“Andrey fell in love and wanted to leave his wife”: The mother of the head of a large family, who was accused of raping her daughter, announced her wife’s revenge. son abandoned his family

Or ?". And I answered this something like this: “And who can draw the line between family relationships and health? Who is sure that family troubles will not lead to the development of a child, a wife, or the development of angina pectoris in a husband? Where is this edge?
No, my dears - I see my task much wider than the presentation of this or that recipe for this or that disease.

A letter came from Cherepovets from Natalya Sergeevna (for obvious reasons, she asked not to give her last name):

Hello! I read your site, and I think about that letter, which . I liked your answer to this young woman, Dr. Khoroshev. Maybe you can influence my nephew. In fact, he is like a son to me. His mother (my own sister) died many years ago, leaving her son at the age of 8 months. He always knew, of course, that his own mother- my sister, but this did not repel him at all from me and from my husband. On the contrary, he always treated us with even more love and tenderness than his own sons. The son graduated from school well, entered the Polytechnic Institute. According to the distribution, he got to work at one of the factories in the Murmansk region. There he married (he was then 23 years old).

Tamara - his wife turned out to be a very nice woman, reasonable, calm. She gave birth to two girls - my granddaughters. They are already quite adults - the eldest Lena is 21 years old, the youngest Maria is 18. Both students study in St. Petersburg. My son is already 45. He became a rather rich man, bought a beautiful large apartment, built a country house. And recently there was a misfortune - he left for another woman. My heart bleeds with my father. We called our son, convinced him of the wrongness of his act, to which he was silent at first, and recently quite sharply said that he was "already a completely grown-up boy and does not need the advice of his parents." He does not call us, his mobile phone does not answer. He left the apartment and the house to his family - his wife and daughters.

This new passion of his is a real vampire, it was she who made him so evil. It was as if some evil spirit had flown into him. My granddaughters are terribly worried, my daughter-in-law is crying. She now lives with us, she cannot be alone yet. Granddaughters try to visit us more often. They don't talk to their father. And he doesn't call them either. Where did it go - after all, before he seemed to be unable to live a day without them, they did not know anything from him. And here is how it was cut. And all this is his new passion ... Our son is sick, this woman is drugging him with something. Vladimir Stepanovich, I ask you to write him a letter. You can find words that will enter into his soul and he will think about what he is doing.

- Natalya Sergeevna, Cherepovets

I carefully read your letter, Natalya Sergeevna ... Then similar letters from Anna Leonidovna from the city of Berezniki, Maria Gennadievna from Voronezh. Postponed them. Then I read it again ... How much pain and fear they have for their sons who leave their families, for abandoned daughters, for grandchildren, granddaughters, for themselves ...
And you know what I thought?

The son left the family. How to treat him?

It seems to me that you should not exhort your son, Natalya Sergeevna. He is more than an adult now. And nothing can make him change his mind now. And it - it was his decision was not easy, you can believe me. Men, at any rate the majority, experience strong pangs of conscience.

This period of life in men has its own name -. More than 87% of all men aged 38 to 52 go through this (according to statistics).

All your attempts to reason with your son will have no effect. And not at all because his new woman drugged him with magical herbs. It's not all that...

Don't waste your energy on something that ends up being unproductive. Your task, Natalya Sergeevna, is to support your daughter-in-law with all your might - the mother of your granddaughters, which means that later your daughter-in-law and granddaughters and ... most importantly, your son Victor will be grateful to you.

Time will pass, everything, as they say, will resolve. And, who knows - it may well be - your son ... This happens often. But this takes time. In no case do not put pressure on your son. Deterioration will certainly cause further Negative consequences. I know many examples of what attempts to “reason” with a son and “open” his eyes lead to. Many men in such situations of pressure, reinforced by remorse, begin to drink. You need it?

I know many cases of tragic development of events... Here is a recent example. A 46-year-old man, having learned how to earn a lot of money, as they say, "started" an affair "on the side." When he announced his own, they began to reproach him that he was a bad son, a bad father to his children. Everyone turned away from him, declaring him, as they say, "outlaws."

As a result, this 46-year-old man committed suicide. He left a note in which he asked for forgiveness from his children, from his wife, from his parents. Understand, I don’t want to scare you, but you shouldn’t tempt fate either ...

Better just take a break. Your tact, your reasonable behavior - in the end, only for the benefit of your granddaughters, your daughter-in-law, your Victor, you and your husband, finally.

Under no circumstances should you or your daughter-in-law speak ill of your son in the presence of your granddaughters, Natalya Sergeevna. The main thing is not to create an enemy out of your son in the eyes of his daughters. Because it will definitely have the opposite effect. Even if at first he himself will experience some cooling towards them. This often happens. Thus, a man tries to appease the pangs of conscience. Please understand this. Do not justify, but understand ... Your granddaughters are also adults, and they will soon understand everything themselves.

All the best to you in life, Natalya Sergeevna. And smart action.

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They do not suffer from alcohol or drug addiction, they do not tyrannize at home, they sincerely consider themselves good husbands. Just one far from perfect day they disappear from the life of their children after a divorce from their wives. Why is this happening and whose fault is it? Let's try to understand with an example candid stories"former fathers".

- Almost the same thing happened to me as with the pilot Nenarokov in the Soviet film "Crew",- begins his story 46-year-old Artur, the father of an adult daughter Nastya, whom he last saw more than 10 years ago. Despite the fact that in his narrative there are obvious inconsistencies with the behavior of the hero Anatoly Vasiliev, who embodied on the screen the image of a loving, gentle, caring father and separated from his son by the will of his absurd wife, Arthur is sure that he was also unlucky with his Alevtina. - We got married very early, as soon as we turned 18. Love and other nonsense, including an unplanned pregnancy. Parents on both sides were against this marriage, but we wanted to prove to the whole world ... I don’t even know what exactly. They proved: they played a wedding, gave birth to a child. And love evaporated. nit-picking, scandals. Each of us has already realized that he hastened with family life, and if not for Nastya, we would have quietly and peacefully dispersed, retaining memories of a bright first love. But leaving a child is much more difficult than leaving a wife. And not because I had some kind of strong affection for the girl, I won’t lie: the paternal instinct was silent, even when I rocked her in my arms during sleepless nights, fed her from a bottle, walked with a stroller in the park. Moreover, I saw in this tiny creature the main reason that life has turned into some kind of boring everyday life.

I studied part-time and worked at two jobs to support my family, and my peers got high from a carefree youth: parties, dating in Internet chats, blind dates ... Their lives were in full swing while my wife and I bought diapers. But still, I felt some responsibility for Nastya. And, in general, he treated her well. The problem is that my parents, mother-in-law and father-in-law, actively intervened in our lives, unexpectedly uniting in an attempt to save the marriage of children, which was bursting at the seams. We were constantly lectured that a child should not grow up fatherless, that we should have thought before, and now it’s too late to drink Borjomi ... Now, in my fifties, I understand: such conversations only inflamed my wife and I, drove me into a terrible depression. Imagine: we are 20 years old, and all relatives believe that now we should live only for the sake of the baby.

Somehow it lasted another four years. With mutual reproaches, quarrels, assault in the heat of scandals. And then the former fell in love on the side. A wealthy man, a foreigner, he had some kind of business in Minsk, but he planned to live in his homeland. He called my wife there too. That's when it all started. The missus put before the fact: I will get a divorce, I will sue your child and I will go to live abroad. I hesitated. Rather out of harm: why should I give my women to another peasant? Courts began, the process of dividing property began - an apartment that our parents built together. Nastya was then 7 years old, she went to school, and the prospect of leaving forever to another country to some uncle who would become her "second dad" did not appeal to the girl. But the wife, who had already become the former by that time, achieved her goal: according to the court, the child was left with her, I could only see my daughter on weekends, but soon I lost that too - Nastya was taken thousands of kilometers away from Belarus. Moreover, the happy ex-wife generously refused child support: she said that the girl does not need a father like me, she will have everything thanks to her stepfather, so let her consider him her real dad from now on. That is, I was simply deleted from Nastya's life.

Since then, I have seen my daughter only twice. The first time - when she and her mother came to visit her grandparents eight months after emigration, the second - when she was already 16. At first she wrote me letters by e-mail, in which she first called me dad, then - uncle. And soon she stopped writing altogether. I'm sure it wasn't without pressure from her mother. However, I will not lie: I also did not seek to renew communication. By that time, my second wife had given birth to a son, and for some reason it was to this child, who was born when I was already under 30, that I feel real love and affection. He replaced my lost daughter, although it is not good to say so.

Now Nastya is 27 years old, she is married and works as a flight attendant. I get all the information about her from my parents, and they - from my parents. ex-wife. That, in fact, is the whole story. I am sorry that this happened, but I do not see any prerequisites for trying to change something in the current situation. I don't feel like I need a daughter. And, to be honest, I don’t really need it either. We have long become strangers.

To become a father in the full sense of the word, you first need to approach the baby, take him in your arms. And then spend as much free time as possible with him. The sooner this happens, the better. And if the father is not allowed to see the child (regardless of the reasons), a vicious circle can arise: as the baby grows, so does the awkwardness of the father, who is alone with him and does not know how to behave, what to talk about. As a result, communication with their heirs attracts such men less and less. A wall of alienation grows between relatives, which every year is more and more difficult to overcome.

Artur’s comrade in misfortune (although such men do not consider the break of all ties with their own child a frank misfortune), 35-year-old Igor, left the family four years ago, leaving his ex-wife and little son an apartment, a car and all the furnishings in the house. He never saw the child again. The question is how much Igor himself wanted this?

- It seemed to me that everything was going well with my wife, as in an exemplary encyclopedia family life: the wedding was played when both were under 30, a year later the long-awaited son was born. I made good money, my family did not need anything. He demanded only one thing: to leave me alone, so that when I came home, I could rest after a hard day's work. At first, everything went like clockwork, and then my wife got bored on maternity leave: before that, she had been a successful manager in a large company, made a career, and despised housewives. Cooking borscht and cleaning the apartment is not for her. Yes, and to care for the baby, she quickly lost interest. I'm on the threshold - she gives me a stroller with a baby: go for a walk, you work only 9 hours a day, and I'm all 24! At night, the child screams, she covers her head with a pillow and pretends to be asleep. Then she said that she would not sit on maternity leave for three years, she needed to hire a nanny, and she would go to work. I was categorically against any nannies: no one can replace a mother for a baby. Scandals began: I was accused of ruining her career, her future.

Once I had to fly away on a business trip for a week, and when I returned, I could not get into our apartment - the locks were replaced. The wife wrote on social networks: they say, she decided to divorce, we don’t need you anymore, mom and dad will help me, go to hell! Like thunder from a clear sky. I answered her: what about our child? She told me: when my son grows up, he will understand me. I spat and left. As was - a suit, a bag.

Then he called her several times, offered help - money or to sit with her son. Each time she answered that they did not need anything from me. They filed a divorce in court, I gave her all the property, but let her not count on alimony. I know that her parents are now raising the child, and she is at work day and night - she wants to become a deputy director of the company. Former father-in-law and mother-in-law are completely under the heel of her daughter, she supports them, and therefore dictates to them with whom to communicate, with whom not. For me, their doors are closed: “Sorry, Igor, nothing personal ...” I don’t understand what I did wrong, why such aggression in my direction? A year ago, I went to live in another city, I follow the life of the former on social networks, I look at the photo of my son. I hope that when he grows up and begins to understand what's what, we will become friends with him.

Why do many divorced women strike out ex-husbands from the lives of children?

- On the one hand, this happens due to ambitions, mutual grievances and claims that have accumulated over the years of family life, which after a divorce acquire even greater scope, and on the other hand, because of the inability to negotiate, - explains psychologist Lyudmila Stepanova . - Often in such situations, relatives are nearby, who can fuel the conflict with “good advice”: “How can you endure all this ?! He/she has done so much for you!” It is a pity that at this moment no one thinks about the child. And an innocent child becomes a bone of contention and a means of manipulation, and sometimes blackmail. In fact, if the former spouses would first of all take into account the interests of their daughter or son, no one would start such a war and would not put the child in front of an impossible choice for him of one of the parents.

In the relationship between fathers and children, there is another important point: if a lot of things have been written about the existence of the maternal instinct, then with the paternity instinct everything is much more complicated. It often happens that after the birth of a child, the newly-made dad does not experience anything special, although society requires him to initial stage manifestations of genuine care, participation and interest in their child. Sometimes the only feelings that accompany a young father in the first months of a baby's life are fear and confusion. And the men themselves do not hide this, honestly talking about the fact that their attachment to the child was formed gradually, week after week. To become a father in the full sense of the word, you first need to approach the baby, take him in your arms. And then spend as much free time as possible with him. The sooner this happens, the better. And if the father is not allowed to see the child (regardless of the reasons), a vicious circle can arise: as the baby grows, so does the awkwardness of the father, who is alone with him and does not know how to behave, what to talk about. As a result, communication with their heirs attracts such men less and less. A wall of alienation grows between relatives, which every year is more and more difficult to overcome.


Staying on good terms with your ex-spouse and not injuring the psyche of a common child is the main task after a divorce.

No matter how the former spouses are offended by each other, no matter how they accuse each other of all mortal sins, the real sufferers in the breakup of the family are children. The child experiences this situation very painfully, and his psychological well-being largely depends on the nature of the relations that have developed between the parents, on their ability to maintain a friendly disposition towards each other. Therefore, it is important to make it clear to the son or daughter: despite the fact that mom and dad no longer live together, they have not ceased to be loved and loving parents, advises Lyudmila Stepanova.

Of course, immediately after the divorce to establish a good relationship it can be very difficult - because of the still fresh reproaches, insults, accusations that provoked or accompanied the divorce process. But if you really want your child to go through this without psychological trauma, you still have to step over your ambitions and resolve differences.

And the first thing to do is to speak frankly with the former soulmate, but not in the vein of "it's all your fault", but try to see the conflict situation from the outside. For example, ask what he or she liked and didn’t like during the marriage, what were the expectations at a certain moment, what did you really think and feel in difficult situations. Try to understand each other. After all former spouse or a spouse was a part of your life and thanks to common children it will already remain so. You can't close your eyes to your past and abandon it. The only way to find harmony with yourself and your past is to accept it, forgive and draw conclusions. Relationships can become good, warm and sincere only when the time comes for forgiveness.

Try to formulate what you want to come to. Only specifically: for example, learn to speak calmly, raise a child, take care of his future, etc. Remember that if love is over and the family has broken up, you still continue to be parents!

The names of the heroes of the publication have been changed.
