Who was the first child of the prophet Muhammad. How many children did the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) have? Prophet Muhammad and his wives


How many children did the beloved wife of the Prophet Muhammad have?

“At the age of 25, Muhammad married Khadija. Their marriage turned out to be extremely happy. Khadija became not only a beloved wife for her husband, but also best friend, advisor and assistant!
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had six children - four daughters and two sons.
Qasim - born in Mecca, died in childhood, at the age of 17 months;

Zainab - was born in Mecca, she was married to Abul-'Assa, the cousin of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), gave birth to two children - a son 'Ali and a daughter Umamat, died in her youth;

Rukia - was born in Mecca, she was married to Ashab 'Uthman, she fell ill and died in her youth in Medina, on the day of the battle of Badr;

Fatima - was born in Mecca, at the behest of Allah Almighty she was married to the cousin of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Ashab 'Ali, gave birth to six children - Hassan, Hussein, Muhsin, Ummu-Kulthum, Zainab, Rukia. Fatima was very beautiful, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) loved her very much, she is the eldest among women in Paradise. She died six months after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

Ummu-Kulthum - was born after the advent of Islam, at the behest of Allah Almighty she was married to Ashab ‘Uthman after the death of her elder sister Ruqiya, died in her youth, in the ninth year of Hijra;
Abdullah - born after receiving the prophecy, died in early childhood…»


Sayyids- descendants of the Prophet Muhammad from his grandson Husayn
Sharifs- descendants of the Prophet Muhammad from his grandson Hassan
Ahl al-Bayt- members of the family of the Prophet Muhammad.
Alids- descendants of Ali ibn Abu Talib and Fatima

Daughters of the Prophet Muhammad
Zainab bint Muhammad
Ruqayyah bint Muhammad
Umm Kulthum bint Muhammad
Fatima bint Muhammad

Wives of the Prophet Muhammad
Aisha bint Abu Bakr
Juwayriyah bint Harris
Zainab bint Jahsh
Zainab bint Khuzaimah
Maimuna bint Haris
Mariam (II) (concubine)
Raihana (wife or concubine)
Sauda bint Zama
Safiya bint Huyayy
Umm Salama bint Abu Umayyah
Umm Habiba bint Abu Sufyan
Khadija bint Khuwaylid
Hafsa bint Omar

The Messenger of Allah Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) had seven children: three sons and four daughters.


Daughters: ZAYNAB, RUQIYYA, FATIMA, UMMUKULSUM(may Allah be pleased with them all!).

The mother of six children is Khadija, and Mary gave birth to the seventh, Ibrahim.


The first son, Kasim, was born. Since the name of the first son of our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was Kasim, the Messenger of Allah began to be called Abu’l-Kasim.

He died at about two years of age.


Zainab was born second. The pride of the Universe (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was 30 years old when she was born. She was married to her cousin (maternal) ‘As. She gave birth to a son, who was named Ali. He died before reaching adulthood. She also gave birth to a daughter, Umamat.
Before accepting Islam, 'As, the husband of Zaynab, was captured at Badr. To ransom her husband from captivity, Zainab sent a gold chain that her mother gave her on her wedding day. The Messenger (PBUH) took pity on her, and he ordered the release of ‘Asa without ransom, but on the condition that immediately upon arrival in Mecca he would release Zainab to Medina. After this, having voluntarily accepted Islam, ‘As also moved to Medina. Then the Messenger (pbuh) returned Zaynab to him. In the eighth year of Hijra, Zainab died. The Prophet (PBUH) loved her daughter Robe very much. After Fatima's death, Ali married Halat.


The third child of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was Ruqiya.

Ruqiyat was first married to the son of Abu Lahab. To spite the Prophet (PBUH), Abu Lahab forced his son to divorce Ruqiya. ‘Asa’s relatives also demanded a divorce from Zainab. But he replied that he did not need even the best of women, but only Zainab. Because of her barakah, ‘As was saved and exalted in Islam, and the son of Abu Lahab was destroyed. After the divorce, Ruqiya was married to Usman. She bore him a son, who died in childhood. During the Battle of Badr she died of illness. While caring for his wife, Uthman was unable to take part in the Battle of Badr. Together with Uthman, Ruqiya migrated twice: the first time to Ethiopia, the second time to Medina.


The fourth child of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is Fatima.

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was 35 years old at that time, and the Kaaba was being built anew at that time. The Prophet (PBUH) loved her very much. She was married to Ali. The Prophet (PBUH) told his daughter that he married her to the one he loved most of all people. She gave birth to Ali five children: Hassan, Hussein, Muhsin (died in infancy), Ummukulsum, Zainab. Some say that there was also a daughter named Ruqiyat who died in childhood. Fatima is the leader of the faithful in the world and in the Akhirat. She was diligent in worship, patient in troubles, knowing the greatness of the Prophet (PBUH). ‘Aisha said that she did not hear any more correct speech than Fatima's. Her character was very similar to the Prophet (PBUH). ‘Aishat said that the only thing dearer to her than Fatima is her father.

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Fatima is a piece of my flesh, and whoever offends her is the one who offended me” (al-Bukhari).

She saw how the infidels oppressed the Prophet (PBUH). She herself suffered a lot of insults from the infidels. The infidel Uqbat threw camel entrails at the Prophet (PBUH), who was bowing (sujud) near the Kaaba. Scolding him, Fatima washed it all off her father’s neck. The Prophet (PBUH) lost a lot of blood from wounds received in the Battle of Uhud. Fatima washed off this blood, and Ali poured water. The blood flowed incessantly. Fatimat burned a piece of cloth and rubbed the ash on the wound. Then the wound stopped bleeding.

Before his death, the Messenger (PBUH) said something to Fatima, and she began to cry. Then he said something else and she was happy. ‘Aisha asked what was the reason for her joy and tears. But until the death of the Prophet (PBUH), Fatima did not tell anyone about this. After his death, at the request of ‘Aisha, she said: “For the first time, the Prophet (PBUH) said that his death was approaching, so I cried. The second time he said that I would be the first of his family to die after him, and that I would be the eldest among the women of Paradise - and I was happy.”

Six months after the death of the Prophet (PBUH), Fatima also died. She was 28 years old on the day of her death. Only Fatima left the descendants of the Prophet (PBUH). From the Sayyids of Raya, the grandchildren of Hussein and Hassan, comes a family that includes people who represent the pride of the entire Muslim community. They are known all over the world for their intelligence, fear of God, love for Islam, Sharia and tariqa. They call people to Allah and support the Sunnah. This lineage continues to this day. Before their name they write and pronounce “as-sayyid”, which means that they belong to the family of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). May the Almighty be pleased with them all, and may we not lose their intercession. Amen!


The fifth child of Khadija and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was Ummukulthum.

She was initially married to another son of Abu Lahab. When her husband's family refused to accept Islam, she divorced him and remained in her father's house. After the death of Ruqiya, the daughter of the Prophet (PBUH) and the wife of Usman, the Prophet (PBUH) married his second daughter, Ummukulsum, to him. After this, Usman began to be called “Zunnurain” (owner of two lights). Ummukulsum lived with Usman for six years and died in the ninth year of the Hijri. The Prophet (PBUH) said that if he had a third daughter, he would marry her to Usman.


The sixth child that Khadija gave birth to the Prophet (PBUH) is Abdullah. Due to the fact that he was born in the Islamic period, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) called Tayyib and Tahir, which means “pure.” When he also died, As ibn Wail, a pagan Quraysh, said to our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) the following words:
“Leave Him alone! He is rootless, and therefore His lineage will not continue! And when He dies, no one will remember Him! You will get rid of Him and calm down!”
In response to this, Allah Almighty sent down Surah “Al-Qawsar” (meaning):
“Verily, We have granted You (O Muhammad!) abundance (of blessings). Therefore, pray to your Lord (perform namaz) and slaughter (the sacrificial animal). Verily, (We have magnified your name), and your hater is scanty (his family will disappear).” (Sura Al-Kyawsar, 1-3)
(Al-Qawsar, 1-3; Ibn Sad, III, 7; Wahidi, p. 494).
Khadija, after the death of her son at such an early age, said to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH):
- O Messenger of Allah! I have an abundance of milk intended for my baby son.
Oh, if only Allah would prolong his life without taking him away in infancy!
Our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said this:
– He will complete the period of infancy in Paradise!
The Mother of the Believers Khadija said:
- O Messenger of Allah! If I knew this for sure, I would have been able to bear the death of my son easier!
The pride of the Universe (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) then offered her the following:
– If you wish, I will make a prayer-dua to Allah so that you can hear his voice!
However, Khadijatu'l-Kubra (radiyallahu anha), once again demonstrating her humility and devotion, answered the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) as follows:
“Oh no, Messenger of Allah! I trust Allah and His Messenger!” He was also called Tayib, Tahir, which means “pure.” He was born after Muhammad (PBUH) received prophecy and died in infancy.


In the eighth year of the Hijra, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had a son, Ibrahim.

His mother is Maryat. She was a slave given to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) by the ruler of Egypt, Mukawkis. His birth was attended by Ummah Rafi, and her husband Abu Rafi told the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) the good news of the birth of His son...
Extremely pleased with this news, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), presenting him with gifts for the good news, said to the people around Him:
“Tonight a son was born to Me, and I gave him the name of My “father” - Ibrahim!..” (Muslim “Fadail”, 62).

When Ibrahim was seven days old, the Prophet (pbuh) slaughtered a ram (‘aqika) for him, shaved his hair and distributed silver to the poor for the weight of this hair. He buried his hair in the ground and gave his son the name Ibrahim. Having reached 17-18 months of age, Ibrahim died. The Prophet (PBUH) said that Ibrahim is in Paradise, and a special woman will breastfeed him. When Ibrahim died, tears flowed from the eyes of the Prophet (PBUH). “Are you crying too, O Messenger of Allah (PBUH)?” - they asked him. To this, the Prophet (PBUH) replied: “Tears flow from our eyes and sadness enters our hearts, but we never say anything that does not please Allah Almighty. Oh, Ibrahim, we are sad that you are gone."

Ibrahim was buried in the Baki’ cemetery. On the day of his death, a solar eclipse occurred. Then people began to say that this eclipse was connected with the death of Ibrahim. Hearing this, the Prophet (PBUH) said: “The sun and the moon are signs created by the Almighty. With the death of one person, neither the sun nor the moon will be eclipsed. You, having seen the eclipse, hurry to perform namaz and read prayers.” The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was fair in everything, and in this case, too, he once again showed his sincerity and selflessness.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the greatest personality in Islam. It was he who became the founder of the religion of monotheism, leaving after his death to the Islamic community Holy Bible- Koran. The entire branch of descendants goes back to the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad - Fatima. It is from her children that the noble family continues.

What were the names of the daughters of the prophet Muhammad

In total, the prophet had seven children. Six of them were given birth to one woman, his wife Khadija bint Khuwaylid. The seventh son, Ibrahim, was born by his last wife, Maryat (Mary of the Coptic). Four of all the children are daughters of the Prophet Muhammad. Three of them died before the messenger's death. And only one outlived her father by 6 months. All three sons died in childhood. The first baby, Kasim, died when he was 2 years old. The sixth boy, Abdullah, and the seventh, Ibrahim, passed away in infancy.

The names of the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad are:

  • Zainab;
  • Rukiya;
  • Ummu Kulthum;
  • Fatima.

All the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad were believing girls, fearing God and fully following the teachings of their father.

Zainab bint Muhammad

The girl was a long-awaited child. Her birth made the messenger happy. They started wooing the beauty at the age of 11. The most noble families of Mecca and men from the Quraish tribe fought for the right to marry her. But the choice fell on Abul-As, the nephew of Khadija, Zainab’s mother. The guy asked for the girl's hand in marriage, to which he agreed. The marriage took place at a time when Muhammad had not yet begun his mission as a prophet.

The girl was happy in her marriage, from which two children were born - the girl Umamah and the boy Ali. The messenger's first grandson died young, and his granddaughter outlived her grandfather, who loved her so much that he even allowed her to sit on his shoulder during prayer.

When Muhammad began his prophecy, Zainab did not hesitate to follow her father by accepting Islam. Abul-As's husband refused to accept the faith of monotheism, fearing the wrath of the tribe for abandoning the faith of their ancestors.

Soon the prophet and his family moved to Medina. Zainab had to stay with her husband in Mecca. Next, the famous Battle of Badr took place between Muslim believers and pagans. The Muslims won and captured the survivors, among whom was the prophet's son-in-law.

When the Meccans wanted to make an exchange, the prophet was given a necklace for Abul-As. And he saw that this jewel belonged to his daughter, and it, in turn, was given to her by her mother Khadija. And Zainab’s husband was released, but on the condition that he would separate from his wife and let her go to her father in Medina. The girl was released, but due to unrest among the people, she fell from the camel and lost the child she was carrying in her womb.

After 6 years, Abul-As is again captured by Muslims, but this time he is released along with his property, since Zainab stood up for him. Having returned everything to the owners, the man pronounced a certificate of acceptance of Islam, and left Mecca for Medina to his family. A year after the couple's reunion, Zainab dies from the consequences of a fall from a camel.

Ruqiya bint Muhammad

The girl married the son of a Meccan, Abu Lahab. But he forced his son to give her a divorce, after which Ruqiya became the wife of Usman. They had a son, who soon died. The young woman was sick and her husband was caring for her, which became an obstacle to his participation in the Battle of Badr. Ruqiya died on the day of the Muslim victory over the pagans.

Umm Kulthum bint Muhammad

The girl became the wife of Abu Lahab's other son, but also divorced him, like her older sister Ruqiya. After the death of her sister, she married Usman (the husband of her late sister). Then Usman received the nickname "Zunnurain", which meant "owner of two lights."

However, according to another version, he was called that because he spent many nights praying and reading the Koran. Since it is believed that the Koran is “light” and night prayer is also “light”. The third daughter of the prophet died 9 years after moving to Medina.

Fatima bint Muhammad

The girl was born shortly before the start of the prophetic mission, according to some sources, about 5 years. She became the youngest and most beloved daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. She loved her father very much and was like two peas in a pod.

Since childhood, she studied Islam, was a believer and a modest girl. Fatima was always next to her father and witnessed all the oppression and persecution to which the prophet was subjected.

When the girl became an adult, the most eminent men began to woo her. Among them were even Abu Bakr and Umar. But the prophet gave preference to Ali ibn Abu Talib. The couple were happily married, from which four children were born: 2 daughters and 2 sons. Sons Hassan and Hussein became the only descendants of their family.

Fatima is the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, who became the only wife of her husband, despite the fact that he could marry again, Ali did not bring another woman into the house. She died 6 months after the death of her father. Ali's husband himself washed the body of the deceased and buried her in an unknown place for political reasons.

All the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad were deeply religious; they stood idle at night in worship of the Almighty.

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! All praise and thanks to Allah, peace and blessings be upon His Messenger (c.a.s.)!

Prophet Muhammad(c.a.s.) had a total of seven children: four daughters and three sons. The names of his daughters are Zainab, Ruqaiya, Fatima, Umm Kulthum and his sons are Al-Qasim, Abdallah, Ibrahim.

  1. Al-Qasim was born in Mecca before the revelation of the prophecy and died when he was just over two years old. Our Prophet Muhammad (c.a.s.) Because of his son's name, he received the nickname Abu al-Qasim (father of Qasim).
  2. Zainab - eldest daughter our Messenger (c.a.s.) was born when he was 30 years old. She died after moving to Medina, in the 8th year of the Hijra. She was married to Abu al-'As Laqyit ibn Rabi', who was the son of Khadija's sister.
  3. Ruqaiya is the second daughter of our Prophet Muhammad (c.a.s.). Before the revelation of the prophecy, she was betrothed to the son of Abu Lahab named ‘Utba. At the behest of his father, ‘Utbah gave her a divorce before the wedding. After this she married ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan. She died after receiving news of victory in the Battle of Badr. Her grave is located in the city of Mecca.
  4. Fatima was born in Mecca when the Prophet Muhammad (c.a.s.) turned 41 years old. By order of Allah Almighty, at the age of 16 she was married to the cousin of the Prophet (c.a.s.), Ashabah ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib, gave birth to six children. Fatima was very beautiful, our Prophet loved her very much (c.a.s.). She died six months after the death of her father. She is the only child of the Messenger of Allah (c.a.s.), from which his descendants remained.
  5. Umm Kulthum was born after the advent of Islam. By order of Allah Almighty, she was married to Ashab ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan after the death of her elder sister Ruqayya. She died at a young age, in the ninth year of Hijra.
  6. Abdallah was born after receiving a prophecy. He was also known by the names Al-Tayyib and Al-Tahir, and died in early childhood in Mecca.
  7. Ibrahim was born in the ninth year of Hijra. He died when he was about two years old. At the Prophet's (c.a.s.) on the day of his death there were tears in his eyes. When asked: “Does the Prophet cry?” - he replied: “These are tears of sadness, but we never do what Allah Almighty is angry with.” On that day, an eclipse of the Sun was observed, and people began to associate this with the death of Ibrahim, but the Prophet Muhammad ( c.a.s.) told them: “The sun and moon are signs of the omnipotence of Allah, and their eclipse is not associated with anyone’s death or birth.”

The first six children of the Prophet Muhammad ( c.a.s.) gave birth to him first wife-mother faithful Khadijah in Mecca.

And Ibrahim was given birth to a slave (later his wife), an Egyptian woman named Maria.

All the children of the Prophet Muhammad (c.a.s.), except Fatima, died during his lifetime.

Allah Almighty knows best.

May Allah be pleased with all of them and may He make us one of those who will receive their intercession (shafa'at)!

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had seven children - four daughters and three sons. Let's list them in order of seniority:

Qasim - born in Mecca, died in childhood, at the age of 17 months;

Zainab - was born in Mecca, she was married to Abul-'Assa, the cousin of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), gave birth to two children - a son 'Ali and a daughter Umamat, died in her youth;

Rukia - was born in Mecca, she was married to Ashab 'Uthman, she fell ill and died in her youth in Medina, on the day of the battle of Badr;

Fatima - was born in Mecca, at the behest of Allah Almighty she was married to the cousin of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Ashab ‘Ali, gave birth to six children - Hasan, Hussein, Muhsin, Ummu-Kulthum, Zainab, Rukiya. Fatima was very beautiful, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) loved her very much, she is the eldest among women in Paradise. She died six months after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The offspring of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) remained only from her eldest sons - Hassan and Hussein. Among these descendants were the greatest imams, the largest awliyas, tariqat sheikhs and other outstanding people. His descendants live in our time;

Ummu-Kulthum - was born after the advent of Islam, at the behest of Allah Almighty she was married to Ashab ‘Uthman after the death of her elder sister Rukiya, died in her youth, in the ninth year of Hijri;

‘ Abdullah - born after receiving the prophecy, died in early childhood;

Ibrahim was born in the ninth year of Hijra. On the seventh day after his birth, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) slaughtered a sacrificial animal (‘aqika), gave the child a name, shaved the hair on his head and distributed silver equal to the weight of this hair as a donation (sadaqa). Ibrahim died when he was exactly 18 months old. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had tears in his eyes on the day of his death. When asked: “Does the Prophet cry?” - he replied: “These are tears of sadness, but we never do what Allah Almighty is angry with.”

On that day, an eclipse of the Sun was observed, and people began to associate it with the death of Ibrahim, but the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told them: “The Sun and Moon are signs of the omnipotence of Allah, and their eclipse is not associated with anyone’s death or birth."

The first six children of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) were born to Khadija, and Ibrahim’s mother was Mariyat. All his children, except Fatima, died before him.

May Allah be pleased with all of them and may He make us one of those who will receive their intercession (shafa'at)!
