Personal life of Lydia Fedoseeva Shukshina. Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina cruelly disowned all three of her own daughters

On September 25, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina turns 80 years old. Recently, the actress rarely communicates with the press, and one of the reasons for this is difficult relationships in family. Why the movie star, who so often played the roles of mothers and happy women, did not get cloudless maternal happiness in life, finds out. Four marriages of Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina

Private bussiness

Fedoseeva-Shukshina Lidiya NikolaevnaThe actress was married four times. Her first husband was actor Vyacheslav Voronin. They got married in 1959, when Lydia was studying at VGIK. We lived together for about five years. Then Lidia Nikolaevna called her first marriage a mistake. In 1964, the actress married a second time - to Vasily Shukshin, she idolized him and was ready to endure everything: his difficult character, his addiction to alcohol, his terrible jealousy, and even the fact that he could raise his hand. Lidia Nikolaevna repeated more than once that all the years of their marriage she was very happy. Her difficult happiness lasted only seven years.

Vasily Shukshin and Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina in the film “Kalina Krasnaya”. Source: After Shukshin’s death, she even wanted to go to a monastery. But it all ended in an unexpected marriage for many with a young cameraman Mikhail Agranovich, whom the actress met on the set of the film Tryn-Trava. Fedoseeva-Shukshina lived with him for 10 years. But, as they assured, neither Agranovich, who loved his wife very much and tried with all his might to replace her for his father’s daughters, nor the fourth husband, the Polish artist Marek Mezheevsky, nor Bari Alibasov, with whom, as they assured, the movie star had a relationship that over time grew into friendship, they couldn’t make the actress happy.

Lidia Shukshina and Bari Alibasov at the Nika Awards, 2018. Photo: Boris Kudryavov / EG Archive Eldest daughter Anastasia: childhood without a mother and a colony Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina gave birth to her daughter Anastasia in her first marriage, in 1960. When Voronin was invited to work at the Kyiv film studio. Dovzhenko, Shukshina preferred Moscow to Kyiv, where there were much more prospects for her. As a result, the young family fell apart, and the daughter was sent to Leningrad to Voronin’s parents. The girl practically never saw her mother: she disappeared on film expeditions, and then Vasily Shukshin appeared in her life, to whom she devoted herself entirely. When Nastya was 9 years old, the court ordered her grandparents to give her to her mother, but the girl herself did not want to live with her parent. But not so long ago, Lidia Nikolaevna told her version: her ex-husband deceitfully took her daughter to the village, and then she sued for custody for several years, but since Voronov’s parents were quite influential people, she lost the courts.

I met Fedoseev-Shukshin’s daughter a few times. She also didn’t come to Anastasia’s wedding, citing the fact that she didn’t want to see ex-husband. The fate of Anastasia Voronina-Francisco (her exotic double surname from her husband, an Angolan citizen who studied at the military academy in Kyiv) turned out to be difficult. She lived with her husband in Angola for several years when the Civil War, together with her little daughter returned to Kyiv.

In the early 90s, a woman ended up in a colony; she was detained at the border for transporting drugs. There was no work, she borrowed money to start her business, but it failed. An acquaintance agreed to help out with money, but in return asked for a favor: to bring a parcel from Pakistan. According to her daughter Fedoseeva-Shukshina, she understood that something was fishy here, but she didn’t think that the “package” would contain drugs, she assumed that it was about some kind of smuggling of precious stones.

Three years later, Anastasia was released under an amnesty. According to her, while she was sitting, Lydia Nikolaevna did not send her a single letter. At the same time, according to a close friend of the actress, actor and TV presenter Stanislav Sadalsky, the star wrote many petitions for the parole of her unlucky daughter. After this crime story, the relationship between mother and daughter became even colder. And after Anastasia took part in one of the talk shows, talking about their family problems, the famous parent stopped communicating with her for a long time. Youngest daughter Olga: housing problem In her marriage to Shukshin, the actress had two daughters of the same age. They starred together in the film “Stoves and Benches”, then Olya was 4 years old, Masha was 5 years old, and this was not her first film role. Two years later, together with their mother, the girls played in the film “Birds Over the City.”

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Many believed that the girls would have a brilliant acting career. Maria Shukshina graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages, but decided to connect her life with cinema and television. And Olga, although she received a specialized education, realized that being an actress was not for her. She then entered the Literary Institute, began writing stories and essays, although she never graduated from the university.

In the late 90s, shortly after the birth of her son and problems that arose in her relationship with her husband, Olga Shukshina preferred life in a monastery to worldly life. She said that she found there what she was missing - peace and quiet. There was a woman working out there literary creativity, taught at a church orphanage. Olga's son studied at a community school.

Olga Shukshina. Still from the film “If Dad Were Alive...”

more on the topic

Why do the Shukshins share an apartment? In 2013, after 15 years spent in the monastery, Olga decided to return. It all ended with a widely publicized story involving the division of an apartment. They said that youngest daughter The star was offended by the fact that Lydia Nikolaevna bequeathed her share not to her son, her grandson, but to her granddaughter Anya, daughter of Maria Shukshina. As Olga assured, she wants to get her share in order to ensure the future of her son and buy him a separate apartment. Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina categorically refused to exchange the four-room apartment in which she lived with Shukshin and where everything was dear to her, like a memory.

“For Lida, everything that concerns Vasily Makarych is sacred,” explains Stanislav Sadalsky. He said that Olga set a condition for her mother: either exchange the apartment, or pay her 15 million for the part due by law. Lydia Nikolaevna simply does not have that kind of money. Sadalsky also said that it is difficult to call Olga and her son homeless: the actress bought her daughter two apartments - one in St. Petersburg, in the very center, and the other in Sergiev Posad, and gave her a dacha in the Moscow region.

Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, 2017. Photo: Boris Kudryavov/EG Archive

Fortunately, some time ago the story of dividing the apartment came to naught. Olga has been living in Egypt lately and periodically flies to Russia, but she no longer raises the issue of real estate, at least not publicly. Lidia Nikolaevna prefers not to comment on the unpleasant situation: the housing issue has already cost her large quantity nerves. And fans of the famous actress’s work hope that there will be no more conflicts between her and her daughters, and that past grievances will remain a thing of the past.

Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina was married to actor Vyacheslav Voronin for four years. They broke up when the woman met director Vasily Shukshin. Since then, the relationship between the mother and her child from her first marriage has deteriorated. The girl remained to live with her father. It was only in the early 90s, when Anastasia was barely 20 years old, that they met for the first time. It was still not possible to maintain a warm relationship.

On the air of the “You Won’t Believe” program, Anastasia admits that she always tried to establish communication with her mother. When they met, there would be an awkward pause during their conversation. According to the artist’s eldest heiress, her parent did not even congratulate her on the birth of her daughter Laurinda. Now the 30-year-old granddaughter of the star grandmother says that she crossed paths with Lydia Shukshina on the set, where they managed to exchange only a couple of short phrases.

“No matter what, I remain her daughter, I am her daughter. You know, when I lost my dad, I really wanted to meet her, I really wanted to call her. I understand that these minutes will never return,” Anastasia explained the situation.

The eldest heiress Fedoseeva-Shukshina warns that she under no circumstances lays claim to her mother’s apartment, the total cost of which is 30 million rubles. She assures her stepsisters that she has no intention of taking property from anyone. She has her own apartment, which at one time she inherited from her father, Vyacheslav Voronin. It is worth noting that Anastasia’s daughter Laura lives separately from her mother. She is raising her son Martin, who has been early childhood dreams of becoming an actor.

It’s hard for Anastasia to come to terms with the idea that after so many years she hasn’t been able to have a normal conversation with her parent. It seems stupid to her that circumstances turned out this way. Laura tries to support her mother and believes that they will not impose themselves on anyone.

“I still don’t understand her actions. Okay, when it was when I was young, but when so many years have passed. It was already possible to establish communication. I have a position that you won’t be nice by force. Well, if a person doesn’t want to communicate, then we won’t,” said the granddaughter of Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina.

Anastasia recalls that her father compared her to Shukshina from childhood. In his opinion, the daughter of the famous artist exactly resembled her parent. According to those around the family, the two relatives really have a lot in common in appearance and character. Anastasia lived 56 years of her life with the thought that one day she would be able to make up for the lack of maternal love that she had lacked for many years.

The woman is sure that if Shushkina makes herself known, she will leave everything she has in Kyiv and go to her mother. “If she needs help, but not material, because I can’t give anything, physical, moral, then please. I would probably run as fast as I could. If it comes to caring for her, then yes, I will do everything, but if it concerns money, then I am powerless here. I want her to understand that she has a daughter,” Anastasia said frankly.

The biography of the legendary Soviet film actress Lidia Nikolaevna Fedoseeva-Shukshina undoubtedly deserves attention. Glory to the wife famous writer brought roles in films that can safely be called film masterpieces, these are “Kalina Krasnaya” and “Stoves-Benches”.

At that time, the artist’s personal life was closely intertwined with Vasily Shukshin. She was not only his wife, but also an equal partner on the set. Their joint creative tandem instantly won the hearts of the audience. In each story, people found something different. Her husband was an example for her in everything.

The surviving photos show how her eyes shone with happiness, surrounded by her lover and children. A lot of time has passed since his death, but the woman still cannot survive the pain of loss.


The birth of Lydia Shukshina, then still Fedoseeva, occurred on September 25, 1938. The daughter of Zinaida and front-line soldier Nikolai was born in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, at a difficult time. My father died shortly after the war. The girl was not the only child in the family. She had younger brothers who, unfortunately, died. Lida studied at the oldest school in Petrishule, founded in 1709. This was the first educational institution in St. Petersburg. Acting talents awoke in her from childhood.

His creative biography began with visiting drama clubs at the Leningrad House of Cinema and participating in children's productions.

Upon reaching adulthood, in 1957, the girl went to the capital to enroll in VGIK. Tamara Makarova and Sergei Gerasimov were her mentors. Partly thanks to them, the viewer saw the heartfelt performance of a promising, aspiring actress in the film “Peers.” From 1974-1993, Lidia Nikolaevna was a member of the troupe of the Film Actor Studio Theater in Moscow.

Unfortunately, there is very little information regarding the parents of the famous actress. It is only known that they managed to survive the blockade.

Recognition and awards

The talent of the brilliant actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina was appreciated not only in Russia, but also abroad.

  1. For her services in the field of Soviet cinema, she was awarded the title Honored Artist of the RSFSR - December 31, 1976.
  2. People's Artist of the RSFSR - 1984.
  3. For her great personal contribution to the development of cinema, she received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree - 1998.
  4. Medal "For Services to Society" - 2009.
  5. For her role in the film “The Ballad of Januszik” she was awarded the badge “For Services to Polish Culture” - 1988.


The creative biography of Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina includes about 90 film works. Not all roles were major, but they were always remembered by the viewer.

Among the most famous films with the participation of the great actress are:

  • 1995 - “Maxim Perepilitsa” - laboratory assistant;
  • 1964 - “Strange People” - Lydia Nikolaevna;
  • 1972 - “Stoves-Benches” - Nyura;
  • 1973 - “Kalina Red” - Lyuba Baikalova;
  • 1976 - “Tryn-grass” - Lydia;
  • 1980 - “You never dreamed of it” - Vera, Roman’s mother;
  • 1981 - “Chauffeur for one flight” - Sofya Makarovna Tishanova;
  • 1983 - “Talisman” - Nina Georgievna;
  • 1986 - “Along the Main Street with an Orchestra” - Lydia Muravina;
  • 1991 - “Vivat Midshipmen!” - Countess Chernysheva;
  • 1994 - “St. Petersburg Secrets” - General Amalia von Spilts;
  • 2002 - “Marriage of convenience” - Aunt Marina;
  • 2005 - “Women’s Intuition” - Eleanor;
  • 2009 - “Terrorist Ivanova - Alevtina Petrovna Blinova, judge;
  • 2018 - “McMafia” - mother of Vadim Kalyagin.

The list of paintings can be continued for a long time; over the years, the demand for the artist has not diminished.

Cartoon dubbing

In addition to hard work on the set, Lidia Nikolaevna tried her hand at voice acting. It is in her voice that Aunt Masha speaks in the Soviet short hand-drawn cartoon “The Monster,” based on a story by writer Nina Katerli.

    Do you like Lidiya Shukshina?

Personal life of actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina

Lydia Nikolaevna, who has an interesting appearance, has always enjoyed success with the opposite sex. Most novels ended with a trip to the registry office. The actress learned quite early what family life was.

While a student at the institute, Shukshina met a young man. The sympathy that arose between the Ukrainian artist Vyacheslav Voronin and the girl turned into a stormy affair, which soon ended in a wedding. From this relationship the couple had a daughter, Anastasia.

At that time, the young woman had to be torn between two cities. In Moscow she studied and worked, and in Leningrad her little daughter, living with her husband’s parents, was eagerly waiting for her. The head of the young family worked in Kyiv. The distance greatly alienated the spouses, and they soon separated.


After four years of marriage, the family of Vyacheslav Voronin and Lydia Fedoseeva broke up. The artist experienced strong feelings for the opposite sex again when she met the writer Vasily Shukshin. A man and a woman fell in love with each other at first sight and lived in harmony until the death of the great film director, actor and screenwriter. In their marriage, the couple had two wonderful daughters - Maria and Olga Shukshin. The family archive still keeps photos in memory of the happy moments lived together.

Vasily Makarovich died in 1974. This was and remains an irreparable loss for the artist. Later, she repeatedly tried to arrange her personal life, but each of the subsequent marriages fell apart.

Shukshina’s third husband was cameraman Mikhail Agranovich. Then the artist from Poland Marek Mierzejewski. Lidia Nikolaevna has known her current husband, Bari Alibasov, for 20 years. And in the fall of 2018, in one of the registry offices of Moscow, they legalized their relationship, officially becoming husband and wife.

Marriage of Lydia Shukshina with Barry Alibasov

The painting of celebrities did not go unnoticed. The wedding event took place on November 20, 2018. Many did not believe in the sincerity of Bari Karimovich’s feelings, believing that he was pursuing selfish goals in relation to the famous actress. But the newlyweds denied such assumptions.

The 70-year-old producer of the cult group “Na-Na” said that he is quite wealthy, he has luxury apartments at his disposal with total area 250 square meters. He doesn’t need anything from his 80-year-old wife. As Lydia Nikolaevna herself said, all her property has long been transferred to her children and grandchildren.

Currently, the showman and actress live in two houses, now with her and now with him. But this is temporary. Now the newlyweds are engaged in furnishing a recently purchased house in New Moscow, which is joint property.

Children and grandchildren of Lidia Shukshina

The artist has three daughters. The eldest Anastasia, from her first marriage, met a foreigner and married him, and currently lives in Egypt. In marriage, the woman gave birth to a daughter, Laura. She, having become an adult, gave the famous grandmother a great-grandson Martin. Nastya's life was not easy.

In the early 90s she ended up in a colony. She was charged with transporting drugs.

According to the woman, she guessed that there was something fishy with the parcel she was asked to bring from Pakistan. But she couldn't even think about drugs. And I took this step to repay my debt. Anastasia was convicted and released under an amnesty three years later. During this time, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina did not write a single letter to the colony.

However, a friend of the famous actress claims that she contributed to Nastya’s parole. The difficult relationships between the closest people have become even cooler. For a long time, mother and daughter did not communicate at all.

Not giving in to the family dynasty, she became an actress. Such films as: “American Daughter”, “Burnt by the Sun - 2” and many others brought her fame. In addition to her successful career, her daughter has succeeded as a mother and has four children.

Anna Tregubenko, a graduate of VGIK, who chose the production department, gave her mother a grandson, and her grandmother a great-grandson, Vyacheslav. Son Makar, who in 2018 became the father of a wonderful boy, who was given the name Mark. Both Foma and Foka Vishnyakov, born in 2005.

Lydia Shukshina's third daughter, Olga, gave birth to her grandson Vasily. The genes of her parents made themselves felt, first she entered VGIK, after graduating from higher education educational institution I even tried my hand at cinema, but abruptly changed my profession, becoming a writer, like my father, having studied to be a writer. Then suddenly she became isolated and began to lead a reclusive life, devoting herself to faith.

She has a difficult relationship with her mother. Recently, a woman found herself at the center of a scandal over the division of her father’s apartment, in which she has a share.

The conflict negatively affected the health of Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina. But she does not lose heart, she tries to support a good relationship with all family members. And now she is beginning a new stage of life together with her husband Bari Karimovich, who is doing everything possible to reconcile all family members.

“For me, Vasily Shukshin has always been, is and will be. And I thank God for choosing me,” Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina recently admitted. But after their first meeting, she almost hated him. And she was very upset when she found out that Vasily Shukshin would be her partner in the film “What is it like, the sea?” But how did it happen that on the way to filming she fell in love with him?

Lidiya Fedoseeva was born in Leningrad. The girl grew up “hooligan, impudent, but fair.” Several times the director called parents to school, already in primary school they wanted to expel her. It was difficult to accept her as a pioneer, and she was never a Komsomol member at all. A neighbor in a communal apartment taught little Lida the alphabet of the deaf and dumb; the people's artist can still communicate using sign language.

“It seems to me that I was born an actress,” says Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. After 10th grade, the parents took their daughter to relatives in Moscow. From the trolleybus window, her aunt showed her the VGIK building and said that they study to become artists there. The girl, without thinking, immediately jumped out at the bus stop and went to enroll... “I was sure that VGIK accepted me. When I saw that I wasn’t on the list, I went to complain,” recalls Fedoseeva-Shukshina.

The actress met Vyacheslav Voronin on the set in Kyiv. “It so happened that I married this man. She was a fool,” Lydia Nikolaevna admitted to Boris Korchevnikov. They lived together for four years, and when they divorced, their daughter Anastasia was not even five years old. Lydia then left her husband because she wanted to finish her studies at VGIK, and he was assigned to Kyiv (they didn’t take her to the local theater university because she didn’t speak Ukrainian). She gave little Nastya to her mother in Leningrad, from where Vyacheslav took the girl by deception and took the child to Ukraine. “I didn’t abandon the child - that didn’t happen. And I didn’t leave Voronin for Shukshin. We didn’t even know each other yet,” noted Lidia Nikolaevna.

And Vasily Shukshin first married his fellow villager in his youth, but she refused to go to Moscow with him, and that’s where their relationship ended. He also had affairs, as a result of one of which he had an illegitimate daughter, Ekaterina.

When they met, Vasily Shukshin was already a star. And it’s no secret that he suffered from alcoholism. 26-year-old actress Lidiya Fedoseeva then promised to save him. She kept her word, and he became everything to her - a husband, a father of two daughters, and a director who was able to fully reveal her acting talent. Simple-minded, modest, faithful Nyura from the film “Stoves and Benches”, kind and gentle Lyuba Baikalova from “Red Kalina” - she played the best roles in the films of her great husband. “He was very gentle, patient. He always watched me carefully. And he said: “You are so good with me,” the People’s Artist recalls and adds that she then cried with happiness.

The couple had to pay a considerable price for their love. According to the actress, her first husband had a personal dislike for Vasily Shukshin. And when I found out that it was with him that she was going to build family life, finally took their daughter from her. Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina has still not been able to restore her relationship with her. And Vasily Shukshin’s illegitimate daughter Ekaterina, who grew up without a father, today does not agree to the film adaptation of her father’s works. Lydia and Vasily lived together for 10 happy years. His sudden death divided her life into “before” and “after”. It seemed to her that with his departure, her destiny also ended...

Why did seven-year-old Lida throw her felt boots into the Fontanka? Why didn’t she like Shukshin at the first meeting? Who prophesied to her that she would fall in love with a talented director? Why did she refuse to pull the drunken Shukshin out of the ditch into which he fell on the way to her house? How did she confess her love to him? And how many times in ten years had he told her how he felt? The answers are in the program “The Fate of a Man with Boris Korchevnikov”.

About his life after the passing of Vasily Shukshin

Lidia Nikolaevna Fedoseeva-Shukshina, People’s Artist of the RSFSR, wife of a Soviet writer, director and actor, became famous for her roles in her husband’s film masterpieces “Stoves and Benches”, “Strange People” and “Kalina Krasnaya”. Actress mother.

Lydia was born in September 1938 in Leningrad. There is little information about the actress’s parents. What is known is that the family successfully survived the siege of Leningrad. After the war, Lydia went to school. The girl was lucky to study at the oldest school in the city, “Petrishule”. Even in elementary school, the girl felt an interest in acting. Lida attended the drama club at the Leningrad House of Cinema. It was here that Fedoseeva first appeared on stage, playing roles in children's plays.

Once, director Anatoly Granik stopped by one of the amateur productions. The director immediately noticed the talented girl and offered Lydia the role of a laboratory assistant in the film “Maxim Perepelitsa”. The young artist was lucky to play another cameo role in the film “Two Captains.” Despite the fact that Lida only starred in episodes, the actress got her first experience working in cinema and understood what she would like to become in the future.


In 1957, Fedoseeva came to Moscow and entered VGIK. The girl found herself with wonderful mentors and... The country saw the result of the mentorship of the masters and the talent of the young actress after 2 years. The student starred in the wonderful film “Peers,” which was watched with pleasure by millions of Soviet viewers. The role of Tanya brought the St. Petersburg artist all-Union popularity. Although real glory was still on the way. The biography of the actress was completely changed by filming in one film.

While working on the set of the film “What is it like, the sea?”, Lydia met her future husband Vasily Shukshin. The subsequent marriage and creative collaboration turned out to be successful.

Together with her husband, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina starred in the films “Stoves and Benches” and “Strange People.” Then there were “Dauria” and “Kalina Krasnaya”. In most of these films, Fedoseeva-Shukshina played simple village women, strong, but at the same time weak in a feminine way. The actress had a short stature (163 cm), the figure of a Russian woman and a light brown braid, so she transformed into her own heroines organically, without exaggeration. It is noteworthy that the images of peasant women were easy for the actress, who was born and raised in the city.

In 1974, after the sudden death of her husband, Lidia Nikolaevna took a double surname - Fedoseeva-Shukshina. The actress continued acting, but no other film brought Lidia Nikolaevna such fame as the hits “Stoves and Shops”, “Kalina Krasnaya” and “They Fought for the Motherland”.

Nevertheless, the artist’s collection (more than 100 roles in theater and cinema) includes wonderful films that are loved by millions of Soviet viewers. Fedoseeva-Shukshina brilliantly played Madame Gritsatsueva in the film adaptation of “12 Chairs.” Lydia’s roles in the films “We Sat on the Golden Porch”, “Vivat, Midshipmen!”, and “Our Sins” turned out to be bright and colorful.

Many generations of Soviet and Russian film fans still enjoy watching the film “Chauffeur for One Flight”, where Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina starred in leading role together with . Another film that became the discovery of the year was “,” where Fedoseeva-Shukshina, together with them, played a married couple, the parents of the main character Romka.

In 1984, the actress became People's Artist of the RSFSR. During her film career, the actress more than once reincarnated herself as ladies of high society (“Little Tragedies,” the series “St. Petersburg Mysteries”), empresses (“The Demidovs,” “Countess Sheremetev,” “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”), party workers (“It’s not a beautiful life to live ban”), as well as teachers (“Talisman”) and even the head of a kindergarten (“The Limit of Desires”).

Lidia Nikolaevna is able to convey the character of a petty bribe-taker from the district council (“Bribe. From the notebook of journalist V. Tsvetkov”) and a lonely divorced woman Grusha Veselova (“Call me into the bright distance”), a collective farmer (“From the life of vacationers”) and an eccentric circus cashier ( "Quarantine").

Since the mid-2000s, the actress began to rarely appear on screen, devoting time and effort to work in the foundation in memory of the legendary Vasily Shukshin, whose leadership is last years passed it on to her granddaughter Anna. In 2005, Lidia Nikolaevna was elected president of the film festival “Vivat, Cinema of Russia!” But social activity did not prevent the actress from playing in major projects - the comedy melodrama “Marrying a Millionaire!” and the crime drama "Mother's Heart".

Her last work in cinema was the role of the actress in the melodrama “Martha’s Line”. The film was about the touching love story of teenager Yura, a resident who left the memory of his tender feelings for the girl Martha in the form of a text on the wall of his own apartment.

A letter with words of forgiveness was found by two contemporaries - mother Olga () and daughter Natasha (Olga Kraskovskaya), who decided to find that same Martha. Lidia Nikolaevna appeared in the film as one of the women named Martha, whom two detectives track down.

Personal life

Lydia Fedoseeva got married for the first time at an early age. The girl met her future husband at the institute. The romance with the Ukrainian artist Vyacheslav Voronin developed rapidly and quickly culminated in marriage. The artist’s first daughter, Anastasia, was born into the family.

It was a difficult period in the life of Lydia Nikolaevna. The actress was torn between Leningrad and Moscow. In one capital the girl studied and worked, in another the little daughter lived with her parents. Meanwhile, the husband worked in Kyiv. Distance and busyness destroyed this marriage.

The second time the actress married Vasily Shukshin. It was a love marriage that lasted until the death of the writer and director. The personal life of Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina was surprisingly happy during all 10 years together. In marriage with Shukshin, two children were born - daughters Maria Shukshina and. In memory of that happy period, the artist’s personal archive contains many family photos. Both daughters followed in the footsteps of their parents, but then Olga left worldly life and devoted herself entirely to faith. Olga spent 15 years in a monastery, and later moved to the African continent, where she lives in a town on the Red Sea and regularly attends church.

The eldest daughter Anastasia married a foreigner, went to Angola and took the surname Voronin-Francisco. Nelson's husband Francisco served as the head of Angolan counterintelligence. After the death of her father Vyacheslav Voronin in 2016, Anastasia and her children moved to Kyiv.

After the death of Vasily Makarovich in 1974, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina tried more than once to arrange her personal life. But marriages with Mikhail Agranovich and Marek Mezheevsky turned out to be short. For many years, the artist could not find a person who could take the empty place in a woman’s heart.

Fedoseeva-Shukshina has seven grandchildren. In 2014, granddaughter Anna, daughter of Maria Shukshina, gave birth to Lydia Nikolaevna’s great-grandson Vyacheslav. The actress does not communicate with her older daughters.

Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina now

Now Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina lives in Moscow. The actress rarely leaves the apartment; Lidia Nikolaevna moves with the help of a cane. The artist’s health condition worsened due to arrhythmia and diabetes mellitus. The situation surrounding the real estate dispute between mother and daughter Olga also affected her well-being. The conflict has been dragging on for years and both sides have not found the desired solution. The development of the situation was devoted to the program “We Talk and Show,” which was broadcast on the NTV channel at the beginning of 2017.

In November 2018, the actress became the heroine of the front pages of the media. It turned out that Bari Alibasov and Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina. The wedding ceremony took place at the Kutuzovsky registry office on November 20.

Only the closest relatives and friends of the newlyweds were present at the wedding. It turned out that after numerous attempts to build their happiness separately, Alibasov and Fedoseeva-Shukshina became close again and decided to get married.


  • 1955 - “Maxim Perepelitsa”
  • 1969 - “Strange People”
  • 1972 - “Stoves and benches”
  • 1973 - “Kalina Krasnaya”
  • 1975 - “They fought for their homeland”
  • 1976 - “12 chairs”
  • 1980 - “You never dreamed of...”
  • 1981 - “Chauffeur for one flight”
  • 1983 - “Burn, burn clearly...”
  • 1986 - “On Main Street with an Orchestra”
  • 1991 - “Vivat, midshipmen!”
  • 1994 - “St. Petersburg Secrets”
  • 2002 - “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”
  • 2010 - “To Marry a Millionaire”
  • 2014 - “Martha’s Line”