Н and н in adjectives presentation. Presentation "н and нн in adjective suffixes"

Presentation by Marina Vladimirovna Dmitrieva, teacher of Russian language and literature, Lyceum, Balashov, Saratov Region

A. Vasnetsov. Foundation of Moscow. Constructions of the first walls of the Kremlin by Yuri Dolgoruky in 1156

A. Vasnetsov. Foundation of Moscow.

In 1156, as the TV…r chronicler says, the first d…reve….th walls of the Moscow Region… blah, the territory of which was then much smaller than modern….oh, were built. Numerous villages and villages were scattered around the Kremlin. The fortress served for the surrounding population and the economy .... as a center, and a reliable place of shelter in case of an attack by enemies ... gov.

Form adjectives from nouns and highlight suffixes





Н and НН in adjective suffixes

From a noun with a base on H

With the help of suffixes ENN-ONN




pig, blue, ruddy, green,

youthful, spicy, crimson, peacock

Selective dictation Dmitry Donskoy firmly remembered the precepts of his grandfathers. He looked at the Kremlin. My father's Kremlin was all wooden, in some places it even crumbled. Thanks to the fire - it burned all the walls like a birch bark box. Then they decided not to put more wooden ones. Stone walls were erected. Here and there in two or even three rows, wall over wall, like a pine cone. The Moscow Kremlin was folded at four corners. But he came out not as a four-sided casket, but as if with a stirrup, or rather, with an ax. And the blade of the ax is turned to the Horde, and to the west - the butt. Check yourself! Wooden Birch bark Stone Tetrahedral Pay attention to the spelling of adjectives formed from nouns with the suffix -in-. epics epics A starin starin A depths depths A What words spell one N?


Words with one H disappear.

Explain the spelling of Н and НН in the adjective suffixes Sandy .. th coast, cranes .. th wing, nightingale .. th trills, leather .. th gloves, loaf ... th path, abyss ... th abyss, foliage ... th forest, oil .. th tower, cranberry ... th fruit drink, straw ... th hat, silver ... th dew drops, tin ... th soldier, fog ... th look. Sandy shore, crane wing, nightingale trills, leather gloves, oil rig, silver dew drops Sandy shore, crane wing, nightingale trills, leather gloves, oil rig, silver dew drops

Caravan route, bottomless abyss, deciduous forest, cranberry juice, straw hat, tin soldier, misty eyes.



Now the bell is ringing! Thank you all for the lesson. Literature. Resources. 1.C. Borodin. Dmitry Donskoy. P.6. 2.A. M. Vasnetsov. Moscow Kremlin under Ivan III. 3.VASNETSOV Apollinaris - Foundation of Moscow. 4. Construction of the first walls of the Kremlin by Yuri Dolgoruky in 1156 5. Encyclopedia of ancient Russian life: Ancient Moscow. 6.D.Donskoy, portrait. 7. Picture. Moscow Kremlin. 8. Picture: a girl with a school bell. 7. Pictures: children in the lesson. 9. Picture. Flowers for first graders.

slide 1

Н and НН- in adjective suffixes high school» Teacher of Russian language and literature (second category) Melnikova Anastasia Anatolyevna

slide 2

Form adjectives from nouns and highlight the word-building suffixes DUCK - DUCK FOG - MISTY SAND - SAND STONE - STONE PEAT - PEAT WATER - WATER When is one letter n written in adjective suffixes, and when are two letters nn in adjective suffixes?

slide 3

Н and НН in adjective suffixes Determine from what part of speech the word is formed. From a noun? Yes Determine what suffix is ​​added to the stem? - onn, - enn, - an, - yang, - in Yes Yes Write - nn Write - n Exceptions: windy (but calm) Exceptions: pewter, glass, wooden

slide 4

Short form or full. A valuable thing - windy weather is valuable - windy Oily - diluted in oil, running on oil (cookies, engine); Salt - consisting of salt (pillar); Windmill - (engine, smallpox) Buttered - smeared, soaked in oil (pancake, hand, porridge); Salty - containing salt (porridge); Windy - (day, person)

slide 5

REMEMBER peacock pig mutton pheasant seal green crimson spicy ruddy blue young

slide 6

Enter adjectives that have one n in the suffix, and then adjectives with two n suffixes tin... th, revolutionary... th, eagle... th, dinner... th, bone... oh, animals... th, wooden... th, excursion...

Slide 7

Explain the spelling of the missing letters. I smelled a spicy smell. An icy wind blows overhead. It's windy weather. Like behind a stone wall. He covered their blue eyes with long lashes.

Slide 8

Check yourself 1.chugu…th grating 2. windy…day 3. crimson…sunsets 4. geese…those paws 5. wave…th department 6. sick…th feeling 7. strange…th happening 8. old…th clock 9. young face 10. ice mountain 11. cockfights 12. life drama

Prepared by: teacher of Russian language and literature Savelyeva S.A.

slide 2

for the teacher:

  • introduce the spelling rule Н and НН in adjectives formed from nouns;
  • to form the ability to choose Н and НН in adjective suffixes; formed from nouns;
  • improve the skills of morphemic analysis of words;
  • develop logic and critical thinking, the ability to select material, to argue their point of view.

for students:

1. Know the spelling rule Н and НН in adjectives formed from nouns;

2. Be able to choose Н and НН in adjective suffixes formed from nouns

3. Be able to make a morphemic analysis of the word;

4. Be able to argue your point of view.

Lesson Objectives:

slide 3


slide 5

Spelling of letters Н-НН in adjectives formed from nouns.

slide 6

  • Get acquainted with the spelling of the letters H - HH in adjectives formed from nouns;
  • Be able to choose Н or НН in adjective suffixes;
  • Be able to prove your point of view when choosing a spelling.

Lesson Objectives:

Slide 8


Letters Н and НН in adjectives formed from nouns. HH

1. -Н-: if the root of the word does not end in Н;

2. -IN-: the suffix indicates belonging to a living being;

3. - AN-(YAN): adjectives with these suffixes denote the material from which the object is made.

if the root of the word ends in N;

Excl.: glass tin wooden

Exception: windy (but: without + windy) oily (but: pro+oily)

Slide 9

Spelling analysis of sentences.

1. Instead of stone (n, nn) ​​m ... st and (o, a) sphalt, t ... flat ... dirt roads ... horns.

2. From ... the rib (n, nn) ​​th fog fell on the circle ... n ... st.

3. After a ... short o (t, tt) ash, cruel m ... roses s ... t ... zeros in a dream ...

l ... dya (n, nn) ​​oh film, and the whole steppe with ... yala even ... th, x ... lodn ... th well ... lt ... heat.

4. In the cool ... cold ... m be ... wind (n, nn) ​​... in the air you can already feel the ... blessing of winter.

5. There are in the light ... sti was (n, nn) ​​them in ... h .. moat touching, t ... instve (n, nn) ​​th charm ... st.

6. In the pr ... mountains ... at the bottom of the n ... selk ... there was a show of art (n, nn) ​​oh myself ... activities ... sti.

Slide 10

1. Instead of stone pavements and asphalt, bad dirt roads stretched.

2. Silver mist fell on the neighborhood.

3. After a short thaw, severe frosts covered the snow with an ice film, and the whole steppe shone with an even, cold yellowness.

4. The approach of winter is already felt in the cool windless air.

5. There is a touching, mysterious charm in the grace of autumn evenings.

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Annotation to the presentation

Presentation on the Russian language, the purpose of which is to explain to students according to what laws H and HH are written in adjective suffixes. The teacher gives the rule that this spelling obeys and shows how it is applied in practice. After that, the children will have to complete the task to consolidate this material.

  • Learning the spelling H and HH in adjective suffixes
  • Spelling warm-up
  • Explanatory tables
  • Exception words
  • Assignment for independent work


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Avvakumova T.V.






    • For the teacher to teach

slide 1

Compiled by: Avvakumova Tatyana Viktorovna,


slide 2

Spelling warm-up

Insert the missing letter.

slide 3

Check yourself!

Cylinder, outdoors, chicken, touch, attach, tan, burn, collect, add, find, run, amusing, school, pedestrian, plumbing, vacuum cleaner.

slide 4



  • Dark (clouds)
  • urban (resident)
  • A tall man)
  • wolfish (appetite)


  • daddy (belt)
  • Foxy burrow)
  • January (day)
  • wooden house)

Find and fix the error


  • yesterday)
  • kind (friend)
  • hare (traces)
  • grandmother's (shawl)
  • slide 5

    Check yourself!


    • Dark (clouds)
    • A tall man)
    • kind (friend)


    • urban (resident)
    • January (day)
    • wooden house)
    • yesterday)


    • hare (traces)
    • grandmother's (shawl)
    • wolfish (appetite)
    • daddy (belt)
    • Foxy burrow)
  • slide 6

    О-Е after sibilants and Ц in adjective suffixes

    Hedgehog, facial howl, material howl, plush.

    In suffixes of adjectives formed from nouns, after hissing and C, the letter O is written under stress, and the letter E without stress.

    Slide 7


    • WINDY

    In the suffix -IN-


    • TIN,
    • WOOD,
    • GLASS


    Slide 8

    Fix it!

    Write down adjectives formed from these words using the suffix -IN-, -AN- (YAN) -

    Slide 9

    Slide 10

    Working with the textbook

    With. 133, exercise 320.

    slide 11

    Check yourself!

    slide 12

    • When do we write two letters HH?
    • Let's repeat the rule.

    In adjectives formed from nouns with a stem in -Н.

    In adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes -ONN-, ENN-.


    • WINDY

    In the suffix -IN-

    In the suffix - AN- (YAN-) adjectives formed from nouns


    • TIN,
    • WOOD,
    • GLASS
  • slide 13



    View all slides


    Avvakumova Tatyana Viktorovna

    Teacher of Russian language and literature

    MUOSHI " General education boarding school No. 27 of basic general education "

    City of Kamensk-Uralsky

    During the classes:

    Organizing time.


    Spelling exercise. SL.2.

    Insert the missing letter.

    Ts. lindr, in the fresh air, ts. Ave. school, pedestrian, water.pipe, dust.sucker.


    C And lindr, fresh e m air, c s films, to A sled, adj O live, zag A p, g O tret, sob e ru, slug A washable, under s say, pr And run, pr e funny, pr And school, walking e move, water O wire, dust e SOS.

    Repetition of what has been learned. SL.4.

    Find and fix bugs.

    Let's check the work. SL.5.


    Hedgehog O vy, persons e howl, thing e howl, plush e out.

    Let's check (by slide)

    Introduction of new material. SL.7.

    Two letters H it is written:

    In adjectives formed from nouns with a stem in -Н.

    In adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes -ONN-, ENN-.



    One letter H

    In the suffix -IN-

    In the suffix - AN- (YAN-) adjectives formed from nouns





    In short adjectives, the same number of letters H are written as in full ones.

    Consolidation. SL.8

    Write down the adjectives in which HH . SL.9.

    Textbook work. SL.10.(p. 133, exercise 320).

    Test yourself. SL.11.

    Straw, pumpkin, cranberry, silver, painful, valuable, foggy, oil, wood, glass, pewter, machine, spring, autumn, vintage, picture, state, domestic, artificial, household, kitchen, leafy, moonlight, sagebrush, pocket, wall, cast iron, lemon.

    Summing up the lesson. SL.12.

    What rule are we familiar with?

    In what cases do we write one letter H?

    When do we write two letters HH?

    Let's repeat the rule.

    In short adjectives, the same number of letters H are written as in full ones.

    Homework. SL.13.

    S. 132, p. 56, learn the rule.

    S. 134, ex. 323 (write off, place the missing commas. Indicate the conditions for choosing the letters H, HH in adjective suffixes).

    Good luck to everyone. Thank you for the lesson.

    Avvakumova Tatyana Viktorovna

    Teacher of Russian language and literature

    MUOSHI "Comprehensive boarding school No. 27 of basic general education"

    City of Kamensk-Uralsky

    Topic: Spelling n, nn in adjective suffixes.

    Review what you learned about adjectives.

    Acquaintance with the spelling of two and one H in adjective suffixes.

    Application of acquired knowledge in practice.

    During the classes:

    Organizing time.

    Hello, today we will expand our knowledge about the adjective and get acquainted with the new rule. SL.1

    Spelling exercise. SL.2.

    Insert the missing letter.

    Ts. lindr, in the fresh air, ts. Ave. school, pedestrian, water.pipe, dust.sucker.

    Let's check our literacy. SL.3.

    C And lindr, fresh e m air, c s films, to A sled, adj O live, zag A p, g O tret, sob e ru, slug A washable, under s say, pr And run, pr e funny, pr And school, walking e move, water O wire, dust e SOS.

    What spelling do you see here?

    Repetition of what has been learned. SL.4.

    What kinds of adjectives do you know?

    Find and fix bugs.

    Let's check the work. SL.5.

    What rule did we learn in the last lesson? SL.6.

    O-E after hissing and C in adjective suffixes.

    Fill in the missing letters (orally)

    Hedgehog O vy, persons e howl, thing e howl, plush e out.

    Tell the rule (1 student).

    Let's check (by slide) In suffixes of adjectives formed from nouns, after hissing and C, the letter O is written under stress, and the letter E without stress.

    Introduction of new material. SL.7.

    Two letters H it is written:

    In adjectives formed from nouns with a stem in -Н.

    In adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes -ONN-, ENN-.



    One letter H

    In the suffix -IN-

    In the suffix - AN- (YAN-) adjectives formed from nouns





    In short adjectives, the same number of letters H are written as in full ones.

    Consolidation. SL.8

    Write down adjectives formed from these words using the suffix -IN-, -AN- (YAN) -

    Glass, lion, ice, owl, bone, pigeon, herbal, mosquito.

    Name the word exception (glassy).

    Write down the adjectives in which HH . SL.9.

    Pumpkin, moon, lemon, cranberry, fiery.

    Textbook work. SL.10.(p. 133, exercise 320).

    Test yourself. SL.11.

    Straw, pumpkin, cranberry, silver, painful, valuable, foggy, oil, wood, glass, pewter, machine, spring, autumn, vintage, picture, state, domestic, artificial, household, kitchen, leafy, moonlight, sagebrush, pocket, wall, cast iron, lemon.

    Summing up the lesson. SL.12.

    What rule are we familiar with?

    In what cases do we write one letter H?

    When do we write two letters HH?

    Let's repeat the rule.

    In short adjectives, the same number of letters H are written as in full ones.

    Homework. SL.13.

    S. 132, p. 56, learn the rule.

    S. 134, ex. 323 (write off, place the missing commas. Indicate the conditions for choosing the letters H, HH in adjective suffixes).

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