Collimator sight on a smoothbore weapon. How to shoot a red dot sight 12 gauge shotgun sight

GSS 30-12-2008 03:30

Well, well, it’s actually time to sort out the question of the actual use of the KP on hunting weapon. Is the collimator generally suitable for our hunts and climatic conditions whether it is convenient for the average hunter. These and other questions will be discussed below.
First of all, it must be said that the KP, in comparison with other sighting devices, has a number of generally recognized and important advantages. Namely:
1. Simplicity and speed of aiming. When using the CP, the shooter has to align only two points on the axis: the target and the aiming mark. That is, the aiming mark (Red Dot) is simply aimed at the target. Since the mark itself is a point projected to infinity, the target will be visible to the arrow as clearly as possible (sharply), since his gaze is completely focused on it. Whereas when aiming at the aiming bar with the front sight, or even more so the front sight and rear sight, it becomes necessary to focus on one of these elements. In this case, no matter how hard you try to make out the target as clearly as possible, because this is how the accommodative apparatus works: the human eye has a certain depth of field.
This feature of the gearbox determines the convenience of its use in sports shooting. Many have already appreciated the advantage of aiming at a sharply defined circle of the target over aiming the front sight into a blurry black circle.
Now imagine how it works on the hunt. Actually, you don’t need to imagine anything, just try to turn on your home computer and start any shooting simulator. It looks about the same. You see the aiming mark (in a computer this is the image of a front sight, a crosshair or the same red dot, in the case of an imitation of a collimator sight) and you see the target. Both images are equally visible. It remains only to point the mark at the target. The same is observed by the shooter and on the hunt. At first, this feeling of unreality of what was happening did not leave me. Then it gradually became a habit. One more feature should be noted. Since the mark itself is projected to infinity, the sighting line also appears to the arrow as infinitely long. Therefore, when looking through the sight, the shooter does not leave the feeling of confidence that the projectile will reach the target. This is an undeniable advantage when shooting at a distance of 50 m or more. Although this illusion can cause some problems for novice hunters, since one should not forget that, unlike the sighting line, the distance of the projectile in smoothbore weapons very limited.
From my own experience, I want to note that the use of a CP gives the hunter a lot of interesting and beautiful moments. I will give just one example. On the next autumn paddock, a fox came to my room. At first, without noticing my presence, she jumped up to me at a distance of about 7 meters. Finally, seeing something towering above the grass, the moth stopped and froze, looking in surprise at the emerging obstacle. I managed to carefully raise the gun so as not to frighten away the beast. What I saw, many saw, perhaps, only in a Hollywood movie: the red head of a fox, half rising above the yellowed autumn grass, two alert, surprised red eyes and: a red dot is clearly between them. So I kept the mark on the fox's forehead for three seconds. And then, with a movement of his hand, he frightened her away, since there was no command to shoot the fox, and the "enemy" had already been "conditionally destroyed."
The next striking example is shooting at a moose at a distance of 50 meters, when all the features of its morphology were visible. WITH open sight it would be simply impossible to achieve such a result. Another feature is the subjective feeling of the unreality of what is happening. The shooter observes the target through the sight glass. The body itself, as it were, isolates the shooter from the outside world and separates him from the target. To some extent, this allows you to cope with the excitement and gain the necessary confidence in the shot.

2. Accuracy and convenience when shooting. This feature is determined by the fact that the use of the CP allows you to navigate in the corrections for exceeding and lowering the average point of impact of a bullet at different distances. Needless to say, in order to use this feature of his sight, the owner must shoot it well at a certain distance and know how much the STP shifts when deviating from the zeroing distance. In this case, the excess and decrease of the STP are easily selected by the shooter, who, out of habit, focuses on the gap between the brand itself and the body of the sight. All this also gives the shooter confidence in the shot and insures him against possible errors in the form of overestimation or underestimation.
The same effect can be achieved when using standard sights, but only at the cost of long training. And for remembering and selecting the aiming point on the hunt, time is very limited.
The same effect allows you to correctly choose the lead. It can be said that with no sighting device it is impossible to choose the lead in the required number of figures as quickly and accurately. Of course, this is not particularly relevant for a shotgun shot, since the spread of the shot ensures reliable hitting of the target if the direction in which the projectile will be sent is chosen correctly. This is the convenience of aiming at a vskidka along the bar, or as the hunters say, “by the trunks”. However, it is rather difficult to call such shooting actually aimed. Rather, it is a technique to "hook" the target with a scree of shot. The method, of course, is time-tested and fast, but ... When shooting at a moving target, the result of the shot depends entirely on the accuracy of the choice of lead. The CP allows you to shoot at a running animal with the highest possible (with the allotted time interval) aiming accuracy. This eliminates the factors of nervousness and indistinctness of the target, which lead to the “wandering” of the fly and, as a result, a miss.
This advantage of using the CP allowed the author to completely abandon the canister shots in animal hunting. Whereas many hunters prefer buckshot to a bullet and put a bullet cartridge only if a very large animal is likely to come out. As a result, the absence of irrevocably disappeared wounded animals, affected by one or two buckshot.
I'll give you a small example. On one of the drive hunts for roe deer, the shooter, who was standing in the room next to me, fired twice at the animal that came out on him. At the same time, only the muzzle of the beast was to blame for him. So to speak in "full face". The double-barreled shotgun was loaded with large eight-millimeter buckshot. As a result, the buckshot, flying around the muzzle, shot off one ear of the goat, and the goat, marked by the “good” hunter, serenely galloped away. As a result of the “debriefing”, it was found out that the shooter from that number, instead of taking a little lower, fired at the visible part, since he psychologically could not bring himself to point the fly below the head of the roe deer, which he also could not clearly see on grass background. If the KP of many mistakes had been installed on the weapon of that hunter, perhaps it would have been possible to avoid and the long-awaited trophy would have been obtained.

3. Possibility of aiming from uncomfortable positions and constant control of the target. In view of the peculiarities of the projection of the KP brand, it allows the shooter to aim from a variety of positions. Including the uncomfortable ones. The shooter does not need to rigidly fix the head on the butt. Although it would never hurt to do so. It is enough just to point the mark at the target. This advantage is clearly manifested when hunting from stealth, when you have to open fire from an initially unfavorable and unstable position, and there is no time for the correct tab in the gun. This advantage of the CP has long been appreciated by athletes from the "practical shooting" (IPSC). Therefore, the presence of the CP on their weapons has already become a ubiquitous phenomenon. And the collimator itself received well-deserved recognition.
The only downside. Due to the fact that the sight is in any case mounted above the standard sights, the aiming line will also be raised above the barrel. As a result, the shooter's head can no longer be fixed on the original stock. in a classic way". The head is no longer fixed by the cheek, but by the chin. Which, in principle, can be tangibly manifested in the form of a blow to it. There are two ways to solve this problem. The first is to build up the butt comb and install cheek pads (similar to those used on SVD). The second is to forget about it and get used to fixing the head as it is, remembering the experience of WWII snipers armed with three-line rifles with PU sights on the Kochetov bracket, which showed excellent results and without any "frills" (the sight was mounted high and the head was also fixed on the butt chin). I’ll add on my own that I went the second way and, after a certain amount of time, I stopped noticing the inconvenience in the tab. In addition, for me, such a “specific” tab turned out to be even more convenient, and, importantly, faster.
As for the control of the target, the CP has a nice feature, due to which the moving (running, flying) target is constantly in the field of view of the hunter in any direction of its movement and is not covered by the body of the weapon. Thus, shooting with the use of the CP is always aimed. Recall that the correct aiming through the CP is carried out with two open eyes. This allows you to maximize the potential of the shooter's vision.

4. Possibility of firing at night. Actually, this advantage of the KP is obvious. Shooting with it is possible as long as the silhouette of the target is still visible. No fiber optic front sight, of course, can provide such an effect.
In general, it should be noted that the above advantages of the use of CP open the way for him to the world of amateur and sport hunting. Perhaps in the near future the "sight" on the hunter's smoothbore gun will no longer look so unusual.
By the way, as that hunter, who had marked the roe deer with a shot, later admitted to me, the first thing he remembered when he lowered the gun was that very “red dot” he had seen on my eve.

To improve the shooting results, it is not enough to modify the weapon, it is also necessary to use more advanced sights. Collimator sights allow to significantly speed up aiming at the target, while maintaining high shooting accuracy. Their design is quite simple and can be reproduced at home, adjusted for the lower strength of homemade devices.

The device got its name from the principle of collimation used - the transformation of light beams that correspond to the objects of observation into parallel beams. In the same plane with the objects of observation (focal plane, opt.) there is an aiming marker, the glow of which is provided by a working LED.

The shooter's eye observes the marker at an indefinite distance. It never blurs and is on the target. From the side of the target, the light source is not visible, which is explained by its low intensity and the reflection of most of the rays in the direction of the shooter.

The advantages of the collimator are the ability to aim with two eyes. This expands the field of view and allows you to move the middle point of impact in time.

Video review of the collimator sight, the principle of its operation and application:

Distinguish between open and closed collimator sights. When using the open type, the shooter observes the target with both eyes, fixing the aiming marker at the same time. The scope cavity is translucent, which also makes it possible to aim with one eye, as in the case of an optical sight.

When aiming a weapon equipped with a closed collimator, one eye observes the target, and the other fixes the aiming mark. It is impossible to aim with one eye, since the space behind the optics is made of an opaque material.

Difference from mechanical, optical, holographic sights

Types of collimator sights and their difference from others

The fundamental difference between a collimator sight and classic sights is as follows:

  • to provide an aiming marker, a source of electricity is always used - a battery or a battery;
  • for aiming at the target, it is not necessary to achieve the combination of the mechanical parts of the sight (front sight and rear sight);
  • the optical system does not provide target approximation (although recently collimators with a small increase began to appear);
  • the role of the aiming mark is performed by a light spot, and not by a metal mesh in the focus of the lens or marks engraved on it;
  • when the shooter's eye shifts relative to the axis of the weapon, the aiming marker almost does not change its location and remains on the target (practical absence of parallax).

There is another type of collimator -. This type is a development of the classical collimator scheme and uses a laser instead of a point light source, as well as a holographic mark. The latter can take any form, including visually apparent three-dimensional.

Holographic sights are considered more advanced than collimator sights, as they allow better orientation in conditions of rapidly changing targets. However, reflex sights are more versatile, being equally useful at short and long distances.


Collimator sights have become widespread on medium and close combat weapons, although they can sometimes be installed on . Most often they are used together with, assault rifles And .
The installation of collimator sights on pneumatic weapons has gained great popularity. This is especially true for airsoft drives.

In conventional 4.5mm pneumatics, collimators are often used by beginners, as they allow accurate shots even with minimal training.

If the main application of pneumatics is shooting at frequently and suddenly appearing targets, then a red dot sight fits perfectly. There are also night sights that allow you to hit the target exactly in the dark.

General device and circuit

The conditional design of an open and closed collimator sight is shown in the figure below.

Closed collimator sight (scheme b) is a tube in which a convex lens and a point light source are mounted. The front part of the sight is closed, that is, you need to aim with two eyes. After combining the marker and the target, you can fire.

Open collimator sight (diagram a) includes in its design a reflecting mirror, often translucent. You can look into such a sight with one eye, observing the target and the luminous marker. The greatest effect is achieved when using both eyes.

If you have the enthusiasm and practice of working with mechanical devices, the simplest collimator sight can be assembled independently. To do this, you need a rectangular or round section, a reflecting mirror or a piece of glass of the correct form, as well as a working LED. You need to place the mirror or glass at an angle to the arrow so that the reflection of the LED is visible in the middle of the body.

Examples of the simplest designs of collimator sights that even a child can build with his own hands (in the literal sense) are shown in the video:

Operation and care

When using a collimator sight, you must:

  • wipe the optics as they get dirty, using specially designed wipes. A simple rag can ruin (scratch) lenses and mirrors;
  • check batteries or accumulators before installing them in the sight - relevant for devices with non-standard batteries;
  • transport the sight separately from the weapon, with the exception of specially designed cases for transportation. A properly adjusted scope will maintain a mid-point of impact even after repeated mounting and dismounting cycles.

Storage rules

To maintain the performance of a collimator sight, you need to fulfill the basic requirements for their storage:

  1. remove the battery for a period of inactivity, so as not to damage wiring diagram during the flow of electrolyte;
  2. keep the sight in a dry place with constant humidity - this will protect the device from corrosion;
  3. avoid physical influences on the sight, since the repair of the optical system is quite expensive even for budget models.

How to choose a reflex sight

How to choose a reflex sight

There is an unspoken rule - all collimator sights with a purchase price below 15 USD. That is, they are not fully sights. This is due to the extremely unreliable design of cheap crafts, which will go astray at the slightest shock (even when reloading).


Modern (brackets) have two main mechanisms - the dovetail and the Picatinny rail. The most expensive models can be fixed on any of them, thanks to the universal mounting kit.

When installing the sight, its location is rigidly fixed with clamping screws, and sometimes it is additionally locked in a special groove. Tighten the screws firmly, but be careful not to strip the threads or bend the guide rails.

You can watch the installation of a collimator sight on a rifle with a transition bar in this video:


The process of setting up a collimator sight can be reduced to two manipulations - setting the brightness and zeroing. The change in brightness is carried out depending on the external illumination - the stronger it is, the brighter the aiming marker should be. When shooting in cloudy weather or at dusk, the emitter power must be reduced to prevent target illumination.

In the absence of experience, zero the weapon from the stop. It is most convenient to use a special stand or a bag filled with sand.

It is carried out at a standard distance for each type of weapon. In the case of pneumatics, it is advisable to start from ten meters, adjusting the midpoint of impact and the location of the marker in several stages:

  1. the weapon is directed at the target through mechanical sights or a bore. Also, a luminous collimator marker is aimed at the target (by rotating the adjusting screws in the horizontal and vertical planes);
  2. a series of shots is fired (usually no more than three), which determine the average point of impact. The position of the marker is again adjusted by screws, taking into account the deviation of the aiming point from the point of impact (in accordance with the instructions for the used sight);
  3. after the initial zeroing, another series of shots is fired to make sure that the corrections made are correct;
  4. when the weapon is sighted at a given distance, it is necessary to check the point of impact at other distances. The observed reduction or excess of hits should be recorded and learned. Knowing the deviations from the aiming point and the distance to the target, it will be possible to fire without making adjustments to the collimator settings.

Brief overview of popular brands


Refers to a line of combat collimator sights designed for installation on serial military weapons. Depending on the conditions of use, you can choose not only the brightness of the marker, but also its appearance (dot, crosshair, etc.). sights Russian production have a predominantly open design and allow you to quickly transfer fire to emerging targets.


It is a line of collimator sights of various modifications, including holographic ones. The devices are high priced and have a wide range of features, many consider them to be the best in the business. Most are compact open structures.


They belong to the sights of the middle and upper price range and are made in Japan. Implemented designs are varied and include both small-sized collimators with a single lens, and tubular designs for long-range shooting.


A large assortment has gained fame due to the use by hunters and sportsmen. The price of gauges has been shifted towards moderate values, and significant durability allows firing from weapons of large calibers, such as 12th. Sightmark has collected a number of awards for high quality products, some of which are used by the US law enforcement forces.

Aim point

The company manufactures high-quality riflescopes that are used on a variety of small arms. Most are made in a shock-resistant and water-resistant case, capable of withstanding heavy mechanical loads. The prices of scopes are quite high and maintain the reputation of an expensive brand, but you can always get Chinese replicas at a lower cost.

Comparison of red dot sights from Aimpoint and Eotech:


These collimator sights are characterized by open design and are compact devices for installation on sporting and hunting weapons. For military use, sights are less common due to the open optical part. The devices are quite durable and compact, and also have high ergonomics.


Models of collimator sights from Leapers gained popularity when installed on smoothbore hunting weapons and small pneumatics. The rigid construction allows the scope to withstand high recoil. Among the large selection there are budget models that allow you to fully use inexpensive gas-cylinder pistols with installed collimator sights.


German-made devices are popular for being ultra-small and strong enough to withstand high recoil. Docter collimators are used in recreational, hunting and sports shooting, and are also used for installation on shotguns and submachine guns.


Samples of American production complement a wide range of sights, including not only collimator sights, but also optical sights. We can say that collimators are rather an exception for this brand, which does not affect their quality in any way. Most Bushnell reflex sights are budget models used for sporting and hunting purposes.

For hunters and sports shooting enthusiasts who want to increase the effectiveness of their weapons, improve the accuracy of combat, a collimator is best suited for "tuning". It is the collimator sight for 12 caliber fishing weapons - this is the most rational version of the optical device. Aiming is carried out by simply pointing the target beam at the target, which significantly increases the speed of preparation and the shooting itself. The shooter's eye is at a safe distance from the device, which eliminates injury during recoil. And for novice hunters, you can’t think of a better assistant. Such sights provide comfortable shooting for people with insufficient

Collimator sight for smoothbore weapons

This type of sight is an electronic optical device. Applies to low power devices. For most serial samples, it is equal to one. The brand is projected onto the front lens (output screen) of the device. The label itself can be various forms: be in the form of a circle, a square, or intersecting lines. Each of the options is designed for a certain distance of fire: up to 100 meters, up to 400 and more than 400 meters. The stamp color can be red or green. Ease of use lies in the fact that the device does not block the target, transmits light and transmits a clear image.

Types and types of sights

Depending on the brand of fixture, illumination methods can be active if they use energy or passive. Active ones allow you to accurately shoot at night and in bad weather conditions. Active stereoscopic ones project a mark for only one right eye. Passive ones can only be used during daylight hours, their brand is not bright and does not differ in contrast.

Sights are produced in two types: in the form of a tube resembling appearance optics, or in the form of a frame with a front lens. The tube consists of an LED emitter and two or more lenses. Such a device is more compact and lighter than classical optics, but slightly larger than an open type device. The advantage is good visibility of the tag in bright sunlight. All elements are reliably protected by a durable case from shaking when firing. The 12 gauge closed red dot sight is not very convenient, as this type of weapon is most often used when shooting from an unstable position.

Open-type devices have better visibility when shooting and significantly less weight. However, it is difficult to use them even during light rainfall. A variation is the halogen sight, although some experts classify it as a separate type of equipment. Outwardly, it looks like a frame of an open fixture. However, the brand image is projected onto the output screen by a laser beam. Depending on the hunting conditions, the screen-plate can be quickly replaced. It can be used in any weather and in fog.

Features of use

Application practice shows that the aiming device is best installed on a quick-detachable console. If necessary, the equipment can be quickly dismantled and the pursuit of game can be continued. The device allows you to fire from a moving vehicle, as well as hit fast-moving objects. On automatic weapons, it is usually mounted on the side of the receiver. Collimator sights are very sensitive to low temperatures. In severe frost, the battery may fail, and the entire device will fail.

Real Japanese quality

One of the most common are the Hakko BED red dot sights. They are manufactured by the Japanese company Tokyo Scope Co., LTD. This means a lot, given that almost all goods are made in China. Brands of almost all industries have their own production facilities in China. Hakko collimator sights are assembled in Japan to the last screw. Products differ in high optical characteristics and durability of a design. Available in both closed and open versions. Both of them provide for the choice of one of four labels. In closed fixtures, 11 light levels can be used.

Owners who use these devices confirm that the devices are truly waterproof and shockproof, and the gas filling of the interior prevents fogging. The Hakko collimator sight is highly reliable and is able to withstand the recoil of 12-gauge guns. The device provides for mounting on the Weaver mounting base. Although any Hakko BED reflex sight is not critical to the distance from the shooter's eye: the most acceptable distance of the pupil from the exit screen is at least 100 mm.

Ultimate Holographic Scope

Many experts and professional shooters recognize the American EOTech holographic red dot sight as the best example. This is a direct descendant of a military product. The difference between these open-type devices and their counterparts is that they have a laser optical device (the label is recorded in the form of a hologram and is illuminated by a laser), which provides considerable advantages. Firstly, the brightness of the label can be adjusted in a wide range - the variator assumes 21 levels. This makes it possible to shoot in all weather conditions. Some samples are equipped with thermal imager and night vision functions. And secondly, the EOTech collimator sight has practically no. This was achieved thanks to the complex brand projection system. It is visible even in rain, snow and heavy pollution. The device remains operational in case of mechanical damage.

Long runtime is achieved by automatic shutdown. The device can be programmed for 4 or 8 hours. An important advantage is the small size and curb weight. The device is very convenient when used on 12-gauge shotguns. Many devices provide for the use of standard batteries: AA batteries. Batteries can be found in any store. Their replacement occurs by simple manipulation and takes no more than a minute. When changing batteries, sighting of the collimator sight is not required. Overseas products are very expensive. Top models cost over 60 thousand rubles.

Another American product

The Sightmark red dot sight is significantly cheaper, but that doesn't mean it's low quality. Sightmark is a subsidiary of the Yukon holding, which manufactures products for law enforcement and the Ministry of Defense. Products are mostly open type, have up to 7 levels of brightness settings and are designed for installation on smoothbore weapons up to 12 gauge. Dovetail mount, bar 11 mm wide. Some samples are mounted on a Weaver/Picatini base. The sights are lightweight and highly reliable. A significant part of the products is produced in China.

Domestic is not worse

In 2009, the Kobra collimator sight appeared on the market in the EKP-8-21 version. This is the first and so far the only digital optical device for civil use. The open-type device is intended primarily for installation on semi-automatic weapons of the Bekas series. The Russian sight is mounted on a dovetail mount. The electronic circuit allows you to select four types of labels, 16 brightness options, as well as memorize information about the type of label and the brightness of the glow. The maximum range of ballistic corrections is up to 600 meters. Collimator sight "Cobra" is highly reliable. The owners note that after several dozen shots, the settings are saved and the seat is not deformed. Moreover, aiming in poor light conditions improves over time. Some owners complain that the device has a significant weight and height. The device can be used with the strap of the MP-251, IZH-18, IZH-27, IZH-94, Taiga shotguns. You can aim with one or two eyes.

How to mount?

An important issue that overshadows the choice of the device itself is the method of attachment to the weapon. Most samples of smoothbore weapons do not provide for any regular fixtures or consoles for installing additional devices. The exceptions are the domestic "Saiga", "Bekas", pump-action shotguns and some samples designed for self-defense. The hunter should independently look for a technical solution. The choice is not rich: “dovetail” and bases (they are also called slats) Weaver and Picatini. The mounting of the red dot sight in the vast majority of samples provides for placement on Weaver rails using integrated seats. Only sights equipped with special mounting rings can be mounted on a dovetail fixture. Some models are attached directly to the aiming bar of the gun. As a rule, such electronic optics has small dimensions and weight. These include the well-known compact Docter sights. The light mark of this device is clearly visible in the snow, and even against the sky. However, their cost may exceed the price of the weapon itself.

Not very reliable

Domestic craftsmen mount a seat under the Weaver and on the dovetail. For this, special adapters are made. When choosing adapters, each sample requires an individual approach. So, the Vologda Optical and Mechanical Plant manufactures a product of the same name (VOMZ). The steel console is designed to accommodate an additional sighting device of any type of mounts on it. But, for example, 16-gauge can only be placed on a ventilated rib up to 7 mm wide. Such a design leads to a significant weighting of the weapon and a violation of its centering. The weight of one adapter alone is more than 100 grams. According to user reviews, such a mount is not durable and begins to loosen after a dozen shots. Alternatively, a not too heavy optical device should be installed. Based on this, the same collimator sight on the IZH-27 should weigh no more than 90 grams. What can we say about more powerful weapons and the corresponding technical means?

Expensive stone - a worthy frame

If an expensive optical device is purchased, it makes no sense to save money on its installation. The bar and bolted connections must have a sufficient margin of safety in order not only to fix a relatively heavy sighting device, but also to withstand recoil loads over a long period of operation. The 12 gauge red dot sight must only be mounted using specially designed stock mounting hardware. Dovetail and Weaver/Picatini slats in a large assortment are available for free sale and in online stores.

It is necessary to choose a product that follows the contour of the receiver. Also, the thickness of the body of the box itself should allow drilling a hole and cutting at least three turns of thread. It is best to cut the thread on professional equipment. You should also take into account the distance from the eye at which the collimator sight will be located. Feedback from experienced owners indicates the need for additional sealant treatment of the threads and the surface of the junction of the console itself to the plane of the receiver. All other installation methods are money thrown to the wind.

Zeroing optics

Like any other optical device, after mounting on a gun, the sight requires zeroing. The shooter must have a clear idea of ​​where the bullet or shot will hit at a distance of 35-50 meters. Most devices are equipped with regulators. In this case fine tuning is carried out by means of adjustment in two planes with the help of two rotary regulators-drums. For a certain distance, you should remember the position of the regulators. Many people think that the so-called cold sighting is enough. In this case, the ammunition used with the red dot sight may not give the desired result. This is due to the fact that sometimes in hunting weapons there is a mismatch between the axes of the barrel and the chamber. Cold alignment can turn into chamber zeroing. It is necessary to take into account the correction when shooting from hand, as well as tangible recoil, because a 12-gauge collimator sight is most often mounted.

Another way to adjust the optics is by fixing the barrel in a special machine or vise. The barrel is aimed at a fixed point, and then the sight is adjusted. Cold zeroing can be replaced by a procedure of several dozen trial shots. Any optics requires painstaking adjustment, including a red dot sight. Reviews that experts post on thematic forums often contain advice to fire several series of four single shots. According to the results of hits on the target of a particular series, the average point of the hit and its deviation from the center of the target are recorded. The sight is adjusted and after that - the next series of shots. And so on until a satisfactory result is obtained.

In bullet shooting, alignment is carried out using the same type of cartridges and at the same distance that will be used in real conditions. However, in practice this is not possible. It is best to zero the device for use at several likely ranges of fire, and mark the results of hits on the object with notes in a notebook. In this case, corrections of angular indicators proportional to the firing distance are fixed.

On the trunks (horizontally).

The installation of a collimator sight on smoothbore guns is gaining momentum. The three main types of guns and the installation of collimators on them are described in the first part of the article. This short part is about horizontal mounts, there are not so many options to choose from, but still they are.

The design of the gun dictates the conditions and, alas, you have to take them into account. The first shotguns with soldered barrels (double-barreled shotguns) made for hunting were horizontal barrels. On such guns, the aiming bar is not ventilated, there are no slots or hooks, and it is not possible to install a collimator mount on the bar.

Separately, we can say about double-barreled and triple-barreled guns and fittings, such guns have rifled barrels (under different calibers), or combined (a combination of rifled and smoothbore). On such guns, an aiming bar with a base for mounting for optics is used. Such mounts have a different shape and appearance, but this is a topic of a different nature, about brackets for rifled weapons and fittings. Smoothbore does not have this, so the possibilities are limited only by installation on trunks.

The choice of mounting location is limited. The bracket consists of two parts (upper and lower), and is mounted on the barrel near the forearm, since it is impossible to put the gun closer to the fracture. Mounts of this type close the aiming bar and it is not possible to aim without a collimator.

These mounts include most on our market, the weaver base is on the top, and on the bottom there is also a base for installing an underbarrel flashlight or a laser designator. Mounts are made mainly from light alloys, since the area of ​​​​contact with the trunks is large, but there is no stopper; instead, gaskets made of special non-slip materials or rubber are used. But some fasteners have a locking screw, what does that mean? This means that you need a hole for this screw, and you will have to drill an aiming bar for it ... and if the gun is expensive, then this a priori disappears immediately. Even if you bought not an expensive horizontal, and you don’t feel sorry for it ... then here is the drill in your hands! The main thing is not to miss.
But there are craftsmen who screw the weaver bases directly to the reticle.

"Mount IZH-43" from the company EST Prime Tula.

It consists of two similar parts, on which there is a weaver base. On the top there is a cutout for the aiming bar of the gun, and a collimator is installed on it, on the bottom base you can install an underbarrel flashlight or a laser designator. The mount is made of aluminum alloy and is quite strong and light, weighing about 100 grams. The length of the weaver base, as well as the very base of the mount, is 7 cm. It is installed close to the forearm on the trunks and clamped with 6 screws. The mount is quite high and the installed collimator should be low-slung.

There is a modification of this mount "IZH-43N".

The difference is the absence of the lower base of the weaver, the mount is clamped with two dies from below on the same 6 screws. Mount is lighter. But there is the possibility of installation closer to the fracture of the trunks, if the gun has a narrow forearm, such as on the old guns of Russia and Europe. Usually, people who have such guns do not put any sights on them, still a classic, and they are very expensive to experiment with.

Mount "IZH-43" EST Tula and IZH-58

Mount "IZH-43" EST Tula and "PKM" and IZH-58

There were fasteners from the Tochpribor company, which, unfortunately, cannot be found during the day with fire, since they were discontinued. Full coverage fasteners. It consisted of a clamping part, a clamp that completely seized the gun, and a weaver base screwed to this clamp. The principle that the mount was installed under the forearm made its hitch rigid, but at the same time it was necessary to undermine something somewhere (forearm), and this is problematic. Therefore, this principle has died out.

There is one mount, which is produced at the Krasnogorsk plant (KMZ named after Zverev), especially for their PKM collimators. PKM collimator sights for the army are suitable, but for civilian weapons they are too cumbersome, although the quality of optics and electronics is good, well, or put such a collimator on army-type carbines, such as Vepr, Tiger or Saiga.

So, the engineers and turners of the plant make many types of bases for their invention, and one base is suitable for light open collimators with one locking screw, since the weaver base has one slot (one slot) on the mount. This is perhaps the lowest mount, in terms of landing on the trunks, the thickness of the metal is thinner and the cutout for the aiming bar is larger. It consists of an aluminum alloy mount and is clamped with 4 screws. Attachment length 7 cm, mounted near the forearm. The mount is not universal, and has a difference in calibers, be careful, choose for your caliber (20, 16 or 12). It is called the weaver base for PCM

The next horizontal mount from Belarusian designers. For some reason, manufacturers do not have enough imagination and all domestic and Belarusian fasteners do not have separate names or articles (like the Germans or Americans), but they have MVZHI with some kind of "cosmic" number, which is why this fastener is without a name. Bracket 43-58 weaver. The mount is a weaver base screwed with 2 screws to the barrel guide, if you can call it that. This bracket is hammered onto the barrels and screwed to the aiming plate with a locking screw, but for this purpose, a hole for the screw must be made in the aiming plate, i.e. take a drill .... and .... The base is closer to the fracture, this will be the closest location of the collimator to the eyes, but you need to drill.

Still, it is better to leave the classic gun in its original state, not to install anything, and even more so not to drill anything. After all, this is the best gun for sea hunting, but this is just my opinion. Yes, and it looks, to put it mildly, not "comme il faut", as they say everything has its place ...

Today, rifle scopes are an integral part of the equipment of a hunter or target shooter.

Having this device, there is no need to combine the target itself, the front sight and the sight (when using an open one, these 3 objects should be on the same line), it is enough to point the crosshair at the target and you can shoot.

When there is optics in the arsenal, the process of learning to shoot is greatly simplified, and many of them are able to magnify the image several times, which makes it possible to aim more accurately and increases the chances of hitting the target.

With such a device, even a person with visual impairments can hunt. Devices of this modification are produced both for rifled and smooth-bore weapons.

Main settings

Optical sights for hunting rifles and rifles are not a simple design and have a number of parameters.

It is in these parameters that they differ and have their own specific purpose. The main optical parameters are:

  • multiplicity;
  • light transmission;
  • parallax;
  • lenses, their dimensions and anti-reflection coating;
  • fastening method.

One of the most important characteristics of any "optics" is multiplicity, this also applies to scopes. Do not trust the stereotypes that the higher the magnification, the better the sight. This is not always true.

The magnification (magnification) varies for different models from 2 to 50, but this does not mean that sights with a small magnification are bad and cheap, and those with a large magnification are expensive and good. High magnification systems are mounted on weapons when it is necessary to hunt small game or small animals from a distance.

To hunt a large animal (elk, wild boar), optics with a small magnification or collimator ones are used. - This is a kind of optical, which usually have a constant multiplicity-1. Such systems are designed for hunting a moving animal, they have excellent light transmission, high strength and are considered the fastest.

The collimator is an LED built into the sight, which can be in laser and conventional (infrared) versions. When a carbine or rifle is aimed at a target, a red dot appears on the item.

Light transmission- This is the amount of light transmitted through the scope to the eye. The larger the multiplicity of the device, the smaller this parameter. The most expensive scopes have 95-97% light transmission.

is the illusion of deviating from the goal. On "optics" with a magnification of more than 10, with a break in aiming or sudden movement head, it seems that the target has “gone”.

In order to prevent such an effect on sights for hunting at close range with a magnification of 8 or more, a parallax detuning ring is installed. It comes in the form of a drum around the body of the sight and in the form of an adjusting pin on the side of the body. Each division on such a "device" corresponds to the distance for the shot.

Most produced optical sights for a three-line or shotgun have lens diameter from 40 to 45 mm and are waterproof and also protected from internal fogging.

Many optical systems targeting, in addition to the various above parameters, may differ in method of attaching to a weapon. Experts advise to mount all devices on the brackets and mounting rings that are “native” for each weapon, so that the sight and the gun are a single whole mechanism.

Models for professionals

Today you can choose a sight for a carbine for absolutely any purpose. For hunting wild boar, or other large animals, models with a multiplicity of 3-9 are most often used. With these indicators, there are many systems, both domestic (Belarusian) and cheap Chinese production. The following models are most in demand among professionals:

Models for hunting in the steppe

For hunting in the steppe or in other open areas, sights on carbines with a magnification of 4-12, 4.5-14 are used. Popular models are:

Now on sale is a large number of optical sights for different requirements. Each hunter must understand what he pays money for when buying a system and what values ​​​​of the above parameters are important to him, and which ones can be neglected. You can buy optics in almost any hunting store or via the Internet.
