea of ​​who exactly to take: a girl or a boy. Appearance didn't matter either.

When the couple received permission to adopt, they began to look for the child on the websites of orphanages. But it soon became clear that it was better to travel and get acquainted yourself. There were a lot of people in the capital who wanted to adopt a child, so the Rakovs went to an orphanage in the Moscow region. Upon arrival, they immediately drew attention to the two-year-old Danila. After looking at the other children, they returned to him. The paperwork went quickly, thanks to the name of the actor and the proximity of the New Year. Danya moved to a new house on December 29th. The couple filed documents for changing their surname, now their son is Danil Viktorovich Rakov.

Margarita Sukhankina

The soloist of the Mirage group became a mother in 2013. Margarita Sukhankina took two charming children from the orphanage: a four-year-old boy, Serezha, and a three-year-old girl, Valeria. It so happened that the singer has no children of her own. All pregnancies ended sadly.

Sukhankina saw abandoned children in the plot of the program "So far, everyone is at home." According to the stories of the star, at first sight they sunk into her soul. A few days later, Margarita arrived in the city where the children were. Contact between them appeared immediately. The day after they met, the kids began to call her mom. Parents help her in raising children. The singer is extremely happy and cannot imagine her life without them.

Mikhail Barshchevsky

The famous lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky and his wife have been together for over forty years. They managed to become good parents, as well as grandparents. Daughter Natalya gave them grandchildren a long time ago. However, there are still children in the Barshchevsky family - twins Dasha and Maxim, who were adopted in 2008. The children appeared to them at the age of two, during which time they became truly family.

The lawyer's family lives in a large country house in the Moscow region. According to Mikhail, he grew up in poverty and always dreamed of his own private house. When the opportunity arose, he and his wife moved. The new house was built for several years, and now it has become a real family estate of the Barshchevskys.

The idea to take children for adoption came when the grandchildren grew up and rarely visited their grandparents. When the children appeared in the house, the Barshchevskys took a fresh look at life. Every day was filled with joy and cheerful children's laughter.

Alexey Serebryakov

Information about the adopted children of the actor appeared in the media thanks to journalists who, without the permission of Alexei, published the news in one publication. The case was even taken to court. Serebryakov and his wife Maria adopted one boy, two-year-old Danil, and then a second, Stepan, despite difficult life circumstances.

In addition to adopted sons, the couple have an older daughter, Daria, the girl was born in Maria's first marriage. It was not possible to have children together. Therefore, it was decided to take the kids from the shelter. The adoption went off without a hitch. Despite misgivings, the eldest daughter received her younger brothers well.

For the last 7 years, the actor and his family have been living in Toronto. His wife is a Canadian citizen. According to Aleksey, the move is connected with his political position and the desire to give better life children.

Svetlana Sorokina

The TV presenter was one of the first who openly announced the decision to take the child from the orphanage. For a long time she was engaged in building a career and did not even think about procreation. However, after the divorce, Svetlana decided to adopt a child on her own.

The journalist dreamed of a son of two or three years and was looking for a boy. But during the next visit to the shelter, I saw a one-year-old girl with dark hair and brown eyes. Sorokin immediately realized that this was her child. In 2003, she became the mother of a girl, Antonina. After a while, it became clear that the decision was correct. Tonya looks like a foster mother both in character and outwardly. The star of the soul does not like the girl and notes that the daughter has always been serious and calm, never caused problems.

There is a true statement: there are no other people's children. This is proved by celebrities who have decided to take the baby from the shelter. An adopted child will become a family if you show patience, give him love and attention.

Not every person is capable of taking someone else's child into a family, giving him his warmth and care. This requires a special generosity of the soul, a desire to make happy not only yourself, and an understanding of all the possible difficulties that you will have to face. And the more respect deserve people who managed to take responsibility for someone else's fate and give happiness to a little person.

Irina Alferova

Irina Alferova.

The actress never dreamed of big family However, fate decreed that she had to become the mother of four children. Wherein own daughter she has one - Xenia. Sergei Martynov, the husband of the actress, had two children from a previous marriage: Serey and Anastasia. After Martynov's first wife died in London, they took the children to live with them.

Irina Alferova with her husband Sergei Martynov, daughter Anastasia and son Sergei.

And a year later, another son appeared in the family - Sasha, the nephew of Irina Alferova. The sister of the actress died and Alferova, of course, took the boy to her family. Today, Ksenia is a successful actress, Sasha is a novice lawyer, Anastasia and Sergey, having received their education in London, remained to live in England.

Margarita Sukhankina

Margarita Sukhankina with children.

After the experienced abortion, the singer was never able to bear her own child, all pregnancies ended in miscarriages. Desperate to give birth, Margarita firmly decided to adopt a child from an orphanage, always a girl. But when she saw in one of the programs a story about 4-year-old Seryozha and 3-year-old Lerochka, she immediately understood: her children.

Margarita Sukhankina with children.

They were in another city, but she was not afraid of the distance. She went to the orphanage to make sure that her premonitions had not deceived her. Almost five years ago, she took the kids to Moscow. According to Margarita Sukhankina, she is sometimes overly strict, but she tries very hard to be a good mother.

Alexey Serebryakov

Alexey Serebryakov.

The actor never advertised his personal life, so for a long time nothing was known about his foster children. When journalists found out about this fact and published information in one of the publications, Alexei Serebryakov filed a lawsuit.

Alexei Serebryakov with his sons.

Later, he himself confirmed the fact of adoption. The actor and his wife Maria have already tried to have their own children, but after two failures, a decision was made to adopt. First, 2-year-old Daniel appeared in the family, a little later - Stepan. In addition to two sons, Dasha, Maria's daughter from her first marriage, is growing up in the family.

Natalya Belokhvostikova and Vladimir Naumov

Natalya Belokhvostikova and Vladimir Naumov with their son.

The actress saw Kirill in the orphanage during her performance. He was very different from other children and asked her to bring him a cross. The next time, Natalya Nikolaevna came to the orphanage with her husband, Vladimir Naumov. She was then 65 years old, her husband - 80, the decision was serious, but they could no longer leave this touching and completely lonely baby in the orphanage.

Now Kirill is already going to school and never ceases to please his parents with his successes. The actress admits that Kirill has become a real gift for their family.

Mikhail Barshchevsky

Mikhail Barshchevsky and his wife have a daughter, but she grew up a long time ago and even gave her parents grandchildren. When her husband offered to adopt a child, Olga at first only brushed it aside, but two years later she supported her husband, but set a condition: two at once.

Mikhail Barshchevsky with his wife and children.

They were looking for "their" children in different orphanages. In Maxim, a well-known lawyer immediately saw his son, and Dashenka carefully went into the arms of Olga. From the moment the kids appeared in the house, the couple found a second youth and no longer imagine how they lived without them before.

Sergey Zverev

Sergei Zverev with his son.

The famous stylist hid the fact of adoption from the public for a long time. He made the decision to adopt almost spontaneously after seeing his three-year-old son in an orphanage in Irkutsk. The boy appeared everywhere with his father, but after Sergei Zverev Jr. found out that he was an adopted child, he is constantly in search of his biological parents.

Sergei Zverev with his son.

The star stylist tries not to show how unpleasant this situation is for him and hopes that everything will fall into place soon.

Svetlana Sorokina

Svetlana Sorokina with her daughter.

The presenter made a decision on adoption a long time ago and even prepared all the documents in advance. She, too, was looking for "her" son. But unexpectedly found a daughter. The 11-month-old baby, as soon as she saw her mother, immediately held out her hands to her. Svetlana admits that her life with the advent of Antonina has acquired a completely different meaning.

Tatyana Ovsienko

Tatyana Ovsienko with her son.

She first saw Igor at one of the charity events in the Penza Orphanage. It turned out that the baby, who was not yet three years, a serious heart condition, and he needs surgery. It so happened that at first the singer did everything to save the boy, and then she simply told her husband that they had a son.

Tatyana Ovsienko with her son.

She was a happy mother, and only when, at a transitional age, her son had problems with his behavior, she decided to seek help from her husband, with whom she had already been divorced. Now the 20-year-old son lives permanently in America, but visits his mother quite often.

Ekaterina Gradova

Ekaterina Gradova with her daughter, son and grandson.

The actress met her son in an orphanage when he was only 2 years old, and she was 47. She was afraid that her husband would be against adoption, but Igor Timofeev fully supported her decision and soon Alyosha found loving parents.

Andrey Kirilenko

Andrei Kirilenko with his wife and children.

The famous basketball player and his wife Maria already had two sons, but dreamed of another child. Pregnancy did not come, and at the family council it was decided to adopt. As often happens, at the first meeting with a newborn girl, it became clear that Sasha was her own daughter. And five years later, the third son was born to the spouses.

Viktor Rakov

Viktor Rakov with his wife and children.

The daughters of Victor and Lyudmila Rakovy were already 16 when they decided to adopt a child. Seeing Daniil in the orphanage, they immediately understood - ours. However, the boy also immediately realized that these were his parents, so he did not even look back, leaving the orphanage.
