Who invented Lego. History of LEGO

Lavrinenko Anna
Abstract of the conversation "History of the country of Lego"

History of Lego Country

Target: To give children ideas about the origin constructor, its developer. Activate attention. Develop cognitive

interest and communication skills.

Equipment: multimedia board, presentation.

Lesson progress:

Nowadays it is difficult to find an adult or a child who has not heard of LEGO constructor.

Story« Lego» began in 1932 in the factory of carpenter Ole Kirk Christiansen from the small town of Billund in Denmark. The factory was engaged in the production of stepladders, stools, ironing boards and wooden toys.

In 1934, Ole announced a competition for the best name of a children's toy company, which he himself won. As a trademark for his products, he chose the initial letters of the phrase LEg GОdt, which in Danish means “play well. At that time, in addition to wooden cubes with letters and numbers, « Lego» produced wooden tractors, steam locomotives, locomotives, wagons, cars, rocking horses and even toy irons. Most of the models were designed by son Ole Gottfried, who worked at the factory from the age of 17, and after the death of his father in 1958, headed the LEGO company.

The LEGO Group began making its first plastic toys in 1947 with collectible models of cars, tractors and locomotives. At the same time, Christiansen received samples of the so-called "self-locking bricks" plastic

In 1947, LEGO purchased equipment for the production of plastic and molds, and two years later produced about 200 types of various plastic and wooden toys, including those "self-locking bricks". Then Christiansen's father and son modified Page's invention by eliminating the side slots and smoothing out the pins protruding from above. Prototype of modern bricks « Lego» was born in 1949 under the name Automatic Binding Bricks. The material used was cellulose acetate plastic. The company began producing sets consisting of them "bricks", flat bases for their fastening and additional details. "Bricks" LEGOs had several round "hats" and a hollow, rectangular base that allowed them to attach to each other, but not as tightly as they did. "bricks".

Constructors, which today are associated with the name LEGO, appeared in 1954-1958 and became one of the most popular children's entertainment in Europe in the late 50s. The use of plastic as a material for making toys was frowned upon by both sellers and buyers at the time.

LEGO bricks continued their triumphal procession around the world. bricks Lego still hold their shape and color, and also firmly adhere to "bricks" made today. All details designers LEGOs are made to a certain standard.

In June 1968, the LEGOLAND park was opened in Billund, built on an area of ​​59 hectares, and from the following year the company began to produce special products for it - cars, trucks, police cars. Gear wheels of different colors and sizes appear in LEGO sets. First in the world « Legoland» was built in 1968, at home LEGO constructor, in Denmark, in the heart of the Jutland peninsula, in a small town called Billund. Today it is the largest Legoland in the world, consisting of a total of over 46 million LEGO bricks of various sizes. The area of ​​the park is approximately 100,000 square meters.

Danish park area Legoland divided into thematic blocks, each of which is intended for children of a certain age.

Thematic zones: Miniland, DUPLO Land, Imagination Zone, LEGOREDO Town, Pirate Land, Knight's Kingdom, Adventure Land, LEGO City.


"Miniland" is the heart Legoland, it was from this block that the construction of the park began and, of course, it took the largest number LEGO bricks (about 20 million). This park area is a world in miniature and is designed not only for children, but also for their parents. Miniland is a concentration of the most famous corners of the world, realistically built from Lego constructor in miniature size. Here you can see the Statue of Liberty made of LEGO, the famous Big Ben, a huge number of famous streets, squares, monuments of culture and art, an airport, a railway station and a port.

Duplo World

Duploland - zone Legoland, equipped with a special soft coating that protects babies from falling, and therefore intended for the smallest visitors. This part The park is famous for the SEAT Traffic School, a driving school for children built here. In it, children can be taught the rules traffic, and after passing an almost real driving test, get a child's driver's license.

Imagination world

Imagination Zone is a park area designed for older children as it houses the LEGO MINDSTORMS Center, a center where children can create their own toys from lego. There is also a modern 4D cinema equipped with modern audio and video equipment, which attracts many adults.

City Legoredo

City Legoredo - park area, which is a corner of the Wild West and full of rides and all kinds of entertainment corresponding to this theme. The thematic block is designed for families.

Land of the Pirates

Land of Pirates - thematic block Legoland calling for travel. Here, children are waiting for battles with pirates on swords, mysterious caves and, of course, exciting treasure hunts.

Kingdom of knights

The kingdom of knights is the world of knights and princesses, represented by a huge castle of the Middle Ages, built from lego. In it, kids are waiting for all sorts of adventures, rides and even a meeting with a flying dragon.

Adventure World

This part Legoland designed for older children and intended for thrill-seekers. There are a huge number of breathtaking rides here.: from fun water rides to roller coasters and cable cars.

"LEGO City" is a park area « Legoland» representing a real city. It even has its own fire station and manufacturing factory made from LEGO.

In 1973, the LEGO logo appears, which exists to the present day - a white inscription in a red square.

In 1975, designers constructor came to mind original idea- complete the sets with miniature figurines of men. At first, they had no faces and were an armless torso, to which a wide set of plastic hairstyles and headdresses went. Classic figures of men with faces appeared in 1978. Today there are almost 4,000 different figurines of men, animals and fantastic creatures.

In 2000, the British Toy Sellers Association named the LEGO brick the most significant toy of the 20th century. The main production facilities of the company are located in Denmark, the Czech Republic and Mexico. The main plant in Billund, with rows of automatic machines in workshops up to half a kilometer long, churns out about 21 billion cubes a year, and the daily consumption of plastic is 60 tons.

The history of the Lego constructor begins a little more than half a century ago. Then Ole Kirk Christiansen, like many other carpenters, was building houses and making custom-made furniture in his Danish town of Billund.

In the era of the global economic crisis, when many countries were covered by the Great Depression, people, wanting to please their children with something, were ready to buy toys for them. Ole Kirk decided to switch to their manufacture.

In his workshop, called Lego (in Danish, leg godt - “play well”), he and his son began to make wooden toys (tractors, trucks, cars). But toys made of wood quickly lost their presentation, and besides, they were heavy.

Later, Lego decides to switch to plastic, not even suspecting that this is already a step towards success. Olya manages to take the next step thanks to the help of Briton Hillary Fisher Page. This becomes a decisive stage in the history of the creation of the Lego constructor. As an inventor, Page was also the owner of Kiddicraft. He became interested in making toys when he was a child. At the very beginning of the 1940s, he began to produce plastic "building bricks", which had grooves and protrusions for connection. The inventor believed that only by understanding the psychology of the child, one can create good toys. Therefore, he spent hours on the playgrounds, playing with their little visitors. He was interested in seeing how they use certain items.

The Christiansens in 1947 place an order for a molding machine in England. Suppliers send them samples of products, among which there are several "bricks" of Page. Ole was immediately fascinated by the idea of ​​universal modules. Finalizing the design of the British, he refuses rounded edges, making them straight. He converts the dimensions of the modules to the metric system.

Lego's first "self-fastening bricks" were seen by the public in 1949. However, buyers did not react to the new toy in any way. In the mid-50s of the 20th century, Christiainsen's son expressed a brilliant idea: "Taking as a basis one single designer, you can give children the opportunity to assemble any kind of toys from it."

The ability to construct any objects from multi-colored "bricks" was appreciated by both children and teachers. Thus, Lego products became very popular. It is known about the existence of entire amusement parks that are created using Lego modules. The area of ​​the most famous Legoland (Billund) is 100,000 square meters. It took 8 million modules to build.

In September 1996, at the 7th World Family Business Networking Congress held in Lausanne, Switzerland, the Swiss International Institute for Management and Transformation awarded Keld Kirk Christiansen and the LEGO Group with an Order of Commitment to Family Business, recognizing the company's outstanding achievements over the years. Over the years, Lego has grown into one of the largest and most respected children's toy companies in the world.

Today, the Lego group consists of 41 companies on all six continents. Lego products are sold in more than 60,000 stores and in more than 130 countries.

From 200 to 300 million children and adults have played and are playing with Lego bricks.

And it all started very simply ...

In 1932, the Dane Ole Kirk Christiansen, having saved some money, decided to start his own business, simple and reliable - the production of stepladders and ironing boards. In order not to throw money at first, in the carpentry shed, which was located behind the carpentry shop, he found a job for each of the family members. Worked especially hard younger son Gottfried Kirk Christiansen. 12-year-old Gottfried diligently helped clean the workshop twice a day. The father once noticed that the son does not throw away the cutting boards, which look like cubes, but puts them in a separate box.

Gottfried, why do you need this rubbish? - It's not trash, dad. I paint the trimmings and swap them with the guys. They think they are cubes. Look what penknife I got for 12 blue and 12 red dice.

How much have you managed to change already?

All! Only our carpenter cuts the board so neatly that there is almost no waste left.

They say the best thing about rules is exceptions. If the waste in the production of a product is in greater demand than the product itself, then only the lazy will not think about what benefits can be derived from this. Ole Christiansen was not lazy. He began to cut cubes. Here trade revived. Cubes, unlike ironing boards, tend to get lost, so they were bought more often. The old business was done away with: life itself required a new one to be started.

The new business required ingenuity. And Christiansen invented "sets": the cubes were sold in a set by color. To explain to buyers that this is a novelty, the name could. It itself asked for packaging - "A fascinating game." In Danish it sounded "Leg Godt". But not every child could pronounce this combination, Christiansen decided and removed some consonants. The rest is Lego. Later it turned out that "lego" in Latin means nothing more than "I study", "I fold" ... As it turns out, Christensen made an incredibly accurate prediction. The founder of the famous "design bureau" formulated and main idea companies: to make such toys that would help the child learn with pleasure and embody his wildest fantasies in an intricate game.

But it was too early to stop there. In 1934, Ole Kirk Christiansen borrowed three thousand Danish kroner (about $500) from numerous relatives and registered the company. At that time, the company employed 7 people. A few years later, a slogan invented by Ole appeared on the wall of the workshop: "Only the best is worthy." By 1936, the price list included 42 models. The most expensive of these was a cargo van, which cost DKK 36. To Olya's surprise, they dispersed before the paint had time to dry.

For 10 years, the LEGO factory has been developing and covers an area of ​​180 square meters with two floors and an attic of 40 square meters.

At the same time, Ole Christiansen develops original marketing strategy. The idea was extremely simple. Each child could play in the store with any toy they liked for as long as they liked. Not every parent will decide to take away the toy they like from the offspring. While the visitors' children were playing, Ole entertained their parents with conversations. But he did it more out of talkativeness than out of calculation. Parents nodded sympathetically and ... bought another horse. It was in this way that the process of trade in goods went very briskly, and besides, Ole Christiansen's homemade products were then inexpensive.

The family business flourished. All four of Ole's sons were already making rocking horses, ducks on wheels, and were not going to stop there. In the end, the carpenter's shop felt like Gulliver, towering over the competitors swarming below. But not for long, because in March 1942, fate dealt a serious blow. The house, the carpentry shop and the LEg GOdt store were reduced to ashes. A toy warehouse with products for 270 stores burned to the ground. The arsonists were German bombers. Only a year later, the insurance company paid Olya about fifty thousand crowns. They could try to restore the case. And soon the wooden ducks and horses were ready to roll off the assembly line...

In 1944 the company became a family company and became known as "Billund LEGO Toy Factory Limited". The eldest son, Gottfred, had great respect for his father, but believed that in order to stay on the market for a long time, a scientific approach was needed, even when it comes to things like toys. First of all, Gottfred made a distinction between children who play with toys and parents who buy them.

Gottfred classified children's games as follows.

    Up to two years, kids, in principle, do not care what to play. If only the toys squealed louder, rang, were brightly colored and, of course, safe.

    Older children are already beginning to realize themselves and their gender. And they are fascinated by the so-called role-playing games (boys have their own and girls have their own), copying events from real life. At the same time, real circumstances and objects are replaced by toys.

Gottfred's concept was good because it promised serious profits to toy companies. After all, reconstructed Child's world, like a real adult, you can constantly replenish with new items and things. Now it only remained to convince adults that role-playing games are most useful for children. But the old wooden cubes were no longer quite suitable for developing this concept. Gottfred wondered what else cubes could be made of. Just as Gottfred Christiansen completed his theoretical research, plastic was invented. The new material was not only safer than wood, but also looked much brighter. It was exactly what was needed.

But go to new material succeeded only in 1947. Under pressure from his son Ole Christiansen, he bought the first machine for the production of plastic cubes in the UK, as well as a patent for their production. Exactly then LEGO was the first company in Denmark to purchase a plastic molding machine to make toys. It was extremely timely. A few months later, Lego filled the shelves of all toy stores with plastic dolls and rattles, which sold great.

But the plastic cubes went badly. They were too light, and the dollhouses built from them inevitably crumbled with any careless movement. However, it was the cubes that seemed to Gottfred to be the most universal game material. Only the traditional cubes had to be improved. At the same time, one of the employees suggested making cubes with pins. Using a die-matrix, making such pins was extremely simple. It was already a "matrix-revolution" - the revolutionary solution was that with the help of pins, a structure built of cubes was made rigid, and therefore movable. Now it was possible to build anything from cubes - they turned into bricks. This made it possible to achieve an unlimited number of combinations and create a wide variety of toys from standard elements.

In 1949, the company produced about 200 different plastic and wooden toys, including easy-to-connect LEGO brick building elements. They were sold exclusively in Denmark. The factory covers an area of ​​2300 square meters and employs 50 workers. Meaning has come to the world of LEGO. In game-sets, predetermined forms appeared, characters appeared.

In 1950, on his thirtieth birthday, Gottfried Kirk Christiansen was appointed Junior Director of the LEGO Company. He continues his work on the development of the LEGO Play System: every new development of LEGO toys is based on the idea that children are able to use play to develop and explore the world at every stage of their growth. The result exceeded all the most optimistic expectations. Lego toys began to be called a sensational invention. And Gottfred Christiansen - a man who managed to combine the game and education.

Since 1953, LEGO bricks have been called "LEGO Mursten" ("LEGO bricks"). In the same year, a foundry was founded in Billund. Norway has started making LEGO products, including easy-to-connect LEGO elements, by renting special molds to make plastic toys.

On May 1, 1954, the LEGO name was officially registered in Denmark. The following year, after the LEGO bricks were established in the market, the company released the LEGO Play System, consisting of 28 sets and 8 vehicles, which caused a real sensation. In the same year, plastic toys and the LEGO Play System were exported.

By that time, the LEGO empire continued to improve, new characters appeared not only in play sets, but also in the company's management - the father was replaced by a son. Gottfried Kirk Christiansen was appointed Managing Director, and after Ole Kirk Christiansen's death, his son Gottfried Kirk Christiansen took over LEGO. He honorably continued his father's work. By the early 1960s, there were 50 LEGO sets, 15 vehicles, and a few individual pieces. LEGO designers become familiar to both children and adults. They fully fulfill their purpose - to give joy and encourage creativity, help children develop and explore the world. With building toys, LEGO continued to strive to inspire the child through play, to give them the opportunity to experiment and create their own world where there are no boundaries.

LEGO designers had to answer ten main criteria, which were formulated by Gottfried Kirk Christiansen:

    unlimited possibilities when assembling models,

    creation of constructors for girls and boys,

    the game captivates children of any age and level of development,

    stimulates the activity of the child and completely captures him,

    you can sit behind the designer for hours,

    the designer promotes the development of imagination and creativity,

    with the advent of new models, interest in the game increases,

    The LEGO theme is always relevant,

    constructor is absolutely safe,

    LEGO products are of high quality.

Gottfried Kirk Christiansen divided all invented toys into series. For example, for kids from 0 to 4 years old, an educational series of games with cubes was invented. She helped the baby self-awareness, learn to communicate with other children, develop logical thinking and creative inclinations, and for those who are older, sets were made with role playing, for example, from the life of racers or famous fairy tales. Almost all sets of the designer were combined with each other in such a way that the child was provided with material to create an almost endless fairy tale. Details of almost any constructors could be used in a wide variety of children's fantasies.

However, LEGO considered it premature to stop at this stage of development. In 1968, a new kingdom appears, a fantasy land replete with all sorts of technical fantasies. In the homeland of LEGO, in the Danish town of Billund, appeared LEGOLAND Family Fun Park. In addition to a myriad of attractions for "children from 0 to 99", were collected the most interesting things ever invented by the company's designers. Here you can easily get acquainted with the mass of architectural sights, only in miniature. The Taj Mahal, the Amsterdam embankment, the Acropolis - all this is made from ordinary Legov's cubes, and so skillfully that if you wish, you can conduct art history classes in the town. And nearby are two-meter men made of LEGO bricks, gnomes, flamingos and even a fire-breathing dragon. A bright toy train was running right there, on which visitors to the park enjoyed riding. There was a driving school, where the child drove to his heart's content and solemnly received a driver's license. A little further away was an island of entertainment for the little ones, a lego rodeo and a country of pirates with a huge caravel anchored by the shore of the pond, and a little way off stood a medieval castle with battlements, bridges and flags.

There were so many people who wanted to look at the wonderful park that the Danish outback had toget your own international airport!

Now there are 4 Legoland parks in the world: in Billund (Denmark), in Windsor (UK), in California (USA) and in Gunzburg (Germany). The difference between Legoland Park and Disneyland, first of all, was that they go there not to have fun, but, above all, to study. Disneyland cannot be moved to your home, but Legoland is easy. After all, everything here is made of LEGO bricks.

The LEGO empire expanded like a river in a flood, and spread across the world. Branches arose in Switzerland, across the ocean - in the USA. LEGO has its fans. And even growing up, they did not give up the "game of cubes." Proof of this are the studies of one American company. She set out to find out which toys are most in demand among adults. The action was held under the slogan "We all come from childhood." According to some reports, more than 10 thousand people were interviewed in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Germany and Australia. The results of a peculiar test shocked its organizers. As it turns out, most men and women between the ages of 30 and 50 prefer Lego. It was these designers who took first place in the ranking.

In 1977, Keld Kirk Christiansen, grandson of Ole Kirk Christiansen, and third generation owner of the LEGO Group, joins the leadership of the Lego empire. A couple of years later he was named President of INTERLEGO A/S (renamed LEGO A/S in January 1987).

In the period until the end of the 20th century, LEGO was at the height of its glory, as evidenced by the following facts:

    the star discovered in the constellation Ursa Minor was named LEGO;

    in Italy, they staged an opera from the life of the LEGO company, starting in 1932.

    The American Fortune magazine called the LEGO brick "the product of the century" because it changed people's lives in the 20th century.

"British Toy Dealers Association" awarded Lego the title "Toys of the Century" The award was presented on January 30, 2000.

But technological progress did not stand still and new generations of children began to move from the real world of the game to the virtual one. The place of cubes began to take computer games. A serious threat has emerged for the Lego Empire. But Keld Christiansen did not lose faith in the work started by his grandfather. Therefore, one day he assembled a board of directors, at which he greatly puzzled everyone that it was necessary to look for new forms of play not only for children, but also for the company itself. Realizing this, LEGO began to change its strategy, went to an alliance with new technologies, but only so that they would help the cubes “get smarter”. And after a while, it was already possible to assemble mini-robots from LEGO bricks, which were controlled from a distance. At the same time, thanks to the built-in video systems, the robots learned to “see”, and for moviegoers of any age, Danish entertainers, together with Steven Spielberg, invented the LEGO Studio to shoot real movies.

By the end of 1998, LEGO Media International had released three computer games - LEGO Creator, LEGO Chess and LEGO Loco. The era of high technology made it possible to attach toys to a personal computer. Even "smart" cubes were created: elements with a computer built into them and batteries (the "LEGO Mindstorms" series). Now novice designers have something to be proud of: toy aircraft roar like real planes, and cars are driven by a radio transmitter.

LEGO Star Wars sets have become the best-selling item in Europe. The LEGO Company underwent a personnel restructuring that simplified the organization system and recruited new employees from different countries which are supposed to be involved in the projects of the 21st millennium.

So LEGO does not leave the battlefield yet, its designers are ready to fight not in virtual, but in real dimensions.

So what made LEGO a mega brand?

First, His Majesty The case in which creativity and interest to the simplest things played a major role.

Secondly, mutual support all family members who share the idea and concept of LEGO.

Third, confidence in success and unconditional optimism of its creators.

And further - attention to people, knowledge of the world of children and the psychology of consumers, subtle consideration of the current and future interests of buyers. The founders of the company focused on socialization, trying to facilitate the process of introducing the child to adult life.

But there was another secret. The LEGO company has contributed to the eternal search for the meaning of life. The LEGO philosophy was reflected in a slogan that could not help but touch the mind and soul of any person trying to survive in this complex world: "We want to awaken the child in each of you." The philosophy is both simple and wise at the same time: a person must always remain a child. Only in this way can he learn, succeed, learn new things, change the world.

Groups lego starts in 1932. However, the LEGO brick as we know it today did not exist until 1958. This year's simple, durable and colorful LEGO brick design is perfect for a child's toy. The plastic bricks are part of an interlocking system that has just the right amount of fasteners: the bricks stick together well but can be easily pulled apart by a child. And the consistency of bricks from different sets was a key feature of the toy. Bricks made today can be matched with those made as far back as 1958.
The rise in popularity of LEGO bricks can be attributed to how much a child uses their imagination to create something with LEGO bricks. Bricks are so versatile that the LEGO Group has calculated that just six bricks with eight studs can be arranged in 915,103,765 different combinations.


Today, LEGO bricks are produced primarily in a factory at the company's headquarters in Denmark. The bricks are so meticulously crafted that the company claims that for every 1 million pieces, only 18 will be declared defective and removed from the set. Impressive numbers, given that the LEGO Group produces 15 billion components a year, that's 1.7 million pieces per hour, or 28,500 per minute. Part of that number comes from rubber tyres, the plant also produces 306 million tiny rubber tires a year. In fact, based on this number, LEGO is the #1 tire manufacturer in the world.

After the original bricks were conceived, Christiansen's son and heir to the LEGO group, Godtfred Kirk Christiansen, developed the LEGO DUPLO in the late 1960s for children. younger age who had trouble using the original tiny LEGO bricks. DUPLO bricks are larger in height and width than classic bricks and are easier for small hands to handle.
History of Lego
The next chapter in the history of the LEGO group was the creation of the LEGO figure in 1974. The little yellow figures add another dimension to play, allowing kids to role-play and create personalities for their LEGO characters. To date, 4 billion LEGO figures have been released, equipped with countless masks, from basketball players to characters " star wars and pirates.

History of Lego
LEGO sets may seem too low-tech for today's kids, but the LEGO Group continues to keep its brand in the spotlight by following major play trends. In 2004, the company launched, where anyone can download LEGO Digital Designer and build their own LEGO model. After that, you can either save it to the gallery or buy the items you want and send it to your home to build it in real life.

LEGO also has a licensing deal with publisher LucasArts to create video games that have become extremely popular. The latest LEGO video game Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy was the top selling game. Developed on eight different gaming platforms, the game sold $1.1 million in its first week of release and continues to be a bestseller. During the holiday season, LEGO also launched the high-tech LEGO Mindstorms NXT for kids over 10, allowing them to build their own motorized robots.

History of Lego
Whatever the future of LEGO, colorful bricks will always be hallmark companies.

The LEGO brand is today the most famous in the world of toys. Even more famous than the Barbie doll. But few people know that the Danish company began its history as an ordinary manufacturer of wooden products. And the first LEGO toys were completely made of wood.

How did the word LEGO come about?

The father of today's world-famous LEGO toys is a Danish carpenter, Ol Kirk Christiansen, who opened his small carpentry business back in 1932. Then the main production in his workshop was the manufacture of stairs and ironing boards.

In the same year, master Christiansen decided to additionally produce wooden toys for children.

The goods of Christiansen's shop began to be in incredible demand, his business began to grow slowly but surely. Two years later, Mr. Christiansen came up with a great name for his wooden toys. From the expression "fun game" - in Christiansen's native language "leg godt" means just that - he formed a short and sonorous word lego.

How LEGO gained popularity

For 15 years, Christiansen's business flourished and developed, and wooden LEGO toys delighted the children of Denmark. But evolution and technological progress do not stand still, and there is a need to modernize the production of toys. So, in 1947, LEGO toys appeared in plastic versions.

And two years later, in 1949, the first prototype of LEGO plastic bricks appeared. At that time, these bricks were called Automatic Binding Bricks. Since then toys lego began to gain popularity not only in Denmark. By the end of the 1950s lego became the most popular entertainment for European children.

From then to the present day toys lego are constantly being modified, the design is being finalized, the components are being improved. And what is remarkable: since the appearance of the very first LEGO brick (in 1949), all LEGO elements are still compatible. So, if you take LEGO toys released in 1960 and 2011, the parts from the sets lego for toddlers and parts from LEGO sets for teenagers, then you can build something complete from all this.

The LEGO Company Today

The LEGO company has long been located in the city of Bellund (Denmark). The area occupied by production and office space reaches 210 thousand sq.m! The company employs more than 8,000 people, most of them work in LEGO's homeland, Denmark. In addition, LEGO offices are located in all parts of our planet, incl. USA, Switzerland, Brazil, South Korea.

The direct production of LEGO pears is geographically located in several places: in Denmark, in the Czech Republic, in Switzerland, in China, in Austria and in Hungary.

Buy toys lego today it is possible in 130 countries of the world. Over 300 million children worldwide the globe playing with LEGO. And LEGO production reaches 20 billion parts a year!

A few facts about the Lego company:

  • Children's railway 545 meters long, made of Lego bricks, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
  • The company's staff consists of 8 thousand workers in 37 representative offices. Half of them work in Denmark, the rest in other countries.
  • Two 8 pin dice can be combined in 24 ways. Three dice - in 1064 ways.
  • Lego bricks are sold in 130 countries around the world.
  • Approximately 30 million people play them.
  • Approximately 600 Lego bricks are produced every second.
  • The range is updated annually by 35-50%.

When palaces, orbital stations grow out of small details, and the rooms are filled with pirates, princesses, billionaires and thieves, both children and adults, whose hands it was created, are filled with happiness. Fantasy has no limits when the possibilities are limitless - this could be the motto of the company.

The information was prepared by Dmitrienko Tatyana Vladimirovna,

senior educator MBDOU CRR DS No. 425.
