Voice input program for computer. Two online speech recognition and text translation services

Hello, dear readers of the site “Note to the Family!” What I will advise you to take note today will be useful not only to any family (especially those with school- and college-age children), but will also be extremely useful to my blogger friends. I recently discovered voice notepad! Have you heard of this one? This is simply fantastic! Imagine, you just speak, and the computer immediately translates everything you said into text and writes it in words on the screen!

Save time when using a voice notepad it is obvious, especially for those who do not type very quickly on a computer. In addition, new opportunities open up: you can speak, for example, Russian, and the voice notepad will immediately translate your speech into English or another language that you specify, that is, it will also work translator!

Speech pad can even punctuate. But for this he needs to speak with the words “period”, “comma”, “question mark”, “new line”, etc. And even a new sentence after a period he will start with a capital letter!

Now you will have the opportunity convert audio to text, and even the sound from the video from youtube, if the speech there is clear enough. But even if the speech is unclear and with interference, there is also a way out: listen with headphones and repeat what you hear. In any case, it will be faster than just typing text by hand.

I can imagine what a help this is to freelancers who make money by translating speech into text!

Watch this short video to see how it works:

Another great feature of the SpeechPad voice notepad is that this way You can enter text by voice in any window where you need to write text.

For example, in the Yandex or Google search bar. To do this, you need to right-click in the search bar and select “SpeechPad” from the drop-down list.

A window will appear at the top asking for permission to use your microphone. Answer “Allow” and say in your voice what you want to find in the search. What you said will be written in the search bar!

Note to bloggers: Likewise, you can dictate comments by visiting other blogs!

The quality of speech-to-text translation depends, firstly, on how clear the speech is, and secondly, on your microphone. By adjusting these parameters, you can get better results.

How to install SpeechPad voice notepad

If you have the Google Chrome browser installed on your computer, then installing the SpeechPad voice notepad for free will not be difficult.

There are also instructions and detailed video tutorials explaining all the functions and capabilities of the notepad. Anyone who is interested will understand all the details.

I am sure that everyone will be able to find a worthy use for this notebook, and it will become a real assistant to those who need it!

What do you think? I look forward to your feedback and comments!

And now, as is tradition, a small portion of positivity for you!

This is incredible! Just look how graceful a crocodile is in a jump!

● Place cards with photos of guests

Banquet seating cards serve as excellent assistants in the correct seating of guests at the festive table at anniversaries, corporate events or weddings. The organizers of the celebration can calmly think in advance where...

Phone captioner for the deaf and hard of hearing

Transform your screen into an amazing phone header. It's fully automatic, without human hearing-typing, your conversations. Do grandparents find it difficult to hear family and friends on the phone? Turn on Speechlogger for them and stop screaming on the phone. Simply connect your phone's audio output to your computer's audio input and launch Speechlogger. It is also useful in face-to-face interactions.

Automatic transcription

Did you record the interview? Save some time rewriting it, with Google's automatic speech-to-text, brought to your browser by Speechlogger. Play your recorded interview into your computer's microphone (or line) and let speechlogger do the transcription. Speechlogger saves the transcribed text along with the date, time and your comments. It also allows you to edit the text. Telephone conversations can be transcribed using the same method. You can also record audio files directly from your computer as described below.

Automatic interpreter and translator

Meeting with foreign guests? Bring a laptop (or two) with a speechlogger and a microphone. Each party will see the other's spoken words translated into their native language in real time. It is also useful on a phone call in a foreign language to ensure that you fully understand the other party. Connect your phone's audio output to your computer's line input and start Speechlogger.

Learn foreign languages ​​and improve your pronunciation skills

Speechlogger is an excellent tool for learning languages ​​and can be used in several ways by u200b u200Bin. You can use it to find out lexicon by speaking your native language and giving software translate it. You can learn and practice correct pronunciation by speaking a foreign language and seeing whether Speechlogger understands or not. If the text is transcribed in black font it means that you pronounced it well.

Generating subtitles for films

Speechlogger can automatically record movies or other audio files. Then take the file and automatically translate it into any language to produce international subtitles.

Dictate instead of typing

Writing a letter? Documentation? Lists? Summary? Regardless of what you need to type, try dictating it to Speechlogger instead. Speechlogger will automatically save it for you, and allow you to export it to a document.

Fun game :)

Can you imitate a Chinese speaker? French? What about the Russian language? Try imitating a foreign language and see what you just said with Speechlogger. Use Speechlogger simultaneous translation to understand what you just said. Getting amazing results is a lot of fun!

In our modern, eventful world, the speed of working with information is one of the cornerstones of achieving success. Our work performance and productivity, and therefore our immediate material wealth, depend on how quickly we receive, create, and process information. Among the tools that can improve our working capabilities, programs for translating speech into text occupy an important place, allowing us to significantly increase the speed of typing the texts we need. In this material I will tell you what popular programs exist for translating audio voice into text, and what their features are.

Most of the currently existing programs for translating voice into text are paid, placing a number of requirements on the microphone (in the case when the program is intended for a computer). It is highly not recommended to work with a microphone built into a webcam, or located in the body of a standard laptop (the quality of speech recognition from such devices is quite low). In addition, it is quite important to have a quiet environment, without unnecessary noise that can directly affect your speech recognition level.

Moreover, most of these programs are capable of not only transforming speech into text on the computer screen, but also using voice commands to control your computer (launching programs and closing them, receiving and sending Email, opening and closing sites, and so on).

Speech to text program

Let's move on to a direct description of programs that can help translate speech into text.

Laitis program

Free Russian-language voice recognition program "Laitis" has good quality speech understanding, and, according to its creators, can almost completely replace the user’s usual keyboard. The program also works well with voice commands, allowing you to perform many actions to control your computer.

For its operation, the program requires high-speed Internet on the PC (the program uses network voice recognition services from Google and Yandex). The program’s capabilities also allow you to control your browser using voice commands, which requires installing a special extension from “Laitis” (Chrome, Mozilla, Opera) on your web navigator.

"Dragon Professional" - transcribing audio recordings into text

At the time of writing this material, a digital English-language product « Dragon Professional Individual" is one of the world leaders in the quality of recognized texts. The program understands seven languages ​​(so far it only works with Russian mobile app"Dragon Anywhere" on and ), has high quality voice recognition, can perform a number of voice commands. Moreover, this product is exclusively paid (the price for the main program is 300 US dollars, and for the “home” version of the Dragon Home product the buyer will have to pay 75 US dollars).

To operate, this product from Nuance Communications requires the creation of your own profile, which is designed to adapt the program’s capabilities to the specifics of your voice. In addition to directly dictating text, you can train the program to perform a number of commands, thereby making your interaction with the computer even more congruent and convenient.

"RealSpeaker" - ultra-accurate speech recognizer

The program for transforming voice into text “RealSpeaker”, in addition to the standard functions for programs of this kind, allows you to use the capabilities of your PC’s webcam. Now the program not only reads the audio component of the sound, but also records the movement of the corners of the speaker’s lips, thereby more correctly recognizing the words he pronounces.

"RealSpeaker" reads not only the audio, but also the visual component of the speech process

The application supports more than ten languages ​​(including Russian), allows speech recognition taking into account accents and dialects, allows you to transcribe audio and video, gives access to the cloud and much more. The program is shareware, but for the paid version you will have to pay real money.

“Voco” - the program will quickly translate your voice into a text document

Another voice-to-text converter is the paid digital product “Voco”, the price of the “home” version of which is now about 1,700 rubles. More advanced and expensive versions of this program - “Voco.Professional” and “Voco.Enterprise” have a number of additional features, one of which is speech recognition from the user’s audio recordings.

Among the features of Voco, I would like to note the ability to expand the program’s vocabulary (currently the program’s vocabulary includes more than 85 thousand words), as well as its autonomous operation from the network, allowing you not to depend on your Internet connection.

Among the advantages of Voco is the high learning curve of the program.

The application is turned on quite simply - just press the “Ctrl” key twice. The application is absolutely free, supports several dozen languages, including Russian.


Above I have listed programs for translating your audio voice recording into text, described their general functionality and characteristics. Most of these products are usually paid, and the range and quality of Russian-language programs is qualitatively inferior to their English-language counterparts. When working with such applications, I recommend paying special attention to your microphone and its settings - this has important in the process of speech recognition, because a bad microphone can negate even the highest quality software of the type I reviewed.

So, today we have to figure out what voice text input is. To be honest, many users of various gadgets are interested in this function. It is very comfortable. Especially if you don't have time to type or you're in an awkward position. In this case, you will have to somehow get out. And your voice will help you with this. Let's figure out how to implement voice text input.

What is this opportunity?

First we have to understand what we will be dealing with. After all, this is very important. You can struggle with the settings for a long time, and then realize that this feature turned out to be absolutely useless. Luckily, voice input isn't so bad.

The main problem here is really the setup on different gadgets. Particularly on a computer. What does voice text input do? Instead of typing your messages, you will be able to speak them out. The program will record everything for you. All that remains is to publish the post. As you can see, this is quite a convenient feature. And it can be implemented not only on computers.

Where is it found?

Where else is there voice input? To be honest, it is present in all modern gadgets. Some buyers don’t even suspect that, for example, their smartphone has voice dialing. And therefore, you will have to accurately compile a list of gadgets that now have text input using voice:

  • computers;
  • voice input of text “Android” (that is, on smartphones with this system);
  • telephones;
  • tablets;
  • e-books;
  • Apple products.

The main thing is to inquire before purchasing whether this function is available. In some modern models it is still missing. True, this situation can be corrected very quickly and easily. Special applications will help here. But more about them a little later. For now, let's try to understand how you can enter text by voice on different gadgets. Let's start with, perhaps, the simplest scenarios.


Any modern tablet has special built-in applications for entering tests by voice. They can be called whatever you like. But the most common option is Speech.

How to type text by voice? Just launch the application and then click on "Start". Now just start speaking into the place where the microphone is located. That's all the problems are solved. To be honest, this method acts solely as a notepad. But to write messages, you can download a special “gizmo” - this is a program for voice text input. For example, Voice SMS. With it, you can not only quickly and easily print messages, but also send them.

As you can see, there are no problems. Also, the browsers of any tablet have built-in functions for typing by voice. This is very useful, especially when searching for certain data. You don’t need to type a request for a long time - the machine will do everything for you.


Phones also have text. “Android” is a born leader in this. The thing is that on smartphones with this operating system There are already several built-in programs. True, they do not differ in their original names. As a rule, for ease of search and use, they are simply called “Voice Dialing”.

In general, by default, any smartphone user can configure typing, as well as performing certain functions using their voice. All settings are available in a special menu. As a rule, under the “Voice typing” branch. After saving all the information, you can restart your smartphone, and then try just speaking a text into the microphone. It will either be typed in a notepad (in “Notes”), or it will launch one or another function on the mobile phone. Very convenient, simple and easy. There is no need to think about which program to use in order to enter text by voice on your smartphone.


All Apple products were originally equipped with the mentioned program. It helped users type text without using fingers or a keyboard. But voice input of text on the iPad is a very difficult process. Why? All because of the difficulties of settings.

Initially, you will have to visit this item on your phone. Now go to the "Basic" tab. There, find “Keyboards”, and then check the box next to “Enable dictation”. All that remains is to save the changes. It would be better to restart your iPad or Apple smartphone and then try out the setting in action. To do this, open your browser or messages, and then start speaking text. The system should start printing in correct spelling. Very good and useful trick. The function on the iPad is turned off in the same way as it was turned on.


Not so long ago, voice input of text appeared on computers. Windows 7 is perhaps the originator of this feature. And here users face huge problems. It seems that there is the ability to type by voice, but it is initially disabled. That is, no matter how hard you try, you still won’t be able to speak expressions and then see them on the computer. You will have to set up voice text input. Windows 7 allows you to activate several very good apps. But modern users don’t like to struggle with them. For this reason, you have to look for a universal remedy. And it exists - it's called Speechpad.

This is the brainchild of Google, which has pleased many users. Now voice input on a computer has become available to everyone. And this takes into account the fact that you don’t have to spend a lot of time setting up. Just search for this application on the Internet (it is free and publicly available), and then download it to your computer. Next you need to install the program. This process will not take you much time.

When the installation is complete, all you need to do is launch the application. A window will open in front of you, in which a text input field will be displayed. You speak into the microphone, and the program prints the words you said. And with all this, she follows the rules of punctuation and spelling. Speechpad is a great assistant for writers, as well as copywriters and rewriters. True, this is not the only way to implement voice text input on a computer. There is another simple approach. But it is only suitable for browsers.

Data Search

It is very convenient when searching for data on the Internet using voice typing. This function is already built into many search engines. But most often it is found on Google.

What you need? Go to home page search engine, and then click on the microphone image on the right side of the search bar. Now you can speak the text that is worth searching. That's all the problems are solved. As you can see, nothing difficult or supernatural. But not many users like this function - after all, when speaking a foreign language, you will have to set up voice dialing. Thus, it is better to use the program in one language. This will save you from unnecessary problems during the work process.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. And programs for each gadget too. Everyone has the right to decide which applications to use. But you really should pay attention to the built-in features as well as the Speechpad.

Anyone who frequently uses a computer is familiar with the problem of typing long text messages. Students, bloggers, journalists and other writing fraternities especially often have to type texts. To write one full-fledged article requires five to six hours of hard work, and for highly professional texts this time increases significantly. For those who do not like to type a lot of letters on the keyboard, special programs, allowing you to convert audio messages into text files. Similar capabilities can be found in special applications developed for various devices. “Voice notepad” is a common name for programs that turn sounds into letters and can significantly reduce the time spent working on text. Its use will greatly facilitate the author’s work: most of the work will be reduced to searching and processing material for the future text, and not to typing it. Let's get acquainted with the capabilities of the program for recognizing voice messages and test it for adequacy and usefulness.

Getting to know the voice notepad

So, how can an audio notebook help us? The developers claim that it can perform functions such as:

  • creating voice notes;
  • saving audio messages locally on your device or on the Google cloud;
  • support for a list of replaced words;
  • placement of punctuation marks.

The user can use various tools to expand the functionality of the notepad. For example, you can configure the input of capital letters, simplify text recognition, roll back input using a special command, and much more. The general idea is not only to use the audio notebook, but also to customize it for own style speech. In this case, final text editing will be kept to a minimum.

Before installation

Voice Notepad is a free online service that is available for free from the Google Store. This application is a Chrome extension, so it will only work in this browser. Before installing, your own Google Chrome needs to be updated: the speechpad extension only works in latest versions of this browser.

It is also very advisable to have your own Google account. It’s very easy to set up; all you need is a valid mailbox. The best option is gmail, which is also developed by Google. But if you are absolutely not determined to have a mailbox with the extension, you can use another one. When everything is ready, you can start downloading the program.

Installing a voice notepad

The found page will look like this:

After installation (a couple of seconds), the following icon appears in the Google options menu:

This funny emoticon with an open mouth is our program. After clicking it, an information page opens describing the capabilities of the voice notepad:

At the bottom of this page there is a field for working with a notepad.

To start working with voice notepad, you should check your own microphone and press this button:

Field 1 will broadcast an online recording of your voice message. After the recording is completed, the text will be transferred to field 2, where it can be edited using standard Word tools.

Beginning of work

So let's get started. Click “Enable recording”. When the microphone is working properly, it lights up orange:

After disabling the recording, the text appears in the lower field and will look like this:

Commas and periods should be pronounced; the program algorithm recognizes them “by sound” and places them where the author needs them. Our message received its punctuation mark after the word “period” was said.

If you look closely, you can see that the phrase is misspelled: this is how the algorithm recognized the speech message. You can fix the error own funds notepad or after transferring the text to an Office Word sheet.

As you can see, the notepad conveys the speech message quite correctly. To work well with the program, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Take your time and try to pronounce each word slowly and clearly.
  2. If the text is frozen in the first field, do not rush to dictate further. The algorithm will go wrong, and the proposal will need to be dictated again. It's better to stop and give the program a chance to catch up with you.
  3. Adjust the microphone so that it does not record extraneous sounds, including your breathing.
  4. To edit the text, it is best to use field 2. This should be done after successfully recording each sentence. You don’t need to turn off the recording, but you shouldn’t pause too long either: prolonged silence can knock out the recording completely. After editing a sentence or paragraph, turn on the recording for further dictation of the text. The second option is to read the text in full and then edit it using Word. Of course, everyone chooses their own working style. Try both and choose yours.

Punctuation marks are a separate medal for developers.

If you pronounce them clearly and measuredly, the program will slowly place periods, commas, colons and exclamation marks at your command.

Voice notepad on a mobile device

In addition to standard use, voice typing can be used in any mobile device. To do this, you need to activate your account in Gul and install the application directly in the Chrome browser. After this, when you start Chrome on your Speechpad mobile device, it will turn on at the first request.

Try this wonderful service yourself and share your impressions in the comments!
