You walk through the winter forest and do not stop looking. Mark the form of the adjectives in brackets

You walk through the winter forest and do not stop looking. Snowdrifts lie deep and clean under the trees. Tall, motionless, sleeping pines, the bluish shadows of their slender trunks lie on white untouched snowdrifts. Above the forest paths, lacy white arches bent under the weight of frost, the trunks of young birches, heavy caps white snow branches of tall and small firs are covered. Such a white cap will fall from the top of a tall spruce - for a long time light snow dust silvers in the frosty air.

It is quiet in the sleeping winter forest, but a sensitive ear picks up subtle living sounds.

You walk through the winter forest and do not stop looking. Snowdrifts lie deep and clean under the trees. Tall, motionless, sleeping pines, the bluish shadows of their slender trunks lie on white untouched snowdrifts. Above the forest paths, the trunks of young birch trees are bent in lacy white arches under the weight of hoarfrost, branches of tall and small fir trees are covered with heavy caps of white snow. Such a white cap will fall from the top of a tall spruce - for a long time light snow dust silvers in the frosty air. It is quiet in the sleeping winter forest, but a sensitive ear picks up subtle living sounds.

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Detect Language Klingon (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creo English (Haiti) Khmer Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuan Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Choir Watian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Klingon (pIqaD listen)) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer La Ossian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuan Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Cheva Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Source: Target:

Russian forest is good in spring! You used to go out into a quiet winter forest, into the forest on
skiing, you can’t breathe. Deep, clean snowdrifts lie under the trees. Above
forest paths, lacy white arches, bent under the weight of frost
trunks of young birches. Heavy caps of white snow, covered with dark green
branches of tall and small firs.

You go through the winter
quiet forest and do not stop looking. Tall, motionless pines sleep. In bluish shadows
their slender trunks lie on white untouched snowdrifts.

unseen life
full of winter forest. Light traces of squirrels stretch from tree to tree, small
footprints of wood mice and birds.

Only very
an attentive person can observe the life of the winter forest. Need to be able to walk
quiet, listen and stop. Only then will the whole wonderful
the beauty of the sleeping forest.
1. Determine the topic of the text
2.Text style

Put the nouns in the correct form. write down not forgetting to check unstressed endings. determine the case of nouns. help (to whom? in

what?) ___________________ sister, cleaning; rejoice (what?) ___________spring; meet (with whom? in what?) ___________ friends, school;
sit down (in what?) _______ bus; prepare (for what?) _________ lessons; ask (who? About what?) ____ football players, game; to love (whom? for what?) _ dog, fidelity; apply (to whom? for what?) _______ doctor, help; sit (at what? over what?) __________ table, textbook; forget (what? whom?) ___ address, friend; get involved in (what?) ________ music; consult (with whom? about what?) _________ dad, trip.
write it down remembering to check the unstressed endings. determine the case of nouns: congratulate (who? With whom?) _____ mom, holiday;
give (to whom? What?) _______ sister, flowers; buy (what? in what) ______ bread, bakery; answer (to whom? What?) ______ teacher, question; to sail (on what? for what?) _____ motor ship, sea; hear (what? about what?) _____ news, school; hang (what? in what?) _____ dress, closet; put (what? in what?) ______ notebook, briefcase; protect (what? from what?) ______ eyes, sun; drink (what? from what?) _____ kefir, a glass

Winter night in the forest. Frost is tapping on the trunks and branches of the trees. Soft frost flies in flakes. Bright stars lit up in the dark high sky.

Quiet in the winter forest. But even on frosty nights there is a hidden life. Here a frozen branch crunched in the thicket. It was a white hare running under the trees. Here, on smooth snow, a ferret runs after a mouse. Owls fly over the snowdrifts. Like a fabulous sentry, a big-headed gray owlet sat on a bare branch. He sees well in the darkness of the night. How life is hidden from people in the winter forest.

GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: In the first sentence, underline the grammatical basis of the sentence. Disassemble the composition of the words: FROST, HOUR, STARS. Indicate the spelling - the vowel in the unstressed endings of adjectives.

Winter came. All the paths in the forest were covered. The bear goes into hibernation for the whole winter. How beautiful and mysterious this winter forest is. Snow-white, light snowflakes are flying around, spinning around. Wherever you look everywhere white is white, pure snow falls on cold earth. Snowdrifts and blizzards are everywhere. Birds fly south. Winter is a fabulous and magical time of the year, especially in the forest.

Grade 3 Compositions on the theme "Forest in winter"

It's cold around. Hares in the forest changed their coats. Wolf and fox footprints lie on white silvery snow. Bullfinches sit ruffled on the branches of snowy trees. But who is there? So it's winter! She walks like a swan floating on a lake. Winter walks and covers everything around with frost, and snowflakes fall like cotton wool. Winter in the forest is like a mistress, she takes care of the trees that are not covered with snow, decorates the winter forest with snow. What a good winter!

4th grade. Compositions on the theme "Winter in the forest"

I love being in the forest in winter. All the trees are covered with snowy lace, and the tops of the snow-covered Christmas trees are decorated with unusual garlands of cones. In winter, tiny birch trees adorn themselves in the forest in a clearing. How good they are now, how pretty! The blizzard silvered the magnificent hairstyle of slender pines. The winter sleep of the forest is deep, but life is glimmering under the snow, and paths from the tracks of animals are visible in the forest clearings: foxes, white hare, and elk. In winter, in impenetrable forests, bears sleep in their dens. In the prickly branches, spruces build their houses - squirrel nests.

Grade 5 Compositions on the theme "Winter Forest"

- a wonderful time of the year. And especially good in the winter in the forest.

It seems to us that peace and silence reign in the winter forest, but this is only at first glance. When the sun comes up, the whole forest is transformed and sparkles. Many forest inhabitants have gone into hibernation, and those who remain are making great efforts to feed themselves. Here is a cowardly hare, tearing off the bark from a birch, and here is a titmouse flying from tree to tree. Suddenly, snow fell from a huge spruce branch, this is a squirrel jumping with a nut in its teeth. Even the wolf and the fox do not sit still, they roam the forest in search of prey. Bullfinches, like rowan berries. Sit on a branch. In the distance, an elk with huge horns wanders importantly.

And the forest itself is dressed up with fluffy, snow-white snow, sparkling in the rays of the sun. How nice in the winter in the forest!

6th grade. Compositions on the theme "Winter in the forest"

The forest is especially beautiful in winter. This show is like a fairy tale. Huge giant trees stand in white snow coats, fluffy branches are covered with armfuls of snow, in some places animal tracks are visible on the ground. Beautiful winter forest! Most of all I like to walk in the winter forest on skis.

Dress warmly, take skis, poles and go straight to the forest. Light, slightly crunchy snowflakes break underfoot, it seems that you are not walking along a snowy forest road, but sliding on soft fluffy light clouds.

A wonderful winter walk in the forest, but the best, in my opinion, is sledding and skating. An unforgettable feeling when you fly from a mountain on a sled, the wind blows slightly in your face, snowdrifts rush under you, blue-blue clear sky above.

Nature is beautiful in winter: frozen rivers play in the sun like a mirror, snow caps of trees playfully sway in the wind, light snowflakes fall spinning to the ground. I love winter, because this time reminds me of a fairy tale, fun, and I understand that miracles happen and winter - direct to proof.

7th grade. Compositions on the theme "Forest in winter"

When a real winter reigns in the forest, behind a noisy and damp city, its cold beauty is subject even to those who consider this season to be too bothersome and harsh. And indeed, it is in the wooded area that all the charm of winter is revealed in its true meaning, striking the imagination with wonderful and amazing pictures. How majestically beautiful with their proud immobility are tall pines, whose paws bend to the ground under the weight of snow covers. How magical and mysterious the icy bushes and branches of trees seem, framing the dark trunks like a lacy pattern. How contrastingly bright and unexpected the scarlet spot of a mountain ash cluster may suddenly seem on a snow-white sparkling background, how fascinating it is to observe the traces of birds and animals on an untouched canvas of the purest snow. In winter, even the night forest is transformed, losing its gloomy and sometimes frightening face and replacing it with exquisite mystery, blue reflections of moonlight and intricate shadows that, like strange mythical creatures, change their appearance and appear only with the advent of darkness. It is good in the forest in winter, when the weather is calm and frosty, and clean and fresh snow creaks underfoot. It is good when soft flakes fall quietly on the branches of trees and melt sweetly in the palm of your hand. At this hour it is so quiet and blissful that only goodness and peace, pleasure reign in the soul. true beauty and joy of life.

9-11 grade. Compositions on the theme "Winter Forest"

Winter, like a caring mistress, has come to our forests. At the edge of a small mound. A playful wind blew and blew off his white hat. Winter dressed the trees in heavy snow coats, put snow-white hats on their tops, did not even forget about the branches - she put on downy mittens for them. And she gave the mountain ash a white shawl, from under which clusters of berries can be seen, like amber earrings. Suddenly, the sun peeked out from behind a gray cloud, and the fairy-tale clearing was no longer recognizable. Everything around sparkled, sparkled, shaggy branches of firs woke up and stretched towards the sun. Maybe show off their outfit? Here, on a branch, a capercaillie fussed. Here is a hazel grouse sitting on a spruce. The woodpecker thumped insistently. The squirrel looked out of the hollow, she also wants to bask in the sun. Birds are chirping merrily. They rejoice. And the air is so clean, sparkling, as if saturated with the freshness of the forest. It is easy to breathe in the winter forest. It's good to spend the weekend here. The forest is always beautiful. But in winter it is truly beautiful. This is the beauty of nature, the beauty of purity and silence. Winter brings joy and peace to people who come to the forest. How great to look at the mighty fir trees, on the tops of which hang garlands of cones! How easily they support the snow with their branchy arms. Their brownish trunk, dark green needles, white snow on the branches, the blue of the sky from above merge into a unique palette. You go into the winter forest and your heart becomes joyful and light, and you want to sing some good song. But despite the bewitching beauty of this winter forest, for some reason I felt sad in it. Freezing and sad, I was about to return home, and then I met with my eyes a completely inconspicuous green Christmas tree. Invisible among tall trees, she was simply the queen of the forest! Thin, but already strong paws-twigs are slightly sprinkled with snow sparkles, a bright crown pattern seems to be drawn on a winter snowdrift. I seriously thought: what is the main meaning of my essay about winter? Perhaps I want to call on people to take care of and protect nature. After all, if we do not save nature, we will not be able to admire such an extraordinary beauty of the winter forest.

Sections: Russian language

Class: 6

Target: repetition of the studied information on the topic "Adjective name".

Tasks: development of creative abilities of children; fostering interest in the study of the Russian language, love for Russian nature.

Equipment: Computer, board, handout.

Technologies: game technology, technology critical thinking, differentiated approach technology, test technologies


1. Organizational moment

Hello! I ask you to work well, actively and show what you have learned. Please write down the number, great job.

2. Introduction to the topic

The 2nd part of the vocal-symphonic poem "Poems in memory of Sergei Yesenin" sounds.

- Guys, we are now listening to the wonderful vocal-symphonic "Poem in memory of Sergei Yesenin", which was created by composer Georgy Sviridov.
What did you imagine when you listened to music? (winter forest, blizzard. blizzard, then remote, full of heroic strength, then furious, then finally subsiding)
- Do you like walking in the winter forest?
Today I invite you on a journey through the winter forest. Our journey is special, we will make stops with you and repeat what we have learned about the adjective. Our task is to repeat the material and prepare for short-term and creative work.

So, let's go. (Music sounds. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons").

3. Updating knowledge

We are in the forest with you. What is he? Let's read an excerpt from Sokolov-Mikitov's story "Russian Forest".

Russian forest is good in winter and summer, autumn and spring! On a quiet winter day, you used to go out into the forest on skis - you breathe and you can’t breathe. Deep, clean snowdrifts lie under the trees. Above the forest paths, lacy white arches bent under the weight of frost, the trunks of young birches. Branches of tall and small firs are covered with heavy caps of white snow.
You walk through the winter forest and do not stop looking. Tall, motionless pines sleep. The bluish shadows of their slender trunks lie on the white untouched snowdrifts. The winter forest is full of invisible life. Light squirrel tracks, small mouse and bird tracks stretch from tree to tree.

- What is the text about?
What parts of speech help to reveal the topic and the main idea?
Why does the author use so many adjectives?
- What do you need adjectives for?
- Let's remember what categories adjectives are divided into?
– We will now try to find qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives in the forest described by Sokolov-Mikitov.

- Well done boys. Various birds and animals live in the forest. Listen to the phrases and identify the category of adjectives.

1. Wolf lair
2. Bear lair
3. Bear roar
4. Wolf pack
5. Fox tail
6. Wolf appetite
7. Fox prey

- We have completed this task. Let's continue our journey. (Music sounds. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. December.” Cluster on the board)
- So guys. You and I have come a long way through the winter forest, we saw that the branches of the trees were decorated with hoarfrost, like hare fur. We watched how the crossbills bustled about in their airy dining room. We are very cold and we want to warm ourselves in the hunting lodge. But this house is not simple, it will let you warm up only when we fill the cluster with you.
What spellings are shown here? Give examples.
- Well done boys. We go to the hunting lodge. Here we also have a task.

4. Training exercises

A. Commented letter

Narrow shop, October day, Odessa sun, harsh wind, Cossack saddle, impudent girl, French language, loom, soldier's overcoat, fishing net, walnut, teddy bear, canvas bag, red shirt, crimson brocade coverlet, the air is clear and fresh, good day, lead clouds, hedgehog.

B. We coped with this task, we continue our journey further. We have a poetic halt on the way. Read the passages and write down the words with the spelling H-HH in the adjective suffixes. Selective letter.

1. Winter piled up behind the windows placers of soft silver. One night I woke up with a strange sensation. There was an unusual silence outside the walls of the house.
I got up and went to the window - behind the glass everything was snowy and silent. A lone moon stood at a dizzying height in the foggy sky. In two hours, the earth has changed so unusually.
Through the window, I saw a large gray bird perched on a maple branch in the garden. The branch swayed, snow fell from it. The bird got up and flew away, and the snow continued to fall like glass rain falling from a Christmas tree.
The earth was ornate, like a shy bride.
- So the earth was washed, - said grandfather Mitriy, - with snow water from a silver hoof. (K. Paustovsky)

2. And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

(“Birch”. S. Yesenin)

3. Chalk, snow all over the earth
To all limits
The candle burned on the table
The candle was burning.
Like a swarm of midges in summer
Flying into the flame
Flakes flew from the yard
to the window frame.

(B. Pasternak. "Winter Night")

4. Where is the sweet whisper
my forests?
Carpet of winter
Covered the hills
Meadows and valleys.
Under the ice
With your bark
The stream is numb.

(E. Baratynsky."Where is the sweet whisper")

5. It smelled of winter cold
In fields and forests.
Lit up with bright purple
Heaven before sunset.
The storm blew through the night,
And with the dawn on the village,
To the ponds, to the deserted garden
The first snow fell.

(I. Bunin. "First snow")

– Please complete this list with your own examples. Add the exceptions to the list.

V. Fizkultminutka

- Well done. You have worked hard. Let `s have some rest. Stand up please. Look to the left - hare tracks, to the right - fox tracks. And there, high on a tree, a squirrel sits in a hollow. There are many interesting things to see in the forest. You can also play. Let's make snowballs and throw them to whoever is next. Please sit down.

D. The syntactic role of adjectives in short form

This red bastard
And cunning and cunning.
Catches fast hares deftly,
Chicken steals from the yard
And feed on mice
Loves nimble... (fox)

– Who is it?
- And what helped you find the answer so quickly? (adjectives)
- Guys, what is the peculiarity of the adjectives "Insidious" and "cunning"? (short adjectives)
Can all adjectives be shortened?
- What is the syntactic role of adjectives insidious and cunning?

D. Testing

Guys, our journey is coming to an end. And a difficult test awaits us. Now we are doing a test.


1. In which adjectives is the suffix K written?

A) German
B french
B) knitted
D) lower

1) A, B, C, D
2) A, B
3) V, D
4) A, B, G

2. What adjectives spell ENN?

A) straw
B) silver
B) clay
D) cranberry

1) A, G
2) B, C
3) A, B
4) A, B, C, D3

3. Which nouns end with the vowel O?

A) persons__m
B) dresses__m
B) hare
D) wrestler_m

1) A, B, C, D
2) A, G
3) B, C
4) A, B, G

4. In which adjectives is the vowel O written in the suffix?

A) canvas
B) kumach_vyy
B) penny
D) faces_howl

1) A, B
2) C, D
3) A, B, C
4) A, B, C, D

5. In which noun is NOT written together, since a noun without NOT is not used?

A) inattention
B) bad weather
B) lack of freedom

1) A, B, C, D
2) A, B
3) B
4) C, D

6. In which adjectives is NOT written together, since an adjective without NOT is not used?

A) inattentive
B) Rainy
B) not free
D) ridiculous

1) A, B, C, D
2) B, D
3) V, D
4) B, C, D

7. In place of which numbers in adjectives is HH written?

Yu (1) blush (2) girls showed buyers wooden (3) chests of art (4) work, leather (5) handbags, glass (6) figurines depicting animals and birds.

1)1, 3, 6 2)1, 2, 4 3) 3, 6 4) 3, 5, 6

8. In place of which numbers in words is O written?

The baby was in a sh (1) luxe crimson (2) dress and held in her hand (3) a plush (4) dog (5) nka of beige (6) color.

1) 1, 2, 3, 5 2)3, 5 3) 2, 4, 6 4) 2, 3, 5

9. In which row are both words written with Not together?

1) far (not) beautiful view; (un)probable journey
2) real (not) knowledge, (not) polite, but very rude
3) (un)hated occupation; not at all (not) entertaining movie
4) terrible (not) weather; 9 (not) happy person

Key check.

1.4 2.1 3.2 4.3 5.3 6.2 7.3 8.4 9.4

5. creative work. Work in pairs.

- Well done. Everyone did their job. And now a halt "Winter creativity".
You will now work in pairs. The result of your work is syncwine. The rules are on your tables.

The first line is the theme designation. Noun.
The second line is the description of the topic. Two adjectives.
The third line is a description of the action. Three verbs.
The fourth line is related to the topic. Four word phrase.
The fifth line is a one-word synonym that repeats the essence of the topic.

Exercise: write a cinquain. First line: Forest

6. The results of the lesson. Reflection

What did we do in class today?
- What did you like?
- Did you enjoy the walk? Me too. Thank you for the lesson.
