Rain code for minecraft. How to turn off rain in Minecraft

I love a thunderstorm at the beginning of May... Famous lines. It is good for him to love - he does not lag anything from the rain. The maximum that bad weather will turn out for him is wet clothes. But air, freshness, freedom! What about us crafters? We do not feel freshness, smell too. Well, yes, the seeds germinate faster, the thunder is heard, which is also nice. And the rest are just lags. As water pours from heaven, it happens, at least get out of Minecraft. But you know what? Let those who will not read our article come out. Because they'll miss out on a million ounces of information, and they won't know how to stop the rain in Minecraft. Didn't you know that this can be done? What can you control the weather? Yes, weather conditions that are objectionable to you can be easily turned off, and those that warm your soul and body, on the contrary, can be turned on.

After using some chips, after a short time you will be able to brag to less powerful crafters that you are now the real Perun - the Slavic thunderer, the lord of rain. One type of chips is that Perunian opportunities will become available to you:

  • In multiplayer, if you are, for example, a server operator
  • Alone, if you remember to enable cheat support

The second type is that ... However, the rest of the article is about this. About how, in fact, turn off the rain.

First way

So, the weather command "weather" will help us to remove the rain. In addition to it, there are three of its attributes:

  • Thunder. This parameter means thunder.
  • Rain. What we need is rain.
  • Clear (or "sun"). Well, this attribute means clear weather.

To get rid of bad weather, in addition to the command and attributes, you need to set numerical values ​​in seconds. It is most logical to use the "rain" attribute and specify the minimum value - one. That is, you need to write: /weather rain 1. Minecraft will understand this as an instruction to issue rain for one second. It looks like it is, but it really isn't. And the lags simply have nowhere to come from.

But you can go from the opposite. You can not get rid of bad weather, but simply warn it. Use the "sun" parameter and write: /weather sun 5000. Instead of five thousand, write the number of seconds you want. That is how long the good sunny weather will last. For example, to enjoy the sun for an hour, you need to write 3600.

It is clear that with these commands you can turn off the heavenly water, and turn it on for a certain time.

Second way

Do you want to know how to turn off the rain in Minecraft in a different way? There is another command that will help you quickly turn it off. Typing "/toggledownfall" and hitting "Enter" will bring you back under clear skies. This command will work even when it is not raining yet. Only then will it work in reverse - you will get wet. That is, this directive functions as a weather switch.

In the snow biome, instead of rain, you can turn snow on or off. If there is no desire to remember the command, you can do the following:

  • Press slash
  • Dial "tog"
  • Click on "tab"
  • Press "Enter"
  • Pressing "tab" will turn on autocompletion and the rest of the command will be typed by the computer.
Rain in Minecraft is a weather phenomenon that is accompanied by a variety of processes and effects that affect the game world. Among the effects, the most obvious ones can be distinguished - particles of water falling on the surface of the earth, special sound accompaniment (sometimes the sounds of thunder), etc. Rain was added to Minecraft in version 1.5 Beta.

Rain works in both singleplayer and multiplayer versions. It can be seen falling from the sky in a place where there are no obstacles in the form of blocks. On game process this phenomenon is completely unaffected. When a raindrop hits a block, a splash animation is played. So that the game is not loaded once again, and with it the computer, rain is not common.

Turn rain on or off

There are times when rain interferes or, on the contrary, is necessary. There are special commands to control the weather. For example, typing /weather sun 100000 will remove the rain for a very long time. The /weather rain 100000 command can turn on rain for a long time.

The numerical value can be adjusted to your liking, and you can also use the /weather rain 1 command, which will turn on the rain only for a very short time. Rain or snow is still turned off or on with the /toggledownfall command.

Impact on the world

Water falling from the sky causes wolves to get wet, extinguish fires on mobs and surfaces (except hellstone fire), and moisten garden beds. Among other things, thanks to the rain, the chance to catch fish in the reservoirs increases. Rain can only fall on surfaces located horizontally in the open air and nothing else.

Rain extinguishes burning arrows, damages Enderman, Snow Golem, and Ifrit. Moreover, the Stranger constantly teleports, eventually dying. Rarely does he manage to hide under something and survive.

A torch that is placed on a block or held by a player is not extinguished by rain. Even rain is powerless against lava, but it is able to put out the fire on the surface (except for the fire of hellstone). New mobs do not spawn in the rain, but the old ones do not burn during the day (as they usually do), as the rain prevents this.

There are several types of biomes in the Minecraft world. In those in which heat air (desert), rain is impossible. At the same time, rain is able to fall on sand, for example, located on the beach, but only if it is not a desert biome. You can often see lightning during the rain and hear thunder.

If you are not used to such vagaries of the weather in games, you can always customize everything to your own liking. Fortunately, there are teams that control the precipitation process. Therefore, it is possible to make it rain, or make it go away, with just one command. And even dancing with a tambourine is not needed.

So, first of all, make sure that you are playing in single player mode and that you have the ability to use cheats enabled. If you are playing on a server, check if you have administrator rights. Are all conditions met? Great! We start to sham.

Commands for changing the weather

Recruiting a team / weather, and then we act in accordance with our wishes:

If you don't like rain write:

/ weatherrain 1 - this team makes it so that the rain pours on you for only 1 second, you don’t even have time to come to your senses.

If you like rain but don't like thunderstorms, enter the command:

/ weatherthunder 1 - it makes the thunderstorm disappear in 1 second.

If you want peace of mind for a longer or shorter period of time, enter:

/ weatherclear <количество часов в секундах> is a great command that gives you a guarantee that the sky will be clear for the amount of time you set. Don't forget to enter the time in seconds!

There is another way to instantly change the weather:

/toggledownfall- this command is very simple. It changes the weather to the exact opposite. If it rained, it would be sunny. But if there was no rain, it will appear.

It is worth mentioning the NEI (Not Enough Items) modification. If it is installed, then commanding the weather will become even easier! Just open your inventory and right click on the rain icon in the upper left corner of the screen! That's all. Enjoy your game!

Minecraft developers strive to make the game world as similar to the real one as possible. Weather conditions rarely cause discomfort to the player. A prolonged downpour can still spoil the mood.

In version 1.4.2, it became possible to choose the weather and control its duration. It is worth figuring out how to turn off the rain in Minecraft.

Disabling rain with commands in the terminal

To change the weather with cheats, enable the ability to use commands. Press "Esc", go to "Open for web" and select "Use cheats: on".

Use commands to control the weather.

First way

The “weather” weather change command will help you get rid of the annoying rain. It includes 3 additions:

  • Thunder. The parameter turns the thunder on and off;
  • Rain. Rain is the parameter we need;
  • Sun (or clear). This attribute of the "weather" command is responsible for clear weather.

Cheats for getting rid of precipitation also have numerical values. When using "rain" it is enough to prescribe a unit - /weather rain 1. The game will stop raining after a second. This method of getting rid of bad weather is simple and does not cause lags. To turn off the thunder after 10 seconds, type /weather thunder 10.

You can get rid of precipitation in the opposite way. Enough to warn them.

The "sun" parameter helps to set a clear sunny day. For its duration for 6000 seconds, write in the chat window: /weather sun 6000. During this time, the sun will shine in the game. For an hour of play without precipitation, enter 3600.

Such commands help turn the weather on and off at any time. They are prescribed with the cheat codes function enabled.

Second way

It is associated with a change in weather conditions to the opposite. How to remove rain in Minecraft? Type /toggledownfall in chat and enter the command. The sky will immediately clear up.

The cheat also works in clear skies - it includes precipitation. He switches the weather conditions to the opposite. In a snowy biome, instead of rain, snow turns on and off.

The command can not be remembered. Minecraft has an autocomplete feature.

To enable or disable precipitation, it is enough:

  1. Enter a slash (/) in the chat box.
  2. Type "tog" on the keyboard.
  3. Press "tab".
  4. Click on "Enter".

Use the tab key to turn on auto-completion. The game will type the rest of the phrase in the line.

When playing with the NEI (Not Enough Items) mod, weather management is made easier. There is an icon in inventory. Pressing it allows you to start or stop rain as you wish.

Disabling precipitation on the server

Weather management capabilities are present in the WordGuard plugin. It is available on most servers. It's easy to figure out how to turn on rain in Minecraft. You don't need to install third party plugins.

To change the weather on the server:

  1. Go to your WordGuard folder and open config.yml.
  2. Find the line with the weather parameter. It means weather conditions on the server.
  3. In the disable-weather parameter, change "false" to "true".

Now the admin can control the weather. Easy way and does not require specific knowledge.


Special teams help to get rid of bad weather in a single game and on the server. Plugins available on each server also allow you to manage weather conditions.

Video: How to disable rain in Minecraft.

The Minecraft computer game exactly copies the real life of a person, just in a simplified version. Therefore, it provides different weather modes: you can get into a bright sunny moment of the game or a strong thunderstorm with lightning, while in snowy biomes you will find snow flakes slowly falling from the sky. However, rain can affect the performance of the game, and many players will not be able to be outside at this point. In addition to this minus, the rain shows the aggressive side of the mobs: spiders will attack players even during the day, since it is dark in rainy weather. To avoid these side effects showers, it is better to turn off the rain altogether. This article will help you with this.

How to turn off rain in Minecraft with the command

This applies to single player mode with cheat codes, and playing on your own server. In Minecraft, all commands are quite clear and transparent, often they are just words in English language that represent an action. Two commands can be used to quickly turn off rain. Read more about them below.

How to turn off rain in Minecraft with a command instantly

If you need to turn off the shower immediately, then resort to this method.

  • The command line and chat in this game are the same, so you just need to open the chat by clicking on English letter T, or the symbol "/".
  • In this line, enter the following command: /toggledownfall
  • Enter it without spaces and press the Enter key.

  • The rain will stop immediately. If you are in a snowy biome, then the snow will also stop, since snow and rain in Minecraft are the same modes, but in different biomes.
  • Please note that using this command in clear weather, you will, on the contrary, turn on the rain.

How to turn off rain in Minecraft with a command after a while

There is a special command like this:

  • / weather weather mode and duration time

Thus, even in rainy weather, you can set the duration of the rain. For example, write /weather rain 2 and the rain will end in two seconds, since you set it to last exactly that amount of time.

You will first see the notification “Change to rainy weather” and then the weather will change to clear.

How to disable rain in Minecraft by changing the weather to clear

Actually, this way also applies to commands, but you immediately set the clear sky and the time of its duration.

Use the previous command, but write the sun. For example:

  • / weather sun 3600 or / weather clear 3600

It's the same command. The number 3600 seconds is equal to one hour of real time.

You will see a notification on the screen, and the rain will stop.

Take note of all three ways to change the weather and turn off rain in Minecraft to manage your game on your own and say goodbye to lag due to drops.
