How to persuade a girl to sleep with you? Tips for inexperienced seducers. Basic rules for seducing married girls How to convince a girl for the first time


A woman retains prudence and a "cold" head before sex with a man. While it is after sex that a man begins to soberly assess what is happening, and in some cases even loses interest in a woman. Thus, the young man needs to help the girl get rid of the opinion that she is interesting to him as an intimate partner.

In most cases, a woman is ready to give herself and her caresses, as well as to have an intimate relationship with a man she is in love with. She wants such a man with all her heart, and therefore it is easier to agree to sex. In turn, a man is not fundamental in the matter of sex with a woman he is not in love with. It's no secret that many men have sex with women, experiencing only slight sympathy or sporting interest in them.

Therefore, in some cases, in order to have sex with an unfamiliar woman, a young man needs to charm and fall in love with her. It is believed that the right hemisphere dominates in the female sex, so she is more emotional, prone to momentary emotions, spontaneous decisions. And this means that beautiful deeds, words and other courtship can help a woman like a man.

Also knowledge young man about what qualities a woman wants to see in a man will help him to demonstrate them more actively, thus winning her favor. In the matter of sex, the appearance of a man in the eyes of a woman also plays a significant role. Therefore, you should try to look attractive, have a normal physique, dress neatly, use hygiene products and perfume.

beautiful half humanity, before entering into an intimate relationship with a man, must be sure that his intentions towards her are serious. Therefore, in communicating with a woman, it is men's actions that play an important role. You should demonstrate care and tenderness towards a woman, be interested in her affairs, mood, that is, strengthen her confidence that she is interesting to a man not as a one-time sexual partner, but as a woman as a whole.

Often, girls dramatize such situations that for a young man seem empty and not worthy of attention. However, one should learn to listen to a woman, understand her, support her.

Guessing some desires of a girl, a man increases his chances of success in a sexual matter. For example, if a girl is thinking about watching a certain movie at the cinema, a young man can please her with tickets for it.

You should make the girl smile more often, be interesting to her. In solving this problem, the openness of a man, talking in common topics, search for common interests, as well as a pleasant pastime in a cafe, park, museum, club. Thus, adhering to the described recommendations, a man will be able to win the heart of a woman and, as a result, it will be easier for him to solve the problem of how he can have sex with her.

Hello man, in this article you will learn how to divorce a girl. Although, let's start with the fact that the concept of "Dilute" in itself is initially wrong. Girls want sex just as much as men, and maybe even more than we do. This is a mutual thing. Therefore, most likely this word should be replaced by and, maybe.

The girl herself is waiting - well, who will be the one, she just cannot give to anyone, but she really wants this, so you need to show her that you are the most worthy. True, contrary to popular belief, this is not done with the help of flowers, gifts and courtship, but in a completely different (much easier) way, we teach this on our own. And also, on this topic I have, which you can see right now by clicking. In these videos, I cover this topic in more detail. I don’t really like writing on the blog, I’m still a lazy person, it’s easier for me to speak on camera;). So, I'm better off not reading.

Most main principle here such - remember it - There are no available and inaccessible women. There are different men. That is, in fact, everything depends only on you, in general in life and in particular. There is no such concept - "Given - did not give", there is a concept - "Took - did not take."

  • I'm busy tomorrow
  • Okay, how busy are you?
  • I'm going to a birthday party and I'll be free late
  • What time approximately?
  • Don't know
  • What time and where will you be?
  • Well, ten o'clock
  • I will pick you up and we will literally drink tea for half an hour
  • I'm tired and I need to go home
  • It will be literally half an hour and then I will walk you home
  • Well, actually, a friend should take me
  • Your friend is not going anywhere, and cool guys are not lying on the road, he will take you next time

And so on. Be more persistent. If she can’t that day, well, she can’t, then agree on another. You can read even more about persistence in , which you can receive in your e-mail right now, !

Watch the video - 5 reasons why you will not have sex with the girl you like

Learn ALL the secrets of communicating with girls - Watch our videos

How to divorce a girl on the street. To do this, of course, you need to approach her. If we are talking about a phone number, then the scheme is as follows:

Here's how to divorce a girl video

To communicate with girls the same- !
By the way, this is such a joke that in fact, in order to please a girl (and in order to divorce her, she must definitely like her), you do not always need to say something good. Here's a story that happened to me recently. My student approached the girl, she was very well-groomed and beautiful, but with a slight nuance. He somehow spoke crookedly, because he had just begun to study, and I decided to approach her myself. She was very young in her 20s.

The nuance is that her eyebrows were a little larger and thicker than those of the girls in the main mass, not that completely pipets, just a little thicker than usual. I’m already used to the fact that girls now make their eyebrows rather thin, and then for some reason my eyes rushed straight at them, but this in no way spoiled the overall picture.

I immediately told her jokingly that she had very unusual eyebrows and that she was Miss Brezhnev 2014. She reacted surprisingly positively, and a conversation began, during which we touched on the topic of eyebrows several more times. As a result, we walked a little with her, but I was in a hurry back to my student and suggested that she write down my number herself, if she wants, let her call, I really didn’t care, although she is more than sexy, I just don’t have time to meet her at all.

On the same evening, she herself wrote me an SMS with an offer to meet, we met, I drove into a cafe where she sat for fifteen minutes. The next evening she texted again and we saw each other in such a way that it ended up having sex in my car. Therefore, it works well when you tell girls things they might not like.

But look how to divorce a girl by SMS

In general, the SMS method for such a thing is not very good, because in order to get close to a girl, you need to excite her, and for this you need to meet her live. For a girl to want to make love with you, she must be as excited as you are. That is, her brain will always tell her herself - “It’s still early, we don’t know each other much, I shouldn’t do this,” and in order to turn it off, it is necessary to influence her body, that is, to excite her.

That's all for now, to get more useful information- which you can receive on your e-mail right now! Press!

In this article, we talked about how to quickly divorce a girl for sex. , what is needed for this. Once again I remind you that everything depends only on you, so do not be afraid to act. It is better to do and repent than not to do and toil.

This happened to me about a month ago. I broke up with my stripper girlfriend that day. We met at the Globe, talked, came to the conclusion that our relationship was rotten, and we parted as friends.

I entered the subway as a free man. The train took me to a new, better future ... which was not long in coming. At the exit from the subway, I immediately noticed a burning brunette, who at that moment was pushing some guy away from herself. The thought of a new life hit my head, and I went straight to it.

Girl, can I distract you for a minute?

She gave me a tormented look, and threw in my direction:

I don't meet on the street.

And who said that I'm going to meet?

The brunette looked at me in surprise.

What do you need?

Well, you won't know this already, - I casually answered, - I don't need the help of a girl like you.

You know better ... - I answered with the same casualness.

Then we played the game "who will overload whom." I generously treated the brunette with negkhits. And now, after my next lunge, she freezes for a second, as if thinking, and I “finish off” her: I turn around and get ready to leave. And here it is - victory: I hear in my back:

What is your name?

I told you I wasn't going to meet you...

But still!?

Well, I might as well introduce myself first...

You always like this?


In fact, that's how we met.

On this day, we took a little walk with Sveta. Ate ice cream. We drank beer. In parting, I kissed her on the cheek and said:

See you some other time.

I decided that I shouldn't tell her "I'll call tomorrow". It's stupid. Because I probably wouldn't have done it. And I don't like to cheat. In communication, the brunette turned out to be a real blonde. And when a girl has no brain, it disappoints me a little in her, and even sexual desires are dulled from this for a while.

But the next day, she herself took the initiative. Writes SMS: "What's next?" I did not understand her question and decided to call Sveta back.

Hello. What do you mean?

No...nothing, - an irritated voice was heard from the other end of the tube.

But what does that mean anyway?

Then my sexual desire woke up in me. And I decided to take the bull by the horns. But directly to say that I want to fuck her, I could not. So I came up with something like this:

Svetik, imagine that you wake up, feel my body with your back, I touch your chest with a warm hand, kiss your neck, and say in your ear “Good morning, kitten!”. What do you feel?

- ... (silence for 10 seconds) ... I'm glad.

Then I'll do it on Wednesday.

I always sleep at home.

You make an exception.

I need to be at home at 23:00, only on Sunday I can walk until 1 am.

Well, I'll let you go home to spend the night, but at 24:00, you're not 16 years old, you'll get off with your mother!

Well, you will leave me at this time.

Okay, we'll talk more tomorrow.

The next day in the morning SMS: "This week we will not see each other."

I don't like this turn of events. Once again, you have to take matters into your own hands. I call Light:

Didn't understand! What's the matter?

I have a problem's!

Okay, I'll call you in a week.

Why in a week? We can still talk on the phone.

I don't need a girlfriend.

In terms of?

And it won’t lead to anything else, you will become just a friend for me, and when I find an interesting girl, I will completely forget about you.

What can change?

This is all you men need!

More for you!

Are you only interested in sex?

If you did not interest me in this regard, we would not communicate with you now.

Ok, let's go Thursday!

So we met on Thursday. I brought her home. I don't think I need to explain what we did there.

Divorcing a girl for sex is the first goal of many young people who meet girls. We do not argue that there is such a type of girls who will make anyone crawl into bed. But, you must admit, it is much more pleasant to divorce a girl for sex on your own in terms of increasing your self-esteem. Do you want to try your hand at this business, but don't know where to start? We will tell you five effective ways to help persuade a girl to have sex in the shortest possible time.

Method one: play with the girl according to the “predator-prey” model. Behave as confidently and courageously as possible, do not take your eyes off the girl and radiate your desire with your whole body. For this method, solitude will be especially effective, since only tête-à-tête you will be able to bombard the girl with compliments and move on to unobtrusive touches, which, at the first signal for consent, should move on to meaningful touches. Our trainings will teach you the art of touch in the best possible way, thanks to which your chances of success can increase several times.

Method two: Start a conversation about sex. The correct set of phrases, presented in an unobtrusive form, will help push the girl to thoughts about intimacy. Divorcing a girl for sex is easier if you managed to fill her head with thoughts of physical intimacy. For example, you can invite her home and turn on a film with sex scenes, during which you can subtly turn the conversation to the topic of sex without revealing your intentions.

Method three: the help of alcohol. The most common way that both inexperienced guys and professional seducers do not disdain. Most girls, after a glass or two of wine or any other alcoholic drink, feel clouded in their minds, and some even lose control of themselves. Girls under the influence of alcohol become much more relaxed and reliable, and the moral framework they once set almost completely loses its meaning.

Method four: persuasion. If you have passed one of the trainings we offer on seduction, or you just know how to speak beautifully, then it doesn’t cost you anything to start a philosophical conversation with a girl. With the right influence on a girl, you can convince her that sex is an important part of life that she needs so much. Start the topic of sex, which will be filled with metaphors, beautiful epithets and comparisons as much as possible. In this method, the most important thing is sincerity and self-confidence, as well as maximum eye contact with the girl and the ability to talk beautifully.

Method five: seize the moment. If you know how to be attractive and act like a real sex symbol, then you can easily persuade a girl to have sex on the first date. In order to use this method, it is necessary to be as attractive as possible to girls in all aspects: from their prospects in society to neat appearance and clothes corresponding to the latest men's fashion.

Still think it's hard to get a girl to have sex? Come to our trainings! Seduction lessons from RMES will teach you how to be attractive to girls both morally and physically, which will mean success for you with any woman you like.

Of course, guys quite often hear from young ladies a refusal to offer to join intimacy. Sometimes it hurts them "for the living", and the representatives of the stronger sex begin to be disappointed in women.

However, on the pages of fashion magazines you can find a lot of articles on how to persuade a girl to sleep with you. In any case, there is a choice, and it remains with the person.

If a lady told you: "In the near future I do not intend to share a bed with you," then you should not be upset, because there are enough effective ways how to get a girl to sleep with you. If a lady does not want sex, with the right treatment, she can be “agitated” to think again about such a tempting offer. In fact, persuasion is just not needed here, the main thing is to perform the right actions.

Don't know how to persuade a girl to sleep with you? So this article is for you!

The first method is quite simple and somewhat banal. Every guy knows about his existence - even the one who does not have the slightest idea how to persuade a girl to sleep with you. You can seduce her with alcohol. If a young lady drinks, her tongue will loosen and she will "put out" all her inner desires. At the same time, one should not be zealous with alcoholic beverages - there should be a measure in everything. It is best to drink a bottle of champagne with a young lady at home, where you can create an intimate atmosphere.

How to persuade a girl to sleep more? With the help of the second technique, which can be called the "philosophy of love." Its essence is to convey to the fairer sex the value and importance of having sex. As one of the proofs, one can cite the fact that nature itself created a person so that he loves and continues his family. You can give a lot of arguments - it all depends on how much you want to enter into intimacy with a girl.

The third method of seduction is characterized by gradual sexual seduction. Its meaning is quite simple. You must conquer the girl so that she begins to admire you. It is important to follow a few rules here. First of all, it is necessary to become a "double" of her idol and try to be like him in everything. It is also important to adhere to a certain style of clothing - wear jeans, tight T-shirts, turtlenecks, the shirt should be half unbuttoned. And, of course, you should gradually seduce her sexually, despite the fact that she did not allow it before. For example, on one day you stroke her thighs, on the second day, when you kiss, you touch her breasts, and so on.

It should be noted that this method is somewhat more difficult to use in practice compared to the one used to solve the question of how to persuade a girl on a date.

There is another way to persuade a young lady to sleep with you. It's called the "beginning bastard principle." Its essence is simple: a young man shows signs of attention until the girl is in bed with him. After the guy achieves his goal, he loses interest in the conquered young lady.

Once again, it should be noted that there are a lot of ways to "cajole" a representative of the weaker sex for sex, and if one did not give positive results, so it makes sense to move on to another.
