How to make cappuccino at home from instant coffee. Cappuccino at home: soft and foamy

Judging by surveys, cappuccino coffee is often preferred by people who do not particularly like regular espresso. Cappuccino is a mixture of invigorating, bitter coffee with airy milk foam. We owe the appearance of cappuccino to the Italian Capuchin monks. It is thanks to them that everyone today can enjoy this invigorating drink by preparing cappuccino at home.

Making cappuccino

Let's take a closer look at how to make cappuccino. There are two options for creating this drink - with or without a coffee machine. The process itself, in any case, consists of several stages:

Brew espresso coffee

This can be done either in a coffee maker or in a Turk or cezve, the main thing is to choose high-quality coffee. It’s easier with a coffee machine, load the beans and wait for the result.

If you prepare espresso in a Turk, then you need to take ground beans and add water. Place the Turk on medium heat and wait a bit. The main thing is to prevent the contents from boiling, since the resulting drink will be too bitter.

As soon as the foam begins to rise, the Turk needs to be removed from the stove. The foam will settle, then put the coffee on the fire again. Experts recommend doing this procedure at least five, and preferably seven times; the more, the stronger the drink. Now the espresso is ready and you can proceed to the next stage of making cappuccino at home.

Making milk froth

Some coffee makers mix milk with cream, but ideally the foam should be whipped only from milk, and natural milk at that. To do this, you need to take milk with a higher fat content, since it whips into foam more easily. If your coffee machine is equipped with a cappuccino maker, then you're in luck. Pour milk into a container and whisk it using a cappuccino maker.

If it is not available, you can beat the milk with a mixer, whisk, blender, or French press. These methods are more labor-intensive and time-consuming, but they fully replace a cappuccino machine. The milk must first be heated and then whipped using one of the above methods.

The whipping process may seem useless, but you need to be patient and not torment yourself with the question of how to make cappuccino at home. We continue to beat persistently. First, large bubbles begin to appear in the milk. But they are not suitable for us, we continue to beat until a fine, dense foam appears. The milk foam is ready and you can arrange it to meet the espresso.

Combining coffee with foam

For the drink, you need to prepare a porcelain or ceramic cup. Before pouring coffee, the cup must be heated by rinsing it with boiling water. Now pour espresso into it, and use a spoon to add airy milk foam on top. Coffee and foam are taken in a 1:1 ratio. Just don't stir it.

Some coffee makers add not only foam, but also milk to classic coffee. In this case, the cup is filled ⅓ with each ingredient (coffee, milk and foam). First, pour coffee into the cup ⅓ full, and then fill another ⅓ cup with milk into the center in a thin stream. You need to pour it out of the container in which it was whipped, then first the unwhipped milk will carefully pour into the drink, and then a smooth milk-foamy cap will lie on top.

Depending on the pouring technique, you can prepare a white or black cappuccino. The preparation of black cappuccino was described above. The white drink is prepared by first pouring milk and only then coffee into a heated cup. Believe it or not, the taste of white cappuccino is practically no different from black.

Our cappuccino is ready for coffee drinking. Some don’t stop there and manage to apply some kind of design onto the foam.

Cappuccino decoration

In coffee shops, baristas do this, but why are we worse? Baristas usually draw using special stencils using cocoa powder and other spices. This art is even called latte art. The art of drawing on coffee foam is based on only three images: an apple, a heart and a flower (rosetta), while the rest of the drawings are made on the basis of these three. Therefore, in order to beautifully draw cappuccino foam, you just need to learn how to make the basic shapes, and then use your imagination.

Cooking tricks

To make your cappuccino perfect, it is important to follow a few tricks:

  • For foam, we take only natural milk with a fat content of at least 2.5%, cream should be 30% fat.
  • Sugar. Some people recommend putting it in the coffee before pouring in the milk and foam, some recommend whisking it with milk, and some recommend sprinkling it on top of the foam. It's up to you, but ideally the foam is sprinkled with sugar.
  • Important point. Both the milk with foam and the coffee itself must be hot at the time of connection, as is the cup into which they are poured.
  • If you intend to make a cappuccino with rum, cognac or liqueur, then they need to be added before adding the foam, but nut or chocolate chips or cinnamon should be sprinkled only on the foam.

Cappuccino with cinnamon


  • 150 ml water
  • 2 tsp. ground coffee
  • 200 ml milk
  • Sugar and ground cinnamon to taste


  1. We prepare a coffee drink from water and ground coffee in a familiar and accessible way.
  2. Heat the milk to about 70°C, then use a French press or mixer to whip it into a thick foam.
  3. Pour the brewed coffee into the prepared cup and place a cap of milk foam on top of it.
  4. Sprinkle the foam with sugar and ground cinnamon.

Cappuccino with cinnamon is ready!

Cappuccino with chocolate

How to make cappuccino with chocolate.

We take:

  • 120 ml water.
  • 2 tsp. ground coffee.
  • 200 g cream.
  • Per tsp. sugar and chocolate chips.

Cooking process

  1. First, we brew traditional coffee by placing coffee and water in a cezve. Having almost brought the contents to a boil several times, remove the cezve from the stove.
  2. Heat the cream for about a minute, and then beat with a whisk or mixer until thick foam.
  3. Pour coffee into a warm cup and spread creamy foam over the top.
  4. Gently sprinkle the foam with sugar and chocolate chips.

Cappuccino with chocolate is ready!

Vanilla cappuccino


  • 2 tsp. ground coffee
  • 1 yolk
  • 2 tsp. powdered sugar
  • Vanilla on the tip of a knife
  • 2 tbsp. l. cream


  1. We brew coffee in a coffee maker or Turk, in the usual way.
  2. Beat the yolk with powdered sugar, while adding cream and vanilla.
  3. Fill the heated cup halfway with brewed coffee, and put milk-vanilla foam on top.

Vanilla cappuccino is ready!

Don't be afraid to experiment. You can add many ingredients to coffee, such as syrup, rum, cognac or liqueur. There are no less options for topping. Milk foam can be sprinkled with nut or chocolate chips, cinnamon, powdered sugar, and confectionery decorations. Let your imagination run free, experiment and enjoy your favorite invigorating drink, giving it different flavors.

In this article we will tell you how to brew cappuccino coffee in a Turk. Here are the ingredients you will need:

  • 150 ml milk
  • 1 small piece of dark chocolate and/or a pinch of cinnamon - for topping
  • 2 teaspoons finely ground coffee
  • 40 ml drinking water

Do you like sweet compositions? Then prepare one teaspoon of sugar, maybe with a slide. You can take not classic sugar, but brown cane sugar. In this case, the drink will reveal its aroma more clearly, and the taste will be more “caramel”

It is very important to choose correct milk for cappuccino. The volume of foam, as well as the overall texture and flavor composition of the drink, will depend on it.

When choosing milk in a store, you need to focus on the following criteria:

  • Fat content
  • Quantity of protein

Professional baristas say that it is best to add 3-3.5% milk. fat content. This is the “golden mean”, allowing you to avoid both wateriness and excessive richness of taste. In this case, the texture of the cappuccino will be balanced - and you will be able to enjoy every sip of the prepared drink.
The second criterion on our list, but by no means the second most important, is amount of protein. It is due to the correct percentage of protein (and not at all from fat content, as many mistakenly assume) The milk gives a really fluffy foam.

Another significant criterion is temperature. According to the preparation rules, milk must be cooled to +4 °C. Important point: it shouldn't be boiled.

When whipping foam, the temperature of the milk should not exceed 65 °C. Otherwise, protein destruction will occur.

The shape and material of the Turks are no less important when it comes to making coffee. In fact, you can use any cezve - for example, ceramic or glass. But, it is better to purchase a vessel made of copper. The fact is that copper has an optimal level of thermal conductivity, so coffee beans poured onto the bottom will not burn during cooking.

As for the shape, ideally it should be cone-shaped: a narrow neck will prevent active evaporation of aromatic substances, since in this case the area of ​​contact between coffee and air will be minimal. A wide bottom will ensure the stability of the cezve on the gas stove burner.

Step-by-step recipe - or how to brew cappuccino coffee in a Turk in five minutes:

  • Place a spoonful of ground grains into the cezve. You can add sugar immediately
  • Pour water on top, do not stir
  • Place the Turk on low heat. Wait until the contents are well heated and a thick foam forms on the surface
  • When the drink starts to rise, immediately remove it from the heat without waiting for active boiling. This way you can prepare a classic espresso - black, strong, invigorating and aromatic.
  • Warm the milk to 65°C. It should feel very hot, but without steam and without bubbles indicating imminent boiling.
  • Pour the milk into a French press or deep cup. Start whisking - you can use a simple metal whisk. Your movements should be very energetic. To make the foam denser and more stable, experts recommend whipping the milk in two batches.
  • Rinse the cup with boiling water and pour the espresso into it. Then pour milk on top. Do this as carefully as possible: ideally, you want the layers not to mix
  • Decorate the coffee with milk foam formed as a result of churning. After this, you can sprinkle the hot elixir with chocolate or cinnamon on top

The proportions of layers in a classic cappuccino should ideally be maintained as follows:

  • 1/3 part espresso
  • 1/3 part milk
  • 1/3 part milk foam (some people prefer to use low-fat whipping cream)
  • Topping to taste

Now you know how to brew cappuccino coffee in a Turk in the simplest and most correct way. If desired, you can add other ingredients to it:

  • Chopped nuts
  • Pieces of marshmallow or marmalade
  • Cocoa powder
  • Almond extract
  • coconut flakes (and the most sophisticated gourmets prefer recipes with coconut milk instead of regular milk)

You can also add melted caramel and fruit syrups. These ingredients are usually sprinkled on cream in bars and restaurants. That is, they make the fluffy foam even more elegant, increasing the demand for the product among guests.
Using these simple techniques, even at home from drinking coffee - be it cappuccino or latte - available unconditional aesthetic pleasure. All that remains is to prepare exquisite cups and invite friends to taste the delicious drink!

Cappuccino coffee is deservedly popular. Aromatic, rich coffee with a creamy taste and delicate milk foam will leave few people indifferent. Usually, when we want to drink a cup of cappuccino, we go to a coffee shop, where the barista will quickly and professionally prepare this delicious drink. But what to do if you want to drink cappuccino, but there is no opportunity to visit a coffee shop? Many people mistakenly believe that such a drink is difficult to prepare at home, but this is not the case. If you follow the recipe and preparation technology, you can get cappuccino at home.

Cappuccino coffee at home

The preparation of the drink occurs sequentially in three stages. First of all, it is black coffee, then it is obtaining milk foam, and lastly, it is the combination of coffee and foam.

Ingredients for one cup of cappuccino

  • ground coffee – 1 full teaspoon;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 150 ml water.

Making cappuccino

  1. Making black coffee. or coffee maker. must be high quality, from brands that have proven themselves in the market. Only in this case will the drink be obtained with a rich aroma and deep taste.
  2. Getting milk froth. The whole secret of cappuccino lies in the airy and at the same time persistent foam, so this is the most important stage in preparing the drink. The milk should be whole, with a fat content of 3-3.5% and without any milk powder content. The fat content can be chosen according to taste; the fattier the milk, the more pronounced the creamy taste of the milk foam will be. If you have a coffee maker with a cappuccino maker at home, then everything is simple, you just need to pour the milk into a container and whisk it. If you do not have such a device, use a mixer or blender. To make the foam homogeneous, the milk must be heated to 50-60 degrees. During the process of whipping the foam, large bubbles appear first, then very small ones. As soon as a fine-bubbly airy substance is obtained, the process is considered complete.
  3. Combination of coffee and milk foam. Pre-rinse a porcelain or ceramic cup with boiling water to heat it. Pour 1/3 of the coffee into it and use a spoon to put foam on top, which can be sprinkled with grated chocolate or cinnamon. The proportions of coffee and foam should be 1:1.

Cappuccino at home is ready. Try experimenting with it. You can add syrup or a little alcohol to it - liqueur, rum, cognac... And use ground nuts or spices as a powder.

Cappuccino is coffee with milk whipped into thick foam.

It perfectly invigorates, helps cope with hangover syndrome, while guaranteeing excellent taste and aroma of the drink.

What is cappuccino

At one time, the monastic family of Capuchins gave the world a recipe for making aromatic coffee with thick milk foam. The Italian drink, along with brewed and others, is still in great demand among the population.

The main components of this drink are the following ingredients:

  • Espresso, which is obtained using hot water passing through coffee beans;
  • Milk;
  • Milk foam.

Those who don’t know how to make cappuccino will find a lot of useful information in this article.

After all, there is a huge variety of ways to prepare this type of coffee, which we will talk about in more detail.

Cappuccino at home

Don’t be upset if you don’t have a regular one with which you can make your own cappuccino.

Anyone can make cappuccino at home and without a special device.

To do this you will need the following ingredients per serving:

  • Finely ground black coffee (1 tsp);
  • Milk (150 ml.);
  • Dark chocolate (1/2 tsp);
  • Sugar (2 tsp);
  • Water (40 ml.).

We pour coffee into the Turk, pour it cold water and cook the drink until it is completely ready, then pour it into a cappuccino container and add sugar to taste. Separately, boil the milk and beat it into foam in a blender or French press.

The final stage: carefully pour the finished milk into the coffee, and use a spoon to transfer the whipped foam into the drink. Sprinkle finely grated chocolate on top.

Based on personal preferences, you can add cinnamon, nutmeg or cardamom to the cappuccino, and replace the milk with cream.

By the way, the latter option is more preferable, since thanks to the cream the milk foam will be as thick as possible.

Now that you know how to make cappuccino at home, you can treat yourself and your loved ones with this delicious, invigorating drink every day.

Cappuccino in a coffee machine

You can learn how to make your own cappuccino in one day, but if you want to achieve maximum skill in this area, then you will have to spend more of your free time on it.

With special equipment at your disposal, you can quickly become a master at preparing the popular drink. Don't know how to make cappuccino in a coffee machine? We will now tell you about this in detail.

Believed to be real delicious cappuccino can only be achieved with the help of a coffee machine, which is quite simple to use.

First you need to brew espresso; for this it is better to use a coffee mixture of Robusta and Arabica.

After this, we begin preparing the milk for the coffee drink, which must be fresh and cooled to about 4° C.

Pour the milk halfway into a metal jug (pitcher) and whisk it using a cappuccino maker (steam tap).

Please note that the volume of milk increases significantly.

The main conditions that must be met:

  • The pitcher is tilted at 45 C relative to the cappuccino maker;
  • The spout of the cappuccino maker, lowered into the milk, should be directed to the side;
  • The steam supply is turned on only when the cappuccino maker nozzle is lowered into the pitcher with milk;
  • Cappuccino foam should have a liquid consistency.

Slowly and carefully pour the whipped foam into a cup of coffee.

If the sugar sprinkled on top of the foam does not sink to the bottom of the cup, but remains on the surface, then the foam is considered to have been prepared correctly.

Now you know how to make cappuccino coffee quickly and easily using a coffee machine.

Cappuccino in a coffee maker

Manufacturers offer coffee drink lovers the opportunity to purchase coffee machines that can be used to quickly prepare an aromatic, invigorating drink at any time of the day. Knowing how to make cappuccino in a coffee maker, you can easily enjoy its taste during breakfast.

They will handle the entire cappuccino preparation process for you. You can use espresso as a basis or experiment with various types coffee, ultimately choosing the most suitable option for yourself.

The question: how to make cappuccino in a coffee machine worries a lot of people. Even for professional baristas, this drink remains quite difficult to prepare - in order to get a soft, but at the same time bright and balanced taste, it is necessary to train for more than one month. In today's article we will look at what cappuccino is, how to prepare cappuccino in a coffee machine, as well as the features of the machines for preparing this coffee drink.

The difference between cappuccino and other drinks

There is a significant difference between cappuccino, latte, mocha and other drinks. Thus, the serving method is different - the average capacity of a cup of cappuccino is 180 ml, while the volume of a cup of latte or mocha is at least 240 ml. The difference also lies in the type of foam - in cappuccino it is denser and thicker, in other coffee drinks it is lighter. And of course, the main difference between cappuccino and other coffee-based drinks is strength and taste. For example, latte and mocha have a smooth and soft taste; coffee is practically not felt. Cappuccino has a brighter coffee taste due to a shot of espresso.

What characteristics should a coffee machine have for making cappuccino?

We have come to the main question: how to make cappuccino in a coffee machine? First of all, the coffee machine must meet certain requirements necessary for preparing the drink.

Note that the result does not depend on whether Saeco or Bosch is used, but on technical characteristics and human skills. We recommend paying attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Device type. There are automatic and semi-automatic coffee machines, which differ in operating principle. The first type is the most common: all operations are carried out automatically, the user only needs to place a mug to serve coffee - the question of how to make cappuccino at home disappears by itself. “Semi-automatic machines” are professional machines that are often used by baristas. The preparation process is several times more complicated (at first) than working with automation, but the result is a much more tasty and aromatic cappuccino.
  2. Type of cappuccino maker. A cappuccino machine is a device for frothing milk into foam. There are automatic models (most often they come as part of automatic coffee machines), and there are manual models. In the first case, the program itself will froth the milk to the required condition - you only need to substitute a container to receive the milk. In the second case, the milk is frothed manually using a stream of steam from the cappuccino maker. We consider the second method preferable.
  3. Possibility of warming up mugs. When wondering how to properly make cappuccino in a coffee machine, remember: the mugs must be warmed up before serving the drink. To do this, the top part of some devices is specially heated so that mugs can be placed on them.

Above we mentioned the basic rules, and the volume, number of posts and power of the coffee machine do not in any way affect the quality of the final product.

Rules for making cappuccino

If you have an automatic machine, then preparing cappuccino takes one operation: select the desired mode on the machine, press a button and get the finished drink. For those who are interested in how to make coffee using a semi-automatic machine, we have made the following instructions:

  1. Prepare in advance the mug into which you will pour the coffee. To do this, warm it up to average temperature(so that it is warm, but not hot).
  2. Place the ground coffee from the grinder (or ready-ground coffee) into the holder. The size of one bookmark should be equal in height to the height of the holder container.
  3. Gently press the coffee into the holder. Note: the press should lie at an angle of 90 degrees, the coffee filling itself should be uniform (not flake, not crumble).
  4. The holder is installed on the post, the coffee machine is turned on. The portion of espresso coming out from under the post should be poured into a previously prepared mug.
  5. At the same time, prepare the milk. The first question at this stage: what kind of milk is suitable for cappuccino and how to brew it? The answer is simple: choose based on own interests. The most commonly used milk is 1% fat. It is better to take milk at room temperature.
  6. The next question is how to froth milk for cappuccino in a coffee machine? To do this, you need to take a good milk jug (standard volume - 300 ml), fill it 3/4 with milk. After this, we check the steam supply in the cappuccino maker. Is the pressure good? Then turn on the cappuccino maker and place the milk jug under the cappuccino maker at an angle of 45 degrees. Important: The cappuccino maker should be immersed in milk no more than 2.5-3 cm. Whip the milk with smooth movements until foam forms.
  7. The frothed milk is poured into a mug that already contains espresso.

Recommendation: how to make cappuccino foam thick enough. To do this, you need to supply steam at low pressure and keep the milk jug until it is hot. In order to make the foam more airy, it is necessary to supply steam to high blood pressure and periodically change the depth of immersion of the cappuccino maker in milk.

If you know how to make cappuccino correctly, this does not mean that the first time you will get a good drink, which must meet the following requirements (established in many countries of the world):

  • The foam should be dense, without large air bubbles. The size of the bubbles on the foam is uniform, no more than 2-3 mm.
  • The height of the foam should be at least 1/3 of the height of the cup into which the cappuccino is poured.
  • The color of the coffee should be brick-beige, and the drink should have an even taste and not be bitter.

You already know how to make cappuccino in accordance with the general technology, but to create the ideal taste, we will give the following recommendation: try to use only Arabica, and choose it based on your own tastes. Thus, Ethiopian coffee varieties have a pronounced nutty hue, Kenyan varieties have a slight sourness, varieties from Central America have a more tart and strong taste.

Cappuccino recipes

How to make cappuccino in a special machine according to various recipes? Please note that there are no recipes on how to make cappuccino coffee at home - above we described the only preparation option, which is a classical technology. Despite this, preparing cappuccino in a coffee machine provides many variations that will have different tastes. Thus, it is permissible to add various syrups and flavorings to cappuccino: cream, caramel, cinnamon, coconut, chocolate, etc.

Note that the specific recipe (and the amount of additives) depends on the person who made the cappuccino. The standard is no more than 10 ml of syrups per 250 ml mug (the syrup should not interfere with the taste of coffee), the addition of cinnamon, grated chocolate or caramel depends on personal preference.

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