Exit to the main road. left turn

You can simply, once and for all, remember the correct spelling of the word “rides” or “rides”, it’s worth looking at one simple rule, let’s figure it out together.

Spelled correctly

The verb “ride” according to the rules of verb conjugation in Russian written with the ending “it”.

What's the rule

"Rides"– personal verb of the 3rd person, singular. Verbs in this form, belonging to the second conjugation, end in “it”. In verbs with unstressed ending You can find out the conjugation by putting the verb in initial form: “to ride.” The ending “it” is a sign of the second conjugation. Exceptions are the verbs “shave” and “lay”, which belong to the first conjugation.

"He goes"– there is no such verb form in the Russian language. The confusion arises from what is intuitively heard as “driving.” There is a colloquial form “to ride”, which formally refers to the first conjugation, the sign of which is in the 3rd person, singular is the ending “et”, but this form is not used in writing.

“Ride” or “ride” how to spell it?

“Rides” is a personal verb in the second person, plural, also written with “and”.

Example sentences:

  • Postman drives on a bicycle.
  • Alexander drives to work in the center.

    leave- (I’ll leave, you’ll leave) susuri... Russian-Nanai dictionary

    Writer, born October 30, 1821 in Moscow, died January 29, 1881, in St. Petersburg. His father, Mikhail Andreevich, married to the daughter of a merchant, Marya Fedorovna Nechaeva, occupied the position of doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor. Busy at the hospital and... ...

    Yakimova A.V. [(1856 1942). The autobiography was written in December 1925 in Moscow.] I was born on June 12 (25), 1856 in the village of Tumyumuchash (a village with a Cheremis population) in the Urzhum district of Vyatka province, where my father was a priest. My father was very good at... Large biographical encyclopedia

    I rush, I rush; owls simple Die. They know me here... when I leave in the spring, they greet me: “What, they say, Uncle Akhramey is still alive, hasn’t he died?” Korolenko, In desert places... Small academic dictionary

    I'm ruining, I'm ruining; sov., trans. Conduct a rehearsal or series of rehearsals. Turgenev rehearsed this story 7-8 times, studied where in what voice, how and what to say, down to the smallest detail. Ch. Uspensky, Letter to N.K. Mikhailovsky, . Vishnevsky... Small academic dictionary

    I grab it, grab it; prib. suffering past seized, chen, a, o; owls 1. decompression Grabbing with teeth, lips, tearing off, eating (about animals). 2. transfer and without additional simple Drink something. hastily, quickly or in large quantities. Come on, kumanek, in front of the seagull... ... Small academic dictionary

    LEAVE, I'll leave, you'll leave, led. No. Sovereign to leave 1. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    I'll grab it, grab it, owl. 1. Sov. to grab in 1 value. (colloquial). Enough who n. by the sleeve. The dog grabbed my leg. 2. (nonsense. grab) what, what and without additional. To reach, to reach, to reach something, to get into something. (colloquially). “The pole of the bank is not enough.”... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with the name Raevsky, Nikolai Nikolaevich (meanings). Nikolai Nikolaevich Raevsky Portrait of N ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with the same surname, see Presnyakov. The Presnyakov brothers are a duo of Russian playwrights and writers. Contents 1 Biographies 2 Plays 3 Filmography ... Wikipedia

In traffic rules, using the terms main and secondary roads, priorities are regulated when motorists move through intersections. To determine which vehicle has the right of way, drivers must clearly understand and differentiate these concepts.

What it is? The approach of the main road symbolizes a special road sign. The road will always be the main one if it has a hard surface, and those crossing it are unpaved. Any roads that serve as exits from residential areas (for example, from a yard) are considered secondary. There can be only one main road; all cars on it have priority right of passage.

Secondary roads are those that intersect or adjoin the main one. By definition, a main road has a beginning and an end; the same road can be first a main road and then a secondary one. But it never ends at the crossroads.

The content of the article:

Driving through uncontrolled intersections on a secondary road

First, the green and yellow cars will pass, after which the blue one will be able to make its maneuver: drive straight, turn left or right, and only after that will you be able to make the maneuver, and your trajectories will not intersect. Secondary road at the intersection to the right Let us now consider another intersection at which the secondary road goes to the right. The corresponding signs will indicate this - see the picture to clearly understand everything.

The secondary road at the intersection goes to the right to the contents Right turn with the secondary one In such a situation, when leaving the secondary road at the intersection with the main road to turn right, you in a white car will need to give way to green and blue cars if their trajectories intersect with yours.

Exit to the main road. left turn

  • a driver moving straight does not give way to anyone;
  • the driver of a tram or trackless vehicle turning right gives way only to pedestrians and cyclists who continue moving straight;
  • a driver turning left gives way to oncoming vehicles (including those making a right turn), as well as to pedestrians continuing to move straight;
  • The driver making a U-turn gives way only to oncoming vehicles.

Driver's actions when switching a traffic light Having entered an intersection on a permissive traffic light (including a flashing green one), the driver must clear the intersection, even if the traffic light has switched to a prohibiting signal, provided that there are no stop lines on his route through the intersection.

Exit to the main road

Before you go in the right direction, you must:

  • when turning right, give way to pedestrians and cyclists who cross the road to your right;
  • when turning left - give way to oncoming vehicles moving straight and to the right (that is, in the same direction you want to turn), as well as to pedestrians crossing the road to your left;
  • when turning - to oncoming vehicles and those approaching the intersection from the left side (in the process of turning, such vehicles will also become oncoming traffic);
  • when driving straight, you can leave the intersection without hindrance if you entered it correctly earlier;
  • turning left of two vehicles moving from opposite directions can be performed simultaneously, provided that both drivers choose non-intersecting trajectories and maintain a safe lateral interval.

Rules for crossing intersections

The road on the left is clear and you are about to take the secondary exit, but at a certain moment the driver of the red car starts to overtake a truck. Since you are still in the secondary lane, the red car has an advantage according to paragraph 13.9 of the traffic rules, and according to article 11.4 it is not prohibited from overtaking on a specific section of the road.

The car went to overtake While going to overtake a truck, the driver of a red car drives into oncoming traffic and then an unsuspecting driver of a white car drives out to meet him.
Of course, this leads to an emergency situation. Even if instead of a broken line there is a solid line on the road, you need to be more careful when entering the main road, because the driver of a red car can violate traffic rules and overtake against the rules.

How to determine the main and secondary roads?

Attention! This sign can most often be seen at uncontrolled intersections. A car driving under such a sign has an advantage over other road users.

  • "The end of the main road." Such a sign is located immediately before the intersection and means that the previously existing advantages are no longer available.
  • “Intersection with a minor road” and “Adjacent to a minor road”.

These related signs are mainly installed outside the populated area. They mean that motorists at the intersection will have priority over vehicles traveling along the road being crossed.

  • "Give way." Unlike the above signs that give priority, it, on the contrary, means that motorists must give way to vehicles moving on the main road.
  • “Driving without stopping is prohibited.”

How to exit onto the main road according to traffic rules?

To ensure that drivers do not cause interference, they are obliged to take all possible measures possible measures to avoid an accident. For example, if there is no priority, you should refuse to resume, start or continue the movement. This rule has several nuances:

  1. If several roads with only asphalt or only dirt surfaces intersect, in the absence of special signs, then the rights are considered equal and no one has an advantage.
  2. If there is a paved section on the dirt road before the intersection with the main one, it still remains a secondary road.
  3. If drivers can determine the order of traffic lights, all roads are equal, even if there were previously identifying signs.

Cars without the right of way are prohibited from entering the intersection if there is a traffic jam and they interfere with the smooth movement of other cars.

Rules for driving through unregulated intersections

Those drivers who drive on the main road, especially in a “solid traffic jam,” should be patient and show complicity, because any of them may find themselves in a similar situation when they need to leave, but no one is letting them through.

Those driving from a secondary road onto the main one, in turn, should be very careful, regardless of which direction the turn is made: right or left. In the previous article Turning right from the third lane, we looked at an accident that occurred due to the fault of a driver who was changing lanes.

There is always a certain risk associated with changing lanes, in general, as in the traffic situation, which we will consider in our next article. Be attentive and mutually polite! Navigation through the series of articlesWill I have time to get through? - You won’t have time! This may be interesting If the field under the title is empty, AdBlock is probably enabled in your browser.

Main road in traffic rules

Roundabout intersections Driving through a roundabout intersection follows the same rules that apply to other intersections.

In the absence of priority signs, the intersection is equivalent, and drivers are guided by the rule of interference on the right. When there are “Give Way” signs, drivers entering an intersection give way to those already driving in the circle.

Driving through controlled intersections At controlled intersections, the traffic order is determined by the signals of the traffic light or traffic controller. If the traffic controller’s signals contradict the traffic light signals and the instructions of the road signs, then you must be guided by the traffic controller’s requirements. If traffic light signals contradict the requirements of road signs 2.1, 2.4 or 2.5, then you must be guided by the traffic light.

The permitting signal from a traffic light or a traffic controller allows you to enter a controlled intersection.

Driving through intersections

Signs indicating a secondary road are also placed in front of an uncontrolled intersection. Before entering the main road, drivers must make sure that they are interfering with the traffic of crossing vehicles. The meaning of the “Main Road” sign means that drivers moving along it have priority over road users arriving from secondary roads.

Info! This sign is often placed at unregulated intersections. Motorists driving along the road on which this sign is installed pass the intersection first. On it you can see a sign that shows drivers where the main road goes.

This is necessary to avoid serious accidents. It is important to know that if there is a traffic light or traffic controller at the intersection, then the effect of the sign is canceled.

Rules for exiting from a secondary road to the main one

What does it mean to “give in”? Do not interfere with the movement of vehicles moving along the main road, i.e. Entering the main road A car leaving a secondary road or from a yard is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along the main road, and from both directions (clauses 13.9 and 8.3 Traffic rules). Drivers driving on the main road have priority in traffic.

Important! Moreover, at uncontrolled intersections they are allowed to overtake. Based on the situations in the videos, it turns out that from the point of view of traffic regulations, these drivers did not violate anything. Leaving the adjacent territory For motorists, there are many controversial issues regarding traffic rules.

Moreover, this applies to both experienced and novice drivers. Even if it seems to you that you have a perfect understanding of traffic rules, changes in the rules can raise many questions.

Total found: 28

Please tell me how to write correctly: cordless drill-driver or cordless drill-driver. Same for: cordless drill/driver and cordless drill/driver. What part of a compound noun determines the gender of the adjective? Does the gender of an adjective change depending on whether it comes before or after a compound noun?

In controversial cases, it is preferable to agree on the gender of the first component of a compound noun, in the case under consideration - in the feminine gender.

Question No. 289735

Please tell me how to write correctly in the dative case: 50,000 Swiss were banned or 50,000 Swiss were banned? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Right: 50,000 Swiss banned. Please note that with this form of writing, the reader may think that the numeral is in the nominative, not the dative case, and 50,000 Swiss is a subject, not an object. Therefore, we recommend rearranging the sentence or writing: 50 thousand Swiss were banned...

Question No. 288275

and they didn’t give two marks for mistakes here, or they didn’t give two marks for mistakes here either

Russian help desk response

Both options are correct.

Question No. 285719

Hello. Tell me, is it correct to use “atraumatic facial cleansing” or “atraumatic facial cleansing”? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Only one of these adjectives is recorded in dictionaries - atraumatic. Use it correctly.

Question No. 285321

How to write correctly? The teacher was not allowed into the yard or the house

Russian help desk response

Both verbs can be used.

Good evening! I would like to clarify what is the correct way to say: RIA Novosti reported or RIA Novosti reported? Thank you in advance

Russian help desk response

Correctly: RIA Novosti reported...(the agency reported). However, now you need this: MIA Rossiya Segodnya reported...

Question No. 267991
Good afternoon. Which is correct: underpaid or underpaid? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

The spelling depends on the meaning, which can only be understood in context.

Question No. 267151
Is the name of the Moscow district Fili inclined? And specifically, what is the correct way to say: to leave Fili or to leave Fili?

Russian help desk response

Name Fili bows (remember: council in Fili). Right: leave Fili.

Question No. 263750
Please tell me, in the context of the following passage, what is the correct spelling “in Portal XYZ” or “on Portal XYZ” (XYZ is an Internet portal):

"If you have already noticed or are just about to notice that serious long-term results are often achieved through regular efforts, then WEB training in XYZ is for you.... You will be able to master modern technology and techniques for working with clients while practicing in your real work, and receive a system of tasks and knowledge in the XYZ portal at a time convenient for you..."

In what cases is it necessary to write “on the site” or “on the portal” and in which cases “on the site” or “in the portal”?

Russian help desk response

More commonly used: on the website, on the portal.

Question No. 262618
Which is correct: the committee together with the department strengthened or strengthened control?

Russian help desk response

Both forms of the predicate are possible.

Question No. 261186
Please tell me how to write correctly in the plural: pro "files or profiles"?

Russian help desk response

Right: profiles.

Tell me, please, which is correct: the parents didn’t live or didn’t live???? Thank you

Russian help desk response

Preferably: no d O lived.
