Interpretations on Ps. Babaji: “I send a headwind to those who have chosen the Straight Path. This is not for weak souls!”

This is a complex number consisting of two simple numbers - six and four. The six is ​​filled with love energy: it symbolizes the balance of power, harmonious relationships in the family and the warmth of the hearth. It's a sign good people who are ready to help a person without any self-interest. Four symbolizes practicality, organizational skills and the exact sciences. The ancient Greeks believed that the god Jupiter patronizes the four, which is a symbol of justice.

The four also has the influence of all the numbers that are located in the row before it. They endow the carrier with perseverance, the ability to devote themselves to the chosen profession and scrupulousness. Four can be represented as a square with all sides equal. It is also often associated with the cross.

Significance in mythology, religion and history

In Roman mythology, this figure is inextricably linked with love themes, and ancient Greek philosophers considered it an analogue of perfection. The number six is ​​present in 64: that is how many days have passed from the beginning of the creation of the world to the appearance of man on earth. Therefore, this figure can be considered a symbol of accumulated knowledge and material wealth. Carriers 64 are distinguished by a calm and balanced character.

They get along well with people and are able to pass on their accumulated experience. Quite often they choose for themselves the profession of a teacher, medical or social worker. The appearance of sixty-four is a sure sign of health problems. Also, higher powers require you to pay more attention to your loved ones.

The ancient inhabitants of America worshiped the four - the second digit in the number 64. It can be seen in prayers, ritual ceremonies and dance movements. The four is also traced in military tactics this people. Its carriers do not like to waste time, in addition, such people do not have a developed imagination. All this is necessary so that a person can focus on a single task. The appearance of 64 on the life path may indicate that you are immersed in your inner world and do not follow reality.

Positive influence on character

Carriers 64 clearly follow the goal. These are pragmatic, highly organized and principled people. As a rule, they are said to be "the master of their word." If such a person made a promise to you, then it will be fulfilled regardless of the circumstances. The main positive qualities of the carriers of sixty-four are: perseverance, hard work, human attitude, wisdom, conscientious attitude to their duties.

Disadvantages associated with influence 64

Its carriers have a number of disadvantages. They usually appear in people with low level intellect and spiritual development. These include stubbornness and lack of developed imagination. These are classic literalists who welcome bureaucracy and ancient customs. They do not tolerate change well and try to avoid progressive solutions.

A full study of the previous situation showed that the onset of chaos was inevitable, but it is not traditionally understood as the death of what has been done.

Hexagram 64 is the interpretation of infinity, a fresh stage of constant and lawful creation, which is possible precisely because of the environment of disorder and renewal. The decoding of the final life circumstances contains, according to the Chinese tradition, warnings and parting words to the individual regarding his strengths.

Hexagram 64, Wei Chi, It's Not Over Yet.


Accomplishment. The young fox almost crossed, (but) wet his tail - nothing auspicious.

First of all, you should pay attention to the hieroglyphs that make up the name of the hexagram. The sign “Wei” figuratively corresponds to a tree with an incomplete crown. It expresses the absence of something. As for the hieroglyph "Ji", then, as the Chinese book of changes says, its meaning is "Crossing the river." It's about overcoming obstacles and helping. An image suitable for this meaning is water flowing on a flat bottom.

It is also worth noting why the fox symbol is used throughout the development of the hexagram. This is a cunning and cautious animal that is able to quickly correct its behavior and consider further steps if necessary. A person at this stage of life should also become a fox, soberly assessing the situation and adapting to obstacles on the way.

This symbol expresses Cohesion in the outer trigram and Immersion in the inner. The clarity and dynamics of the surrounding world lead to panic and fuss, because the spiritual world of a person is not ready for change and is afraid of them.

The absence of any change in the situation will lead to endless regret. Therefore, the main indication of this sign is to maintain its power in full. If there is not enough energy at the last moment, a favorable outcome cannot be expected. Now we need to stop and think about what is happening.

For noble people, the trigram of Immersion can also predict art. This means that it is planned to search for and reveal the signs of the Absolute, i.e. finding the truth among the multiple aspects of everyday life. The pictogram promises happiness to those who can find the truth in their own brilliance.

Luck has crept up to a person already very close, but it’s not worth it to be active yet. Be cautious and watch things improve. There is no need to make decisive efforts, because there is still a lot to be corrected. Before the fulfillment of the desire, it remains to wait quite a bit. The right choice in actions will help to make spirits.

Hexagram 64, Wei-chi, It's not over yet, says that a person has accumulated a huge potential, which will be realized a little later. For example, in a few months there will be a chance to show determination. Otherwise, there is no point in rushing things.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Six at the beginning. Humiliation is coming. Quality is more important than quantity now, so is the moon brighter than the stars. Resources and forces are not enough to implement all plans. Do not rearrange furniture without consulting other family members.
  • Second nine. Good luck will bring perseverance. Analysis of the key issue will help speed up the resolution of the problem. There is too little time for a wise and well-judged choice, so that in a hurry the chances of success are reduced. Stopping will still allow you to return to the movement at any second.
  • Six third. An attack will result in failure. You have to do things, even with the consequences. Without selfish desires, a person is allowed to be strict. According to the book of fate, any of your projects will meet with a clear protest, but you need to call on assistants and create a new strategy for achieving goals.
  • fourth nine. Disappointment disappears. The push will help pacify the land of demons. big countries during three years. A happy chance is coming, so you need to decide to act. Only the wise and knowledgeable person. The restructuring of the company will take place without hesitation, so that a new stage of prosperity will begin.
  • Six fifth. The true light is in an advanced person. The personality is distinguished by a clear mind and talent. Heaven fulfills a cherished wish. The battle is not just over, it is won and promises only good.
  • Top nine. The atmosphere of genuine trust is conducive to drinking wine. Yijing, the book of changes, the interpretation of this Yao connects with completed works and the opportunity to relax with friends. But if you get drunk, you can spoil all the fruits of your efforts. You need to know how to follow the correct settings.

Ji-ji, according to the usual human logic, is more suitable for the final hexagram, since it speaks of the completion of all processes. But for the book of fates, this is the wrong approach, which would make life static. Chinese traditions On the contrary, they perceive existence as an endless and cyclical process. Wu Ji makes the transition to Tai Chi and vice versa. Thus, any end of the old cycle is the beginning of another stage.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. The process is in the initial stage, which means that the forces necessary for the movement have just begun to accumulate. If a person did not have time to accumulate enough power in the process of chaos, he will have to regret it. Don't rush into things.
  2. Passage through the disorder is possible only with self-confidence, since there is nothing more to rely on in chaos and no one. According to the Yijing book, it is in this position that a certain isolation and stamina, the preservation of inner peace, will be useful. On the way to the goal, it is necessary to analyze each step in advance.
  3. The exit begins external environment, but there is not enough strength for him yet, so being active right away means dooming yourself to failure. However, the situation is favorable for mastering a new stage of creativity, which gives rise to conflicting life circumstances. Now there is no need to interfere in other people's affairs and criticize the shortcomings of the environment.
  4. To work in this position requires stamina, which will emphasize a sufficient amount of strength. A detailed interpretation of hexagram 64 at this stage tells about the performance of man against the excited chaos. The struggle with your demons and the vices of those around you will be long and complicated by obstacles, but the world will approve such an activity. Therefore, a person expects praise, a bright future and large-scale results of work.
  5. The central quality of the individual becomes resilience, which makes a person noble. An important difference of this stage is the spread of nobility to everything around. It is with such activity that a person achieves harmony. The inner truth shines, illuminating the space, so even darkness and chaos do not prevent a new cycle of creation.
  6. Everything has already been achieved before, and now you just need to enjoy old age. A multi-dimensional study of the Chinese Book of Changes shows that peace can be found in a calm feast, which is possible through inner truth and spiritual strength. Inactivity in such a situation will be justified, because the rest is well deserved. And vice versa, any active actions in such a situation will lead to the development of chaos with renewed vigor.

Extended interpretation of the sign

The stage of productive activity in the formation of an accomplished personality is completed and has led to the fullness of life. The man managed to achieve the realization of all desires and implement his plans. Most of the goals are behind, but nothing new has been invented. Staying in this position is not worth it, so in order to avoid stagnation, leave your achievements. Embark on an unknown path of development to continue your search for yourself.

At a different stage of improvement according to the book of changes, one should expect both indifference and hostility. In addition, no one will provide support to the individual. You need to strengthen your own strength and apply past experience, analyze past knowledge. Reflect on your current potential and try to realize it. Otherwise, you can fail due to hindsight.

The hexagram helps a person to understand the state of his affairs before being sent to new way, i.e. before the allegorical river crossing. There is still time before the first step, so pay enough attention to the preparations. Think about how to use the benefits received, how to lead a life of glory and success in the future. These are not empty recommendations, since not every individual is able to withstand the burden of popularity and wealth.

The meaning of hexagram 64 lies in future accomplishments, but stable happiness will need to be able to be maintained. Do not forget that peace replaces activity, and sadness replaces joy. The main thing is not to stagnate and not be afraid of difficulties.

Get rid of shyness and make every effort to fulfill your deepest desire. Now Heaven is not responsible for your dreams, so everything depends on the real activity of the individual. Join in own life be more active and remember that movement is not only in the horizontal plane. Ultimately, a new spiritual experience awaits you, which is wonderful.

Carefully now it is worth studying the relationship with the world. To solve current problems, it is necessary to change communication with friends and colleagues. Make acquaintances with interesting people, but do not overload the environment with your problems. Try to show care and help to other people.

The professional field of activity now seems completely unknown and new. There will be disappointments, but they are fixable with time, when enough experience is accumulated. The first successes will bring sincere joy. Do not take on those cases that require knowledge that you do not have. Solve minor tasks gradually to accumulate opportunities to become a master at your favorite job.

In a leadership position, it is important to assemble a reliable team and gain the approval of trusted patrons. Also try to find out all the information about the market in which you work, and about possible competitors.

Hexagram 64, the extended interpretation of which is associated with change, advises a person to abandon hasty actions, concentrate his means and strength, and gather his thoughts. Then, at the most opportune moment, a decisive step will be very short and effective.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • A flag is flying over the mountain. Expression of victory in the opening contest.
  • Man with long knife and ax in different hands. The personification of respect and status due to the true faith of the individual.
  • A flag with the hieroglyph Lin (“order / decree”) in the hands of a person. As Yijing shows, hexagram 64 with this plot refers to the image of power.
  • A tiger sits on the ground. The picture speaks of a sharp and significant drop in authority.
  • The central image is the drying up of a lake in order to find a pearl.
  • The main symbol - blessing is hidden in almost all people in anxiety and sadness.

Interpretation of the sign by Wen-wang

  1. A small fox, having wetted its tail at a river crossing, will not be able to assist in the matter.
  2. The pictogram of July is most successful according to the Chinese book in winter, and is unfavorable only in autumn.
  3. Having overcome a snow storm in the car, you do not need to relax until you are at home. Otherwise, vigilance will decrease, and the car will fall into a ditch after losing control.

How to interpret a symbol when divining

  • The business area pleases with successes, which, however, are expected. Things need to be developed slowly, attracting maximum efforts. Also, try to love your job.
  • Relations with the world are quite stable. As the Yijing book shows, the interpretation of political and social affairs with such a hexagram also comes down to success. If the goal seems illusory, there is no need to stop and doubt yourself.
  • The relationship of the sexes is at the stage of studying each other, so it’s too early to talk about love. However, meeting a new partner is very pleasing, so you can continue to win the attention of a person.
  • The sphere of health is distinguished by the well-being of the individual. Now there are no nervous breakdowns or incidents leading to the development of ailments.

A wise, patient, responsible and restrained person entered the road of change. That is why spiritual and wealth will be achieved if desired.

Hexagram 64 is an interpretation of the wonderful path of self-development and achievement of cherished goals. This situation has arisen before, but now success is favored not only by fate, but also by the personality itself.

Is. 64:1-7. The tone of the prayer intensifies. In the language of poetic allegories ("opened heavens", fire, from the approach of which the mountains "melt") and hyperbole, the prophet speaks of the omnipotence of God, who performs terrible deeds (Deut. 10:21; Ps. 105:21-22), but is merciful to those who love the truth and doing much for those who hope in Him. Oh, that this God would come down to tremble ... from the presence of His people, who do not know Him, if He would have mercy on His people! However, does Israel, which has long since sinned a lot, have any hope of salvation?

Despite Jehovah's repeated promises that the true believing remnant of His people would be saved, the note of desperation in this verse is "explainable" in light of the subsequent confession; it is filled with a feeling of guilt and sincere repentance: all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags...and our iniquities sweep us away as the wind blows away a faded leaf (verse 6). The wonderful words that complete verse 7: penitents realize that there is no punishment worse than being left by God, when the Lord allows sinners to perish from the consequences of their iniquities.

Is. 64:8-12. Despair is replaced by hope, and this hope is almost bold, but has not the Lord given His people grounds for such boldness? (Isaiah 43:25) Israel, in the person of their "remnant", will humble themselves, they wholeheartedly recognize in their "former" their Father, they will understand that he is only clay in His hand. Do not be angry, Lord, without measure ... we are all Your people, Isaiah exclaims, drawing the attention of Jehovah to the plight of the current state of the people. What we read in verses 10-11 is full of the ultimate sense of reality.

This is a picture of the destruction inflicted by the Babylonians. The house of our sanctification (verse 11) is the temple. But is he a city? the holy things of the Lord (here in the sense of the cities belonging to the people set apart by the Lord for Himself, that is, the cities of Judea) will suffer less centuries later at the hands of the Romans, will not the temple then be burned by fire? After all this, will the Lord continue to be silent, that is, to deprive His people of help and thus continue to punish them? - notes of prayer and boldness reach their highest point at the end of this fervent prayer.

The symbol is very auspicious and indicates that you are on the verge of important changes.

Now you should not rush things, you need to be patient and steadily continue moving forward. All your affairs will be brightly marked by complete success.

But do not rush, the time has not yet come to start actively acting. We need to move forward quite carefully and prudently. Only under this condition will the circumstances of your life improve day by day.

You are on the threshold of a bright period, wait happy life not long left. The most important thing now is not to be too hasty. Good luck is already knocking at the door, it is already there, standing on your doorstep.

Carefully and soberly analyze what is happening and adapt to everything. Only then will the future surely please you with great achievements and new successes.

The conceived desire will be fulfilled soon, in the very near future.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation to the interpretation of hexagram 64. Incompleteness

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation for the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Wei Chi - Incompleteness.

The hieroglyph depicts a tree with a crown that has not yet fully formed.

Wei - not yet existing; that which is not fully manifested; incomplete; something that will show up over time.

The hieroglyph depicts the place of the crossing; ford across the river; shallow water flowing on a flat bottom.

Ji - overcome an obstacle, cross a river; to bring relief, to help; finish what you started, finish successfully.

Semantic connections of hexagram 64. Wei-chi

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time of completion of what has been started. You are already in a state close to the end, on the very verge of important changes. You are now ready to make the last decisive effort. But don't do it just yet. Correct your plans and accumulate energy in order to make the transition at the right time without losing what you have achieved and not getting stuck halfway. This will bring enlightenment and lead to success.

The image of the hexagram is a fox, a very cunning and cautious animal. She can quickly change behavior if necessary, carefully checks her every move. At this time, it is reasonable for you to imagine yourself as a fox; adapt to everything, be prepared for any surprises that may come your way. To successfully complete what you started, clearly and soberly assess what is happening around. Do right choice connection with the spirits will help you.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the sixty-fourth hexagram.

[Completion. The young fox almost crossed

(but) wet his tail - nothing auspicious]

I. At the beginning of the six.

Wet your tail.

- Regret!

II. Nine second.

Stop the wheels.

— Fortitude — fortunately.

III. Six third. It's not over yet!

- A hike - unfortunately.

Favorable ford across the great river.

IV. Nine fourth.

Resilience is a blessing! Repentance will disappear.

When shocked, one must attack the land of demons,

and after three years there will be praise from the great kingdom.

V. Six fifth.

Resilience is a blessing. There will be no remorse.

If there is truth in the splendor of a noble person, then there will be happiness!

VI. Top nine.

Have truth when you drink wine. There will be no bullshit.

If you wash your head, even if you have the truth, you will lose this [truth].

A song is due to You, O God, in Zion, and prayer will be given to You in Jerusalem. Hear my prayer, all flesh will come to You. The words of the lawless one overcome us, and cleanse our wickedness. Blessed, whom thou hast chosen and accepted, will dwell in thy courts. Let us be fulfilled in the good things of Thy house, holy is Thy temple, wondrous in righteousness. Hear us, O God, our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth, and those who are in the sea far away, prepare the mountains with your strength, girded with strength, confuse the depths of the sea, who will stand against the sound of its waves? Gentiles will be troubled, and those who live in the ends will be afraid because of Your signs; decorate the outcomes of morning and evening. You visited the earth and made you drunk, you multiplied you enrich you. The river of God is filled with water. Thou hast prepared food for them, as such [is] preparation. Drink her reins, multiply her life, in her drops she will rejoice resplendently. Bless the crown of the summer of Thy goodness, and Thy fields will be filled with fat, the red deserts will grow, and the hills will be girded with joy. The lambs of the sheep are dressed, and the lands will multiply wheat, they will cry, for they will sing.
