How to change language in steam. How to change the language in steam to Russian

  • 1. Features of the service
  • 2. Language change
  • 3. On Steam
  • 4. In the game

Gamers and other users of the Steam digital distribution service often encounter language barriers while using the program. Initially, the original Steam client was distributed only with an English interface, later other languages ​​​​were added to the service options menu. Below we will analyze how to make the Russian language in steam to facilitate the use of the application.

Service Features

The Steam platform was first launched back in 1999. At the time, Valve's developer client only distributed games and other products from the company. Over time, the number of its users, as well as the popularity of Valve itself, only increased. Now the digital platform is used by over 125 million people around the world.

The Steam library has tens of thousands of different titles from both large AAA developers and small indie studios. Throughout its history, the service has experienced several major interface redesigns that make it much easier for gamers to navigate the library. With the increase in the number of active players, the Steam client has also received important updates that allow you to view the list of service games in Russian. Therefore, the problem of how to change the language in the incentive remains very relevant. Also read how to put the Russian language in individual games.

Switch language

Even during the download and installation of the client, you can set the Russian language in the settings on the official Steam page. In the future, this option will appear in the properties of the program itself. You can also change the language in a separate game if you are not satisfied with its Russified version.

On Steam

So, how to change the language of the service interface in a few simple steps? You'll need:

  • Launch the client and log into your account. To do this, use your login and password specified during registration;

  • Select the "Settings" section, here are the main client settings;
  • In the options section, go to the "Interface" tab;

  • On the interface page, click on the language menu. Select the Russian language from the drop-down list;

  • Save your changes by clicking the "OK" button in the lower right corner.

Please note that you will have to wait for the client to restart for the changes to take effect. After restarting, the Steam interface will be displayed in Russian.

In Game

Sometimes individual games for some reason are downloaded in a non-Russian version. Usually, for Russian-speaking users, the service immediately offers products in Russian. However, some applications still require a manual interface change in the settings.

How to change the language in a separate game? You'll need:

  • Login to your account using your username and password;
  • Through the search bar in the upper left corner, find the corresponding game;
  • Open the list of its options by pressing the right mouse button. Select the item "Properties" ("Properties" in English);

  • Go to the "Language" tab;

  • Open dropdown menu. Scroll down the list and set the language to Russian. Press the "OK" button in the lower right corner to confirm the changes.

After that, Steam may download additional files with the specified language packs for a while. Please note that not every game supports the interface in Russian. Moreover, the Russified version of gaming products does not guarantee the presence of Russian voice acting. In this case, gamers can only hope for an official localization.

Also, do not forget that in some regions of the world there are restrictions related to the policy of the service. In such places, Russified clients can be blocked, be sure to check this information on the Internet before translating Steam into Russian.

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Steam is a multifunctional platform for game distribution and communication between players. Since it has a huge number of functions, then, accordingly, there are a lot of settings in the program. Therefore, finding a specific setting sometimes causes certain difficulties. For example, it is not so easy to find the parameter responsible for the Steam translation language. It happens that the language in the program knocks down and it needs to be changed back to Russian.

How to change the language in Steam to Russian - read about it below.

Installing the Russian language in Steam is easy. You just need to know which option to use for this.

Choose the Russian interface language in Steam

Launch Steam.

Now you need to go to Steam settings. To do this, select the menu item Steam>Settings. If you have some incomprehensible language installed, for example Chinese, then the location of the menu items still remains the same. Therefore, to translate Steam into Russian, you need to select the same menu items: Steam, and then the 2nd item from the bottom of the drop-down list.

It remains only to select the desired language from the drop-down list at the top of the right block.

Then click the OK button at the bottom of the form.

Steam will prompt you to restart the client to change the language. Accept this offer (button on the left).

Users of the international game distribution service are often faced with the need to change the language in Steam.

After all, the original version of the program client is made in English, which creates certain inconveniences during operation.

This is especially true for those gamers who do not have foreign language skills and use Steam for the first time without understanding its menu and features.

Steam Service

The Steam application, first created in 1999, distributes mainly computer games and has over 125 million users.

With the help of this service, at first only Valve products were distributed.

Now here you can find several thousand games from different manufacturers and for three main types. operating systems– Linux, Windows and OS X.

However, most applications are still designed for people on whose computers the platform from Microsoft is installed.

Steam allows you to almost completely change the interface of the program, including the color scheme, the location of buttons, icons and menus.

And one of the most important settings is to change the language - to Russian, if it is more convenient for you to use the program in this language.

At the same time, the client supports many other languages, including even Korean, Chinese and Portuguese, which can be set up in a few minutes.

Also translated and returned back to English and individual games.

It is worth noting that the service has restrictions on the use of some programs in some regions.

And translation into Russian will not help in this case - the games will still not work on the territory of the Russian Federation if they are intended, for example, only for the USA.

Switch language

Changing the language design in Steam does not represent special problems for most users. In this case, you can switch to Russian for the entire client, or do it for a separate game.

The first action will increase the usability of the application itself, the second will ensure the possibility of a normal game.

For the Steam client

Switching the language to Russian in Steam requires certain actions:

  • Launching the program and logging into your profile with your login and password;
  • Selecting the desired interface language, which is translated into English by default;
  • Go to the "Settings" section;
  • Selecting the "Interface" tab;

  • Selecting the first column in which the current language is set. Having opened the list, you should scroll through it to the item "Russian";
  • Save the change by pressing the "OK" button.

The transition to Russian will take place only after the client is restarted. To do this, select the "Restart Steam" menu item.

Now you can work with the application in a language that is convenient for you, reducing the time to search for games or videos dedicated to them.

By the way, you may be interested in other articles:

For individual games

Most of the computer applications you buy through the service support multiple languages.

By changing it in the interface of the client itself to Russian, the user by default indicates that he wants to receive games in this form.

Basically, after that, the service will offer Russian-language versions by default. However, for some programs, the selection will have to be made manually.

Steps to translate the game into the desired language, regardless of the interface settings:

  1. Sign in to your Steam account;
  2. Find the desired game in the list using the "Search" menu;
  3. Select the “Properties” item (or Settings, if the client language has not yet been changed);
  4. Go to the tab "Language" (Language);
  5. Select the appropriate item from the drop-down language menu;
  6. Press "OK" to save.

Now, if the selected game has Russian language support, only the required files will be downloaded to your computer. Although in most cases the English (main) version is also downloaded.

Steam users quite often request search engine"how to change the language in steam", so we described 2 ways to change the language to Russian or English.
The original version of the client is in English, which sometimes causes inconvenience in its use. Especially among those who do not really speak a foreign language, or for the first time get acquainted with Steam, having not yet studied the menu and features of the program.


Steam was created back in 99 and it distributes, for the most part, games on the computer. At the moment, its audience is 125 million people, or even more.

With the help of the Steam service, all relevant Valve products began to be distributed, but now you can find games from other manufacturers, as well as for different platforms and operating systems.

But most applications are still designed for Windows.

Steam client allows you to change the template appearance, the interface of your program, change its color, the location of icons and buttons in the menu. One of the important details of customizing your client is the language setting. How to change it to Russian.
In addition to the Russian language, there are other languages ​​\u200b\u200bin Steam, even Chinese and Korean are present. The setup doesn't take long.

The Service also has its own restrictions for using certain applications in certain countries and regions.
If the game is intended for the United States, it will not be possible to launch it in Russia.

2. Change the language in Steam

Changing the language on Steam is a simple process. You can choose the Russian language separately for a specific game client, or for the entire Steam.

Change the language in Steam
To switch the language on Steam to Russian, you must:
- Run the program and enter your profile through your personal data;
- If the client is English-speaking, go to " Settings» item, and then to the tab « Interface».

- In place of the language, select from the list " Russian» and confirm the action.
- After saving the changes, the program will be restarted and translated into Russian.

Change language for games only
It happens that the Steam application does not need to be translated, but I would like some game. This is not so difficult, just follow the instructions:
1. We enter your account, as last time;
2. Go to your games, select the one you need, you can use the search;
3. Select "Properties", if Steam is in Russian, "Settings", if in English;
4. Go to the tab Language (Language);
5. Select the desired game language and confirm the action.

If the selected client supports the Russian version, then only Russian files will be downloaded. But more often both versions are downloaded, including the foreign one.